Pages 844-845
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, 11 Novembris, 1642.
Punishing Soldiers.
ORDERED, That the Colonels and Captains of the Trained Bands in the Cities of London and Westminster, and Middlesex, &c. may inflict Punishment upon such Soldiers under their Command, as shall refuse to repair to their Colours, and do their Duty, being commanded thereunto, according to the Custom of an Army in the Time of War: And that the Lords be moved to join herein.
Petition presented to the King.
A Letter from Lord Wenman, Mr. Perepointe, and Sir Jo. Hepsley, dated at Uxbridge, 10 No. instant, was read; signifying to the Parliament, That they had attended his Majesty with the Petition.
Proceedings against Manwaring.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir H. Manwaring shall be disabled from being any longer a Member of the Brotherhood of the Trinity-house; and that this Order be added to the former, concerning Sir H. Manwaring.
Lord Baltinglasse.
Ordered, That the Lord Baltinglasse be discharged from any further Attendance.
Person to remain in Custody.
Ordered, That Mr. Howe shall remain in Custody till To-morrow Morning, that his Papers may be better examined in the mean time.
Person to attend in Custody.
Ordered, That Mr. Wm. Niclas be summoned forthwith to attend the House in safe Custody: And that it be referred to the Committee for Examinations, to examine and consider of it.
Aqueduct Money.
Ordered, That the Debtors for the Aqueduct Money shall have Discharges from this House, for so much of the Monies remaining in their Hands, as they shall pay into the Chamber of London.
Person committed by E. of Essex.
Ordered, That Serjeant Whitfield's Man, committed Prisoner to the Gatehowse, by his Excellency the Earl of Essex, do remain there as a Prisoner during the Pleasure of the House.
Gunners in the Tower.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House do consent to allow unto the Ten Gunners, appointed to be employed in the Service of the Commonwealth in the Tower, these Rates following; viz. To the Master Gunner, at Three Shillings and Four Pence per diem: To the rest, at Twelve Shillings per Week each Man.
Seizing Horses.
Ordered, That the Three Horses kept at the House of Mr. Chace, Parson of Chiselhurst in Kent, to the Terror of the Inhabitants thereabouts, shall be forthwith seized, and sent up to London: And Mr. Strode is to take Care, that this be done accordingly; and to dispose of One of the said Horses for the Service of the Commonwealth: And that the other Two be disposed of by the Lord General: And all Constables, &c. are required to be aiding and assisting herein.
Persons sent for.
Upon a Letter reported from the Committee, written by Mr. Robert Heywood, which gives the House just Occasion to suspect him to be an Intelligencer;
It is Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Robert Heywood be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House.
Person committed.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Wm. Ratcliffe stand committed, during the Pleasure of the House, to the Bishop of Winton's House, which is now appointed a Prison.
Bp. of Win-ton's House.
That the Bishop of Winton's House, in Southwark, shall be appointed to be a Prison, to keep Prisoners in.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Tho. Davenish be appointed Keeper of the said Prison.
Prisoner discharged.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Thomas Russell Clerk, Parson of St. John's in Lewis, formerly sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms, upon his humble Petition, be forthwith discharged.
Persons committed.
Ordered, That Lieutenant Colonel Essex, late Governor of Worcester, be required forthwith to commit Mr. John Howghton and Mr. George Streete, who were committed to his Charge by the Committee of Lords and Commons, at Worcester, to the Gaol at Gloucester, till the House take farther Order; or else to send them up in safe Custody to the Parliament.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Hamon Claxton, now in the Serjeant's Custody, for disaffecting People in the County of Norfolk, to the Service of the Parliament, be forthwith committed Prisoner to the House of the Bishop of Winton.
War in Ireland.
Ordered, That the House do take into Consideration, on Monday Morning next, how to support the War in Ireland.
House to sit.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and * *;
The Lords purpose to sit this Afternoon, at Four of Clock, because they expect to hear some.... from the Messengers sent to Court; and do desire this House would do the like, if it may stand with their Conveniency.
Ordered, That the House do meet this Afternoon, at Four of Clock.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That the House has resolved to sit this Afternoon, at Four of Clock.
Escape of Smyth, &c.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Gatehowse, to examine the Business concerning the Escape of Smyth; and to take into Consideration a fit Man to be appointed Under Keeper of the Gatehowse, as Broccas was; and to present him to the House: And to consider whether the Profits of the Custody of the said Prison be sequestered by Order of both or either House: Otherwise, that Mrs. Weekes may have the Profits thereof.
Message to Lords.
Sir Peter Wentworth is appointed to carry up to the Lords, the Form of Thanks to the Lord General: The Orders concerning the Lieutenant of the Tower, for the Safety of the Tower: The Addition to the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Kent: The Order for Two hundred Pounds out of the Proposition Monies to Malden: The Order for Taunton to have Three hundred Pounds out of their Contribution Monies: The Order for Twenty Pounds to be paid to Mr. Michell, a Minister lately come out of Ireland: The Order concerning pulling down the Sheds about the City Walls: The Order for the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Surrey.
The Lords were risen; so that he is appointed to carry them this Afternoon at Four of Clock.
Forces for Bristoll.
Ordered, That Mr. Holles do acquaint the Committee for the Defence of the Kingdom, with the Desires of the City of Bristoll, concerning some Strength and Forces to be sent to that Town.
Loans from Citizens, &c.
WHEREAS divers well-affected Persons, Citizens of the City of London, and others, have advanced several great Sums of Money, and other Supplies, for the Safety of the King, Parliament, and Kingdom; and also have set forth many Soldiers under the several Commands of their Excellencies the Earls of Essex and Warwick; notwithstanding all which said former Advances, and for the better Supply of the said Forces, as also for the more sure Preservation and Safety of the King, Parliament, and City, which so much concerns the Publick; and no way to hinder or backward the said former Undertakings or Intentions; divers of the said well-affected Persons are, and do declare themselves, yet willing, and ready, farther to undertake and advance a considerable Number of Soldiers; and them to arm, maintain, and pay, for several Months ensuing, or during these Times of Dangers and Distractions, for the Purposes aforesaid; provided they may have the publick Faith of the Kingdom, for Repayment of all such Sums of Money, which they shall so advance by way of Loan: All which is declared, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament, to be an acceptable Service to the King, Parliament, and Kingdom; and neceffarily tending to the Preservation of them: And do therefore Order, That all such as shall furnish Men, Money, Horse, or Arms for this Service, shall have the same fully repaid again, with Interest for the Forbearance thereof, from the Times disbursed: And for the true Payment thereof, do hereby engage, to all and every such Person and Persons, the Publick Faith of the Kingdom: And do farther Order, That the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of London, for the time being, shall, by themselves, and such Sub-committee as they shall appoint, to take the said Subscriptions: Who are to order the Performance of this Service, for the Advancement thereof.
Post Meridiem
London Petition.
THE humble Petition of divers Ministers and Citizens of the City of London was this Day read: Which preferred many Heads of weighty Consideration.
Some of the Parties that presented the Petition were called in; and did express their Forwardness to perform all the Particulars expressed in the said Petition.
The Petitioners were again called in: And Mr. Speaker told them "That the Petition was full of Expressions of Loyalty to the King, and of great Importance to the Commonwealth: And that he had Command from the House to return their hearty Thanks: And had appointed a very short Time to take it into a farther and more serious Consideration: Which was To-morrow."
Ordered, That this Petition, from divers of the Citizens and Ministers of London be taken into Consideration the first Business To-morrow Morning.
Message to Lords.
Sir Peter Wentworth went up to the Lords, and carried the Orders concerning Two hundred Pounds to Malden, out of the Propositions: The Order for Watford; for the Soldiers repairing to their Colours: And the Form of Thanks to the Lord General Essex.
Arms to Sadler.
The House does approve of the Twenty-four Pikes delivered to Captain Sadler, by the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Herts; being Part of the Arms scattered by the Soldiers of the Army under the Command of the Earl of Essex.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Peter Wentworth brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Order concerning the Two hundred Pounds to Malden; to the Order for Watford; to the Order for Beating up of Drums for Soldiers to repair to their Colours; and to the Form of Thanks to be given to the Earl of Essex; the which they desire may be entered, to stand for ever upon Record, and printed in perpetuam Rei memoriam.
Interest on Loans.
Ordered, That Mr. Wheeler do bring in an Order, To-morrow Morning, for the Treasurers for the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, to pay the Interest due for about the Sum of Fourteen thousand Pounds, taken up upon the Credit and Security of divers Members of this House.
* * *
Ordered, That the Lord General be moved to grant no Commission for the Raising of any new Troops, till the old Troops be recruited.
* * * *