Folios ccxli - ccli: Jan 1369-70 -

Pages 258-263

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: G, 1352-1374. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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Folio ccxli.

Wednesday after the Feast of St. Hillary [13 Jan.], 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-70], the following were elected to govern the mistery of the Poulterers according to ordinances made during the Mayoralty of James Andreu, the late Mayor, and earlier, viz., John Clerk and John atte Noke in the Poultry; William Carpe and Adam Pulter at St Nicholas' Shambles; and John Mite, John Clapschethe, and William Stapil at Ledenhalle.

Custodia Margarete fil' Ric' i Suwet cornmongere.

The same day the guardianship of Margaret, daughter of Richard Suwet, "cornmongere," was committed by John de Chichestre, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John de Cauntebrigge, to William Leycestre, the beadle of the Ward of Aldrichesgate. Sureties, viz., William Dunmowe and William Swalclyve.

Folio ccxli b.

Indentur' int' Christi' am Peccham exparte una et Will' m de Bernardcastel ex altera.

sol. ijs. vjd.

Lease by Christiana Peccham of the parish of St. Clement de "Candeluekestrete" to William de Bernardecastel, "broidurer," of a certain tenement in the said parish, situate near the tenement of John Pope and the Chamber of "Yeldehalle," to hold the same for a term of thirteen years at an annual rent of 6s. 8d. to the chief lords of the fee and certain payments to John Salusbury, goldsmith, and Thomas Clenche, fishmonger, John Chichestre, Mayor, and John Piel and Hugh Holbeche, Sheriffs. Witnesses, Gilbert de Notyngham, Henry Swanbourne, spicer, Robert Beuchampe, "plomer," John Pope, Thomas de Halughtone, scrivener, and others [not named]. Dated Friday before the Feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian [20 Jan.], 43 Edward III. [A. D. 1369-70].

Folio ccxli.

Br' e pro civibus Lincoln'.

Monday after the Feast of the Purification [2 Feb.], 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-70], came Walter de Kelby and John de Suttone, citizens of Lincoln, and delivered to the Mayor and Aldermen the King's writ dated at Westminster the 20th Jan., 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-70], forbidding them to exact any toll or custom from citizens of Lincoln, and further showed how John Piel and Hugh Holbeche, the Sheriffs, had unlawfully taken toll of the merchandise of John de Weltone, a citizen of Lincoln, and demanded restitution of the same. Thereupon precept for restitution.

Folio ccxlii b.

Judicium pillor pro poletar' olent' et putrid'.

Wednesday after the Feast of the Purification [2 Feb.], 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-70], John Wastelle, "pulter," attached to answer a charge of having exposed for sale on his stall at Cornhill, in the parish of St. Michael, five "snytes," (fn. 1) two "thrusshes," and a "wodcok," unfit for food. The said John denied that the birds belonged to him or were exposed by him for sale, and put himself on the country, and Robert Gaytone, who prosecutes for the Commonalty, likewise. Thereupon came a certain John Smyth de Wodhulle before the Mayor, the Recorder, and Aldermen, and declared on oath that he had delivered the birds to the wife of John Wastelle to pluck, and that he had bought the birds elsewhere. The jurors elected and tried with the assent of John Wastelle, viz., John Payn, Geoffrey Shlyngford, William Excestre, Richard Greystoke, Hugh de Cauntbrugge, John Daundelyoun, John Crichirche, William Jurdon, John Pykenham, Robert Lowyk, Edmund de Clare, Andrew Smythe, and William Mynested, find that the birds did belong to the said John Wastelle. Cur. ad. vult. Eventually the said John Wastelle was condemned to stand in the pillory and to have the birds burnt beneath him, whilst the said John Smythe, who acknowledged that he had been suborned by the wife of the said John Wastelle to bear false witness on the promise of a pair of hose, was committed to prison, but shortly released.

Folio ccxliii.

Articuli vinetar'.

Thursday the Feast of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-70], ordinances made for the government of the mistery of Vintners. (fn. 2)

Folio ccxliii b.

Thomas Cornwaleys, Henry Boresworth, Roger Longe, and John Clivele elected and sworn to see that the above ordinances are duly observed.

Indentura int' Joh' em de Chychestre Maiorem Aldr' os et co' itatem ex parte una et Robt' m fil' Joh' is de Pountfreyt et Marg' iam filiam predicti Joh' is Pount freyt ex altera.

Lease by John de Chychestre, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty to Robert, son of John de Pountfreyt the elder, "cornmongere," and Margery, daughter of the said John, late wife of Richard de "Evre," ironmonger, and sister of the said Robert, of St. Botolph's Wharf, for a term of seven years, at an annual rent of £20. Dated 20 Feb., 44 Edward III [A.D. 1369-70].

Folio ccxliv.

Custodia xl marc' p' tinenc' Alic' fil' Nich' i Barbour.

14 March, 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-70], the sum of 40 marks belonging to Alice, daughter of Nicholas Barbour, aged three years, delivered in trust to Gilbert Prynce, "peyntour," by John de Chichestre, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain. Sureties, viz., John Lythgrave, John Cappe, "goldbeters," William Thomer, tanner, and Thomas Whitchurche, cordwainer.

Afterwards, viz., on the 27th July, 48 Edward III. [A.D. 1374], came the above Gilbert into the Chamber of the Guildhall, before Adam de Bury, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and delivered the above sum to John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, in trust for the said Alice.

Folio ccxliv b.

A proclamation made on Wednesday before the Feast of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas [7 March], 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-1370], regulating the sale of wine and ale in the City, and forbidding the exportation of wine, corn, and malt.

Folio ccxlv.

Ordinacio de vendicione coriar' Tannar'.

Monday before the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1369-70], petition of Adam Lovekyn to the Mayor and Aldermen that foreign tanners may be compelled to use his seld in Frydaystret for the sale of their wares according to ancient usage.

Afterwards, viz., on the 25th April following, an ordinance was passed by John de Chichestre, the Mayor, William de Haldene, the Recorder, Adam Fraunceys, William Welde, Simon de Mordone, and John Warde, Aldermen, to the effect desired. (fn. 3) Thereupon Thomas de Cotes was sworn scrutineer to present such defects as he may find in tanned wares.

Draytone cornmongere Judic' Pillor'.

24 April, 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1370], John de Draytone de Fulham, "cornmongere," brought before John de Chichestre, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, for exposing for sale at the market on the pavement within Neugate three bushels of corn in a sack which had good and clean corn at the top, but inferior gram beneath, to the deceit of the people, and for selling the same to Johanna, wife of John Colman Condemned to stand in the pillory.

Folio ccxlv b.

Walkerne Pillor.

24 April, 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1370], Roger Walkerne de Shenelee brought before the same for having offered a higher price for five bushels of corn to William de Birchemore of St. Alban, "cornmongere," at the above market than the said William was willing to sell the same, with the view of enhancing its price. Condemned to the pillory.

Custodia Will' i filii Ric' i de Ever.

The same day the guardianship of William, son of Richard de "Ever," ironmonger, aged nineteen years, committed by John de Chychestre, the Mayor, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, to Robert Pountfreyt, "cornemongere," together with the sum of £40, a piece of silver worth 15s., a mazer cup worth 20s., and six silver spoons. Sureties, viz., John Pountfreyt, "sadeler," and Richard Toky, grocer.

Afterwards, viz., on the 17th February, 48 Edward III. [A.D. 1373-4], came the above William before Adam de Bury, the Mayor, William Haldene, the Recorder, and the aforesaid Chamberlain, and acknowledged satisfaction. The above Robert and his sureties are therefore quit.

Folio ccxlvi.

Custodia Thome et Will' i fil' Cristine fil' quondam Joh' is Ippegrave.

26 April, 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1370], the guardianship of Thomas and William, sons of Cristina, daughter of John Ippegrave, aged respectively eight and seven and a half years, together with the sum of £15 bequeathed to them by Thomas de Wirlyngworth, goldsmith, (fn. 4) and accruing to them on the death of John their brother, was committed by John Chychestre, the Mayor, and the aforesaid Chamberlain to William Thaksted and the aforesaid Cristina his wife Sureties, viz., Bartholomew de Castre, William Burdeyn, William Stamenden, and John Salesbury, goldsmith.

Folio ccxlvi b.

Br' e ne vis c' alia sen alia sordida bestiar' mactatar' ad macell' Nich' i ducantur ad aquam Thamis' sub pena etc.

Writ to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, complaining that although "Bocheresbrigge had been pulled down pursuant to former writs, (fn. 5) the nuisance of butchers carrying offal, &c., through the streets to the river still continued, and bidding them make proclamation for an immediate abatement of the nuisance by arresting offenders Witness the King at Westminster, 20 April, 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1370].

Folio ccxlvii.

Elccio Aldr' i de Aldresgate.

Friday the Feast of St. Petronilla [31 May], 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1370], John Aubrey elected Alderman of the Ward of Aldresgate, and admitted and sworn before John de Chichestre, the Mayor, and Aldermen.

Abjuduacio lib' tatis Ric' i de Northbury mercer.

Monday the eve of St. Barnabas [11 June], 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1370], came Richard de Northbury, mercer, who married Imanya, widow and executrix of John de Enefeld, pepperer, before John Chichestre, the Mayor, Adam Fraunceys, William Haldene, John Stodey, Stephen Cavendisshe, James Andreu, Simon de Mordone, William Welde, Walter Forster, Bartholomew Frestelynge, John de St. Alban, Richard de Croydone, John Warde, John Tornegold, William Walworth, and John Pyel, Aldermen, and the said John Pyel and Hugh Holbeche, the Sheriffs, to answer whether or no he and his wife had obeyed certain orders of the Mayor and Recorder touching a legacy left by the said John de Enefeld by will enrolled in the Husting, Monday after the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1369] (fn. 6) The said Richard being a freeman of the City, and having appealed to the court Christian, contrary to the liberties of the City, is ordered to lose his freedom.

Restitucio lib' tatis.

Afterwards, viz., on the 2nd March, 49 Edward III. [A.D. 1374-5], the said Richard came before William Walworth, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and made fine for the recovery of his freedom, as appears in the Roll of Fines in the possession of William de Eynesham, the Chamberlain.

Folio ccxlvii b.

Letters of Privy Seal to the Mayor, Recorder, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and citizens of London, notifying the King's present need of a sum of 100,000 marks on behalf of his son the Duke of Lancaster and Robert de Knolles, who were about to go abroad in the King's service, (fn. 7) and also for the defence of the realm, and asking the City to lend him £5,000 by Midsummer Day next. Dated at Westminster, 8 June, 44 Edward III. [A.D. 1370].

After due consideration of the above it was decided to send a deputation to the King to ask that the City might be excused in consideration of the heavy burdens it had already been called upon to bear. The King refused. Thereupon it was agreed that the money should be lent to the King by those persons whose names appear on the next folio, (fn. 8) together with the amount lent by each, on the security of the custom and subsidy of wool, woolfells, and leather in the Port of London, as appears by certain letters patent on the fourth folio that follows, (fn. 9) for which there were delivered three tallies of the Exchequer under the names of the King's Collectors of Custom. And be it known that Stephen Cavendisshe and John Warde, Aldermen, and John Philipot and John Organ, Commoners, were appointed to collect the money, which was delivered to the King, as appears by acquittance of the King's Treasurer in the custody of the Chamberlain of the Guildhall.

[Fos ccxlviii-ccli b blank.]


  • 1. Snipe.
  • 2. Set out in 'Memorials' (pp. 341-343) under the heading "Regulations for the Taverners."
  • 3. 'Memorials,' pp. 343-4.
  • 4. The will of Thomas de Wirlyng worth was proved in the Husting in May, 1365, having been executed on the 20th March preceding. 'Cal. of Wills,' ii. 86-7. Cristina may have been his mistress; she is certainly not recorded as his wife.
  • 5. Vide supra, pp. 246, 249.
  • 6. See 'Cal. of Wills, Court of Hust., London' (ii. 129-30), where the testators name is given as "Evenefeld" instead of "Enenefeld."
  • 7. In July the Duke of Lancaster sailed for Bordeaux to join the Prince of Wales, and Sir Robert Knolles set out at the same time for Calais with orders to invade Picardy.
  • 8. The names and the amount lent, which were entered on fos. ccxlviii-ccli, were afterwards erased "by Commoners in the presence of the Mayor and Aldermen," according to a memorandum (in Latin) at the head of fo. ccxlviii.
  • 9. Infra, fo. cclii.