Pages 16-30
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: K, Henry VI. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.
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Folio. 11.
Proclamation by the Mayor and Aldermen forbidding the forestalling of merchandise and victuals in Southwark, St. John's Street, and other places near the City. [No date.]
Proclamacio facta sup' Joh'am Cogenho posit' sup' collistrigium.
"For so mochel as Jhonet Cogenho þat here stont is openly convict and atteint be fore þe Meir and Aldermen of þys Cite þat she with a nothir of hir covine whiche is nat yet taken þe xij day of Decembir last passed forged feynyd and counterfeted a fals obligac'on conteynyng þat Henry Bartone citezein and skynner of London shuld have be bounde to Herry Chatertone and John Tetenale in Cli to paye at Witsonetyd next comyng Therfore and foras mochel as þe seid Jhonet is knowen and be co'e voyse and fame publisshed for a co'e desceyver and begiler of þe people it is awarded by þe seid Mair and Aldermen þat þe same Jhonet in chastisement of oþyr þat might cacche enboldissement in exercise of suche falsnesse yef she skaped unponisshed shal stond þys day an hour in þis open place to be seyn and knowen with þe seid false obligac'on a bowte her nekke and þe remenaunt of þe punisshement þat she hath deserved to be for yeve at reverence of womanhod and instance of þe same Henr' Bartone." [No date.]
Folio. 11 b.
Proclamacio facta sup' Aliciam Boston' posit' sup' collistrigium.
"Alsoun" Bostone condemned to stand in the pillory three market days for an hour each day, being brought thither from prison with "pypys" or other "opyn minstralsy," for having let to hire for immoral purposes her innocent young apprentice.
Inquisicio capta pro falso facto contrafacto.
Tuesday, 16 Nov., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], inquisition taken at the Guildhall before William Crowmere, the Mayor, and Aldermen, when it was found that on the 28th July, 1 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], John Russell of Cestone, co. Leic., otherwise called "John Russell sumtyme clerk convyct," Thomas Corbet, Sir John Canesby, clerk, otherwise called "Sir John the Morowemasse prest" (fn. 1) of St. Bride's, Richard Pery, skinner, and Tidman Harper, otherwise called "John Brakley," scrivener, conspired to forge a deed bearing a seal of the arms of Richard Pavy (cunningly removed from an old deed), and purporting to be a conveyance of a certain tenement by the said Richard and Johanna his wife (afterwards wife of John Kent) to John Passemere, serjeant-at-arms, one of the surviving friends of the said John Kent, and to Thomas Kighley and John Lane of Canterbury, since deceased. It was further found that on the 6th Oct., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], the said Sir John Canesby brought the counterfeit deed to the house of Walter Vicory, tailor, where the said John Kent, Johanna his wife, and others were supping, and, pretending that he had obtained it from Simon Hoke, clerk, in discharge of a debt, caused it to be publicly read by Master Gilbert Kymer, Doctor of medicine (fn. 2) (who was unaware of the deception), and to be delivered to John "Pasmere" for the purpose of challenging the title of William Caumbrigge, grocer, to the said tenement, which had sometime been conveyed by the said Richard Pavy and Johanna his wife to a certain Henry Julyan and his heirs, (fn. 3) such conveyance being enrolled in the Husting on Monday before the Feast of Conversion of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 4 Henry IV. [A.D. 1402-3]. (fn. 4)
Folio. 12.
Br'ed'ni Regis pro conservacione pacis.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the preservation of the peace in the City and suburbs. Witness the King at Westminster, 1 Oct., 1 Henry VI. [A.D. 1422].
Br'ed'ni Regis de proclamacione q'd null' tencat Escambium auri vel argenti quam Cambitor' d'ni Regis.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for the due observance of the statute made in Parliament, anno 25 Edward III. [A.D. 1351-2], (fn. 5) forbidding any one to keep a public Exchange or to make a profit out of the exchange of money. Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, (fn. 6) at Westminster, 16 Jan., 9 Henry VI. [A.D. 1430-1].
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to make proclamation for all who have grievances against any officer of the King's Mint in the Tower of London, or of his Exchange in the City of London, to lay the same before the King's Council, and speedy justice shall be done. Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, at Westminster, 17 Jan., 9 Henry VI. [A.D. 1430-1].
Folio. 12 b.
Ordinacio de Copersmythes.
2 Dec., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], came the Masters and the good folk of the Mistery of Copersmythes before William Crowmere, the Mayor, and Aldermen, and prayed that certain articles, as set out, for the better government of their Mistery might be approved and enrolled. Their prayer granted.
Folio. 13.
Br'e d'ni Regis pro delib' acione Gaole de Neugate.
Letters patent appointing William Crowemere, the Mayor, William Hankford, William Babyngtone, John Juyn, (fn. 7) Robert Trewhit, John Cokayn, William Cheyne, John Martyn, John Prestone, John Hals, and John Fray, or any ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, or two (the Mayor being one), to be justices for gaol-delivery of Neugate. Witness the King at Westminster, 3 Nov., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423].
Exon'acio Henrici Gilot civis et Cissoris London' ab assisis.
4 Oct., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], Henry Gylot, tailor, discharged by William Crowmer, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Licencia d'ni Regis concessa exec' Ric'i Whityngtone ad prosternend' Gaolam de Neugate et illud de novo reedificand'.
Letters patent granting permission to John Coventre, John Carpenter, John White, and William Grove, executors of the will of Richard Whityngtone, late mercer, to pull down the gaol and gate of Neugate, and erect another gaol with the property of the said Richard, and in the meantime to remove all prisoners to some convenient place. (fn. 8) Witness the King at Westminster, 12 May, 1 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423].
Exon'acio Will'i Culver ab assisis.
7 Dec., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], William Culvere, chandler, discharged by William Crowmer, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Br'e d'ni Regis de admittend' Adam May in Coronatorem Civitatis etc.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to admit Adam May as deputy to Thomas Chaucer, the King's Chief Butler and ex officio Coroner of the City. Witness the King at Westminster, 25 Dec., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423].
Folio. 13 b.
Exon'acio Salamonis Oxney ab assisis.
15 Dec., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], Salamon Oxney, goldsmith, discharged by William Crowmer, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to infirmities of age.
Consi'les bille misse fuer' cuil't Aldermanno.
Precept under the Mayoralty seal to the several Aldermen to hold their Wardmotes, and report such matters as they are themselves unable to correct to the Mayor's General Court to be held on Monday after the Epiphany [6 Jan.]; and further, to elect members to the Common Council (fn. 9) and take the necessary steps for preserving the peace, the prevention of fire, &c. Dated 12 Dec. [A.D. 1423].
Certific'o facta Will'mo Cauntbrige per Ric'm Pery de quodam falso scripto facto per Joh'em Kent Joh' Russell Thomam Corbet et quendam capell'm voc' Joh' Cannesby.
2 Oct., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], William Cauntbrigge informed William Walderne, the Mayor, and Aldermen that Richard Pery, servant of John Kent, had been taken into custody and excommunicated in the Court of the Archdeacon of Westminster for conspiring with John Russell and others to oust the said William Cauntbrigge from a certain tenement called "le Culverkey," near Billingsgate, by a forged deed. The said William therefore prayed that the said Richard, before he regained his freedom, might be examined on oath as to the matter, so as to avoid future annoyance. Thereupon the said Richard declared on oath that at various times after the Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [1 Aug.] last past he was present when John Kent, John Russell, Thomas Corbet, and Sir John "le Morowemasse-preste" of St. Bride's (whose other name he knows not), conspired, at a tavern called "le Petres Key" near Oldefisshstrete, and another hostel called "Sarsynshede" in Fletestrete, and elsewhere, and caused him to forge a deed to prove that Richard Pavy and Johanna his wife (now the wife of the said John Kent) had granted the above tenement called "le Culverkey" to [John] Pasmere, [Thomas] Kighley, and [John] Lane of Canterbury (whose proper names the deponent cannot recall to mind (fn. 10) ), at a date prior to that of their conveyance of the same tenement to Henry Julyan, which conveyance was enrolled in the Guildhall circa 4 Henry IV.; and that the said forged deed bore the seal of the said Richard taken from an old deed, and was endorsed as if duly enrolled in the King's Bench. Furthermore, that the said forged deed was brought to the house of [Walter] Vicory, "taillour," near Oldefisshstrete, where the said John Kent and others were supping, by the same Sir John [Canesby], who pretended that he had obtained it from Simon Hoke, a deceased clerk, in discharge of a debt, and caused it to be publicly read by Master Gilbert Kymer, Doctor of medicine.
Folio. 14.
Examinacio p'dc'i Joh'is Cannesby.
Afterwards, viz., on the 4th Oct., the said Sir John le Morowemassepreste, otherwise called Sir John "Cannesby," the priest celebrating in the parish church of St. Bride, Fletestrete, was brought up in the custody of the Sheriff before the said Mayor and Aldermen, and being asked about the above forgery declared, on the word of a priest, that he knew nothing about it; but after the above confession of Richard Pery had been read to him confessed his guilt and pleaded for mercy. Whereupon he was ordered to set out in writing what he knew of the forgery in the same hand as he had written the forged document, and to bring it before them on the 8th Oct., which he did, in the following words:-
"Thomas Corbet come to me John 'Candesby' prest in to Fletestrete un to my chamber abowte þe Feste of Lammes and delivered me a copy of a dede concernyng how þt one Richard Pavy esquier and Johan his wif aboute þe þrid yere of Kyng Henry þe fourthe shuld a yofe (fn. 11) by a dede of feffement alle rentes and tenementes þat he had in þe paresshe of Seint Marie at Hyll to Pasmere þat yet liveth and Lane of Caunterbury þat is dede and prayde me to write on þ'after of Raghand (fn. 12) And I forseide John beyng a ferd þt it shuld be p'judice to sum party and he swore to me on a boke þat it was no p'judice to man lyvyng For he said it was rolled many yeres a go and for be cause it was lost he wold have a newe in strengthyng of right and none otherwise whiche I conceyved and yaf credence to for because he swore so sore to me the whiche dede I dide write and he yaf me for my travayll at þat tyme þat I delivered it to hym xxd. And an other tyme he toke me a Noble And after þat he come ayein to me in þe seide parissh and brought with hym þe scrowe þat I wrote defaced and made Oldlich to seme and sealled with a seall of armes as þaugh hit had be a verrey trewe dede and bade me write on þe bak þ'of as it were rolled in þe Kynges benche þe same thrid yere In þe roll cccclvij or elles cccc and xvij I knowe nat þe sertayne nowe And wenyng þat it had bene sothe for as mochell as it was writene on þe scrowe þat he broughte me firste I wrote it so and he prayde me to deliver þe dede to John of Kent and he shuld pay me xjli. viijs. iiijd. þe whiche sire Symond Hoke did ough me so þat I wolde þat I hadde þat dede delivered be sire Simound Hoke forseid And þat forsaide Simound chargyng me to deliver it þe aunere (fn. 13) þat is to say Richard Pavy wif or elles eny other of þe neghe kyn Whiche dede I forsaide John 'Canesby' delivered to John of Kent at a Taillours house over for a yens Petres Taverne be Poules cheyne And alle þus he bade me seyne and so I hopyng and supposyng no wrong to no party to falle ne happen I did after þe same Corbettes wille and fulfilled hit þe whiche me reweth and he be hote me þt I shuld have alle þt was owyng me þ'upon And þere John of Kent delivered me a noble in þe same taillours house, &c."
Exoneracio Steph'i Bugge ab assisis.
16 Dec., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], Stephen Bugge, draper, discharged by William Crowmer, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Novum opus Guyhalde.
Wednesday the morrow of the Feast of St. Thomas, Ap. [21 Dec.], 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], it was agreed by William Crowmere, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty, in their full and common Council, that all the fees, fines, and amercements granted during the Mayoralty of William Walderne, the late Mayor, for the work of the Guildhall should be continued until Michaelmas next.
Folio. 14 b.
Exon'acio Rogeri Childerne ab assisis etc.
20 Jan., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], Roger Childerne, cordwainer, discharged by William Crowmer, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Exon'acio Thome Benet vinetarii ab assisis.
The same day Thomas Benet, vintner, similarly discharged for like cause.
Ordinance of Shermen sheres.
Ordinacio de Shermen sheres.
"For as mochell as here to fore many dayes þe makyng and gryndyng and oþer apparaillyng of Shermennes sheres hath stond and stondeth in þoccupac'on and exercise of tweyn or thre persones atte most withynne þis Cite Whiche for þeir singuler proffit and co'e harme have taken and taken fro day to day so excessiflich for þeir occupac'on aboute þe making grinding and apparailing of suche shermen sheres þat it is shame and dole for to here Wherfore þe vj day of Decembre þe yere of Kyng Henry þe sixte after þe conquest second [A.D. 1423] William Crowmer Meir and Aldermen of þe Citie of London havyng considerac'on as well to þe co'e proffit as to þestate and resonable gayne and getyng of suche Sheregrinders be gode advys after ripe co'icac'on hadde with þe worthy of þe craftes of Drapers and Shermen in þe seide Cite Han ordeyned þat no Sheregrynder from þis day forward take more for a paire of newe Sherys gistyng (fn. 14) and gryndyng þan ijs. And whan þe same Shere hath ben used a xiiij or xv dayes þan þe Sheregrynder shall glace þe forseid newe Sheres at his owne coste and make hem able to werk and þan he be well and trewly paid for his labour And for an other shere redy gisted þei to have for þe gryndyng and settyng viijd. and no more for a peire And þan þe owener to have hem home and prove hem v or vj dayes if þei be well do And when þei be well and profitably do þei to be paied for her travaill And also accorded is be þe forseid Meir and Aldermen þat þe forseid Shermen of London shull fynde at alle tymes whiles her sheres be a gryndyng or amendyng two men to tourne þe stone Also awarded is be þe same Meir and Aldermen þat if eny strif or debate falle betwene þe seid Shermen and Sheregrynders for none paiement þat þan þe Sheregrynders shull pleyne to þe Wardens of þe Shermen being for þe tyme And þei shull do hem to be paied or elles paye hem hemself with ynne thre dayes next after her compleynt upon peyne of xls. to be paide to þe Chambre of þe Yildhall of London as often as þei renne in þe payne And at alle tymes it is ordeyned be þe same Meir and Aldermen þat þe Sheregrynders shull go home to þe Shermenhous and there to sette and amende alle maner defautes longyng to here Sheres except only þe gryndyng And þei to be well and trewly paide as it is a forseid Also accorded is be þe same Meir and Aldermen as touching other Sheres þat be crakked fflaved (fn. 15) or fawty be necligence of þe oweners or eny of hise for alle suche Sheres þe Sheregrynders to take for hem as þe seide Shermen and Sheregrynders mowe accorde And also it is accorded by þe saide 'Mair' and Aldermen þt þe same Sheregrynders be and shull be redy at alle tymes when þei godely mowe and be resonably required to serve þe saide Shermen in gryndyng and amendyng of her Sheres on peyne abovesaide &c."
Exon'acio Henr' Prestone stokfisshmonger ab assis'.
26 Jan., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], Henry Prestone, "stokfisshmongere," discharged by William Crowmer, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Folio. 15.
Custodia Nich'i alt'ius filior' Thome Petwardyn.
10 Jan., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], the guardianship of Nicholas, one of the sons of Thomas Petwardyn, committed by William Crowmer, the Mayor, and Aldermen to Thomas Mayneld, grocer, for a term of five years. Sureties, viz., Robert Colbroke, "irmonger," and John Flemyng, horner.
Exon'acio Joh'is Yonge allutarii ab assisis.
3 Feb., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], John Yonge, cordwainer, discharged by William Crowmere, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to deafness and other infirmities.
Inquis' capt' ex officio pro falso scripto obligat' contrafacto.
Inquest ex officio taken at the Guildhall, according to the custom of the City, before William Crowmere, the Mayor, and Aldermen. The jurors-viz., John Calawey, Ralph Shaklache, John Dancastre, Matthew Somerfeld, Adam Carvile, John Hirst, Ralph Wilshire, John More, John Glynne, Andrew Crowherst, Roger Sharpe, and John Leman-say that on the 12th Dec., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423], Johanna Cogenho and William Sutton forged a bond to the effect that Henry Bartone, skinner, was bound to pay a sum of £100 to Henry Chatertone and John Tetenale at Pentecost next.
Exon'acio Walteri Aleyn mynstrell.
16 Feb., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], Walter Aleyn, a minstrel of Lynne [co. Norf.], discharged by William Crowmere, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Folio. 15 b.
Commissio d'ni Regis ad inquirend' de prodicionib' et feloniis.
Letters patent appointing William Crowmere, the Mayor, William Sevenoke, William Walderne, and John Fray to be Commissioners for investigation of all treasons and felonies committed in the City or suburbs, and to make a return of the same under seal into Chancery. Witness the King at Westminster, 23 Feb., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4].
Br'e dc'i d ni Regis de venire faciendo etc. directum vic' etc.
Writ to the Sheriffs to produce all witnesses that may be required by the above Commissioners. Witness the King at Westminster, same date.
Inquis' capt' virtute commissionis p'dc'e.
Joh'es Mortymer ch'r judicat' de prodic'oe.
Inquisition taken by the above Commissioners on Friday, 25 Feb., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], by oath of John St. John, John Bacon, William Caldewelle, William Tropnell, John Tropnell, Robert Arnold, Robert Smythe, George Benet, Martin Aleyn, John Horold, John Wellys, Richard Sutton, Robert Cok, William Feirhere, Robert Whaplode, William Lely, John Exham, Thomas Peryngtone, John Bokkyng, and William Ferrour, who say that John Mortymer of Bisshopeshatfeld, co. Herts, Knt., who had been committed to the custody of John, Earl of Huntingdon, the Constable of the Tower, on suspicion of treason against the late King, had made his escape on the 23rd Feb., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], by the connivance of William Kyng of Wymeltone, in Rydale, co. York, servant to Robert Scot, esquire, to whom he had promised divers sums of money. (fn. 16)
28 April, 2 Henry VI. [1424], account rendered before John Welles and Robert Whityngham, Aldermen, by Jankyn Faryngdon, administrator of the goods of John Ailesham, late grocer.
Folio. 16.
Compotus Alicie relicte Will'i Lynne et al'.
Account rendered by Alice, widow and executrix of William Lynne, grocer, and her co-executors, as enrolled among the Mayor's Memoranda, 19 Feb., A.D. 1423[-4].
Recognicio fc'a Cam'ar' per eosdem execut'.
Tuesday, the last day of February, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], came the above Alice, and Robert Colbroke, "irmonger," and John Bloxham her co-executors, and entered into a bond to render account to John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, when called upon.
Folio. 16 b.
Custodia xx marc' legat' Joh'e filie sororis Will'i Fitzhugh et cs. legat' Joh'i fr'i suo.
16 March, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], came Robert Walton, goldsmith, who married Elena, late wife of William Fitzhugh, (fn. 17) goldsmith, and delivered to John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, divers sums of money bequeathed by the said William to Johanna, daughter of the testator's sister [not named], aged seventeen, and to John Martyn, son of the said sister of the testator, aged nine years.
Afterwards, viz., on the 17th March, the money was committed by William Croumere, the Mayor, and the Aldermen to the said Robert in trust for the said Johanna and John. Sureties, viz., Richard Stacy, John Joce, John Edmond, and Richard Spenser, goldsmiths.
Afterwards, viz., on the 22nd Jan., 6 Henry VI. [A.D. 1427-8], came the above Johanna and received the money due to her.
Custodia pueror' Will'i Lynne commissa Alicie matri eorumdem etc.
1 March, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4], came Alice, widow and executrix of William Lynne, grocer, (fn. 18) and Marion Leighton her sister, Robert Colbroke, "irmonger," John Frepurs, mercer of Bedford, and John Bloxham, co-executors with the said widow, and brought into Court the money left by her late husband to John, Robert, Margaret, Alice, and Beatrix his children.
Folio. 17.
Afterwards, viz., on the 16th March, the same year, the guardianship of John and Robert and their patrimony was committed by William Crowemere, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, to Alice their mother. Sureties, viz., Robert Colbroke, "irmonger," John Sergeaunt, "armurer," and Robert Trewlove, cordwainer.
The same day the patrimony of Alice and Margaret, daughters of the above William Lynne, was committed to Thomas Catworth, grocer. Sureties, viz., Thomas Aleyn, mercer, William Olyver and Robert Otteley, grocers.
Folio. 17 b.
The same day the patrimony of Beatrix, daughter of the said William, was committed to William Trymnel, mercer. Sureties, viz., William Melreth, John Whateley, and John Olney, mercers.
Afterwards, viz., on the 19th April, 7 Henry VI. [A.D. 1429], came Thomas Oxney (who, with the assent of John Gedney, late Mayor, and of the Aldermen, had married the above Beatrix) before Henry Bartone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and acknowledged satisfaction for his wife's patrimony.
Folio. 18.
Custodia Margaret filie Will'i Wodeward.
12 May, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424], the executors of William Wodeward, late "foundour," came before William Crowmer, Mayor, and the Aldermen, and delivered to John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, the sum of £100 bequeathed by the said William Wodeward to Margaret his daughter. On the following day the guardianship of the said Margaret, together with her property, was committed by the said Mayor and Aldermen to John Hyham, draper. Sureties, viz., Walter Chartesey and John Femell, drapers, and John Melbourne, grocer.
Exon'acio Will'i at Stoke tinctoris London'.
6 June, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424], William atte Stoke, dyer, discharged by William Crowmere, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Proclamacio per br'e etc. de debitis H. iiij ti solvend' per execut' suos.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all persons to whom the late King Henry IV. was indebted for the expenses of his household, chamber, wardrobe, &c., at the time of his death, and who had not received from his executors one-half of the money due, to send in their claims to John Pelham, Knt., and John Leventhorpe, esquire, two of the aforesaid executors, by Monday after the Nativity of St. John Bapt. [24 June], at the Priory of St. Mary de Suthwerk. Witness the King at Westminster, 5 June, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424]. (fn. 19)
Folio. 18 b.
L'ra missa per Maiorem et Aldr'os d'no Duci Bedford.
Letter from the Mayor and Aldermen to the Duke of Bedford acknowledging the receipt of his letter sent to them from "Craille upon case" (fn. 20) in Normandy, and assuring him of the peaceful condition of the City. (fn. 21) [No date.]
Folio. 19.
The oath of the Coroner (French). (fn. 22)
Hokkyng defenduz.
Precept for proclamation to be made forbidding "hokkyng" on days called "les hokkedayes," on pain of imprisonment and fine.
Consi'les billa missa fuit cuil't Aldermanno.
Precept to the Aldermen that they cause a sufficient armed watch to be kept in their several Wards on the nights and eves of St. John the Baptist [24 June] and SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], and that they take the customary precautions against fire. Dated 2 June, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424].
Proclamation to be made forbidding any vintner, taverner, brewer, hosteler, huckster, cook, or piebaker within the City and liberties to keep his house open after 10 o'clock at night on the eves of St. John the Baptist and SS. Peter and Paul next ensuing, or to sell wine, ale, fish, or flesh, boiled, roasted, or in pasties, before 6 o'clock in the morning afterwards, under penalty.
Folio. 19 b.
Writ of Privy Seal to the Mayor and Aldermen to search the City's records and certify whether there be any immemorial custom to the effect that if a man devise lands and tenements in the City to his next heir and the heirs of his body, and in default of heirs of his body the same be sold by the executors of their executors, and if the next heir of the said testator after the testator's death should alienate the said lands and tenements in fee and retake possession of the said lands and tenements to himself in tail, with remainder to his right heirs, and then should die without issue of his body, and his next heir enter on the said lands and tenements by way of such remainder-whether the executors of the executors of the executors of the executors of the executors of the said original testator can by the custom of the City sell and alienate the said lands and tenements by virtue of the devise aforesaid, and can oust the heirs of the said lands and tenements in remainder by descent after the death of their ancestor or not. If any such custom or usage be found, they are to certify the same under seal to the King's Council the day after the Ascension [2 June] next ensuing. Dated at Westminster, 20 Feb., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423-4]. (fn. 23)
Exon'acio Rob'ti Brendewode salter ab assisis.
14 July, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424], Robert Brendewode, salter, discharged by William Crowmere, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Folio. 20.
Custodia Roberti filii Roberti Odyham.
1 July, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424], the guardianship of Robert, son of Robert Odiham, late grocer, together with his patrimony, formerly committed to William Cotesbrook, grocer, now committed by William Crowmere, the Mayor, and the Aldermen to John Poley, (fn. 24) grocer, for a term of three years. Sureties, viz., Geoffrey Dallyng, John Sadiller, vintners, Adam Copendale, brewer, and Stephen Roo, capper.
Afterwards, viz., on the 30th Oct., 6 Henry VI. [A.D. 1427], came the above orphan, then being of full age, and received his patrimony in the Court of John Bederendene, the Chamberlain, from the above John Poley.
Masters of Misteries sworn.
Barbers: William Hunne, William Chapeleyn, William Ryggewyk, Simon Rolf, John Daltone, sworn 2 Sept., 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1423].
...... John Rechemond, Henry Rechemond. (fn. 25)
Powchemakers: John Shakstaf, John Baylly, John Walter, Thomas Evertone, sworn 6 Oct., the same year.
Latteners (Lat. Latoni): Stephen Reede, John Mareschall, sworn the same day.
Cappers: Thomas Kyng, Thomas Lynne, Robert Byllyngay, sworn 7 Oct., the same year.
Wexchaundelers: John Peryn, James Coterell, sworn 12 Oct., the same year.
Steynours: John Mowbray, Simon Taillour, sworn 20 Oct., the same year.
Folio. 20 b.
"Armeres": Thomas White, Clement Bisshop, sworn 22 Oct., the same year.
Coriours: William Grome, Hamond Taverner, sworn 25 Oct., the same year.
Smythes: John Thurlade, William Johnsone, John Robynys, sworn 15 Nov., the same year.
Pynners: Thomas Undirhelde, Richard Madestone, Thomas Maunger', sworn Wardens the same day.
Wollen Wevers aliens: Henry Neteleship, Segar Vangeel, sworn 20 Nov., the same year.
Cordwainers: Thomas Merlowe, Thomas Burgate, Thomas Robnette, John Richard, sworn 28 June, 2 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424].
Lethersellers: Nicholas Chirche, John Gauge, sworn 7 July, the same year.
John Ley, girdler, John Bernard, Richard White, "coriour," sworn for making assay of leather 19 July, the same year.
Shermen: William Holand, Robert Calowe, William Spaldynge, sworn 20 July, the same year.
Copyrsmythes: John Stevyn, John Dene, sworn 3 Aug., the same year.
Joinours: John Gay, Nicholas Gylle, sworn 16 Aug., the same year.
Surgeons: Thomas Morstede, William Bradwardyn, sworn 17 Aug., the same year.
Bladsmythes: John Layner, John Golyght, sworn 29 Aug., the same year.
Linen Weavers: John Baltazar, Henry Dankyn, sworn 27 July, the same year.
Barbers: Richard Snadenham, John Qweldryk, Richard Merlawe, sworn 1 Sept., 3 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424].
Surgeons: Richard Welles, Simon Rolf, sworn the same day.
Botelmakers: Thomas Assheborn, Thomas Langley, sworn 12 Sept., the same year.