House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 16 April 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, 16 Die Aprilis, 1604

Letters Patents.

THE Bill for Explanation of Common Law, in certain Cases of Letters Patents : - All the Privy Council, all the King's learned Counsel, Mr. John Pettus, the Queen's Attorney, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Fr. Bacon, Sir Nich. Saunders, Sir Edw. Littleton, Mr. James, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Mr. Fuller, Citizens of Worcester, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Roger Aston, Sir Edw. Mountague, Mr. Gowre, Sir Geo. Carewe, Sir Henry Billingsley, Mr. Martin, Sir John Bennett, Sir Jerome Bowes, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Wymark, Recorder of London, Sir Rob. Knolles, Sir H. Nevill: - To-morrow, in the Exchequer Chamber.


An Act for the due Receiving of Homage and Fealty by the Lord Great Chamberlain of England, for and in the behalf of the King's Majesty: - The first Reading.

Learned Ministry.

Sir Fr. Hastings moveth for a select Committee, to consider of the Confirmation and Re-establishing of the Religion, now established, for a Settling, Increasing, Continuing, and Maintaining, of a learned Ministry, and whatsoever incidentally may bring Furtherance thereunto.

Naming of Committees.

Mr. Martin moveth, touching a new Project for the Naming of Committees, - Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, to be severally distributed into Three Pots.

Committees, to consider of some Project, to name Committees: Mr. Martin, Sir Fr. Bacon, Sir Geo. Carewe, Sir Rob. Nappier, Sir Edward Stafford, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir H. Nevill, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Geo. Moore: -

This Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Union with Scotland.

Mr. Secretary Herbert, Sir Geo. Carewe, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir H. Nevill, Sir Jo. Hollice, Sir Edw. Grevill, to consider of the Report of the Union presently.

Message from the King, to confer with Convocation.

Mr. Speaker reporteth a Message: - That his Majesty heareth of the Complaints of Commissaries Courts : Of the Reformation of Religion. - To confer with the Convocation.

No Conference with a Convocation, in Precedent.

Answer to the King.

To return to the King, that they will confer with the Bishops, as Lords of the Parliament, of these Matters.


Sir Tho. Crompton confesseth, that he had Conference with the Lords, touching the Bill of the Commissaries Courts. - The Disclosing of the Secrets of the House. - Moved that he might answer it at the Bar. - His Speech was only a Project in his own Head. -


The Party that speaks ought to expound himself -

As a Committee in the Bill of the Grievances of the House.

Sir Tho. Crompton, pardonatur.


Sir Fr. Hastings' Motion. -

Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Rob. Wingfield. Sir Jo. Heigham, Sir Jo. Hollice, Mr. Hyde, Sir Fr. Barrington, Sir John Scott, Sir Edw. Lewknor, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Wm. Strowd, Sir Roger Wilbram, Sir Jo. Luson, Mr. Fuller, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Geo. St. Poole, Sir Rich. Luson, Sir Henry Nevill, Sir Jo. Savill, Sir Rob. Wroth, the Lord Buckhurst, Sir Rob. Oxenbridge, Sir Wm. Wray, Sir Tho. Knevett, Mr. Winch, Sir Phillip Kighley, Sir Fra. Bacon, Sir Edw. Denny, Sir Valentyne Knightley, Sir Wm. Liggon: - To-morrow in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber.


The Bill for the Confirmation of the Charter of Brydewell, &c. - The first Reading.

Union with Scotland.

Sir Henry Mountague reporteth the Declaration of the Lords, touching the Matter of the Union. - Signified, that the Matter he had to deliver unto us, concerned not any One, but all: What was already acknowleged by the Act of Recognition. - Union : In the Head, Sovereignty; in Bodies, Allegiances; in Laws; in Religion. -

Brought to pass by this King, which no Wit, no Policy, no Art, of Man could bring to pass. -

His Majesty's Proposition, to his Lords not only, but to his Commons. -

The Eyes of many were upon him at this Time. -

Not new : Made long since. -

These heretofore Two in Name. - The Marriage between King E. VI. - To be stiled Great Brittaine. - Offence, by the distinct Names. -

2. The Policy. - The Laws, the Customs, of England; the.. . -

Commissioners; Lords, Bishops, Commons; of all Sorts some: Some out of Scotland. -

The Laws, Rights, Customs, Usages of both. -

Commissioners only to confer. - To be related, and concluded, in Parliament. -

Not Two Houses; but, as Two Hands of One Body to go together: Neither on the Right, nor Left. -

Presently to devise for the Name.

Sir Edw. Hobby: - Never a Matter of more Weight in this Council. -

No Answer to be given till Wednesday Morning, touching this great Matter. -

England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Isles adjacent; with the Names, Manners, Laws, Customs. -

In him (the King) to make free Denizens. - Desireth, it might be allowed by the House, that, which he might do himself.

Sir Fr. Bacon: - Both Expedition, and Deliberation: - That no Time be lost. -

The Matter not persuaded, but opened. -

Some out of Question, some not in Question. - Two the proper Question. -

Without Question, both Kingdoms united in Sovereignty. -

A Note of his Blessing, Kingdom united: A Curse, to be broken. -

The Goat in Daniell's Vision. -

The Kingdoms of Juda and Israell: In Salomon divided, in David United. -

Great Kingdoms are not so troublesome as greater. -

Union God's Act. Lapis angularis a Domino factus est. -

Naturalization: Parliament and Council: Privileges : Matter of Traffick and Trade, &c.

At this Time the Name, and Title: Nomination of Commissioners. -

The Name of Great Brittaine. -

The Name of Emperor; of a great King, above a King.

King to be called Emperor. - The Fortune of the State of Rome, brought in this Name. - Hath had ever a Precedency. -

Nomen, aut omen, ambio. -

The great King of Assyria, of Persia. -

The Greatness of a King is not in Treasure, but in a warlike Nation. -

Two Points of Honour. -

A contracted Name of Honour, better than a divided : Like a Jewel; One Piece, good, more glorious. The Stile of the King the Stone of his Diadem. More Majesty in the Name of Brittaine, than in the Name of England, Scotland. -

2. Point: Remitter upon his ancient Title. -

Albion, from Olbios, blessed, fabulous Name. The ancient Name Brittaine, of Story. -

Grecia, divided: United Name of Greece made them apt to confederate against all States. -

Helvetia; Swyssers; Spaine not Portugall: Tussiana. -

Shall England lose her Name, and her Fame? -

Union in Name, prejudge or involve, the Matter of subsequent Consideration.

Serjeant Barker, Sir Fr. Bacon, Sir Henry Mountague, Sir Edw. Hobby.

Upon the Question, Resolved, To be debated on Wednesday ; and after to prepare for a Conference.

To send, by some, the Resolution of the House to the Lords: -

The Privy Council, the Lord Buckhurst, Sir Geo. Carewe, the Lord Clynton, Sir Henry Goodyeare, touching deferring till Wednesday, to debate, and conclude of an Answer.

Letters Patents.

The Bill for the Explanation of the Common Law, in certain Cases of Letters Patents, &c. and Committees, delivered to Mr. Hyde.

Outlawes not to be in Parliament.

Mr. Hoskins moveth, that, in the Act to disable Outlawes to be of the Parliament, this Clause, " That no " Man should lose his Debt," should be put in.

Privilege- Arrest of a Member.

A Bill, for the Matter, of Sir Tho. Shirley.

Mr. Yelverton: - Justice of Privilege : Justice to the Party.

Three Questions:

1. Whether Sir Tho. Shirley shall have Privilege.

2. Whether presently, or be deferred until further Order.

3. Whether we shall be Petitioners to his Majesty, for the Securing of the Debt to the Party, and saving harmless of the Warden of the Fleet, according to the Precedents.

All assented unto, upon the Question.