Pages 930-932
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Martis, 17 Januarii, 1642.
Speaking against E. of Essax, &c.
A LETTER from the Mayor of Colchester, of the Twelfth of January, and Information inclosed, against Robert Pallent, of Words spoken by him against the Earl of Essex, and Earl of Warwick, were this Day read: And
Person sent for.
It is Resolved, &c. That Robert Pallent, now in Custody at Colchester, be forthwith sent for as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, for speaking very scandalous Words against the Earls of Essex and Warwick; as is testified by Two Testimonies upon Oath.
It is farther Ordered, That the Examination of this Business, and the Informations * * * *.
Mr. Merten.
Ordered, That Mr. Marten do * * *
Seizing Money.
Resolved, &c. That Colonel Manwaring do give Order for seizing the Residue of the Monies remaining in Cash in the Custody of Edward Overing, Cash-keeper to the Tin Farmers belonging to the said Tin Farm, so that it exceed not the Sum of Six thousand Pounds, being half a Year's Rent of the said Farm; the Two thousand One hundred and Fifty Pounds, already seized, being comprehended: And that such as shall do any thing in execution of this Order, shall be saved harmless by Authority of Parliament: And that Mr. Overinge, after he has delivered up the Residue of the Cash, be forthwith discharged.
Persons not contributing.
Ordered, That instead of the Words, in the Order of the Fourteenth of January, "for Disarming such as shall refuse to contribute," it may be "to disarm such as have not contributed."
Langhorne, a Prisoner.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons, that sit in London, for Advance of Monies, to consider of Mr. Langhorne, and of such Propositions as he shall make; who is committed to Colchester Gaol, for his refractory Carriage to the House, and Contempt of the Order of the House.
Payment to Dicks.
Ordered, That Sixteen hundred Pounds of the Monies seized, of the Tin Farmers, by Captain Tho. Player, be forthwith paid into the Hands of the Treasurers for the Four hundred thousand Pounds Bill: And that the said Treasurers be forthwith required to pay the said Sum of Sixteen hundred Pounds to Mr. Dicks, as Part of the Brotherly Assistance: And that Mr. Wheeler do prepare a Warrant, to be signed by the Commissioners named in the said Act for the Four hundred thousand Pounds; to require them to pay unto the said Dicks forthwith the said Sixteen hundred Pounds accordingly.
Persons laying down their Arms.
Mr. Marten presented to the House an Order to enable the Earl of Stamforde to give Pardon to such Gentlemen of the Counties of Devon and Cornewall, as shall, within Three Days after Notice thereof, lay down their Arms, and return to the Protection and Service of the Parliament: The which was read; and re-committed unto Mr. Marten, Mr. Rous, Mr. Glyn, and Mr. Whittlock: Who are presently to withdraw, and meet upon it.
Restoring Money, &c.
Ordered, That Captain Player do restore the Hundred and Twenty Pounds seized in the Hands of Mr. Overing, Cash-keeper to the Tin Farmers: in regard it appears not to be the Monies of the Tin Farmers: And that the said Mr. Overing be forthwith discharged from any further Restraint or Trouble.
Proceedings concerning Davies.
A Message from the Lords by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page.
The Lords have taken Notice of Two Orders of this House for Re-admitting of Lieutenant Davies into the Charter-house, who was expelled by the Governor, upon an Order from the House of Peers: They believe this House may be misinformed: They do intend to acquaint this House herewith at a Conference: But in regard of the great Businesses of this Kingdom, they cannot have it now; but intend to desire it very speedily: And do desire, that this Houses would suspend their Orders for a Time; till they may conveniently have a Conference.
Resolved, That the Execution of the Orders for Readmitting of Lieutenant Davies into the Charter-house be suspended for a convenient Time.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and have resolved, That the execution of the Orders for re-admitting Lieutenant Davies into the Charter-house be suspended for a convenient Time.
Sommersett, &c. Forces.
Mr. Rous, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Ashe, are appointed to prepare an Ordinance for Assessing of Twelve-pence in the Pound, in the Counties of Sommersett, Gloucester, Dorsett, Wiltes, &c. for maintaining the Forces there, and for receiving their own Subscription Monies.
Earl of Warwick's Commission.
Ordered, That Mr. Strode do go up to the Lords, to desire them to expedite the Commission to the Earl of Warwick, concerning commanding the Fleet in Chief, in regard of the great Preparations.
Norfolk Petition.
The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Norfolk was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That Sir Jo. Holland, who presented it, do return them Answer, That the Houses are now in Agitation of That which they desire in their Petition.
Message to Lords.
Mr. Rous is appointed to carry up to Lords, the Ordinances concerning Devon and Cornewall.
Bill of Exchange.
Ordered, That the Bill of Exchange of the Sixth of January, of Nine hundred Pounds Sterling, drawn by Philip Francis, the Mayor of Plymouth, upon Mr. Wm. Hill, Merchant, or his Assigns, and is for like Value disbursed there for the Parliament's Occasions, be accepted: And that the Committees for the Safety of the Kingdom do grant their. Warrants to the Treasurer at Wars, to satisfy and discharge this Bill accordingly.
It is farther referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, to take Care and give Order for the sending down to Plymouth, for the Safety and Defence of that Town, the Match and Bullet, and the other Necessaries desired.
Abrogating Episcopacy.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Prideaux was called to the Chair.
The House was resolved into a Committee: And the Committee fell into the Consideration of the Bill for Abrogating of Bishops, Deans, Deans * * *.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Mathewes, a Prisoner.
Ordered, That Captain Mathewes, now Prisoner in the Compter in Woodstreet, shall be removed to the Prison at the Lord Peter's House, without Aldersgate, if he shall desire it. And that it be referred to the Committee for Examinations, to examine the Business informed of against him; and to report the same to the House.
Feversham Lecturer.
Upon the humble Petition of the Townsmen and Liberty of Feversham in Kent;
It is Ordered, That Mr. Gemmett, an orthodox Divine, shall be appointed by this House to preach as Lecturer in the Parish Church of Feversham aforesaid, every Lord's Day; and at such other Time as there shall be Occasion; the Petitioners much complaining of the Want of faithful Preaching for these many Years past.
And it is further Ordered, That the Minister of that Parish, and the Churchwardens, and all other Persons whom it may concern, be required to permit him to preach without Lett or Interruption.
Restoring Plate.
Whereas Edward Apsley Esquire brought up certain Parcels of Plate from Worminghurst in Sussex, to come to London; and upon his Bringing of it, it was seized at Lambeth, by the Court of Guard, and brought to the House of Commons: It appearing that the said Mr. Apsley is well affected, and hath lent Money for the Defence of the King and Parliament; it is this Day Ordered, That his said Plate be forthwith restored into his own Custody; and be freed from any further Seizure or Trouble, by any whatsoever.
Receiving Informations.
Mr. Pym, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Henry Vane, Sir Wm. Armyn, and Mr. Bond, are appointed to receive and examine such Informations as shall be given to them, by Mr. Bond: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, &c. And to retain such Persons in Custody as they shall think fit, until they can make Report to the House.
Botolph, Aldersgate, Lecturer.
Ordered, That the former Petition delivered by some of the Parishioners of Botolph Aldersgate, London, be taken off the File: And the House doth declare, that they conceive no ill Opinion of the Parishioners, upon any Suggestions in the said Petition, or by any Reason thereof; and do leave the Petitioners, according to their Desire in their Petition, to make Choice of an able Lecturer . . . . . . on the Lord's Day, when the Place shall become void.
Prisoners of War.
Sir Nevill Poole informed the House of the Usage of the Prisoners taken at Marleborough by the King's Forces: It is Ordered, That Sir Nevill Poole do send for some Two or Three of the said Men, then taken Prisoners, to attest the Usage.
Speaking against Parliament.
Ordered, That a Warrant under Mr. Speaker's Hand shall issue forth, directed to the Serjeant at Arms, for the Apprehending of Mr. George Champion and Mr. John Champion, and bringing them to the House, as Delinquents, for speaking scandalous Words against the Parliament.
Plundered Ministers.
Ordered, That Sir Gilbert Gerrard do report To-morrow, the Business concerning plundered Ministers.
Apprehending White.
Ordered, That a Warrant under Mr. Speaker's Hands shall issue forth, directed to the Serjeant at Arms, for Apprehending of Mr. White, a Minister, and bringing him to the House, as a Delinquent.
Payment to Harrison.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom be desired to give Warrant to the Treasurer at Wars, for Payment of Twenty-eight Pounds unto Antony Harrison, according to his Petition.
Restoring Goods.
Ordered, That the Seven Trunks, One Chest, and One Fardel, together with the wearing Apparel, Writings, and Plate, contained in the said Trunks, Chest, and Fardel, being the proper Goods of Mr. James Hawley, seized at the House of Mr. Kenrick in London, by Mr. Francis Collins, and carried into Guildhall, London, be forthwith restored unto the said Mr. Hawley.
Oxford Carriers, &c.
Forasmuch as the Permitting of Carriers, Waggoners, and other Persons, to travel from London to Oxon, and from thence to London, hath been, and, if it shall be still suffered, is like to be, a Means unto Persons ill-affected, to hold Intelligence with the Army raised against the Parliament, the Body whereof is now residing at Oxon; and to supply that Army, and the Persons therein employed, with Ammunition and other Necessaries, which (if not timely prevented) may prove extreme dangerous to the Parliament and Kingdom: It is therefore Ordered, by the and Commons, That no Carrier, Waggoner, or other Person whatsoever, shall hereafter, without the Order of both Houses, or the Licence of his Excellency the Earl of Essex, travel from London to Oxon, or from Oxon to London, or carry or send any Money, Ammunition, Bills of Exchange, Letters or any other Thing whatsoever, from and to any the Places aforesaid. And it is further Ordered and Declared, That if any Person shall carry or transport any thing contrary to this Order, the same shall be seized upon, and confiscated to the Use of the Commonwealth, as a lawful Prize. And such Person or Persons, as shall travel, or carry any Letter contrary to this Order, shall be apprehended and proceeded against as a Spy and Intelligencer, according to the Course of War. And this Order is to be printed, and set up at the Old Exchange, and other the most publick Places in the City and Suburbs of London, that all Persons may take Notice hereof.
Defence of Exeter.
It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, in regard of the great Charge and Expences the Inhabitants of the City of Exon have been at, both in the Fortification and Defence of the said City, against the late Siege of the Romish Cavaliers; as also in making further Preparation to enable them to make Resistance, if in Case the like should be attempted hereafter; That the Treasurers nominated and appointed to receive all such Money and Plate as should be brought in, for Preservation of the publick Peace, and for Defence of the King, and both Houses of Parliament, within the said City of Exon, do forthwith, and are hereby required and authorized to pay and deliver unto the Deputy Lieutenants of the said City, or any Three or more of them, all such Money and Plate as.. in their Custody or Possession and was subscribed upon the said Proposition, before the Deputy Lieutenants of the said City only; and likewise all such Money and Plate as shall hereafter be brought in upon such Propositions and Subscriptions, so made as aforesaid, shall also be delivered and paid unto the said Deputy Lieutenants, to be employed by them, for the publick Use and Defence of the said City: And a Receipt under the Hands of the said Deputy Lieutenants, or any Three of them, shall be a sufficient Discharge for the said Treasurers, upon their Accounts, to crave Allowance of the same, as if the same had been actually and really paid by them, unto the Treasurers appointed by the said Ordinance. And the said Lords and Commons do hereby declare their Approbation of the Service and faithful Endeavours of the Mayor, Deputy Lieutenants, and other the Inhabitants of the said City, in resisting Sir Ralph Hopton, and his Forces, in their late Approaches unto the said City.
Devon Assessment.
WHEREAS Sir Ralph Hopton, combined with divers other Malignants, hath levied War against the Parliament, and bath, in a warlike Manner, entered into the County of Devon, besieged the City of Exeter, and committed divers Murders and Robberies; for the Resisting and Suppressing of whom, many well-affected Persons in the County of Devon and City of Exeter, have raised Forces, and contributed to the Maintenance of the same; but the Charge being too great * to bear, and it being equal, that others who have Part of the Benefit, should bear Part of the Charge; it is therefore Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, and by the Authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for Christopher Clark, Mayor of Exon, Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Bampfield, Baronets, Sir Nicholas Martyn, Knight, Captain Wm. Gould, Charles Vaghan, Thomas Boone, Walter White, Tristram Arscott, Captain Richard Evans, Captain John Lovering, Samuel Clark, and Arthur Upton Esquire, or any Three or more of them, to assess and charge such Person or Persons, Inhabitants of the City and County of Exon, and of the County of Devon, as are of Ability, and have not contributed to the Propositions; and also such as have contributed, yet not according to their Ability, to pay such Sum or Sums of Money, according to their Estates, as the said Assessors, or any Three of them, shall think fit and reasonable; so as the same exceed not the Twentieth Part of their Estates: And, if any Person so assessed shall refuse to pay the Money assessed upon him, it shall be lawful to and for the said Assessors, or any Three of them, to grant Warrants to any Person or Persons, to levy the said Sum so assessed, by way of Distress and Sale of the Goods of the Person so assessed and refusing: And, if any Person so distrained shall make Resistance, it shall be lawful to and for the said Assessors, or any Three of them, by their Warrant, to require the Parliament Forces in these Parts, and all other his Majesty's Officers, and good Subjects, to be aiding and assisting in the Premises; the said Sums, so assessed and levied, to be paid unto Charles Vaghan Esquire, Treasurer, appointed to receive the said Subscriptions: And that the Money so raised shall not be issued out, but by Warrant of the said Treasurer under the Hands of Three or more of the said Assessors: And such Person or Persons, as shall be notoriously refractory and disobedient in the Premises, it shall be lawful for the said Assessors, or any Two of them, by their Warrant, to commit them to Prison; or to send them up to the Parliament, by Ship or otherwise; and for any Act done, or to be done, according to the Tenor of this Ordinance, they, and every of them herein-named, shall be saved harmless, by Authority of both Houses of Parliament.