Pages 4-6
Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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DIE Martis, 1 die Octobris.
PRAYERS, by Mr. Bridge.
Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.
Comes Kent. Comes Rutland. Comes Pembrooke. Comes Sarum. L. Admiral. Comes Nottingham. Comes Bolingbrooke. Comes Denbigh. L. Viscount Say & Seale. Comes Northumb. |
Ds. North. Ds. Bruce. Ds. Maynard. Ds. Berkley. |
Wilgrice and Cooper.
Ordered, That the Cause between Wilgric and Cooper shall be (fn. 1) heard in this House the Second Friday in November; at which Time all Parties are to attend, by themselves or their Counsel.
Newport to be made Parochial.
Upon reading the Petition of the Gentry, Burgesses, and Inhabitants, of Newport, in the Isle of Wight; desiring, "That the Town of Newport may be made Parochial:" It is Ordered, That an Ordinance to that Purpose be drawn up, and presented to this House.
Ordinance for the Seven associated Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, &c. under the E. of Manchester.
The Ordinance for the Seven associated Counties, was read the Second Time; and committed to the Consideration of these Lords following, who are to report their Opinions to this House:
L. Admiral. Comes Pembrooke. Comes Sarum. Comes Bolingbrooke. Comes Denbigh. |
L. Viscount Say & Seale. Ds. North. Ds. Bruce. |
Any Three, to meet this Afternoon, at Four of the Clock.
Paper from the Portuguese Agent.
A Paper of the Portugall Agent was read, and Ordered to be communicated to the House of Commons; with a Desire that it may be referred to the same Committee that treats with The States Ambassadors, concerning Shipping. (Here enter it.)
Answer from the H. C.
Sir Edward Leech, &c. returns this Answer from the House of Commons, to the Message Yesterday sent down:
That they concur in the Alteration in the Ordinance concerning Ordination of Ministers.
(Here enter it.)
Message from thence, with Ordinances, and a Letter to the King of Portugal;
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Henry Vane Senior;
To desire their Lordships Concurrence in divers Particulars:
1. An Ordinance for the Conduct of several Forces of Parliament. (Here enter it.)
Read Thrice, and Agreed to.
2. A Letter to the King of Portugal.
(Here enter it.)
Read, and Agreed to.
3. An Order for taking off the Sequestration from Mr. Waller's Estate forthwith.
Agreed to.
and with the Warwickshire and Staffordshire Petitions, to be referred to the Committee for the Earl of Denbigh's Association.
4. To present to their Lordships Two Petitions, and to concur in referring them to the Committee of the Earl of Denbigh's Association; to desire that the Committee may meet this Afternoon; and that their Lordships would make some Addition to that Committee, that the Business of that Association may receive a Dispatch, by the frequent Meeting of that Committee.
Agreed to.
The Petition for Warwickshire and the Petition for Staffordshire, concerning the Earl of Denbigh were read; and this House Agreed to the Desire of the House of Commons, for referring the said Petitions to the former Committee appointed for the Earl of Denbigh's Association; and the Earls of Northumb. Pembrooke, and Rutland, are added to the said Committee.
The Answer returned was:
That this House will take these Particulars into Consideration, and send an Answer by Messengers of their own.
Message from the H.C. with an Ordinance.
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Jephson Esquire:
To desire their Lordships Concurrence in an Ordinance concerning the Excise of Portsmouth.
(Here enter it.)
Read, and Agreed to.
The Answer returned was:
That this House agrees to this Ordinance now brought up.
Ordinance for a Weekly Assessment in Gloucestershire.
Next, the Ordinance for raising Monies in Gloucestershire, to maintain the Forces of that County, and the Garrison of Gloucester, was read.
Message to the H. C. in Answer to them.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Aylett:
To let them know, that this House agrees to the Order for the Conduct of the several Forces of Parliament; to the Letter to the King of Portugall; for taking off the Sequestration from Mr. Waller's Estate; and in referring the Two Petitions of the Counties of Warwicke and Stafford to the Committee for the Earl of Denbighe's Association; and have added Three Lords to that Committee.
and with the Paper from the Portuguese Agent.
2. To deliver to them the Paper received from the Portugall Agent; and to desire that the same may be referred to the Consideration of the Committee that treat with The States Ambassadors concerning Shipping.
The Answer returned by Sir Edw. Leech was:
That the House of Commons agrees for referring the Paper of the Portugall Agent to the Committee as is desired.
Paper from the Portuguese Agent, concerning Neutral Ships being prohibited trading to the Ports under the King's Power.
"Anthonio de Sonsa de Macedo, Counsellor to the King of Portugall, Knight of His Order, and Resident in this Kingdom of England, &c.
"Representeth to the Most Noble and Most Honourable Lords of the Parliament,
"That he understandeth they have made an Order (some Days past), whereby Strangers are forbidden to trade in the Ports of England that are under the King's Obedience, as also in those of Ireland, under Pain of Confiscation both of Ships and Goods: Now, although this Order hath not been sent unto him, yet nevertheless (not expecting to receive the said Ceremony) he being desirous to treat with them in all sincere Friendship, hath thought fit to advertise the said Lords, that the said Order is directly contrary to the Eleventh Article of the last Treaty of Peace agreed on betwixt these Crowns, which giveth express Leave and Permission to the Subjects on both Sides freely to transport and carry not only their Merchandizes, but also Victuals, Arms, and Ammunitions, to the Enemies of each other, with whom those that carry the same stand in Neutrality; for the Observation of which Article, all Subjects of these Kingdoms are permitted to transport whatsoever they please to the States of the Catholic King, though He be actually in War with that of Portugall: And if the like Freedom should not be granted unto the Portugalls (though those that stand for the Party of the King of Greate Brittaine are by you judged Enemies to this State), then would thereby follow a very great Unequality; and although the Portugalls Ships do not ordinarily come and trade this Way, and few Merchants of Portugall send their Goods for their Accompt hither, yet nevertheless by reason of (fn. 2) what may may happen, and chiefly because that it is most just that all the Articles of Peace be unviolably observed, without the least Diminution on the One or the other Part; he therefore doth Declare unto you, in case any One of yours shall take or seize something belonging to the Subjects of his Master the King of Portugall, that then His Royal Dignity and the Interest of His Subjects must needs (as inforced) take a speedy and full Satisfaction for the same, though unwilling to have received a just Cause of Displeasure and Discontent towards these Nations in good Friendship with Him: And these Terms he useth, as being the same that are expressed in the said Order; and this Protestation he maketh, to the End that nobody may pretend Cause of Ignorance; hoping withall, that you will consider this Matter with that Prudence which is fit for the common Good.
"London, this 24th of Sept. 1644.
"Ant'o de Sonsa de Macedo."
Ordinance to allow 400 l. paid out of the Excise of Portsmouth to the Garrison there.
"Whereas, at the Instance of Rich'd Whitehead and Edward Hooper Esquires, Committees for the County of Southampton, the Deputy Commissioners for the Excise for the Town of Portsmouth, and the said County of South'ton, have paid unto the Treasurers of the Garrison of Portsmouth aforesaid, for the Maintenance of the Officers and Soldiers thereof, the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds before the passing of the Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, bearing Date the Second Day of August last past, for the Allowance of Five Hundred Pounds per Mensem to the said Garrison, as by several Receipts under the said Treasurer's Hand may appear: It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the said Receipts of the said Treasurer of the said Garrison for the said Four Hundred Pounds shall be a sufficient Discharge for the same unto the said Deputy Commissioners of Excise, to whom the same shall be allowed upon their Accompt by the Commissioners of Excise for the Kingdom, which said Four Hundred Pounds shall also be allowed unto the said Chief Commissioners of Excise, upon their Accompt."
Letter to the King of Portugal.
"Serenissime ac Potentissime Rex, ac Domine Domine Benignissime,
"Ex eo Tempore quo hæc Regni Dissidia sunt orta, Nos Proceres & Ordines Communium Parliamenti nihil habuimus antiquiùs, quÀm omnem nostram eò conferre Operam, quo Pax & Amicitia, quæ inter hæc Magnæ Britanniæ & alia vicina ac amica Regna intercedit, sanctè observetur, atque sarcta tectaque conservetur: Huic porrò Curæ, pro constanti promovendi Commercii, quod etiam inter Britannos & Lusitanos tamdiu viguit vigetque, Desiderio, summum addidimus & usque duraturum Studium. Cum autem Nationis utriusque Concordiam hanc & mutuam invicem Benevolentiam quosdam quorum Animus À nobis est alienus & aversus interturbare velle, & contra nostros in Regnis vestris & Portubus licitè negotiantes Mercatores dura diraque intentare, adeoque ut æquam Mercaturæ Libertatem impediant & evertant, enixiùs satagere inaudiamus; ideo Regiam vestram Majestatem visum est nobis officiose interpellare, & instantiùs rogare, ut infidis istis et fallacibus (quâcunque tandem Auctoritate personatis) Actoribus, & damnosi utrinque Dissidii Dispendiique Negotiatoribus, Regias vestras Aures patere minimè patiatur; neque quicquam inde iniquiùs aut duriùs in quenquam nostrorum Mercatorum statuere sierive permittere velit; quin potius Commercii & Frequentiam & Securitatem fovere, Anglosque benigno semper Aspectu amplecti tuerique pergat. Gratum illud ingenuæ & meritò ubique prædicatæ Vestræ Majestatis Justitiæ & Æquanimitatis, imo & piæ in Anglos Mentis & Favoris singularis Argumentum sibi quidem promittit, & vicissim omni Studii Genere demerendum vovet, tota melior Anglia, cujus Nomine Regiæ vestræ Majestati prosperrimos Consiliorum Conaminumque Successus cum diuturnâ & integrâ Valetudine & Felicitate comprecamur.
"Datæ ex Palatio Parliamentario Westmonasteriensi,
1° die Octobris, Md CXLIIII.
"Regiæ Vestræ Majestati
"Officiosè addictissimi,
"Proceres & Ordines Communium Parliamenti Angliæ.
"Grey of Warke, Speaker of the House of Peers pro Tempore.
"Wm. Lenthall, Speaker of the Commons House in Parliament."
"An Ordinance for the Conduct of the several Forces of Parliament.
Ordinance for the Conduct of the Forces of the Parliament.
"Whereas both Houses have referred it to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to give Orders for the Conduct of the Forces of the Earl of Manchester and Sir William Waller, that they may be preserved in Unity; and whereas the said Committee do find it fit that the Forces of the Lord General should join with the other Forces, and have given Directions accordingly: The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled do Ordain, and be it Ordained by Authority of this present Parliament, That the Lord General, and the Commanders of all other Forces raised by Authority of both Houses of Parliament, shall proceed in the Conduct of their said Forces, according as he or they respectively shall from Time to Time be advised by such Persons as shall be appointed by the said Committee, of themselves or others, with Instructions from the said Committee for that Purpose, or according to such Directions as he or they respectively shall from Time to Time receive from both Houses, or the said Committee."
House adjourned till 9a cras.