House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 23 December 1651

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Tuesday, the23d of December 1651.


Scotch Commissioners.

RESOLVED, That the Master of the Rolls be required to give Order for preparing those Records, and other Things, desired by the Commissioners who are to go into Scotland; together with Schedules and Inventories thereof; and also Indentures by which they may be delivered to such Persons, as the Parliament shall appoint to take the Charge of them: And that the Master of the Rolls do give an Account thereof to the House, with all possible Speed, for the Parliament's Direction therein.

Primatt and Lilburne.

The humble Petition and Appeal of Josiah Primatt of London, Leather-seller, was this Day read.

Resolved, That the Petitioner Josiah Prymatt be called in, to avow his Petition.

The Petitioner was called in, accordingly: And, being come to the Bar: Mr. Speaker demanded his Name; he answered, Josiah Prymatt: And being shewed the Petition itself, and demanded whether that were his Petition, and that he did avow it; he answered, the Name subscribed thereunto was his Hand, and That was his Petition; and that he did avow it in the Manner as it is therein expressed: And then the Petitioner withdrew.

Resolved, That the Petitioner be again called in; and demanded, whether he did cause this Petition to be printed.

The Petitioner being again called in; and being come to the Bar, Mr. Speaker demanded of him, whether he did give Order for this Petition to be printed; to which he answered Yes: And being asked, whether he did give order for the publishing of it; he answered Yes: And being asked, who printed it; he said, it was a Printer at Paule's Wharf; saith his Name was Mr. Newcom; and that the said Mr. Primate gave Order for the printing of Five hundred; and that he gave such Order about Three Days since: And being shewed a printed Paper, intituled, "To the supreme Authority of this Nation, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England; The humble Petition and Appeal of Josiah Prymatt of London, Leatherseller;" he doth acknowlege that the same is one of the Copies he caused to be printed; and that he did deliver divers of them to divers Members of the House; and likewise to divers other Persons, not Members of the House: And that he delivered divers printed Copies of them to other Persons, to be delivered; and in particular, to Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne, to deliver them to several Persons.

Resolved, That Mr. Prymatt be again called in, and asked the Question, who drew the Petition: And he was accordingly called in; and being demanded, by Mr. Speaker, who drew this Petition for him; he saith, his Council; and saith, Mr. Parsons was one of his Council and Mr. Lane another: And being asked again, who did draw his Petition; he answered, Major Wildman and Master Levet: and that all his Council did consult of his Petition after it was drawn; and did all agree, that he should prefer it.

Resolved, That Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne, be called in, and that Mr. Speaker do ask him; whether he did disperse these printed Copies; and to whom; and whether he gave Direction for the printing of them; and whether he did not open it; and whether he had a Hand in the contriving and penning of it.

Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne was accordingly called in: And, being come to the Bar, was demanded, by Mr. Speaker, whether he did deliver any of the printed Copies of Mr. Prymatt's Petition, one whereof was shewed him; he answered, he did deliver divers to Mr. Speaker, Sir Arthure Hesilrig, Colonel Fenwick, and as many other Members of the House as he could: And being asked whether he did not it deliver to divers others that were not Members; he saith, he did deliver it to divers who desired to read it: And being asked, whether he gave Direction for the printing of it; he saith, he was employed from the Beginning in managing this Business by Mr. Prymatt, and his Uncle George Lilburne; that he believes Mr. Prymatt will tell the House, he gave Direction for the printing it, and will avow it; And being asked, whether he did pen the Petition; he saith, he did not; but he was by when it was penned, and liked it well.

Resolved, That this Petition of Josiah Prymatt be committed to Mr. Bond, Lord Commissioner Whitelock, Colonel Purefoy, Mr. Sey, Mr. Long, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Major General Harrison, Mr. Ellis, Aldermen Allein, Mr. Carew, Mr. Attorney, Sir Peter Wentworth, Mr. Hay, Mr. Nevill, Mr. * Stephens, Colonel Marten, Colonel Sidney, Sir Henry Vane, Sir Henry Mildmay, Lord Chief Baron, Mr. Hill, Colonel Lister, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Burrell, Colonel Thompson, Colonel Bennett, Mr. * Challoner, Sir John Trevor, Colonel Bossevile, Mr. Wilde, Mr. Strickland, Colonel Peter Temple, Colonel Birch, Lord Grey, Mr. Browne, Colonel Fielder, Mr. Ch. Marten, Sir Wm. Masham, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Mr. Moyle, Mr. Scott, Colonel Jones, Colonel Wayte, Mr. Dunch, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Leman, Mr. Tho. Chaloner, Mr. Masham, Sir John Bourchier, Colonel Pyne, or any Five of them: And that Mr. Roger Hill do take Care of it: And that the Committee have Power to examine upon Oath: and report forthwith: With Power to send for Persons, Parties, Witnesses, Records, and Papers.

Resolved, That the Committee do take Consideration, in the first Place, of so much of the Petition as concerns that the Injustice done was through Fear and Overawing the Commissioners; and the Charge of Tyranny and Oppression: And that the Committee do meet, Tomorrow in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.