House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 3 January 1644

Pages 356-358

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, 3 Januarii, 1643.


Scandalous Ministers.

ORDERED, That the Committee for the Eight associated Counties, do meet this Afternoon, at Four of Clock, upon the Ordinance for proceeding against scandalous Ministers in the associated Counties.

Cambridge University.

Ordered, That the Report concerning the Excise to be set upon the Colleges in the University of Cambridge, be made on Saturday next.

An Order for explaining the Ordinances of Sequestrations of Delinquents, in relation to the Colleges and University of Cambridge, was read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence, by Mr. Selden.

Regiment of Horse.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Four associated Counties of Kent, Sussex, Surry, and Hants, do meet this Afternoon, to finish and complete the Regiment of Horse, designed for Sir Rich. Greenvile.

Money for Army.

Resolved, &c. That Four thousand Pounds be assigned to Sir Wm. Waller, and forthwith furnished and sent unto him, out of the Monies coming in upon the Excise.

Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.

Sir Arth. Heselrig and Mr. Trenchard are appointed to take care of this Order.

Ordered, That Mr. Trenchard do pay unto Lieutenant Colonel Cooke, upon Account, Forty Pounds; unto Colonel Van Hust, Forty Pounds, upon Account; to Captain Smyth Twenty Pounds, upon Account; to fit them and dispatch them away to the Service of Sir Wm. Waller.

Pass refused.

Letters from Sir Jo. Henderson, from Oxford, sent, by a Trumpeter, to the Lord Maitland, Mr. Alexander Henderson, and Sir H. Vane sen. desiring their Favour to purchase him a Pass from the Parliament, for himself, Wife, and Children, to go into Holland, and to settle him there; were this Day read: And the House would not grant him any Pass. And Sir H. Vane is to certify the Lord Maitland and Mr. Henderson so much; and likewise to dismiss the Trumpeter, and to return him with this Answer.

Abuses in Excise.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Excise, to call before them the Commissioners of Excise, and to acquaint them with the Abuses of some of their Officers, informed of to be committed in Kent; in proceeding there, contrary to the Meaning of the Ordinance, and the Directions of both Houses: And the Gentlemen of Kent are desired to be present there at the same time.

Excise Accounts.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Falconbridge, and Mr. Bond, shall receive and audit the Accounts of the Commissioners of Excise, for the Time passed.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Falconbridge and Mr. Bond shall keep a Controul upon the Accounts of the Commissioners of Excise, for the future.

Letter from Lord General.

A Letter from his Excellency the Earl of Essex, Lord General, from the Essex-house, of the Second of January; signifying, that he had sent a Commissioner to Sir Wm. Waller, according to the Ordinance of both Houses, for the associated Counties, and according to the Desire of the House of Commons; and likewise, expressing his very great and good Affections to the Cause of Religion and Commonwealth; was this Day read: And Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Hollis, Sir Ben. Rudyerd, Mr. Nicoll, Sir Philip Stapelton, Sir Jo. Corbett, are appointed to return his Excellency hearty Thanks from this House.

Message to Lords.

Sir Rob. Harley carried up to the Lords, the Names of the Sheriffs: The additional Names of one Deputy Lieutenants to the County of Kent, and of Three Deputy Lieutenants to the County of Lincolne: The Order for Four thousand Pounds, out of the Excise, to Sir Wm. Waller: The Order for Three hundred Pounds, out of the deposited Monies at Haberdashers Hall, for the Town of Southampton:

And was appointed to desire the Lords to appoint a Time, when this House may give in Evidence against the Bishop of Canterbury.

Importing Currans.

The humble Petition of Jordan Fairefaxe Merchant, and others, desiring Liberty to Import Currans, laden aboard the Ship Rainbow, was this Day read.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Rob. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords commanded us to put you in Mind, that the Archbishop of Canterbury hath put in a Plea to the Impeachment of this House, sent up to the Lords some Time since; which they desire you to take into Consideration, what is fit to be done in it.

They desire you likewise, to take into Consideration the Garison of Aylesbury.


Answer returned by the same Messengers: That this House has considered of their Lordships Message: And, as to That concerning the Bishop of Canterbury, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own: And as to That concerning the Garison of Aylisbury, they were in Consideration of it at the coming of the Message.

Lientenant of Ordnance.

A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whittfield and Dr. Aylett;

The Lords do recommend Colonel Wm. Davies to this House, to be Lieutenant of the Ordinance in Mr. Pym's room, in respect of the great Service he has done; the great Wounds and Losses he has received.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Importing Currans.

The humble Petition of the Governor and Company of Merchants, trading into the Levant Seas; desiring, that the Ship Rainbow, laden with Currans of Zant and Cephalonia, might not be unladen; was this Day read.

Resolved, That the Matter of these two Petitions from Mr. Fairefaxe, Merchant, and others; and the Petition from the Governor and Company of the Merchants, trading into the Levant Seas; shall be referred to a Committee; who are to present their Opinions to the House:-

The Question being put, Whether the Ordinance, prohibiting the importing of Currans should be referred to this Committee;

It was resolved Negatively:-

Mr. Holles, Mr. Vassal, Serjeant Wilde, Sir Walt. Erle, Sir Jo. Clottworthy, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Cage, Mr. Hill, Mr. Bedingfield, Mr. Rolle, Mr. Strode, Mr. Spurstoe, Mr. Bence, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Green, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Recorder, Sir H. Vane jun. Mr. Baynton: And are to meet To-morrow, at Ten of Clock, at Merchant Taylors Hall.

Gethin's Petition.

Resolved, &c. That the humble Petition of Maurice Gethin, Citizen and Draper of London, be referred, upon the whole Matter, to the Consideration of the Committee for the Navy: And the Committee for the Creditors of Sir Thomas Dawes are to meet with the Committee of the Navy, as to this Business.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Rob. Harley brings Answer, That the Lords have appointed Monday next, for the bringing in of the Evidence against the Bishop of Canterbury:- Do agree to the additional Names of the Deputy Lieutenants for Kent, and Lincolnshire;- to the Order for Four thousand Pounds out of the Excise for Sir Wm. Waller;- to the Order for Three hundred Pounds out of the deposited Monies at Haberdashers Hall, for the Town of Southampton: And as to the Sheriffs of the several Counties, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Aylett;

The Lords do agree to the Votes, sent up by this House, concerning the Scotts Treaty: And have appointed the Lord General to be added to the Assembly; and desire your Concurrence.

Assembly of Divines.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth assent, that my Lord General shall be added to the Assembly of Divines.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Reynolds and Sir Arth. Heselrig, shall be added to the Assembly of Divines: And that the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House doth assent to the adding of my Lord General to the Assembly of Divines.

Bishop of Canterbury's Impeachment.

Mr. Browne, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Prideauxe, Mr. Whitlocke, Mr. Lane, Mr. Rous, Mr. Salloway, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Maynard, Mr. White, Mr. Millington, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Reynolds;

This Committee is appointed and enjoined to meet, to consider of the managing of the Evidence against the Bishop of Canterbury: And are appointed to manage the Evidence on Monday next, at the Bar of the Lords House: And it is specially recommended to Mr. Serjeant Wilde and Mr. Maynard.

Excise on Flesh, &c.

An Ordinance for setting an Excise upon Flesh Victuals and Salt, was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, passed, and assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence, by Mr. Green, at their next Sitting.

Foreign Plantations.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of divers Planters, and Agents of foreign Plantations, be referred to the Consideration of the Lord Admiral, and the rest named in the Ordinance for regulating the Plantations, to certify their Opinions to this House, what they think fit to be done upon this Petition.

Arms for Newcastle.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Safety, to confer and treat with the Gentlemen that have certain Arms, bought for the Design of Newcastle, engaged unto them, concerning those Arms.

Courten's Debt for Customs.

Whereas Mr. Wm. Courten stands indebted for Customs in the Sum of Eighteen hundred Pounds; the which Sum was assigned to the Creditors of the Office of the Ordnance, in Discharge of the said Eighteen hundred Pounds, by the Committee of the Navy; the which Sum of Eighteen hundred Pounds is not yet satisfied unto the Creditors of the said Office of Ordnance, according to the same Assignment: It is therefore Ordered, That all such Ships, as are set forth, by Mr. Courten and Company, for the East Indies, shall be made stay off, till the said Eighteen hundred Pounds be paid and satisfied, according to the former Assignment.

Recruiting the Army.

Ordered, That the Grand Committee of the House do presently meet, to consider of the Ordinance for recruiting my Lord General's Army.

Dammon's &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Thomas Dammon Mariner, and Ro. Cuthbert Mariner, this Day presented to the House, be referred to my Lord Admiral the Earl of Warwicke.

Cambridge University.

Whereas some Doubt hath been, made upon the late Ordinance for Sequestrations of the Estates, Rents, and Revenues of some kind of Delinquents, whether the Estates, Rents, and Revenues of the Colleges or Halls of the University of Cambridge, be sequestrable, within the Intent of the same Ordinances, for any Delinquency, in any of the Heads, or particular Fellows or Scholars, of them respectively: It is now Declared and Ordered, by the

Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Estates, Rents, and Revenues of the said University, and of the Colleges and Halls respectively of the said University, are in no wise sequestrable, or to be seized on, or otherwise disposed of, by virtue or colour of any of the said Ordinances: And that all and every the Estate, Rents, and Revenues of the said University, and of all and every the said Colleges and Halls respectively, shall remain and be to the same University, and, the said Colleges and Halls, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the said Ordinances, or any of them, had not been made: And that all and every the Rents and Revenues, and other Duties, now or hereafter payable, or heretofore payable, and yet not paid respectively to the said University, Colleges, or Halls respectively, in any County, or Place, whatsoever, shall be paid to the ordinary and usual Receivers or Treasurers, by what Name soever they be called or known, of the said University, Colleges, and Halls, after such Receivers or Treasurers shall be approved by Edward Earl of Manchester, Serjeant Major General of the Parliament Forces in the County of Cambridge, and the other associated Counties; to be employed for the respective Maintenance of the said University, Colleges, and Halls, in such sort and manner, as if the said Ordinances, or any of them, had never been. And yet, nevertheless, it is further Declared and Ordered, by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Receivers and Treasurers respectively shall pay all and every Part, Portion, and Dividend, which they have, or shall have respectively, of all and every the said Rents or Revenues; which Part, Portion, or Dividend, shall be found to be, or to have been, due or payable to any Head, Fellow, Scholar, or Officer of the said University, or of any of the said Colleges or Halls, being, or which shall be, a Delinquent within any of the said Ordinances for Sequestration, either to the Committee for Sequestration sitting at Cambridge, or otherwise, as it shall be ordered by the said Earl of Manchester, And it is also further Ordered, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any such Receiver or Treasurer of any College or Hall aforesaid shall be found to be, or to have been, a Delinquent within any of the said Ordinances, and shall be adjudged so to be by the said Earl of Manchester; that then the said Earl may, from time to time, remove such Receiver or Treasurer, and choose some other out of the Fellows and Scholars of that House, to and for which House respectively such Person removed was Receiver or Treasurer; and put him in the Place of him so removed: And that the Fellow or Scholar so chosen, and put in the Place of him so removed, shall execute, to all Intents and Purposes, all and every the Acts and Duties belonging to the Place of Receiver or Treasurer respectively in the College or Hall, to or for which he shall be so chosen and appointed, as aforesaid. And it is lastly Declared and Ordered, by the Authority aforesaid, That nothing in this present Order shall be construed, taken, or interpreted to exempt, free, or discharge any of the aforesaid Estates, Rents, or Revenues, from being liable to the Payment of all or any Weekly Assessments, or other Payments now settled and ordained, or hereafter to be settled and imposed, by any Ordinance of Parliament.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein, by Mr. Seldex.

The House adjourned till Saturday next, at Eight of Clock.