Pages 121-122
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, 19 Januarii, 1648.
Siege of Colchester.
A LETTER from Chelmsford, of 10 Januarii 1648, from the Committee of the County of Essex, was this Day read.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to consider, How Compensation and Satisfaction may be given to the Committee of Essex, and the Gentlemen of that County, for their Disbursements, for Supply of the Siege of Colchester; and where they shall have their Compensation and Satisfaction.
The House being informed, that Sir William Rowe, and other Gentlemen of Essex were at the Door;
They were called in: And Mr. Speaker did inform them, That he had received a Letter from the Committee of Essex, which he had imparted to the House: And that the House has taken the said Letter into their Consideration; and have referred it unto a Committee, to consider how Compensation may be given to that County. for their Disbursements, for Supply of the Siege of Colchester: And the House withal take notice of the faithful and good Service, and great Sufferings of yourself, and others of that County, for the Publick: And that they take it as an acceptable Service; and have commanded me to give you hearty Thanks: And, in their Names, I do give to you, and them, very hearty Thanks accordingly.
Sir J. Paulett.
Ordered, That Sir John Paulett's Business be taken up on Monday Morning next, the first Business.
Christ's College, Cambridge.
The humble Petition of Matthias Taylour, Tobias Fletcher, and several other Students of Christ's College in Cambridge, was this Day read.
Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Vice Chancellor, and the Two Senior Doctors of the University of Cambridge, or any Two of them; to examine the Truth of the Contents of the said Petition of Matthias Taylour, Tobias Fletcher, and several other Students of Christ's College in Cambridge, being denied their Graces in the House: And, if they find the Petitioners able and fit to have their Graces, to take Order, that they may have their Graces accordingly; and that they do not lose the Benefit of this Year: And to take care, that they be not denied their Graces without just Cause.
I. of Ely Garison.
Colonel Walton reports from the Committee of the Eastern Association, That there is Seven thousand Eight hundred and Fifty-seven Pounds Two Shillings and Ninepence, due and Arrear of the weekly Payment, settled, by Ordinance 12 Augusti 1645, to be paid out of the Excise to the Garison in the Isle of Ely.
Resolved, &c. That the Order of 19 Martii 1646 doth not extend to take away the Force of the Ordinance of 12 Augusti 1645, touching the weekly Payment thereby appointed for the Garison of the Isle of Ely.
Ordered, That the Sum of Seven thousand Eight hundred Fifty-seven Pounds Two Shillings and Nine-pence Arrear for the weekly Payment settled by the Ordinance, 12 August 1645, for the Garison of the Isle of Ely, be forthwith paid, by the Commissioners of the Excise, to the Use of the Navy, and for no other Use: And the Committee of the Eastern Association are required to give a Discharge to the Commissioners of Excise for the same.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider, with the Committee of the Eastern Association, How the Business stands concerning those Soldiers of that Garison; and state the Matter of Fact; and report the same to the House: And then this House will take further Order therein.
Salaries of Judges, &c.
Ordered, That the Payment of the yearly Salaries to the Commissioners for the Great Seal, and Judges of the Courts in Westminster, and Admiralty, and Barons of the Exchequer, which is now charged on the Customs, shall be henceforth paid out of the Revenue.
Ordered, That Mr. Lisle do bring in an Ordinance, Tomorrow Morning, for Settling of the Salaries of the Commissioners of the Great Seal, and the several Judges of the Benches in Westminster, and Barons of the Exchequer, and Judges of the Admiralty, upon Assignments of the Revenue, arising in particular Counties.
Navy Loan.
Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do, this Afternoon, confer with the Merchants, or others, for the Loan of Money for the Use of the Navy, and upon what Terms and Security; and for what Time; and make Report thereof to the House To-morrow Morning.
Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy have the Instructions given by Prince Rupert to Captain Allen, delivered to them by the Clerk of this House, to make use of them there.
Army Stores.
Ordered, That the Lord Grey, Colonel Walton, Colonel Ven, Mr. Leman, Mr. Luke Hodges, Mr. Gurden, Mr. Blackston, Sir John Bourchier, be added to the Committee who have Power to contract for Powder, Match, and Bullet.
I. of Wight.
Mr. Lysle reports a Particular of the Stores wanting in Caresbrooke Castle, for Supply of the Castles and Forts in the Isle of Wight; viz. One hundred and Thirty Barrels of Powder, being now in the Store One hundred and Twenty; Four Ton of Match; Two hundred Hand Granado Shells.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to consider, What Provision is fit to be sent to the Isle of Wight: And that it be referred to the Committee who have Power to contract for Powder, Match, and Bullet; to take Course for Supply thereof accordingly.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Stores, to examine the State of the Business touching the Lieutenant of the Ordnance, and what Title Sir Walter Erle hath in the said Office; and likewise to consider of the Stores in his Custody, and to give speedy Account of it to the House: And to take care touching the disposeing of it: And the care of it is specially recommended to Colonel Venn.
London Militia, &c.
Ordered, That all Commission Officers, and others, of the Train Bands, and Auxiliaries under the Militia of the City of London, and Liberties thereof, be, and are hereby, required to act upon the Commissions they now have, until the Committee of the Militia, now constituted, shall think fit to appoint others; to the Intent no Prejudice may happen to the Parliament, or City, in the Interim, till the Militia of the City be settled: And that they do obey all such Orders and Directions as they shall, from time to time, receive from Major General Skippon.
Weavers Company.
An Act for the electing of the Bailiffs, Wardens, Assistants, and other Officers of the Company of Weavers, was this Day read the First time; and, upon the Question, ordered to be read again on Monday Morning.
Courts of Justice.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed to bring in an Ordinance for carrying on the publick Justice of the Kingdom to meet this Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber; and bring in the Ordinance To-morrow Morning.
Letters to be read.
Ordered, That the Letters from the Committee of Estates in Scotland be read, and taken into Consideration, on Tuesday Morning next.
An Ordinance touching Delinquents was this Day read the First time; and, upon the Question, ordered to be read again To-morrow Morning.