House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 08 May 1572

Page 94

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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08 May 1572

The Fourth PARLIAMENT of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lady ELIZABETH, by the Grace of God Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. begun at the City of Westmynster upon Thursday ; being the Eighth Day of May, in the Fourteenth Year of her Majesty's most prosperous and happy Reign, 1572.

Parliament meets.

ON which Day the Right honourable the Earl of Lyncoln, High Admiral of England and by her Highness appointed Lord Steward for this present Time, came to the Lower House of Parliament, accompanied with divers others of her Majesty's Most honourable Privy-council; to wit, Sir Francis Knolles, Knight, Treasurer of her Highness's Most honourable Houshold; Sir James Crofts, Knight, Comptroller of the same ; Sir Rauff Sadleir, Knight, Chancellor of her Majesty's Duchy of Lancaster; and Sir Walter Myldmay, Knight, Chancellor of her Highness's Court of Exchequer; and did then and there minister the Oath unto all the Knights, Citizens, Burgesses, and Barons, then and there assembled; the said Earl of Lyncoln constituting and authorizing the said Sir Francis Knolles, Sir James Crofts, Sir Rauff Sadleir, and Sir Walter Myldmay, to be his Deputies in and for the more speedy Ministration of the said Oath, according to the Statute in that Behalf lately made and provided, unto all such others of the said Knights, Citizens, Burgesses, and Barons, as should happen afterwards to appear upon any Return during this present Parliament.

Jovis, octavo Maii, 1572

Mr. Bell chosen Speaker.

This Day Mr. Robert Bell, of the Middle-temple in London, Esquire, was chosen Speaker for this present Parliament.