Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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February 1694
February 1. Thursday, Kinaston, Parker, Leech & another came & complained that 4 strange women sold goods in towne privately & at under rates &c. Streete & G.Mainwaring came to us; I sent for them but refusing to come sent a warrant for them; they appeared (& Croxon with them with the masters of them) & all things were accomodated; she promising to sell no more in towne; G. Mainwaring, Jones & Key dined with me; Adams took the examination of a soldyer about one Mrs Sarah (a poore distracted stranger that had bin some time in the Citty) Warmingham came about the keeping of the Roods Dee; they all went by 3. past 4 I went to the Coffee house; there was G.Mainwaring, Treasurer, Johnson &c. then to Angells (with Treasurer) there was sister Lettice,Crofts, Bellots &c. then to the Ship; there was Colonel Smith, Blake, Paris, Murray, G Mainwaring & Treasurer; the officers went about 8. G.Mainwaring, Treasurer & I parted past 9. Adams was with me. I signed an order to let the cittisens know that the sldyers were to march on Satorday that they should look after money due to them..
[fo. 169v]
February 2. Friday. Treasurer was with me about the Keeper of Rood Dee; many cittisens about money that soldyers owed them; the Almes men dined with me; also Smith, Blaake, Paris, Murrey, Gibs, Morgan &c. parted past 4. went with me to the Penthouse; stayd there till past 6, when they went; I went thence to the ship with G.Mainwaring, Streete, 2 Sheriffs, Treasurer, Lloyd, Edwards &c. parted past 9.
3. Satorday, went to take leave of Smith at Jackson's; then to the Penthouse; thither Smith came to take leave &c. had much trouble about carts for the march of the soldyers; Alderman Ince complained of for obstructing that matter; retorned home neare 3. Lloyd, G.Mainwaring, Kinaston & Adams dined with me; I went to the Coffee house past 4. then to the Penthouse; there we met about carts &c. Murray came to us; further informations against Ince about obstructing the carts &c. parted pas 7. I went to the Ship (the Deane came about a collection for.poore French at Neston interl). Recorder, Streete G.Mainwaring, Anderson, Parry, one Shirley (an Irish Gentleman that came when Dr Gorge came to us; he went post for Ireland, parted about 12.
4. Sonday, was not at church; church wardens came about 2 for the collection for the poore French at Neston; G.Mainwaring in the evening, stayd not.
5. Monday, Alderman Allen came with a bill of Rogers which I accepted; severall people about severall businesse; Griffith from Peele; Claxon, Fletcher, Charles Griffith &c. after diner came G.Mainwaring with 5 of the company of Fishmongers with complaints; then Bridge & some Dyers to complaine of some of theire company; then G.Mainwaring & Johnson & Fletcher; they all went before 7.
6. Tuesday, Brisco came about the complains Leen s made against him; & Adams with Comberbach letter &c. & other papers; Johnson, Hand & Fletcher came about 1; stayd till 2. the Overseers of the Poore came for my contribution; I sent them (by Brock) 20 s ; Fletcher was with me againe after diner ; also Adams; past 8 I went to G.Mainwaring Hempthorne & Clayton came to us. parted past 10.
7. Wednesday, went to the Penthouse past 12. retorned at 2. Streete, Minshall & Loyd dined with us. Lee came at diner time but sate by, had dined before; parted at 4. then I & Minsahll went to visit Mr Hurleston; then to the Penthouse at 5. thence with Streete to the Ship, past 7 Adams came to us; then Cratchley & Wright; Knowles came to get a boy out the House of Correction (stayd not interl); we parted past 9.
8. Thursday, Alderman Streete came to me with the draught of a letter to Mainwaring but stayd not; Grantham came, I left him going to dine at Angells (with my daughters) there came the church warden of St Oswald's & Pack for a warrant to remove some strangers out of theire parish; we went then to Lady Bellots, they were all abRood, then home I found Salisbury there, he went presently, then Bolland & Barrand (a constable ), they stayd not long; past 8 came Cratchley, G.Mainwaring & Minshall, went at 10.
9. Friday, Brereton came to me about toll corne; Corbensham about Post letters; the gardener from Peele, Minshall, Angell, Mariot & Cratchley dined with me, sister Sidney &c. I went to the Penthouse past 4. to the Ship past 6, there was 2 Lees, Angell, Mariot, Edwards, Loyd, Cratchley, Kinaston, Minshall &c. we parted about 10.
10. Satorday, Huson came at 11. I went to the Penthouse at 12, retorned about 2. Minshall. G.Mainwaring, Morgan & Adams dined with me; Lee came after diner; parted past 4. severall came to me about businesse; Minshall of Bechin to pay rent. Done about money he owes; Wright to take land at Shotwick; Fletcher about stone for the Hall; Kirk & his sonne to be my chaplaines, the Bakers about the sample of corne; a messenger with 8 Acts of Parliament from London; about 8 I went to the Ship, there was Nat[aniel] Lee, Lee of Booth, G.Mainwaring, Morgan, Minshall &c. we parted about 10.
11. Sonday, I was not at church; Morgan dined with us; at night came Mariott, Minshall. Morgan & 2 sisters, supt; then came G.Mainwaring, parted about 10.
12. Monday, I went to the Penthouse past 11 to the Court before 1; retorned about 2. G.Mainwaring, Recorder, Streete, Lloyd, Edwards, 2 Sheriffs, Parry, Adams dined with us; we had businesse in the afternoone parted all before 6. the treasurers with us but stayd not.
13. Tuesday, Deane came to see me; then came Done, then Lloyd to be hyred as my Baylyffe; Done & Key dined with us; also sister Lloyd & Sidney; I went to the Penthouse about 6 there were severall Aldermen [fo. 170r] February 13, Sheriffe, (Recorder, inter)Treasurer,Wyborne, &c. upon the occasion of being the Anniversary of theire Ma[jestys coming to the Crowne. we had wine &c. parted at 9. Houseman went Peele in the morning.
14. Wednesday, Houseman retorned from Peele past 8 & went to Shotwick; sister Sidney dined with us. at 3 I went to G.Mainwaring ; there was was Key; I retorned at 4. I sent Acts of Parliament to Streete, Wilcox, Edwards, G.Mainwaring, & Ince; G.Mainwaring, his wife & sister supt wih us; then came Johnson; parted about 10. Roger's man came from Ireland with a letter.
15. Thursday, Mrs Hurleston & Lee came (about 10) to speak with me about Rogers being arrested at their suite; stayd not long; G.Mainwaring came but stayd not; also Adams & Cratchley, I gave them order for an Assembly tomorow; Anderson came about a petition to the Assembly for ground to build a stable; yong Kirke to be my Chaplaine; I mentioned the schoole of Tarvyn to him; Angell was with daughter Charlotte; the officers brought me account that they summoned an Assembly; in the afternoone came Mrs Hurlestone & Llee then Taylor, Booth, Powell, Huson; at last Hurleston himself. G.Mainwaring about discharging Roger; Edwards & Deane about Plate for the Race; at 9 I & G.Mainwaring went to the Recorder; retorned about 12 16. Friday, went to the Penthouse to an Assembly, retorned neare 3, Streete, G.Mainwaring. Loyd, Hand, Parry, sister Lloyd & Sidney dined with s; parted about 5; Huson & Houseman. retorned from Shotwick.
17. Satorday, I went at 12 to the Penthouse, retorned at 2. G.Mainwaring, Lloyd, Kinaston & Adams & sister Lloyd dined with us; after diner came Gray, Jordan., Jackson, & Isack came to me about the Chappell, Prichard about a lease at Shorley; the bakers for the samples of the corne.
18. Sonday, was not at church, Huson went home; Morgan dined with me; Angell , Marriot & G.Mainwaring came past 7. went before 8.
19. Monday, Grey, Jordan, Isack & Hughes came about the Chappell; Johnson for a passe & money for a poore seaman; Mouson & Hall came to me about the Rood Dee. then Treasurer & Garrat about the same; Hilton came with a letter from Hardware; Captain Dore (from Ireland) dined with me; Donald trimmed me; Hatchet & Tudor came about constables accompts for money due to them; past 4 I went to the Coffee house, G.Mainwaring, Wright & Deane stayd awhile; Basnet came but stayd not; Kinaston, Street & Spark came; we parted about 6; Sparks came home with me about Mr Farington's transferring his place to his cosen Croughton; I took tyme to consider of it20. Tuesday, the Lieutenant & Ensigne of Hickman's company came to me; stayd not; I went to the Penthouse past 11, there were many other Comissioners for the Tax; I took the oaths, signed warrants & retorned about 1. Dore & the other 2 Officers dined with me, also Streete, Edwards & the schoolmaster of Tarperly; I went to the Penthouse againe past 2; then to the Rood Dee (to the Races) retorned agen to the Penthouse (Lee in the coach with me) about 5. there we stayed with Streete, G.Mainwaring, Lloyd, Edwards, 2 Sheriffes, 2 Treasurers &c. till past 8. had the musick with us; Broster came from Peele21. Wednesday, Adams came about the letters to the agents (at London) for the Tax; after diner came Kinaston & his brother & Morgan; also Hand, Johnson, Gray & Sparks; they went about 5 or 6. Morgan supt with us, he & I went to G.Mainwaring past 9; retorned about 11.; 22. Thursday, Buckley came about his Bill (Sefton about the serjeants place interl), Sparks & Mrs Farington about her husbands place, Morgan, Key, sister Lloyd & Sidney dined with us; Streete & 4 or 5 of the company of Smiths came about a refractory Brother, a woman came about her husband being arrested, though he had Lord Brandon's (now Lord Macclesfield's) protection; Adams was with her.
23. Friday, Houseman went to Shotwick about timber; some joyners with him; retorned at night; Jas Morgan went to G.Mainwaring after supper, parted past 10.
24. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse about 12; retorned past 1; Morgan & Key dined with us; past 9 I went to G.Mainwaring; his son & Johnson was with him (Lightfoote paid 10 li. his brother was with him interl) I retorned past 10; Eward ? one Prichard came to take a lease of Sherley.
25. Sonday. was not at church; in the evening came a Captaine (one Horford) from Ireland with a letter from Roger; stayd an houer; I supt at G.Mainwaring; there was Johnson, his wife, daughter &c. then came Payne & Anderson (& Morgan interl) parted all past 9.
26. Monday, G.Mainwaring came to take his leave on his going to London; the Treasurer about Sir Thomas Stanley [fo. 170v] February 26, to write to him a letter about the Citty's money he owes. Danold trimmed me Morgan & Thomas Whitley, sister Lloyd & Sidney dined with us; widow Cookson with the servants; past 3 came Streete & Captaine Berk of Liverpoole & a Presse Master about pressing of men; stayd till past 4. I told them I could give no other assistance; but, if there were complaints on any part I would doe my duty in order to composing them.
27. Tuesday, Morgan came past 11. Captaine Burk came to me about 2, stayd not;.Morgan & sister Lloyd dined with me; Johnston came after diner, but stayd not; Payne came past 12 to be excused from being Assessor; about 5 I went to the Penthouse about the taxes; there were severall Comissioners; we signed warrants &c. retorned before 7; Huson went hence towards Peele or home in order to his London journey; Sparke came past 7 about Mr Farington; Johnson after supper, stayd an houer.
28. Wednesday, I sent to Salisbury. he came to me about Mr Farington's place; Brereton came to me about the toll Barley; then Charles Griffith; Sparkes & Croughton about Sword Bearers place; a cittisen came to desire leave to arrest the yeoman of the Penthouse. I sent for him to give him notice of it; 2 constables came about theire disbursements; Mr Jones to enquire what Mainwaring wishes about his Ensignes place promised him, he dined with me; also sister Sidney & Thomas Whitley; after diner came Alderman Streete, Wilson, Brooks & severall from the forest; Streete about the Scavengers, then Parsons to complaine of Fernehall about engrossing the Salmons ?; then Fletcher; all went about 5. about 6 came Pointon to get some imployment; after supper came Johnson & Deane; then Sparks & Croughton (then Gray interl), parted all past 9.