House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 27 May 1606

Pages 313-314

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 27o Die Maii, 1606

General Pardon.

AN Act of his Majesty's most gracious, general, and free Pardon, once read, and passed, upon the Question : - With Applause ; and God save the King, uttered by the Speaker, and Amen, of the whole House.

Collection from Members.

A Committee named for the Distribution of the Money gathered by Sir H. Billingsley, and Sir Tho. Horsman : - Met at the Parliament Door.

The Committees Names to be entered here : -

Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Wm. Killigrewe, Sir Wm. Liggon, Sir Tho. Smyth, Sir Edw Hobby, Sir John Boys, Sir Geo. Rivers, Sir Rich. Bulkley, Sir Roger Aston, Mr. Hopton, Sir Valentyne Knightley.

Considered of in the utter Chamber.


Sir Henry Hubbard maketh Report of the Committee for Amendments of the Bills against Recusants, which came from the Lords, and were debated and considered of this Morning. -

They have considered of the first Bill, for the Avoiding and Repressing Dangers by Popish Recusants.

Mr. Speaker openeth the Parts of the Bill, to satisfy such as were not present at the Passing of the Bill: - In particular Notes, which he gave to divers of the Committees.

The first Bill, for the Avoiding and Repressing of Dangers by Popish Recusants, upon the Question, passed, with great Applause; and a general Voice of Prayer, that it may have good Success.

Amendments, thirdly read, in the Bill for the better Discovering and Repressing of Popish Recusants, and the Education of their Children in true Religion ; and, upon the Question, passed, with like Applause. -

The Amendments to be added.

Entry respecting Parker.

Sir Rob. Wingfield moveth, that a precise Entry may be made of the Matter of Parker.


Sir Edw. Mountague reporteth. - Those, that have not paid, ordered to pay this Afternoon, and the next Session.

Excluding Strangers.

Message to my Lord Chamberlain, That none be admitted, but those of the House.

Entry respecting Parker.

The Matter of Parker to be entered iisdem verbis, as it is reported.


The House did rise about Two a Clock in the Afternoon.

Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker staid in the Committee Chamber, to remember his Speech to the King.

House to sit.

The House appointed to sit at [a] Two a Clock in the Afternoon.

The King.

This Day the King came to the House.

Entry respecting Parker.

AN Entry, touching Parker, tendered by Sir Rob. Wingfield, and read in the House. Mr. Martin, against the particular Setting down of it; but only to be generally entered.

Mr. Stepney reporteth, that Parker was at Cards all Night on Saturday; and one asking, how he could preach the next Day; - Take no care of that, for he was prepared.


Sir John Crook and Mr. D. Hone bring the Act of Subsidy, having passed it.


General Pardon sent up by Mr. Secretary Herbert.


Two Bills, and Amendments, against Recusants.

These Three sent up by Mr. Secretary Herbert.

Entry to Lords.

The Entry to the Higher House to be rid.

House attends the Lords.

This Day, about Five a Clock in the Afternoon, the Speaker, with the Commons, went up to the Higher House.

Parliament prorogued.

Mr. Speaker delivered his Speech; and the King answered the Particulars; and the Lord Chancellor pronounced the Prorogation * the Parliament until the Twenty-fifth Day of November next.