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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Saturday, the 17th of September, 1653.
Stowell's Estate.
A BILL for Confirmation of the Sales made of the Estate and Lands of Sir John Stowell Knight of the Bath: Which was read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed to the Committee for Petitions.
Paper from a Person in custody.
Alderman Titchborne presents to the House, A printed Paper, found in the Hands of Walgrave, who was committed to Bridewell by Order of Parliament: Which Paper was intituled,
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Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of this Paper; and to examine the Business; and report to the House.
Recusants Estates.
Colonel West reports from the Committee for Raising of Money, Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Act enabling the Commissioners of Parliament for Compounding with Delinquents, to dispose of Two Parts of the Lands and Estates of Recusants, for the Benefit of the Commonwealth, and for the Extirpation of Popish Priests and Jesuits: Which were twice read; and put to the Question, one by one: And the Proviso, contained in the Four last Lines of the Bill, with the Amendments thereunto, in these Words; "Provided that this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to any Priest attending upon any Extraordinary Ambassador coming into this Commonwealth, so that the said Priest, attending upon such Ambassador, be not an Englishman, or a Person born within this Commonwealth, or any the Territories thereof; and do not exercise his Function in any other Place or Places, than only within the House, or Place of Abode, of such Ambassador, during his Residence within this Commonwealth; and only to the particular Family of such Ambassador;" being read, was, upon the Question, agreed: And the rest of the Amendments were agreed.
And the Question being propounded, That the Bill, with these Amendments, be ingrossed;
A Motion was made, That the last Proviso in the Bill, with the Amendments thereunto, might be left out.
And the Question being put, That this Proviso, with the Amendments to it, do stand in the Bill;
It passed in the Negative.
The Question being put, That these Words, in the last Proviso save one, viz. "or shall not manifest their Conformity by taking the Oath of Abjuration, within the Time last-mentioned," do stand in the Bill;
It passed in the Negative.
Resolved, That this Bill be re-committed to the same Committee: And that Mr. Carew and Mr. Strickland be added to this Committee for this Purpose.
Resolved, That the Report from the Council of State, touching the Compositions of Jersey, be made on Tuesday next.
Duchy of Lancaster.
A Bill for continuing the Privileges and Jurisdictions of the County Palatine of Lancaster, was this Day read the First time.
Resolved, That this Bill be read the Second time.
And the Bill was, accordingly, read the Second time.
The Question being put, That this Bill be committed;
It passed with the Negative.
The Question being put, That these Words, "further Order," do stand in the Bill;
It passed in the Negative.
Resolved, That, instead thereof, these Words be inserted, "the First of January 1653, and no longer."
Resolved, That there be Two Commissioners inserted in this Bill.
Resolved, That John Bradshaw Serjeant at Law be one.
Resolved, That Thomas Fell Esquire be the other Commissioner.
Resolved, That these Words, "and that they, and either of them, have," be added.
The Question being put, That the Word "Palatine" stand in the Bill.
It passed with the Negative.
The Question being put, That this Bill be ingrossed;
It passed in the Negative.
And this Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed: And Ordered, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.