Pages 446-448
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Lunæ, 21 Feb. 1641.
Jackson's Petition.
THE humble Petition of John Jackson, Clerk, was read: And
It is Ordered That it be referred unto the same Committee as the Petition from Grayes-inn is referred.
Billet Money.
Ordered, That the Lord Mayor of of the City of Yorke shall pay unto Anthony Eyre, of Rampton, in the County of Nott', Esquire, or to such Person or Persons as he shall nominate and appoint, the Sum of One hundred and Fifty Pounds, being Part of the Money which is now remaining at Yorke, upon the Poll-bill; to be distributed to the several Inhabitants of the County of Nott' aforesaid, in Discharge of Part of the Billet Money, due unto the several Inhabitants of the said County: For which this shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Lord Mayor, and the Commissioners appointed by the said Act.
Wine Trade, &c.
The humble Petition of the Merchants trading in French Wines was read: And
It is Ordered, That this Petition be referred to the Committee for the Customers, where Mr. Green has the Chair: And that the Lord Mayor, in the mean time, shall permit the Merchants to enter and take up their Goods, giving good Security to pay the One per Cent. at such a Rate as shall be ordered and assigned by the House. And
It is Ordered, That this Petition from the Merchants Strangers of Dover, be referred, in the same Manner, to the same Committee: And that the Officers of all Ports shall permit Merchants to enter and take up their Goods, they giving Security as afore.
The Petition of the Spanish Merchants is likewise referred to this Committee.
Algiers Captives.
Resolved, That a Committee shall be appointed to consider of the Grievances pretended to be occasioned by the Bill for the Relief of the Captives of Algiers; and to receive Petitions concerning these Grievances; And are to meet To morrow Morning, at Eight of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.
* Haselrigg, * Lisle, * Reynolds, * Vane junior, * Hopton, * Ingram, * Hotham, * Moore, * Prideaux, * Cage, * Hayman, * Trelawny, Lord Coke, * Hollis, Lord Gray, all the Burgesses of the Port Towns.
Irish Affairs.
A Letter from Downeraile, in the Kingdom of Ireland, of the 5° Februarii, 1641, from Munster, concerning the miserable State of that Province; and subscribed by Sir Wm. St. Ledger, Lord Dungarvon, &c.
Intercepted Letters.
Letters intercepted by the Watch of London, were referred to the Committee for Informations: And the Lord Buckhurst is added to that Committee.
Sir G. Wentworth.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir George Wentworth shall continue his Charge in Ireland, and have Leave from this House to repair unto it: and continue still a Member of this House.
Naval Affairs.
Ordered, That the Lord Admiral be moved, by Sir Wm. Brereton, to give Directions that the Ships of Bristoll to have recourse to Dublyn, to see in what State it stands: And, if that they find the Port and River to be stopped to endeavour to free the Passage.
Ordered, That the Lord Admiral be forthwith moved to give Directions that those Ships now upon the Downes may presently set to Sea, and not stay for the Ammunition they were appointed to carry: And that Course shall be taken the said Ammunition shall be sent by other Vessels.
Naval Affairs.
Ordered, That the Lords be moved to join with this House, in a Desire to the Lord Admiral to grant Commissions to such Merchants as he shall think fit, for the Seizing of all Ships and Goods that go to relieve the Rebels of Ireland: And that they may have the Prize of Ships and Goods to themselves.
Persons to be apprehended.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker shall grant forth his Warrant for Apprehending of such Persons that Mr. Moore shall nominate unto him; and for the bringing of them to the House.
Harbouring Priests.
The Information of Richard Lathome, of Bedford, in the County of Lancaster, Gentleman, taken before Sir Tho. Stanley Baronet, John Atherton Esquire, and John Hollcroft Esquire, Three of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace and Quorum, within the County of Lancaster, the 13th Day * * * *
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker shall write a Letter to Sir Tho. Stanley, Mr. Atherton, and Mr. Holcroft, for the Apprehending and Seizing, and sending hither, of the Gentlemen named in Mr. Lathom's Information, who have harboured Priests: And Mr. Moore and Mr. Kirby is to prepare this Letter: And the Serjeant is to send a Messenger express to carry this Letter.
Letter read.
A Letter from the High Sheriff of the County of Cornewall was read.
His Majesty's Answer to the Message concerning the Ordinance touching the Militia, was read.
Mr. Pym, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Martin, Mr. Hollis, Sir Ph. Stapilton, * Litton, * Fines;
This Committee is presently to withdraw, to consider of the King's Messages touching the Ordinance for the Militia of the Kingdom, and represent to the House what is fit to be done thereupon.
Supply Bill.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the House shall be forthwith resolved into a Committee, to take into Consideration the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds.
Mr. Serjeant Wilde called to the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Message to the King- Militia.
Mr. Hollis presents, from the Committee, the Message to be sent unto his Majesty, upon his Answer,
May it please Your Most Excellent Majesty,
YOUR humble Subjects, the Lords and Commons, have, with a great deal of Grief, received Your Majesty's Answer to their just and necessary Petition, concerning the Militia of the Kingdom; which Your Majesty, by a gracious Message formerly sent unto them, was pleased to promise should be put into such Hands as Your Parliament should approve of, or recommend unto You; the Extent of their Power, and the Time of their Continuance, being likewise declared. That being done, and the Persons of both Houses nominated, Your Majesty nevertheless refers Your Resolution herein to a longer and a very uncertain Time; while the present Dangers and Distractions, so great and pressing, is as unsatisfactory and destructive as an absolute Denial: Therefore we once again beseech Your Majesty to take our Desire into Your Royal Thoughts; and to give us such an Answer as may raise in us a Confidence that we shall not be exposed to the Practices of those who thirst after the Ruin of this Kingdom, and the Kindling of that Combustion in England, which they have, in so great a Measure, effected in Ireland; from whence we are daily informed they intend and endeavour to invade us, with the Assistance of the Papists here amongst us. Nothing can prevent these Evils, nor enable us to suppress the Rebellion in Ireland and secure ourselves, but the instant Granting of that our humble Petition; which we hope Your Majesty will not deny to those who must, in the Discharge of their Duties, both to Your Majesty and the Commonwealth, represent unto Your Majesty what they find so absolutely necessary for the Preservation of both; which the Laws both of God and Man, injoin them to see put in Execution, as several Counties, by their daily Petitions, have desired of us; and, in some Places, begin already to do it of themselves.
Resolved, upon the Question; and assented unto: And
Ordered, That Mr. Hollis carry it up to the Lords, to desire their Concurrence herein.
Attending the Queen.
Sir Fred. Cornewallis has leave to go to wait upon her Majesty into Holland.
Persons sent for.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Rich. Bradshaw, Rich. Urmpston, Rich. Sale and Rich. Shuttleworth, shall be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House: And all Officers of the several Counties through which they shall pass, are hereby required respectively to be assistant to the Serjeant, and his Deputy, in the Execution of this Order.
Ordered, That Richard Lathome shall be brought up in safe Custody, but not as a Delinquent, nor at his own Charges.
He is to be brought up severally; and not permitted to speak with Bradshaw, or any other of the Delinquents, at any Time.
Army Waggons.
Ordered, That those Officers in whose Custody his Majesty's Waggons and Carriages at Hull are, shall deliver out so many of the said Waggons and Carriages, with their Furniture, as shall be necessary for the Removing of the Arms to Chester; and that Sir Jo. Hotham........ to be delivered out accordingly.
The Fast.
Resolved, That the Fast shall be solemnized by this House, in Lincolne's Inn Chapel, on Wednesday next.
Ordered, That a Conference be desired with the Lords, concerning a Declaration of the Causes of the Evils, and the Remedies: And Mr. Pym is to manage this Conference.
Conference, &c.
Mr. Hollis, besides the Answer he carried up, is to desire a Conference concerning the Scotts Propositions, and to carry up the Order concerning Commissions to be granted to Merchants, for taking Ships as carry Ammunition to the Rebels.
Vindicating the impeached Members.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill for Vindication of the Members impeached, do meet To-morrow, at Eight of Clock, in the Court of Wards.
Spanish Ambassador.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Bennett;
The Lords have sent the Spanish Ambassador's Answer to the Message of both Houses, concerning the Ships laden at Duynkirke with Ammunition, and bound for Ireland.
Irish Papists.
Sir Arth. Haselrigg, Sir Robert Cooke, Sir Hen. Cholmley, Mr. Spurstoe, Mr. Smith, Sir Walt. Erle, Mr. Constantine, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Cage, Mr. Moore, Mr. Cary, Mr. Perd, Sir Sym. D'Ewes, Sir Wm. Litton, Mr. Morley;
This Committee is to consider what Course is fittest to be taken for the Preventing of Irish Papists, and others, from coming out of Ireland into England; and how to dispose of those that are already come: And are to meet on Thursday, at Eight...Clock, in the Court of Wards.
Supply Bill.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Serjeant Wilde called to the Chair.
And the Committee proceeded to the Consideration of the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Examining Urmpston.
Sir Walth. Erle, Mr. Kirby, Mr. Reynolds, Sir Ro. Pye, Mr. Wheeler, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Ro. Coke;
This Committee is presently to withdraw, to examine Mr. Urmpston: And has Power to give Order for the Seizing and Searching of his Trunks, if Occasion shall be.
Supply Bill.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Serjeant Wilde called to the Chair:
And the Committee again proceeded to the Consideration of the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Answer from Lords.
Mr. Hollis brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Answer to the King's Message; and have appointed a Member of their House; and desire that this House would appoint a proportionable Number of this House. As for the Order to grant Commissions to Merchants to seize and make Prize of such Ships and Goods as should carry Ammunition to the Rebels, they do agree unto it, so that the Lord Admiral may have his Tenths. As for the Conference, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Committee to attend the King.
Sir Tho. Hele and Sir Wm. Savile are appointed to go to the King's Majesty, with the Answer of both Houses to the King's Message concerning the Ordinance touching the Militia of the Kingdom, together with the Lord appointed by the Lords.
Scotts Propositions.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whittfield and Serjeant Glanvile;
The Lords are ready to give a present Meeting at a Conference in the Painted Chamber concerning the Scotts Propositions, as was desired by a Message from this House.-
Proceedings against the Bishops.
Mr. Glyn reports from the Committee appointed to manage the Trial against the Twelve Bishops:
1. The Petition and Protestation subscribed by the Bishops, was shewed unto them: But they were not so ingenuous as to confess it; at least, they would not answer it: But the Journal of the Lords House being read, it appeared, 30 Dec. That Eight of these Bishops that were called to the Bar that Day, did confess it was their Hands: Only Three of them, Bishop of Lincolne, Bishop Wren, and Bishop of Oxforde, were so cautious, that they would not confess it: And Proof being offered at Trial, they did acknowledge their Hands.- Then, to shew the Falsity of their Petition, it appeared by the Testimony of Three Bishops, upon their Oaths, that they were resident then, and long before, about London, and yet did not subscribe nor consent unto it. And, for the Clause in their Petition, that they durst not come for fear of Danger of their Lives, the said Three Bishops of London, Salisbury, and Winchester, said, They did not absent themselves through Fear: Only Bishop of Winchester said, Coming one Day by Water, he was informed People were gathered together: And the same Day they protested, Two Bishops were then in the Lords House, and the Twentyninth and Thirtieth of December. And That Day the Vote passed, "That this was a free Parliament," there were likewise Bishops then in the Lords House.
* * * *
Resolved, &c. That it is sufficiently proved, that the Twelve Bishops did subscribe the Petition and Protestation, and consented to the Preferring of it.
Resolved, &c. That it is sufficiently proved, that all the Bishops that were then about the Cities of London and Westminster, did not consent to the Preferring of that Petition.
Resolved, &c. That the Clause in the Petition, that they had applied themselves to both Houses and could get no Redress, is a false and scandalous Suggestion.
Resolved, &c. That it is sufficiently proved, that the Bishops of Glocester, and Bath and Wells, did sit in the Lords House, 28° Decembris last.
Ordered, That the Committee that was appointed to manage the Evidence against the Twelve Bishops, do draw a Bill for the Forfeiting of the Issues and Profits of their Estates, Temporal and Ecclesiastick; and the Disposing thereof, as the Parliament shall think fit; and for the Imprisonment of their Persons, during their Lives; and for the Disposal of all Livings that may fall within their Gifts.
Message to Lords.
Moved, That a Message be sent to the Lords, to desire them to sit To-morrow.
Sir Anth. Ireby is appointed to desire a Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, touching a Declaration concerning the Causes of the Grievances of the Kingdom, and the Remedies.-
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That the House will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
Mr. Fines is appointed to manage this Conference.
Message from Lords.
A Message from the Lords by Serjeant Whittfield and Serjeant Glanvile;
That, by reason of the Haste the Message to his Majesty requires, the Lords have given Order to the Lord of their House that is to carry to the Message concerning the Militia, to ride Post; and do desire that this House would give Order to the Members of this House to do the like: They likewise brought his Majesty's Answer to the Petition of both Houses, concerning the Lord Kymbolton, and the Five Members of this House accused; which they were commanded to read, and to deliver it in Writing: Which they did; and it was in hæc verba:
King's Answer to Petition.
HIS Majesty having received an humble Petition of the Lords and Commons, by the Hands of the Earls of Carlell and Monmouth, returns this Answer:
That his dearest Consort the Queen, and his dear Daughter the Princess Mary, being now upon their Departure for Holland, He cannot have so good Time to consider of a particular Answer for a Matter of so great Weight as This is: Therefore he must respite the same until his Return.
Vindicating the impeached Members.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill concerning the Five Members do meet To-morrow Morning, at Eight of Clock, in the usual Place: And are to bring in that Bill To-morrow Morning.
Mr. Peard is appointed to be assistant to Mr. Pym; and to read the Declaration.
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has resolved, That their Members shall ride Post likewise.