Pages 645-647
The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1795.
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A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. R. S. T. U. W. Y. Z.
N. B. Where the letter Q follows a figure, the quarterings of the family there mentioned are described.
Ainsworth, Page 463.
Albany, 66.
Aldeburgh, 410.
Aldon, 495.
Allanson, 323.
Alsop, 323.
Ambler, 31.
Amcotts, 495. (Q).
Apharry, 410.
Armytage, 378.
Ascough, 323.
Ash, 186. 579.
Atkyns, 411.
Atterbury, 67.
Atton, 285.
Atye, 619.
Awnsham, or Amonde shan, 30.
Ayloffe, 11. 379.
Badger, or Bagehott, 608.
Bailey, 67.
Barkham, 533.
Barnard, 188. 410.
Barnardiston, 9.
Barne, 618.
Baron, 103.
Beauchamp, 533.
Beauclerk, 396.
Beckingham, 378.
Bedingfield, 67.
Belasyse, 353.
Belismo, 66.
Bell, 8.
Bella-aqua, 608.
Bellomont, Earl of Leicester, 285.
Bentinck, 30.
Beresforde, 353.
Berkeley. 410. 581.
-, ——, of Coberley,
Berry, 429.
Betts, 332.
Bingle, 102.
Birchells, 66.
Biscoe, 30. 323.
Blackenhall, 405.
Blondell, 429.
Bold, 608.
Bootle, 66.
Boscawen, 188.
Botetourt, 581.
Bouldry, 175.
Boynton, 379.
Brabant, Dukes of, 8.
Brampton, 397.
Bridgman, 506.
Bromslete, 285.
Bruce, 410.
Bruse, of Skelton, 495.
Bryan, 378.
Brydges, 410. (Q).
Bulmer, 430.
Bulstrode, 39. (Q).
Bures, 310.
Burnell, 396.
Burrell, 379. (Q).
Cambridge, 55.
Campbell, 189. (Q).
Candeler, 534.
Candish, 54.
Cary, 29.
Cave, 141.
Cavendish, 378.
Chadwicke, 534.
Chambers, 53. 249.
Chandos, 410.
Cheseman, 322.
Chilcott, 101.
Cholmeley, 6. 65.
Cholmonley, 379.
Chopingdon, 39.
Clarke, 55. 352. 429.
Clavering, 430.
Cogan, 141.
Colby, 187.
Colet, 429.
Collins, 29. (Q). 397. 483.
Colman, 188.
Conghurst, 249.
Cope, 176.
Coppin, 533.
Courcy, 410.
Courten, 189.
Cox, 397.
Crowle, 379.
Cure, 189.
Currer, 379.
Currie, 463.
Dacres, 322.
Dagge, 378.
Dalison, 395.
Dalton, 397.
Daniell, 67. (Q).
Darcy. 102. (Q).
Dashwood, 378. (Q).
Davies, 30. (Q).
Dawery, 495.
Dawtry, 430. (Q).
Deane, 99.
Dennington, 30.
Dennie, 483.
Dethick, 462. 463. (Q).
Devall, 333.
De Vaux, 103.
Dineley, 29. 39.
Dod, 429.
Doughty, 352.
Dowce, 249.
Downton, 103. 178.
Doyley, 189.
Draper, 352.
Drummond, 396.
Ducket, 186.
Dudley, 285. (Q).
Dunkley, 287.
Eden, 580.
Edgar, 30.
Edwards, 67.
Elton, Page 433.
Eresfield, 30.
Eudo, Earl of Britanny, 430.
Eyles, 99.
Eyre, 379.
Fearon, 250.
Fish, 580.
Fisher, 138.
Fitch, 506.
Fitton, 66.
Fitzalan, of Bedall, 608.
Fitzjohn, 285.
Fitzpain, 378.
Fitzsimon, 608.
Fitzwalter, 608.
Ford, 428.
Forset, 249.
Forster, 608.
Foster, 68. 495.
Foundling Hospital, 379.
Fowler, 9. (Q). 138.
Fox, 178.
Frank, 379.
Franke, 9.
Franklyn, 618.
Frohock, 186, 287.
Frost, 483.
Fuller, 486.
Furnival, 608.
Gattesford, 102.
Gee, 101.
Gibbes, 67.
Gifford, 608.
Gilmoore, 641.
Glanville, 430.
Godolphin, 188.
Gould, 7.
Gower, 68.
Graves, 7.
Gray, 287.
Green, 581.
Greenhill, 483.
Grey, 250.
Grigg, 139.
Gumley, 188.
Haley, 12.
Halsey, 53.
Hampden, 405.
Harcourt, 405.
Harley, 397. (Q).
Harrington, 53.
Hartopp, 286.
Hartshorne, 405.
Hartwell, 405.
Harvey, 379. 580.
Harwood, 142.
Hassal, 353.
Havering, 9.
Hawburgh, 495.
Hawley, 103.
Hawtrey, 405. (Q).
Hazlewood, 483.
Henshaw, 186.
Herbert, 8. (Q).
Hereford, Earls of, 8.
Hevyn, 178.
Heyborne, 534.
Hickes, 178.
Hilton, 102.
Hoadley, 378.
Hodshon, 250.
Holtofte, 405.
Hopton, 178.
Horsnell, 323.
Howland, 249.
Hucks, 379.
Humble, 579.
Hungerford, 66.
Hurlock, 286.
Hussey, 430.
James, 30. 53. 431.
Jennings, 54.
Ingle, 102.
Ingram, 119.
Joddrell, 30.
Johnson, 462.
Jorden, 494.
Kaye, 378. (Q).
Kidwell, 322.
King, 534.
Kinsey, 495.
Kipping, 186.
Kirton, 495.
Knifely, 39.
Knightley, 102.
Knolles, 395.
Kynaston, 506.
Lake, 410.
Lancaster, 495.
Land, 103.
Lane, 397.
Langton, 429. 618.
Lant, 53.
Lascelles, 102. 378.
Latimer, 378.
Leche, 430.
Lee, 379.
Lefevre, 463.
Lenox, 178.
Leyborne, 429.
Lisle, 312. 410.
Littlehales, 379.
Lock, 534.
Long, 250.
Lorn, Lordship of, 189.
Losse, 405.
Lovibond, 30.
Lucy8. 102.
Lupus, 410.
Luton, 405.
Lyon, 608.
MacGilchrist, 250.
Mackenzie, 188.
Malpas, 285.
Martin, 384.
Maxey, 101.
Melton, 102. 534.
Merril, 102.
Mercers Company, 137.
Merick, 322. (Q).
Meschines, 410.
Messenden, 249.
Methwold, 186.
Mico, 186.
Middleham, 430.
Miller, 139.
Mompesson, 187.
Monoux, 68.
Mordaunt, 8.
Morhall, 379.
Morison, 179.
Morton, 378.
Moyer, 66.
Moyle, 607, 608.
Musgrave, 103.
Musters, 52.
Nalton, 11.
Neate, 378.
Nelson, 323.
Nettleton, 379.
Nevill, 430. (Q).
Niccoll, II.
Nicoll, 10, 410.
Noel, 178. (Q).
North, 378.
Ogle, 581.
Offley, 352.
Oldbeefe, 55.
Oldfield, 607.
Otost, 54.
Owen, 430.
Paget, 532.
Paine, 619.
Parr, 8.
Parsons, 287.
Pauncefort, 66. (Q).
Paynell, 405.
Peacock, 494.
Pearle, 410.
Peck, 332.
Pemberton, 68.
Percy, 378. (Q).
Perott, 410.
Peter, 397.
Pever, 430.
Philipps, 608. (Q).
Phillips, 397.
Pigott, 581.
Platt, 66. (Q).
Plumtree, 379.
Poynings, 378.
Probert, 310.
Pulteney, 39.
Purefoy, 618.
Railton, 11. (Q).
Raper, 379.
Raymond, 379.
Reynardson, 548.
Riccard, 581.
Rich, 175. (Q). 176.
Richmond, Earls of, 608.
Rivers, 430.
Roberts, 618.
Ross, 8. 187.
Rowdell, 312.
Ryder, 410.
Saint Aubyn, Page 378.
Saint Owen, 178.
Saint Philibert, 608.
Saint Quintin, 379.
Sanchez, 553.
Sanders, 506.
Savage, 104.
Sawley, 495.
Sawyer, 30.
Schoppens, 67.
Scorey, 54.
Scot, 378.
Scott, 249.
Shelley, 379.
Sheppard, 384.
Shobington, 39.
Silvester, 286.
Singleton, 405.
Skarfield, 430.
Skelton, 102.
Skevington, 55. (Q).
Smith, 99. (Q). 141.
Somerset, 66.
Somery, 285. 581.
Speke, 378.
Spelling, 39.
Spencer, or Despencer, 378.
Spert, 430.
Sprignell, 67.
Stapleton, 608. (Q).
Startute, 430.
Stephens, 141.
Stewart, 189.
Stokes, 405.
Stoneley, 430.
Stonhouse, 141.
Stroode, 40.
Sutton, 495.
Swallow, 10.
Swine, 102.
Talbot, 66.
Taverner, 286. (Q).
Taylor, 30. 250. 378.
Taylour, 104.
Tempest, 102.
Thirkeld, 285.
Thompson, 463.
Thorne, 39.
Twenge, 495.
Tirrell, 178.
Tomlins, 463.
Towers, 53.
Tracy, 396.
Trevelyan, 40.
Trussel, 322, 323.
Tunstall, 9.
Turner, 352. 378.
Tyers, 287.
Tyson, 285.
Ufflete, 608.
Ventris. 433.
Vesey, 285.
Walcot, 430.
Walker, 494.
Walpole, 405. (Q).
Wanton, 395.
Wasthouse, 495.
Watson, 378.
Webber, 379.
Webster, 362.
Weller, 431.
Welles, 618.
West, 250.
Whichcote, 7.
White, 378.
Whitefield, 361.
Whitworth, 379.
Wiatt, 103.
Wilkes, 142.
Wilkins, 483.
Willet, 397.
Williams, 187. 310.
Willoughby, 410.
Wilmer, 495. (Q).
Wilson, 579.
Windsor, 41.
Winn, 104.
Woffington, 506.
Wollaston, 353.
Wolstenholme, 395. (Q).
Wombwell, 378.
Wood, 430.
Woodroffe, 141.
Woolmore, 463.
Worth, 463.
Wright, 103.
Wyot, 39.
Young, 66.
Yver, 310.
Zouch, 581.