Pages 812-813
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Martis, 18 Octobris, 1642.
Obnoxious Publication.
ORDERED, That the Pamphlet, intituled, "The Examinations of Sir Ralph Hopton, &c." be referred to the Committee for Printing; to inquire out the Author and the Printer: And that they sit daily, and put the Ordinance concerning Printing in Execution: And that they shall have Power to send for and apprehend such, as Delinquents, as shall appear guilty and faulty before the said Committee.
Ships for Irish Coasts.
Mr. Green presented from the Committee of the Navy, an Order for the Winter Guard of Ten Ships upon the Coasts of Ireland: Which was read; and referred to the Committee for Adventurers: Who are to consider of it this Day; and to bring it in To-morrow Morning.
Letters of Mart.
An Ordinance for Setting forth of Ships by Letters of Mart, for the Guard of the Seas, was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth nominate and allow of Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Holland, Mr. Green, Mr. Marten, .. H. Vane, Mr. Rolle, Sir Ro. Pye, Sir H. Vane junior, to be Commissioners intrusted for the Matters of Admiralty: And it is referred to the Committee for the Navy to prepare an Ordinance to enable the forenamed Persons thereunto.
Naval Affairs.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners for the Admiralty, to consider of some Course to prevent the Mischief that arises from the Transporting and Alienating of Ordnance; and to consider of easing the Rates that are required upon the Bonds and Licences, that the Subject obtains for such Ordnance as he carries aboard his Ship: And the Commissioners are enabled to grant Licences in the usual Manner.
Seizing Arms, &c.
The Under Sheriff * Dale was called in; and did confess, that he had been at the House of Sir Edw. Aiscough, and took away all his Arms, by the Warrant of the High Sheriff, and the Command of the Lord Willoughby, Sir Charles Dallison, the High Sheriff Sir Peregrinc Bartie.-
Sir Jo. Mounson, and Sir Charles Dallison, commanded the Constables to furnish him with Horses; and was commanded and promised Protection to the Houses of Sir Edw. Aiscough, Anth. Irebye, Mr. Fienes, Captain Hatcher, Captain Lister, Sir Christ. Wray.
Eighteen Musquets sent complete, with Powder and Match.-The Arms of Sir Edward Aiscough, sent by him to the Sheriff.
The rest in the Palace at Lincolne, which he will deliver all *: All laid up there by the Sheriff's Command.
Resolved, That Dale, the Under Sheriff of the County of Lincolne, be bailed for the present: And that he be injoined to restore all the Arms, Powder, and Ammunition, that he has in his Custody, or has taken away; and to carry them to the several Places from whence they were taken: And that he proceed with Diligence in levying the Process upon Recusants, according to Law.
The Under Sheriff was again called in: And being demanded if he knew who framed the Petition; he thought it was Sir Jervas Scroope and Sir Jo. Mounson.
Sir Anth. Irby acquaints the House, That the Plate he seized at the High Sheriff's of Lincolneshire, was not his, but Mr. Boroughe's, that married his Daughter; and that he restored it to her again.
Resolved, That the House doth approve of this Bestowing of the Plate so disposed of by Sir Anth. Irby.
King's Commissions to Papists.
Mr. Glyn, Mr. Pierrepointe, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Blakeston, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Marten, Mr. Asherst, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Hill.
This Committee, or any Three of them, are to meet this Afternoon in the Court of Wards, to prepare a Declaration upon the Informations that are given of Commissions issued out from his Majesty to Papists, for Raising of Men.
Deputy Lieutenants.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth approve of, and nominate, Sir Edmund Fowell, Edmund Parker Esquire, Sir Shilston Calmady, Rob. Savery Esquire, Hugh Fortescue Esquire of Wear, Jo. Courtney Esquire of Melham, Sir Tho. Drew, Hen. Walrond Esquire, Wm. Fry Esquire, senior, to be Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Devon; and Mr. Jo. Bingham to be Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Dorsett.
Letter to Counties.
Mr. Pierrepointe reported from the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, this Letter following, to be sent into the Counties adjoining:
We the Lords and Commons, knowing the Destruction of our Religion, Laws, and Liberty, would follow, if the King's Army, consisting of Papists, and all Sorts of Malignants (now clothed and fed with the Spoils of the Subjects), should prevail; do conceive we are in Duty bound to send you these Advertisements; and to let you know what, in our Opinions, are the Means to prevent these Miseries.
The King's Army hath had, of long time, little or no Pay: The Provisions of the Country, where they now remain, are consumed: These Wants do necessitate them to remove into some other Parts of the Kingdom; having no means of Subsistence, but by Plundering and Rapines, which are freely allowed unto them.
Their Remove will, in Likelihood, be towards the City of London; the Counties in their Way being plentiful of all Provisions, and well-affected Persons to the King and Parliament; the more fit Prey for them.
And though we doubt not but by God's Blessing, and the Care and Vigilancy of the General, all Means will be used to keep the Seat of the War where it is; yet, to prevent any future Accident of Danger, and to preserve you in Peace and Safety, we have thought fit to require you to assemble the Country together, and give them Notice hereof forthwith; and to raise out of the Trained Bands, or other able Men in their Places, or of Volunteers, the Number of, all well and completely armed, out of the County; to be ready at an Hour's Warning; to be conducted by some you shall appoint, to some Rendezvous, as you shall receive further Directions from us.
This Letter was read, and assented to; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence: And referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, to take Care and give Order for the Perfecting and Sending away of these Letters.
Scotch Commissioners, &c.
The Second Declaration from the Commissioners and Council of Scotland; whereby they desire a Safe Conduct, to the end they may come with Safety, and propound unto the King and Parliament some Propositions of Treaty, whereby these Differences now in this Kingdom may be made up; was this Day read.
And the House fell into a serious Debate thereof. And, after Debate,
It was Resolved, upon the Question, That the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland, for conserving of the Peace, that intend to come from thence to his Majesty and the Parliament of this Kingdom, shall have a Safe Conduct granted them: And that the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.
Sir H. Vane junior, Mr. Pierrepointe, Sir Wm. Armyn, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Pym, are appointed to meet this Afternoon, at Three of Clock, in the Court of Wards, to prepare an Answer to the Declaration of the Commissioners of Scotland for conserving the Peace. It is likewise referred unto them to make some General Answer to the Declaration of the Secret Council; and to the Declaration of the Commissioners of the General Assembly; and to acquaint them what Progress the Bill of the Assembly has had.
Persons not contributing.
Ordered, That Sir Jo. Potts, and the rest of the Deputy Lieutenants and Committees intrusted with advancing the Propositions for Raising of Horse, Money, and Plate, in the County of Norfolk, or any One of them, shall have Power, according to the Resolutions of both Houses, to disarm Sir Nich. Lestrange Baronet, Sir Haman Lestrange, Sir Robert Kemp, Sir Jo. Spelman, Knights, Erasmus Erle, Edward Heyward, Esquires, for not contributing with the rest of the good Subjects to the common Charge, in this Time of imminent Danger.
Persons to be summoned.
Ordered, That Erasmus Erle and Edw. Heyward Esquires be forthwith summoned to attend this House.
Apprehending Delinquents.
Ordered, That the Serjeant send a good able Man, for the Apprehending of those Gentlemen of Dorsetshire formerly voted for Delinquents: And that the Deputy Lieutenants give him their best Assistance.
Bishops, &c. Sequestrations.
Ordered, That the Committee concerning the Sequestration of the Rents of Archbishops, Bishops, Delinquents, &c. do meet this Afternoon; and bring in their Report To-morrow Morning.
Sequestration of King's Revenue.
Ordered, That the Manner of the Execution of the Vote concerning the Sequestration of his Majesty's Revenue, be referred to the Committee for the King's Revenue, where Mr. Rous has the Chair: And they are required to put the same in Execution accordingly.
Persons sent for.
Resolved, &c. That Robert Stockwell, of Northsidworth in the County of Wilts, be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, for refusing to pay his Rate upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds; and for rescuing his Horse, that was distrained for not Payment thereof.
Resolved, &c. That Richard Parsons be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, for the same Cause.