House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 3 February 1649

Pages 130-131

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Sabbati, 3 Februarii, 1648.

Mr. Foxly.

ORDERED, That Mr. Foxly's Business be heard on Tuesday Morning next.

Transporting Horses.

Ordered, That the Prince of Orange have Leave to transport Ten Horses into Holland, Custom and Impost, free.

* * * * [ (fn. 1) ].

Members admitted.

Ordered, That Mr. Gould be admitted and received into the House.

Ordered, That Mr. John Ashe be admitted and received into the House.

* * * * [ (fn. 2) ].

Exchequer Seal, &c.

Mr. Love reports from the Committee of Lords and Commons for the publick Revenue, their Desire touching the Custom-house Books, for the Year ended 25 Decembris 1648: And the Exchequer Writs and Process, bearing Date the last Day of Michaelmas Term last, and the Three-and-twentieth of January last, should be sealed with the old Exchequer Seal.

Ordered, That the Seal of the Court of Exchequer be altered in the like manner as the Great Seal is altered: And that the Title of the said Seal be, from henceforth, Sigillum Scaccarii Publici: And that the Writs and Process to issue out of the said Court, which bear Date the last Day of Michaelmas Term last, and the Three-and-twentieth of January last, shall be sealed with the old Exchequer Seal.

And it is referred to the former Committee appointed to prepare the Great Seal, to prepare an Act for that Purpose: And are also to prepare an Act for Alteration of all other Seals belonging to the several Courts in Westminster Hall: And they are likewise to consider of the Antedating of Writs.

Petition from Hereford.

The humble Petition of the Grand Jury and Justices of the Peace, and other Gentlemen, at the Quarter Sessions, holden at Hereford, for the same County, the Ninth Day of January 1648, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Consideration of the Committee who are to consider of Petitions of like Nature,

Ordered, That Thanks be returned to the Petitioners for their good Affections.

The Petitioners being called into the House; Mr. Speaker returned them this Answer;

Gentlemen, You of the County of Hereford; There hath been a Petition read To-day, presented by you to this House: Who hath taken into Consideration your Desires therein; and have put it in a ready Way to give Dispatch to it: They have likewise commanded me to tell you, they take Notice of your good Affections; and many of your Persons being well known to divers Members of this House, who give an ample Testimony of your continual good Affections to the Publick: And the House hath commanded me to give you hearty Thanks: And, in the Name of the House, I do return you the hearty Thanks of this House.

King's Body, &c.

Ordered, That those Gentlemen that attended the King at Windsor, be employed with Lieutenant Colonel Beecher, in guarding Duke Hamilton: And that the Guard for the Body of the King be continued: And that it be referred to the Committee of Revenue, to take Course for their Pay. c

A Member re-admitted.

The Opinion of Mr. John Frye, touching the Trinity, tendered to the House for Satisfaction, touching the Charge against him, being subscribed by him, was this Day read.

The Question being propounded, Forasmuch as Mr. John Frye, a Member of this House, hath, under his Hand, declared to this House, That he doth abominate the Opinions charged on him; therefore, this House, being satisfied therewith, that Suspension be taken off; and that he be re-admitted;

And the Question being put, That this Question be now put;

It passed in the Affirmative.

Resolved, &c. Forasmuch as Mr. John Fry, a Member of the House, hath, under his Hand, declared unto this House, That he doth abominate the Opinions charged on him; therefore, this House being satisfied therewith, that his Suspension from the House be taken off; and that he be re-admitted.

Cyrencester Election.

Ordered, That Sir Robert Harley, and the Clerk to the Committee for Privileges, be required to deliver over the Papers touching the Election of the Burgesses of Cyrencester: And that Mr. Pury do make Report thereof on Tuesday next.

Hull, &c.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the Letter from the Governor of Hull be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to take speedy Course for the Security of those Parts.

Taking Ld. Capell.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Revenue be required forthwith to pay Forty Pounds to those Persons that took the Lord Capell, as Colonel Harrison shall think fit.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of securing the Lord Capell at St. James' House.

Dissents to Vote of 5 Dec.

Mr. Boone reports Colonel Thompson's Dissent to the Vote of the Fifth of December last.

Ordered, That Colonel Thompson be admitted into the House.

Settling the Government.

Ordered, That the Debate of the Business touching the Lords House, upon the Order Yesterday made, be taken up on Monday Morning, the first Business; nothing to intervene: And Mr. Speaker is injoined to put the House in mind hereof.

Trying E. of Cambridge, &c.

An Act for erecting an High Court of Justice for Trying and adjudging of James Earl of Cambridge, Henry Earl of Holland, George Lord Goring, Arthur Lord Capell, and Sir John Owen Knight, was this Day read the Third time; and several Amendments offered at the Table; and, upon the Question, passed, with those Amendments.

Ordered, That the Commissioners named in the Act for erecting an High Court of Justice for Trying and Adjudging of James Earl of Cambridge, and others, be required to meet on Monday next, in the Morning: And Mr. Garland, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. Love, are to give Notice hereof unto the Persons therein named.

Invalid Soldiers.

The humble Petition of the wounded and sick Soldiers in the Savoy, and Ely House.

Ordered, That the Committee of Sequestrations at Guildhall be injoined, notwithstanding any former Ordinances, forthwith to pay Three thousand Pounds to the Treasurers for sick and wounded Soldiers in the Savoy and Ely House: And that Twelve hundred Pounds thereof be paid for Satisfaction of their Physicians, Surgeons, and Apothecaries. And it is especially recommended to the Care of Mr. Holland and Mr. Allen, to see the Three thousand Pounds paid and disposed accordingly. And

It is likewise Ordered, That the Residue of the Arrears of the One hundred and Twenty Pounds a Week, over and above that Three thousand Pounds, be likewise paid, and the One hundred and Twenty Pounds per Week constantly paid for the future, for their Relief, according to former Order.


Ordered, That Mr. Love do make his Report touching the Hospitals, on Thursday next.

Ship Zelandia.

Whereas, by Order of the Sixth of January last, it was referred to the Committee of the Navy, to state the Business concerning the Ship Zelandia, cast away about the Isle of Wight; and report the same to this House forthwith: It is this Day Ordered, That the said Committee have further Power to hear and determine the Business touching the Ship Zelandia.

Scotch Affairs.

The Draught of an Answer to the Letters and Papers of the Scotts Commissioners was this Day read, and, upon the Question, committed to Mr. Corbett, Mr. Challener, Mr. Martyn, Commissary General Ireton, Mr. Scott, Mr. Allen, Mr. Holland, Lieutenant General Cromwell, Sir Hen. Vane junior, Mr. Weaver, Colonel Harrison; or any Three of them. And Mr. Martyn and Commissary General Ireton are to take special Care of it; and to bring it in on Monday next: And that it be done in way of a Declaration, in Answer to those Letters and Papers.

Obnoxious. Publication.

Commissary General Ireton, Mr. Salloway, Dr. Palmer, Mr. Humphry Edwards, Mr. Hill, Mr. Gurdon, Mr. Lister, Mr. Challener, Mr. Love, Mr. Blakiston, Colonel John Temple, Mr. Smith, Colonel Purefoy, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Darley, Mr. John Corbett, Colonel Jones, Sir Michael Livesey, Mr. Anlaby, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Weaver, Sir Wm. Constable, Mr. Cawley, Mr. Heveningham, Colonel Moore, Mr. Whittacre, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Allen, Colonel Walton, Lieutenant General Cromwell, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Dixwell, Mr. Armyn, Mr. Millington, Mr. Holland, Colonel Harvey, Colonel Blake, Mr. Peter Temple, Sir Gregory Norton, Lord Gray;

This Committee, or any Five of them, are to take into Consideration a Book, intituled, "A Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel, in and about London, from the unjust Aspersions cast upon their former Actings for the Parliament, &c.;" and to examine the Authors, Publishers, Printers, and Subscribers to the said Book; and by what means the Subscriptions to the said Book were obtained, and by whom: And this Committee is likewise to have Power to take Information of such as have already preached, published, or printed, seditiously, the Proceedings in bringing the King to Justice: That this Committee do prepare and bring in an Ordinance to restrain publick Preaching and Printing any thing against the Proceedings of this House, and the High Court of Justice, in relation to bring . . . the King to Justice. And Mr. Hill is to take especial Care of it. And this Committee is to meet on Monday at Two of Clock in the Afternoon, in the Queen's Court.


  • 1. Here are Three Entries erased; and, in the Margin, is written "Nulled by Order of Febr. 22 1659."
  • 2. Here also is an Entry erased.