House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 21 February 1581

Pages 128-129

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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In this section

Martis, 21o Februarii, 1580


1. The Bill for the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Commonalty, of the City of Coventrie. - The first Reading.

Carliole. &c.

1. The Bill for the City of Carliole, and the Town of Barwike. - The first Reading.

Ld. Latymer.

The Bill for Partition of the Lands, late of the Lord Latymer, deceased, brought in by the Committees, with a Proviso for the Earl of Oxeforde, and for Sir Thomas Tyndale; the same Provisoes being twice read, the Bill and Proviso is ordered to be ingrossed, by Assent of both Parties.

Statute of Limitation.

The Bill for Explanation of the Statute of Limitation of Prescription of 32 H. VIII, with the Amendments, twice read; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Merchants Adventurers.

1. The Bill for the Company of Merchants Adventurers, not being free of the City of London. - The first Reading.

Counterfeit Seals.

4. The Bill against counterfeit Instruments, and counterfeit Seals of Office. - The fourth Reading.


1. The Bill for re-edifying the Borough of New Woodstocke. - The first Reading.

Assize of Fewel, &c.

The Bill for Assize of Fewel, and touching Iron Mills, brought in by Mr. Comptroller; with a new Bill for the Assize of Fewel; another touching Glasshouses; and another for the Assize of Fewel, within the City of Woorcester.

Counterfeit Seals.

The Bill, last read, is, upon the Question, and Division of the House, passed, with the Advantage of the Number of Twelve Persons.

Hide's, &c. Award.

3. The Bill for Ratifying of an Award between William Hide and William Darrell Esquires. - The third Reading; and passed upon the Question.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Three Bills passed are sent up to the Lords by Mr. Vicechamberlain, and others; to wit, the Bill against counterfeit Instruments and Seals of Office; the Bill for Ratifying of an Award between William Hide and William Darrell Esquires; and the Bill touching Gavelkind Lands within the County of the City of Exceter.

Family of Love.

1. nova. The Bill for Punishment of the Family of Love. - The first Reading.

Dover Haven.

1. The Bill for Repairing of Dover Haven, - The first Reading.

Conference-Slandering the Queen.

Mr. Serjeant Anderson and Mr. Dr. Clark do bring Word from the Lords, that their Lordships having considered of the Amendments and Additions of this House, in the Bill touching slanderous Speeches and Rumours, and other seditious Practices, against the Queen's Majesty ; and minding to understand the Meaning and Intent of this House in some Part of the same Amendments and Additions; have appointed Twelve of themselves to have Conference with some of this House, To-morrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Council Chamber, at the Court: And do pray, that a convenient Number of this House may be appointed to meet with them, at the said Time and Place, for Conference with the Lords in that Behalf, accordingly: Whereupon are appointed, for that Purpose, All those of this House, which were in the former Committee of the same Bill before.