Index of Persons - V

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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-, de Valence, Aymer (fl. >1296-c.1302), Lord of Montignac. 95/8-12
-, ~, ~, Beatrice w. of (fl. c.1302). 95/8-12

-, Valentyn, Ralph (fl. 1433, d. by 1449), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 14

de Valers, see WALEIS

-, Vallance, Robert (fl. 1650-60). 11/8A2

-, Valyaunt, John (fl. 1537-45). 11/10A (r)

-, Vampage, Mr., see William Vampage
-, Vampage, (Mr.) William (fl. 1485-1500), kt. for the royal body. 11/1; St. Mary Colechurch 1?; St. Pancras Soper Lane 39?

-, Vandale, Walter (fl. 1524), of Antwerp, sculptor. St. Mary Colechurch 18 (ref. to)

-, Vandeputt, Giles (fl. 1650, d. by 1668), merchant. St. Mary le Bow 29-30
-, Vandeputt, Peter (fl. 1651-5), merchant, of London. St. Mary Colechurch 26A

-, Vanderhood, Mr. (fl. 1638). 95/5J (r)

-, Vane, John (fl. c.1302-3), cit. & merchant of Lucca, member of society of the Bardi, attorney of Otto de GRANDISON. 95/8-12

Vanham, see VAUGHAN

VANN (Vanne)
-, Vann (Vanne), John (fl. 1662-3, d. ?1665). St. Pancras Soper Lane 23 (r)

Vannam, see VAUGHAN

Vanne, see VANN

-, Vantot, Richard (fl. 1307-28). St. Pancras Soper Lane 17 (r)

Varney, Richard, see Richard VERNEY

VAUGHAN (Vanham, Vannam)
-, Vaughan, Mr. (fl. 1667-8). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9, 36A2?
-, Vaughan, Edward (fl. 1539, d. 1561), gent. St. Mary le Bow 29-30; St. Mary Colechurch 11
-, Vaughan, John (b. c.1542, fl. 1561-7). St. Mary Colechurch 11
-, Vaughan, John (fl. 1602-c.1640), cit. & draper. St. Mary Colechurch 26E, 33-4 (r)
-, Vaughan, John (d. c.1665), cit. & skinner, s. of Nicholas (fl. 1628), br. of Nicholas (fl. 1665-9). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9 & 36A2
-, Vaughan, John (fl. 1668), infant s. of Nicholas (fl. 1665-9). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9 & 32A2
-, Vaughan, Nicholas (fl. 1628, d. 1665), cit. & haberdasher, h. of Parnell, f. of John (d. c.1665) & Nicholas. St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9 (r), & 36A2
-, ~, ~, Parnell w. of (fl. 1665-8), later mar. George DAY. St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-29 & 36A2
-, Vaughan, Nicholas (fl. 1665-9), s. of Nicholas, br. of John (d. c.1665), f. of John (fl. 1668). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9 & 36A2
-, Vaughan, Roland (fl. 1638), kt. St. Mary le Bow 32
-, Vaughan, Stephen (fl. 1536, d. 1549), gent., esq., clerk of faculty of king's highness, f. of Anne, Jane, & Stephen, br.-in-law of John GWYNETH. St. Mary le Bow 32AB (r)
-, ~, ~, Anne da. of (fl. 1549). St. Mary le Bow 32
-, ~, ~, Jane da. of (fl. 1549). St. Mary le Bow 32
-, ~, ~, Margaret w. of (fl. 1540-9), sis. of John GWYNETH. St. Mary le Bow 32
-, Vaughan, Stephen (b. c.1537, fl. 1549-80), of St. Mary Spital, esq., s. & heir of Stephen. St. Mary le Bow 32
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of (fl. 1580). St. Mary le Bow 32
-, Vannam (Vanham, Vaughan), William (fl. 1629-69), cit. & fishmonger, draper, esq., aldm. St. Pancras Soper Lane 38B (r), 39 (r)

-, Vauz, Mr. (fl. 1638). 11/11-12F (r)

-, Veel, John (fl. 1421-2). 95/4B
-, Veel, William (fl. 1420-33). 95/4B (s)

VEER (Vere)
-, Veer (Vere), William (fl. 1516-41), leatherseller. 11/10A; 95/15 (r); St. Mary Colechurch 19B (s)

-, Venables, Widow (fl. 1631-6). St. Pancras Soper Lane 17B (r)
-, Venables, Thomas (fl. 1616, d. c.1625x31), cit. & wax chandler. St. Pancras Soper Lane 17B (r)

-, Venour, William (fl. 1386), cit. & grocer. 11/10

Vere, see VEER

VERNEY (Varney, Verneye)
-, Verneye, John (fl. 1430-3). 11/5
-, Verney, Ralph (Rauf) (fl. 1457x61, d. c.1478), kt., aldm., mercer. 95/0 (ref. to), 3; St. Mary Colechurch 13-15; St. Pancras Soper Lane 24A
-, Verney (Varney), Richard (d. by 1356-7), aldm. St. Pancras Soper Lane 24

-, Vernon, Mary (fl. 1666), victualler. 95/4D (r)

-, de Vescy, Isabel, see Isabel de Beaumont wid. of Sir John VESCY
-, Vescy, Sir John, kt., see Isabel wid. of
-, ~, ~, Isabel de Beaumont (Bello Monte) wid. of (fl. 1296), lady of Vescy. St. Mary le Bow 39

(LE) VIEL (Viell, Vyel), see also SENEX, VEEL
-, le Viel (Vyel) (alias of Christchurch, the draper, Shyrewold), Mark (fl. 1294, d. c.1308), of Christchurch (de ecclesia christi), of Twenham (Hants) draper, servant (vallettus) of Stephen de CORNHILL. St. Mary le Bow 14 (r)
-, ~, ~, executors of, see Richard de CLARE, Roger HEROUD, & Richard de Willehale (WILIHALE)
-, le Viell, Reginald (fl. late 12C). St. Mary le Bow 25-6 (ref. to)
-, Possibly identical with Reginald SENEX
-, Viel, Thomas (d. by 1287), h. of Cecilia. St. Mary le Bow 14
-, ~, ~, Cecilia w. of (fl. 1287). St. Mary le Bow 14
-, le Vyel, William, see Dionisia da. of
-, ~, ~, Dionisia da. of (fl. <1246-7), w. of ARNOLD Ruffus. St. Mary le Bow 16
-, Viel, William (fl. 1305), executor of Thomas Viel. St. Mary le Bow 14

-, Vigars, John (fl. 1616-17). St. Pancras Soper Lane 17A (r)

VILLERS (Vyllers)
-, Villers, Bartholomew (fl. 1449, d. by 1485). St. Mary le Bow 14
-, Vyllers, Dorothy (fl. 1539), da. of John & Elizabeth. 95/1; St. Mary Colechurch 13- 15
-, Villers, George (fl. 1666). St. Mary Colechurch 26E (r)
-, Vyllers, John (fl. 1539), kt., h. of Elizabeth, f. of Dorothy. 95/1; St. Mary Colechurch 13-15
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth late w. of, see Elizabeth da. of John WINGAR

-, Vincent, Mr. (fl. 1638). 95/5D-G
-, Possibly identical with Henry VINCENT
-, Vincent, Daniel (fl. 1630, d. c.1636), leatherseller, merchant adventurer, s. of Henry. 95/5D-F (r), J-L
-, Vincent, Henry (fl. c.1617-31, d. by 1649), cit. & leatherseller, h. of Dorcas, f. of Daniel, f.-in-law of William MOSELEY. 95/5D-E (r), J-L
-, Possibly identical with Mr. VINCENT
-, ~, ~, Dorcas w. of (fl. 1630-49), wid. ?m. of Rebecca GOSS, & Abigail FLETCHER. 95/5D-F, J-L
-, Vincent dictus Salesbury, John (fl. 1369), of London. St. Mary le Bow 11
-, Vincent, Richard (fl. 1358), rector of church of Sancte Cidis (St. Sithe?). Next to St. Mary le Bow 12

VINENT (?Vineut, Vynent)
-, Vinent, (Vineut), Cristina (fl. 1393). St. Pancras Soper Lane 8 (r)
-, Vynent, Juliana, m. or gdm. of Thomas, see Juliana da. of Thomas GISORS
-, Vynent, Thomas (fl. c.1379-85, d. by 1402), s. or gds. of Juliana. St. Mary Colechurch 10; St. Pancras Soper Lane 25-6

Vines, see VYNE

-, Vink, Peter (fl. 1697), h. of Mary da. & co-heir of William ROBINSON. See St. Mary Colechurch 33-4

VINOR (Vynar, Vyner)
-, Vynar, Frances (fl. <1637-?47), wid. ?of Nicholas. St. Mary le Bow 23C
-, Vyner, Henry (fl. 1565), cit. & mercer. St. Mary Colechurch 10B
-, Vynar (Vinor), Nicholas (d. c.1637), cit. & merchant tailor, bodice maker, h. of ?Frances. St. Mary le Bow 23C (r)
-, Vyner, Sir Robert (fl. 1670). St. Mary le Bow 29-31
-, VIRTUE (Vertue)
-, Virtue, Mr. Henry (fl. 1630, d. c.1660), rector of All Hallows Honey Lane. 11/8B (r)

-, Vitalis, John (fl. 14C). St. Mary le Bow 14?

VIVIAN (Vyvion)
-, Vivian, Isaac (fl. <1638-66), of London, merchant, h. of Mary. St. Mary le Bow 23A (r)
-, ~, ~, Mary w. of (fl. 1674). St. Mary le Bow 23A
-, Vyvion, Thomas (fl. 1355). 11/11

-, Vize, Elizabeth (fl. 1662-3), ?wid. of John. 95/6-7C
-, Vize, John (fl. 1648). 95/6-7C (r)

le Vyel, see VIEL

-, Vykery, Robert (fl. 1456, d. by ?1466). St. Mary Colechurch 11

Vyllers, see VILLERS

Vynar, see VINOR

VYNE (Vines)
-, Vines, - (fl. 1537), wid. St. Mary le Bow 23C
-, Vyne, John (fl. 1374, d. 1384), draper, servant of James ANDREW. St. Mary le Bow 6 (r)
-, Vyne, John (fl. 1349-96), cit. & mercer, s. of Roger, br. of Joan, h. of Joan. St. Pancras Soper Lane 29
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of (fl. 1396). St. Pancras Soper Lane 29
-, Vyne, Roger (d. 1349), cit. & mercer, h. of Agnes, f. of John & Joan. St. Pancras Soper Lane 29
-, ~, ~, Agnes w. of (fl. 1349). St. Pancras Soper Lane 29
-, ~, ~, Joan da. of (fl. 1349), sis. of John. St. Pancras Soper Lane 29
-, ~, ~, John s. of, see John VYNE

Vynent, see VINENT

Vyner, see VINOR

-, Vyntener, John (fl. 1400-6, d. by 1427), s. of Agnes Vyntener servant of Sir Robert TURK. 11/8A (r)

Vyvion, see VIVIAN