
Pages 10-21

A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 4, the Rape of Chichester. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1953.

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Harting is a large parish of 7,946 acres on the Hampshire border of Sussex, consisting largely of down and woodland. The River Rother divides it from Rogate on the north, and the southern border is on the South Downs. The northern part of the parish was originally heath land, West Heath and Ryefield being rabbit warrens belonging to the lords of Harting and the Abbots of Durford, respectively. The Midhurst branch of the Southern Railway crosses this part of the parish, with Rogate station just on the Harting side of the boundary, close to the hamlet of Nyewoods and West Harting village. East Harting is on rather higher ground near Elsted. The church is at South Harting, under the Downs, and on the Downs behind it are the two parks of Up Park and Lady Holt. Torbarrow or Tarberry Hill, an isolated conical hill, rising steeply from under 300 ft. to just over 500 ft., between West and South Harting, is mentioned in 1582 as a pasture called Tarberie Hill. (fn. 1)

The earliest park at Harting was called Inlonde and stood upon the hills. It was made by Henry Husee before 1274 (fn. 2) with the permission of his lord John Fitz Alan, lord of Arundel. From that time the lords of Arundel no longer had free passage, when hunting, through the land of Harting. (fn. 3) When Richard Fitz Alan was a ward of the king, an attempt was made to dispossess Henry Husee. (fn. 4) This park was stocked with deer in 1332, and there was then a second park at Harting known as Tullecombe. (fn. 5) In 1350 the park of Harting to the north of the town, called le Netherpark, was assigned to Katherine, widow of Henry Husee, and her son Henry was to make an inclosure between the park and the pond near the water-mill, which remained in his possession. The reference to the mill seems to prove that Tullecombe and le Netherpark were the same, as there was a water-mill in Tullecombe. Katherine also had estover in the park called le Overpark in the south of the town of Harting. (fn. 6) This park was called Uppepark in 1370, and Netherpark occurs as Downpark in 1464. (fn. 7) When Nicholas Husee's lands were divided, Uppepark was assigned to Henry Lovell and Constance, and Down Park to Reynold Bray and Catherine. (fn. 8) The Lovells also had Lady Holt in West Harting, but there was no park there at that time.

Half the Down Park formed part of the jointure of Frances, wife of Thomas Ford, only son of Edmund Ford, (fn. 9) and it was eventually assigned as the Fortescues' share of Edmund Ford's land. The Fords had Up Park and Lady Holt or West Holt, (fn. 10) but must subsequently have exchanged Lady Holt with the Carylls, who, after the building of Lady Holt House, made it their principal seat and made a park there. An inclosed ground called Middle Park was part of West Harting manor in 1630. (fn. 11) The old manor-house of Edmund Ford, called Harting Place, was, after the building of Lady Holt, used as a school and poor-house. It was taken down before 1800. (fn. 12)

Up Park, (fn. 13) on Harting Hill about a mile south of the church, was built in 1685 and is a good example of a mansion of that period. The original plan was a half-H facing south, the wings, extending northwards, being almost as long as the main south front. The greater part of the court between the wings, behind the Saloon which occupies the south range, is filled in with the entrance hall and staircases. It is probable that, although the stairs are of the late 17th century, this was done at a later date, perhaps about 1760 when the interior was entirely remodelled and redecorated. In 1810 there were further additions of less height to the north containing the kitchen and offices and having a main entrance in the middle with a colonnaded portico.

The house is of two main stories, basement, and attics. The upper walls are of a bright-red brick with rusticated angle dressings of white stone, moulded stone plinth, string-course, and cornice with enriched brackets. Below the plinth the basement walls are of a browner brick.

The south front has a slightly projecting middle bay with a pediment of similar mould to the cornice and containing an achievement of the Featherstonhaugh arms. (fn. 14) The projecting bay contains the original main doorway, flanked by Corinthian shafts that carry an entablature and a scrolled-ogee broken pediment and a scrolled blank cartouche. The lintel below the entablature is carved with a cherub and foliage. This doorway opens into the Saloon. In the middle of the east front is another doorway with a curved pediment. The main windows are tall and narrow, with stone architraves. That above the south entrance is eared and flanked by tall consoles and pendants of fruit and flowers. The basement has small windows, those to the middle south bay being circular. The roofs are covered with slates and have dormer windows with curved pediments. The chimney-shafts finish with moulded stone cappings.

The lower north extension is of stone and has a portico with six Doric columns between two narrow wings in which are round recesses intended for statuary.

The white marble chimney-pieces, doorways, ceilings, &c., of all the principal rooms are of c. 1760, but in the basement below the Saloon are four square vaulted bays of 1685, with columns having moulded capitals and bases similar to those at Stansted Park of the same period. The north wall of these bays appears, however, to be of earlier masonry and may be a survival of the Elizabethan house which is said to have stood on the site. In the large former entrance hall north of the Saloon is the late-17th-century main staircase with twisted balusters, &c., and next east of it a secondary staircase of the same period with turned balusters. The north room of the east wing was a chapel and had a north window in which is some late-17th-century Flemish glass.

North-east and north-west of the house are two separate symmetrical outbuildings (the present stables, &c.) of the 18th century with brick walls, stone windows, &c., and open colonnaded lanterns with leaded domes. The original great stables are said to have stood east of the house.

The principal group of buildings is the village of South Harting, which has a main street, east of the church, running approximately north and south. Against the north side of the church-yard are preserved the ancient stocks and whipping-post: the latter has iron straps for three pairs of wrists at varying heights.

Many of the buildings are of local white stone with brick dressings of the 18th century and later. A few retain 17th-century features. Among these may be mentioned 'Rosemary Cottage', near the north end on the west side; but it has been so much altered as to have almost lost its identity as a Jacobean house. The north wall shows the original stone wall with brick dressings, but the east front is faced with 19th-century tiles in imitation of 18th-century brickwork. The original central chimney-stack of the usual rebated type is cemented above the tiled roof. 'The Malt House', farther south on the same side, has a long back wing, the former malt house, now a tea-room; it is of stone with brick dressings. Inside are 17th-century first-floor beams, raised higher than the original level.

Opposite the last, a house with plastered walls has a central chimney-stack, as has the next to the south, which is of stone with a rebuilt front of 19th-century bricks. The next shows some timber-framing in the west front and has a massive projecting chimney-stack at the north end. The next but one, opposite the churchyard, is an almost completely timber-framed house with a newly tiled roof and rebuilt central chimney-stack.

Farther south a block of cottages of L-shaped plan is mainly of brick and stone, but the south wing projecting to the west shows 17th-century timber-framing in its north wall, with infilling of local white stone.

Beyond the village, to the south, on the west side of the road are two attractive thatched cottages of timber-framing. The northern has plain square framing on stone foundations and with whitened brick infilling. The central chimney-stack, of 17th-century bricks, is of rebated type. The southern is the earlier and has some ogee-curved brace-timbers in the framing. The internal chimney-stack has a modern shaft.

A cottage at the north end of the village, north of the Elsted road, is possibly of 16th-century date but much renovated. It has a jettied upper story on curved brackets but the whole front of the lower story, including the brackets, is covered with rough-cast cement and the upper story with tile-hanging.

At Turkey Island, ¾ mile east of South Harting, are two thatched houses with walls partly of 17th-century timber-framing and partly of later stone and brick; another has stone walls and a central chimney of 17th-century bricks.

East Harting, north of Turkey Island, is a small colony of dwellings around a rectangular loop of roads. One of the largest houses is Penn Farm, near the north-west corner of the loop. It is perhaps of 17th-century origin and is of L-shaped plan, facing north-west with the wing at the north-east end projecting behind. The end of the wing, on the front, has a jettied upper story. The front and sides of the house are faced with false timber-framing painted red. The back of the main block is of stone and brick. The roofs are tiled and have hipped ends. A central chimney-shaft of rebated or panelled type, probably of the 17th century, is covered with cement. A thatched cottage on the east of the loop has similar false timbering but the central chimneystack, which is similar, is of 17th-century thin bricks.

At West Harting, about a mile north of the church, are several ancient houses. One cottage on the west side of the main road has been largely reconditioned. It retains in the upper story of the east front, and the north end, much of the original late-16th-century timber-framing with curved braces to the angle-posts. The lower story is of local stone with brick dressings and has reduced window openings. The roof is tiled and has a rebated chimney-shaft above it covered with cement. Inside is a wide fire-place and chamfered ceiling-beams. Another, north of it, has its lower story of modern brick and the upper of 17th-century square framing and has flush dormer-windows in the thatched roof. The north gable-head also shows timber-framing.

A third, farther north, mostly refaced with modern brick, shows a little 17th-century framing: the roof is tiled.

Upperton Farm, about 3/8 mile east of the above, is a house of rectangular plan facing south, with a small wing and low additions behind. The east wall, inside, is dated 1634 but it is probable that the house is of earlier origin, perhaps late 15th century, and was altered and enlarged in 1634. It had the usual onestoried hall, into which an upper floor was inserted, with the central chimney-stack, in the 16th or 17th century. The north end of the inserted cross-beam is supported by a moulded bracket and the ceiling-joists are stop-chamfered. Although the roof-trusses have suffered in later alterations the heavy timbers that remain suggest a medieval origin. There is a beam in the lower story across the west face of the chimney-stack, that bears no relation to the inserted ceiling. The stack has wide fire-places of stone, the eastern with a stopchamfered cambered bressummer. The cross-partition in the east half is of ancient timber-framing in both stories and may have been the original east end. The outer walls are of old coursed stone rubble with angles and windows of thin bricks (probably 1634). The front entrance has an ancient oak frame and triangular arched lintel: the door, of moulded feathered battens, is also ancient but was brought from elsewhere and the frame of the doorway reduced to fit it. The western-most bay was heightened late in the 17th century and its interior modernized. A rain-water head between this part and the lower part is dated 1650. An upper room has early-17th-century panelling adapted to fit the room. The short back wing probably contained a staircase, now removed. It is built of stone rubble with angles of bricks thinner than those of the main block and probably earlier. The central chimney-shaft above the tiled roof is of rebated or panelled type.

There is also an ancient barn of black timber-framing and brick.

Weston's Farm, on the west edge of the parish, north of the Petersfield road, is a house, facing north, of 17th-century square timber-framing with straight struts below the wall plates. The tiled roof has hipped ends and a rebated central chimney-shaft. The interior is said to have chamfered beams, and the fire-places have been reduced.

The 'Old Manor House', once known as Woodman's Cottages, 3/8 mile west of West Harting, is a mid-late 15th-century building of timber-framing. Although it has been much renovated and enlarged in recent years the front preserves its original form externally. The old part is of rectangular plan, facing north-east. It had a hall of one 12½ft. bay, and solar and buttery wings, with jettied upper stories in front carried on brackets and the ends of wide, flat joists. The eaves of the middle part is supported by moulded curved braces from the sides of the wings. The screenspassage was in the north-west buttery wing and has a front entrance with a moulded frame and three-centred arch in a square head with sunk spandrels. Most of the timber-framing is replaced in the lower story with brickwork, and the bressummers of the overhangs are covered with modern boarding: the windows are modernized. Internally the hall-site retains, in its end walls, original moulded beams, and the upper parts of the partitions (the sides of the wings) have very heavy cambered tie-beams with king-posts and curved struts above them. Below them are curved struts to the outer posts. There was no middle truss. The usual upper floor was inserted in the hall in the 16th century with a chimney-stack in the 12½ft. bay, leaving the screenspassage intact behind it. It has a wide fire-place with an oak bressummer. The roof, once thatched, is now tiled, and the chimney-shaft has been rebuilt.

Nearby, to the east, are two or three 18th-century cottages of stone, one dated 1731 with the initials M/IH; also two old timber-framed barns with weather-boarded walls; one is thatched.

On the north boundary of the parish is a bridge (fn. 15) across the River Rother, probably of early to mid-16th-century date. It runs north and south, the roadway being just over 11 ft. wide, and has four semicircular arches of about 12-ft. span with three broad square ribs in the soffits and with an extra chamfered order to the two middle bays on the east face. The piers, about 6 ft. wide, have V-shaped cut-waters on both faces and are built of rough ashlar with chamfered plinths. The walls above the arches are of irregularly squared stone rubble. The parapets, 14 in. thick, have chamfered copings. One arch has a date 1924 in cement in the soffit.

In 1086 there were 9 mills, yielding £4 1s. 6d., in Harting, (fn. 16) which at the date of the Domesday Survey included Rogate. In the 14th century there were two mills attached to the manor; in 1332 one of these was described as being in the park of Tullecombe. (fn. 17) This is referred to again in 1350, as being in, or close to, 'le Nether park', (fn. 18) mention being also made of 'the garden of Gonnyldesmele'. (fn. 19) Both occur again, as Gonnelmelle and Parkemelle, in 1402, when there is also a reference to Hurstmelle in West Harting, (fn. 20) where there is still a large mill-pool on the stream that runs along the western edge of the parish and then through Down Park to join the Rother. 'Gunnyngs mill', as it was called in 1453, (fn. 21) was probably the mill at the end of Mill Lane, a short way north-east of South Harting village. It is mentioned by the same name in 1582 (fn. 22) and 1660. (fn. 23) In 1585 a mill called the New Mill at Harting was supposed to be detrimental to the Queen's Mill at Durford, as the people of Harting had been accustomed to grind at Durford, when water failed at Gunning Mill. The New Mill was at that time a grist-mill, but it had been erected about 1525 as a fulling-mill by John Hall of Petersfield, a clothier, and converted into a grist-mill about 1563. Very old inhabitants of Harting thought there had been a grist-mill on the same site before the fulling-mill was built. (fn. 24) This may possibly have been a reconstruction of Hurst Mill, which is mentioned in a mortgage of 1697, which also includes a fulling-mill. (fn. 25) The mill has been adapted in recent years for powering electric lighting.

Parts of the waste called Westheath and Durford Warren were inclosed by Sir John Caryll and Sir William Ford before 1642, when they granted the inclosures to Elizabeth Aylwin of West Harting, widow. (fn. 26) There are also references in 1658 to land lately inclosed out of West Harting Common, (fn. 27) and in the following year to four meadows called Wilds Nywood and Bartons Nywood inclosures. (fn. 28) These seem to be referred to in a deed of 1664 concerning land by Wicks Bridge (at Weeks Common) in East Harting between the new trench carrying water to Sir Edward Ford's Nywood Meades and the old Brooke. (fn. 29)

Reynold Pole, afterwards Cardinal Pole, was presented to the rectory of Harting in 1526 by Henry Pole, Lord Montacute, who was patron for that turn by grant of Sir Roger Lewkenor and his wife Constance. (fn. 30) Harting has had other incumbents of renown. In 1554 Edmund Ford appointed Dr. John Seton, who figures in Foxe's Book of Martyrs. He was one of the chaplains of Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, and drew up the articles of recantation signed by Benbridge. Later he endured much persecution as a Papist and died at Rome in 1567. (fn. 31) James Bramston, the poet, became vicar in 1725. He published the Art of Politicks, an imitation of Ars Poetica of Horace, in 1729, and this was followed by The Man of Taste. (fn. 32) James Cookson, divine and writer, was presented to the vicarage in 1796. (fn. 33)

Arthur Phillips, a musician who served Queen Henrietta Maria as organist in France, later served as steward to John Caryll the elder at Harting. (fn. 34) The Rev. Gilbert White of Selborne, father of modern natural history, lived at East Harting from 1754 to 1792. He was related to the Fords, and the bulk of his property was at Woodhouse and Nyewood (fn. 35) on the northern slope of East Harting. (fn. 36) This estate is said to have come to him from his great-uncle, Oliver Whitby, founder of the Blue Coat School at Chichester and donor of the chalice in Harting Church. (fn. 37)

Emma Hamilton lived for a time in 1781 under the protection of Sir Henry Fetherstonhaugh at Up Park. (fn. 38)

John Rickman, clerk of the House of Commons, who drew up the plan for the first census, married Susanna Postlethwaite of Harting in 1803, and was buried here in 1840. (fn. 39)

Anthony Trollope, the novelist, lived for some time at Harting at the end of his life; (fn. 40) and H. G. Wells spent much of his boyhood at Up Park, as described in his autobiography.

Coins and other objects of Roman date have been found at various points, but the evidence for any settlement of that period in the parish is very slight. (fn. 41)


Sixty hides of land at Harting were exchanged by Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester, in 970 with King Edgar, for the minster land of Ely. (fn. 42) According to the Chronicle of Ely, Harting had been given to Ethelwold by his lord, King Ethelstan. (fn. 43) Countess Gida, Earl Godwin's wife and mother of King Harold, held HARTING of King Edward the Confessor, and it was then assessed at 80 hides. In 1086 Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury, held it in demesne and it was assessed for 48 hides. (fn. 44) Attached to it were 11 haws at Chichester yielding 15s. When Earl Roger's son Robert forfeited his estates Harting came into the king's hands, and in 1130 Payn de Clairvaux accounted for £81 6s. 8d. for two years' farm of Harting, of which William de Pontarche seems to have been the tenant. (fn. 45)

Between 1156 and 1166 William, Earl of Arundel, gave to Henry Husee 2 knights' fees (fn. 46) which were evidently in Harting, and were subsequently held of the honor of Arundel. (fn. 47) On the death of Hugh d'Aubigny, last Earl of Arundel of his line, in 1243 the overlordship of Harting passed to his eldest sister Maud and her husband Robert de Tateshall, (fn. 48) of whose son Robert the manor was held in 1253. (fn. 49) His grandson Robert in 1303 inherited 3 knights' fees in Harting and Chithurst held by Henry Husee, (fn. 50) and in 1341 these fees were held of Alice, widow of William de Bernake, (fn. 51) who was daughter of the eldest of Robert's coheiresses. By 1409, however, Harting manor was said to be held of the Earl of Arundel as of his manor of Walderton, (fn. 52) and it was still held of that manor in 1555. (fn. 53)

Henry Husee, first lord of Harting, or his son Henry, had remission of Danegeld in Sussex in 1154. (fn. 54) The younger Henry founded a leper hospital at Harting and also (before 1169) the Abbey of Durford. (fn. 55) He is said to have died about 1174 in the Holy Land. (fn. 56) A third Henry Husee, in 1190–6, confirmed gifts to Durford Abbey made by his father, (fn. 57) and in 1194 he made an agreement with the Abbot of Séez about the advowson of the church of Harting. (fn. 58) Land in Sussex given to him by the king was taken away in 1205, (fn. 59) but in 1208 the patronage of the Abbey of Durford was restored to him, as well as the land of his brother Hubert. (fn. 60) He died about 1213, when his son Henry paid 100 marks for his patrimony in Wiltshire. (fn. 61) This Henry was in arms against the king in 1216 but returned to his allegiance in 1217, (fn. 62) and died before 1 April 1235. (fn. 63) He was succeeded by a son Matthew, called his heir, (fn. 64) though there had been an elder son Henry who died before his father, leaving a daughter Maud, who in 1239 unsuccessfully sued Matthew for 3 knights' fees in Harting. (fn. 65) Matthew was in possession in 1242, (fn. 66) and in June 1252 he obtained a grant of free warren in his manor of Harting. (fn. 67) He died early in 1253, (fn. 68) and his young son Henry succeeded. (fn. 69) At the instance of Prince Edward the king granted licence to Henry Husee in 1266 to build a crenellated house at Harting, inclosing it with a dyke and a wall of stone. (fn. 70) In 1268 Maud, mentioned above, with her husband William Paynel confirmed Harting manor to Henry. (fn. 71) He obtained in 1271 a grant of a weekly market on Wednesday at Harting and a yearly fair (fn. 72) there on the eve, day, and morrow of SS. Simon and Jude, and a grant of free warren there. (fn. 73) He died in 1290, when Henry his son, afterwards Lord Husee, succeeded. (fn. 74) He was visited at Harting in September 1302 by Edward I. (fn. 75) He died in 1332, when seisin of his land was given to his son Henry, (fn. 76) with whose consent a third of the manor of Harting was assigned as part of the dower of Isabel, widow of Sir Henry. (fn. 77) A settlement of the manor was made in 1347 upon Sir Henry for life, with remainder to his younger son Henry and his wife Elizabeth daughter of John de Bohun of Midhurst and their issue, (fn. 78) Mark the eldest son of Sir Henry having died in 1346, leaving an infant son Henry. Sir Henry Husee died in 1349 and Harting manor passed under the settlement to his son Henry, (fn. 79) a third of the manor being assigned as dower to Katherine (fn. 80) widow of Sir Henry, and a very detailed account exists of her share. (fn. 81) She had all the chambers near and over the west door and a garden near these rooms to the west, all the chambers near and over the east gate, except the prison, the gates being held in common, and the right to use Henry's bakery and kitchen until he should build another for her near the west gate. Katherine was also to enjoy parts of several gardens, a third of two dovecotes, the part of the park to the north of the town called Nether Park, a third of the woods and warrens and of the yearly fairs. The well called Typut was held in common.

Husee. Barry ermine and gules.

Henry's land was extended for debt in 1370, and the inquisition then taken gives a detailed account of his part of the manor. The land was divided into that above the down and that below the down. (fn. 82) Sir Henry Husee died in 1383, and the manor passed to his son Henry, then aged 22. (fn. 83) Ankaretta widow of Sir Henry married (fn. 84) as a second husband Sir Andrew Hake, and she had a third of the manor as dower. On her death in 1389 this passed to Sir Henry Husee. (fn. 85) Just before her death Sir Andrew and Ankaretta were sued by Henry son of Mark Husee, mentioned above, for a third of the manor, and in 1393 this Henry sued Sir Henry Husee for the same. He claimed it under the grant made by William and Maud Paynel to Henry Husee in 1268. (fn. 86) He was not successful in his claim to the manor, but he seems to have obtained from Henry an annuity of 40 marks from Harting in perpetuity. (fn. 87) On the death of Sir Henry Husee in 1409 Harting manor was delivered to his widow Margaret, who had held it jointly with him. (fn. 88) She complained in 1412 that her son Sir Henry Husee came to Harting manor when she was in the parish church at High Mass on the feast of St. Lawrence, and stole a chest of muniments. (fn. 89) She married before 1412 Richard Biterley, with whom she was at that date holding a third of Harting manor and an annuity from the other two-thirds. (fn. 90) Sir Henry in 1430 obtained a confirmation of the grant of free warren made to Matthew Husee his ancestor. (fn. 91) He settled Harting in 1434 upon Constance his wife for life, with remainder in tail male to his sons Henry and Nicholas. (fn. 92) He died on 30 January 1449–50, when it was said that he held no land in Sussex, as he had granted all his estate to trustees in 1434. (fn. 93) His son and successor Sir Henry, in May 1451, with the trustees, granted the demesne land of the manor (fn. 94) for Sir Henry's life to John Husee, in satisfaction of the annuity of 40 marks from the manor. (fn. 95) In 1453 he settled the manor upon himself in fee tail with remainder to his brother Nicholas in tail. (fn. 96) He again conveyed the manor to trustees in July 1460 (fn. 97) and died without issue soon after. His trustees leased the manor in August 1464 to John, Earl of Worcester, for his life. The earl shortly after assigned the lease to Nicholas Husee, reserving to himself the two parks, Up Park and Down Park, and the site of the manor when he should choose to visit it; during these visits, Nicholas Husee was to have two rooms in the manor-house. (fn. 98) Nicholas Husee obtained a pardon in 1467 for all debts to the king, incurred while he served the offices of buyer, receiver, and keeper of victuals and equipment provided for the defence of Calais, the lieutenancy of the castle of Guynes, and sheriff of Surrey and Sussex. (fn. 99) Before July of the following year he had been outlawed for treason and his lands forfeited, (fn. 100) but he evidently again obtained pardon, for on his death in 1472 he held the manor of Harting. His heirs were his daughters Constance aged 12, and Catherine aged 10. (fn. 101) Constance married firstly Henry Lovell and afterwards Sir Roger Lewkenor, and Catherine married Reynold Bray.

In 1478 Thomas Husee sued Sir Roger Lewkenor, Thomas Hoo, and Thomas Bassett for the manor of Harting. (fn. 102) Thomas claimed it as great-grandson of the Henry son of Mark Husee, the claimant in 1389, and recovered the manor against Sir Roger Lewkenor, (fn. 103) but immediately took part in a conveyance of the manor to trustees to the use of the coheirs of Nicholas Husee, (fn. 104) and the manor was divided between them. Reynold Bray and Catherine had land held by certain tenants in East Harting, land in Rogate, Wenham, and Chalecroft in Harting with 15s. 2½d. from the Up Park, and the hamlet of West Harting, except Bakersholt, Ladyholt, and Mereland. The rest of the manor was assigned to Henry Lovell and Constance, the hundred of Dumpford, the wood called Harting Combe and the fair and advowson being held jointly. (fn. 105) From this time the manor became divided into West, East, and South Harting.

By Henry Lovell Constance had two daughters, Elizabeth and Agnes. (fn. 106) Agnes married John Empson, and Elizabeth married firstly Sir Edward Bray, (fn. 107) and afterwards, before 9 February 1509, Sir Anthony Windsor, (fn. 108) brother of Andrew, Lord Windsor, (fn. 109) by whom she had two children Henry and Constance. (fn. 110)

Catherine and Reynold Bray had no children, but Reynold appears to have acquired some title to the manor of West Harting and land in Harting, in his own right. This he left by will to his nephew Edmund Bray in tail male, with contingent remainder to his niece Margery wife of William, Lord Sandes, in fee tail. (fn. 111) Sir Anthony Windsor before 1520 purchased the rights of the Brays in WEST HARTING manor, and apparently also those of John Empson and Agnes, (fn. 112) for in 1548 half that manor and the estate acquired from the Brays was settled upon Sir Anthony and Joan his wife, (fn. 113) with remainders to his younger son Anthony and to Honora and Edith Windsor, sisters of the younger Anthony. (fn. 114) Sir Anthony died in July 1548. (fn. 115) Anthony his son, 'a man of much simplicity', had no children, and was persuaded to sell his right in West Harting to Edmund Ford, in spite of the protests of his sister Edith wife of Henry Mervyn, who was next in remainder under the settlement of 1548. (fn. 116) The sale to Ford was made in 1559 by Anthony and his wife Joan, and Lady Joan widow of Sir Anthony, who was in actual possession. (fn. 117)

The other half of West Harting with the manors of South and East Harting belonged to Constance Lewkenor, and was settled in 1524 on her and her grandchildren Henry and Constance Windsor, with contingent remainder to Sir Henry Husee and Henry Husee, esq., in tail. (fn. 118) Henry Windsor and his wife Eleanor sold these manors in 1549 to Edmund Ford. (fn. 119) Henry Windsor was an idiot from birth, and in 1550 an inquisition was made as to the king's rights. (fn. 120) Henry died three years later, (fn. 121) and special licence was given to Edmund Ford to take possession of the manor of Harting and half of West Harting. (fn. 122) In order to secure his possession Edmund obtained in 1560 a release of these manors from Henry Windsor's sister and heir, Constance wife of Thomas Rythe, and also from John Hussey, (fn. 123) the remainder man in the settlement of 1524.

Edmund Ford died in 1568 leaving two daughters Magdalen and Dorothy, his coheirs, since his only son Thomas predeceased him. (fn. 124) Magdalen married (fn. 125) a cousin, John Ford, afterwards Protonotary of Court of Common Pleas, and Dorothy married Francis Fortescue of Fawkesbourn in Essex. Edmund had just before his death granted the manor of West Harting to John Ford, (fn. 126) probably for the marriage settlement, and in 1575 John Ford obtained a release from William, Lord Sandes, who claimed the interest of Margery, Lady Sandes, under the will of Reynold Bray. (fn. 127) When, however, a division of Edmund's land was made in 1582, the Fords took East and South Harting (including Up Park and Ladyholt) and the Fortescues West Harting, the capital mansion of Edmund Ford (called Harting Place), and the advowson. (fn. 128)

John Ford died in 1583 leaving a son William aged 12. (fn. 129) Magdalen survived him and married Henry Knyvett. In 1593 she assigned her life interest to Edward Caryll, and a similar conveyance was made in 1598. (fn. 130) William Ford in 1597 married Anne daughter of Sir Edward Caryll (fn. 131) and these conveyances may have been for marriage settlements. Sir William Ford was sequestrated as a Royalist in 1645. He was imprisoned for 10 months in London House, but finally recovered his estates. (fn. 132)

Ford. Azure three crowned lions or.

Fetherstonhaugh. Gules a cheveron between three ostrich feathers argent with a roundel sable on the cheveron.

He was succeeded by his son Sir Edward Ford, who had been twice taken prisoner during the Civil War. He was imprisoned in the Tower in 1644 but escaped to the Continent. He was fined a third of the value of his estates for his delinquency, but part of this was afterwards remitted. (fn. 133) He was an engineer of note and in 1656 devised an engine for raising the Thames water into the higher parts of the city. Sir Edward died in Ireland in 1670, and was buried at Harting. (fn. 134) His only daughter Catherine married Ralph, Lord Grey of Warke, and died in 1682. (fn. 135) Her son Ford Grey who succeeded to Up Park was in June 1695 created Earl of Tankerville. He died in 1701 at Harting leaving an only child Mary who married Charles Bennet, Lord Ossulston. Mary died in 1710; her husband was created Earl of Tankerville in 1714, and her son Charles, who succeeded as Lord Tankerville in 1722, (fn. 136) sold East Harting manor, otherwise called Up Park, in 1747 to Sir Matthew Fetherstonhaugh, bart., the sale including the engine house and engine, with its leaden pipes for supplying water to the house, (fn. 137) and the timber in the park, being computed to be worth the whole of the purchase money. (fn. 138) Sir Matthew's son Henry who succeeded him in 1774 died without issue at Up Park in 1846, (fn. 139) and his widow bequeathed the estate to her sister Frances Bullock, who took the name of Fetherstonhaugh. When she died in 1895 she left Up Park to the Hon. Keith Turnour, who added Fetherstonhaugh to his name, as did Admiral the Hon. Sir Herbert Meade when he succeeded him in 1930 under the will of Miss Frances Fetherstonhaugh. (fn. 140)

West Harting manor with the capital mansion which had been Edmund Ford's chief residence passed on the death of Francis Fortescue in 1588 to his son Edmund. (fn. 141) Edmund sold it in 1590 (fn. 142) to Edward Caryll of Shipley. Caryll also obtained conveyances of the manor from John Fortescue in 1592, (fn. 143) and from William Cressweller son and heir apparent of William Cressweller of Chichester in 1599 and again in 1605. (fn. 144)

Sir Edward settled West Harting manor in 1604 upon his youngest son Richard, (fn. 145) to whom it passed on the death of Sir Edward in 1610. (fn. 146) Sir Richard had no children, and on his death in 1616 his elder brother Sir Thomas had the manor. He also died without issue male in January 1617, (fn. 147) and Harting then passed, under a settlement made in 1613, to Sir John Caryll of Warnham, grandson of Sir Edward's brother Thomas. (fn. 148)

The Carylls (fn. 149) were Roman Catholics and Sir John and his wife Mary were indicted at Sussex Assizes in 1627–8 for not having attended the parish church for 3 months. (fn. 150) Sir John forfeited two-thirds of his estates as a recusant, but West Harting manor had formed part of the marriage settlement of his son John and Catherine, daughter of William, Lord Petre, and was confirmed by the king to Caryll's trustees in 1630. (fn. 151) Sir John compounded for the whole of his estate before the beginning of 1637, and special protection was extended by the king to his son John, also a Roman Catholic. (fn. 152) John Caryll, the son, was fined heavily for his part in the Civil War, though he stated that he was forced by Sir Ralph Hopton to go to Arundel, where he was taken at the time of its surrender, though not in arms. Harting Place was sacked, having been made a garrison for the king by Hopton, (fn. 153) and apparently he was eventually fined £2,980. His father had died in 1652, (fn. 154) and John himself died in 1681. (fn. 155)

Caryll. Argent three bars and in chief three martlets sable.

His son John, who was baptized at Harting 2 November 1625, had some fame as a man of letters, but is chiefly noted for his loyalty to James II and his family. He became Secretary to Queen Mary, second wife of James II, and followed James to St. Germains after the Revolution. He was in 1701 created by the titular James III Lord Caryll of Durford. His estate at West Harting was, at James's special request, exempted by William III from confiscation, until it was found that Caryll was implicated in the plot to assassinate William III. West Harting was then forfeited, and Caryll's life interest was granted in 1695–6 to John, Lord Cutts, Baron Gowran. (fn. 156) This was redeemed by John Caryll's nephew and eventual heir, John son of Richard Caryll, who had been administering the estate during his uncle's exile. (fn. 157)

The elder John Caryll died in France in 1711, (fn. 158) but John his nephew entered into possession of West Harting in 1697. By his correspondence with Pope, covering the period 1710–35, Caryll's name is inseparably connected with that poet, (fn. 159) who made frequent visits to Lady Holt, a mansion built by Lord Caryll about 1689. (fn. 160) John Caryll died in 1736 and the manor passed to his grandson, another John Caryll, (fn. 161) who ran into debt and had to sell Harting. John Jolliffe purchased the manor of West Harting in 1757, (fn. 162) apparently by foreclosure of a mortgage, (fn. 163) and in 1761 Jolliffe sold it to Charles, Duke of Richmond, (fn. 164) who before the purchase was complete assigned his rights in 1761 to Sir Matthew Fetherstonhaugh, (fn. 165) who already owned East Harting and had purchased from Caryll the Bohemia lands in 1755, and in 1761 the Home Park, Foxcombes, the disparked park near the church, and Tarberry Hill, the capital mansion of the manor of West Harting, the mill and mill pond. It was not until 1766–7, after the death of his wife and daughter, that Caryll sold Lady Holt to the Duke of Richmond, who assigned it to Sir Matthew Fetherstonhaugh. (fn. 166) Before 1770 Lady Holt had been completely demolished.

The land held by the Abbey of Durford in Harting was sometimes known as the manor of Harting, though it never seems to have included more than about 100 acres at Ryefield, Upperton, Cannonland, and Millcroft. (fn. 167) William, Earl of Gloucester (whose mother was granddaughter of Earl Roger), and Hawise his wife gave the monks the part of the moor which lay between their tenement of Petersfield and the vill of Harting. (fn. 168) The estate at Upperton was acquired from the lazar hospital at Harting, to which it had been granted before the Husees held Harting; (fn. 169) and another 4 acres in 'Upton' had been given to the lazars by Agnes wife of Hugh Gundeville about 1171. (fn. 170) Abbot Valentine bought all the land of the Prior of Burton Lazars, (fn. 171) and made good his claim to it in 1248 against Walter de Upton heir of Robert de Upton, a tenant of the land. (fn. 172) In 1252 the abbot obtained a grant of free warren in his manor of Harting. (fn. 173) It was said in 1279 that the abbots had never used free warren at Harting though they had the right if they wished to do so. (fn. 174)

About 1270 Abbot John added various small estates to the abbey's holding at Harting, partly by purchase and partly, it would seem, by encroachment, for in 1270, after receiving of William Husee half an acre in West Harting, the abbot agreed to stop all plaints against William, if he would quitclaim all the encroachments they had made by the ditch round their garden on the south side of the water of Durford and by the ditch near his meadow. Husee also granted them the sheep farm they had made upon the hills at West Harting. Another encroachment made by 'a ditch round the East ryefelde' was also allowed by William Husee. (fn. 175) This was probably a ditch formed beyond the bank on the east side of East Ryfield which later records show was the boundary between the lands of the abbey and the lords of Harting. Here, at a place called Fower Oaks, the abbots held their courts, requiring their tenants at Durford to do suit there. (fn. 176)

The abbot's estate in Harting was valued at £6 16s. 9d. in 1291, and the same in 1380. (fn. 177) At the Dissolution it was called the manor of Harting, valued at £19 8s. 7d. a year, besides perquisites of court. (fn. 178)

It was granted in 1537 to Sir William Fitz William, Great Admiral of England, in tail male. (fn. 179) He died seised of it in 1542, (fn. 180) but left no legitimate sons, and the manor lapsed to the Crown. The site of the abbey was granted in 1544 to Sir Edmund Mervyn, justice of King's Bench, and though the manor is not mentioned in the grant, land in Harting and the woods called Durford Wood and lez Shrubbes (8 acres) parcel of Durford Heath and West Harting Heath are specifically mentioned. (fn. 181) After Edmund Mervyn's death Edmund Ford, who was then acquiring the different interests in Harting, claimed Durford Heath, also called West Heath and East Ryfield, as part of his manor of Harting, and tried to prevent the Mervyns from taking rabbits there. (fn. 182) This led to lawsuits between him and Henry Mervyn, son of Edmund Ford prevailed upon Henry to renounce his claim to it, by unfair means, as Henry stated in 1585. (fn. 183) When Edmund was required in 1562 to show his right to the manor of Harting he mentioned this manor which had belonged to Durford Abbey, but did not show how he acquired it, saying it was not the same manor as that to which he had to show his claim. (fn. 184) The controversy continued between Henry Mervyn and Francis Fortescue. A commission was ordered in 1585 to look into the matter. (fn. 185) It appeared that East Ryfield was the abbot's rabbit warren in Harting, and had been included in the grant to Edmund Mervyn. (fn. 186) It was separated from West Harting Heath by a bank. No more is found of this manor as a separate estate, and it probably became merged in the manor of West Harting.


The church of ST. MARY THE VIRGIN (fn. 187) stands on a knoll at the south end of the village street. It consists of chancel with north vestry, central tower with spire, transepts, nave with north and south aisles, and north porch; it is built of local sandstone ashlar and flint rubble and is roofed with tile; the south face of the tower is tile-hung and the spire sheeted with copper.

Parish Church of St Mary Harting

The whole existing fabric, except the porch, was built c. 1300; a destructive fire in c. 1576 occasioned extensive repairs and a complete new roof; (fn. 188) early in the 17th century a south chancel, or rather tomb-house, was added, but it became ruinous in the 19th. Early, perhaps, in that century a brick north porch was built, which was replaced by the present stone one in 1938.

The chancel (fn. 189) has a diagonal buttress of two gabled stages at the south-east corner. In the east wall, over an interior wall arcade, is a lancet triplet in 13th-century style; both were inserted in 1858 into a wall previously blank; above them in the gable is a single lancet of c. 1300 with moulded segmental pointed reararch. In the south wall (fn. 190) are two three-light windows with intersecting tracery and moulded rear-arches; between them is a priest's door with pointed head of one moulded order resting on shafts with moulded capitals and bases, the rear-arch is semicircular. West of this is a recess in the form of a niche tomb; this has a semicircular head and panelling of Elizabethan design; in the back are several brass inscriptions commemorating members of the Ford family. In the north wall is the vestry door with a pointed head of two orders, the inner moulded; the mouldings are continued on to the jambs without impost; the woodwork of the door is in part ancient. West of this is a two-light window with tracery of a design resembling that of the south windows.

The roof (which bears the date 1577) (fn. 191) is in four unequal bays, and has five trusses. The four western are all of like design; there is a tie-beam braced to wallpieces, these do not rest on corbels but have ornamental endings; on the tie-beam are a king-post and a pair of queen-posts of turned baluster form; under each of these is a pendant, and they give rather needless support to a collar; the principals are little larger than the common rafters, all of which are trussed with collars; there are two lines of purlins on each side with X-shaped wind-braces between them; there is also a large moulded wall-plate. The eastern truss has neither collar nor posts, but otherwise resembles the rest. While the roof is approximately Gothic in form the ornamental details are Elizabethan.

The vestry has at each north corner a diagonal buttress of one stage with gabled head. In the east wall is a window of two trefoil-headed lights under a quatrefoiled diamond; in the north wall are three single lights with ogee trefoil heads. In the west wall is a modern exterior doorway with plain pointed arch. (fn. 192) There is a flat plaster ceiling.

Flanking the chancel on the south formerly stood a building of early-17th-century date (fn. 193) designed to hold the Caryll monuments. It was still roofed in the early 19th century, being used as the village school, but is now ruinous. The east wall has completely disappeared, and the south, against which stand the remains of the two Caryll monuments, is only about 6 ft. high.

The original east arch of the tower was of two moulded orders, the nail-head moulding of the outer being still visible on the west side. Later, probably as part of the reconstruction after the fire, a crutch (fn. 194) was inserted; this has semi-octagonal responds with very plain bases; on them rests directly a pointed arch of two chamfered orders. The north and south tower arches are of the same design, and are probably crutches themselves, but no sign of the earlier arches is visible. East of the southern is a rood-loft piscina with round trefoil head. The west tower arch is of two moulded orders, the outer dying away into the wall, the inner probably originally carried on corbels, now resting on responds of the same form and date as those of the crutch of the east arch; possibly it was originally intended to crutch this arch also. The floor joists of the second stage of the tower are visible from below.

The upper stage of the tower has two (modern) pointed quatrefoil openings on the east side. On the north are two similar modern openings and, immediately over the ridge of the transept roof, an oblong opening with segmental arch; as the transept roof was lowered after the fire this must originally have opened into it. Lower down and near the north-east corner is a small lancet. On the west side are two small round sound-holes, of uncertain date; between them, cut into by the present roof ridge, is a trefoil-headed opening; the south side is hung with red tiles, its only visible opening resembles the central one on the north side. The other three faces of the tower are now plastered; remains of the weather-moulds of the pre-fire roofs exist under the plaster. The broach spire is covered with copper.

The south transept has a diagonal buttress of one stage with sloping offset at each exterior corner. In the east wall are two modern two-light windows copied from the north window of the chancel. Between them is the (17th-century) blocked doorway formerly leading to the Caryll Chancel; this has a very depressed arch on the west side, the stonework of the east side has been removed. In the south wall is a three-light window (fn. 195) with intersecting tracery and chamfered segmental pointed rear-arch. The opening into the south aisle is a half-arch, acting as a flying buttress, of two chamfered orders dying away into a plain respond on the south side. The roof (1577) has three tie-beams, a single line of purlins with straight wind-braces, and trussed rafters.

The north transept has a pair of buttresses, each of two stages with sloping offsets, at each outer corner. The southern of the two former windows in the east wall has been blocked; (fn. 196) the northern, of two lights, and the three-light window in the north wall, have heads of geometrical tracery; each has a moulded rear-arch, and that of the north window rests on slender wallshafts with moulded capitals and bases. The doorway in the west wall has a modern pointed arch with mouldings of poor design, resting on moulded jambs with nook-shafts (which carry nothing but a hollow moulding); the rear-arch (c. 1300) is moulded, of segmental pointed form. The opening into the north aisle has the form of a very asymmetrical pointed arch, its crown being only about a foot from the south side of its span. It is of two moulded orders; the north springing is from a semi-octagonal respond with moulded impost and plain base; on the north side it butts directly against the wall. The tower staircase stands in the south-east corner of the transept and is of oak, the steps being bracketed out from a central newel which rises from floor to roof; this was made in about 1848. (fn. 197) The roof resembles that of the south transept, but with different spacing of tie-beams and stiffer trussing of rafters; it is of 1577.

Each arcade of the nave originally consisted of three similar arches, of one order and of pointed equilateral form. The piers were octagonal, the sub-bases square, the bases octagonal over bold chamfer-stops; instead of capitals there were chamfer-stops in the form of pointed trefoil arches; the responds had the form of half-piers. The two western bays on each side preserve this form; but into the eastern arch on each side a crutch has been inserted, the arch being pointed, of two chamfered orders, dying away into a semi-octagonal respond. (fn. 198) The west doorway has a pointed arch of two orders, the outer chamfered, the inner moulded, resting on similar jambs without imposts; the rear-arch is pointed. Above this is a (modern) window of four lights with geometrical tracery. (fn. 199) The roof (1577) has trussed rafters, a collar-purlin, braced king-posts, and tie-beams. Its ridge is slightly higher, and its pitch somewhat flatter, than that of its predecessor, the weather-mould of which is visible on the east wall; the alteration was due to the alteration of the aisle roofs.

The north aisle has a diagonal buttress at the west corner and another (of 1577) opposite the second pier of the arcade; each is of two stages with sloping offsets. In the north wall are two square-headed windows of three cinquefoil-headed lights each; they have extremely depressed four-centred rear-arches and are evidently of c. 1576. Between them is the north doorway, a pointed arch of two orders with hood-mould; the jambs are of like section to the arch and have no imposts. In the west wall is a window of two lights with uncusped pointed heads surmounted by a quatrefoiled diamond; the rear-arch is carried on wall-shafts with moulded capitals and bases. On the east wall is the weather-mould of the original roof which, like the present, was continuous over nave and aisles, but was of steeper pitch and had its eaves some 5 ft. lower; the object of the change evidently being to make larger aisle windows possible. The present roof (1577) has a single line of purlins, strutted against the wall above the arcade, wind-braces, and rafters.

The north porch (1938) has a pointed outer doorway to the north and a trefoil-headed light in each of the east and west walls; it replaces a plain porch of brick.

The south aisle resembles the north save that the weather-mould of the former roof is only visible at its extreme south end; the south door (now blocked) is of smaller dimensions than the north and the design of its jambs is simpler; west of it a modern lancet window has been inserted.

The font (12th-century) has a square basin with shallow panelling of round arches, resting on five columns.

In the ruined Caryll Chancel are the remains of the monuments, with badly damaged effigies, of Sir Edward Caryll, 1609, and Sir Richard Caryll, 1616. (fn. 200) In the south transept is a monument with a kneeling effigy of a man and recumbent effigies of a man and a woman, apparently commemorating John Cowper of Ditcham, ob. 1620, his son John, ob. 1618, and the wife of one of them.

The six bells are by Chapman & Mears, 1782. (fn. 201)

The communion plate includes a silver paten, apparently of 1638, with the arms of Ford, given to the church in 1671 by Katherine, daughter of Sir Edward Ford and wife of Ralph, Lord Grey; (fn. 202) also a chalice of 1675, given by Oliver Whitby.

The registers begin in 1567.


The clerks of St. Nicholas of Arundel held 6 hides of land in Harting in 1086 and had done so in the time of King Edward. (fn. 203) They possibly served the church of Harting. Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury, converted these secular canons into a priory subordinate to the abbey of St. Martin of Séez, and gave the church of Harting to the abbey, for a brother of the Countess Mabel, who was a monk there. (fn. 204) The Abbot of Séez released the advowson in 1194–5 to Henry Husee, reserving a payment of 100s. which the abbot was accustomed to receive yearly from the parsons of Harting and Rogate, (fn. 205) of which 75s. came from Harting. (fn. 206) From that time the advowson of the rectory descended with the manor, (fn. 207) and was assigned with West Harting manor to the Fortescues. (fn. 208) It was sold to Edward Caryll, (fn. 208) and Richard Caryll presented in 1611 and 1613. (fn. 209) The advowson remained in the possession of the Carylls, though presentations were seldom made in their names on account of their religious views; Oliver Whitby presented for one turn in 1697. (fn. 210) In 1716 John Caryll granted the presentation to an old friend, John Trevanion, intending the conveyance to be in trust for the Carylls. The younger John Caryll, believing that the advowson belonged to him, sold the next presentation in 1738 to Lord Clancarty, but when the incumbent died in the following year Trevanion appointed the Rev. John Seager, prebendary of Salisbury, who relinquished another benefice in favour of Trevanion's brother. The suit between Seager and Clancarty's nominee lasted several years, but was finally lost by the latter. (fn. 211)

The advowson was purchased with the manor by Sir Matthew Fetherstonhaugh, and has since passed with the manor.

The rectors of Harting appointed vicars who served the cure. (fn. 212) In 1291 the rectory was worth £33 6s. 8d., and the vicarage £5 6s. 8d. (fn. 213) In 1341 the rector had a house and garden worth 30s., arable land worth 20s., with meadow worth 10s., and pasture for 12 oxen in the lord's meadow worth 12s., and tithes, among which the tithe of cider was that year estimated at the surprising figure of £10. The vicar had a house and garden worth 13s. 4d., arable worth 12s., and mortuaries and oblations estimated at £3 6s. 8d. In addition he received of the rector a pension of 20s. and 5 quarters of wheat, and as much of barley. (fn. 214) By 1535 the vicarage was rated at £9 and the rectory at £26 13s. 4d. clear of payments of £4 to the vicar, £1 6s. 8d. to the college of Arundel, and £3 10s. to the Abbess of Syon (fn. 215) (who had received the Sussex estates of Séez Abbey).

Sir George Carewe, the rector, in 1537 granted a lease of the rectory for 75 years to Henry Polsted at a rent of £26 13s. 4d. In 1550 this lease came into the hands of Edmund Ford, lord of the manor of Harting, (fn. 216) and in 1554 it was agreed between him and John Seton, the rector, that Ford should do all repairs to the chancel and retain £6 13s. 4d. of the rent. (fn. 217) In 1568 Ford assigned this lease to Thomas Femer, by whom it was assigned in the same year to Edward Bellingham of Nytimber. Edward gave it by will to his wife Elizabeth. She sold it in 1596 apparently to Edward Caryll. (fn. 218) This lease ended in 1614, and in 1616 the trustees of Sir Richard Caryll leased the parsonage at a rent of £120 to William Ford, retaining the tithes of the Warren or Middle Park and of the demesne lands occupied by Sir Richard at his death. (fn. 219) About 1658 it was agreed between Sir Edward Ford and John Caryll that Ford should have the great tithes of South and East Harting, and Caryll the great tithes of West Harting. (fn. 220) It was found in 1668 that the rector had leased the tithes to Sir John Caryll and had made no provision for the vicar: The bishop ordered that this lease should be cancelled and a new one granted for 3 lives at the ancient rent of 40 marks, (fn. 221) the vicar to receive £76 a year during the life of the present rector and £86 thereafter, with the small tithes valued at £10. (fn. 222)

From 1835 onwards the sinecure rectory and the vicarage were held in conjunction by the incumbent; and on the death of the Rev. A. J. Roberts in 1949 the sinecure rectory was abolished and the vicarage was changed to a rectory.

There was a female anchorite at Harting in 1182, when she received 43s. 4d. in payment of an allowance of 2d. a week for that year and four years in arrear, from the issues of the honor of Arundel. (fn. 223) She occurs again next year but not later. (fn. 224)


George William Frisby on 29 March 1934 conveyed a piece of land in this parish to the Hackney and New College of Finchley Road, London, upon trust for an extension of the Harting Congregational Church Burial Ground.

The charity of Frances Bullock Fetherstonhaugh for a Nurse is now regulated by a scheme of the Charity Commissioners dated 14 June 1935. The scheme constitutes trustees to administer the charity and provides that the income, amounting to £61 6s. 8d. shall be applied towards payment of the salary of a trained female nurse for the sick poor of this parish and that if and so long as it is not practicable to apply the income in such manner then to apply the same under one or both of the heads specified in the scheme for the benefit either of the poor of the parish generally or of such poor persons resident therein as the trustees shall select.

The charity of Frances Bullock Fetherstonhaugh for Poor Men. The endowment of this charity now consists of a sum of £265 3s. 4d. 2½ per cent. Annuities, producing an annual income of £6 12s. 8d. which, in accordance with the will of the testatrix dated 7 February 1894, is applicable for the benefit of four poor men resident in this parish. The charity is administered by trustees appointed in accordance with the provisions contained in a scheme of the Charity Commissioners dated 21 November 1916.

Feoffee charity. It is stated in the printed Parliamentary Reports of the Commissioners for Inquiring Concerning Charities dated 1836 that in an Indenture dated 19 June 1747 it is recited that divers messuages cottages land and tenements had theretofore been given and conveyed 'by certain pious and charitable persons' to sundry other persons deceased, in trust that the rents and profits thereof should for evermore be applied to the use of the poor of the parish of Harting. The endowment of the charity now consists of a sum of £3,252 14s. 5d. 2½ per cent. Consolidated Stock producing an annual income of £81 6s. 4d. which is applied for the benefit of the poor of the parish. The charity is administered by a body of trustees consisting of life trustees appointed by Order of the Charity Commissioners and four representative trustees appointed by the parish council of Harting.


  • 1. Add. Chart. 18864. Excavations made in 1947 point to the top of the hill having been surrounded by ditches in the Early Iron Age: ex inf. Mr. H. Brightwell.
  • 2. Rot. Hundr. (Rec. Com.), ii, 212.
  • 3. Plac. de Quo. Warr. (Rec. Com.), 752.
  • 4. Cal. Inq. Misc. i, 1326; Abbrev. Plac. (Rec. Com.), 210.
  • 5. Cal. Close 1330–3, p. 441; Cal. Inq. p.m. vii, 468.
  • 6. Cal. Close 1349–54, 153–5.
  • 7. Add. Chart. 18762; Chan. Inq. p.m. 44 Edw. III (1st nos.), 74; H. D. Gordon, Hist. of Harting, 46.
  • 8. Early Chan. Proc. 84, no. 20.
  • 9. Add. Chart. 18853.
  • 10. Add. Chart. 18864.
  • 11. Pat. 6 Chas. I, pt. iii, no. 33.
  • 12. H. D. Gordon, op. cit. 202.
  • 13. See Country Life, xxvii, 702; lxxxix, 520, 540, 562; Suss. Co. Mag. ix, 337–44.
  • 14. The original achievement of Lord Tankerville's arms is now on the front of a cottage in Rake where it was reset.
  • 15. The bridge of Wenham called Northbrugge was recorded in 1288 as broken, and the vill of West Harting was responsible for its repair: Assize R. 924, m. 67 d.
  • 16. V.C.H. Suss. i, 422.
  • 17. Cal. Inq. p.m. vii, 468; Cal. Close, 1330–3, p. 441. In 1582 there is reference to a close called 'Mylle Mersh, lately taken out of Nywod', which adjoined Down Park: Pat. R. 24 Eliz. pt. 9.
  • 18. Cal. Close, 1347–54, p. 154.
  • 19. Ibid. p. 153.
  • 20. Ct. R. (P.R.O.), 126, no. 1870.
  • 21. Add. Chart. 18752.
  • 22. Ibid. 18864.
  • 23. Suss. Arch. Trust D. (Lewes), K. 60.
  • 24. Exch. Dep. East. 27 Eliz., no. 9.
  • 25. Suss. Arch. Trust D. (Lewes), K. 198.
  • 26. Ibid. K. 28.
  • 27. Ibid. K. 51, 52.
  • 28. Ibid. K. 55.
  • 29. Ibid. K. 84.
  • 30. Add. MS. 39404 A.
  • 31. Dict. Nat. Biog.; Gordon, op. cit. 55.
  • 32. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 33. Ibid.
  • 34. Ibid.
  • 35. Called Iwoode in 1332; Cal. Inq. p.m. vii, 468.
  • 36. Gordon, op. cit. 206.
  • 37. Ibid. 164.
  • 38. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 39. a Gordon, op. cit. 197. His son Thomas Rickman, architect, drew up a Report on Harting Church (now in the County Record Office) in 1846.
  • 40. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 41. V.C.H. Suss. iii, 57.
  • 42. Kemble, Codex Dipl., nos. 563, 564.
  • 43. Gale, Historiae Britannicae, iii, 465.
  • 44. V.C.H. Suss. i, 422.
  • 45. Pipe R. 31 Hen. I (H.M. Stat. Off.), 42.
  • 46. Red Bk. of Exch. (Rolls Ser.), 202.
  • 47. Pipe R. 7 Rich. I (Pipe R. Soc.), 37; Bk. of Fees, 688; Cal. Inq. p.m. i, 285; ibid. vii, 468; Rot. Hundr. (Rec. Com.), ii, 214.
  • 48. Cal. Close, 1242–7, p. 248.
  • 49. Cal. Inq. p.m. i, 285.
  • 50. Cal. Inq. p.m. iv, 260.
  • 51. Ibid. viii, 332.
  • 52. Chan. Inq. p.m. 10 Hen. IV, no. 17.
  • 53. Ibid. 9 and 10 Edw. IV, no. 47; Add. Chart. 18838, 18839.
  • 54. Farrer, Honors and Knights' Fees, iii, 83.
  • 55. Ibid. 84.
  • 56. Ibid.
  • 57. Ibid.
  • 58. Pipe R. 7 Ric. I (Pipe R. Soc.), 243; Suss. N. & Q. iii, 158.
  • 59. Rot. Litt. Claus. (Rec. Com.), i, 39.
  • 60. Ibid. 110.
  • 61. Rot. de Oblat. et Fin. (Rec. Com.), 500; Rot. Litt. Claus. (Rec. Com.), i, 170.
  • 62. Ibid. 295, 302.
  • 63. Exc. Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.), i, 278.
  • 64. Ibid. 279.
  • 65. Curia Regis R. 120, m. 18.
  • 66. Bk. of Fees, 688.
  • 67. Cal. Chart. R. i, 393.
  • 68. Between 9 Jan. and 14 Feb.; G.E.C. Complete Peerage (2nd edit.), vii, 10.
  • 69. Cal. Inq. p.m. i, 285; Exc. e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.), ii, 152, 154.
  • 70. Cal. Pat. 1258–66, p. 580.
  • 71. Feet of F. Div. Cos. Mich. 53 Hen. III; Add. MS. 38133, fol. 54. A certain William Husee was apparently in possession of West Harting at this time: Suss. Arch. Coll. viii, 67.
  • 72. The lepers of the hospital of Harting had obtained from Hen. II a grant of a three-day fair at Harting at midsummer: Dugdale, Mon. vi, 938.
  • 73. Cal. Chart. R. ii, 176.
  • 74. Cal. Inq. p.m. ii, 779.
  • 75. Cal. Pat. 1301–7, pp. 58, 62, 91.
  • 76. Cal. Inq. p.m. vii, 468; Cal. Close, 1330–3, p. 441.
  • 77. Ibid. 469.
  • 78. Feet of F. Suss. Mich. 21 Edw. III; Cal. Fine R. v, 458.
  • 79. Cal. Inq. p.m. ix, 222; Cal. Close, 1349–54, p. 117.
  • 80. She afterwards married Sir Andrew Peverel and died before 23 May 1376: G.E.C. Complete Peerage (2nd edit.), vii, 4.
  • 81. Cal. Close, 1349–54, pp. 153–5.
  • 82. Chan. Inq. p.m. 44 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 74; Gordon, op. cit. 46.
  • 83. Chan. Inq. p.m. 7 Ric. II, no. 47.
  • 84. Before 19 May 1384 without licence: Cal. Pat. 1381–5, pp. 401, 555.
  • 85. Chan. Inq. p.m. 13 Ric. II, no. 22.
  • 86. Add. MS. 39375, fol. 66; Wrottesley, Pedigrees from Plea R. 195.
  • 87. This annuity was paid regularly to his son Mark and his grandson John Husee: Add. MS. 28529, fol. 1.
  • 88. Cal. Close, 1409–13, p. 18; Chan. Inq. p.m. 10 Hen. IV, no. 17.
  • 89. Early Chan. Proc. bdle. 16, no. 35.
  • 90. Suss. Arch. Coll. x, 134.
  • 91. Cal. Pat. 1429–36, p. 79.
  • 92. Add. Chart. 18726.
  • 93. Chan. Inq. p.m. 28 Hen. VI, no. 35.
  • 94. Reserving Up Park and Down Park and the pasture of Harting Combe.
  • 95. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 17 a.
  • 96. Add. Chart. 18752.
  • 97. Add. Chart. 18758. Constance, his mother, was still holding land in Harting at this date.
  • 98. Add. Chart. 18762.
  • 99. Cal. Pat. 1467–77, p. 20.
  • 100. Ibid., p. 104.
  • 101. Chan. Inq. p.m. 9 and 10 Edw. IV, no. 47.
  • 102. Wrottesley, Pedigrees from Plea R. 443. Possibly this claim was raised on account of the non-payment of the annuity.
  • 103. Add. MS. 38133, fol. 946. Thomas Husee's widow Jane sued Richard Husee nephew and heir of Thomas for her dower in Harting: Early Chan. Proc. bdle. 10, no. 80; Visit. of Suss. (Harl. Soc.), 121.
  • 104. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 24.
  • 105. Early Chan. Proc. bdle. 84, no. 20.
  • 106. Cal. Pat. 1494–1509, 396, 542.
  • 107. According to Visit. of Suss. (Harl. Soc.), 121, Elizabeth was divorced from Sir Edward shortly after marriage.
  • 108. G.E.C. loc. cit.
  • 109. L. and P. Hen. VIII, xiv (2), 113 (10).
  • 110. Visit. of Suss. (Harl. Soc.), 121.
  • 111. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 8, 10 v.; Anct. D. (P.R.O.), D. 1156.
  • 112. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 9.
  • 113. She appears to have been his third wife, as his wife Anne is named in 1542: ibid.
  • 114. Ibid.; Feet of F. Suss. Trin. 2 Edw. III.
  • 115. Suss. Wills (Suss. Rec. Soc. xlii), Harting.
  • 116. Chan. Proc. (Ser. 2), 124, no. 23.
  • 117. Feet of F. Suss. East. 1 Eliz.; Add Chart. 18842.
  • 118. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 8, 9.
  • 119. Feet F. Suss. Mich. 3 Edw. VI.
  • 120. Suss. Inquis. (Suss. Rec. Soc. xiv), 1105.
  • 121. Ibid. 1106.
  • 122. Fine R. 1 Mary, no. 40.
  • 123. Feet of F. Div. Cos. Mich. 2 and 3 Eliz.
  • 124. Gordon, Hist. of Harting, 63.
  • 125. A few days after her father's death.
  • 126. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 10; Feet of F. Suss. East. 10 Eliz.
  • 127. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 10; Recov. R. Trin. 17 Eliz. rot. 1619.
  • 128. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 10; Recov. R., D. Enr. East. 25 Eliz. m. 12; Mich. 32 and 33 Eliz. m. 21; Feet of F. Suss. Hil. 25 Eliz.; East. 25 Eliz.
  • 129. Suss. Inq. (Suss. Rec. Soc. xiv), 412.
  • 130. Feet of F. Suss. Hil. 35 Eliz.; Hil. 40 Eliz.
  • 131. Gordon, op. cit. 63.
  • 132. Cal. of Com. for Comp. 932.
  • 133. Ibid. 869; Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 134. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 135. G.E.C. Complete Peerage (2nd edit.), vi, 169.
  • 136. Ibid.
  • 137. Suss. Arch. Trust D. (Lewes), K. 509, 510.
  • 138. Shoberl, Topog. and Hist. of Suss. 67.
  • 139. G.E.C. Complete Baronetage, v, 94.
  • 140. Suss. Co. Mag. ix, 344.
  • 141. Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), ccxix, 83.
  • 142. Recov. R., D. Enr. Mich. 32 and 33 Eliz. m. 20. Caryll borrowed £1,000 for its purchase from John Brown of Chichester, who bequeathed £500 of the debt to his son Francis in 1592: P.C.C. 87 Harrington.
  • 143. Feet of F. Suss. East. 34 Eliz.
  • 144. Recov. R. Mich. 41 and 42 Eliz. m. 29; Feet of F. Suss. Hil. 2 Jas. I. The Creswellers' estate was probably not part of the Ford Manor of West Harting but a freehold in West Harting. Burrell mentions a large mansion house which was the seat of Cressweller: Add. MS. 5689, fol. 287.
  • 145. Add. Chart. 18899.
  • 146. Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), cccxv, 179.
  • 147. Suss. Inq. (Suss. Rec. Soc. xiv), 216.
  • 148. Comber, Suss. Gen. Horsham, 48; Add. MS. 28529, fol. 47–9.
  • 149. A large number of the family letters and accounts are preserved at the British Museum (Add. MSS. 28224–54).
  • 150. Suss. Arch. Coll. cxic, 119.
  • 151. Pat. 6 Chas. I, pt. iii, no. 33; 10 Chas. I, pt. xiii.
  • 152. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1636–7, 470.
  • 153. Gordon, op. cit. 77.
  • 154. Cal. of Com. for Comp. 916–18.
  • 155. Comber, Suss. Gen. Horsham, 48.
  • 156. Dict. Nat. Biog.; G.E.C. Complete Peerage (2nd edit.), iii, 70.
  • 157. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 158. The inscription on his tomb in Paris is given in full in Suss. Arch. Coll. xix, 191.
  • 159. Copies of these letters are now at the British Museum: Add. MS. 28618.
  • 160. Gordon, op. cit. 122.
  • 161. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 162. Feet of F. Suss. East. 30 Geo. II.
  • 163. Gordon, op. cit. 202.
  • 164. Add. MS. 39495, fol. 116.
  • 165. Gordon, Hist. of Harting, 202.
  • 166. Ibid.
  • 167. Ibid. 29.
  • 168. Cal. Rot. Chart. (Rec. Com.), 130. This was probably Ryefield.
  • 169. Cott. MS. Vesp. E. xxiii, fol. 138.
  • 170. Suss. Arch. Coll. viii, 58.
  • 171. V.C.H. Suss. ii, 103. See also Suss. Arch. Coll. xlvii, 7.
  • 172. Cott. MS. Vesp. E. xxiii, fol. 138.
  • 173. Cal. Chart. R. i, 391.
  • 174. Plac. de Quo Warr. (Rec. Com.), 756.
  • 175. Suss. Arch. Coll. viii, 66, 67.
  • 176. Exch. Dep. Mich. 27 and 28 Eliz. no. 33.
  • 177. Suss. Arch. Coll. viii, 69, 79.
  • 178. Dugdale, Mon. vi, 939: Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), vi, app. xiii, i, 321.
  • 179. L. and P. Hen. VIII, xii (2), 1008 (19).
  • 180. Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), lxx, 28.
  • 181. L. and P. Hen. VIII, xix (1), 610 (109). Rent from land in Harting which had belonged to Durford Abbey was granted in 1546 to George Ryth and Thomas Grantham (L. and P. Hen. VIII, xxi (1), 504 (1)) and they in 1548 had licence to grant Holt land and Holt Wood to Thomas Trygge: Cal. Pat. 1547–8, p. 361.
  • 182. Star Chamber Proc. (Suss. Rec. Soc. xvi), 53, 100.
  • 183. Exch. Dep. Mich. 27 and 28 Eliz. no. 33.
  • 184. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 31.
  • 185. Exch. Dep. Mich. 27 and 28 Eliz. no. 33.
  • 186. A field called the Ridgefeld, possibly the same as East Ryefield, was included in the demesne land of the Abbey at the Dissolution: Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), vi, App. xiii.
  • 187. Suss. Rec. Soc. xlii, 268; the modern added invocation of St. Gabriel seems due to a misunderstanding of Suss. Arch. Coll. xii, 72.
  • 188. A memorandum of 1601 in the Parish Register speaks of 'the burning of our church' as a past event; and a presentment of about 1579 says 'Our cherch beinge brent … [is] not yet fully reedyfyed, we lak seates:' Add. MS. 39454, fol. 30.
  • 189. Unless otherwise stated, all work is of c. 1300.
  • 190. In a church of this size a piscina, sedilia, and a large east window are to be looked for; possibly all once existed but were done away with after the fire.
  • 191. a The date is above the altar in the chancel and is repeated on a bracket in the south transept: ex inf. Mr. H. Brightwell.
  • 192. Henry Petrie's plan of c. 1820 (Add. MS. 6738, fol. 127) shows no doorway here. It was made in 1902.
  • 193. It was 'newly built' in 1616: Gordon, History of Harting, p. 67.
  • 194. This, and the other works to strengthen the crossing, may possibly be of earlier date.
  • 195. a In 1846 this window was 'completely gone, replaced by a wretched wooden frame': T. Rickman's Report.
  • 196. b It was 'quite destroyed, to form a doorway to the children's gallery in the central tower': ibid.
  • 197. Ex inf. Rev. A. J. Roberts, late rector, who had known the son of the craftsman who made it.
  • 198. In the first pier on the south side the unaltered square sub-base is still traceable; elsewhere much of the base mouldings have been cut away. It is to be presumed that these crutches are of the same date as the crossing crutches, but the ashlar used is not from the same beds.
  • 199. The whole of the west wall was presumably rebuilt in 1875, when a faculty was obtained to take down the west wall, put in foundation, and rebuild; refix and repair nave window and north aisle window; fix new two-light window to south aisle like that on north; rebuild buttresses, &c.: Add. MS. 39224, fol. 149.
  • 200. There are drawings of these when intact in Add. MS. 5675, fol. 31; the inscriptions are given in Add. MS. 5699, fol. 232.
  • 201. Suss. Arch. Coll. xvi, 211.
  • 202. Ibid. liv, 185. The donor's initials are there given as 'R. G.', but the facsimile shows the first initial as 'K'.
  • 203. V.C.H. Suss. i, 422. These 6 hides seem later to have been divided between the rectory of Harting (Gordon, Hist. of Harting, 25), and an estate called Cannonland in Harting which passed to the Bettesworths and may have been part of the rectory of Rogate (Chan. Inq. p.m. (Ser. 2), cccxliv, 58), and the manor of the priors of Arundel in Rogate, afterwards known as Rogate College. A pension was paid from Harting Rectory to the college of Arundel at the Dissolution: Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.) i, 313.
  • 204. Cal. Doc. France, 233, 234; V.C.H. Suss. i, 376.
  • 205. Pipe R. 7 Ric. I (Pipe R. Soc.), 243; Suss. Fines (Suss. Rec. Soc. ii), 3.
  • 206. Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.), 141.
  • 207. Add. MSS. 39404 A; 39406 B. The king presented in 1290 on account of the lands of Henry Husee being in his hands (Cal. Pat. 1281–92, p. 380). In 1348 Henry Husee obtained licence to grant the advowson of Harting to the Abbey of Durford (Cal. Inq. a.q.d. p. 435), but the grant was apparently never made. In 1568 Edmund Ford granted three presentations to Thomas Fenner of Chichester, from whom they passed to the Bellinghams of Nytimber: Add. MS. 28529, fol. 43.
  • 208. Gordon, op. cit. 63.
  • 209. Feet of F. Suss. Trin. 8 Jas. I.
  • 210. See Inst. Bks. (P.R.O.); Add. MS. 39406 B.
  • 211. Gordon, op. cit. 181.
  • 212. Add. MS. 39404 A.
  • 213. Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.), 134.
  • 214. Inq. Non. (Rec. Com.), 364.
  • 215. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i, 325.
  • 216. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 41–3; Add. Chart. 18831.
  • 217. Suss. N. and Q. vi, 242.
  • 218. Add. MS. 28529, fol. 43.
  • 219. Ibid., fol. 50.
  • 220. Exch. Dep. Trin. 15 Chas. II, no. 3; subsequently, about 1706, the tithes belonging to East and South Harting were purchased by John Caryll (Gordon, op. cit. 113, 164).
  • 221. The rent in 1655 was £186 13s. 4d.
  • 222. Add. MS. 39407 A.
  • 223. Pipe R. Soc. xxx, 145.
  • 224. Ibid. xxxi, 91.