House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 5 April 1690

Pages 368-369

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Sabbati, 5 die Aprilis; 2° Gulielmi et Mariæ.


EDWARD Broughton took the Oaths appointed, before the Speaker at the Clerk's Table, in order to his Naturalization.

Coventrye's Estate.

A Bill to supply a Defect in an Act of the last Parliament for Sale of a House late Mr. Secretary Coventrye's, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Mr. Dalbern, Mr. Bickerstaffe, Sir Jos. Tredenham, Sir Edw. Hussey, Mr. Newport, Mr. Serjeant Trenchard, Sir Christopher Musgrave, Mr. Swinfin, Mr. Paul Foley, Mr. Mitton, Sir Jonath. Jennings, Mr. Slater, Mr. Wilmot, Mr. Thornhaugh, Mr. Gwyn, Sir Cha. Windham, Colonel Birch, Mr. Carter, Mr. Edw. Philipps, Sir Sam. Bernadiston, Mr. Coke, Sir John Moreton, Sir Cha. Rawleigh, Sir Rob. Rich, Sir Wm. Cooper, Sir Tho. Dyke, Mr. Solicitor General, Mr. Buckley, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Windham, Sir Tho. Hussey, Sir John Cary, Sir Edmund Jennings, Mr. May: And they are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber on Monday, next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon.

Sommerset Election.

A Petition of John Speke, Esquire, was read; setting forth, That the Petitioner was duly elected, by the Majority of Freeholders, to serve in this present Parliament for the County of Sommerset: But the Sheriff adjourned the County Court, without the Consent of the Suitors then present; and thereby hindered several of the Freeholders from giving their Voices for the Petitioner; and, by colour thereof, unduly returned Sir Edw. Philips, and Nathanael Palmer, Esquire, to serve for the said County: And praying the Consideration and Relief of the House in the Premises.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Elections: Who are to examine the Matter thereof; and report the same, with their Opinions therein, to the House.

Brecon Election.

A Petition of Charles Morgan, Esquire, was read; setting forth, That the Petitioner was duly elected for the Town of Brecon by the Majority of qualified Voices: Nevertheless, by several ill Practices, Jeffrey Jeffryes, Esquire, procured several Voices; and thereby hath obtained to be returned, in Prejudice to the Petitioner: And praying the Consideration and Relief of the House in the Premises.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Elections: Who are to examine the Matter thereof; and report the same, with their Opinions therein, to the House.


A Bill touching the Disposition of Bankrupts Estates, and for the Amendment of the Laws therein, was presented to the House; and received.

Detention of an uncondemned Prize.

A Petition of Wm. Bogill, of Glasgow in the Kingdom of Scotland, for himself, and in the Name of his Partners and Freighters of the Ship Concord, was read; setting forth, That the Ship, being loaded with Wines, Brandies, and other Commodities, was bound for Amsterdam, from the Maderas; and on the 11th of July 89, was met on the High Sea by two French Ships of War, who seized the said Ship and Lading: That before she was carried away, a Squadron of English Ships of War appearing, caused the French Ships to leave her in the Custody of Two of the Petitioner's Sailors, who steered her towards the English Ships; having discovered and removed a Train laid by the French to blow her up: That Captain Layton, Commander of the Ship St. Alban's, meeting Petitioner's said Ship, seized the same as Prize; and carrying her into Plymouth, plundered her of divers Goods and Tackle, to the Value of Two thousand Six hundred and Five Pounds: That the Petitioner hath obtained a Decree in the High Court of Admiralty, for the Ship and Goods to be restored; by virtue whereof, the Petitioners hath demanded the same: But the said Captain refuses to give any Satisfaction to the Petitioner therein; which is of great Grievance to him, and the other Petitioners: and praying the Consideration and Relief of the House in the Premises.

Ordered, That a Copy of the said Petition be sent to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty: Who are desired to inform the House, how that Matter stands.

Sadleir's Estate.

A Petition of Sir Edwin Sadleir, and his Wife and Mother, was read; setting forth, That the Petitioners, Sir Edwyn and his Mother, having contracted several Debts to the Value of Two thousand Pounds, and upwards; and having but a small personal Estate; and the real Estate being settled on the Petitioners, Sir Edwin and his Lady, for their Lives, with the Remainder to their Issues; they cannot raise any Monies to pay the said Debts, without an Act of Parliament; and for that the Petitioners have no Issue between them: And praying, That the Petitioner may have Leave to bring in a Bill for the Sale of some Lands for Payment of Debts.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill accordingly.

Snell's Charity.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the settling a Charity given by John Snell, Esquire, for the Maintenance of several Scholars at the University of Oxford.

Lewknor's Wife's illegitimate Children.

A Bill to illegitimate any Child or Children which the Wife of John Lewknor, Esquire, hath had, or shall have, during her Elopement from him, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Mr. Cognisby, Serjeant Hutchins, Sir John Moreton, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Glemham, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. Buckley, Mr. Slater, Sir Wm. Yorke, Sir Edw. Hussey, Mr. Pitt, Sir John Wynne, Sir Jonath. Jennings, Sir Rob. Rich, Lord Falkland, Serjeant Wogan, Mr. Colt, Mr. Norreis, Sir Tho. Grosvenor, Sir Phil. Skippon, Sir John Barker, Sir Tho. Pope Blunt, Sir Wm. Forster, Mr. Hobby, Sir Jos. Tredenham, Mr. Russell, Major Vincent, Sir John Bolles, Mr. Gwyn, Mr. Foley, Lord Fairfax, Mr. Dolben, Sir Tho. Clarges, Sir Jerv. Elwes, Mr. Pelham, Captain Bickerstaffe, Mr. England, Mr. May, and all the Members that serve for the Counties of Kent and Sussex: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Three of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Mr. Serjeant Trenchard have Leave to go into the Country.

Papists Protestant Heirs.

A Bill to prevent Papists from disinheriting their Protestant Heirs, was presented to the House; and received.

Poor Relief.

An ingrossed Bill from the Lords, intituled, An Act for the better Explanation and making effectual the Statutes made for the Relief of the Poor, was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time on Monday Morning next.

Supply Bill; Poll Tax.

The Poll Bill was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time on Monday Morning next.

Importing Thrown Silk.

A Bill being tendered, instead of another Bill formerly received and read, for discouraging the Importation of Thrown-silk, in regard the former exceeded the Order of the House; the same was received.

Westminster, &c. Streets.

A Bill for the paving and cleansing the Streets, was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Election Returns.

A Bill to prevent false and undue Returns of Members to serve in Parliament, was presented to the House.

The Bill was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Goods distrained for Rent.

A Bill to enable the Sale of Goods distrained for Rent, if the Rent be not paid in some reasonable Time, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed, upon the Debate of the House, to Sir Wm. Poultney, Mr. England, Mr. Gwyn, Sir Edw. Hussey, Sir John Brownlow, Sir Tho. Clarges, Sir Geo. Hutchins, Sir Rob. Davers, Sir Tho. Littleton, Mr. Machell, Sir John Cotton, Sir John Wynne, Mr. Bowyer, Lord Sherrard, Mr. Paul Foley, Lord Marquis Winchester, Mr. Solicitor General, Mr. Slater, Lord Falkland, Mr. Carter, Mr. Glemham, Sir Wilfred Lawson, Sir John Bancks, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Cooke, Sir Rich. Reynolds, Lord Fairfax, Sir Cha. Raleigh, Mr. Chadwick, Mr. Colt, Sir Wm. Wogan, Sir John Barker, Mr. Wilmot, Sir Wm. Whitlock, Mr. Goldwell, Sir Rob. Sawyer, Mr. Pelkam, Sir Rob. Cotton, Sir Rob. Rich, Mr. Harcourt, Sir Tho. Travell, Sir Jos. Williamson, Mr. Bennet, Sir Gervas Elwes, Sir Cha. Bloys, Sir Tho. Hussey, Sir Wm. Ellis, Sir Sam. Bernadiston, Mr. Thornhaugh, Sir Ralph Dutton, Sir Wm. Cooke, Colonel Greenville, Sir Cha. Windham, Sir John Key, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Palmes, Sir John Cutler, Sir John Maynard, Mr. Burdet, Mr. Walpoole, Mr. Campion, Mr. Brownlow, Mr. Chafin, Mr. Windham, Sir John Bolles, Mr. Piggott, Mr. Bridges, Lord Wm. Pawlett, Sir Edw. Seymour, Mr. May, Mr. Gray, Mr. Hobby, Colonel Birch, Mr. Hopkins, Sir Jos. Tredenham, Mr. Slater, Sir Christopher Musgrave, Sir Wm. Ellis: And they are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber on Monday next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon.

Process of Capias.

A Bill to take away all Process of Capias for Debts under Forty Shillings, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Mr. Solicitor General, Mr. Thornhaugh, Mr. Palmes, Sir John Wynne, Sir Christopher Musgrave, Sir Robert Jenkinson, Mr. Dalben, Mr. Foley, Sir Wm. Poultney, Sir Fra. Blake, Mr. Fenwicke, Sir John Bolles, Sir Tho. Littleton, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Tomkins, Sir Gervas Elwes, Mr. Waller, Mr. Traverse, Mr. Hutchinson, Sir Geo. Hutchins, Sir Gilbert Clerke, Sir Wm. Yorke, Mr. Grey, Mr. Blowfeild, Sir Rob. Sawyer, Sir Rich. Reynell, Mr. Campion, Sir Tho. Samwell, Mr. May, Mr. Slater, Mr. Carter, Mr. Freke, Lord Digby, Sir Jos. Williamson, Sir Wm. Whitlock, Lord Cornbury, Colonel Birch, Sir Tho. Bernadiston, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Fuller, Mr. England, Mr. Lewes, Sir Wm. Yorke, Sir Tho. Samuel, Sir Cha. Bloys, Mr. Clerke, Sir Samuell Bernadiston: And they are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber on Monday next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon.

Quo Minus and Capias Writs.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for regulating Quo Minuses and Arrests upon Capias, and other Process out of the King's Court, and for relieving the Subject in reversing of Outlawries: And it is recommended to Mr. Serjeant Wogan to prepare and bring in the said Bill.

Paper Manufacture.

Ordered, That all the Members that serve for the County of Bucks be added to the Committee to whom the Bill for encouraging and better establishing the Manufacture of White Paper in this Kingdom, is referred.

And then the House adjourned till Monday Morning, Nine of the Clock.