Pages 193-194
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Tuesday, 27th November, 1660.
Endowing Vicarages.
MR. Marvell reports further Amendments, and Two Provisoes, to the Bill for erecting and endowing of Vicarages out of impropriate Rectories: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and were after read the First and Second time by the Clerk: And, on the Question, the said Amendments and Provisoes, with the Amendments and Proviso formerly reported, were, on the Question, agreed.
Resolved, That this Bill, with all the said Amendments, be ingrossed.
Mr. Marvell reports, from the said Committee, the Desire of the said Committee, that this House would desire his Majesty, that he would be pleased to write his Letter to the Colleges in the Universities, that they would take into Consideration their respective Impropriations, and augment the Vicarages, or Curates Places, belonging thereto, to such Proportion, as will consist with the Maintenance of their said Colleges.
Covent Garden Precinct.
Mr. Knightly reports further Amendments, and a Proviso to the Bill for making the Precinct of Covent Garden a distinct Parish: Which he first read in his Place; and was after read by the Clerk the First and Second time; and, on the Question, agreed.
Resolved, That this Bill, with the Amendments and Proviso, be ingrossed.
Endowing Vicarages.
Mr. Prynn tenders a Clause to the Bill for endowing Vicarages out of appropriate Rectories: Which was read the First and Second time; and is as followeth:
"Be it Enacted, by the King's most Excellent Majesty, and the Lords and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, That no Incumbent, or Professor of any Parsonage, Vicarage, or Owner of any impropriate Rectory, within this Kingdom, or the Dominion of Wales, shall be accountable to any Archbishop, Bishop, Archdeacon, or any other Ecclesiastical Person, for any Sum or Sums of Money, incurred, or grown due, for any Arrears of Synodals, Proxies, or Pensions, to them, or any of them, in respect of Visitations, during the late Troubles, from the Year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred Forty-two, until the First of August One thousand Six hundred Sixty: But that they, and every of them, shall be, and are hereby, absolutely acquitted and discharged of and from the same."
Ordered, That, in the Beginning of the said Clause, these Words be added, "Provided further:" And the said Clause, so amended, was, on the Question, agreed; and ordered to be ingrossed with the Bill for endowing Vicarages; and be made Part thereof.
Regulating Fees.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Consideration of Fees is referred, be revived; and that they do sit de die in diem, and make a speedy Report to the House: And they have Power to consider of all Fees taken by any Officers, as well those belonging to Courts of Justice, as others: And they are to meet To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Chequer Chamber: And Colonel West is added to the Committee.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee to whom the Bill for Highways is referred, to prepare a Bill for restraining of Carriages, as to the Number of Beasts for Draught, and Proportion of Weight; and also to insert therein such Clauses of the former Bill, as they shall judge agreeable with the present sense of this House; and to report the same with all convenient Speed: And Sir Lancelot Lake, Mr. Prynn, Sir Francis Gerard, Mr. Bampfeild, Mr. Goodricke, and Mr. Eyre, are added to the Committee: And it is specially recommended to them to take care of this Business.
Crown Revenue.
The House, according to former Order, took into Debate the Business of his Majesty's Revenue.
Resolved, That the other Moiety of the Revenue of the Excise of Beer, Ale, Cyder, Perry, strong Waters, Chocolate, Coffee, Sherbett, and Metheglin, be settled on the King for and during his natural Life; in full of the Twelve hundred thousand Pounds per Annum Revenue, resolved to be settled on his Majesty.
Resolved, That the several Particulars of Chocoletta, Coffee, Sherbett, and Metheglin, be added to the former Vote for settling a Moiety of the Excise of Beer and Ale on his Majesty; in Compensation for the Court of Wards and Purveyances.
Resolved, That the Time for Commencement of that Part of his Majesty's Revenue, which is to arise from the Excise of Beer, Ale, &c. be the Twenty-fifth of December 1660.
Resolved, That the Committee for his Majesty's Revenue be revived; and that they do meet de die in diem; and sit at Three of the Clock this Afternoon, in the Queen's Court: And Mr. Louther, Sir John Talbott, Mr. Boscawen, and Mr. Reames, are added to the Committee.
Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee for his Majesty's Revenue, to state the several particular Heads from which the yearly Revenue of Twelve hundred thousand Pounds for his Majesty is to arise; and to prepare Bills, as they shall find necessary, for the settling and making the same effectual; and to report the Whole to the House: And Colonel King, Mr. Elliot, and Mr. Yong, are added to that Committee.
Resolved, That the Committee that brought in the Excise Bill, be revived; and that they sit this Afternoon; and speedily consider of forming the said Bill, as to foreign and inland Commodities, in such Sort as may be consistent with the Votes of this House, for settling the Excise of Beer and Ale on his Majesty; and to strike out of the Bill those Clauses which concern Ale and Beer: And they are to inform themselves, what Debts have been charged by this Parliament on the Receipt of Excise; and what other publick Debts are charged thereon; and to report a List of them to the House: And the said Committee are to meet de die in diem, till the same be perfected; and report the whole to the House.
Communication to the King.
Resolved, That the Members of this House, who are of his Majest's Privy Council, be desired to attend the King's Majesty; and humbly represent to him, in the Name of this House, the great Sense this House hath of the many Expressions of Grace, which they have received from his Majesty in his several Declarations; and also to acquaint his Majesty with the great Unanimity of this House, in settling a Revenue of Twelve hundred thousand Pounds per Annum on his Majesty, according to their former Vote.
Holland's Proposition.
Resolved, That it be referred to Sir William Lewes, Colonel Birch, Sir George Downing, and Mr. Yong, to receive and consider of a Proposition, which shall be offered by Mr. John Holland; and to report the same, with their Opinion, to the House.
Peter Richier Doctor of Physick, and Martin Boothby, in order to their Naturalization, did this Day take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, before Sir Harbottle Grimston Speaker of the Parliament, at the Clerk's Table.