Pages 407-426
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.
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4 January 1640.
Warrand, printer.
Ordaines the thesaurare to pay to George Andersone, printer, ane hundrethe pundis in satisfactioun to him of the superplus he debursit in transporting of his geir to this brughe, by the ten dollouris he gave him of befor to that effect, and als in satisfactioun to him of his haill bygane fiallis fra Whitsonday in anno 1638 to Mertimes last.
15 January 1640.
The said provest and counsall of the said brughe hes ellectit George Porterfeild, ane of the bailyies thairof, commissioner for the toun to attend at Edinburghe or vther placis neidfull with the rest of the commissioneris of burrowis at ony day or dayes heirefter, and thair in thair names to propone, treat, reassoun, vote, and conclude anent all things that may concerne the glorie of God, mantenance of the trew religioun, honor of the King, and good of the kingdome.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of tuenty four pundis xvj s. debursit be him to James Ranking, maisoun, in compleit payment of the haill wark wrought be him at the ledgis of the brig, dressing, hewing and laying of the old and new stones thairat, and sherping of thair haill irones at that wark and the portis.
1 February 1640.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Margaret Forrett fyftein pundis for the denneris givin to the ministerris of the presbitrie at thair command.
28 February 1640.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Johne Cors tuenty markis to help to pay for the curing of his sones leg that was cut from him.
Legacy left by Michaell Wilsoune, university.
The saids proveist, baillies, and counsall of the said burgh, having takin consideratioune of the lettir will and testament of vmquhill maister Michaell Wilsoune in Eastborne in the countie of Sussex, within the Kingdome of Ingland, be the whilk testament he left in legacie the sowme of fyve hundreth punds sterling, extending to nyne thowsand merkis Scotishe money, to be payit be his executour nominat thairin to the proveist of Glasgow for the tyme, and to the principall of the Universitie thair for the tyme, equallye, to be imployed be tham to the reedifieing of the decayid pairts and placis of the said Universitie, and to the educatioune in meit, drink, apperell, and good letteris of all such of his kinred as sould stand in neid of such educatioune, and in defawlt of such of his kinred as sould stand in neid thairof to such burgessis sones of the said burgh whois parents wer not abill to bestow the lyk educatioune vpon thair children, as his said testament and lettir will at mair lenthe proports; notwithstanding whairof the said Universitie and Colledg could get no benefeit be the said legacie, in respect the said maister Michaell Wilsoune, being a stranger in Ingland and not denisoned or naturalized thair, a certane courtier gat the gift of his goods, geir, moneyis and lands, who wald have intromitted with and disponit to his awin vse the saids sowmes of money left to the Colledge, as he did with the rest of his goods, geir, and legacie of the said maister Michaell Wilsoune, vnles by the singular cair and paynis of the Earle of Stirling, his Majestie being informed and intreatid causid ane band and obligatioune to be maid to the said Colledg for the said sowme of fyve hundreth punds sterling, whilk band and obligatioune being in the custodie of vmquhill maister Robert Boyid of Troching, principall of the said Colledg, his chamber in the Colledg wes brokin by a theef and the said band wes stollin away among vthir geir, and the creditouris getting intelligence thairof refused to pay ather the soumes thairin conteinit or to give ane new band of securitie thairfor, vntill Sir James Carmichaell of that ilk, wndertaking great labour and paynis to informe his Majestie thairanent, and vsing all good meanns possibill, at the lenth when the caice wes desperat procuired ane new band and obligatioune to the said Colledg, not only for the said principall soume of nyne thowsand marks bot also for ane thowsand marks more in compositioune for the annuel rentis of divers yeiris preceding and debtit for the said principall soume, qwhilks soumes accordinglie thaireftir wes payid to the said Colledge; for the qwhilkis caws, in testimony of thankfulness to the said Earle of Stirling and Sir James Carmichaell, it wes apoynted that vpon the annuel rent of the saids soumes legated by the said vmquhill maister Michaell Wilsoune to the said Colledg, ther sould be mainteand two bursowris in all tyme cumyng, eftir the forme and maner of vthir bursowris in the said Colledg, the ane at the presentatioune of the said Earle of Stirling and the vthir at the presentatioune of the said Sir James Carmichaell, and ther aires; lyk as it is found be the subscryuit compts of the said Colledge that ther hes bein bestowit be the said Colledg great soumes of money, far exceiding the annuel rents of the said principall sowme of nyne thowsand marks, pairtly wpon the fabrick of the said Colledge and pairtly vpon vther bursowris besyd the two bursowris befor mentionid, and that according to the will of the said maister Michaell Wilsoune; and now lykwayis it is condescendit that besyd the said two bursowris, quhairof is ane at the presentatioune of the said Earle of Stirling and the vther at the presentatioune of Sir James Carmichaell, and thair aires, that heireftir Andro Snyp and Dauid Broune, present bursowris interteained in respect of the said legacie, sall finische thair ordinar course in the said Colledg, ther sall be interteained in respect of the said legacie two other bursowris who sall be maisteris of airts and students of divinitie, and thairfoir sall be bettir interteained then the present ordinar bursowris of the said Colledge, to wit, according to the interteainment of the secound ordour of boorders within the said Colledge; provyding allwayis that in caice the ordinar boord of the said secound rank of boorders exceid the soume of four scoir pundis in the yeir, or so meakill in the year as they remaine at the said Colledg tabill, that they sall supplie the same wpon ther awin expensis; and that the said two bursowris sall be presentid be the proweist of Glasgow, with the advyse and consent of the baillies and counsall of the said burgh, to the principall and maisters of the said Colledge, and eftir dew tryall and examinatioune being found capabill and worthie to be admittid and receavid be tham, and failyeing thairof vtheris to be presentid in ther plaice of the qualitie forsaid, and the said two and ather of them to be nominat and chosin of such of the said vmquhill maister Michaell Wilsounes kinred who sall stand in neid of the said bursowris plaice, and failyeing of tham of such burges sones of the said citie whois parents ar not abill to sustein tham, and sall be found most capabill and worthie schoolleris be the said principall and remanent persounes of the said Colledg; provyding alwayis in caice of any of the said maister Michaell Wilsounes kinred occur who being qualified and not abill to sustein themselfis desyreth to pas the ordinar cowrse of philosophie and vther infiriour studies within the said Colledg that they sall be preferit to the said plaicis of bursowris to be interteained as the rest of the ordinar bursowris of the said colledg ay and qwhill they pas ther course of philosophie be the spaice of four yeiris, and that so often as the saids bursowris any of tham gois out otheris be presentid and admittid in maner above specified; and for bettir securitie of the premissis it is concludit and agreid by thes who hes interest that the soume of nyne thowsand marks presently addebtit to the said colledge sall be sequestrat for the vse abowe specified, to wit, the soume of fyve thowsand marks addebtit to the said Colledg be Johne Earle of Mar and his cautiouneris, conforme to ther band of the dait the thrid, fourth and sex dayis of June in the year of God jm vjc and threttie ane yeiris, and the soume of four thowsand marks as ane pairt of ane greater soume addebtit to the said Colledg be Alexander Earle of Galloway and Alexander Lord Garles his eldest sone and ther cautiouner, conforme to ther band of the dait the nyntein day of June the yeir of God jm vjc and threttie four yeiris; and in consideratioun of the great soumes of money already bestowit wpon the fabrick of the said Colledg, according to the will of the said testator, it is aggreid that thair sall be no more burthing for all tyme cumyng layid wpon the said Colledg in respect of the said legacie then the sustening of the saids four bursowris in maner abowe specified, and that the superplus of the annual rent of the said nyne thowsand markis sall be imployid and bestowid wpon the fabrick to vther necessar and profitabill effairis of the said Colledg as the rest of the rents thairof to be allowit in the Colledg compts be the proveist and baillies of Glasgow and remanent awditouris of the Colledg compts. Qwhilks articles and conditiounes of the said legacie and vthers aboue specified, as they ar agreid wnto be the said principall, with consent of the governowris and maisteris of the said vuiversitie and colledg, and ar to be set doune in ane account registrat in ther register book to mak faith and to be obseruid be them, and the extract thairof be giwin by them to the said proveist, baillies, and counsall, to be kepid in ther chartour kist, as the said proveist, present, with advyse and consent of the baillies and counsall of the said burght, be the tennour of this present act approvis and allowes the wholl proceidings of the principall, governowris, and maisters of the said Colledg and Universitie concerning the said legacie and soumes thairin contenid, and namlie concerning the right of presentatioune of the forsaid two bursowris grantid to the said Earle of Stirling and Sir James Carmichaell, and also bestowing and waring of the rest of the annuel rents of the said nyne thowsand markis preceding the dait herof in maner abowe mentionid, promising that they and their successowris in office sall nevir quarrell nor oppugne the same in any sort nor lay any further burthing vpon the said Colledg be reasoune of the said legacie, and to consent and aggrie for themselfis and thair successowris that the said Colledg shall be no more burthund in sustentatioune of the saidis bursowris or vther wayis then the annuel rent whiche they sall trwly receave of the said principall soume of nyne thowsand markis, or of ony lands or vther rents to be bowght thairwith sall extend to; ordaining this present act to be insert and registrat in the counsall books of the said burght, and the just extract thairof subscryuid by ther ordinar clerk to be delyvrit to the said principall and maisteris of the said Colledge.
10 March 1640.
Hutchesoun, hospital.
The mortificatioun grantit be vmquhill George Hutchesoun, anent his hospitall to be buildit, is presentit and producit be James Stewart to whom the same was instructit be the said wmquhill George.
14 March 1640.
Ordaines the drum to be send throw the toun to warne all the inhabitantis of this brughe to have thair armes in reddines.
21 March 1640.
Band, commoun affaires.
Ordaines ane band to be maid and subscryvit in favores of Patrik Bell for his releif of ane band of sextein thowsand merks whilk he, as commissioner for this brughe, with divers noblemen and wtheris commissioneris of burrowis, subscryve as it was for thair awin particular, quhairas it was for the commoun effaires of the cuntrie.
11 April 1640.
Muscattis and pickis.
Ordaines to by fourtie muscattis and tuenty pickis to be addit to the commoun magasine.
16 April 1640.
Meitting of estaittis, unioun of shyre.
Ordaines Patrik Bell to ryde to Edinburghe to attend this present meitting of the estaitis, and to concur with them in all thingis that may contribut for the glorie of God and good of the commoun caus now in hand; and if his advyse be sought anent the wnioun of the haill shyre, to ansuer if the full body of the shyre had vnitit togidder, Glasgow had bein content, bot, seing the haill rest of the regalitie of Glasgow, quhilk is verie considerable, as also sindrie parochis narrest Glasgow and proper pairtis of the shyre, has not vnitit, Glasgow as yitt cannot vneit vntill farther advyse, or wtherwayes lett it be at the determinatioun of the table.
18 April 1640.
Ordaines ane generall muster to be keipit within this brughe the 29 of this instant, and intimatioun to be maid thairof be sound of drum that nae man be absent vnder the paine of fourtie pundis.
25 April 1640.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of fourtie pundis debursit be him to maister Harie Gibsoun, younger, for instructing the toun people to dreill and handil thair armes.
2 May 1640.
George Porterfeild is continowit capitane to goe out with the first companie.
Warrand, sojeris.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of four scoir fyftein pund 9 s. 1 d., debursit be him for outreiking of allevin sojers to the commoun service.
15 May 1640.
Ordaines William Neilsone to ryde to Hamiltoun on Wandisday nixt with the colonell as commissioner for the toun.
26 May 1640.
Common good set.
[The following common good set for a year, viz.: mills, 5,500 marks, with 42 bolls unground malt; ladle, 2,000 marks; meal market, 550 marks; tron, 550 marks; bridge, with the grass of the Green, 400 marks; grass of Litle St. Mungos kirkyard, 54 merks.]
27 May 1640.
Commissioner to parliament.
The saidis provest bailyies and counsall ordaines Patrik Bell, lait provest, to ryde to Edinburghe to attend the doun sitting of the parliament the secound day of Julij nixt, to the whilk the samein was prorogat be his Majesties authoritie, and incaice it fall out, as God forbid, that his Majestie give not warrand to continow and conclude the said parliament, quhairby the estaitis in this exigence of tyme may resolve and conclude vpon sick thinges as they think most conducable for the publict good and for preservatioun of thair liberties, lyfis, and estattes, and requyr the said Patrik his consent thairto, and thairfor they be the tennor heirof gives thair full power and commissioun to the said Patrik, incaice foirsaid, to consent to sick thinges as be plurall or commoun consent sall be thought necessar for the publict good and preservatioun of thair religioun, liberties, lyfis, and estaites.
30 May 1640.
Camlachie brig.
Ordanes the provest, John Andersone, and Ritchart Allane, bailyies, to deill with Robert Cauldwall anent the taking doun and re-edifeing of Camlachie brige, and to report.
6 June 1640.
Act for Drydisdaill.
It is concludit that maister Johne Drysdaill sall have monethlie during his service at the Blackfriar Kirk ten dollouris vpon the last day of the moneth.
9 June 1640.
Ordaines thir persones following to revis the rollis and to mak vp ane perfyt catalog of the haill names of the persones within this brughe able for weir, viz., James Stewart, [and six others.]
13 June 1640.
It is thought fit and expedient to send out seavin scoir and four sojoris for the commoun service, with thair haill commanderis; and the thesaurer to give to Capitane Porterfeild at thair merching ane thowsand pundis, and ane thowsand pund to be send to them within ten dayes, and whill they march the capitane to distribut ane hundrethe pundis, by and attour the sowme abovewryttin, among them, according to his awin sight and discretioun.
22 June 1640.
Warrand, sojoris.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of fyve hundreth auchtein pundis threttein schilings, debursit be him to the colonel for payment of the sojoris of fortoun thair fiallis for the monethis of Februar, March, Apryle, May last and Junij instant, conforme to the compt and discharge in William Yaires handes; and for the sowme of ane hundrethe pundis debursit be him to Capitane George Porterfeild, and quhilk he had power to distribut among his companie befor thair away going, conforme to ane former act of counsall.
4 July 1640.
Provest, commissioner.
The provest is ellectit commissioner to the Generall Assemblie to be haldin at Aberdein, and if his health will not permit him to ryd, ane vther will be choysine in his place, and Johne Andersone, elder, is ellectit to goe with him.
8 July 1640.
Stent, sojoris.
The saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall, wnderstanding the great charges and expenssis hes bein and is to be debursit wpon the outputting of thair sojoris this last yeir and this present, and for the horsmen to be put out conforme to the instructiounes, and seing thair is ane charge given for the tuenty pennie of all frie rentis, by and attour the tent pennie alredie payit, quhilk aught not to be payit or debursit be the thesaurer vpoun the commoun purs, bot everie inhabitant aught and sould beir his awin pairt thairof, thairfor they have ordanit that the haill inhabitantis be stentit for defraying of the commoun burding and releiving of the toun of debt; and to this effect they have ellectit the persones following for setting doun the said stent roll, viz., Walter Stirling, [and seven others.]
Roll anent the tent pennie.
The provest declarit that he had gottine vp from the clark the subscryvit roll anent the tent pennie of frie rent for his and the bailyies warrand in subscryving of the testificat subscryvit be them and sent to the committie.
16 July 1640.
Companie sent to armie.
Ordanes Johne Kirkwood to goe out with the companie who ar direct for ane recrew to Capitane Porterfeild, and to convoy them to Dunglas to the armie.
18 July 1640.
Bell, commissioner.
Patrik Bell is electit to goe to Abirdenis assemblie as commissioner, and Johne Andersone, elder, is ordanit to ryd with him.
Warrand, horsmen, etc.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowmes of money following, debursit be him for the toun in outputting of threttein horsmen to the commoun service, and for sending the secund companie to Capitane Porterfeild, viz., for the sowme of ane thowsand fyve hundreth thrie scoir allevin pundis seavintein schilings sex pennis, debursit be him for outputting threttein hors men for the commoun service, with the whilk sowme boucht thair is ten hors, ten carabenis, aught pair of pistollis, ane hundrethe and fyftie pundis givin to Mathow Colquhoun, Peiter Johnstoun, and James Armour, to furnish them selffis horssis and all vther necessaris, and ten dolloris was givin to ilk ane of the threttein horsmen for thair monethis pay at thair outgoing, and the rest debursit conforme to the particular compt of the haill horsmens charges; and for the sowme of twa hundreth tuenty twa pundis twa schillings sex pennis, debursit also be the said thesaurer for outputting of the foirsaid secund companie that was sent out to Capitane Porterfeild, and for tuenty twa swordis was boucht to them be the toune, and the rest debursit to cariour and for vther things concerning the said companie, conforme to the particular compt sett down thairanent.
1 August 1640.
Warrand, armie.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of fourtie pundis seavin schilings four pennis debursit be him to Johne Kirkwood for his chargis, hors hyre, ellevin dayes absence when he convoyit the secound companie to the armie.
Barnes takin.
It is ordanit that tua barnes be takine for the imputting of the tynd schaves of the aikers about this brughe that was wont to be drawin be the bishop.
It is ordanit that it be intimat be sound of drum that all maner of persones cum out to the dreilling as they sall happine to be warnit.
Act anent herring.
The saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall, wnderstanding the great abuse done in the herring mercatt be thais that toppis herring thairin, it is thairfor ordanit that na tappisters of herring preswme or tak vpon hand to by any herring brought to the mercatt to tap over agane whill they stood in the mercatt full sex houris efter they ar brought thairto for serving of the inhabitantis of this brughe, and that nae persone wha brings herring to the mercat sell not the samein to tapisteris befor they have standit sex houris thairin, vnder the paine of fourtie schilings ilk persoun toties quoties.
11 August 1640.
Silver wark.
Ordaines James Hammiltoun, William Neilsoun, Coline Campbell, younger, and Johne Kirkwood to attend in the Tolbuithe for receaving in of the haill silver and gold wark sall be brought in, conforme to the instructiounes, for help of the commoun cause, and ordaines them to sett doun ane perfyt not of all that is inbrought, and they to sit twa houris efter noon and twa houris befor noone for receaving of the samein, conforme to the instructiones; and ordaines the same to be intimat be sound of drum, and als to invit all wha will lend moneys for supplie of the commoun cause or give any voluntar contrabutioun for supplie of the same.
Warrand, Captain Porterfield.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of fyftie dollouris, extending to twa hundreth twa merkis and ane half, givin be him to Capitane Porterfeildis wyf, at the sight of ane lettere of his, for the whilk he is to mak compt at his returne, and ordaines the said thesaurer to pay to hir sex pundis fyftein schilings that was awand to him of ane old compt.
The saidis provest, bailyies and counsall of the said brughe, being convenit, wha vnderstanding the seiknes and infirmitie of maister Johne Hutchesoun of Scottistoun, thair present clark, and that he is not able to walk abrod for exerceising of the clark office within the same for the present, and considdering how necessar a thing it is that ane deput be provydit for suppleing of the said place, leist any of the inhabitantis of this brughe and wthers sould receave any hurt or damadge thairby; and they having had now lang experience of William Yair, notar, servitor to the said maister Johne, his honest and faithfull service in his charge, and of the cair he has had heirtofoir in all thair publict effaires committit to him, they have thairfor ellectit and nominat, and be the tennor of this present act, electis and nominatis the said William Yair clark deput in the said office within this brughe during the said maister Johne his seiknes and infirmitie and thair will and pleasour allenerlie; with full power to him to exerce the said office during the said spaice in all things as becumes the clark thairof.
22 August 1640.
Ordaines Patrik Bell, Johne Barnes and Niniane Gilhagie to meit and convein and to considder vpon the prycis takine heirtofoir be the clark of this brughe for such things as concernis thair office, and to sett doun ane cattollog of the prycis to be takin be them heirefter, and to produce the samein to the counsall to be considderit be them.
Yair, clerk.
Forsameikle as the saids provest, bailyies, and counsall wnderstandis that the deputrie grantit be them to William Yair for suppleing of the clarkship of this brughe is now fallin, throw deceis of maister Johne Hutchesoun of Scottistoun, lait clark thairof, and that necessar it is that ane man be appoyntit for the weill of the inhabitantis of this brughe to exerceis the said office, thairfor they did mak choyse of the said William Yair to supplie and exerce the said office and place, granting heirby full power and commissioun to him to vse and exerce the said place and office as clark of this brughe in all things als lawfullie as any vther of thair clarkis hes done heirtofoir, and that during thair will and pleasour allenerlie, quha being present gave his aith de fideli administratione tharintill.
Hutchesoun, letter of fundatioun and mortificatioun.
Comperit maister Thomas Hutchesoun of Lambhill, in presens of the saides provest, bailyies, and counsall, and desyrit that the letter of fundatioun and mortificatioun, maid be wmquhill George Hutchesoun, his brethir, anent the hospitall to be buildit within this brughe out with the Wast Port thairof, conforme to the said letter of mortificatioun, might be deulie insert and registrat in the counsall buiks . . . . . quhairof the tennor followes:—I George Hutchesone of Lambhill, having respect to the glorie and worship of God and command givin in his Word of Trewth to be beneficiall to the poor, and what is done to them in His Hienes name is done to him self, I have dotit, annexit, mortefeit, and disponit the tenement of land following, conqueist and acquyrit be me fra Johne Russall, merchand, and Johne Syme, travellour, lyand on the northe syd of the hie streit bewest the old West Port of this brughe, baith back and foir, with yaird and haill pertinentis thairof, . . . . to be edified and maid ane perfyt hospitall for intertenement of the poor aiget decrippet men to be placit thairinto; for intertenement of whom I have assignit and disponit tuenty thowsand markis of principall sowme, to the effect the annualrent thairof may be bestowit vpon the saidis aiget decrippet men within the said hospitall, swa mony as the same annualrent may afford, ilk ane of the saidis aiget decrippit men having for thair intertenement four schilings Scottis money ilk day, and ilk yeir ane gown of convenient coullour, with elding sufficient in the said hospitall, somer and winter, for thair convenient residence thairintill; and for bigging of the said hospitall in cumlie maner I think it expedient that swa meikle of the annwal of the said principall be vpliftit for ane yeir or may yeiris as may outred and decoir the same hospitall in perfyt forme be the sight of the patrones thairof following, that thaireftir the saidis aiget decrippit men may be enterit and placit thairin; quhilk sowme of tuenty thowsand markis money is adebtit and awand to me be the noble and honorable persones following viz., . . . I have maid and constitute the provest, bailyies, deane of gild, deacon conveiner, and the ordinar ministers of Glasgow, patrones of the said hospitall, and thair successores in thair offices in all tyme heirefter, requeisting them to sie the fundatiouns will be accomplised and to tak the said office in and vpon them, and to discharge thair dewtie thairintill as they will ansuer to God. This morteficatioun and benefeit of fundatioun is for old, aiget, decreppit men of the aige above fyftie yeiris wha hes bein honest of lyf and conversatioun and ar knawin destitut of all help and support the tyme of thair entrie in the said hospitall, being merchandis, craftismen, or ony vther tred without distinction. The tuenty thowsand markis will afford of yeirlie annualrent sextein hundrethe markis, quhairof if thair be allevin aiget men placit in the said hospitall aught hundrethe pundis of the said annualrent being allottit to them will mak ilk ane of them four schillings ilk day, and the four hundrethe markis to compleit the full annualrent to be bestowit in thair claithes and elding; for thair bettir interteinment it is necessar that ane of thair number, having knawledge to reid, sall reid the prayers morning and ewyning besyd thair resort to the commoun prayers and preiching in the laich Trongait Kirk. Wryttine and subscribit be me at Glasgow the xvj day of December 1639 yeir. Sic subscribitur, George Hutchesone.
29 August 1640.
Teynd sett.
The provest, Johne Andersoune, and Richard Alland, bailyeis of this brughe, being conveined within the tolbuith therof for the rouping of the tynd schewes of thos akers of land about this brughe quhilk of old wint to be drawen be the bischope, efter lawfull rouping of the samein, the said teins schewes war sett to James Fergissune, maltman, for this present yeir and crop 1640, for payment of the sowm of aught hundreth pundis, the ane half therof to be payed at Mertimes nixt and the other half at Candelmes thairefter.
Warrand, horsmen.
Ordenis the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for the sowme of thrie hundreth and aught pundis debursed be him for out putting of the last four horsmen to the commoun service.
5 September 1640.
Warrand.; Provest commissioner.
James Hammiltoun maid report of his diligence with my lord Angus, and ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of sex pundis money debursit be him to the said James for his expenssis thrie dayes, and for fyftie four schilings for his hors hyre.
Bandis subscryvit.
The bandis following ar subscryvit be saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall for the moneys lent be the persones efter mentionat for the guid of the commoun cause in the cuntrie, viz., ane thairof in favores of maister Thomas Hutchesoun of Lambhill for the sowme of thrie thowsand markis money, ane vther to Niniane Gilhagie, elder, for vther thrie thowsand markis money, ane to maister James Smythe for ane thowsand markis money, and thrie vthers to George Louk, Robert Allane and Jonnet Dick for fyve hundrethe markis to ilk ane of them.
Provest commissioner.
The provest is appoyntit to goe to Edinburghe with the silver and gold wark, the lent moneys, and the contributioun collectit for the com moun cause, and to tak Johne Kirkwod with him for delyverie of the silver wark, and Coline Campbell, younger, and to gett securitie thairfor conforme to the instructiouns.
8 September 1640.
It is appoyntit that the provest, Johne Andersoune, bailyie, Patrik Bell, the dean of gild, deacon conveiner, James Stewart, Johne Burnes, William Neilsoun, meit with maister Robert Ramsay, minister, and vthers appoyntit be the assemblie anent the mater of his stipend, and to doe thair best to aggrie with him and to report againe to the counsall.
12 September 1640.
Anent Ramsay, minister.
The bailyies, with Patrik Bell, and vthers wha war appoyntit to meit with maister Robert Ramsay, vpon the aught of this instant, anent the mater of his stipend, maid this report this day anent thair aggriement with him, quhilk is as followes: he sould have aught hundrethe pundis of stipend be yeir, ane hous maill, and twa mairtis yeirlie, and sould have in hand aught scoir fyftein markis for causis knawin to the toun, and to be payit of his stipend efter the first sermone maid be him efter his admissioun to Mertimes nixt pro tanto. Quhairunto the foirsaides haill bailyies and counsall did accord and aggrie.
Stewart, commissioner.
Ordaines James Stewart to ryde to Hammiltoun on Mononday nixt to meit with my Lord Angus thair, conforme to his lordschippis lettere.
16 September 1640.
Anent the silver wark.
It is concludit be the saides bailyies and counsall that the silver wark takine east be the provest to the lordis of the committie of the estait be givin and producit be him for securitie, conforme to the commoun ordour givin to vther brughis of the lyk qualitie; and as for the money borrowit be the toun to be lent out againe for the weill of the publick, inrespect the toun hes givin bandis alreddie for repayment thairof, and that be the act of committie givin out anent lent money thair is securitie and band promeist conforme to the will of the lenner, the saidis bailyies and counsall thinkis expedient and meit that the provest lend the money takine east be him vpon band and securitie to be subscryvit be the best and ableist persones he can gett.
Morsoun, commissioner.
Ordaines Thomas Moursoun to ryde to Lanark to meit with my Lord Angus and speik to him conforme to his instructiounes.
30 September 1640.
The provest maid his report of his diligence in Edinburghe and producit for the money and silver wark lent for the weill of the publick twa actis subscryvit be the lordis of the committie.
3 October 1640.
Injunctiounes concerning toun clarkship.
Followis certaine ordour and injunctiounes concerning the toun clarkship of Glasgow, to be keipit in tyme cumyng, and to be insert in the counsall buik of this burghe and subscryvit be the clark and his man in testimoni of thair approbatioun thairof and obligment thairto, given in be Patrik Bell, Johne Burnes and Niniane Gilhagie, according to the ordinance of the counsall to them thairanent.
That the prycis or feis dew to him, and his manis fees or drinksilver, be exacted according to the list following and nae vtherwayes.
That the haill protocolls of preceiding clarkis shall be keiped in the townes charter cabinet, and the clark onlie to have the vse of sik of thame as he sall have nead of for transumming of seasingis, and that onlie for sic ane short tyme as shall be fund expedient, and to give his tikat of the recept of the samein to the keipers of the keyis of the said chartour cabinet, and when he gives in the said protocolls agane to receave back his tikkat of receipt.
That in all seaseingis he insert the annualrentis of fewdewties dew out of thais landis whairof the seasing is givin belonging to the toun Grammer Scholle or hospitallis within this brughe.
That the first counsal day of everie quarter of the yeir the clark produce, in presens of the counsal, his protocoll, that thair it may be sein and knawin that all the seasingis giffin be registrat, that the burgessis, inhabitantis and vtheris having landis, annualrentis, or feudeuties within this burgh be not prejudged throughe not booking of thair infeftmentis in the same.
That the clark be onlie admittit for ane yeir, and his electione to be everie yeir the first counsale day efter that day that the deane of gild and deacon convenar ar elected on, and to give his aithe as vse is.
Injunctiounes concerning toun clarkship.
That he accompanie the provest and bailliffs vpon the Lordis day to divyne service (when he may convenientlie do the same) and sit in the seat appoynted for provest, bailliffs, and counsall.
That the provest, bailliffs, and counsel have the electione of the clarkis man, and he in presence of thame to give his oathe as vse is.
Quhilk ordouris and injunctiouns being producit as said is, and red publictlie in presens of the saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall, they did all ratefie and approve the same, and ordaines the saidis injunctiouns (with the prycis following to be takine be the clark and his man) to be heirin insert and to stand in force and strenthe heirefter.
[Here follows Table of fees.]
6 October 1640.
Gibsone, clerk.
Mr. Harie Gibsone, elder, is ellectit and choysine clark of this brughe for ane yeir to cum whill the nixt electioun of the clark appoyntit be the injunctiouns sett doun thairanent, quha being sent for cam and acceptit the said office in and vpon him and gave his aithe de fideli administratione thairintill: Lykas William Yair is admittit to be the clarkis man, wha gave his aithe also as effeires, conforme to the saidis ordinancis and injunctiouns.
Proveist, bailies.
[Election of provest and bailies recorded in an act in terms similar to that of 1st October 1639. James Stewart elected provost; Henrie Glen, Coline Campbell, and William Neilsoun elected bailies.]
9 October 1640.
[Thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen elected councillors.]
10 October 1640.
Vnlayes produced.
Patrik Bell, lait proveist, and thos who war bayleis with him, produced ther onlawes and compt the last yeir of ther office, quhairof ther was thretie dollours and ane halfe of good dollours, and alevine and ane halfe of turnovers, quhilk sall be put in the touns commoune chist to bee applayed ad pios usus bee the sight and advyse of the said Patrik Bell, lait proveist, and the baylleis that bair office with him that yair.
14 October 1640.
Dean of guild, etc.
[James Bell elected dean of guild; Ninian Gilhagie, deacon convener; Robert Patersoune, visitor; James Tran, treasurer; Archibald Faules, water bailie; Patrik Park, master of work; Coline Cambell, master of work to Hutchesons hospital.]
17 October 1640.
[Gilbert Merschell continued procurator fiscal.]
Anent Blair, minister.
Efter lytting, be pluralitie of voittis, maister Hew Blair is electit minister to serve in the Hie Kirk, and it is thought guid that he be spokin to and delt with anent the serving of the cuir, at the said kirk, to sie if he will abyde the hezard of the stipend belanging thairto, and ordaines the dean of gild and deacon convener to meitt that folkis on Wandisday nixt and to crave thair opinione anent the man.
Anent money and silver wark.
Forsameikle as the forsaidis provest, bailyies, and counsall, wnderstanding that sindrie persones within this brughe hes givin in certane sowmes of money and silver work for the help of the publict, conforme to the ordinance of the committie of estait and proclamatiouns sent threw this toun to that effect, vpon security of payment to be givin to them for the samein, conforme to the instructiounes givin out be the said committie thairanent, and the saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall having gottine [tua] actis of the committie for securitie of the said money and silver wark, and they being most willing that all persones wha hes givin in thair said money and silver work be securit for the samein, conforme to the ordinance of the said committie, they thairfor, be the tennor of this present act, ordanis thair clark to give ane note vnder his hand to everie persone wha hes givin in thair said money and silver wark (if the samein be within the sowme of fyve hundrethe markis money) anent the tyme of the ingiving thairof, quantity and quality of the samein, conforme to the buik sett doun be Coline Campbell, younger, William Neilsoun, bailyies, James Hammiltoun and Johne Kirkwood, wha wer appointit be the saidis provest, bailyies and counsall for recept of the same; quhilk note to be givin be thair said clark sall be als sufficient to ilk persoun receavers thairof for securitie to them of thair said money and silver warke and annuall rent thairof, conforme to the weght and qualitie, furth and fra Mertimes nixt quhill repayment of the same as if ane particular band wer maid subscryvit and delyverit be the saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall to them thairvpon.
24 October 1640.
Statut, beir, aill, etc.
[Ordained that no higher prices than the following be charged, viz.; ale, 1s. 4d. the pint; bear, 1s. 8d. the pint; the loaf of thirteen ounces, 10d.; tallow and candle, same as last year.]
Anent ane bell.
The deid bell delyverit to Patrik Forsyth, quhom ordanis to geve the half of the prycis of his pairt of the bell to William Bogle during his lyftyme. And ordaines the deane of gild to caus mak ane new deid bell to be rung for and befor the dead wnder hand.
West port.
Recommendis to the dean of gild to caus forme ane new port to the new West Port.
31 October 1640.
Cunynghame, commissioner.
Be pluralitie of voittis, Gabriell Cwnynghame is appoyntit to goe east to the lordis of the committie, with ane lettere from the counsall and ane vther from Lord Montgomrie for getting back fra the committie als meikle of the voluntar contributioun and the tent pennie and tuenty pennie quhilk thei have receavit for provyding of the armie in claithes and hois and shoes.
14 November 1640.
Warrand, tounes companie.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of twa hundrethe threttie nyne pundis tuelff schillings for aught scoir pair of shoes that wes sent to the camp to the tounes companie and givin to the deane of gild to lay.
Acts of committie.
Gabriell Cwnynghame producit the twa actis of the committie and Archibald Sydserffis discharge of the tuenty penny and tent penny quhilk wer sent with him to Edinburgh; and siclyke producit the committies lettere to the toun with ane warrand fra the committie to Cowdoun for furnishing of the sojors claithes out of the first end of the Bishops and non covinenters rentis.
28 November 1640.
Letter from committie.
Ordaines the deane of gild to convein the merchandis and the deacon conveiner to conveine the deacones of craftis this efternoone and to schaw them the lettere sent this day to the toun from the committie, and to crave thair opiniouns thairanent, and ordaines the provest and bailyies to speik with the vther inhabitantis of this brughe concerning the samein lettere, and to report on Monday at tua efternoone to the counsall.
30 November 1640.
Neilsone, commissionar
Be pluralitie of voittis, ordaines William Neilsoun, bailyie, to goe east to Edinburghe to thair commissioner with ane lettere, and to concur with him anent the bussines of the jc and fyftie m. gulders; and ordanis the clerk to draw vp ane lettere to send to Gabriell the morne to schaw that they are bussie deilling to gett ane ansuer of his last lettere.
5 December 1640.
Anent Houstoun.
The deane of gild and deacon conveiner maid thair report of the dealling with maister James Howstoun anent his preatching in the toun, quhilk is thus that the said maister James is content and aggried to preatch anes on the Sonday and anes in the weik day, during the counsallis pleasour, and referrit to them selffis his pryce.
12 December 1640.
Warrand, minister.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to maister Robert Ramsay, minister, ane hundrethe thrie pundis vj s. viij d. for his service in preitching of Godis word fra the first of October last to Mertimes thairefter now last bypast, togidder with the sowme of fyftie four pund for transportatioun of his guides fra Dundonald to this brughe.
Moneys sent to the camp.
Forsameikle as the saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall, wnderstanding that the merchandis and craftis of this burghe having takine to thair consideratioune that thair ar sindrie persones belonging to them in the campt who hes nether freindis or wtheris to helpe them or support them in thair necessities, and thairfor they have directit certaine moneyis to the campt to them for thair help and supplie, and the saidis provest, bailyies, and counsall, takine to thair consideratioun that thair may be sum vthers in the touns companie who hes relation to nather merchandis nor craftis, who if thei be miskennit or neglectit may mak them to grudge, and so sum evill or prejudice may incur thairby; for eschewing quhairof they have concludit to send to the campt with James Padie ane hundrethe and aught pundis money, to be delyverit be him to Capitane Porterfeild, to be distribut be him amang such of his companie to whom nothing has bein sent be the saidis merchandis and craftis, according to the said capitane his awin discretioun; and to this effect ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for payment of the said sowme of ane hundrethe and aught pundis, and to pay to him xxvij s. quhilk he debursit to gett the saidis dolloris exchangit in gold.
26 December 1640.
Warrand for Thomsone.
It is statut be the counsall that maister Thomas Thomsone sall have sex scoir poundes for his yeirs preaching betuixt Apryll last and Aprill nixttocome; and, becaus he preached sumtymes of befor, ordains him to have threttie pund in recompence thairof.
Warrand, minister.
Ordains the thesaurer to have a warrand to deliuer to Walter Sterling ten dollars to be gevin be him to maister Johne Campbell, blind minister, for his preaching heir, and out of charitie to supplie his necessitie.
Gives commissioune to the dean of gild, [and seven others,] to mak vp the accomptes of all the charges employit in the publict sen the begining of the bissines, to be repoinit to the counsall, and thairefter sent to Johne Nicoll to be producit to the committie of parliament against Thuirsday nixt.