Pages 434-459
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: K, Henry VI. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.
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Lacer, Richard, 306
Lacy, John, 173
Laffayre, Henry, 305
Lagage, John, goldsmith, 7
Laghtone, Robert, a chantry priest in the Guildhall Chapel, 67, 108
Lambard, Lambart, John, 318, 399, 400
Lambe, John, 256, 323
Lambehithe, Richard, 304
Lamprons, the season for catching, 6
Lancastre, Hugh, 305
Landwath, William, 75, 78
Lane, John, fuller, 256
-, - John, of Canterbury, 17, 20, 21
Langbourn Ward, jurors for assessment of, 197
Langestone, John, 80, 88
Langle, Langley, John, 15, 297
-, - Thomas, 30, 98
-, - William, 78
Langriche, Walter, 393
Langshot, Henry, 134, 256
-, - Thomas, 178
-, - - Elizabeth, wife of, 178
Langwith, John, tailor, 369
Lardener, William, 10
Large, John, "fleccher," 222
-, - Robert, Mercer and Alderman,
45, 63, 65, 79, 102, 103, 111, 112,
123, 142, 146, 147, 148, 161, 167,
172, 182, 183, 184, 191, 193, 201,
203, 207, 209, 211, 212, 219, 220,
231, 233, 247, 248, 250, 251, 253,
254, 273, 279, 280, 282
-, - - Elizabeth, dau. of, 281
-, - - "Dame" Johanna, wife
of, 273, 280, 282
-, - - Richard, son of, 279, 280,
281, 282
-, - - Robert, son of, 279
-, - - Thomas, son of, 279, 280,
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
Latoner, William, 348
"Latoners," Latteners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 29, 98, 149
Laurence, Baldwin, 41, 179
-, - - Alice, dau. of, 41, 179
-, - - Johanna, dau. of, 41, 179
-, - - John, son of, 41, 179
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 41
-, - - William, son of, 41, 179
-, - Roger, "hurer," charged with
improper fulling of caps, 59-60
Lay, Thomas, 285
Layner, John, 30, 256
Leadenhall, public granary at, 276, 294, 313
Leather, Assayers of, 30, 98, 106, 114, 202-3; to be assayed at the Tanners' Seld near the Guildhall, 285
Leather seld near the Guildhall, 250
Leathersellers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 30, 53, 78, 98; ordinances, 249; translation to, from that of Malemakers, 38; from that of Girdlers, 235; from that of Pouch- makers, 279
Leathersellers and Glovers, Misteries of, ordinances regulating their re- spective crafts, 334-5
Leche, John, "irmonger," 66
-, - John, Master of Mistery of
Poulterers, 256
-, - John le, 305
Lede, John, assayer of oysters, 227
Lee, river, conservancy of, 46
Lee, John, girdler, 93
-, - Richard, Grocer and Alderman,
315, 323, 349, 353, 354, 359, 361,
362, 366, 367, 372, 381, 383, 391,
392, 395, 399, 401, 403
Leem, Simon, 134
Leget, John, chantry priest in Guild-
hall Chapel, 108, 122
-, - John, junior, 85
-, - Thomas, 196
Legge, John, 201, 248
Leicester, Parliament at, 55, 330
Leighton, Marion, 26
Lely, William, 25
Leman, John, 24
Lepers, the Wardens of, discharged from various duties, 142-3
"Lethersellers." See Leathersellers.
Letot, Henry, 98
Leventhorp, John, 15, 27
Leversegge, Robert, 39
Leveryngtone, John, chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 141
Levyng, John, elected M.P. for the City, 139
Lewes, William, 360
Lewgor, Levgor, John, 197, 322
Ley, John, girdler, 15, 30
Leycestre, William, 256
Leyne, John, 78
Leytone, William, 385, 386, 387
Lichefeld, William, S.T.D., 311
Lightholders, William, 339
Lightwode, Adam, 307
-, - - William, son of, 307, 339
Lillyk, John, 196
Lime Street Ward, jurors for assess- ment of, 197
Limners not to be put on inquests, 178
Limners and Stationers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 149
Limners and Text-writers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 15
Lincoln, Guy, 256
-, - Thomas, 169
Linen-armourers, Mistery of, transla- tion from, to that of Drapers, 39-40
Linen-weavers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 30, 43, 53, 78, 98, 143, 150, 232, 256
Lister, William, 43
Loder, William, 149
Lok, John, 370, 381, 400, 401
Lokes, les, lepers at, 142
"Loksmyth," 307
Lokwode, Richard, 374
Lollards, measures taken against, 128
Lombard, a disorderly house kept by a, 378
Lombards, a "hurlynge" against, 377n., 385-90
London, the Bishop of, to be urged
not to confirm election of John
Sevenoke as Prior of Holy Trinity
on account of his immorality, 230;
forbidden to let the Court Christian
act prejudicially to the City's rights,
-, - Bishops of:
-, Fitz Hugh, Robert, 122, 141, 177,
-, Gilbert, Robert, 194n., 239, 240
-, Grey, William, 60, 62, 67, 101,
-, Kempe, Thomas, 373, 383
-, Niger, Roger, 360
London, City of, letter from the bur-
gesses of Paris, invoking its assis-
tance to obtain from Henry VI.
protection for France, 4
-, - Port of, regulations for collectors
of custom in, 102
London, Elys, 323
London Bridge, carts shod with iron
not to pass over, 38; maintenance
of, 107-8, 231-2, 248, 268-9; tene-
ment called "le Stokkes" assigned
to, 180; collector of rents apper-
taining to, appointed, 238; Masters
of the work of, 263, 268, 272;
Chapel of St. Thomas on, 263, 290,
299; tenants of its estate not to
alienate without licence of the
Wardens, 268-9
-, - Wardens of, 1, 13, 32, 44, 54,
63, 79, 102, 107, 112, 115, 123, 130,
147, 166, 169, 183, 207, 218, 219,
229, 248, 261, 272, 274, 287, 299,
309, 315, 323, 326, 329, 332, 361-2,
366, 370, 381, 391, 395, 399
London Bridge, Wardens of, reim- bursed their expenses, the bridge having become ruinous, 191; inden- ture of covenant with Rector, &c., of St. Mary Woolchurch touching rebuilding of church so as not to obstruct the light of the Stocks, 267-8, 272
Longe, Henry, 134
-, - John, 43, 255
-, - John, junior, 134
-, - Thomas (le), 156, 157, 196
Lonney, Richard, 197
Lorchoun, John, 231
Lorde, John, 230
"Lord" Mayor, origin of prefix, 243n., 361
Lorimers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 14, 43, 52, 78, 143, 150, 232, 256
"Lothoners." See Latoners.
Lounde, John, 393, 394
-, - Richard, 270
Louthe, John, 197
-, - Robert, 306
Love, John, Rector of Aspley-Guise, co. Beds, and chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 122
Lovecok, Philip, 168
Lovekyn, John, 304
Lovelace, Lovelas, Richard, 209, 219, 229, 248
Lovell, Richard, appointed an Attor- ney in the Sheriffs' Court, 350
Lowe, Hugh, 148
Lucas, Walter, 256
Lucy, Walter, cutler, 109, 142, 143, 144
Ludford, John, 173, 257
Ludgate Prison, ordinances touching treatment of prisoners in, 124-7; Keeper of, to provide prisoners with coal and ale at prices prescribed, 183; Henry Dene, Keeper, 254, 255; the contents of its privy dis- charged into the town ditch, and opposition thereto, 254-5
Lullay, William, 156
Lumley, Richard, 222, 262-3, 321
Lumour, Alan, 380
-, - - Johanna, wife of, daughter
of Thomas Hawkyn, 380
Lungley, John, 279
-, - - William, son of, 279
Lute, Christopher, 134
Luttour, John, 195, 196
Lye, Richard, 257
-, - William, 105
Lyffyn, Clement, 71, 147, 207, 218
Lyly, William, 222, 232
Lynce, German, 384
Lynde, John, 77, 257, 328
Lyndesay, Richard, scrivener, 43, 121,
-, - - Agnes, wife of, formerly
wife of John Hauk, 121
Lyndewode, John de, 305
"Lynenwebbe" (linen weaver), 63
Lynge, John, 67, 172, 178, 224, 296
"Lynge Armurers." See Linen- armourers.
Lynne, John, skinner, 70
-, - Thomas, capper, 29, 40
-, - William, grocer, 25, 26, 27, 171
-, - - Alice, wife of, 25, 26, 171
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 26
-, - - Beatrix, daughter of, wife
of Thomas Oxney, 26, 27
-, - - John, son of, 26, 171
-, - - Margaret, daughter of, 26
-, - - Robert, son of, 26
Lyon, Thomas, 282
Mabewe, Mabywe, John, 359, 368, 369
Machon, Ivo, appointed a valet to Water-bailiff, 380
Madestone, Richard, 30
"Maghlin" (Mechlin), 353
Makarell, William, 117
Malberthorp, William, chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 141
Maldon, co. Essex. See "Maudone."
Maldone, John, grocer, 13, 227, 236, 238, 246, 284, 341, 348, 384
Malemakers, Mistery of, translation from, to that of Leathersellers, 37-8
Maliard, Thomas, 282
Mallyng, Cristina, wife of Thomas
Cake alias Mallyng, 166
-, - - Cristina, god-daughter of,
daughter of Ralph Blakelowe, 166
Malpas, Philip, Draper and Alderman,
71, 123, 229, 231, 241, 244, 247,
296, 300, 321, 326, 327, 330
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
139, 266n.
-, - - Sheriff, orders the bringing
up of a prisoner out of Newgate, 241;
petition to Common Council to up-
hold his action in removing men
from sanctuary of St. Martin le
Grand, 241-2
Maltby, William, mercer, 11, 169
Malvern, John, 401
-, - - Anne, daughter of, 401
-, - - John, son of, 401
"Manionlane" (Mincing Lane), 305
Mannyng, Thomas, 256
Manumission, a certificate of, 108
Mapelesdene, John, 305
Mapy, Richard, 389
Marbultone, Richard, 113
Marcanovo, John de, 116
Marchall, John, cutler, 256
-, - John, mercer, 387, 400
-, - Robert, grocer, 78, 122, 202,
229, 231, 241, 244
-, - William, 98
Marchaunt, Henry, 143, 282
-, - John, 212, 232, 305
-, - Stephen, 237, 284
-, - Thomas, Rector of St. Peter's,
Cornhill, 101
Marche, Rauf, 385, 387, 390
Maroheford, Richard, 313
-, - Robert, 100
Mareschall, John, "lattener," 29, 149
Margaret of Anjou, her coronation, 314n.
"Mariemburg," in Prussia, 106
Markham, John, Justice, 360
Marleburgh, Thomas, 15
Marowe, Marwe, William, Alderman,
194, 271, 272, 299, 309, 312, 326,
329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 340, 345,
349, 353, 354, 359, 362, 366, 367,
372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 381,
382, 383, 391, 392, 395, 399, 401
-, - - appointed a Justice to
determine pleas of Almaine mer-
chants, 401
-, - William, 197, 209
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, wife of
John Weston, 209
Martin V., Pope, summons the Council of Basle, 145
Martyn, Johanna, niece of Martin
Fitzhugh, 26
-, - John, nephew of the same, 26
-, - John, a Commissioner for gaol-
delivery of Newgate, 7, 18, 39, 140
-, - John, a Justice, 185
-, - John, pewterer, 374
-, - Nicholas, 103
-, - Thomas, 196
Martynson, Godfrey, 142
Mase, Mas, Henry, 256
-, - Thomas, 149
Maserer, William le, 305
Masons, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 97, 256
Matany, Almaric, 209
Mathew, Thomas, 264
Matilda, wife of King Stephen, 81
"Maudone" (Maldon, co. Essex), in- speximus charter to town of, 362-3
Maunehe, John, of Venice, 306
May, Richard (William ?), 352
-, - William, 255
Mayheu, Robert, 110, 283
-, - - Cristina, dau. of, 110, 283
-, - - John, son of, 110, 283
-, - - Martin, son of, 110, 283
-, - - Richard, son of, 110
-, - - Robert, son of, 110, 283
Mayho, John, 98
Mayneld, Thomas, 55
Mayor, no one to be re-elected within
seven years of his last Mayoralty,
33-4; a re-election allowed after an
interval of five years, 34n.; no one
to serve office for a third time, id.;
his prerogative of making six men
free of the City, 34; ordinances
touching those present at election
of, 55; no one who had twice
served as, to be called upon to
serve a third time, 191; must be
an Alderman, and have served as
Sheriff, id.; the King's orders touch-
ing mode of election, 274; members
of the Common Council specially
summoned to attend, 275, 288; his
swearing into office before the
Barons of the Exchequer delayed
owing to the Court of Exchequer
being adjourned, 396. See also
"Lord" Mayor.
-, - John Pencrich, esquire to the,
to occupy a tenement over the
Guildhall gate, 57-8
-, - Serjeants of:
-, Botiller, Thomas, 39
-, Holgreve, Thomas, 270
-, Pencriche, John, 270
-, - elections of, 2, 14, 33, 48, 54,
64, 79-80, 103, 112, 123, 147, 172,
184, 193, 219, 220, 231, 251, 262,
275, 288, 302, 311, 324, 327, 329-30,
349, 362, 367, 372, 381, 392
-, Aleyn or Allen, John, 34n.
-, Atherle. See Hatherle.
-, Barentyn, Drew, 9, 38, 89, 168,
-, Bartone, Henry, 27, 51, 80, 84,
85, 86, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105,
108, 109, 114, 121
-, Bernes, John de, 94
-, Boleyn, Geoffrey, 392, 393, 394,
-, Brembre, Nicholas, 82, 158
-, Brokle, John, 168, 171, 172, 173,
176, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184
-, Broune, John, 376
-, Broune, Broun, Stephen, 34n.,
220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 227,
228, 229, 231, 279, 285, 289,
326, 327, 328, 329, 348, 349
-, Cambregge, William, 279
-, Canynges, Thomas, 377, 378, 381,
382, 383, 384, 385, 391, 392
-, Capell, William, 321
-, Catworth, Thomas, 237, 252, 272,
285, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293,
294, 295, 296, 297, 299, 300,
301, 302
-, Cauntbrigge, William, 6, 267
-, Chaltone, Thomas, 329, 330, 331,
-, Chichele, Robert, 1, 2, 33, 49,
70, 127, 214, 269
-, Clopton, Robert, 186, 213, 250,
260, 262, 263, 267, 268, 270,
271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277,
-, Colet, Henry, 34
-, Coventre, John, 34, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 144
-, Crowmere, William, 13, 17, 18,
19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32,
-, Estfeld, William, 34n, 103, 106,
107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115, 120, 215, 216,
219, 220, 224, 252, 296, 307
-, Eyre, Simon, 41, 215, 268, 307,
309-10, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315,
-, Fauconer, Thomas, 5, 36-7
-, Feldyng, Geoffrey, 286, 349, 350,
352, 353, 354, 355, 358, 361,
-, Forster, Stephen, 350, 367, 368,
369, 370, 371, 372, 373
-, Fraunceys, John, 109
-, Frowyk, Henry, 34n., 94, 118,
193, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203,
204, 207, 208, 223, 235, 298,
300, 301, 303, 304, 306, 307,
308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 348
-, Gedney, John, 27, 34n., 56, 63,
64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 78,
79, 116, 201, 320, 321, 322,
324, 325, 326, 327
-, Gregory, William, 70, 282, 341,
343, 344, 345, 347, 348
-, Hamond, John, 83
-, Hatherle, Atherle, John, 202, 209,
275, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282,
283, 284, 286, 288, 292, 297
-, Hende, John, 142
-, Hulyn, William, 396, 398, 399,
400, 401
-, Josselyn, Ralph, 34n., 380, 391,
-, Knolles, Thomas, 182
-, Large, Robert, 148, 209, 231,
233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238,
239, 241, 247, 248, 250, 251
-, Lee, Richard, 34n., 403
-, Marowe, William, 372, 373, 374,
375, 376, 379, 381, 382
-, Merlawe, Richard, 7, 176
-, Michell, John, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 53,
191, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218
-, Norman, John, 359, 360, 366, 367
-, Olney, John, 315, 316, 319, 320,
321, 322, 323, 324, 344
-, Ottele, Robert, 58, 65, 180, 184,
185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191,
193, 195, 213, 267
-, Oulegreve, Thomas, 398
-, Pattesley, John, 212, 251, 252,
253, 254, 255, 259, 260, 262,
267, 268
-, Perneys, John, 144, 147, 150,
160, 161, 166, 168, 169, 171,
172, 175
-, Philip, Matthew, 401
-, Pycard, Henry, 178
-, Reynwell, John, 46, 55, 57, 58,
59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64
-, Scot, Thomas, 395, 396, 399
-, Sevenoke, William, 235
-, Staundone, William, 34n., 51
-, Taillour, William, 369, 398-9
-, Walderne, William, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8,
10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 37, 61, 202,
-, Welles, John, 124, 127, 131, 132,
133, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
146, 147, 175, 179, 210
-, Wodecok, John, 2, 218, 275
-, Wottone, Nicholas, 112, 114, 117,
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,
124, 127, 132, 234, 294
-, Wyfold, Nicholas, 332, 333, 335,
337, 338, 339, 340
Measures, false, made by foreign turners, 193
Medrest, John, 52
"Mehun sur Eure," "Meun sur Leyre." See Meun on the Loire.
Melborne, Milborne, John, Draper and Alderman, 271, 274, 287, 322
Melbourne, John, grocer, 27, 41, 71
Melford, John, chantry priest in St. Paul's, 122-3
Melreth, Milreth, William, Mercer and Alderman, 27, 32, 44, 50, 55, 56, 112, 115, 123, 146, 147, 161, 167, 172, 182, 183, 184, 193, 203, 218, 219, 220, 231, 234, 241, 247, 250, 261, 262, 270, 273, 275, 286, 288, 299, 300, 302, 310, 311
Melreth, Milreth, William, elected M. P. for the City, 61n., 100, 139
Melyard, Thomas, 256
Mercaunt, William, 257
Mercers of the City rise against the Lombards, 385-90
Mercers, "Mersers," Mistery of, Master sworn, 78; charter of Henry VI. tc, 225-6
Mercery, Mistery of, Sir William Cheyne admitted to the freedom in, subject to his not being prevented thereby from continuing to discharge his duties as Chief Justice, 58-9
Merchant Strangers, a return to be made of names, &c., 267, 270, 274, 288; not to sell "avoirs de pois" until weighed, 394
Merlawe, Richard, 4, 7, 30, 176
-, - - Agnes, wife of, afterwards
wife of Robert Chichele, 4
-, - - Thomas, son of, 4
Merlowe, Thomas, 30
Merssh, Mersche, Henry, 212, 284
-, - John, senior, 256
-, - John, fruiterer, 59
-, - Thomas, 113
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 113
-, - - Katherine, dau. of, 113
-, - - Thomas, son of, 113
-, - - Thomas, son of, 113
Merton (co. Surrey), Abbey of, 306
Messinger, Richard, 383
"Metierdes," "Metyerdes," for mea- suring cloth, 321
"Meun" (Mehun) on the Loire, cap- tured by the Earl of Salisbury, 79; letter of Charles VII. of France dated from, 320
Michel, William, 5
Michell, John, Fishmonger and Alder-
man, 2, 13, 14, 31, 33, 34n, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 53,
54, 56, 61, 78, 80, 84, 95, 103, 146,
147, 172, 182, 184, 191, 193, 203,
204, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
61n., 191
-, - William, 344
Middelcote, William, 95
Middelton, John, Mercer and Alder-
man, 329, 355, 356, 357, 381, 383,
391, 392, 395, 399, 401
-, - - Sheriff, 332, 333
-, - - City Chamberlain, 329, 331
-, - John, 388, 389
Midsummer Watch. See Watch.
Milborne. See Melborne.
Mildenhale, Robert, 46
Miles, Alexander, 171
-, - - Alexander, son of, 171
-, - - Henry, son of, 171
-, - William, 284
-, - - Henry, son of, 284
Milford, Milleford, John, 78
-, - William, Archdeacon of Colches-
ter, his chantry in St. Paul's, 191,
Milkenale, John, 78
Miller, William, 343
Miltone, A, Gilbert, 53
Mirfyne, Thomas, Alderman, 322
Misteries, names of those that pro-
vided torches at the funeral of
Henry V., 3
-, - Masters sworn, 14, 29-30, 41,
43, 52-3, 77-8, 97-8, 143-4, 148-50,
172, 232, 256-7
-, - translations from and to, 7-8,
9, 38, 39, 51, 52, 61, 109, 121-2,
124, 127, 142, 144, 168, 176, 179,
201, 210, 213, 214, 224, 233, 234,
235, 252, 267, 277, 279, 280, 296,
307, 310, 327, 343-4
Mitron, William, 169
Mogon, James, 98, 256
Moisaunt, Thomas, carpenter, 119
Mokkyng, John, 157
-, - Thomas, 306
Moltone, William, 210
Montereau-faut-Yonne, 101n.
Moore, William, 210
"Mordant," "Mordaunt," of a girdle, 65n., 198
Morder, Thomas, 98
Mordey, John, 383
More, John, carpenter, 60
-, - John, skinner, 24, 89
-, - William, 98, 222, 306
Morrow-mass priest, 17, 20
Morstede, Moorstede, Thomas, Master
of the craft of Surgery, 11n., 15,
30, 98, 143, 179, 223
-, - Thomas, fishmonger, 207, 208
Morteyn, Robert, 264
Mortmain, wills devising lands, &c., in, to be carefully examined for fraud before enrolment. 181
Mortymer, John, of Bishop Hatfield,
inquisition touching his escape from
the Tower, 25
-, - Richard, 398
Morviller, John de, of Amiens, 107
Morys, Richard, 242, 245
-, - Walter, 305
-, - William, 194, 195, 197, 211, 212
Mosehech, Richard, 134
Moubray, William, 196
Mounselle, John, 124, 323
Mountegu, John, 304, 306
Mountgomery, Thomas, draper, 70
-, - - Agnes, wife of, afterwards
wife of Nicholas Stucle, Knt., 70
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, 70
-, - - Thomas, son of, 70
Mowbray, John, Duke of Norfolk, 69
-, - John, "steynour," 29
Moyne, Laurence, admitted a Ser- jeant-at-mace, 383
Moysaunt, Thomas, 108. See also Moisaunt.
Multon, William, disfranchised, 228
Mundache, Antony de, 218
Munde, William, 194
Mundeford, John, 321
-, - - John, son of, 321
Mylkedale, John, lorimer, 43. See also Milkenale.
Mynot, Nicholas, "fleccher," 140
Nairsreo, Frederic, 114
Napery, weavers of, 151
Narbourgh, William, 273, 391
Nasyng, William, 149
Naturalization, letters of, granted to John Maunche, of Venice, 306
Nedeham, John, Common Serjeant- at-law, 339
Nedham, Nedeham, Richard, 300, 307,
344, 370, 381, 395, 400
-, - - Johanna, wife of, formerly
wife of John Kinge, 307
Neel, Hugh, brewer, 62
-, - John, Master of the House of
St. Thomas de Acon, 86
"Neel" (Nesle), merchants of, pay- ment to the City in respect of their composition by, 31, 45, 50, 52, 60, 69, 76, 77, 100, 107, 121. See also Amiens and Corbie.
Nele, John, 390
Nesle. See "Neel."
Neteleship, Nettelsep, Nedilship, Henry, foreign weaver, 30, 98, 167
"Netter," 224, 277
Neubolt, William, 173
Neve, John. 9
Nevers, negotiations between the Dukes of Bourbon and Burgundy at, 189
"Never too late to mend," 162n.
Nevile, John, 305
Nevyle, Elizabeth, 208
Newe, Thomas, 323-4
Neweman, John, 378
Newenham, Newenden, John, chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 117, 383
Newenton, John, Warden of the Cutlers, 93
Newerk, John, 395
Newgate, Commissioners for gaol-
delivery of, 7, 18, 39, 140
-, - gate and gaol pulled down
and a new gaol erected by the
executors of Richard Whityngton,
19, 39, 49, 140, 188; bequest of
John Pulteney to prisoners in, to be
enforced by distress, 119; ordinances
touching treatment of prisoners in,
124-7; the keeper to be elected
yearly and find surety for safeguard-
ing prisoners in, 127; to provide
prisoners with coal and ale at prices
prescribed, 183; water conveyed by
pipe from St. Bartholomew's Hos-
pital to prisoners in, 189
Newham, William, 121
-, - - Alice, wife of, formerly
wife of John Walter, 121
New Hospital, the, 306
New Place (Newark, co. Surrey), Priory, 306
Niche, Thomas, 318-19, 400
Nicholas, Pope, his taxation, 5n.
Nicholl, John, 98
Niger, Roger, Bishop of London, his "constitution" touching offerings to curates, &c., 360n.
"Nightcappes" unlawfully fulled, 40, 59, 60
Noon, rung at different hours, 198
Norbarn, Northbarn, or Northburgh (Denmark), the staple at, 99, 134
Norburgh, John, Sheriff's officer, 241
-, - William, 381
Norbury, Henry, 360
Nordone, Richard, 71, 112, 123, 274
Norfolk, John Mowbray, Duke of, 69
Norman, John, Draper and Alderman,
219, 230, 248, 250, 261, 262, 273,
274, 275, 286, 288, 299, 300, 302,
305, 309, 310, 311, 313, 315, 321,
322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329,
331, 333, 337, 340, 341, 345, 348,
349, 353, 354, 359, 360, 361, 362,
366, 367, 370, 372, 380, 381, 383,
392, 395, 399, 401
-, - John, "corser," 49
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, 49
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 49
-, - - Thomasia, daughter of, 49
-, - - William, son of, 49
Northampton, William, draper, 55, 213
Northerne, Thomas le, 66
-, - - Alice, mother of, 66
Northey, John, poulterer, 93
Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl of, his title to Northumberland House, 203, 204
Northumberland House, in parish of St. Agnes without Aldersgate, 203
Nortone, Gregory, 304
-, - John, 47
-, - William, sherman, 98
-, - William, saddler, 166
Norway, regulations for merchants visiting, 99, 133-4
Norwode, Thomas, 283
Norys, John, 134, 326
Notebrom, John, 196, 212
Notyngham, John, 97
Nour,' Henry, 222
Nycholl, John, 222
Nyghtyngale, John, 277
-, - - Thomas, son of, 277
Nykke, Thomas, 271, 272
Oblations to City curates, proceed- ings taken to have them increased, 360-1; the Bishop of London inter- viewed on the subject, 361; declines to produce Papal Bull, id.
Odiham, Robert, grocer, 29
-, - - Robert, son of, 29
Okle, Robert, 343
Oldcastle, Sir John, his rebellion, 16
Old Fish Street, 20
Olney, John, Mercer and Alderman, 27, 45, 54, 71, 102, 112, 115, 118, 120, 127, 146, 150, 161, 167, 175, 183, 193, 203, 207, 218, 219, 220, 229, 231, 234, 241, 247, 250, 253, 254, 261, 262, 270, 273, 275, 286, 287, 288, 299, 300, 302, 309, 310, 311, 313, 315, 316, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329, 331, 333, 337, 339, 340, 341, 344, 345, 348, 349, 353, 354, 361, 362, 366, 367, 370, 371, 372, 381, 391, 392
Olwell, Richard, 232
Olyve, John, 13
Olyver, John, 15, 224
-, - William, grocer, 26
-, - William, mercer, 201, 202
"One hand," testimony by, 116, 117
Onhand, Richard, draper, 195
-, - Thomas, mercer, 186, 195, 227,
251, 320
Oo, John, 150
-, - - Elizabeth, daughter of, 150
-, - - John, son of, 150
-, - - Katherine, wife of, 150
-, - - Thomas, son of, 150
Orable, Alexander, 223, 280
Orphanage, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 24,
26, 27, 29, 36, 41, 42, 48, 49, 50,
51, 55, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 67,
70, 77, 84, 85, 93, 94, 96, 100, 110,
111, 113, 114, 116, 118, 121, 127,
130-1, 143, 147, 148, 150, 166,
171, 172, 179, 186, 187, 188, 194-5,
195, 201, 202, 208, 209, 211, 212,
213, 222-3, 224, 227, 229, 231, 234,
236, 237, 238, 246, 251-2, 252, 254,
259, 268, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278,
279, 280, 281, 283-4, 284, 292, 297,
300, 306, 307, 310, 312, 313, 318-19,
320, 321, 325, 327, 328, 329, 339,
341, 343, 344, 349, 352-3, 354, 367,
368, 369, 372-3, 374, 379, 390-1,
396, 398, 400, 401
-, - guardians appointed for a pre-
scribed term, irrespective of orphan's
age, 5n.
Osbarn, Richard, 58, 111, 120, 179
-, - Thomas, mercer, 58, 65, 120,
186, 227
-, - William, 191
-, - - Alice, wife of, daughter of
Richard Banastre, 191
Ossegoby, John, hosteler, 49
Ostrich, Thomas, 232
"Ostriche" feathers, 246
Osyn, John, 246
Otehill, Richard, 141
Otewey, Robert, 281
-, - - Elizabeth, daughter of, 281
-, - - Katherine, wife of, 281,
-, - - Robert, son of, 281
Otteley, Otley, Robert, Grocer and
Alderman, 26, 47, 55, 58, 61, 63,
64, 65, 78, 80, 84, 95, 102, 103,
112, 122, 123, 146, 147, 161, 167,
172, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186,
188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 195, 213,
223, 267
-, - - Mayor, refuses to take an
oath at the Exchequer to observe
the statute touching weights and
measures, 184-6
-, - Robert, grocer, 188, 189
-, - - Katherine, wife of, formerly
wife of Bartholomew Seman, 188,
Otwere, Henry, 222
Oulegreve, Thomas, 370, 372, 395, 398, 399
Outkampe, William, 324
Oxenford, John, 305
"Oxlese," a close called, in the Manor of Paddington, 233
Oxney, Salamon, goldsmith, 19, 86
-, - Thomas, grocer, 27, 42
-, - - Beatrix, wife of, daughter
of William Lynne, 27
Oxon', John de, 156, 305
Oysters, &c., assayer of, 227
Pacy, Walter, chantry priest in church of St. Swithin, 120
Paddesley, John, goldsmith, 47, 122, 223
Paddington, Manor of, belonging to the Abbey of Westminster, 233; water to be conveyed to the City from, id.; the City's works at, 314; conduit head of water at, owned by the City, 356
Padyngtone, John, 53
Page, Gilbert, cook, 50
-, - Johanna, 360
-, - John, 10, 41
-, - Robert, 323
-, - William, 263
Painters, Mistery of, Masters sworn,
150, 256
-, - translation from, to that of
"Steynours," 121-2
Pake, John, 79, 102
-, - John, junior, 372
Pakysman, William, 277
Palmer, Henry, 305
-, - John, 150
-, - William, 257
Panetria, John de, 305
Panter, Richard, cordwainer, 98, 121
"Paradys," a place called, near the foss of Calais, 134
Paris, City of, letters from inhabitants of, touching their perilous condition, 132-3, 135; letter to, from the Duke of Burgundy, touching a proposed Congress at Arras, 189
Parish Clerks, ordinances touching,
-, - "community" of, translations
to, from Misteries of Saddlers and
Text-writers, 296
Parkeman, Parkemant, Richard, 105
Parker, John, "sporier," 14
-, - John, brewer, 76, 277
-, - John, fleccher, 149
-, - John, draper, 224
-, - John, 140
Parker, Stephen, 257
-, - Thomas, armourer, 78
-, - William, armourer, 149, 222
-, - William, draper, 67
"Parkerislane," parish of St. Michael, Queenhithe, a stew kept in, 75
Parliament, writs for election, 12, 40,
61, 92, 100, 139, 168, 190-1, 232,
266, 304
-, - the price of oats, &c., during
session of, prescribed, 15; hostelers,
&c., to close their doors at 9 P.M.
during session of, id.; statute fixing
a 40s. freehold as qualification of
electors, 116n.; article for preserva-
tion of peace in the King's Council,
177-8; City members of, restriction
of allowance of cloth and fur made
to, 101; allowance to City M.P.'s
when sitting at a distance from the
City, 330-1; fees for enrolments,
&c., doubled to pay the same, 331
-, - of "bats," 55n.
Partriche, Richard, 134
-, - Thomas, 378
Parys, John, "lorimer," 43, 78
-, - John, tailor, 173
-, - William, brewer, 98, 149
-, - William, sworn ale-conner, 99
Paslewe, John, 194, 212
"Passage," grant of, 313
Passemere, John, Serjeant-at-arms, 17, 18, 20, 21
Pastone, William, a Commissioner for gaol-delivery of Newgate, 140
Pattesle, John, Goldsmith and Alder- man, 45, 70, 80, 103, 112, 123, 142, 146, 147, 150, 161, 167, 172, 175, 182, 183, 184, 193, 212, 218, 219, 220, 231, 247, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 259, 260, 262, 267, 268, 270, 273, 275, 286, 288, 300, 302, 311, 315, 327, 329, 331
Pattyn, Richard, 41
Paul's Chain, 22
Pavia, a Synod held at, 145
Pavy, Richard, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22
-, - - Johanna, wife of, after-
wards wife of John Kent, 16, 17, 18,
20, 21
Paxman, William, 224
Payn, John, 210
-, - Richard, draper, 378
-, - Thomas, clerk to Sir John Old-
castle, 16
-, - William, 99
Pays, Pais, William, "shether," 232, 256
"Peautrers." See Pewterers.
Pecok, John, 105
"Peintours." See Painters.
Pelham, John, Knt., 15, 27
Pellican, Robert, "stokfisshmonger," 36
-, - Robert, of the Ward of Candle-
wick, 196
Pembertone, John; 382
Pembrigge, William, 273
Penance, the, Friars of, 306
Pencrich, John, esquire to the Mayor, to occupy a tenement over the Guild- hall gate, 57-8; Swordbearer, 270
Pendant, a part of a girdle, 198
Penne, John, 329
Pentecost, procession of the Mayor, &c., at, 108
Peper, William, 140, 196
Pepyr, William, pouchemaker, 98
Percy, Henry, Lord, 203
-, - - Henry, son of, 203
Percye, Henry de, 306
Peretre, Thomas, 150
Perkyns, Thomas, 343
Pernell, Thomas, girdler, 110
Perneys, John, Fishmonger and Alder- man, 1, 2, 14, 31, 33, 36, 37, 44, 48, 54, 56, 61, 63, 64, 71, 80, 84, 112, 123, 144, 146, 147, 150, 160, 161, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, 175
Perpoint, Roger, of Landeford, co.
Notts, 373
-, - - John, son of, 373
Pertenale, William, 305
Pertriche, John, 134
Pery, Richard, skinner, 17, 20, 21
Peryn, John, 29
-, - Richard, 216, 217
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 216, 217
-, - Walter, 257
Peryngtone, Thomas, 25
Pesage, proceedings against certain bakers for refusing to pay, 358-60, 369
Peter's Key, near Old Fish Street, 20
Petersson, Geoffrey, 256
Peter's Tavern, by Paul's Chain, 22
Petevyle, William, 227, 248
Petham, Bartholomew, 232
"Petils" (arrows), 95, 206n.
Petwardyn, Thomas, fishmonger, 13,
24, 55
-, - - John, son of, 13
-, - - Nicholas, son of, 13, 24, 55
Pewter, standard of weight for divers articles of, 227
Pewterers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 222; ordinances of, 223-4; trans- lation to, from that of Upholders, 235; Wardens to have a fourth part of all tin brought for sale to the City at current price, 296; to search and assay all tin melted in the City, id.
Peyruk, John de, 218
Philip, Matthew, Goldsmith and Alderman, 140, 223, 332, 333, 340, 341, 345, 348, 349, 353, 354, 359, 362, 366, 367, 370, 372, 381, 391, 392, 395, 399, 401
Philip, Richard, grocer, 396
Philipot, Phelipot, John, Knt., 32
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 32, 56
-, - - - Richard Bamme, son
of, 56, 57
Physic, Surveyors of Faculty of, 11
Physicians, a joint College with Sur- geons, 11; Master Gilbert Kymer sworn Rector of the Faculty of, 14; Rector and Surveyors of, their con- flict with the Barbers, 37; Masters sworn, 41; Surveyors sworn, id.
Pidmell, John, 212
Piecers, ordinances touching Cobblers and, 182, 329
Pie-powder, Court of, at St. Bartholo- mew Fair, 355
Pierson, Richard, 252
Pikeman, Pykman, Andrew, 158
-, - Henry, 360
Pillory, punishment of, for forging deeds, 16, 103; for keeping dis- orderly house, 17; for selling coal deficient in measure, 95; for fraudu- lent bill of sale, 397
Pinners, Pynners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 30, 257; its rivalry with Wirediawers and Cardmakers, 42-3; translation from, to that of Haber- dashers, 144, 327; petition by War- dens to be allowed one-half of all fines paid into the Chamber for defaults, 344-5
Pitte, Robert, 349
Plate, Richard, 15
Plesseys, John, Archdeacon of Col- chester, his chantry in St. Paul's, 191, 396
Pleystowe, Thomas, 256
Plomer, Plummer, John, 134, 370, 399
Poland, wax of, 46
Poley, John, grocer, 29
Polhill, John, 150, 257
-, - Richard, skinner, 93, 111
-, - Robert, 306
Pomerey, Thomas, Prior of Christ- church, 311
Ponchoun, Punchon, William, 257, 285
Ponten, Richard, 322
Pool, the, in the Thames, 312
Pope, John, 176
-, - Peter, 171, 211
-, - Richard, 97, 148, 257
Pope, Thomas, 134
-, - William, 78
Popell, John, 304
Portable altar for private mass, 275
Porter, Richard, 277
-, - Thomas, 305
-, - Sir William, Knt., 42
-, - - Agnes, wife of, formerly
wife of William Staundone, 42
-, - William, 391, 395
Portsoken, Ward of, formerly the soke of the English Knightengild, 81, 82; assessment of, 197
Potenam, Isabella, 216
"Potenethe," "Potenhethe" (Put- ney), 3, 6
Potter, William, 148
Potyn, Simon, 256
Pouchmakers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 29, 149, 222; translation to, from Mistery of Haberdashers, 127- 128; from that of Glovers, 277; translation from, to that of Leather- sellers, 279
Pouchmakers and "Galechemakers" (makers of galoches), Mistery of, Masters sworn, 98
Poule, Simon, 97
Poulterers to sell poultry at places and
at hours prescribed, 249
-, - Mistery of, Masters sworn, 98,
Poultry, the, nuisance in, caused by poulterers keeping poultry, &c., 289
Power, Richard, Sword-bearer, a grant to, for services at the Queen's Coro- nation, 314; to be allowed a suit- able servant, 320
"Poyntmaker," 385, 389
Prague, the City of, sends delegates to the Council of Basle, 146
Preest, Priest, Nicholas, 324, 331
"Prent," 379n.
Prentis, Prentys, William, mercer, 69, 212
Prest, Godfrey, 306
-, - William, 305
Prestone, Henry, stockfishmonger, 24
-, - John, a Commissioner for gaol-
delivery of Newgate, 7, 18, 39
"Prikkys," three, a baker's mark, 247
Prince, Thomas, 232
Priour, John, of Sandwich, 97
Prisage of wine, the King's Chief Butler complains of the loss of, by foreigners being admitted to the freedom of the City, 35; demanded by the King's Chief Butler, 46; the citizens of London claim to be exempt, id.
Prisot, John, Chief Justice C. P., 360
Proffyt, John, City Chamberlain, 7, 9, 61, 121, 142, 168, 202
Proufote, Robert, 78
Prowde, John, 43
Prude, Odgar le, 81
Prussia, herrings exported to, 106
Prynce, William, 396
Pulham, Godard, 284-5
-, - - Agnes, wife of, formerly
wife of John Walpole, 285
Pulteney, Sir John, payment of his bequest to prisoners in Newgate to be enforced by distress, 119; his chantry in St. Paul's, 191, 396; his lands, &c., devised for pious uses, to be distrained for arrears by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, 239
"Pulters." See Poulterers.
Purchas, Henry, 229, 292
-, - John, 97
-, - Thomas, 285
Pursers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 144; translation from, to that of Glovers, 210
Purveyors, demanding goods without payment, to be resisted, 269; statute thereon, 270
Pycard, Henry, 178
-, - Thomas, 160
Pydmell, John, 9, 70
Pye, John, 257, 320
Pygot, John, 328
Pykeryng, William, 281, 352
"Pympernel," 70
Pynder, William, 263
"Pynners." See Pinners.
"Pynsons," a gold seal engraved with, 281
Pyriel, John, 41
-, - Thomas, 378
Quarry, James, 65
Queenhithe, assayer of oysters at, 227
Queenhithe Ward, jurors for assess- ment, 196
Queny, Thomas, 328
-, - - Johanna, wife of, formerly
wife of Robert Brigge, 328
Quere, William, 271
Quinerit, Quinert, Simonet, 77, 99
Quyne, Thomas, 278
Quyntone, John, grocer, 42
-, - - Margery, wife of, formerly
wife of Hugh Birches, 42
Qweldryk, John, 30
Rabet, Nicholas, 264
Racton, Thomas, 43
"Raghand," 21
Randes, Thomas, girdler, 389
Randolf, John, mercer, 393
-, - Michael, 140, 209, 283, 313
-, - - Elizabeth, daughter of, 209
-, - - John, son of, 209, 313
-, - - Margaret, daughter of, 209
-, - - Michael, son of, 209, 283
Rauf, Richard, cooper, 134
-, - William, 36, 238
Raulyn, Rawlyns, Richard, woollen-
weaver, 41
-, - Richard, grocer, 369, 397
Raumpayne, Rampayne, William, 276, 277
Ray, John, 118
Reading, Parliament at, 368, 380
"Reasonable part," a widow's, 129
Rechemond, Henry, 29
-, - John, 29
-, Anne, Alexander, 194, 195, 207,
218, 219, 277
-, Billyng, Thomas, 332, 340, 348,
349, 350, 359, 361, 362, 366,
-, Bowes, John, 247, 250, 251, 261,
-, Cokayne, Thomas, 229
-, Danvers, Robert, 273, 275, 288,
299, 302, 309, 311, 315, 321,
322, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329
-, Fray, John, 1, 2, 13, 14, 31, 33,
42, 44, 45, 48, 56
-, Symond, John, 50, 61, 63, 64,
68, 78, 79, 84, 95, 102, 103,
112, 120, 123, 141, 146, 147,
163, 172, 182, 183, 184, 185,
-, Ursewik, Thomas, 370, 371, 381,
395, 399
Rede, John, 242, 245
-, - Richard, 143, 282
-, - Thomas, 98
-, - William, 150, 202, 309
Redeknape, William, 341
Redyng, Thomas, 148, 324
Reede, Stephen, 29
Refham, Richer de, 305
Rerysby, William, 119, 312
Rest, John, 322
"Rewe" (Rue), on the Somme, 190
Reyner, Thomas, 196, 391, 392
Reynes, John, 158
Reynham, R[ ], 306
Reynkyn, John, 400, 401
Reynold, Robert, 222
-, - William, 9, 268
Reynwelle, John, Ironmonger and
Alderman, 1, 2, 13, 14, 31, 33, 36,
37, 38, 44, 46, 48, 54, 55, 57, 58,
59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 115, 123,
146, 147, 161, 166, 172, 182, 183,
184, 193, 203, 204, 234, 241, 247,
250, 253, 261, 262, 270, 273, 275,
286, 288, 299, 300, 302, 309
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
168n., 177; property in Calais, &c.,
devised to the City by, 322
-, - Thomas, 115
-, - - William, son of, 115
Ricard, Thomas, 202
Richard, John, 30
Riche, Ryche, Hugh, waxchandler,
227, 278
-, - John, 400
-, - - John, son of, 401
-, - - Katherine, dau. of, 400
-, - - Richard, son of, 400
-, - - Thomas, son of, 401
-, - Richard, 201, 252, 261, 279,
284, 355, 356, 357, 400
Richemond, Rychemond, John, "she-
ther," 222
-, - John, cook, 99
-, - John, "poyntemaker," 389
-, - Thomas, 143
Richer, Thomas, "peynter," 75
-, - Thomas, 197
Rider, William, fishmonger, sent to France to buy corn for the City, 94; discharged from serving on juries, &c., for his services abroad, 100
Ridere, otherwise Gilmyn, Robert, 56
Riggis, John, 312
Rigman, Thomas, 134
Rikhill, Rykhill, John, 98, 150
Rikson, Richard, 388
Ring, loss of a signet, 167, 240, 308-9
Ripon, co. York, 279
Riseby, Thomas, 343
"Rislepe," co. Middlesex, manor of, the property of King's Coll., Cam- bridge, 384
Robelard, Thomas, 196
Roberd, John, 149
Robnette, Robinett, Thomas, cord- wainer, 30, 43, 202
Robynson, William, 385, 386, 388, 389
Robynys, John, 30
Rochford, Thomas, 236
Rodevile, William, 149
Rogers, William, 320
Rokesborugh, William, 42
Rokesle, John, 331
Rokysley, Simon, 305
Rolf, Henry, tailor, 77
-, - Simon, barber, 29, 97
-, - Simon, surgeon, 30
-, - Thomas, 134
Romayne, Thomas, 306
"Romeland," a postern called, 83
Romeney, John, his chantry in St. Botolph's, Aldgate, 111, 213
Romney wine condemned, 80-1
Roo, John, 252, 398
-, - - Alice, daughter of, wife of
John Baker, 398
-, - - Anne, daughter of, 398
-, - - John, son of, 398
-, - - Katherine, daughter of, 398
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 398
-, - - Margaret, daughter of,
wife of Henry Bumstede, 398
-, - - Richard, son of, 398
-, - - Robert, son of, 398
-, - - Thomas, son of, 398
-, - Stephen, capper, 29, 40, 59
Rook, Geoffrey, 312
-, - - Adam, son of, 312
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 312
-, - - Dionisia, dau. of, 312
-, - - Johanna, dau. of, 312
-, - - John, son of, 312
-, - - Thomas, son of, 312
-, - Richard, 337
Roos, John, 307
-, - Richard, mercer, 67
-, - - Richard, son of, 67
Ropley, John, 100
Rose, William, 367
"Roset," an obsolete term in con- nexion with the make of a girdle, 199
Rote, William, saddler, 384
Rothele, Rotheley, William, gold- smith, 333, 383, 393
Rothell, John, 143
Rouen, captured by the French, and recaptured by the English, 135
Rouley, John, 387
-, - Thomas, 387
Routhe, John, 196
Rowte, Route, Peter, 78, 140, 239
Roys, John, 96, 223
-, - - Margaret, wife of, formerly
wife of William Walderne, 96, 223
Ruddok, Thomas, 142, 143, 144
Ruschebroke, John, chantry priest in church of St. Mary Somerset, 68, 69
Russe, Rus, Robert, 197
-, - William, Goldsmith and Alder-
man, 102, 114, 116, 147, 161, 167,
Russell, John, of Cestone, co. Leic.,
17, 20
-, - John, founder, 148, 222, 347
-, - John, appointed a Serjeant-at-
mace, 312
-, - John, Common Hunt, 321
-, - Richard, 10
-, - Roger, 210
-, - Thomas, 257
-, - William, 100
-, - William, alias Ecton, 294
Russet, fur mixed with, 170
Russhetone, John, 297
Russon, William, 172
Rustone, William, 4, 113
Ryggewyk, William, 29
Ryggis, John, 281
Rykes, Thomas, mercer, 368
Ryles, Thomas, draper, 367
Ryngstede, John, 278
-, - - Alice, wife of, afterwards
wife of Richard Gardener, 278
-, - - William, son of, 278
Rypley, Elizabeth, 378
Ryver, John, 257
Sabbe, Robert, 222
Sabyn, John, dyer, 58
Saddlers, Mistery of, its rivalry with the Fusters, 37; its charters, 37n; translation from, to community of Parish Clerks, 296
Sadiller, John, vintner, 29
St. Agnes without Aldersgate, parish of, 293
St. Alban, William de, 305
St. Augustine de Pappey, church of, 75
St. Bartholomew, Reginald Colyer, Prior of, 354
St. Bartholomew Fair, cloth exposed for sale at, to be under the sur- veillance of the Mayor, assisted by expert Shermen and Fullers, 259; agreements between the City and the Prior of St. Bartholomew's touching tolls at, 354-5
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, water conveyed by pipe to prisoners in Newgate from, 189; John Waker- yng, Master of, 202, 257
St. Benedict Shorhogge, parish of, 47
St. Botolph, Aldersgate, Richard Cawdray, Rector, his petition to the Mayor, &c., for a piece of land for enlargement of church of, 325-6
St. Botolph, Aldgate, church of, Romeney's chantry in, 111, 213; Roger Gubbe, chantry priest in, id.; John Tauntoft, do., id.
St. Botolph, Billingsgate, parish of, 81, 130
St. Bride, church, 17, 20, 21
St. Dunstan East, parish of, 13
-, - church of, Roger Keys, Rector
of, 313
St. Germayn, Margaret, 32
-, - Thomasia, 32
St. Giles, Hospital of, 142, 306
St. Helen, Priory of, 251
St. James, H[ ], 306
St. John, John, 25
-, - John, "lynge armurer," 12, 39,
195, 211, 212, 223
-, - - Thomas, son of, 195, 211,
-, - John, clerk of the Chapel of
St. Thomas on London Bridge, 263
St. Katherine, Hospital of, evidences of its being within the liberty of the City, 81-3
St. Leonard, Foster Lane, parish of, 154
St. Magnus, parish of, 56, 332
St. Margaret Patyns, church, Rectors
-, Bragge or Brak, Richard, 62
-, Giles, William, 62
St. Martin le Grand, free chapel of,
exempt from the jurisdiction of the
Ordinary, 155
-, - Canons of, summoned to abate
a nuisance, 155; have no rights of
infangtheof, 156
-, - Deans of:
-, Cawdray, Richard, 325
-, Ellefeld, Richard de, 155
-, Kirkham, Walter de, 151
-, - petition by Richard Cawdray,
Dean of, for grant of a piece of land
for the enlargement of the church of
St. Botolph, Aldersgate, of which
he was also Rector, 325-6
-, - sanctuary claimed for precinct of,
107, 151-60, 241-2, 243-6, 370-1;
ordinances regulating the same, 392;
writs of error in precinct of, 158,
159, 257; inhabitants share the
City's burdens, 160
St. Martin, Ludgate, church of, William Downe, Rector of, 44; land for a belfry granted by the City, id.
St. Mary at Hill, parish, 21
St. Mary le Bow, Robert Coventre buried in church of, 273; parish of, 89, 105, 107
St. Mary Somerset, church of, chantry in, 68-9; John, Bishop of Dromore, Rector of, 69; a stew in parish of, 75
St. Mary, Southwark, Priory of, 15, 27
St. Mary Woolchurch, indenture of covenant between the Rector, &c., and the City touching obstruction of light in the house called "le Stokkys," 267-8, 272; parish of, 332
St. Michael, Cornhill, church of, chantries of John Leche in, 66; of Walter de Billyngham, 251; Henry Whitcherche, Rector of, 67
St. Michael; Crooked Lane, church of, 306
St. Michael le Quern, church, enlarge- ment of, 106; John Craas, Rector of, id.; new conduit near, 110; parish of, 153
St. Michael, Queenhithe, parish of, a stew in Parker's Lane, 75
St. Paul's, civic procession from St.
Peter's, Cornhill, to, at Pentecost,
108, 310; Dean and Chapter of, lease
of a City wharf in parish of St.
Benedict to, 120; Henry Jolypas,
Chamberlain of, loses his seal, 167;
chantries of Henry de Guldeford in,
58, 122-3; of Roger Beyveyn, 60;
of John Pulteney, 191; Dean and
Chapter allowed to distrain lands,
&c., charged by John Pulteney for
pious uses, 239
-, - churchyard, chapel over the
charnel house, founded in, 115, 373
St. Peter, Cornhill, church of, civic
procession at Pentecost from, to
St. Paul's, 108, 310; church of,
ordinance touching presentation to,
-, - Rectors of:
-, Marchaunt, Thomas, 101
-, Whitby, John, 102
-, - land and tenements in parish of,
leased to John Carpenter and his
wife, 119, 294
-, - parish of, 129, 130, 294, 313
St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, parish of, 41
St. Sepulchre, parish of, 95
St. Swithin, church of, chantry founded by Roger Depham in, 120, 194
St. Thomas, chapel of, on London Bridge, 263, 290, 299
St. Thomas de Acon, House of, John Neel, Master, 86
St. Vedast, church of, Grantham's chantry in, 140
St. Vedast Lane, 154
Sale, Richard, cornmeter, 227
Salisbury (William Aiscough), Bishop of, 245
Salisbury (Thomas Montagu), Earl of, informs the City by letter of his captures abroad, 79; Richard (Nevill), Earl of, leads a force to France, 204
Salle, Richard, haberdasher, 142, 144
Salman, John, "malemaker," 38
-, - Michael, "steynour," 50
-, - Stephen, draper, 119
-, - Stephen, 378
Salter, John, 255
Salters, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 41, 222
Samer au bois, near Boulogne, 190
Sampsone, William, fishmonger, 115
Samptone, Stephen, 238
-, - - Alice, wife of, 238
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, wife
of John Grenelane, 238
Sandone, Ralph, "shether," 52, 77
Sandwich, war ships of, unlawfully
attack merchant ships of Zeeland in
the Thames, 377-8; pillaged by
French, 382
-, - port of, 205, 206
"Sappe" of wood, 89, 392
"Sarsynshede," in Fleet Street, 20
Sarum, Adam de, 156
Saunder, Richard, 372
Saundre, John, 134
Sauns, Saunz, Bertraund, 333, 374
-, - - Beatrix, dau. of, 333, 374
-, - - Jocosa, dau. of, wife of
John Silvestre, 333, 374
Saunson, John, 256
Savy, John, 95
Saye, Ralph, 149
Saykyn, John, 71, 212, 213
-, - - Robert, son of, 212
Says, John, 140
Scarborogh, Scarburgh, John, 197
-, - John, skinner, 222
-, - William, vintner, 9, 196, 202
-, - William, 111, 211, 212
Scarlet, Simon, 257
Scavage, goods of foreign merchants seized for non-payment of, 167; report of the Mayor, &c., to the Lords Justices on the City's claim to exact, 174-6; merchants of Genoa refuse to pay, 252-3; the King s letters thereon, 303-4; arrangement touching payment of, by merchants of Genoa, 366; acquittance for pay- ment of, 367
Scavager (scawageator), office of, 114
"Scawage." See Scavage.
"Scawang." See Scavage.
Scowles, William, 305
Scot, Galiot, 385, 387, 388
Scot, Robert, 25
-, - Thomas, Draper and Alderman,
141, 149, 300, 315, 321, 322, 323,
324, 326, 327, 328, 329, 333, 340,
348, 349, 353, 354, 361, 362, 366,
367, 372, 380, 381, 383, 391, 392,
395, 396, 399
Scot and Lot, freemen living outside the City to partake of, 131; only contributors to, to enjoy the City franchise, 162; the same to dwell within the City, 163, 165; aliens contributing to, to be admitted to the freedom in full Husting, 165
Screveyn, John, 222
Scrope, Geoffrey le, 88, 156
"Scuage." See Scavage.
Seals or signet rings lost or stolen, 167-8, 239-40, 308-9
Sechford, Henry, 305
"Secollane," a stew kept in, 95
Segeford, John, 105
Segore, John, 65
Segrym', Richard, haberdasher or "hurer," 15, 40
Selowe, Thomas, 71
Sely, John, 306
Seman, Bartholomew, 188
-, - - Katherine, wife of, after-
wards wife of Robert Oteley, 188
-, - Simon, Vintner and Alderman,
2, 13, 14, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 42,
44, 48, 54, 56, 61, 63, 64, 71, 78,
80, 84, 102, 103, 112, 123, 147, 161,
-, - William, 97
Semy, Adam, 197
"Septer" (gaoler?), 322
Serche, Henry, 264
Serfs, gain freedom by residence within the City for a year and a day, 80
Sergeaunt, John, "armurer," 26
Serjeant of the Channel, to keep the streets clean, 5
Serjeants-at-Mace of the Mayor:
-, Andrew, William, 318
-, Asshe or Aisshe, John, 312, 403
-, Boner, Alexander, 12
-, Dounham, Thomas, 343, 353,
378, 403
-, Moyne, Laurence, 383
-, Russell, John, 312
-, Stork, William, 214, 318
-, Vernon, Ralph or Rawlyn, 12,
312, 313, 343, 353
-, West, John, 378
-, - three in number, permanently,
203; allowed suitable servants to
attend them, 320
Serle, John, of Croydon, 7
"Serpentyne," 379n.
"Sesperals," 233, 356n.
"Seszein," a size or measure of a tissue used by girdlers, 198
Sevenoke, John, his election as Prior
of Holy Trinity opposed on account
of his immorality, 230; is present
in Court, 250, 262, 300, 302
-, - William, Grocer and Alderman,
1, 2, 13, 14, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 42,
44, 48, 56, 235
-, - William, appointed a commis-
sioner to investigate cases of treason,
&c., 24
"Seventh hand," testimony by, 116, 117
Sevester, William, 368
-, - - Elizabeth, wife of, formerly
wife of Roger Hawardyn, 368
Sewale, Henry, 166
-, - - Cristina, wife of, dau. of
Ralph Blakelow, 166
-, - John, 144, 323, 324
-, - Simon, saddler, 36, 71
Seytone, Roger de, a Justice in Eyre, 154
Seyvance, William, 237
"Shaft" (Shast?) eel, 70n.
Shaklache, Ralph, 24
Shakstaf, John, 29
Shalborn, Richard, 142
Shapelford, William, 168
Sharesfeld, Thomas, 158
Sharpe, Hugh, 98
-, - "Jack," his rising, 128n.
-, - Roger, 24
Shawe, John, vintner, 179
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 180
-, - - Edmund, son of, 180
-, - - John, son of, 180
-, - - Philip, son of, a monk of
Chertsey, 179
Sheathers. See Shethers.
Shedd, Robert, 215
Sheffeld, Edmund, 188, 191
Shelley, John, 341
Shene, William, "boteller" or "botel- maker," 15, 77, 210
"Sheregrinders," ordinance touching, 22-4
Sheriffs, election of, 1, 13, 31-2, 44, 54, 63, 78-9, 102, 112, 123, 172, 183, 207, 218, 219, 229, 247-8, 261, 273, 286, 299, 309, 315, 323, 326, 329, 340, 361, 370, 381, 391, 395, 399
-, Abbot, John, 78, 96, 97, 101, 169
-, Abraham, William, 323
-, Arnold, Robert, 54
-, Aubrey, Andrew, 157
-, Bemond, Thomas, 273
-, Bernewell, Thomas, 183
-, Bithewater, John, 32, 36, 37
-, Boleyn, Geoffrey, 315
-, Brokle, Brokley, John, 44, 55, 56
-, Broun, Stephen, 123, 139, 175
-, Cantlowe, William, 326
-, Canynges, Thomas, 329
-, Catworth, Thomas, 193
-, Chaltone, Thomas, 172, 178
-, Chapman, William, 217, 218
-, Chartesey, Walter, 112, 114, 123
-, Cloptone, Robert, 193
-, Combmartyn, Henry de, 156
-, Combys, William, 261
-, Cook, Thomas, 359, 361
-, Derby, John, 309, 312
-, Dere, Deer, William, 332, 333
-, Duffhous, Thomas, 78-9, 96, 97,
-, Dyke, Hugh, 219, 220, 229
-, Edward, William, 391, 392
-, Ely, Robert de, 156, 157
-, Estfeld, William, 1
-, Eyre, Simon, 183, 184
-, Feld, John, 366, 367
-, Feldyng, Geoffrey, 309, 312
-, Forster, Stephen, 299
-, Fraunceys, Simon, 156
-, Frowyk, Henry, 63
-, Gregory, William, 207, 208
-, Hales, William, 217, 218, 219
-, Harewode, Thomas de, 156
-, Hatherle, Atherle, John, 123,
139, 175
-, Higham, Hyham, John, 54, 61
-, Holand, Holland, Ralph, 102, 114
-, Horne, Robert, 315
-, Hulyn, William, 329
-, Jamys, Nicholas, 13
-, Josselyn, Ralph, 395
-, Large, Robert, 112
-, Lee, Richard, 359
-, Lynge, John, 172, 178
-, Malpas, Philip, 229, 231, 241,
244, 247
-, Marchall, Robert, 229, 231, 241,
-, Marowe, William, 326
-, Melreth, Milreth, William, 44,
50, 55, 56
-, Middeltone, John, 332, 333
-, Mokkyng, John, 157
-, Morstede, Thomas, 207, 208
-, Nedeham, Richard, 395
-, Nordorn, Richard, 274
-, Norman, John, 286
-, Olneye, John, 146, 150, 161, 167,
-, Ottele, Robert, 63
-, Oulegreve, Thomas, 370, 372
-, Oxon', John de, 156
-, Pattesle, John, 150, 161, 167, 175
-, Philip, Matthew, 340, 341
-, Plomer, John, 399
-, Pykman, Andrew, 158
-, Reyner, Thomas, 391, 392
-, Russe, William, 102, 114
-, Ryche, Richard, 261
-, Sarum, Adam de, 156
-, Scot, Thomas, 323
-, Seman, Simon, 32, 36, 37
-, Steward, John, 377, 378, 381,
383, 384
-, Stokker, John, 399
-, Sutton, John, 248, 253
-, Taillour, William, 366, 367
-, Tatersall, Robert, 1
-, Verney, Ralph, 377, 378, 381,
383, 384
-, Walden, John, 359, 361
-, Wandesford, Thomas, 13
-, Warter, Christopher, 340, 341
-, Wetenhale, William, 247, 253
-, Wiche, Wyche, Hugh, 299
-, Wyfold, Nicholas, 286
-, Wynchecombe, Symon, 76
-, Yonge, John, 370, 372
-, Yoo, Yeo, Nicholas, 219
Sheriffs, not to be returned to Parlia- ment, 12, 40, 92, 100, 139, 168, 190, 304; delay in bringing in a Sheriff's rolls, 76; petition by, to Common Council, to be indemnified for arresting a soldier who had sought refuge in St. Martin le Grand, 241-3; to provide custodians of the gate of Newgate and Ludgate at their own expense, 243; Under- Sheriffs not to be removable, but to continue in office during good be- haviour, 257; their Serjeants to be men of good name and fame, 345-6
Sheriffs' Compters, to receive Newgate prisoners whilst a new gaol is build- ing, 39; commissions for gaol- delivery of, 39, 49; Keepers of, to provide their prisoners with coal and ale at prices prescribed, 183
Sheriffs' Court, Richard Lovell ad- mitted an Attorney in, 350; Thomas Chambre, do., 369-70
Shermen, Richard, 78
Shermen, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 15, 30, 78, 98, 143, 232; translations to, from that of Fullers, 179, 202
"Shermen sheres," ordinance touch- ing, 22-24
"Shesterfield" (Chesterfield), co. Derby, 103
Shethers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 52, 77, 222, 232, 256
Shilley, John, 368
Shippere, William, hosteler, 76
Shipwrights, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 78, 143, 149
Shirborne, John, King's Coroner, 156,
-, - Robert, draper, 224
Shirwinde, Shirwynd, Thomas, 196, 320
Sholdham, Guy, 9, 201
Shopman, John, 378
Short, John, 360
Shrubbe, Thomas, 297
Sienna, a Synod held at, 145
Silkestone, Ralph, 71
"Silkwoman," "Sylkewoman," 86, 208
Silkwomen, statute protecting their industry, 380
Silvestre, John, 374
-, - - Jocosa, wife of, daughter
of Bertrand Saunz, 374
Simond, William, 343
Skelton, Edward, 387
"Skewyd," furs mixed with, 170
Skinners, Mistery of, false furs pre- sented by Wardens of, 89, 170; Master and Wardens to exercise the right of search, 170; Masters sworn, 222, 256
Skynnard, Ralph, 63, 71, 79, 118
-, - - Elizabeth, wife of, 118
-, - - Elizabeth, daughter of, 118
-, - - Henry, son of, 118
-, - - William, son of, 118
Skynner, William, 323
Smithfield, West, 297
Smiths (Fabri), Mistery of, Masters sworn, 30; translation from, to that of Tailors, 214
Smyth, John, 40, 41, 97
-, - Robert, 25
-, - Simon, 397
-, - Thomas, 149, 320
Snadenham, Richard, 30
Snappe, John, skinner, 52
Snell, Robert, 256
Snersland, Thomas, 396
Snowdon, Richard, 393, 394
"Sobbery" (Sodbury, co. Glouc.), 156
Somerfeld, Matthew, 24
Somertone, John, 246
Somervile, Hugh, skinner, 89, 118
Soper, Hugh, 134
Southfolk, John, 10
Southwark, bread made in, not to be retailed in the City, 247n.; the Wardens of the Fishmongers allowed to hold a certain amount of land, &c., in, 225
Southwark, Prior of, 306
Southwell, Suthwell, Thomas, "bachelor" in medicines, 11, 41
"Sowreour," a baker's journeyman, his duties described, 265-6
Spaldyng, Simon, 92
-, - William, 30, 98, 202, 232
Spark, Sparke, Henry, 65
-, - John, 39
-, - William, tailor, 8
-, - William, 305
Spayne, Ralph, tapicer, 12, 49, 98,
222, 257
-, - Robert, tapicer, 222
-, - Thomas, tapicer, 49, 148
Speleman, Stephen, City Chamber- lain, 52, 109
Spene, John, 232
Spenser, John, 64
-, - - Margaret, wife of, formerly
wife of Laurence Van Gelder, 64
-, - John, brewer or taverner, 93, 98
-, - John, tailor and linen-armourer,
-, - Richard, 26
-, - Walter, 256
Sperham, John, 212
Sperhauke, William, grocer, 58
Spicer, otherwise Tonge, Roger, Com- mon Clerk of the City, 350. See also Spycer.
Spicer, Thomas, 59
-, - William, 43, 246
Spinula, Amphrion, of Janua, 169, 176
"Spones" of wood, 299n.
Sporiers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 14, 43
Spray, John, 305
Sprenger, Laurence, 294
Spycer, Roger, an annuity granted to, 311. See also Spicer.
Spyre, Philip, 341
-, - - Philip, son of, 341
Squyry, Robert, 150
Stace, Geoffrey, 88
-, - - Agnes, wife of, formerly
wife of Walter de Westhale, 88
-, - - Laurence his man, 88
-, - Thomas, 88
"Stache," "Stage," unseasoned fur called, 89
Stacioners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 257. See also Limners.
Stacy, Richard, 26
Stacy, Thomas, Knt., 77
-, - - Richard, son of, 77
Stafford, William, 229
Stainers, Mistery of. See Steynours.
Stakkendene, Stalkenden, John, 84, 196, 209
Stalbrok, Thomas, 196
Stalkenden. See Stakkendene.
Stamford, Staumford, John, 53, 78
Stapill, Richard, 188
"Staples" (Etaples), the town burnt, 190
Staresmore, Symon, 360
Stationers. See Stacioners.
Statutes, of Labourers, to be observed by masons, 45-6; of Winchester, 57, 59; for preservation of the peace, 57, 58
Staundon, John, 209
-, - Thomas, 273
-, - William, grocer, 34n., 42, 51
-, - - Agnes, wife of, afterwards
wife of Sir William Porter, Knt., 42
-, - - "Elizabet," dau. of, 42
Staunton, Hervey de, a Justice in
Eyre, 155
-, - Thomas, 279
Stele, Style, Thomas, 279
Stephen, Robert, tailor, 372
-, - William, 212
Stephens, John, 378
Sterne, Simon, 143
Steven, Thomas, 78
Stevens, William, 224
Stevyn, John, 30
Steward, John, Sheriff, 377, 378, 381, 383, 384
Stews, in Parkerislane, 75; at Broken- wharf, id.; for women, locality not specified, 76; in Secollane and at Venner's Wharf, 95
Steyd, William, 278
Steynours, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 29, 97, 149 257; translation to, from that of Painters, 121-2
Stichemersch, Stephen, 273, 281, 312
"Stobel eel," 70
Stockwell, John, 324, 325
Stode, Robert, son of William Cramp- horne, takes sanctuary in St. Martin le Grand, 156
Stodeley, Edmund, 215
-, - William, 144
Stodell, William, 257
Stoke, Ralph, admitted to the freedom in the "office" of Attorneys, 61
Stokes, Ralph, grocer, 297
"Stokfisshmonger," Mistery of, 124
Stokker, John, draper, 224, 312, 323, 372, 373, 399, 401
Stokker, Robert, draper, 373
-, - - John, son of, 373
-, - - Petronilla, daughter of, 373
-, - - Robert, son of, 373
-, - - William, son of, 373
"Stokkes," le, tenement called, the property of London Bridge, 180, 332; its light not to be obstructed by rebuilding of the church of St. Mary Woolchurch, 267-8; indenture of covenant thereon, 272
Stoktone, John, 217
Stokwell, John, 99, 222
Stonard, Edmund, 359
Stone, John, joiner, 144
-, - John, skinner, 393, 394
-, - John, 197
-, - John, tailor, loses his signet ring,
-, - Thomas, 149
Stork, William, a Serjeant-at-mace 318
Stormorth, John, 69
Stountone, William, 397
Stourtone, John, senior, 16
Stowe, John, 389
-, - Richard, 197, 282
"Strangers," as distinct from "foreins" and "denizens," 351n.
Strangways, James, a Justice, 140, 185
Stranxhill, Straunxhill, William, 273, 298
Stratford, Robert, fishmonger, 41
Stratton, Augustine, 300, 307, 320
Strayngham, Robert, 400
Streets to be kept clean as formerly, 297
Streme, John, tailor, 373
Strete, Ralph, 273
-, - Simon, grocer, Keeper of the
Common Beam, 221
Streynesham, John, 85
Strodelle, Thomas, 307
Strother, Robert, 352
Stucle, Nicholas, Knt., 70
-, - - Agnes, wife of, formerly
wife of Thomas Mountgomery, 70
"Stulps" (posts) in Southwark, 2
Sturgeon, John, mercer, 201, 212, 219,
230, 248, 261, 280, 300, 307, 329,
-, - - City Chamberlain, 332, 339,
340, 341, 343, 352, 354, 361
-, - Richard, Clerk of the Crown,
Stygan, Matthew, 202
Style, John, vintner, 51
-, - John, 196
-, - Thomas, 201. See also Stele.
Stystede, John, 231
Styward, John, chandler, 372
Subsidies, to be levied, 5, 106, 111, 112, 122, 131, 147, 160, 211, 212, 238, 250; those refusing to con- tribute to be imprisoned, 15; charged on every knight's fee, 133; com- missioners appointed for assessing, 195; names of jurors for above assessment, 196-7; collectors ap- pointed, 239; allowance out of, for impoverished Wards, 177, 239, 240-1
"Suette de prisone," 126n.
Suffolk, William (De la Pole), Earl of, leads a force to France, 204
Sumbreshede, Suntbreshete, John, "comensour" in medicines, 11, 41
Sunday observance, ordinances touch- ing, 10-11, 293
Surgeons, a joint College with
Physicians, 11
-, - Mistery or Faculty of, Masters
sworn, 30, 98, 143, 222
Surgery, Surveyors of, sworn, 15
-, - Masters of, in the Mistery of
Barbers, recover their independence,
Surrey, inhabitants of, object to charter granting soil of the Thames to the City, 298
Suthe, Thomas, 149
Suthwell. See Southwell.
Sutton, Alan de, 305
-, - John, Goldsmith and Alderman,
45, 84, 203, 219, 220, 231, 234,
239, 241, 248, 250, 251, 253, 254,
261, 262, 273, 275, 288, 300, 302,
311, 315, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326,
327, 328, 329
-, - John, junior, 130, 184
-, - Richard, 25
-, - Thomas, tailor, 70
-, - Thomas, 120
-, - William, 24
"Swagers," 66n.
Swan, John, 179
-, - William, draper, 312, 372
-, - - Agnes, wife of, formerly
wife of Geoffrey Rook, 312
"Swan," le, tenement called, in parish of St. Sepulchre, 188, 189
Swans kept by poulterers, 289
Swetecok, William, 62
Swetman, Henry, 160
Swetyng, John, "plummer," 75
-, - William, 148
Swift, William, 134
-, Pencriche, John, 270
-, Power, Richard, 270, 314, 320
Swyft, Juliana, 178
Sygor, John, 196
Sylam, Sir John, presented to Depham's chantry in Guildhall Chapel, 385
Symmes, William, 66, 188
Symond, Edmund, mason, 76, 97
-, - John, City Recorder, 50, 61, 63,
64, 68, 78, 79, 84, 95, 102, 103, 112,
120, 123, 133, 141, 146, 147, 163,
172, 182, 183, 184, 185, 193
-, - John, 211, 213
-, - - Katherine, wife of, formerly
wife of Richard Crawley, 211
-, - John, a Commissioner for gaol-
delivery of Newgate, 140
-, - William, Serjeant of the channels
from Temple Bar to the Tower, 246
Syon, monastery of, 118
Syriche, John, 309
Taillour, Taylour, John, pouchmaker,
98, 149
-, - Nicholas, 388
-, - Richard, 387, 38
-, - Robert, 387
-, - Simon, 29, 122
-, - Thomas, 40, 60
-, - Walter, 134, 325
-, - William, Grocer and Alderman,
300, 348, 366, 367, 369, 395, 398-9,
Tailors, not to interfere with Drapers
in search of woollen cloth and of
measures called "metyerdes," 259
-, - Mistery of, the Master, &c., to
have the right of search pursuant to
letters patent, 260; the right re-
voked as being prejudicial to the
City's rights, 260-1; translations
from, to that of Drapers, 224, 310;
translations to, from that of Smiths,
Tailors and Linen-armourers, Mistery of, ordinances approved, 337-8; aliens not to be employed by mem- bers, 338
Takeneswell, Walter, 41
Talbot, John, mercer, 9, 212
Talbroke, Thomas, 223
Tallow-chandlers, Mistery of, the Masters and Wardens allowed one third of fines and forfeitures for de- faults discovered by them, 62; trans- lation to, from that of Flecchers, 267
Talworth, William, Bailiff of the Thames, 13, 133
Tamworth, John, 393
Tanner, John, scrivener, 75
-, - William, 305
Tanners' Seld on the north side of the Guildhall, 227; to be removed, 285-6
Tapestry, weavers of, 150
Tapicers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 41, 97, 98, 148, 222, 257
"Tappehous," le, in old Newgate prison, 126
"Tarrage," 377n.
Tasse, Henry, 107
Tassell, John, 276, 277
Tate, John, Knt., 321, 349, 400, 401
Tatersalle, Robert, Draper and Alder-
man, 2, 13, 14, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38,
44, 48, 54, 56, 61, 63, 64, 78, 80,
84, 95
-, - - elected Sheriff, 1
Tauntoft, Sir John, chantry priest in St. Botolph's, Aldgate, 111
Taverner, Hamond, 30
-, - William, 140, 196, 224, 236, 281
Taverners, &c., hours to be kept by, 118
Taverners (Brewers?), Mistery of, translation to, from that of Iron- mongers, 280
Tawk, William, 149
Tax, a graduated, on income, 196-7; on aliens, 236, 259, 270, 368
Taylour. See Taillour.
"Tenche," ordinance touching sale of, 70
Terry, Guy, baker, 63
Tetenale, John, 16, 24
"Teveresham" (co. Cambr.), 86
Tewe, Robert, 150
Text-writers, Mistery of, translation from, to that of Drapers, 51; to that of Parish Clerks, 296; Masters sworn, 232. See also Court-letter, writers of.
Text-writers and Limners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 53
"Teynt," a wine, 377
Thames, the, lamprons caught in, 6;
its banks to be kept free from dirt,
&c., 297
-, - William Talworth, Bailiff of, 13;
retires on a pension and John
Houghton appointed in his place,
133; William Veyse appointed at
the King's request loco Houghton,
302-3; Bailiff to have a Serjeant to
assist him, 182; Ivo Machon ap-
pointed valet to, 380
Thornbury, Richard, 223
Thornhill, William, 252, 353
-, - - William, son of, 353
Thorntone, Thorndone, Thomas, Draper, City Chamberlain, 237, 350, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 372, 374, 379, 383, 395, 398, 399, 401
Thorpe, John, cook, 210
-, - John, of Harwich, 306
Throkmerton, John, a Commissioner for assessment, 195
"Throwesters" of silk, 380
Thundre, Thomas, clerk, dismissed from office for forging a document, 308
Thurlade, John, 30
Thurston, 385, 386, 388, 390
Tikhyll, Thomas, 127
Tilbury, merchant ships of Zeeland unlawfully attacked near, 377-8
Timbermonger. See "Tymbermonger."
Tin, brought for sale to the City, a fourth part to be allowed the Wardens of the Pewterers at current price, 296; to be assayed by the said Wardens, id.; to be brought to the common weigh-house places before sale, 342-3
Tirell, Tyrell, Thomas, 95, 331, 366
"Tirlet," an obsolete term in con- nexion with the make of a girdle, 199
Tirwhit, Trewhit, Robert, a Com- missioner for gaol-delivery of New- gate, 7, 18, 39
"Tissue," 246n.
"Tixtwrites." See Text-writers and Limners.
Toky, John, 222
Tolle, Richard, 320
Toller, Nicholas, 222, 343
Tonard, John, baker, charged with selling loaves deficient in weight, 56
Tonge, otherwise Spicer,. Roger, Common Clerk of the City, 350, 382; Clerk for recognizances of debts under the Statute of Acton Burnel, 373
Tonnage and Poundage, subsidy of, 51
Topcliff, John, 232
Totewell, John, 360
Totyng, Andrew, stockfishmonger, 51
Tounland, William, 227
Towcet, William, 98
Tower of London, John, Earl of
Huntingdon, Constable of the, 25;
escape of John Mortymer from, id.;
the Iter of 1321 held at, 82; situate
within the liberty of the City, 81-3
-, - Constables of:
-, Sandwich, Ralph de, 82
-, Westone, John de, 82
Tower Hill, 83
Tower Royal, 385, 387, 389
Tower Ward, jurors for assessment of, 197
Towtyng, Andrew, 103
Trafford, John, 373.
Treason, &c., Commissioners appointed to investigate cases of, 24, 25
Trebolaunce, Henry, 257
Trendeler, John, 52, 149
Trespyn, Henry, 308
"Treszein," a size or measure of tissue used by girdlers, 198
Trewhit. See Tirwhit.
Trewlove, Robert, 26
Trewynard, John, 397
Treynell, Thomas, 217
Trille, Thomas, 285
Trillowe, John, 234
"Trippeswelle," 314
Tristram, Thomas, 248
"Troches" of pearl, 308
Tron. See Common Beam.
Tropenell, John, 25
-, - William, 25
-, - William, 147
-, - - Katherine, wife of, 147
-, - - Thomas, son of, 147
-, - - William, son of, 147
"Troynovant," the City of London called, 153
"Trumpesalers," 379n.
Trumpyngton, William, 43. See also Fulby.
Trymnell, Trimnell, John, mercer, a
Warden of London Bridge, 1, 32, 79
-, - William, mercer, 13, 27, 44, 54,
63, 102, 107, 112, 180
"Trynkes," assize of, 6-7; to be removed from the Thames, &c., 31
Tunstall, Thomas, Knt., takes forces to France, 128
Turbelvyle, David, of co. Glouc., 9
Turk, Richard, 304
Turners, foreign, charged with making
measures of green wood, 193; to
sell their wares in a house under the
Mayor's Court, 193-4
-, - Mistery of, Wardens to have the
right of search, 193
Turnham, William, draper, 374
Turnour, John, 97
-, - William, 143
Twene, Edmund, 45
Twichener, Richard, 149
Twyer, Elias, 67, 119
-, - William, 67, 173
Twygge, Thomas, 10
Twyner, John, 95
Tybourne, the City's works at, 314; agreement between the City and the executors of William Estfeld for conveyance of water to the City from, 355-7
Tyce, John, 339
-, - - John, son of, 339
Tykerych, Richard, 324, 325
Tyler, John, Common Hunt, 321
Tylers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 256
"Tymberhawe," le, a close called, 119
"Tymbermonger," Mistery of, 124
Tyndale, John, 148, 209
Tyngelden, John, 331
Tynkildene, John, 292
Typertone, Thomas, 158
Tyrell, Thomas, Knt., 393, 394. See also Tirell.
Tyse, John, Assayer at the Tower, 113
Underhill, William, 222
Undirhelde, Thomas, 30
Uphaveryng, John, 256
Upholders, Mistery of, translation from, to that of Pewterers, 235
Usury, proclamation against, 374
Ursewik, Thomas, Common Serjeant and Recorder, 359, 370, 371, 372, 381, 385, 391, 392, 395, 399
Vache, John (de), 223, 262
Valdrian, Eustace, 41
Valentyn, John, 40, 59, 97, 320
Valois, Charles de, afterwards Charles VII. of France, 100
Vampage, John, 186
Van Dyst, Gyse, 324
-, - - William, son of, 324
Vanelly, Frank, of "Lucha," 114
Vangeel, Segar, 30
Van Gelder, Laurence, 64
-, - - Margaret, wife of, after-
wards wife of John Spenser, 64
-, - - Thomas, son of, 64
Vanne, John, brewer, 48, 49
-, - - John, son of, 48
-, - - Katherine, wife of, 49
-, - - Thomas, son of, 48
Venice, a pound of Venetian gold to weigh the same as a pound of Cyprus or Janua, 62
Venkyll, Henry, 256
"Venureswharf," parish of St. Mary Somerset, 95
"Vermeil on Perche" (Verneuil), victory over the French at, 31
Verneuil. See Vermeil.
Verney, Ralph, Mercer and Alderman,
329, 395, 399, 401
-, - - Sheriff, 377, 378, 381, 383,
-, - Ralph, a Serjeant-at-mace, 12,
203, 312, 313
Vessels made of sappy wood burnt, 392, 393
Veyse, William, admitted Water- bailiff loco John Houghtone, 303
Veysy, William, Searcher of "Bere- brewers," 270
Vicory, Walter, 17, 20
Victuallers not to sell victuals on Sunday except under necessity, 293
"Viewers" sworn, 276
Vigerous, Nicholas, 305
Vigils, double, 11n.
Vintners, not to keep their houses open after 9 P.M. during the sitting of Parliament, 15; scrutineers of Mis- tery of, 80
Vintry Ward, John Hylton, Beadle of, 77; assessment of, 196
Vulre, Gervase le, one of the King's French secretaries, 380
Vyaunt, John, 323
Vyncent, Richard, 196, 305
"Vyncent Boys" (Bois de Vincennes), Henry V. dies at, 2
Vyns, Robert, 99
Wade, Geoffrey, 257
Waits. See City Waits.
Wakeley alias Brokford, John, 379
Wakeryng, John, Master of the Hos- pital of St. Bartholomew, 202, 257
Walbrook Ward, jurors for assessment of, 196; Simon Eyre elected Alder- man of, 300
Waldene, John, Grocer and Alderman, 229, 262, 292, 349, 359, 361, 370, 372, 381, 391, 395, 399, 401
Walderne, William, Mercer and Alder-
man, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14,
20, 22, 37, 61, 202, 214
-, - William, mercer, 2, 47, 59, 96,
194, 222
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, 47
-, - - Elianora, daughter of, wife
of Richard de la Feld, 47, 223
-, - - Margaret, wife of, after-
wards wife of John Roys, 47, 96, 194
-, - - Richard, son of, 47, 96, 194
-, - - William, son of, 47
-, - William, appointed a Commis-
sioner to investigate cases of treason,
&c., 24
Waldeyn, John, 329
Waleys, William, 209
Wally, John, merchant of Amiens, 52
Walpole, Adam de, 306
-, - John, vintner, 188
-, - John, "bracier," 284
-, - - Agnes, wife of, afterwards
wife of Godard Pulham, 285
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 284
-, - - Anne, daughter of, 284
-, - - John, son of, 284
-, - - Margaret, daughter of, 284
-, - - Thomas, son of. 284
Walssha, Walshaw, John, Draper and Alderman, 378, 380, 395, 397, 399
Walsshe, John, 237
-, - Nicholas, 397
Walsyngham, Thomas, vintner, 229,
279, 355, 356, 357; elected Alder-
man of Castle Baynard Ward, but
discharged in consideration of his
glazing the east window of the
Guildhall, 109
-, - Thomas, a Commissioner for
assessment, 51, 195
Walter, John, pouchmaker, 29, 121
-, - - Alice, wife of, afterwards
wife of William Newham, 121
-, - - Matilda, daughter of, 121
-, - Nicholas, 149
Waltham, John, 60
-, - Richard, text-writer, 49
Waltham, Abbey of, Henry VI. at, 245
Waltham Holy Cross, certain Canons of, arrested within the sanctuary of St. Martin le Grand, 106-7, 152- 159; the City's defence of its action, 152-60
Walton, Robert, 26
-, - - Elena, wife of, formerly
wife of William Fitzhugh, 26
-, - William, 84, 140, 338
Wandesford, Wannesford, Thomas, Mercer and Alderman, 13, 45, 50, 54, 55, 56, 63, 64, 95, 103, 112, 123, 147, 161, 167, 171, 172, 177, 182, 184, 203, 207, 219, 220, 229, 231, 241, 247, 250, 262, 275, 288, 300, 302, 309, 311
Warbilton, Werbelton, Richard, 147, 229, 271, 272, 281, 312
Warde, William, 150, 202
Wardmotes, precepts for, 5, 19, 36,
48, 59, 65, 87, 105, 117, 128, 160,
194, 215
-, - members of Common Council to
be elected in December Wardmotes,
19, 36, 48, 59, 65, 87, 105, 117, 160,
194, 215
Wardmotes, amercements for not at- tending, to be devoted partly to pro- viding ladders, &c., in case of fire, 181
Wards, the City parishes set out in their respective, 71-5; officers of, to take surety of suspect persons, 132; names of jurors for assessment of graduated income tax, 196-7; apportionment of allowance out of subsidy to impoverished, 177, 239, 240-1
Ware, John, 306
Warer, Henry, 385, 387
Warmyngton, Edward, 262
Warner, John, 256, 322
-, - Nicholas, 195
-, - - John, son of, 195
-, - - Thomas, son of, 195
-, - Robert, 77, 114
-, - - Margaret, wife of, formerly
wife of David Galganet, 77
Warter, Christopher, Skinner and Alderman, 227, 248, 337, 340, 341, 348, 349, 354, 359, 361, 362, 367, 370, 372, 381, 383, 391
Warvyle, Thomas, 173
Warwyk, Thomas, 4, 95
Waryn, John, 324
Wasshburn, John, mercer, 58, 63
Wastell, Simon, 40, 59
Watch, Midsummer, precept for keep- ing, 28, 40, 51, 60, 69, 96, 109, 117, 141, 217
Watch and Ward, precept for, at Christmas, 318
Water brought from Paddington to the City, 233, 355-7
Water-bailiffs. See Thames.
Watsone, Robert, appointed collector of rents appertaining to London Bridge, 238
Wattes, John, 309
Waver, co. Warwick, 309n.
Waver, Henry, 399
-, - William, 309
Wax of Poland, 46
Wax-chandlers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 29, 41, 98, 149, 222
Way, John, 167
Waynflete, William, Bishop of Win- chester, 382
Wayte, Simon, 40, 59, 97
Weavers, Mistery of, translation from, to that of Haberdashers, 142, 348; to that of Drapers, 176; foreign weavers and clothworkers not to be compelled to become members of, 150, 167; journeymen not to take part in election of Wardens of, 290
Weavers, foreign, to elect two
searchers, &c., 253; ordinances of, 254
-, - Mistery of, Masters sworn, 256
Webbe, John, 257
Weche, John, 337
Wedyng, William, 86
-, - - John, son of, 86
Wedyngton, Robert, 71
Weights and Measures, statutes, &c., touching, 184, 192; the Mayor refuses to take oath to observe the same, 185-6; standard preserved in the City, 185, 192, 193
Wellam, Reginald, draper, 67
Welles, Wellys, John, Grocer and
Alderman, 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, 25, 31,
33, 36, 37, 38, 44, 48, 54, 56, 63,
78, 80, 84, 102, 103, 112, 123, 127,
131, 132, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142,
143, 146, 161, 167, 172, 175, 179,
182, 183, 184, 193, 203, 210, 219,
220, 229, 231, 234, 241, 247, 250,
253, 254, 261, 262, 270
-, - - M.P. for the City, 12,
40n., 61n., 168n., 177
-, - John, joiner, 53
-, - John, mercer, 65
-, - Richard, 30, 97
-, - Symon, 87
-, - Thomas, 282
-, - Thomas, blacksmith, 149
-, - Thomas, draper, 384
-, - William, 222
Wellom, Richard, Master of the Cutlers, 226
Werbelton. See Warbilton.
Werk, John, 140, 196
West, Giles, 171, 197
-, - John, 67, 97, 148
-, - Nicholas, 41
-, - William, 43
Westbury, William, a Justice, 140, 185
West Chepe, a cross to be erected to serve as a water standard, 292
Westminster, Abbot and Convent of, grant licence to bring water to the City from their manor of Pad- dington, 233
Westone, John, capper, 60, 222
-, - John, of co. Southampton, 129
-, - John, 209
-, - - Agnes, wife of, daughter of
William Marwe, 209
-, - Richard de, 158
-, - - Roisia, wife of, 158
-, - Thomas, 130
-, - William, draper, 45, 54
-, - William, 71
West Smithfleld, the "White Bull" in, 310
Westyerd, John, vintner, 8
Wetenhale, Wetnale, John, Grocer
and Alderman, 183, 207, 218, 219,
220, 229, 231, 234, 247, 250, 251,
253, 254, 261, 262, 270, 275, 286,
288, 300, 302, 310, 311, 313, 315,
321, 324, 327, 328, 329, 331, 332,
-, - William, collector of subsidy, 239
-, - William, late Warden of London
Bridge, his accounts questioned,
248; auditors appointed, id.; re-
imbursement of his expenses whilst
Warden of London Bridge, 332
Weymouth, John, 140
Whaplode, Richard, 378
-, - Robert, 25
Whateley, John, mercer, 27, 58, 63
Whattone, John, 32, 85
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 32
Whelere, John, of Sandwich, 97
Whelpele, Robert, 308
Whitbarn, William, 222
Whitby, John, Rector of St. Peter's, Cornhill, 102
Whitcherche, Henry, Rector of St. Michael, Cornhill, 67
White, Whyte, John, Warden of Mis-
tery of Turners, 193, 294
-, - John, executor of Richard Whit-
yngton, 19, 39
-, - John, timbermonger, 328
-, - Richard, currier, 30, 77
-, - Richard, baker, 263, 360
-, - Thomas, 354
-, - - Katherine, daughter of, 354
-, - Thomas, armourer, 30
-, - Thomas, coal-meter, 78
-, - Thomas, "corsour," 213
-, - Thomas, 129, 284
-, - William, goldsmith, 294
-, - William, of Ireland, 158
Whitebarowe, William, 232
White bread. See Bread.
Whitebrede, Thomas, 308
-, - Walter, 323
-, - William, 323
"White Bull," the, in West Smith- field, 310
Whitehed, Robert, 222
-, - Simon, 277
"Whitehew," a baker's journeyman, his duties described, 265
Whitehode, John, 224
Whitetawyers in Southwark and Bermondsey to pay for their lot to the Chamberlain, and not to the Sheriff, 353
Whitsuntide, processions, 108, 310
Whityng, John, brewer, 75
Whityngham, Robert, Draper and
Alderman, 1, 2, 14, 25, 32, 44, 54,
56, 112, 123, 147, 167, 172, 182, 184
-, - - Commissoner for assess-
ments, 195
Whityngtone, Richard, Mercer and
Alderman, 1, 2, 39, 76, 115, 119
-, - - his executors to pull down
Newgate and build another gaol, 19,
39, 49, 108, 188; to control the
Guildhall Library, 53; grant of
land by executors of, for enlarging
the high street of Bassishaw, id.
Whyte. See White.
Wiche, Wyche, Henry, 256, 323
-, - Hugh, Mercer and Alderman,
113, 180, 186, 207, 223, 251, 262,
280, 299, 353, 386, 395, 399, 401
-, - - Johanna, wife of, formerly
wife of Robert Colbroke, 180
-, - William, fishmonger, 353
Widihale, Wedyhale, Withihale,
John, 207, 218, 237
-, - - Constance, daughter of, 237
-, - - Elizabeth, wife of, 237
-, - - John, son of, 237
-, - - Reginald, son of, 237
-, - - Simon, son of, 237
-, - Richard, goldsmith, 67, 84, 237,
-, - - Alice, wife of, 84, 237, 292
-, - - Custance, daughter of, 237
-, - - Elizabeth, wife of, 237
-, - - John, son of, 67, 84, 237,
-, - - Simon, son of, 237
-, - - Thomas, son of, 67, 84,
237, 292
-, - - Thomas, brother of, 237
Widyngtone, Robert, 1, 2, 13, 14, 33, 44
Wigode, Hugh, 232
Wikes, Wykes, John, senior, 277
-, - John, junior, 277
-, - Richard, 277
Wikman, William, 397
Wilby, Wylby, John, 173, 230
Wilkes, John, draper, 393, 394
William I. confirms grant of the soke of the Knightengild to the Priory of Holy Trinity, Aldgate, 81; his two charters to the City, 90-1, 153; his charter to the church of St. Martin le Grand, 151n., 152
William, John, 197, 202, 224
Wills, fines for enrolment of, to be devoted to the building of the new Guildhall Chapel, 181; the same to be doubled for payment of the City's debts, 292
Wilshire, Ralph, 24
Winchelsea, port of, 15, 204
Winchester, Statute of, 57, 59
-, - William Waynflete, Bishop of,
Wine, prisage of, lost to the King by the Mayor's prerogative of making six men free of the City, 34, 35; compensation to the Mayor for fore- going prerogative, 34n.; prisage of, unlawfully demanded of a citizen, 46
Winedrawers appointed, 278-9
Wines, scrutineers of, charged with acting unfairly, 8; the price of, prescribed, 16; counterfeit, 377
Wiredrawers, their trouble with the Pinners, 42-3
"Withernam," 217, 218
Withihale. See Widihale.
Woad, to be bought by the Wardens of Dyers alone, 173; belonging to merchants of Janua seized for scavage dues, 175
Wobourne, Abbot of, 306
Wodecok, John, 84
-, - - John, son of, 84
-, - John, mercer, 86, 218, 275
-, - John, introduces custom of Mass
being said before election of Mayor, 2
-, - Richard, 7
-, - Walter, 305
-, - - William, son of, 7
Woderove, John, 52
Wodeward, William, haberdasher, 93
-, - William, "foundour," 27
-, - - Margaret, daughter of, 27
"Wodewose," 379n.
Wodman alias Beket, John, "tymber- monger," 124
Wokkyng, John, 194, 195, 196, 211, 212
Wolaxcon, Johanna, 172
-, - - Idonea, daughter of, 172
Wolf, Stephen, 392
Wolgreve, Thomas, 329
Wool, Woolfells, &c., subsidy on, to repay City loan, 30, 99
Woollen-weavers, foreign, Mistery of,
Masters sworn, 98
-, - native, Mistery of, Masters
sworn, 41, 98, 143
Worseley, John, 389
Worshope, Worsope, John, 93, 196, 389, 401
Wortham (co. Norfolk), William Cratfeld, parson of, 158
Worthington, Gilbert, S. T. D., 311
Wottone, John, 196, 211, 212, 343
-, - Nicholas, Draper and Alderman,
1, 2, 13, 14, 33, 36, 37, 38, 44, 48,
50, 54, 61, 63, 64, 80, 84, 100, 112,
114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,
123, 124, 127, 132, 146, 147, 161,
166, 172, 203, 231, 234, 250, 253,
263, 270, 288, 294
Wottone, Nicholas, elected M. P. for
the City, 40n., 100
-, - Thomas, 40, 60
Wrenne, Richard, 134
Wrestlyngton or Wrastilton, Richard, 98, 148
Wright, John, 149
-, - Thomas, 196
Writhe, John, chantry priest in church of St. Mary Somerset, 69
Wrothe, William, 277
Wyche. See Wiche.
Wyfold, Nicholas, Grocer and Alder- man, 149, 209, 248, 273, 274, 275, 286, 287, 288, 299, 300, 302, 309, 310, 311, 315, 322, 323, 324, 331, 332, 333, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 345, 349, 353, 354, 361, 362
Wykes. See Wikes.
Wylard, Nicholas. 202
Wylby. See Wilby.
Wylershey, Thomas, 173
Wyllys, Roger, 222
Wyltshire, Wylkeshire, William, 228, 257
Wymmyg, John, 97
Wymondham, Adam, 305
Wyn, Stephen, 255
Wynant, William, 303
Wynchecombe, Symon, 76, 158
Wyndesore, John, 359
Wynne, John, draper, 9, 51
Wynslo, Thomas, 370
Wynter, Bartholomew, 149
Wyther, William, 347
Wythiale, Withihale. See Widi- hale.
Wyvirtone, John, 100, 231
-, - - Johanna, wife of, formerly
wife of Thomas atte Wode, 100
Yarford, James, 322
Yelverton, William, Justice, 360
"Yenville" (Janville), town of, cap- tured, 79
Yone, John, 304
Yonge, John, cordwainer, 24
-, - John, City Auditor, 329, 332
-, - John, candidate for Aldermanry,
-, - John, Sheriff, 370, 372
Yeo, Yoo, Nicholas, Draper and Alder-
man, 148, 219, 220, 229, 230, 231,
241, 247, 248, 250, 251, 262, 270,
286, 288, 299
-, - - M.P. for the City, 211
York, John de, 95
York, Richard, Duke of, leads a force to France, 204
Zeeland, merchant ships of, unlaw- fully attacked near Tilbury, 377-8
Zouch, Lord, his garden in parish of St. Peter, Cornhill, 119