House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 01 February 1642

Pages 406-409

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, primo Feb. 1641.


Delivery of. Carrickfergus to the Scotts.

T HE Draught of the Commission for the Granting of the Town and Castle of Carrickfergus to be delivered unto the Scotts, according to the Articles of the Treaty, was this Day read; and, by Order committed unto Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Fines, Mr. Schowen, Mr. Cage, Sir Walth. Erle, Mr. Carew, Sir H. Vane, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Browne: And are to meet presently.

Ships at Breste.

An Information concerning Ships at Breste was read.

Levying Mariuers, &c.

3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the better Levying of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present Guard of the Seas, and necessary Defence of his Majesty's Dominions; and, upon Question, passed; and carried up, by Mr. Glyn: And he is to acquaint the Lords, that the present Setting forth of Ships, for Defence of the Kingdom, depends upon the Passing of this Bill.

Irish Papists.

Ordered, That the Order made by the Lords and Commons, on January the 29th, 1641, concerning the Irish Papists, be forthwith printed: And that the Knights, Citizens, Burgesses, and Barons of the Cinque Ports, respectively, shall send down Copies of this Order to the respective Sheriffs, Justices of Peace, and Officers of the Ports.

Army in Ireland.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House holds it fit, that all Commanders and Officers, employed in the Service of Ireland, both of the old and new Army, do forthwith resort to their several Charges. And this House is farther of Opinion, and do declare, that, if any of them be not personally present at their said Charges, within Twenty Days, from the Date hereof, that they shall lose all that is due unto them for their Entertainment, and be cashiered.

Mr. Bellassis is appointed to carry up this Resolution unto the Lords.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Companies of the old Army shall be recruited, out of the Men that are already raised in Ireland, and made to consist of One hundred in each Company.

List of Officers.

A List of the Captains and Officers, appointed for the Raising of the Three hundred Horse, 24 Jan. 1641.

Captains. Lieutenants. Cornets.
Lord Digby, of Geshell, Terringham, Owen,
Captain Sydney, Mason, Maurice,
Captain Palmes, Wormer, Mason,
Captain Villiers, Aiskew, Walther,
Captain Baker, Hatcher, Armorer.

Each Troop to be of Sixty Horse, besides the Officers.

This Day this List was read; and put to the Question; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto.


Mr. Reynolds reports the Commission, with some Amendments: The which Amendments were read; and the Commission voted; and, by the Question, assented unto, with the Additions.

Acquittances for Payment to the Scotts.

Mr. Reynolds reports the Two Acquittances, concerning the Payment of Ten thousand Pounds unto the Scotts, Part of their Brotherly Assistance:

Know all Men by these Presents, that we Commissioners, authorized by Act of Parliament, of the Kingdom of Scotland, in this Behalf have this present

Day of in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Six hundred Forty-and-one, received out of the Chamber of London the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds Sterling, in part of Two hundred and Twenty thousand Pounds, the Remainder of the Friendly Assistance, promised by our Brethren of England, and secured by an Act of Parliament of England, made in this present Seventeenth Year of his Majesty's Reign, that now is; of which Sum of Ten thousand Pounds we, the said Commissioners, do hereby acquit and discharge, as well our said Brethren of England in general, the Officers of the said Chamber of London in particular, and all other whom it may concern: In Witness whereof we have hereunto put our Hands and Seals, the Day and Year above written.

Resolved, &c. That this House approved of this Acquittance.

To the Chamberlains of the City of London, and all others, whom it may concern.

W E whose Names are subscribed, authorized by Act of Parliament on this Behalf, do order and appoint you, and all others whom it may concern, forthwith to pay, and issue out, to the Commissioners of Scotland, authorized in that Behalf to receive the same, the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds, given them for a Friendly Assistance and Relief; and, for your so doing, this shall be your sufficient Warrant and Discharge: In Witness whereof we have subscribed our Names, the Day of in the Year of our Lord 1641.

Resolved, &c. That this . . . . approves of this Acquittance.

Sir F. Fortescue.

Ordered, That Sir Faithfull Fortescue be recommended from this House to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to be a Colonel in One of those Three Colonels Places, presented in the List, to be void: And Sir Sam. Roll is ordered to go with this Vote to the Lord Lieutenant.

Harbert's Impeachment.

Articles of Impeachment, against Sir Edward Harbert Knight, his Majesty's Attorney General, by the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, in their own Name, and in the Name of all the Commons of England, in Maintenance of their Accusation, read.

Letter to Mayor of Hull.

Ordered, That Sir Hen. Vaine, Sir Jo. Hotham, and Mr. Whitlocke, do presently withdraw; and consider of the Form of a Letter to be sent from Mr. Speaker to the Mayor of Hull, or his Deputy, to take Care for some Convenience of Lodging for those Companies of Sir Jo. Hotham's Regiment, that are come into that Town, for the Security of that Place and the Magazine there, by the Order and Direction of both Houses.

Safety of Yorke.

A Letter from the Justices of the County of Yorke, and their Resolutions, touching the Safety of that County, were read; and the Lord Fairefax had the Letter and Resolutions.

Persons to attend.

Ordered, That the Lord Dunbarr, and his eldest Son, be summoned to attend this House forthwith.

Thanks to Sheriff, &c. of Yorke.

Ordered, That the Knights of the County of Yorke do return Thanks to the High Sheriff, Justices of Peace, and the Gentlemen of that County, for their Care of that County.

Arms at Yorke.

Ordered, That it be referred to the High Sheriff, and Justices of Peace, of the County of Yorke, to dispose of the Magazine of Arms, now at the Manor of Yorke, either in the City of Yorke, or where else they shall think it may be secured without a Guard.

Tumult about the House.

The House being informed that Serjeant Major General Skippon was at the Door; and desired to offer something to the House;

He was called in; and did desire, that he might have Directions what he should do in this Case, there being great Multitudes of Women at the Houses, pressing to present a Petition to the Parliament; and their Language is, that where there is One Woman now here, there would be Five hundred To-morrow; and that it was as good for them to die here, as at home.

Serjeant Major Skippon was again called in: And Mr. Speaker told him, that the House took Notice of his discreet Carriage in this Business; and gave him hearty Thanks for it: They desire you would use your Endeavours to pacify the Multitude, and send them Home in Quietness: And that the House is now in Consideration of Matters of great Consequence; and will hereafter give such Directions as the Occasion shall require.

King's Answer respecting Militia, &c.

Resolved, upon the Question, That whosoever advised his Majesty to give this Answer to the Petition of the Commons, for putting the Forts and Militia of the Kingdom into such Hands as should be recommended unto his Majesty by the House of Commons, is of the malignant Party; and an Enemy to the publick Peace and Safety of the Kingdom.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;

Pressing Soldiers.

The Lords have commanded us to let you know, that they have passed the Bill for Pressing of Soldiers.

Lord Kimbolton, &c.

They have agreed unto the Petition, concerning the Lord Kimbolton, and the Members of this House, accused.

Scotch Proposition.

They do agree to the Proposition of the Scotts, concerning Match and Bullet: And have ordered the Earl of Newport to attend his Majesty, for a Warrant accordingly.

Mr. Hollis is to go up to the Lords with this Message.

Petition to the King -Militia, &c.

1. Again to desire the Lords to join with this House, in a Petition to his Majesty, concerning the Putting of the Kingdom into a Posture of Defence, and the Forts and Militia thereof into such Hands as both Houses of Parliament may repose Confidence in, and shall recommend unto his Majesty; and to enforce this, with some Arguments of the Dangers at Home and Abroad; and to take Notice of the Letters that are come out of Yorkshire, and of the Apprehensions of Dangers they have there; that those of the County of Yorke incline to put themselves into a Posture and Order of Defence.

2. To take Notice of the Vote of this House, concerning his Majesty's Answer to the Petition of this House, concerning the Forts and Militia of the Kingdom; wherein there is an Intimation of a very high Charge upon both Houses.

3. To conclude with a Desire of this House to the Lords, to lay these Things to Heart; and to tell them, if they will not join with this House now that Things are brought to the last Gasp, then to desire those Lords that are of Opinion with this House, to declare themselves with this House, that we may know them from the rest; and to protest ourselves innocent of whatever Mischief or Inconveniency may fall out; and to tell them plainly, they must not expect this House to come to them again, in this Business.

Prifoner releafed.

Ordered, That Jo. Greensmyth, Petitioner, and now a Prisoner in the Gatehouse, by Order of this House, be forthwith released.

Bailing a Prifoner.

The humble Petition of Tobie Wood Gentleman was read, who was committed Prisoner to Newgate, by Order of a Committee of the House, be, upon good Security, bailed.

Obnoxious Publication.

Ordered, That the Pamphlet intituled, The Resolution of the Roundheads, be referred to the Committee for Printing; who are appointed to sit To-morrow Morning: And Stephen Buckle, in St. Martin's, London, who is said to be the Printer of this Pamphlet, is ordered to attend that Committee.

Arms, &c. for Munster.

Ordered, That Mr. White, Master of the Ship that came from Berwick, freighted with Arms and Ammunition, shall issue out, by Indenture to be taken by the Officers of the Ordance, such Ammunition out of the said Ship, as, by Warrant from the Master of the Ordnance, shall be directed, for the Service of Munster, notwithstanding any former Order of Restraint, directed from this House, or any Committee of this House, to the Master of the said Ship.

Person sent for.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Browninge, Minister of Much Easton, in the County of Essex, be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, for speaking Words of dangerous Consequence against this House.

Person to attend.

Ordered, That Mr. Mayo, Quarter-waiter to his Majesty, be summoned to attend this House forthwith.

Bringing up a Prisoner.

Ordered, That the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench be moved to grant a Habeas Corpus to the Sheriff of the County of the City of Chester, for the Bringing up in safe Custody * Hambleton, now in Custody at Chester: And that this House have Notice as soon as he is come to London.

Suspected Person's at Chester.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Brereton do write his Letter to the Mayor of Chester, to send up such Examinations as hath been taken, concerning any of those suspected Persons stayed there; and also to send up such Warrants, as they have for their Passage; and to examine them by whose Means those Warrants were obtained; and that Hambleton, there stayed, remain in safe Custody till further Order.

Raising Money.

Ordered, That the House be resolved into a Committee, To-morrow, to take into Consideration the Bill for the Raising of Four hundred thousand Pounds.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Hollis reports from the Lords, their Answer to the Message he carried up:

1. That they did join with this House in the Vote and Declaration concerning the Advisers of his Majesty, of that Answer to the Petition of this House: And, for the putting the Forts and Militia of the Kingdom into such Hands, as both Houses might confide in, and recommend unto his Majesty, the Lords do agree to That also; and have appointed Four Lords to meet with a propertionable Number of this House, to draw a Petition to his Majesty, to that Purpose.

Hollis thanked.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker, in the Name of the House, shall give Thanks to Mr. Hollis, for the Delivery of the Message so faithfully, and so fully, according to the Sense of the House.

Persons stayed at Beumorrice.

Ordered, That Mr. Bodvile do write to the Mayor of Beumorrice, to give an Account to this House, what is become of those Five Persons that he stayed there, and gave Information thereof to the House; and to send up the Warrants they had for their Pass, if he have them; or to certify this House, under whose Hand those Warrants were.

Delivery of Carrickfergus to the Scotts.

Ordered, That the Commission for the Delivery of the Town and Castle of Carrickfergus to the Scotts, assented unto by this House, with some Additions, be carried up to the Lords.

Scotch Forces for Ireland.

Ordered, That if the Scotts, upon their present going into Ireland, shall increase their Numbers, over and above the Two thousand Five hundred Men, that upon their Muster in Ireland they shall have Pay accordingly.

Issuing Arms, &c.

Ordered, That the Lords be moved to join with this House to move his Majesty, that a Warrant may be granted to the Master of the Ordnance, for issuing to Maurice Tompson, and Wm. Benoyer, out of the Ship that came from Barwick, freighted with Arms and Ammunition, whereof Mr. White is Master, Sixty-nine Barrels of Powder, One hundred Musquets, One hundred Carabines, with their Furniture; the which Maurice Tompson and Wm. Benoyer have contracted with this House, to set forth presently Five Ships, for the Service of Ireland, and Defence of the Kingdom: And this House does intend, and resolve, to deduct so much out of their Freight, as the Value of the Powder, Musquets, Carabines, and Furniture, shall amount unto; and to make full Satisfaction for them unto his Majesty, according to the King's usual Rates.

Sir Jo. Clatworthie went up to the Lords with this Message.


The House was informed, that, whereas the Lord Capell formerly lent a Thousand Pounds for the Service of the Commonwealth, the which Monies were now due, and ready in Cash to be paid unto him, that he, considering the Occasions of the Commonwealth at this Time, is willing to continue the Loan of that Thousand Pounds, upon Consideration, as formerly: Mr. Martin, a Member of this House, is likewise willing to continue Two thousand Pounds, formerly lent, and now due unto him: Mr. Cromwell offers to lend Three hundred Pounds for the Service of the Commonwealth: Sir Gilbert Gerard, and Sir Jo. Francklyn, are contented to continue a Thousand Pounds formerly lent, and now due unto them, upon condition that they may receive it at a Month's Warning: The House accepts of their Offers; and returns them Thanks: And does order, that these Monies shall be forthwith employed for the Succours of Dublyn: And that Mr. Wheeler do move the rest of the Members of the House, that have formerly lent Monies, to forbear such Monies a little longer, upon consideration of Interest: And they do farther order, that the first Monies that shall come in, to make up these Monies the Sum of Ten Thousand Pounds, shall be immediately sent over for the Succour of Dublyn.

Grocers-hall Committee.

Ordered, That the Sub-committee named by the Committee at Grocers-hall, shall be made a Committee of this House; and shall have the like Power as formerly they had, to treat, from time to time, with the Committee of the Common Council, for the Safety of the City.

Petition tothe King-Tower, Militia, &c.

Mr. Hollis, Mr. Pym, Sir Ph. Stapilton, Mr. Hampden; Mr. Glyn, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Pierrepoint, Mr. Fines;

This Committee is to meet with a Committee of the Lords, to draw a Petition, to be presented unto his Majesty, for the putting the Tower and Forts of the Kingdom, into such Hands as should be recommended unto his Majesty by his Parliament; and for putting the whole Militia of the Kingdom into a Posture of Defence.

Message to Lords.

Mr. Hampden is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire their Lordships, that they would be pleased to sit Tomorrow Morning: And likewise to take Notice to the Lords, how much this House is joyed at their good Correspondence with this House, in their last Desires.

E. of Salisbury's Loan.

Whereas the Earl of Salisbury formerly lent Five thousand Pounds to his Majesty; and was assigned for his Payment upon Sir Jo. Wyntour; the which Monies were due at Michaelmas last; the said Earl of Salisbury is willing, considering the Occasions of the Kingdom, to lend the said Five thousand Pounds, for the Service of Ireland: The House doth accept the said Loan, and returns Thanks to his Lordship for it: And doth order, that the said Sir Jo. Wyntour do forthwith pay the said Five thousand Pounds into the Chamber of London, to be employed for the Service of Ireland.

Mr. Strode is appointed to return Thanks unto his Lordship for the Loan of these Monies.


Ordered, That the Committee for the Forest of Deane shall have Power to treat with such Men as they shall think fit; and to receive such Propositions as shall be made by them, concerning that Business; and report them to the House.

Adjourned till Nine To-morrow.