House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 30 January 1649

Pages 125-126

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, 30 Januarii, 1648.


Embassy from Holland.

MR. Speaker presented to the House, by way of Report, What was read Yesterday in the House by the Ambassadors, Ordinary and Extraordinary, from the States General of the United Provinces, being by them sent to Mr. Speaker, in Writing, both in French and English.

Ordered, That, it be referred to a Committee, to prepare and present to the House, an Answer, with Reasons, upon the Sense of the House, to be given to the States Ambassadors, Why this House doth not think fit to stay the Proceedings of the Court of Justice.

Mr. Marten, Commissary General Ireton, Mr. Oldisworth, Mr. Challoner, Mr. Scott, Mr. Robinson, or any Two of them, are to meet this Afternoon in the Queen's Court, to that Purpose.

Mr. Allen reports from the Committee appointed to consider of the Entertainment to be given to the States Ambassadors, That the Committee do think fit, Five hundred Pounds be paid for their Entertainment.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Revenue do forthwith provide, and cause to be paid unto Sir Oliv. Fleming, Five hundred Pounds, for Entertainment of the Ambassadors, Ordinary and Extraordinary, from the States General of the United Provinces: And that the said Sum of Five hundred Pounds be delivered by him to the said Ambassadors Steward, for the Purposes aforesaid.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Revenue do forthwith pay the said Sum of Five hundred Pounds to Sir Oliver Fleming, for the States Ambassadors Entertainment: And that his Acquittance shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Committee for the same.

Leave to visit the King.

Ordered, That his Highness Charles Lodowick, Prince Elector, have Leave to go see and visit the King.

Parker's Claims.

Ordered, That the Committee of Revenue do forthwith advance and pay unto Thomas Parker, Usher of the Queen's Court, the Sum of Ten Pounds, in Satisfaction of the Charges by him there disbursed, for the Accommodation of the Committees of this House.

Husbands Claims.

Upon the Petition of Edward Husbands, Printer to this House, setting forth, That there is due to him Seven hundred and Nineteen Pounds and Six-pence, from the State:

Ordered, That the Committee of the Revenue do pay Two hundred Pounds, out of the Revenue, presently; to the said Edward Husbands, in Part of his said Debt of Seven hundred and Nineteen Pounds and Six-pence: And that the said Committee do pay unto the said Edward Husbands the Residue of his said Debts, by Quarterly Payments.

Nottingham Petition.

The Petition of Divers well-affected Persons in the County of Nottingham, and in the Town of Nottingham, was this Day read.

Ordered, That Colonel Hutchinson and Mr. Millington be desired to return Thanks, from this House, to the Petitioners, for their good Affections and Expressions, set forth in their Petition.

London, &c. Petition.

The House being informed, that there were divers Inhabitants of London and Southwarke at the Door;

They were called in: And, being come to the Bar, Thomas Prince addressed himself to the Speaker, to this Effect;

Mr. Speaker, I am desired by divers Citizens of London, and Inhabitants of the Borough of Southwarke, to present this their humble Petition to this honourable House.

Which being received, the Petitioners were ordered to withdraw.

The Petition, being intituled, the humble Petition of firm and constant Friends to Parliament and Commonwealth, in Behalf of Captain Fry, a Member of this present Parliament, was read.

Serjeant at Arms.

Ordered, That Two hundred Pounds per Annum be allowed to Edward Birkhead, Esquire, Serjeant at Arms attending this House, to make Provisions of Wood, Coals, Candles, Torches, and other Necessaries, for the Service of this House, during the time of the Sitting of the House: And that the said Two hundred Pounds be yearly paid by the Committee of the Revenue, at Four usual Terms in the Year; viz. upon the Twenty-ninth of September, Fifty Pounds; upon the Twenty-fifth of December, Fifty Pounds; upon the Twenty-fifth of March, Fifty Pounds; and upon the Twenty-fourth of June, Fifty Pounds; The first Payment to commence from the Twenty-ninth of September last: And that the same be continued unto him, after the same Proportion, during the Sitting of this House: And his Acquittance shall be a Discharge to the said Committee.

No King to be proclaimed.

Mr. Martin reports Amendments to the Act for prohibiting the Proclaiming of any Person or Persons to be King of England or Ireland, without Consent of Parliament: . . . . were this Day read the First and Second time: And after, the Title to the said Act was Twice read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Post Meridiem:

No King to be proclaimed.

AN Act prohibiting the Proclaiming any Person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof, was this Day read the Third time; and, upon the Question, passed: And

It is Ordered, That the same be forthwith printed and published.

Ordered, That the Act, intituled, An Act prohibiting the Proclaiming any Person to be King of England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof, be forthwith proclaimed by Serjeant Dendy, Serjeant at Arms, with Sound of Trumpet, in Cheapside, the Old Exchange, and Westminster: And that it be referred to the General, or any other General Officer of the Army, who is a Member of this House, to take care that the same be done accordingly.

Ordered, That the common Post be staid until Tomorrow Morning, Ten of the Clock.

Ordered, That Mr. Lisle and Mr. Love do withdraw, and prepare a Letter to be sent to the several Sheriffs within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, to publish and proclaim the Act, intituled, An Act prohibiting the Proclaiming of any Person to be King, &c. in all Market Towns, and other publick Places, within their several Counties, and to give to this House a speedy Account thereof.

The said Committee did withdraw; and did prepare the said Letter accordingly.

Mr. Lisle reports the said Letter: Which was this Day read, and, upon the Question assented unto.

Settling the Government.

Ordered, That the Three Votes of the Fourth of January instant; viz.

Resolved, &c. That the Commons of England, in Parliament assembled, do declare, that the People are, under God, the Original of all just Power;

And do also declare, That the Commons of England, in Parliament assembled, being chosen by and representing the People, have the supreme Power in this Nation;

And do also declare, That whatsoever is enacted or declared for Law by the Commons, in Parliament assembled, hath the Force of a Law; and all the People of this Nation are concluded thereby, though the Consent and Concurrence of the King, or House of Peers, be not had thereunto;

Ordered, that these Three Votes be forthwith printed.

London, &c. Poor.

Ordered, That the Lord Mayor, and Common Council of the City of London, be required to take special Care, that the Poor of the City of London be provided for with Coals at reasonable Rates: And that Colonel Ven do acquaint the Lord Mayor and Common Council therewith: And that the Justices of Peace within the City of Westminster, and Liberties thereof, do take the like Care for the Poor within the said City of Westminster, and the Liberties thereof.

Publick Revenue.

Ordered, That the Committee who are to consider of the State of the publick Monies and Treasure, or any Three of them, be injoined to meet, and make Report, on Thursday Morning next; and to call in such Persons as they think fit to advise with, to assist them; and to employ such Persons therein as they shall think fit.

Letters to Sheriffs.

Ordered, That the Letters, being signed by Mr. Speaker, and several of the Acts, be sent to Mr. Solicitor; to be sent to the several Sheriffs by the Post.


Ordered, That John Hooke Esquire be Sheriff of the County of Southampton.

Ordered, That Colonel Walton do bring in other Names of fit Persons, out of which one may be elected and appointed Sheriff for the County of Norfolk, in the place and stead of Hugh Audley Esquire, formerly appointed Sheriff for the said County.

Repealing Acts.

The Act for repealing several former Acts, Yesterday read the First time, was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Mr. Prideaux, Colonel Marten, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Mr. Whitlocke, Mr. Lisle, Serjeant Thorpe, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Scott, Mr. Love, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Humph. Edwards, Sir John Danvers, Colonel Bossevile, Mr. Allen, Colonel Ven, Mr. Garland, Mr. Cary, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Millington, Mr. Mr. Browne, Mr. Heveningham, Sir John Bourcher, Mr. Say, Mr. Aldred, Mr. Challoner, Mr. Holland, Lieutenant General Cromwell:

This Committee, or any Eight of them, are to meet on Thursday in the Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Queen's Court.