Extracts from the records: 1643

Pages 53-65

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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28 January 1643.

Act, Rowane.

Forsameikle as Robert Rowane is presentlie building ane chope in Rottounrawe, against the quhilk his haill nightbours hes complenit that it will hinder and imped them of the sight of the hie streit vp and doune, in respect it cumis farder out nor any of his nightbours does ther, and efter severall visitatiounes, the samein being fund to be trewe, and that he, vilipending the ordinance of the dean of gild, be bringing out the said wark farder towards the Kings hie streit nor the said dean of gild and his bretherin had ordanit, above thrie foot and ane halff, therfor the said bailleis and counsall ordains the said Robert Rowane to demolishe and tak doune his forsaid chop now building be him and to build the samein out conforme to the said dean of gild his first ordinance, quhilk is seavine quarters fra his syd wall, and no vtherwayes, for the better preservatioune of the Kings high streit.

Warrand, teinds.

Item, ordains the thesaurer have ane warrand for the soume of tuentie merkes moneye deburst be him to Johne Sympsone in recompence of his pains in ingathering the touns drawne teinds the last harvest.

Warrand, moneys from the committie.

James Bell, last commissionar to Edinburgh, mad his report of his diligence anent the mater of the generall searsarie, and for advysing anent the tounes gift of the spirituallitie of the bishoprick, and anent the summounds gevin be Gabriell Conynghame; and ordains the thesaurer to hawe ane warrand for the soumes of money following, deburst be him to the said James for quhat he deburst to the advocats and ther servands and for his owne charges and horse hyr as vse is, viz., the soume of thrie scoir ten punds xiij s. iiij d. deburst to the advocats and ther servands; item, to Peter Algeo, tuentie punds xviij s.; item, to the clerk of the committie and his man saxtein merkes ij s. viij d. money; item, to ane cariour for bringing hom of the tounes money, threttie thrie schillings; and threttie four punds for his charges, seavintein dayes, and eight punds for his hors hyr; item, the said James brought home from the committie the soume of £2823 10s. moneye for the annual rent of the soumes following, lent be this burghe to the publict:—in the first £1173 16s. money for the annuall of £5869 6s. 8d. moneye lent fra Witsounday 1640 to Martinmas 1642; item, the soume of £581 for the annuall of £3632 8s. awand for silver plait fra Martinmas 1640 to Martinmas 1642; item, the soume of £1069 4s. moneye for the annuall of the gilders, extending to £8910 moneye, fra Witsounday 1641 to Martinmas 1642; quhilk is delyverit to the dean of gild, vntold, to be put be him and the deacon conveiner in the touns chist. And ordains the bailleis to subscrive ane discharge thervpon in name of the counsall and dean of gild and deacon conveiner to Johne Joysie.

11 February 1643.

For payment of annualrents, silver plait.

Ordains the bailleis, dean of gild, deacon conveinar, George Porterfeild and Johne Harbertsone, to attend Mononday nixt, and vther dayes they pleas, for payment of the annualrent to these persones who lent money and plait to the publict.

Lather bucats, Master Wob.

Item, ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of fyftie twa punds xij s. moneye deburst for the twa doossane of lather buccats and haill charges of the hombringing therof, in cariage of them to the shipe for fraught and carieing of them home, and sex punds vj s. quhilk was deburst for the fraught and cariage of these herring and vthers particulars that was sent to London to Master Wob.

25 February 1643.


The bailleis and counsall hes electit and nominat the persones following, viz., the thrie bailleis, dean of gild, deacon conveiner, Johne Andersone, James Bell, James Colquhoune, and Coline Campbell, younger, to meit and convein and to aggrie with craftismen for the taking doune of the fleshe mercat and reedifieing of the same in the place appointit for that effect, and for conveining befor them of the haill heritours of the lands bewest the said fleshe mercat to the new Wast Port, on both the syds of the gait, on the foirfront, for laying of sayers befor ther owne lands as they sall be appointit, and to calsey betuixt ther owne lands and the sayer, as als to withhold the midding af the streit, and to tak securitie of them for that effect.

4 March 1643.

Meiting for ministers.

Ordains the thrie baillies, dean of gild, deacon conveinar, Johne Andersone [and five others] to meit with such as the presbitrie sall appoint to meit with them anent the inlaik of ministers of this burghe.

18 March 1643.


Efter reasoning and voting, be pluralitie of votes, it is appointit that ther sall be twa ministers presentlie chosen with all conveniencie.

Warrand, aschler staines.

Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand to pay to James Bell the soume of nyntein punds xix s. deburst be him the last weik for aschler staines, twa schillings for ilk peice, to the quarriour, and fyve schillings for ilk draught to the cairters.

Wark at Brigend.

Item, ordains Harie Glen to attend the wark at the Brigend this nixt ensewing weik.

1 April 1643.

Struthers legacie.

Grants commissioune to James Bell to deall and aggrie with the toune of Edinburgh anent Mr. Williame Struthers legacie left to the college.

Warrand, brige.

Item, gevis warrand to the thesaurer to pay to Johne Andersone his compt for staines preceiding the last weik led to the brige, extending to ten punds xviij s. money.

Warrand, brig.

Item, to pay to Harie Glen his compt deburst be him for wark and staines the last weik to the brig, extending to fyftie twa punds i s. iiij d.

Boyd dischargit, brig.

Item, John Boyd is discharged to attend the wark at the brige in tym cuming, and ordains Mathew Hammiltoune to attend that wark nixt weik ensewing.

Commissioune, calsay.

Item, grants commissioune to the dean of gild and deacon conveiner to aggrie with the cairters for leiding of the staines to the calsey without the West Port, and to lay doune fyve hundrethe draughts therof besyd Hutchesones Hospitall.

Gers sett.

[The grass of certain common land, the Sheip Craigs, Somerhill and Meikle Lone and Skellingsmyr, set in five parcels, at a cumulo rent of £91 14s.]

10 April 1643.

Minister, Struthers legacy.

Ordains the deacon conveinar and the clerk to deall with the moderatour of the presbiterie to caus them conveine so soone as is possible for the better provisioun of the vacand places of the ministrie. And to speak the principall for Mr. Williame Struthers his legacie.

Wm. Neilsones exoneratioune.

Compt being mad be Williame Neilsone of his intromissioune with bygane taxationes, he is exonerit of the samein be discharges gevin to Williame Yair and be geving in fyftie nyne punds xi s. viij d. money in cordiqueis ryalls and halff ryals, quhilk is gevin to the dean of gild to be putt in the commoune burse. Item, allowit to Williame Reid twentie punds for his bygaine paines for ingaddering of the taxatiounes, and ther is sex punds in his hand besyd, quhilk ordains him to give to William Yair for the tounes vse.

22 April 1643.

Warrand, Turkis.

Ordains ane warrand to be gevin to the thesaurer to pay to James Bogle the soume of ane hundrethe pundis for helping of him to pay his ransome from the Turkis.

Warrand, brig.

Ordains the thesaurer to pay to Mathow Hammiltoune for his debursements for the wark at the brig the weik preceiding, viz., fra the thrid of this instant to the nynt therof, extending to ane hundrethe fourtein punds xviij s. iiij d. moneye.

20 May 1643.

Ordinance moneys, Irish armies supplie.

Ordains the bailleis, dean of gild, deacon conveinar, Harrie Glen, James Bell and Coline Campbell, to meit in the counsall hous on Thursday and Fryday nixt befor and efter noone, the tyme of the ringing of the bell, for receaving of the offers of such as will lend money to the publict for the supplie of the Irishe armie.

23 May 1643.

Common good set.

[Common good set for a year as follows: mills, 9450 merks; ladles, 3310 merks; tron, 630 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 630 merks; bridge, 880 merks; grass of the green, 40 merks; grass of Little St. Mungows kirk yard, "ane dollar payit in hand and gevin to the bailleis to the poor;" the grass of St. Rolloks kirk yard, 30s., "to be payit in hand."]


It is to be remembred that the ladlearis hes receavit seavine ladils.

27 May 1643.

Biging of Parthwick mylne.

Be voice of the haill counsall, it is fund that the new mylne of Parthwick be bigit of new, and for that effect gevis commissioune to the dean of gild and deacon conveiner, Johne Andersone and Mathew Hammiltoune, to deall with John Cors to big the said mylne and to sie quhat will be the pryce of the biging therof, and to report to the counsall this day eight dayes.

Productioune of lettres.

Item, producit befor them ane lettre from the Earle of Lanerk, with ane lettre from his Majestie, and to acquant the ministers and vniversitie therwith and to advyse quhat course sall be taken theranent, and to that effect ordains the baillies, dean of gild, and deacon conveiner to speik with them theranent this efternoone.

Deputatioune, William Yair.

Forsameikle as the bailleis and counsall, vnderstanding the necessitie that Mr. Harie Gibsone hes to attend in Edinburgh this nixt sessioune, and that they themselves hes sindrie bussinessis ther to be done, wherin he may prove stedable to the toune, and therfor they, be the tennour heirof, hes grantit him licence to goe to Edinburgh to that effect, and grants full power and commissioune to Williame Yair, notar, his servand, to exerce the office of the toune clarkshipe of this burghe alse frielie in all respects as the said Mr. Henrie might doe if he war present, and that during the tyme of the nixt sessioune and to the tent day of August therefter.

3 June 1643.

Libertie, Scott.

Item, grants licence to Johne Scott to build ane smydie at the brig as it is stobit, being threttie fuits of lenthe and tuentie of breid, so that nather he nor his clame farder right therto but during the tounes will, nather sall it be leasome to him to sell the same.

17 June 1643.

Warrand, Forsythe, examination.

Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of eight scoir punds moneye, deburst to Mr. Gawine Forsythe for his serveice fra the first Tuysday of Januarij last to the first Tuysday of Julij nixt, with threttie punds for his last examinatioune of the tounes people, and for the soume of threttie punds moneye deburst be him to Mr. Thomas Thomsone for his last examinatioune of the tounes people.


Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of fourscoir ten punds xij s. money for the elements of the last communioune.

Cursing, muttoune, skins and tallow.

Ordains the drum to goe throw the toune to inhibit cursing and baning, and to discharge all blawing of muttoune, vnder the paine of confiscatioune, and that all skins and tallow be brought to the mercat, vnder the paine of confiscatione therof.

Declaratiounes red.

Ordains the Kings and counsals declaratioune to be red and proclamit at the croce vpon Weddinsday nixt.

Commissioner, Kings letter.

Item, it is statut and ordanit that if James Bell, commissionar to the nixt conventioune of estaits, be forcit to stay above tuentie dayes, that vpon his adverteisement he sall be releisit and ane other send to supplie his place; and ordains the Kings letter last sent to this toune to be delyvered to him and to report the same.

30 June 1643.

In favours of Mr. Edward Wright.

The saids bailleis and counsall, for certaine good caussis knawen to them, condiscends that quhat dewtie this place was in vse to pay for the manse to the minister of the Hie Kirk, be now payit to Mr. Edward Wright, minister therat, viz., the annuelrent of that thousand punds that was payit in be my vmquhill Lord Boyd for that effect; and ordains to refound to him quhat the toune receavit fra Johne Algeo for the gleib land.

22 July 1643.

Deprivatioune, Buchannane.

The forsaids bailleis and counsall, for certaine great weghtie causis knawne to them, concerning Walter Buchannane, and for the abuse and wrong done be him to his bretherin and colligues and his great neglect in his office deprives him simpliciter of his place and office.

3 August 1643.

Meiting for aggrieing for the teind of the commoune.

James Hammiltoune, James Bell, and Coline Campbell ar ordanit to meit with the laird of Cowdoune anent the buying fra him, as tutour to my Lord Blantyr, his lordschips right of the teind of the tounes commoune, and to draw it to als chape ane pryce as they can for the tounes good, granting heirby power to the saids thrie persones to aggrie with him fullie.

4 August 1643.

In favours of Gabriell Conyinghame.

The bailleis and counsall, taking to ther consideratioune how they may be drawne to expenssis in the defence of the caus persewit against the toune be Gabriell Conyinghame anent his attendence vpon the valuatioune of the teiths, and in regaird he hes frielie submitit himselff to the counsall theranent, as report is mad be these who was ordanit to speik him concerning the same, and therfor and for eshewing of the said fasherie and expenssis, be pluralitie of votes, they have concludit to pay to him sex hundrethe merkes money vpon ane sufficient discharge to be gevin be him to the toune for that and all vther things he can lay to the tounes charge.

14 August 1643.

Cleanging of Clyd.

Grants commissioune to Coline Campbell, Thomas Glen and Thomas Morsone to aggrie with workemen to tak awaye the staines out of the water about the brig and to tak away the stobs out of the water on the southe syd.

25 August 1643.

Teynds sold.

Sold to Walter Neilsone the drawen teinds this yeir, for nyntein hundrethe merkes, the halff to be payit in hand and the vther halff at Candelmas nixt.

26 August 1643.

Andersone, commissioner.

Ordains Johne Andersone to goe as commissioner from this place to the sessioune of Eastwood and presbiterie of Paislay to deall for Mr. Hew Blair his transportatioune to this burghe.

In favours of George Duncane, bell in Blakfrier Kirk.

The saids bailleis and counsall, taking to ther consideratioune that George Duncane of Borrowfeild, out of the goodwill, love, and affectioune he hes to this burgh, hes gevin in to them sex hundrethe merkes money to be warit and bestowit vpon ane bell to be hung in the stiple of the Blakfrier Kirk, and to be rung at thir tyms follouing, viz., everie morning at fyve hours, to the morning and evening prayers, and on the Sabbothe day and wther preaching dayes in the weik at the ordinar tymes, according as the rest of the bels in the toune does, and ilk night at eight and ten hours at evin and oftner as the provest, bailleis, and counsall of this burgh sall think meit and expedient; and therfor the saids bailleis and counsall dois heirby rander to the said George Duncane hartie thanks, and ordains the said bell to be sent for with all convenient diligence and to be hung in the forsaid place appoyntit be the said George, and to be rung at all tymes as is above writtine according as he hes desyred.

2 September 1643.

Warrand, fleshe mercat.

Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for payment of the soume of eightein hundrethe and tuentie merkes moneye for biging of the fleshe mercat


Ordains ane muster to be proclamed be touk of drume to be in this burgh vpon the xxv of this instant.


Item, ordains ane velvot cuschein and ane velvot black clothe to be laid in the kirks befor the provest in tym cuming, and to be readie against the tyme that the magistrates be chosen.

4 September 1643.

Nota anent the silver wark.

Thir persones fallowing gave in silver wark and hes gottin no annualrent nor yet is allowit to them, conforme to the compte sett doune theranent:— Martha Pont, vmquhill Mr. William Wallace executouris, George Andersone, Mr. James Hammiltoune, vmquhill Agnes Halls executouris, Margaret Craigie, vmquhill Robert Herbertsones executouris.

23 September 1643.


Ordains the muster to be proclaimed of new againe to the threttein day of October nixttocum.

2 October 1643.

Warrand for exerceising of armes.

The forsaids parsones, taking to ther consideratioune his Majesties proclamatioune gevin out anent the puting of this haill kingdome in ane present postur of war, conforme to the tennour therof they have thought good that in everie ane of the four quarters of the toune ther be the provest or ane baillie, with twa considerable men of the counsall, and vnder them twa capitaines and four serjands, who sall tak notice and caus everie man be in readines at all tymes with sufficient armes, and that they vse and exerce the same; and continues the electioune of ther bailleis and counsallours for everie quarter whill the electioune of new magistrats be bypast, and hes maid joyse of ther saids capitanes as fallowes, quha in all things sall be subject and obedient to the provest, bailleis and counsall; and for that quarter calit Mr. Robert Ramsayes quarter, Walter Neilsone, Peter Johnsone; and for that quarter calit Mr. Edward Wrights, Thomas Pollok and Thomas Morsone; and for that quarter calit vmquhill Mr. Robert Wilkies, Robert Dorroche and Androw Conynghame; and for that quarter calit vmquhill Mr. Johne Belis, John Donying and Johne Muir. And gevs ordour to the said capitaines to mak chois of ther serjands as they sall think most fit and expedient.

Armes, proclamatioune.

Ordains the Kings proclamatioune to be proclamit presentlie on the croce be sound of drumes, and that ther be ane proclamatioune sent throughe the toune immediatlie therefter commanding all the inhabitants of this burghe to be readie at touk of drume to cum out at all tymes as they sall be appoyntit be the forsaids persones choisine be the saids bailleis and counsall to that effect, vnder sik paines as sall be injoynit.

3 October 1643.

Electioune of the magistrats. Provest.

[The bailies and council (Provost Stewart being deceased) having chosen a leet of three persons, four of their number were sent to the castle to present the leet to the Duke of Lennox, or his commissioner, in order that he might nominate one to be provost. The duke being absent, and the general commission shown the deputies not being conform to the act of parliament, they returned to the bailies and council, who thereupon elected James Bell to be provost for the year to come.


[John Barnes and Coline Campbell, merchants, and Gawine Neisbit, craftsman, elected bailies for the year to come.]

6 October 1643.


[Thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen chosen to be on the council.]

7 October 1643.

Act anent the keiping of the counsall.

The counsall ratifies the former act anent the keiping of the counsall everie ordinar counsall day and any other day when they ar warnit, vnder the paine of vj s. viij d. of penaltie for ilk persones absence, quhilk act ordanis to be putt to executioune, and that non of the counsall depart out of the counsal hous quhill the provest and bailleis ryse, without licence craved and granted.


Ordains the drume to goe throw the toune for the officers, and that they bring in ther wands this day eight dayes.

Warrand, flesche mercat.

Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of twa hundrethe punds money deburst be him to Johne Aisdaill in pairte of payement of the sklait of the flesche mercat.

11 October 1643.


[The following office bearers elected:—Harie Glen, dean of guild; Manasses Lyill, deacon convener; Walter Neilsone, treasurer; James Moriesone, visitor of maltmen; Thomas Glen, water bailie; William Hyndschawe, master of work.]

28 October 1643.

Deputatioune, Yair.

The provest, bailleis and counsall, vnderstanding that Mr. Harie Gibsone, ther clerk, is necessitat to goe to Edinburgh anent his vrgent effairs during the tyme of this nixt enshewing sessioune, and to the effect that no persone may receave prejudice therby, they, be the tennour heirof, mak and constitut William Yair, notar, his deput in the said office as clerk within this burghe during the said Mr. Harie his absence and till his returne fra the said sessioune.

11 November 1643.

Stent masters.

[Sixteen persons elected "stent masteris to stent ther haill nightbours within this burghe for payement of the soumes for the quhilk this burghe is chargeit presentlie for the vse of the publict. And to stent the toune in nyne thousand punds moneye."]

Ordains, Coline Campbell.

Ordains Coline Campbell to geve ane not of recept to Cowdoune for the money he hes to pay to Hutchesones Hospitall whill the writs be gottin from William Weymis.

18 November 1643.

Hammiltoune preacher.

It is ordanit to be inactit that the toune hes aggried with Mr. Gawine Hammiltoune to preache in the Laich Kirk in Tronegait quhill they be further provydit, for payment conforme to twa hundrethe merkes be yeir, and his entrie was at Martinmas last.

Vnlawis, windows in Blackfrier kirk.

The lait bailleis producit ane compt of ther last yeirs vnlaws, extending about tuentie thrie dollours; and they have requeistit that ane or twa of the windows on the south syd of the Blackfrier Kirk nerest the east gavell, the staines therin may be takine doune and build againe with glas so far as the moneys will doe, with diligence, whervnto the provest, bailleis, and counsall hes aggried, and rander them thanks for ther pains.

25 November 1643.

Campbell, thesaurer.

Item, with consent of the haill counsall, continuis Coline Campbell, ane of the present bailleis, collectour, maister, and thesaurer of Hutchesones Hospitall, to whom the haill bands belonging therto is delyverit.

9 December 1643.

Warrand, preaching.

Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of ane hundrethe punds money deburst be him to Mr. Gawin Forsythe for his preaching within this burgh fra the first day of Julij last to the first day of January nixt.

Blair, minister.

Ordains the clerk to send ane letter to the minister of Rutherglen for ane edict to be servit anent Mr. Hew Blair.

Warrand, committie at Hamiltoune.

Ordains ane warrand to be gevin to the thesaurer for the soume of nyne punds money deburst be him to the provest and William Neilsone for ther charges and horse hyr in going to the committie at Hamiltoune.

22 December 1643.


Ordains the drum to be sent throw the toune on Mononday nixt to requyre all [who are] to inroll themselffs for the present commoune expeditioune that they com and doe the same, and to certifie all these who will willinglie inroll themselves out of them ther officers will be choisen, and if it be fund that any countrey men be hyring sojours within this burghe that notice be mad therof to the magistrats to the effect they may be presentit to the committie.

Porterfeild, capitane.

Capitane George Porterfeild is now of new again electit capitane for the companie quhilk the toune is presentlie to sett out, and he and his companie ar to be subject in all things to the magistrats during ther remaining within the toune, quhilk charge the said capitane hes taken in and vpon him vpon conditioune above writtin.

Act anent no mitigatioune of the burges fyne.

The forsaid provest, bailleis and counsall, taking to ther consideratioune how this burghe is wrongit and injured be sindrie strangers craveing to enter burgessis within the samein vpon mitigatioune of the ordinar fyne, which is ane hundrethe merkes money, and how they ar troubled and fasched be the requeists and letres of gentlemen in the countrey mad theranent, they have therfor, all in on voice, statut and ordanit that no manner of persoune, being ane stranger, be admitit burges of this burghe heirefter without payement of the forsaid soume of ane hundrethe merkes moneye, being the ordinar fyne, without any mitigatioune, and that ther be no reference mad heirefter be the provest, bailleis, and counsall, to the dean of gild and his counsall theranent, nor that no petitione or supplicatioune mad be any man be hard theranent heirefter, and this act is onlie to be extendit to strangers and no wayes to the sones of burgesis nor to these who marries burgesis daughters.

Act anent the augmentatioune of the gild brother fyne.

The forsaids persones, taking to ther wyse and serious consideratioune ane remonstrance mad to them be the dean of gild of this burghe, for himselff and in nam of the wholl gild brether of this incorporatioune, desyring them to tak to ther serious consideratioune the law rait that strangers does pay when they enter gild brether, and that they would be pleased to appoynt ane reasonable fyne to be payit in tym cuming be these of that qualitie who enters to that societie, conforme to the laudable custome of meiner brughes within this kingdome, as also to consider the worthe and value of all sort of gild brether, both merchands and craftismen, who sall enter heirefter be right of ther parents or as marieand the dochters of gild brether or as prenteisis; and they haveing weill weghtit and considerit the samein, they all in ane voice, be the tennour of this present act, statuts and ordains that all manner of persones who enters gild brother within this burghe heirefter, being ane stranger, sall pay for his admissioune to the collectour of the hospitall of his caling the soume of ane hundrethe punds moneye without ony kynd of mitigatioune quhatsumever, and this nowayes to be extendit to gild brether sones nor to these who maries the daughters of gild brether; as also they, be the tennour heirof, statuts and ordains that no manner of persone be admitit gild brother within this burghe heirefter except he be of the value and worthe fallowing, viz.:—ilk merchand to be worthe sex hundrethe merkes, and this to be knawen to the dean of gild befor his admissioune, and ilk craftisman to be worthe, besyd his caling, the soume of thrie hundrethe merkes moneye, and this to be verifeit to the dean of gild and his bretherin heirefter be testificats to be subscrivit be the deacon conveinar of this burghe for the tyme; and this act to stand in force furthe and fra the fourt day of Januarij nixt. And it is to be remembrit that when the sone of law of Margaret Wyllie, relict of umquhill Robert Andersone, skinnar, sall enter gild brother, he sall be receavit vpon payement of the old gild brother fyne.