Pages 355-357
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, 24 Decembris, 1641.
WHEREAS it was ordered by the House of Commons, that Sir Wm. Uvedale Knight, Treasurer at Wars, should forthwith pay unto the late Captains, and other superior Officers, of his Majesty's Army, the One half of the Arrear of their several Entertainments due unto them; It is this Day farther Ordered and Declared, That the said Sir Wm. Uvedale shall defalk, and stop in his own Hands, out of the aforesaid several Half-pays, the One Half of such Debts as any of the aforesaid Officers shall owe unto any Person or Persons in those Countries where they were billetted, for or in respect of their Billet, since they entered into Pay, in his Majesty's Service, for this late Northern Expedition: And the Residue of such Debts to be paid off at the next Pay of the said Officers, if the said Debts do appear under their own Hands, or be ordered to be paid under the Hand of the late Lord General the Earl of Holland.
Publick Fast.
Whereas his most Excellent Majesty was graciously pleased, by the Advice, and with the Assent of his Parliament, to command a publick Fast to be kept and observed by both Houses of Parliament, and the City of London, on Wednesday the 22th of December: and by the City of Westminster, on Thursday the 23th of this Month; and that the like Fast should be observed and kept through the whole Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, on Thursday the 20th of January next: Now, to the end that all Places may the better take notice hereof, It is this Day Ordered, by the Commons now assembled in Parliament, That the Knights, Citizens, Burgesses and Barons of the Cinque-ports, that serve for the several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, and Cinque-ports respectively, shall forthwith send down Copies of this Order to the several Sheriffs, requiring them to deliver Copies thereof to the several Head Constables; and they are likewise required to deliver the like Copies to the Petty Constables and Church Wardens; and, they to the Minister of each several Parish respectively: And that they may the more speedily and conveniently be dispersed: It is farther Ordered, by the Commons, That this Order be forthwith published in Print.
Resolved, upon the Question, it shall be thus ordered.
Trade with Ireland.
A Petition from divers Citizens and Merchants of London, trading into the Kingdom of Ireland, was this Day presented by some of the said Merchants, and read:
And the Petitioners were called in.
-"The House has taken into Consideration your Petition; and, as it is a Matter of great Consequence, so it hath already fallen under the weighty Consideration of this House: And they intend to continue their Care in the Consideration of it; and doubt not but, by God's Blessing upon their Endeavours, if they may find a Concurrence with the Lords, to bring things to such an Issue, as may, with all convenient Speed, procure Peace to that Kingdom."
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Speaker delivered the Sense of the House, in his Answer to the Petition from the Merchants and Citizens trading into the Kingdom of Ireland.
Army Accounts.
That the same Auditors that are appointed to take the Accounts of the Paymaster of Carlell, shall likewise take the Accounts of the Paymaster of Berwick.
List of Officers.
A List of such Officers, with their Entertainments, as were continued in Pay after the Disbanding of the Garison at Berwicke, for the Shipping of the Ammunition, and Sleighting of the Works there, from the Eighteenth of October 1641, until the Thirtieth of November 1641, was this Day presented unto the House, [and read;] and ordered to be allowed of.
Monthly Fast, &c.
Ordered, That the Lord Ruthyn do go to the Lords with this Message; to desire their Lordships to join with this House, to move his Majesty, that a monthly Fast may be kept and observed by both Houses of Parliament, and the whole Kingdom, while the Troubles continue in Ireland; and that his Majesty will be pleased to issue forth his Proclamation, both for the Keeping and Observing the publick Fast on Thursday the Twentieth of January next, according to his Majesty's Declaration to both Houses; as likewise for Observing of a monthly Fast.
Colonel Lunsford.
Ordered, That, at the next Message that shall be sent to the Lords, their Lordships shall be desired to give their Resolutions, concerning the Matter of the Conference last Night touching Colonel Lunsford.
Raising Money.
Ordered, That the House shall be forthwith resolved into a Committee, to take into Consideration the present Raising of Monies; and proceed with the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair accordingly.
Mr. Serjeant Wilde called to the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair: And
Message to Lords.
The Lord Ruthyn went up with a Message to the Lords, according to former Order.
Sabbath-breakers, &c.
Serjeant Wilde presented to the House the Form of an Ordinance of Parliament, for putting in Execution the Laws and Statutes against Sabbath-breakers, Swearers, and * * * *
Ordered, Serjeant Wilde and Mr. Glyn, do bring in with all convenient Speed, a Bill against Sabbathbreakers, common Swearers; Drunkards; and to prevent the Increase, and suppress the great Number Alehouses and Tippling-houses.
Monthly Fast, &c.
Lord Ruthyn brings Answer, that, as to the monthly Fast; and to the Proclamation for a publick Fast on the Twentieth of January next; they do consent to join with this House; but as to the Matter of the Tower, they have not thought fit to join with this House.
Lords to sit.
Sir Tho. Ingram went up to the Lords with this Message; To desire the Lords to sit awhile, in regard this House conceives they shall...Occasion to come up unto them.
The Tower, &c.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House holds Colonel Lunsford unfit to be or continue Lieutenant of the Tower of London; as a Person in whom the Commons of England cannot confide.
Sir Tho. Ingram brings Answer, that the Lords will sit a convenient time, in regard that this House shall have Occasion to come unto them, touching Matters that concern the Safety of the Tower, and the Kingdom.
Mr. Hollis, Mr. Pym, Mr. Strode, Sir Edmund Montfort, Mr. Glyn, Sir Philip Stapleton, Mr. Martin, Sir John Hotham;
This Committee is presently to withdraw, and to prepare Heads for a Conference to be desired with the Lords, upon the Debates that have here been, concerning the Safety of the Tower, and the Kingdom.
Berkeley' Bail.
Resolved, That this House doth approve and allow of the Earls of Dorsett and Stamford, to be Bail for Sir John Berkeley, a Prisoner in the Tower; the Principal to be bound in the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds; [and the Sureties] in the Sums of Five thousand Pounds [apiece.]
Legg's Bail.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve and allow of the Earls of Cumberland, and Newport, to be Bail for Captain Wm. Legg; the Principal in the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds; and the Sureties in the Sums of Five thousand Pounds apiece.
Raising Mariners.
3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the better Raising and Levying of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present Guarding of the Seas, and necessary Defence of the Realm, and other his Majesty's Dominions; and, upon Question, passed.
Resolved, &c. That these Words, "at Two Pound Lands, and Four Pound Goods," shall be struck out of the Bill aforesaid.
Message to Lords.
The Lord Herbert carried up the Act concerning Mariners: An Act for restraining Bargemen and Lightermen from working on Sundays: An Act concerning the Settling of Mr. Fitzwilliam Conisbye's Estate.
He is likewise to desire their Lordships to sit yet awhile; in regard this House shall come up to their Lordships, upon Matters that concern the Safety of the Kingdom.
Subjects Liberties.
1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Confirmation of the Subjects Liberties in their Persons.
Bailing a Prisone/?/.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Williamson, a Minister, now in the Serjeant's Custody, for a Sermon he preached on Sunday was Sevennight, in the Parish Church of St. Martin's in the Fields, shall be forthwith bailed.
Obnoxious Sermon.
Ordered, That the Consideration of Mr. Williamson's Sermon, preached by him on Sunday was Sevennight at St. Martin's in the Fields, shall be referred to Mr. Peard, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. White, Mr. George, Mr. Bond, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Hotham, Sir Gilbert Pickering, to consider of, and present their Opinions to this House.
Defence of the Realm.
2da vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the better Settling of a military Power for the Defence of the Realm.
Lords will sit.
Lord Herbert brings..., that the Lords were now about the Shipping Bill; and would sit awhile, as is desired.
The Tower, &c.
Mr. Pym reports from the Committee appointed to withdraw, to prepare Heads for a Conference to be desired with the Lords, concerning the Safety of the Tower and the Kingdom, a Declaration to be delivered at that Conference.
Lord Cramborne is appointed to go to the Lords with this Message; To desire a Conference concerning the Safety of the King and Kingdom.
Lord Cramborne brings Answer, That the Lords will give a present Meeting, by a Committee of the whole House, in the Painted Chamber, as is desired.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Word "unworthy" shall stand in this Declaration as now it is.
The Declaration was twice read; and then it was put to the Question.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this Declaration shall be presented to the Lords at this Conference.
Irish Affairs.
A Letter from Sir J. Temple to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, of the Thirtieth of November last, was now read.
Sir Edw. Hungerford, Sir H. Mildmay, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir H. Vane, Sir Ro. Pye, Alderman Penington, Alderman Soame, are appointed to treat with the Merchant Adventures, or any others, concerning the Loan of Fifty thousand Pounds for the Affairs of Ireland: And are to report what they have done, on Monday Morning: And they are to offer unto the ... in Security, out of the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, and Eight Pounds per Cent. for their Forbearance of their Money.
Ordered, That the Citizens that serve [for London] do meet and consider, how and where best a Proportion of Victuals for Ten thousand Men, for Two Months, may be provided and furnished into several Parts of Ireland.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed to prepare Instructions for a Commission to be granted to certain Persons, to treat and consider of the Affairs of Ireland upon such Instructions, do bring in those Instructions on Monday next: And Mr. Speaker is appointed to put the House in mind of this Order.
Ordered, That Sir John Clottworthy, and Mr. Pym, do speak to the Master of the Ordnance, to know whether he have sufficient Warrant for the Delivery of such Arms and Ammunition, out of the King's Stores, as shall be requisite for the Service of Ireland; and, if he have not, to treat with him of some Course, whereby he may have a sufficient Warrant for that Purpose, on Monday Morning.
The Tower, &c.
Ordered, That the same Committee that prepared the Declaration, that was now sent up to the Lords concerning the Safety of the Tower and the Kingdom, shall prepare a Petition, to be exhibited unto his Majesty, to the Purposes mentioned in the said Petition.
Paper from Ld. Admiral.
Ordered, That the Paper delivered from the Lord Admiral be taken into Consideration on Monday next.
The Tower.
Ordered, That Sir Tho. Barrington, and Mr. Martin, do this Night repair unto the Constable of the Tower; and desire him, from this House, to lodge and reside within the Tower, and take the Custody and Guard of that Place.
Raising Horse.
The Propositions made by Captain Wm. Baker, for the Raising of a Troop of Horse, were this Day read; and put to the Question; and assented unto; and allowed of.
Examining Ld. Dillon, &c.
Mr. Pym, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Glyn, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Edw. Hungerford, Sir John Colpeper;
This Committee is appointed to examine the Lord Dillon, and Colonel Taff, now in the Serjeant's Custody, upon such Interrogatories as they shall think fit; and to seize their Papers.
Disarming Recusants.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill for disarming Recusants do meet on Monday Morning next at Eight of Clock, in the inner Court of Wards: And all, that will come, are to have Voices at this Committee.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the House shall adjourn itself till Monday next at Ten of Clock.