Roll A 2: 1332-33

Pages 94-99

Calendar of the Plea and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London: Volume 1, 1323-1364. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Membr. 1

2 Sept. 1332

Writ to the Mayor to safeguard the City and keep the King's peace on the occasion of Parliament meeting at Westminster on the morrow of the Nativity B.M. Dated at Northampton, 2 Sept. Ao 6 Edw. III [1332]. (F)

1 Sept. 1332

The King to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London, ordering them to appear with the Aldermen of the City at Westminster to speak with the King on certain business on Tuesday next [8 Sept.]. Dated 1st Sept. (F)

7 Sept. 1332

A note to the effect that the above letters were read in the Chamber of the Guildhall on Monday the eve of the Nativity B.M. [8 Sept.] before the Mayor and certain Aldermen named, when it was agreed that all the Aldermen should meet in the Guildhall on the following Wednesday to make ordinances for the government of the City in accordance with the above letters. (L)

Henry Buntyng, tailor, paid 20d fine for a trespass and was mainprised by Walter de Muriet and Robert de Wyght for his good behaviour. (L)

8 Sept. 1332

William and Ralph, servants of Thomas de Ravenestone, were attached in Southwark by the Mayor on Tuesday the Feast of the Nativity B.M. [8 Sept.] and committed to prison for an affray with the servants of the Bishop of Winchester, the Chancellor. They were immediately taken into the Marshalsea, the King being at Westminster. (L)

Reginald de Conduit, John de Causton, Anketin de Gisors and Thomas de Chetingdon were elected to serve in Parliament at Westminster (fn. 1). (L)

9 Sept. 1332

Certain eye-witnesses of the late affray were examined before the Mayor, Sheriffs and Aldermen on Wednesday after the Feast of the Nativity B.M. [8 Sept.]. They said that it began in the churchyard of the Priory of St Mary and was caused by some of the Bishop's servants, whose names they did not know, except that Simon, the Bishop's baker, was one of them. (L)

21 Sept. 1332

On Monday the Feast of St Matthew [21 Sept.] Ao 6 Edw. III [1332] Nicholas Pike and John Hosebonde were elected Sheriffs by the Mayor and Aldermen. (L)

17 Oct. 1332

Pleas held before the Mayor and Aldermen on Saturday before the Feast of S t Luke the Evangelist [18 Oct.] A o 6 Edw. III [1332]

Alice, widow of Robert Podifat, was summoned to answer William le Coupere of Emlesworth for 32s, the price of 6 qrs of wheat sold to her factor, William de Crokeslee, at Queenhithe, payment for which should have been made on the spot in accordance with the Statute of Smithfield (fn. 2). The defendant denied that William de Crokeslee was her factor and put herself on the verdict of a jury. A jury from Queenhithe and from Cripplegate, where she lived, was summoned. The action was afterwards adjourned for lack of jurors. (L)

Membr. 1b

23 Oct. 1332

John Godard of Hamme, who had been arrested by the Wardens of the Fishmongers with a net called "kidell (fn. 3)," and taken before the Mayor and Aldermen on Friday before the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], was discharged because he had unwittingly done wrong, and because it was his first offence. (L)

18 Nov. 1332

Letter from John de Preston, Mayor, the Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of London to the Mayor, Echevins and Commonalty of the town of Amiens, demanding payment of their farm of 50 marks, which had fallen into arrears during the last five mayoralties, if they wished to continue to enjoy their franchises (fn. 4) in London. Dated 18 Nov. [1332]. (F)

18 Nov. 1332

Letter from John de Preston, Mayor of London, to Galeran de Vaus, Bailiff of Amiens, signifying that he had, as requested, informed Dreux Audeline of his election as "grantz compteres" of Amiens, and that the said Dreux would leave England to take up his duties as soon as he could recover his goods and merchandise, which had been arrested in Ipswich. Dated 18 Nov. 1332. (F)

12 Nov. 1332

Roysia, wife of William de Cotoun, and John de Bardeneye were attached on Thursday after the Feast of St Martin [11 Nov.] for being found in a certain house at Garlickhithe, which they claimed as their right and inheritance, against the execution of the will of William de Wyndesores. They were mainprised by William Fitz Peter and Simon de Kelshull to appear before the Mayor and Aldermen next day. (L)

14 Jan. 1321

Pleas of the Crown before the Itinerant Justices at the Tower the morrow of S t Hilary [13 Jan.] A o 14 Edw. II [1320-1]

Presentment (fn. 5) by the jurors of Billingsgate Ward as to illegal seizure of lampreys by Goscelin the Serjeant of Queenhithe under the pretext of custom. (L)

8 Feb. 1333

Letter from John de Preston, Mayor, etc. to the Mayor and Echevins of Amiens, explaining the City's right to claim the farm of 50 marks from the towns of Amiens, Corbie and Nesle, by virtue of the trading privileges enjoyed by those towns in London, and in accordance with an agreement (fn. 6) made between them in 1237. Dated 8 Feb. [1332-3]. (F)

8 Feb. 1333

Note that the above letter was read and considered in full Husting of Common Pleas on Monday after the Feast of the Purification B.M. [2 Feb.] Ao 7 Edw. III [1332-3]. (L)

Proceedings against Walter atte Brendwode, Agnes de Essex and Margery la Peautrer for being in possession of "chalons (fn. 7)," unlawfully made of the hair of kids, horsehair and the hair of other animals, which were seized by Walter de Stebenheth on behalf of the Weavers and brought into the Chamber of Guildhall. The defendants declared that they purchased them from William de Elsinge (fn. 8), mercer. A day was given and the above William was ordered to appear. (L)

Membr. 2

18 Nov. 1332

Pleas held before the Mayor and Aldermen on Wednesday after the Feast of S t Martin "in Yeme" [11 Nov.] A o 6 Edw. III [1332]

Walter le Bret and William Trug, girdlers, were summoned to show cause why the sum of £11 lying in the Chamber should not be delivered to Ranekyn le Esterling of Cologne. The above Walter opposed on the ground that Ranekyn had granted them an acquittance, which was read in court. Ranekyn denied the genuineness of the deed. A jury was summoned for Friday, but on that day Walter le Bret acknowledged the deed to be a forgery. He was committed to prison, but released on Tuesday on payment of a fine. Execution of the debt was granted. (L)

13 Nov. 1332

Assize of bread of the bakers of Totenham (fn. 9) taken on Friday after the above Feast before the Mayor and eight Aldermen. Certain bakers convicted of short weight were ordered to sell three penny loaves for twopence and two half-penny loaves for one penny. (L)

18 Nov. 1332

Pleas held before the Mayor and Aldermen the same day

John Brok was attached to answer a charge of assaulting Richard Tailleboys, beadle of Cripplegate Ward, whilst the latter was performing his duty of cleansing the streets, and of taking his cart away from him. The defendant denied the charge. He was found guilty by a jury and was committed to prison, 12d damages being awarded to the plaintiff. (L)

15 Nov. 1332

On Sunday after the above Feast came John, son of Robert de Ingham, to the house of the Mayor and paid to Bernard de Bederede and William Lambert, attorneys of Boniface (Bonafousi) de St Columba, £20 sterling in part payment of £40 due to him from Oliver de Ingham, knt, on a bond. (L)

16 Nov. 1332

Letter of Galerans de Vaux, Bailiff of Amiens, to the lords and justices throughout the realm of England, quoting certain letters patent of 1325, in which Charles, King of France and Navarre, had granted to the burgesses of Amiens that persons elected as Mayors, "Compteres" or Echevins of Amiens might not refuse those offices by reason of their private business. The writer prays that they will give notice to Driex Audeline, should they find him, that he had been elected "grauntz compteres" of the town of Amiens, and that he must return and take up his duties. Dated at Amiens, "le Jour des Mors" [2 Nov.] 1332 (F). The above letter having been read in the Husting of Common Pleas on Monday after the Feast of St Martin [11 Nov.] the following answer was agreed to [vide supra, p. 96].

11 Dec. 1332

Pleas held before the Mayor and Sheriffs on Friday before the Feast of S t Lucia [13 Dec] A o 6 Edw. III [1332]

William Official, beadle of Cheap Ward, was attached to answer Thomas le Bourser of Ismonger Lane in a plea of trespass, for having entered the house of the said Thomas, whilst he was asleep, and carried him off to Newgate, where he was released after a detention of four days; also for having again, of malice prepense, arrested him and carried him to the Sheriff, to his damage £20. The defendant pleaded that he arrested him because the hue and cry was raised in his house. A jury found a verdict for the defendant. (L)

John de Wytsand, "hosteler," and Thomas Irishman and John le Baker, measurers of woad, were sworn to inform the Mayor of all goods and merchandise coming from Amiens, Corbie and Nesle, before they warehoused or measured them, and also to give warning if such goods were avowed (fn. 10) by citizens of London, whereby the farm of 50 marks could not be levied from them. (L)

John Wygeyn and John de Stokflete, who were caught fishing in the Thames with "kidels (fn. 11) " and admitted their offence, were committed to prison, and the kidels were ordered to be burnt in Cheap. (L)

John le Roos and Juliana his wife were attached by Edmund de Saunford and Thomas de Saunford, Wardens of the Weavers, for weaving a piece of cloth, contrary to the liberties of the Weavers of London and the custom of the City. Before the Wardens could seize the cloth, the defendants were alleged to have cut it off from the loom and made away with it. The defendants pleaded that they made the cloth for their own use. A jury found that the facts were correctly stated by both the plaintiffs and defendants. Judgment was deferred. (L)

Sureties of Ralph hear judgment in an action of trespass at the suit of John Hosebonde, Sheriff.


  • 1. Summoned to meet at Westminster on 9 Sept. 1332.
  • 2. "The Statute of Smithfield " consisted of certain ancient ordinances with regard to the sale of corn and meat, which were proclaimed yearly in the City after Michaelmas among other ordinances. Marginal notes in the Liber Custumarum, fos. 200-1, indicate that the ordinances there given, beginning, "Et purceo qascuns achatours et abrokours de blee" and ending "courge sur tieux bouchiers qi de ceo serrount atteintz" constitute the Statute of Smithfield. They were copied into the Liber Albus, fo. 198, and were printed Lib. Alb. (Rolls Series), I, pp. 261-3.
  • 3. A stake-net, usually fixed on a weir.
  • 4. See below, p. 96, n. 2.
  • 5. Cf. Lib. Cust. i, p. 384.
  • 6. The agreement is set out in full in Lib. Cust. i, pp. 64-6, with translation, ii, pp. 532-4. By its terms the inhabitants of Amiens, Corbie and Nesle were granted freedom of trade in London as regards their woad, garlic, onions and other commodities, with the exception of wine and corn, on consideration of contributing 50 marks to the farm of the City.
  • 7. A blanket or covering for a bed.
  • 8. The founder of Elsing Spital.
  • 9. Bread baked outside London for sale within the City was called "adulterine bread," and could only be offered for sale if it fulfilled the requirements of the City's Assize of Bread as to weight and quality. Cf. Lib. Alb. i, p. 358.
  • 10. i.e. passed off by citizens as belonging to themselves and thus not subject to custom-dues.
  • 11. See p. 95, n. 2.