St. Pancras Soper Lane 145/30

Pages 766-767

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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This property lay on the E. side of Soper Lane, between 29 to the S., 31 to the N., and 36 to the E. It measured some 7 ft. (2.13 m.) N.-S. by 13 ft. (3.96 m.) E.-W., according to a view taken in 1537. (fn. 1) It was one of a group of properties (25-30) from which quit-rents were due to Lawrence of St. Michael, son of William son of Benedict in the 13th century; possibly the group were once one property.

In 1858 the site of the property lay largely within that of no. 91 Queen Street.

Fourteenth to sixteenth century

In 1333 Margaret, widow of Simon le Kyng, quitclaimed to Isabel Godchep in 30, described as a shop in Soper Lane between 29 and 31, which she had as dower by Simon's grant. By her will dated and proved in 1349, Isabel, widow of Hamo Godchep, left her tenements in St. Pancras parish and elsewhere to her grandson Richard, charged for 10 years with £16 (24 marks) quit-rent to 4 chaplains in St. Dionis Backchurch celebrating for herself, her husband, parents, and her deceased son Richard. If Richard the grandson had no heirs the properties were to be sold. The immediate succession to 30 is not known, but by the early 15th century it was held, with other London properties, by John Shadworth, citizen and mercer. Before 1427 he granted them to William Estfeld, John Whatele, John Carpenter, Richard Osbarn, and John Hertwell. Hertwell released his right to Estfeld, who in 1427 with his co-feoffees granted all the properties to Alice, wife of William Markeby of Lincoln's Inn, junior, gentleman, and daughter of Robert Domenyk, late citizen and mercer, and of his wife Joan. The properties appear to have been Joan's inheritance. If Alice died without issue within 10 years of the grant, so that her husband could not hold the properties by the law of England, the grantors said that nevertheless he could continue to hold them, until he had received £100 from the issues, or the present grantors paid him £100, whereupon the properties would revert to the grantors. 30 was described in this grant as a shop in Soper Lane, St. Pancras parish, now held and occupied by Margery Michell. (fn. 2)

Subsequently the properties were acquired by William Babyngton, kt., William Stokes of London, gentleman, Richard Byngham of London, gentleman, Robert Walsshe of London, gentleman, John Powterelle of London, gentleman, and Richard Keterich of London, grocer, who before 1437 granted them again to Estfeld, Carpenter, and Osbarn. In 1437 these last granted the properties (30 was now said to be formerly held by Margaret Mitchell) again to William Markeby and Alice, to hold to them and their heirs, with remainder to Alice's heirs, then to Elena, Alice's sister, wife of John Hertwell, and her heirs. Later in 1437 William and Alice acknowledged that they owed 9s. quit-rent to the college of St. Michael in Riola (Whittington College) from their shop or tenement in Soper Lane between 29 to the S. and 31 to the N. This rent was one of several which Lawrence of St. Michael had granted to Philip le Taillour in 1258-9, and which Philip had left by his will proved in 1292 to the church of St. Michael. In 1438 William and Alice granted all the properties they had in London by the grant of Estfeld, Carpenter, and Osbarn, which were once of Joan wife of Robert Domenyk, Alice's mother, to William Chapman, Richard Nordon, citizens, and Philip Leweston, gentleman. (fn. 3)

It is possible that Richard Nordon was connected with one Nicholas Norton, and that the latter later held 30. In a Clerkenwell Priory account of 1489-90 a quit-rent of 6s. 8d. from Nicholas Norton's tenement was not received, having been allowed of old; the tenement lay vacant and herbs were sold there. In 1517-19 the door of the property comprising 29 and 36A2 was said to open towards 'le Erbewywes', which may be a reference to this tenement or plot; the herb-wives perhaps set up stalls there. Herbs were also sold on the opposite side of the street (see 8). The 6s. 8d. quit-rent was recorded as unpaid in later Clerkenwell accounts. (fn. 4) In 1537 a view was taken of 29 and 30, described as 'certain ground whereupon old ruinous houses now stand'. 30 was held by William Wakefield, wax-chandler; his ground and old house measured 7 ft. 1 in. (2.16 m.) N.-S., from St. Thomas of Acre's ground (29) to the S. to a partible post of John Nevyll's old house (31) to the N., and 13 ft. (3.96 m.) E.-W. from Soper Lane to the W. to the foundation of another house of St. Thomas of Acre (36A) to the E. (fn. 5) It is not clear what happened to 30 subsequently. By the time of the Great Fire it had been incorporated with 31-2, and together they formed a property with a frontage to Soper Lane of some 16 ft. 6 in. (5.03 m.), backing on to 36A1 which was also in the same ownership. The history of 31-2 from the mid-16th century, given under 31, could include 30, if the properties were united as early as that, but this is not certain. (fn. 6)


30 was charged with 6s. 8d. quit-rent to Clerkenwell Priory, and with 9s. which William's son Lawrence of St. Michael granted to Philip le Taillour in 1258-9. All the known details of these rents are given in the preceding section. The first rent had ceased to be paid by 1489-90, and the second is not listed in the Chantry Certificate relating to the College of St. Michael Paternoster. (fn. 7)


  • 1. CLRO, Viewers' Certs, Henry VIII, no. 121.
  • 2. HR 61(26), 77(16), 156(4).
  • 3. HR 165(48), 166(33), 167(10).
  • 4. PRO. SC6/Hen 7/396; E315/269; SC6/Hen 8/2116-20.
  • 5. CLRO, Viewers' Certs, Henry VIII, no. 121.
  • 6. See 31.
  • 7. See above; PRO, SC6/Hen 7/396; Chant C, no. 96.