Extracts from the records: 1589

Pages 126-148

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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2 January 1588–9.

Statutum, consilii.

The baillies, counsall, deaconis and remanent friemen, comburgessis of the burgh and citie of Glasgow, convenit in the tolbuith thairof [conform to act and ordinance made on 24 December, for rouping the lands therein mentioned.] Item, imprimis, biddin be Thomas Myln, chirurgen, for the Mylnedameheid, Peitbog and Dassiegrene the sowme of ellevin hundreth markis; item, biddin be Mathow Blak, wobster, for the foirfront of the Meilmarkat the sowme of ane hundreth pundis; item, biddin be Johnne Hammiltoun, steilbonnet-makar, for twe ruid on the eist syd of the Greneheid narrest the calsay the sowme of tuentie thrie pundis; item, biddin be William Cwnynghame for sex ruidis on the same syd of the Greneheid narrest the said Johnne Hammiltoun to the sowme of ane hundreth and tuelfe markis; item, biddin be George Esdaill and Williame Glen for foure ruidis narrest the brig on the west syd of the Greneheid the sowme of nyne scoir markis; item, biddin be Mathow Watsoun, Johnne Muir, and George Pollok for twa ruidis narrest the said George Esdaill and Williame Glen the sowme of fiftie pundis; item, biddin be George Lyoun for aucht ruidis narrest the formest sex ruidis northwert on the same syd, the sowme of fourtene scoir ten markis; item, biddin be Archibald Maxwell, maltman, for twa ruidis narrest the said Johnne Mwdies landis occupiit be Gilbert Newlandis the sowme of fourtie foure pundis money. And the saidis baillies counsall and deaconis continewit the roping of the West Port quhill the provestis oumyng hame.

14 January 1588–9.

Burges, gratis, M'Caskie.

Thomas McCaskie, flescheour, is maid burges and frieman . . . . and his fienes gevin to Williame Hiegait, conforme to ane act and ordinance of the baillies and counsall for certane tymmer intromettit with be the toun pertenyng to the said Williame for reparatioun of the Gray freir kirk, as the said act of the dait the first of September 1588 [beris,] and dome gevin thairupoun.

18 January 1588–9.


It is statut and ordanit be the provest, baillies and counsall that the officiaris sall put all rolmentis heirefter to execution within xv dayis, baith quhilkis thai haif in thair handis presentlie or quhilkis thai ar to ressave within the said space, vtherwayis thai to be depryvit of thair office, ipso facto, conforme to the statut sett doun for that effect, and thairfoir hes ordanit, that all and sindrie the inhabitantis within this burgh be wairnit as efferis for to be present within the tolbuith agane the said fyvetene day nixt heirefter to gif in thair complentis upoun the saidis officiaris gif ony thair rolmentis beis unput to executioun as said is. The baillies and counsall foirsaid hes grantit and gevin licence and oversicht to Williame Robesoun thair thesaurar for his tyme, he being in office, to tak fra burgessis sones for thair fienes five pundis; and fra sic as mareis burgessis dochteris, not being widowis, inlikmaner fyve pundis for thair fienes.

21 January 1588–9.

Wrang.; Bogill.

Jonete Bogill, spous to James Craig, is decernit in ane wrang and amerchiament of court for the hurting of Jonete Clogy, spous of Johne Cuthbert, on the heid with ane stane to the effusion of hir bluid in grite quantitie; and siclyk the said Jonete Clogy is decernit in ane wrang for streking of the said Jonete Bogyll on the halfatt and ruiging of hir courch af hir heid, and dume gevin thairupoun.

25 January 1588–9.


The provest, baillies, counsall, and deaconis hes condiscendit and ordanit that the cruikis of the Mylnedame be ropit and sauld, and to that effect hes appointit the first of Februar nixt for the first roping day, and Weddinsday and Thirsday nixt thairefter for the vther twa roping dayis, and the saidis baillies, counsall, and deaconis to convene in the laich tolbuith for roping of the samyn. And hes ordanit the Greneheid to be stobbit on Thurisday nixt the xxviij of Januar be the baillies and commoun lineris of the toun in presens of the awneris thairof; and the morne thairefter, being the xxix day of the said moneth, ordanis the byaris thairof to bring thair siluer to the counsalhous to be deluierit to [blank] appointit be the counsall as collectour for that effect.

28 January 1588–9.

Absoluitour, Raith.

The quhilk day, anent the clame of airschipe persewit be Marioun Bar, dochter to vmquhile Robert Bar and onlie air to vmquhile Patrik Bar, hir fathir brother, aganis Cristiane Raith, relict of the said vmquhill Patrik, executrix, at the leist intromissatrix with his guidis and geir, clameand and craifand fra the said Cristiane the airschipe guidis following, of the prices and availl underwrittin:—In the first, ane cloik of maldy, price thrie pundis; ane coit of the samyn hew, price fourtie schillings; ane dowblet of [camlet,] ane pair of gray breikis, ane pair of maldy schankis, ane lynning serk with ane neck, ane belt, ane quhingar, price of all ten merkis; ane pair of schone, price thairof fyve schillingis; item, ane young meir, price thairof ten pundis; ane cow with ane stirk, price of baith twentie merkis; item, ane chymnay with the rakis, price thairof aucht pundis; item, ane pair of [tangis] and ane rostin speit, price thairof ten schillingis; item, ane erne cruik, price thairof xiij s. iiij d.; item, ane beiff pott with the boullis, ane . . . pott, price of baith thrie pundis; item, ane acquawytie pott, and ane flaik with ane flaik stand, price of baith 13 li. vi s. viij d.; item, ane grit chargeour plait with ane counterfit, price of baith tuentie thrie schillingis; item, ane gaird of bras, ane chandler of bras, price of baith xiij s. iiij d.; item, ane quart stoip of tin, ane pint stoip of tin, price of baith xlv s.; item, ane weschell buird, price xiij s. iiij d.; ane meit almarie, price thairof xl. s.; item, ane schyre, price vj s. viiij d.; item, ane brewing caldroun, price thairof tuentie pundis; item, ane middlewort caldroun, price thairof xl s.; item, ane mekill pan, price xxvj s. viij d.; item, ane langsetill bed, price thairof liij s. iiij d.; item, ane stand bed, price xx s.; item, ane tredle, xiij s. iiij d.; item, ane mask fatt, twa gyll fattis, price of all fyve pundis; item, ane buird stand, laidgalloun and barrow, price x s.; item, ane wort stand, price thairof xx s.; item, ane aill bott, price vj s. viij d.; item, ane wort dische, ane toptrie, ane mask ruther, price thairof x s.; item, ane langsait buird, price thairof vi li.; item, the best kist, price thairof iiij li.; item, ane sait furme, price thairof vi s. viij d.; item, ane peulder dische, ane trunscheor, ane elcruik and ladill, price thairof xx s.; item, ane flesche fatt, ane hering fatt, price of baith xxvj s. viii d.; item, ane weshing boyn, price vi s. viij d.; item, ane furnesit feddirbed, with cod, bowster, schetis, blanketis, price xxv s. viii d.; item, ane sword, price xl s.; item, ane speir, price thairof vi s. viij d.; item, ane hagbut, price thairof iii li., ane halbert, ane Jedart stalfe, price of baith xx s., ane steilbonnet, price thairof, xx s., ane steill jak, price thairof iij li.; item, ane spynning quheill, and ane pair of kairdis xxx s.; item, ane quheill spynnill, price thairof iij s.; item, ane buirdclaith for servietis, ane towall, price thairof xxx s.; item, ane crovne of gold, price thairof 1 s.; item, ane xxx s. peice; item, ane wonnow clayth, ane seif, ane sek, ane riddill, price xl. s.; item, ane erne graip, ane fut spaid, price of baith viij s.; item, ane heckle of erne, ane uther of brass, price of baith xxvj s. viij d. With the quhilk airschipe guidis the said Cristiane intromettit with immediatlie efter the deceis of the said vmquhile Patrik hir father brother, and as yit withhaldis the samyn and on nawayis will deliuer thame to hir without scho be compellit. [The baillies,] being weill and ryplie adwysit, absoluit and quite the said Cristiane Raith, relict of the said vmquhile Patrik, fra the airschipe guidis particularlie abone writtin and prices thairof respectiue abone specifeit. . . . .

7 February 1588–9.

Bartoun, Haustoun.

Anent the clame of airscipe persewit be Johnne Bartoun, as narrest and lauchfull air to vmquhile Johnne Bartoun, his father brother, aganis Jonete Haustoun, relict of the said vmquhile Johnne, in the terme assignit to pronunce in the said mater, baith the pairties personalie present, the richtis ressonis defenssis and allegationis of ather of thame being hard sene and considderit, and the baillies thairwith being ryplie adwysit, decernit and ordanit the said Jonete Haustoun to rander and deliuer to the saide Johnne Bartoun the airschipe guidis and geir particularlie efter following, viz.: ane coit of grayis russat, the breikis and schankis likwayis being of small valour; item, ane coit half worne and mair, of auld blew; item, ane cloik of blew, ane sark, ane wyliecoit of mylne walkit lyning; item, ane jak, steilbonnet, ane sword, ane speir; item, ane furnesit fedder bed; item, ane caldroun, ane mask fatt, twa gyld fattis, burnestand, barrow, laidgalloun; item, ane stand bed; item, ane langsettil; item, ane almarie, ane kist, ane sait burde; item, ane pott of bras of ane galloun; item, ane troche stane for wort; item, ane countir; item, ane pan of thrie pyntis; item, barkit hyd; item, ane plait trunscheour, and saltfatt of pouder; Item, ane chandler of bras; item, ane pynt and chopin stoipis of tyn; item, chyre, ane weschell burde; item, ane chymnay with rakis, irne cruik, tangis and speit; item, ane elcruik, ane ladill of trie; item, ane flesche and fische fattis; item, ane graip, schole redill, bark seif, ane cleik, ane bark wecht; item, ane lang theiking ledder, ane pair of schone; item, ane rak stok with lastis, treschour, irne schaping knyfe; elschingis, ane schaving irne, and ane hewing aix; and that becaus the said clame being admittit to the said Johnnes probatioun he previt the samyn sufficientlie, as wes cleirlie vnderstandin to the saidis baillies, within xv dayis.

7 March 1588–9.

Bogyll, burges,gratis.

Mark Bogyll, merchand, is maid burges and frieman . . . quhais fienes was gevin to Johnne Bogill, maltman, conforme to ane act and ordinance of counsall grantit to the said Johnne for his panis and travell tane be him for the weill of the toun in thair effaires, and for his supplie of the skaith sustenit be him be burnyng of his hous in Rattounraw, insicht and plenissing thairin, as the said act of the dait the ferd of this instant beris.

Craig, burges, gratis.

Patrik Craig, cordiner, is maid burges and frieman . . . . quhais fienes wes gevin to Johnne Ewing, travellour, indweller in Glasgw conforme to ane act and ordinance of counsall maid be the saidis provest and baillies, and that for supplie to him of his hors tint without the port, he being haldin thairat as suspect of the pest, as the said act of the dait the aucht day of Februar last beris.

14 March 1588–9.

Actum, Roberti Chirnesyd, Westport.

The baillies and counsall, convenit within thair counsalhous for taking ordour with the mesuring and stobing of the rudis of the West Porte sett furth in few be thame to Robert Chirneside, [passed to the ground with the liners and marked off the same consisting of three roods in length] and tuentie foure futtis in braid, quhairof the ane half of the said tuentie foure futtis of breid to be within the said port and the vther equall halfe of the samyn without the said port on the vther syd of the samyn, to be biggit in heicht and braid in maner foirsaid; and the said port it selfe and entres thairof to be putt and placit in sik place as the provest baillies and counsall sall appoint; with powar to the said Robert Chirnesyd to big als heich and braid abone the said port as he sall think expedient, and that it sall nocht be lesum to him his airis or assigneis to big ony laiche windois within his saidis rudis quhill he be jeist heicht, except sum slitt windois of halfe futt wyde being stenschorit.

26 March 1589.


The baillies hes electit and chosin Johnne Tempiltoun and Johnne Hair to be commoun birdis of the toun for this yeir to cum, viz., the said Johnne Tempiltoun for the nolt and guidis abone the croce, and the said Johnne Hair for the nolt and guidis beneth the croce and the rest of the nether pairtis of the toun, and bes gevin thair athis of fidelitie for leill and trew administratioun in thair office, and for that effect hes fundin souerties and cautionaris for thaim, viz., for the said Johnne Tempiltoun, Robert Flemyng, elder, merchand, burges of the said burgh; and for the pairt of the said Johnne Hair, Thomas Muir, burges of the said burgh; ilk persone under the pane of twentie pundis; and the saidis personis ar actit to releiff thair souerties of the premissis.

12 April 1589.

Statutum, hagbutteris.

The provest, baillies, counsall, and deaconis, being convenit within thair counsalhous, for consulting upon His Majesties missive direct to thame, for outtreding and furneissing to his Hienes of the nomber of thrie scoir hagbutteris to await on his Majesties service in the north, and they vnderstanding that thai may nocht gudlie furneis swa mony vnles the same be to thair grit hurt and thairfoir condiscendit and concludit that fourtie hagbutteris, with thair commanderis, salbe furneissit and outred for obedeance of his Majesties missive; and for that effect hes grantit ane taxatioun of fyve hundreth pundis for furneissing of thame be the space of ane moneth, conforme to his Hienes charge, and for stenting thairof hes appointit and ordanit quhair that ony persone payit of the last taxt of foure hundreth pundis, foure pennies, sall now pay fyve penneis, or xx s. xxv s., be ressone this present stent is fyve hundreth pundis; and for stenting and ingaddering of the samyn hes electit and chosin Archibald Wilsoun, merchand, and Williame Millar, maltman; and that ane of the thrie baillies be present thair day about with the saidis collectouris to sie the same ingadderit.

19 April 1589.

Statutum, hagbutteris.

The provest, baillies, and counsall, convenit within thair counsalhous, for consulting vpoun his Majesties last chairge, direct from Dundie the xv day of this instant, the provest, baillies, and counsall, being throuchlie resolvit thairwith, findis that the fyftie personis hagbutteris direct to his Majestie conforme to his Hienes missive of befoir sall satisfie the will of this last charge, and ordanit the saidis personis to be furneist according to thair remanyng as wes appointit be the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall, at thair depairture, and swa the haill fyve hundreth pundis to be collectit for furneissing of thame in maner foirsaid.


The provest, baillies, and counsall, being convenit within thair counsalhous, for taking ordour with the passage of ane car gait to the Provestis Hauch and utheris nychtbouris landis about throuch the landis of Peitbog and Dassiegrene laitlie set furth in few to Thomas Mylne, chirurgane, concludit that the saidis baillies, counsall, and deaconis, sall pas thame selfes to the ground of the saidis landis of Peitbog and Dassiegrene, and thair limit and mesure the said passage, to witt, that the same be on all pairtis the braid of sex futtis, and that throuch the same ane horss chairgit with ane car full of corne or ony vther kind of stuffe may easlie repair thairthrow, and that the same sall pas alangis the bak of the dyk, begynnyng at the first entrie to the saidis landis of Peitbog to the said Provestis Hauch, and the samyn passage to be mesurit fra the rute of the auld dyke as it stude of befoir; and to the effect the said passage may be the bettir decernit, and that the said Thomas Myln and the remanent nychtbouris besyd may acknawlege everie ane of thame thair awin landis and richt merches be utheris, it is appointit and ordanit the saidis baillies, counsall and deaconis sall pas and visie the saidis landis, the xxi day of Maij nixt to cum, and theirefter stob and mesure the same, ad perpetuam remanentiam.

21 April 1589.

The Coble Court of Glasgw, haldin at the Brumelaw thairof, be honorabell men, James Flemyng and Robert Rowat, baillies, the xxi day of Aprile the yeir of God jm vc four scoir nyne yeirs; the suittis callit; the court confirmit; dempstar, Johnne Maxvell.

Huchesoun, wrang.

Niniane Huchesoun is decernit in ane wrang and amerchiament of court, for the wrangus and maisterful away taking fra Johnne Clerk of twa salmound fische, as also for the forgeing of ane wrangus complent aganis the said Johnne, allegeing him to haif tane schot of fische quhilk suld haif pertenit to the said Niniane, and decernit the said Niniane to pay to the said Johnne instantlie nyneteen schillingis for the said twa fische wranguslie tane be him as said is, and dome gevin thairupon.

22 April 1589.

Wrang, Kirkland.

Barthilmo Kirkland, in Balgray, is decernit and ordanit of his awin proper confessioun in ane wrang and amerchiament of court for bringing of insufficient beir to the mercat, being bettir in the mouth of the sek nor in the ers thairof, and thairby decawing the Kingis liegis.

1 May 1589.


The provest and baillies, with awyse of the counsall, ordanis Stevin Hillis fredome to be cryit doun for his contempt done to James Stewart, baillie, and for breking of waird, and efter the crying doun of his fredome ordanis him to be putt in the heich hous to remain thair for his contempt foirsaid during the provest and baillies will.

Howie, debts.

In presens of the provest, baillies and counsall, being within thair counsalhous, comperit personallie Gothray Howie, merchand, quha being challangeit and arreistit be the creditouris underwrittin for the dettis and soumes of money respective efter specefiit, awin to thame: [Here follow names of the creditors and the sums owing to them.] Quhilkis soumes of money respective foirsaidis the said Gothray grantit and confessit him to be addettit to the saidis personis for certane merchand geir bocht and ressavit be him fra thame, and becaus of the grite nomber of the saidis dettis, and he haifing nathing presentlie to pay the same, nor yit the merchandice within his buith being able to defray that quhilk he is addettit, the said Gothray wes content and cravit be eirnist sute the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, with consent of the creditouris foirsaidis, to depute certane honest merchand men, in cumpany with twa of the baillies and court clerk of the toun, to pas to his merchand buith and thair to visie sicht and estimat his haill merchand geir being thairin, with his compt buik of the haill dettis awin to him, and mak inventour of the saidis guidis that the same may be calculat and laid in ane sowme, and thairefter the samyn being done wes content and consentit that everie creditour abone writtin salbe payit of the ane equall halfe of the dettis abone mentionat auchtand to thame, gif the same be able to surmount thairto, and the samyn to be deliverit to thame be ane of the officeris of the toun; as to the vther equall halfe auchtand to the saidis creditouris, is content, with consent of the saidis creditouris, to pay the same swa sone as God sendis him guidis; and for performing of the premissis the saidis provest and baillies, with consent of the said Gothray Howie and creditouris foirsaidis, hes appointit James Muirheid, Walter Thomsoun, William Symmer and Williame Robesoun, merchandis, to sicht and estimat the saidis guidis within his said buith in presens of James Flemyng and James Stewart, baillies; and ordanit the geir that the said Gothray haid alreddy gevin furth of his said buith to be brocht bak agane, and thai to be payit according to the rest of the creditouris foirsaidis; quhairvnto the saidis provest and baillies interponit and interponis thair auctorite heirto.

10 May 1589.

Statutum, hagbutteris.

The provest, baillies, and counsall, convenit within thair counsalhous to consult quhow the hagbutteris direct to Abirdene to attend upoun his Majesties service may be gratifeit, hes concludit and ordanit that the stent anent thair outreiking salbe schortlie collectit and ingadderit according to ane act sett doune of befoir, and be ressone thai ar recommendit to the saidis provest and baillies be his Majestie for thair guid service the tyme of thair attendance upoun his Hienes service, thairfoir the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall hes ordanit the saidis hagbutteris to be gratifeit with the soume of ane hundreth merkis, by and attour the soume of money sett doune for ane daylie wage to thame, being ten shilling to everie ane of thame in the day during thair absence; and hes ordanit William Stewart and Thomas Pettigrew, thair twa commanders, to be gratefeit also according to the provest and baillies discretioun.

20 May 1589.

Wilsoun, burges.

Andro Wilsoun in Perth is maid burges and hes gevin ayth of fidelitie, and his fienes remittit to him be ressone of the vse and plasour he schew to the tounes hagbutteris in thair passage [to the] north.


The causualities and customes of the brig ar ropit and sett to Johnne Clerk, fischear, for this present yeir for the sowme of fyftie pundis.


Lytis for the thesaurer:—Williame Robesoun, auld thesaurer, Archibald Flemyng [and five others]. Thesaurer for this present yeir:—Archibald Flemyng, merchand.

Master of werk.

Lytis for the maister of werk:—Thomas Mure, auld maister of werk [and five others]. Maister of werk for this present yeir, Archibald Wilsoun, merchand.


Menstrallis continewit for this yeir:—Johnne Cuthbert, Archibald Borland.

Actum et protestationis, clerk.

In presens of the provest, baillies, and counsall, comperit maister Adame Wallace, commoun procuratour, quha exponit and declarit, forsamekle as Williame Hegait producit and schew ane command and charge of the duik of Lennox, in presens of the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall, commanding and chargeing thame to nominat and elect James Hegait, his sone, commoun clerk to the toun, and thairfoir the said maister Adame protestit (nochtwithstanding ony charge or requeist) that the act and statut maid be the provest, baillies, and counsall foirsaidis, with consent of the said maister James and maister Johnne Ros (bering that gif ony of thame, or ony vther persone or personis in ony tyme heirefter, suld purchas or obtene ony requeist or charge for admitting of thame court clerk it suld nocht be lesum to thame to be vpoun the lyt bot thai to be secludit thairfra ipso facto), be on nawayis violatit or contrauenit bot that thair libertie tuiching the electioun of thair commoun clerk may be kepit and obseruit as it hes bene in all tymes bygane, and that becaus the saidis provest and baillies for thame and thair successouris hes gevin thair aithis neuir to cum in the contrair thairof, as the said act subscriuit be the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall and maister Hary Gibsoun, notar, of the dait the xix day of October the yeir of God jm vc four scoir aucht yeiris beris; and sua it is that the said maister James hes purchest and obtenit ane requeist for electing of him court clerk, contrair the tennour of the said act, and thairfor suld nawayis be electit court clerk nor yit be vpoun the the saidis lytis be ressone foirsaid; quhairunto the said provest, baillies, and counsall consentit, and that he be nocht vpoun the saidis lytis, quhairupoun the said maister Adam, commoun procuratour, askit instrumentis. Lytis for the clerk, Maister Johnne Ros, Robert Blair. Clerk for this present yeir, maister Johnne Ros.

21 May 1589.


[The easter and wester town mills set for three years to William Spang, merchant, at a yearly rent of 568 merks; "and the saidis baillies and counsall sall deliuer the saidis mylnis sufficient gangand mylnis apparallit as appertenis, and he thairefter to vphauld the samyn in als guid estait as they ar deliuerit, at the ysche of the saidis thrie yeiris."] The said day, efter none, James Flemyng and James Stewart, baillies, accumpaneit with Archibald Wilsoun, maister of werk, Robert Boyd, Johnne Dalrumpill, and sindrie vther honest men of the toun, past to the new myln standard on the watter of Kelvin, sumtyme pertenyng to vmquhill Archibald Lyoun, and viseit and sichtit the said myln with hir geir and graith belanging to hir, and fand the said myln to be ane sufficient gangand myln with sufficient happar, hup, quheillis, mylnrynd, and ane sufficient lyar of nyne ynsche, with ane thyn rynnar of twa ynsches thik, ane ark with thrie keis, ane gavillok and ane litill pik, with twa hingand duris and ane hingand lok, the west dure wantand ane lok, with ane watter dure and the eist dure bandit; and thairefter past to the mylnhous and fand twa kippillis of the same rwinus; and siclyk past and viseit the auld toun myln and fand hir ane sufficient gangand myln, with ane rynnand stane of fyve ynsche in the ey and twa ynsche at the syd, the lyand stane at the hem sex ynsche with sufficient happar and hup, and the vtter quheill ordanit to be mendit, and the myln to be theikit, twa kistis ane lokkit the vther with heck and stapill, ane halfe peck, twa sufficient hingand duris ane lokit and the vther vnlokit.

27 May 1589.

Eglingtoun, Aulderstoun.

Petir Alderstoun is decernit and ordanit to flitt and remove himself, seruandis, and guidis fra ane north mid chalmer of the almoushous tenement incontinent, as he quha wes lauchfullie warnit to remove thairfra afoir the feast of Witsonday in anno 1587 at the instance of Archibald Eglingtoun, maister of the almoushous, and that becaus he allegit na ressonabill caus in the contrar.

31 May 1589.


The baillies and counsall hes statut and ordanit that thair be na aill within this toun that be darrer sauld nor aucht penneis the pynt, vnder the pane of sextene schillingis to be tane of the contravenaris for the first falt, the second falt fyve pundis, and the thrid falt breking of thair weschell and crying doune of thair fredome; and als the personis upoun the counsall being warnit to gang with the baillies to tak ordour heirwith, incaice of ony of thair absence ar content of thair awin consentis they be convict in ane unlaw.


Item, it is statut and ordanit that all mesouris sic as firlottis and siclyk, and all sortis of stopis baith tyn and treyn, be brocht to the tolbuith and thair to be mesurit and markit be the maister of werk, upon sik dayis as they salbe wairnit be sound of drum, vnder the pane of sextene schillingis and the breking of thair weschellis that contravenis and refusis to do the same.

Merch stanes.

Item, it is statut and ordanit that all personis quha hes ony of the tounes commoun landis that they haif ane merche stane of ane car dracht to be placit at everie half aiker end of the said commoun land, betuix and the twentie day of Junii nixt, to the effect at that tyme the provest, baillies, and counsall may sie the same fixit, ad perpetuam remanentiam, under the pane of sextene schillingis to be tane of ilk person contravenar.

Provest and baillies, fermoraris.

The baillies and counsall hes taxt and modefeit for everie boll of fyvetene bollis malt fyve markis vi s. viij d., and for everie boll of ten bollis meill foure markis iij s. iiij d., awin be George Robesoun, William Glen and David Hall to the provest and baillies, and that for the Witsondayis terme dewties last bypast in anno lxxxix°. of their wester myln, and ordanit the same to be payit be thame incontinent to thair thesaurar.

3 June 1589.

Statutum, joges.

The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit within thair counsall houss, and thair becaus of the monifauld blasphemeis and evill wordis vsit be sindrie wemen, they haif concludit that ane pair joges be sett vp vpoun the goves gangand up with thrie or four fut stepis, and for that effect hes ordanit the maister of werk to do the same incontinent, and that the samyn be sure and substantious that they be nocht revin doune or carryit away be evill doaris.

Myln, chirurgene, slander.

In presens of the provest, baillies, and counsall, comperit Thomas Myln, chirurgene, being accusit be James Flemyng and James Stewart, baillies, for calling of thame [tratouris] and dissavearis and speiking sclanderouslie of the toun, [calling] it hungrie toun of Glasgw, the said Thomas confessit [that he callit certane] of the saidis baillies treasonable dissevaris, as also [it wes previt] be witnesses that the said Thomas callit thame tratouris [and] he become in the provest, baillies, and counsalis will for [the said] offence, wha declairit immediatlie thair will that [be resoun] of his odious and grit offence and sclander committit as said is, and for geving of vtheris example to abstene fra the lyk heirefter, as also of vther grit wrangis and injureis done be him at sindrie tymes to certane honest men of the toun, as namelie to Thomas Millar, being thesaurer for the tyme, they haif statut and ordanit that the said Thomas Myln sall compeir at the croce and thair confes oppinlie, in presens of the people, his fault and grit sclander committit be him to the provest, baillies, and counsall, and thairefter his pensioun to be dischargit during the space of ane yeir and forder during the provestis, baillies, and counsall willis, and the samyn to be applyit to the bigging of thair calsay; and, in caice he be evir fund in the lyk wrang agane, his fredome to be cryit doune, and to be dischargit perpetuallie of his pensioun, his persone to remane in the vnfremannis warde quhill he pay the soume of fourtie pundis to the commoun werkis of the toun, bysidis the satisfactioun of the pairtie qvhome to he salhappin offend.

Stewart, Pettigrew, hagbutteris.

The provest and baillies, haifing consideratioun of the guid and thankful service done be William Stewart and Thomas Pettigrew, commanderis to the cumpany of hagbutteris quhilkis were direct be the toun in his Majesties service in the north, as also in respect of his Hienes recommendatioun maid in their favouris, and that the expanse of thair service wes simplie referrit be thame to thair discretioun, thairfoir they, with adwyse of the counsall, hes ordanit that they sall haif thrie burges fynes of thair awin findyng out, besydis thair ordinar wage and daylie allouance sett doun to thame.

7 June 1589.

Quhyte, burges, gratis.

Johnne Quhyt, litstar, is maid burges and frieman . . . . quhais fienes is gevin to Robert Boyd, merchand, for avanceing the sovme of ane hundreth merkis for furthreking of certane hagbutteris to Hammiltoun to attend on his Maiesties seruice thair, as the said act of the dait the secund day of September lxxxv yeiris at mair lenth beris.

21 June 1589.


The baillies and counsall, being conveinit within thair counsalhous for consulting upoun our Souerane Lordis letteris charging this burgh and all uther burghis and tounis to pas fordward to the north to await upon his Majesties service thair, they condiscendit, seing his Majestie is presentlie in Hammiltoun, that the thrie baillies, togiddeir with Robert Chirnesyd, Hector Stewart, John Stewart, and Archibald Flemyng, thesaurar pas to Hammiltoun, and thair bespeike his Majestie and chancellar to sie gif thai can be ony moyan gett ane licence of his Grace to abyd fra this present raid.

15 July 1589.

Eglintoun, Walkinschaw.

Maister Patrik Walkinschaw, subdene of Glasgw, is decernit and ordanit to flitt and remove himselfe, servandis, and guidis, incontinent, furth and fra ane south mid chalmer occupeit be him of the tenement of the Almous hous, besyde the Castell, as quha wes lauchfullie wairnit to remove thairfra afoir the feast of Witsonday last, at the instance of Archibald Eglingtoun, maister of the almoushous, and that in respect of his awin confessioun and consent.

26 July 1589.

Statutum, Kirk.

The quhilk day, the provest, baillies, and counsall, being convenit within their counsalhous to tak ordour how and quhat maner the queir of the Metropolitan Kirk of Glasgow suld be repairit and how sone the [werk sould] begin, conforme to ane act and ordinance maid thairanent vpoun the twentie-nyne day of Maij last, and offer maid be James Flemyng, Robert Rowat, and James Stewart, baillies, for thameselfes and in name of the provest, counsall, and [deaconis of the] toun, quhairof the tenor followis: The quhilk day, anent the complent of the ministeris, elderis, deaconis, and vtheris of the toun, present in sessioun for the tyme, for nonrepairing of the Hie Kirk according to the charges and ordinances maid thairanent, James Flemyng, Robert Rowat, and James Stewart, baillies, being present, offerit to the reparatioun thairof the haill taxatioun maid of fyvetene hundreth markis, for thair awin partis sex hundreth merkis, that the samyn suld be reddy for the helping and repairing of the said kirk; prowyding alwayis that the perrochin without burgh and personage suld haif the rest, extending to nyne hundreth markis, reddy for repairing of the said kirk; and forder offerit that gif the persone and intromettouris with the fruittis of the personage and perrichionaris without burgh will mak sufficient securitie to the provest, baillies, and counsall of Glasgow for the payment of the said nyne hundreth markis to pay to thame within sex monethis efter the begynnyng of the werk, the saidis baillies, in name of the haill toun, sall begin farther furth and perfyte the said work, and find souertie to the persone and perrichionaris for that effect, and compt and reknyng to be maid as efferis. Quhilk being writtin and red within the counsalhous, the provest, baillies, counsall, and deaconis present and to cum, wes content and consentit to abyd thairat, and band and obleist thame and thair successowris for performyng of the said act and ordinance aggreit vpoun, and offer maid be the saidis baillies in name of the rest of the toun as said is.

The quhilk day, in presens of the provest, baillies, counsall, and deaconis of Glasgw, within thair counsalhous, comperit the richt honorabill my lord commendatour of Blantyre, and bering grit zeale and guidwill to the support and reparatioun of the queir of the Hie Kirk of Glasgw, frelie offerit the sovme of foure hundreth markis money to be gevin and advancit for the reparing of the said kirk, conforme to the former act, and sall find cautioun immediatlie efter the beginning of the said work, to pay the foirnemmit sowme for that effect. (Sic subscribitur,) Blantyre.

1 August 1589.

Makneill. Pettigrew.

The quhilk day, Mairtine Pettigrew, wricht, is decernit and ordanit, as souertie for Johnne Park, to content and pay to Helene M'Neill, spous of Walter Logane of Blairquhors, the soume of fyve markis money within terme of law resauit be him fra her vpoun the sevint day of Aprile last, quha promesit thairfor to cure her of ane deseas quhilk schoe hes, and incaice he failyeit to redelivir to hir the said soume back agane, and thairfor in respect of the said Johne failyie is decernit of his awin confessioun as said is, and siclyk is decernit to releiff his souretie of the premissis.

5 August 1589.


The quhilk day, Robert Gibsoun and Williame Sutherland, messinger, ar decernit hinc inde in ane wrang and amerchiament of court, viz., the said Williame for cuming to the said Robertis hous and provoking of him to fecht, and the said Robert for casting of his bonnet to the said William, and provoking of him to the singular combat, and dome gevin thairupoun.

8 August 1589.

Statutum, Hie Kirk.

The provest, baillies, and counsall, being convenit within thair consalhous, wndirstanding it behuiffit thame to avance the sovme of foure hundreth merkis money as for the first pairt of the soume convenit vpoun be thame for reparatioun of the queir of the Hie Kirk of Glasgw, and that the same can nocht be instantlie haid be thame vnles it be borrowit fra sum particular for proffeitt, thairfoir they in ane voce hes concludit that ane obligatioun salbe maid of the said sovme in name of the provest, baillies, counsall and thesaurer present and to cum, obleissing thame and thair successouris to pay the same at Witsonday nixt to cum with the proffeitt as can be aggreit vpoun, alwayis nocht pretermittand na diligence for collecting the contrabutioun may be haid for perfyting of the said work; and the said sovme of foure hundreth markis to be payit of the first and reddiest of the contrabutioun as it salbe gottin in.

19 August 1589.

Scott, Calderwood.

The allegationis of parties being hard, sene, and considerit, Jonete Calderwod, spous of Johne M'Kynny, and hir said spous for his entres, ar decernit and ordanit to content and pay to Johnne Scott, lowriemeir, the soumes of money following, viz., the soume of fourtie fyve schillingis in compleit payment of sevintene dayis furneissing furnesit be him to hir in viueris in the last pest; item, fyvetene schillingis for the price of ane hogheid; item, mair, twentie sex schillingis viij d. for ane lang eourchay; item mair, twentie schillingis for ane cod and codwair; and twentie ane schilling vj d. for ane pair of stemyng hois furneisit be him to hir at the tyme foirsaid.

22 August 1589.

Arbitratioun. Moderallis, Hair, Stewart, Smyth.

Williame Moderall, and Allaster Moderall, his sone, Archibald Hair, Johnne Williamsoun, and Johnne Ryburne, in Renfrew, on the ane pairt, Alexander Stewart and Johnne Smyth, on the vther pairt, are compromittit in the personis following, viz., for the pairt of the saidis Williame and Allaster Moderallis, Archibald Hair, Johne Williamsoun, and Johne Ryburne, maister Andro Hay, persone of Renfrew, and James Hall of Fulbar; and for the pairt of the saidis Alexander Stewart and Johnne Smyth, Robert Stewart and Johnne Stewart, burgesses of Glasgw, juges, arbitratouris, and amicabill compositouris, commounlie and equalie chosin betwix bayth the saidis pairties anent the mater of trublance persewit, hinc inde, be ather of thame aganis vtheris and of the occasioun and originall thairof and all uther materis debetabill betwix thaime, baith criminall and civill, that thai may lay to vtheris charges or thair assistaris, quhilkis juges hes acceptit the said mater in and wpon thame and sall convene on Monynday nixt the xxv day of August instant and pronunce and gif furth thair decreit in the said mater betwix and the fyvetein day of September nixt to cum.

26 August 1589.

Winzett, burges, gratis.

The quhilk day, Allane Winzett, wobster, is maid burges and frieman of the burgh and citie of Glasgw, and hes gevin his aith of fidelitie, quhais fines wes gevin and assignit to Stevin Sellar, officer, to be ane support and help to him to ane stand of claithis, conforme to ane act and ordinance of counsall grantit thairupoun.

Statutum, doucattis.

The quhilk day, forsamekle as the provest, baillies and counsall, being informit and vnderstanding the grit hurt and dampnage done to thair nychtbouris of the toun haifand doucattis, and specialie the doucat on the Grene, pertenyng to Marioun Scott and Robert Chirnesyd, throuch schuting and slaying of the dowis be sindrie men of the toun and utheris repairing thairin, and gif that the samyn be nocht remeidit, the saidis doucattis salbe alluterlie distroyit to thair hurt and aganis the commoun weill and actis of parliament maid thairanent; thairfoir, ordanis the drwme to pas throuch the toun commanding and forbidding all and sindrie personis of quhatsumevir degrie, that nane of thame tak upoun hand to schute with culveringis, pistolatis, or ony vther instrumentis, at ony dowis within the burrow ruidis of the toun or landis adjacent thairto occupiit be the inhabitantis thairof, nor slay thame in ony sort, nor yit brek the doucattis thairof in tyme cumyng, vnder the pane of fyve pundis the first fault, the secund falt ten pundis, and the thrid fault banisching of the toun, to be applyit and vptane to the calsay.

9 September 1589.


The quhilk day James Craufurd, Katherine Craufurd, his spous, and Thomas Craufurd, sone naturall to the said James, ar decernit hinc inde in ane wrang and amerchiament of court, viz., the said Katherine Craufurd for streking of Margarete Pudzeon with hir neiffis on sindrie pairtis of hir bodie, and breking doune of ane glasin windo within the hous of vmquhill maister Archibald Craufurd, and for entering thairin, and the said James for fortefeing and assisting of his said spous in doing of the said wrang, and the said Thomas for haifing ane battoun in his hand, schoring the said Margarete Pudzeon thairwith; and dome gevin thairupoun.

30 September 1589.


The auld provest, baillies, and counsall being convenit within thair counsalhous for cheising and electing of the lytis of thame to be baillies the yeir to cum, as alsua to heir nominatioun of the provest for the yeir to cum, conforme to auld vse and wont. Comperit the richt honorabill Walter, commendatour of Blantyre, lord fewar of the lordschipe and regalitie of Glasgw, haifand power to nominat the prouest conforme to his infeftment, presentit and nominat the richt honorabill Sir Mathow Stewart of Mynto, knycht, in prouest for the yeir to cum, quhome the counsall acceptit and ordanit his commissioun to be seallit according to the forme.

Lytis for baillies.

Lytis for chesing of the baillies; James Flemyng [and seven others.] The personis depute to resaif ansuer of my lord priour of Blantyre: Andro Baillie, Dauid Hall, Thomas Mure, Thomas Pettigrew, William Hereot, maister Johne Ros, court clerk.


Quhilkis lytis afoir writtin being presentit be the personis foirsaidis to the richt honorabill Walter, commendatour of Blantyre, lord fewar of the lordschipe and regalitie of Glasgw, haifand powar to nominat thrie of thame in baillies, presentit and nominat the personis vnderwrittin, viz.: Williame Cwnynghame, Robert Rowat, James Stewart, baillies.

2 October 1589.


Consilum pro presenti anno 1589: James Flemyng [and twenty-one others, including] maister Henry Gibsoun to be present if he may, Archibald Wilsoun, maister of werk, Archibald Flemyng, thesaurer.

3 October 1589.


The quhilk day, Johnne Rolland, in the Craigis of Ogilface, is decernit in ane wrang and amerchiament of court, for streking of David Wilsoun, sone to Archibald Wilsoun, merchand, with ane rung and his faldit neiffis and handis, as also for drawing of ane quhingar to him; and dome gevin thairupoun.

4 October 1589.

Statutum, counsall.

The quhilk day, the provest, baillies, and counsall, convenit for taking ordour with sindrie thair effairis tuiching the commoun weill of the toun, and to the effect that thingis may be the better accompleischit, ratefeis and apprevis all actis and statutis anent the convening of the counsall bering that gif ony persone of the counsall being personallie chargit be the officeris of the toun, at command of the magistratis, gif they absent thameselfes, dew and lawful adverteisment being maid, that euerie ane of thame sall pay ane vnlaw of viij s. and to haif na woyt in counsall quhill the samyn be first payit, and the samyn to be applyit to bigging of the calsay.

Statutum, officeris

Item, it is statut and ordanit be the provest, baillies and counsall, becaus of the grit abuse and sleuth of the ordinar officeris in nocht doing thair dewtie in awaiting upoun the provest and baillies quhair they may resaue command, as occasioun sall serve, to execute thair office; thairfoir, for evading of the said abuse, hes ordanit in caice they be fund culpable thairof and decernit thairintill be the said provest and baillies onlie or the maist pairt of thame, they to be depryvit be thame upoun thair jugement, but awyse of the counsale, and nocht to serve in office for that yeir agane. And als, it is ordanit gif ony of the officeris ressaueis rolmentis to be put to executioun that they sall mak penny thairof to the pairtie within xv dayis efter the ressait of the samyn, vnder the pane of depriuatioun, and gif they be fund culpable thairof to be depryvit as saidis, ipso facto, conforme to ane act maid of befoir.

Remitting unlaws.

The prouest, of his awin frie motive will, vnderstanding the grite abuse be the monifold disobediences committit within this burght, and respecting the requeistis of sindrie personis maid to the said prouest for remitting the vnlaw incurit be the saidis disobedientis, thairfoir, for evading of the said abuse and inconuenient in tyme cuming, hes gevin and grantit the saidis penalties to be applyit to the maist necessar vse as salbe thocht be baillies and counsall, and ordanis the baillies to caus the officeris poind the offenderis and deliuer the saidis penalties to the thesaurer present, to the effect the samyn may be applyit as said is, and he to be ansuerable thairof.


Item, it is statut for keiping of a dew gravitie and amitie in counsale, and reverence to be borne to the provest, baillies, and honourabill counsall of the toun, that quhatsumever he be that injuris ane vther in counsalhous, be word or deid, salbe depryvit immediatlie of the counsall, and sall nocht be admittit for the space of thrie yeiris thairefter of the number of the counsall, besyd vther punischment that the counsall sall think meit to injoyne to thame for the tyme.

Hegait, commoun clerk.

Item, it is statut and concludit, and siclyk decernit be provest, baillies and counsall, at the complent of maister Adam Wallace, commoun procuratour of the toun, that ane act insert in the buikis of this auditorie of the dait the xxiij day of Maij, 1581, bering Archibald Hegait to be admittit commoun clerk of the toun, being presentit be my lord vmquhile Duik of Lennox, then provest, with command and auctoritie of the Kingis grace for that effect, to be simpliciter deleit and put furth of the said buik, as repugnant and maist prejudiciall to the libertie of the toun, they haifand electioun in their awin handis of the said office in all tyme bygane, and to haif na faith, credit, nor effect in ony tyme cumyng.

Procurator, water bailie.

[From a leet of three, Mr. Adame Wallace elected common procurator; and from a leet of two, Stevin Glasgw chosen water bailie.]

Watter baillie.

The prouest, baillies, and counsall hes electit Stevin Glasgw watter baillie for this yeir, prowyding incaice he be fund culpable and negligent in vsing of his office in nocht keiping the statutis sett dovne for that effect, being callit and convict, he salbe depryvit thairof immediatlie thairefter.

Officers, etc.

[Six officers, eight liners, and seven keepers of keys appointed.]

Statuta pro presenti anno.

[Acts passed in terms similar to those of October in previous years. Ordained that no higher prices than the following be charged: ale, tenpence the pint; tallow, 30s. the stone; candle, 36s. the stone; the 6d. loaf of bread to weigh twelve ounces.]

10 October 1589.

Wilsoun, burges gratis, hagbutteris.

Robert Wilsoun, cordiner, is maid burges and frieman, . . . . quhais fienes is gevin and assignit to Thomas Pettigrew and Williame Stewart as ane of the burges fines grantit to thame be the provest, baillies, and counsall, as commanderis to the cumpany of hagbutteris quhilkis wer direct be the toun in his Maiesties seruice in the north, besyd thair ordinar wage and daylie allowance sett dovne to thame, conforme to ane act and ordinance of counsall grantit be the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall, of the dait the thrid day of Junij last bypast.

8 November 1589.

Cloggy, gift of chaplainry and new hospitall.

The provest, baillies, and counsall hes gevin and grantit, and be thir presentes gevis and grantis to Thomas Cloggy the chaiplanrie or alterage of Sanct Johnne Baptist, foundit be vmquhill maister Allane Blacatour, subdene of Glasgw, situat within the Hie Kirk thairof, quhairvnto is annexit the new hospitall besyd the Stabilgrene, last possest be Sir Williame Craufurd, last chaiplane and maister of the said hospitall, with all rentis, dewties, and emolimentis pertenyng thairto, during all the dayis of his lyftyme; and ordanit the said hospitall to be viseit on Weddinsday cum aucht dayis by the thrie bailies, Dauid Hall, Archibald Wilsoun, maister of werk, Thomas Mure, and James Lyoun, of the counsall, to sie quhat estait the samyn is presentlie; and he to find caution for uphald of the samyn and keip the tennour of the fundatioun, quha fand Williame Hereot and James Lyoun cautioneris and souerties for him and become actit for that effect; and the said Thomas actit and obleist him to releiff his said souerties of all dampnage and skaith thai may sustene, thairthrow: Of the quhilk gift the tennour followis:— (fn. 1)

11 December 1589.

Taxatioun for King's marriage.

The prouest, bailleis, and counsell grantis to Archibald Faullis, merchand, ane burges fyne of his awin seiking out, for his panes takin be him in collecting and ingaddering of the tounes stent of thair pairt of the taxatioun of tuentie thousand pundis condiscendit vpoun be the burrowis to the Kingis Majestie for furtherance of his Hienes mareage; and the saidis provest, baillies, and counsell, haifing tane compt and reknying of the said Archibald of the said stent cassin for the effect foirsaid, the said Archibald, collector foirsaid, is dischargit of the samyn.

30 December 1589.

Statutum, Hospitall in the Stabilgreyne.

The bailleis, accompaneit with David Hall, Thomas Mure, Thomas Pettigrew, and Archibald Wilsoun, maister of werk, past, viseit, and sichtit the hospitall besyd the Stabilgrene, last possesst be Sir Williame Craufurd, last maister of the said hospitall, quhilk hospitall is annexit to the chaiplanrie or alterage of Sanct Johnne Baptist, foundit be vmquhill maister Allane Blacatour, subdene of Glasgw, situat within the Hie Kirk thairof, conforme to ane act and ordinance of the provest, bailleis, and counsall, sett dovne of befoir for that effect, and fand the samyn in the estait and maner following, viz., the yaird dyk, the north syd thairof weill dykit and kaipit with stane, and ane haill hedge on the south syd thairof, the woll weill kaipit with stane ane elne above the eird, with the yaird yett sufficient and lokfast; item, the heich chalmer of the said hospitall weill loftit and jestit, twa windois within the samyn staincherit with irne, ane stand bed fixit in the wall of the said chalmer, weill bandeit, ane panttrie dure and ane saig dure . . . without hes ane sufficient guid dure and foir yett weill wallit and lokit, with ane raill galrie stair and ane turlies upoun the northmost windo therof; item, fand the laich hous thairof with sex stand bedis of aik sufficient, with ane paintrie lokfast, and ane mekill kist standand within the same claspit with irne on euerie nook; item, fand the coilhous dure sufficientlie lockit and bandit, weill wallit and kapit round about; item, the haill houssis of the said hospitall sufficient in ruif, tymmer, sklait, and watterfast; item, fand ane doubill foiryett bandit, without ane lok, with the wallis of the clois weill kapit round about. Quhilk hospitall, with the yaird and pertinentis, being viseit and sichtit in maner as said is, the saidis baillies deliuerit the samyn to Thomas Cloggy, maister of the said hospitall, quha grantit the ressait thairof in the estait foirsaid and obleist him to vphald the samyn and to leve the said hospitall, with yaird and pertinentis, in als guid estait as it is sichtit presentlie, and to obserue and keip the tennour of the fundatioun in all pointis.


  • 1. In the original record a blank is left for the insertion of the deed of gift.