Petitions to the House of Lords: 1619

Petitions to the House of Lords, 1597-1696.

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Richard Vaughan of Pitstowe, Herefordshire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/10 (1619)

To the honorable commities for the house of Parliament

The humble peticion of Richard Vaughan of Pitstowe in the cownty of Hereford.

Humbly sheweth whereas your peticoner the 33th yeere of the raigne of Elizabeth of famous memory recovered against Richard Vaughan of Wroxton thelder in the cownty of Hereford gentleman William Lorimer and Anne his wiefe one messuage twoe hundred acres of land one hundred acres of pasture therty acres of meadowe and twenty acres of wood, with the appurtenances lyinge in Pitstowe and Litle Wilton pleadable in the court of Charles Brugges esquire of his mannor of Wilton uppon Wye in the county aforesaid by a writt of right close prosecuted against them in nature of a writt of assise of novell disseisin at the comon lawe which was removed into the courte of comon pleas at Westminster by a writt of false judgment in Easter terme 33 Elizabeth and there reversed in Pasche 36 and they restored to the lands and temenents aforesaid together with the yssues and profitts thereof from the tyme of judgment given in the courte of Wilton uppon Wye aforesaid untill the reversall thereof in the courte of comon pleas Which judgment in the courte of comon pleas was removed about the 38 or 39 of Elizabeth before her Majestie in her benche and there reversed for error in the 2 of our nowe most gracious kinge and by judgment there this peticoner was to be restored to the said lands and tenementes aforesaid together with the yssues and proffites thereof from the tyme of the judgment given at the comon pleas untill the reversall thereof before his Majestie in his benche with the money which this peticoner before he paid for the yssues and profittes. Whereupon this peticoner the first of Aprill 17 of his Majestie was restored to the full possession of the landes and tenementes aforesaid. As by an Exemplificacion under the greate seale of the courte aforesaid ready to be shewed will appeere.

But soe yt is and please your honours That one Edward Powell of Pengelly in the cownty of Hereford esquire bought part of these lands (pendente lite) of a meere straunger to the tytle and in Michaelmas tearme in the 17th yeere of his Majesties raigne exhibited his bill into the Chauncery against this peticoner and twoe more for the possession of the said lands which he soe bought (pendente lite) unto which bill the peticoner appeered and made affidavit he could not answer without his exemplificacion which were in the cuntry Yet an injunction was gotten against this this peticoner and two more defendantes not served with proces nor one bond entred into to maynteyne the suggestion true And after answer the injunction contynewed in favoure of the plaintiff by which this peticoner is restrayned from the comon lawe his meanes to live and defend the sute the matter conteyned in the bill not to be made good, and by the charge of 28 yeeres delay and contynuall vexacion in which he hath spent 17 or 18 hundred pownds beinge his whole estate is worne out and undonne greatly indebted me in daunger therby that sometyme hath donne his cuntrey good service in Fraunce in Henry the 3d tyme then the Frenche kinge and in Portugall and other places hath noe meanes to pay his debtes or susteyne his liefe beinge bereft of all reliefe or meanes of helpe by reason of the undue proceedings of his adversaryes and contynuall delayes he this peticoner not yet served with proces to rejoyne is by injunction uppon suggestion put out of possession after a recovery judgment and execucion at the comon lawe.

Humbly prayeth you wilbe pleased to give reliefe to this peticoner heerein that after soe longe sutes ended at the comon lawe this peticoner may be at peace and peaceably established and setled in his inheritaunce according to his recovery that ever will pray for your healths with all happines; beseechinge you to pardon this peticoner that yf he hath fayled in the forme and style as doth appurteyne to the honorablle assemby in parliament.