Petitions in the State Papers: 1690s

Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.

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In this section

Michaell Huitt. SP 8/8 f. 30 (1690)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Michaell Huitt.


That the rangers place of your majesties forrest of Teesdale alias Langdale, in the county of Durham, being (as your petitioner is informed) now vacant, by the decease of the former ranger there; whereby your majesties deere and game therein, are much destroyed. And the present ranger, having only had a grant thereof from his late majestie King James, but no patent for the same.

Your petitioner therefore most humbly prayes that your sacred majestie will be graciously pleased to conferr the said place upon your petitioner

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

The peticion of Michaell Huitt

John and Thomas Temple, owners of the ship Bristoll of London. SP 32/14 f. 35 (1690)

To the honourable the knights cittizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of John and Thomas Temple owners of the shipp Bristoll of London

Most humbly shew

That your peticioners did in the first session of the last Parliament exhibite their peticion before that honourable house, setting forth the greate oppression they had susteyned in relacion to the said shipp which was plundered and sunck by one Captain John Tyrrell in the Phenix man of war and the master and marriners of the said shipp Bristoll most barbariously treated and imprisoned by order of the East India Company which said peticion was then read and ordered by the honourable house to be referred to a committee appointed to consider of the whole affaires of the East India Company, which said peticion and the matter therein was heard and examined by the said committee who came to this resolucion (videlicet) that it was the opinion of the said committee

That the seizure of the said ship and cargoe was a violation of the property of the subject

That the imprisoning the seamen of the said ship and puting them in irons was a violacion of the liberty of the subject

And that the seizing of the said ship Bristoll and cargoe and imprisoning the men was by order and direccions of the East India Company and that they and the said Captain Tyrrell ought to make full sattisfaction to your peticioners for the same, but before the committee made their report the house was dissolved.

And that also in the first sessions of this present Parliament your petitioners did exhibite their peticion to this honourable house praying releife for the damages they had susteyned by the seizure of the said ship and cargoe which said peticion was referred to a committee appointed to prepare a bill for the confirmacion of the charters to the East India Company untill another company be established by an act of Parliament, but before they came to a resolucion in this matter this honourable house was prorogued and since which your petitioners have made divers applicacions to the governour of the East India Company, but have beene delayed and have not obtained any sattisfaction. Your petitioners by reason of this and many other losses susteyned are become insolvent

Wherefore your petitioners doe most humbly pray that this honourable house will take the same into their consideracion and give such releife therein unto the creditours of your peticioners and to the marriners and others which have beene injured as to your honours shall seeme meete before a further divident be made out of the stock of the East India Company

And your peticioners shall (as in duety bound) ever pray etc.

A coppy

Your petitioners and the others concerned are dampnified more then 30000 pounds sterling by the seizing of the said shipp and cargoe as they are ready to prove wherefore they hope it may not be thought a presumption but a neadfull prayer in their peticion that noe divident be made by the company before they are satisfyed their dammage since of late yeares the company have made soe great dividents and soe frequently as goodes came home least there be nothing leaft at last to pay them their dammage


Shipp Bristoll

The judges of Kings Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. SP 63/352 f. 110 (1690)

To the right honourable the lords justices of Ireland

The humble petition of the judges of their majesties courts of Kings Bench Common Pleas and Exchequer in that kingdom.

Humbly sheweth.

That your petitioners sallaryes upon the establishment are as followeth videlicet to the chiefe justice of the Kings Bench 600 pounds per annum to the chiefe justice of the Common Pleas and chiefe baron of the Exchequer 500 pounds per annum each, and to the puisne judges of all the aforesaid courts 400 pounds a peece besides one hundred pound for every circuit he goes, which is not proportionable to their necessary expence.

May it therefore please your lordshipps to represent the premisses to their majesties and how much the interest and honour of the government is concerned therein, that such an additionall sallary to each of your petitioners and their respective successors as their majesties in their princely wisdome shall think fitt, may be settled upon the establishment as from Christmas next and that your petitioners sallaryes may be paid termely (except the circuit money) and without poundage or other deduction as it is in England.

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc

Robert Gorges, doctor of laws. SP 63/352 f. 112 (1690)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of Robert Gorges doctor off lawes

In all humility sheweth

That by the death of Sir John Davys the secretary of states place in this kingdome is in your majesties dispose, and your petitioner haveing formerly held that office, and doeing much the worke of the said office at pressent.

Your petitioner humbly prayes that your majesty would bee graciously pleased to conferr the said employment on your petitioner in as large ample and beneficiall a manner as the same was enjoyed by the said Sir John Davys and he (as in duty bound) shell ever pray

Thomas Gallentine, merchant burgher, inhabitant of Gdansk and subject of the king of Poland. PC 1/1 f. 21 (1692)

To the Queenes most excellent majesty and the right honourable the lords of the privy councill

The humble peticion of Thomas Gallentine merchant burgher and inhabitant of Dantsick and subject of the King of Poland


That the shipp called the Pellican of Dantsick whereof Christian Otto was master and goods in the same of which your petitioner was owner was lately taken by an English privateer and brought into Dover and condemned by the Court of Admiralty for prize for that your petitioners property did not fully apear to the judge in the said shipp and goods

That your petitioner did apeale to the right honourable the lords commissioners of apeales in order to have made a more clear proofe of his property and their lordshipps were pleased not to admitt him to make his property better to appear being of opinion that if he did yet the treaty of convencion between their majesties of England and the states of Holland would make the shipp lyable to confiscation for either comeing from or going to any port in France and upon the said treaty or convencion their lordshipps did condemne the said shipp and goods

Your petitioner therefore most humbly prayes that your majesty would be gratiously pleased to graunt him a commicion of reveiw under the great seale of England being a subject of the King of Poland one of your majesties allyes humbly hopeing to make it appear that the said shipp is not liable to confiscation by the said treaty or convencion and being prepared to make his property in the said shipp and goods to appear in order to obtain restitucion thereof

And your petitioner shall daily pray etc

William Fuller, gentleman. SP 32/4 f. 26 (1692)

To the honourable knights cittizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled

The humble petition of William Fuller gentleman


That your petitioner hath long groaned under intolerable misfortunes occasioned through the immaturity of his judgment, which was so easily imposed on by the perfidies of Collonel Thomas Dalleval, and Master George Hays, for whose appearance the petitioner engaged to the honourable House of Commons (intentionally for the nation's service) tho the event proved contrary, and for their failure, the petitioner incurred the displeasure of the house

Your petitioner presumes, that most of the present members of the House of Commons were present when his informations were read in the house in the year 1691 when also the Lord Preston and Master Matthew Crone's confessions were laid the same day before the house, and it is evident that the said Lord Preston and Master Crone do confirm on oath all the petitioners said informations.

Your petitioner, with humble submission, flings himself on the justice and wisdom of the high court of Parliament now assembled, begging your mature consideration of his unhappy case, by which your petitioner was insnared by the artifices of the late King and his adherents employed for that purpose with a design to prevent the petitioners discoveries of the true mother of the pretended Prince of Wales, and to invalidate his informations concerning their horrid and bloody designs against his present majesty

And forasmuch as Master Thomas Jones is now in England, was was privy to that intrigue of Dalleval and Hays, and was ordered to attend the House of Commons with them, February 23d 1691/2 but that same day made his escape to France with them by the help of a pass: the petitioner is ready to produce the said Jones and the pass, as also undeniable witnesses to prove that Master Jones paid five hundred guineas at the secretaries office for the said pass, and severall other summes of money in all to six thousand pounds by order of the late King James and his queen in order to the baffling this petitioner.

Your petitioner humbly wishes, that for the nation's satisfaction, as well as future peace and security, he may have leave to lay before both, or either house of the present Parliament, the affidavits of forty five persons of honour and worth, all ready made before severall justices of the peace, and given voluntarily by the deponents to the petitioner which do all prove the management of the supposititious birth of the pretended Prince of Wales

Your petitioner is also very ready to lay before the Parliament, the names and particular places of abode of each deponent your petitioner beggs leave to repeat what he has evidently proved; and the truth is known to many, that this petitioner was the first who discovered to King William, Collonel Parker's and the Chevalier Grandvil's design of assassinating his sacred majesty in Flanders; where the latter suffered for the same, and confessed his horrid intentions

This petitioner has long been reduced to great extremity, and some great men have gained honour and large advantages to themselves by the petitioner's discoveries, and suffered him to be starving even for want of what monyes he had disburst in the nation's service in order to secure the peace and safety of the same, as his grace the Duke of Shrewsbury has sufficiently certified by his own hand.

That your petitioner has for severall years been the object of the most inveterate hatred of the late King and his adherents both here and in France and hath been falsly and maliciously abused by severall scandalous libells writt by William Pettis for Abell Roper and Chantry booksellers published by John Nutt and advertised by Benjamin Beardwell in his post boy, sending to deceive the good people of the land (as by the title and subject of the said libell appears) by pretending to justify the legitimacy of the pretended Prince of Wales (which William Pettis has publickly owned himselfe to be the author of) and that he is resolved and proud to vindicate that impostor whom he termes King James the third.

Your petioner can prove himself innocent of the crimes layd to his charge

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that there may be such a consideration of his case, as is consistent with the justice and wisdom of the nation in Parliament assembled that truth may appear on every side, and that your petitioner may be made as dreadfull an example as the greatest impostor that ever lived provided he makes not a full proof and performance of each particular humbly offered in this case. And that your said petitioner may have leave to publish the depositions of Thomas Jones and Thomas Witherington esquires at length with the names of those mentioned therein who have taken bribes from France, to ruin this nation

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc

William Fuller

The officers, innkeepers, and clothiers that served in, quartered, and clothed the army in 1677. SP 32/4 f. 27 (1692)

To the honourable the knights citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of the officers, inkeepers, and clothiers that served in, quartered, and clothed the army raised by act of Parliament in 1677, and disbanded by an other act in 1679.

Humbly sheweth

That the said forces being raised to enter into an actuall warr against the French king (as by the acts appears) severall of your petitioners upon the credit of the said acts, did furnish the forces with divers necessary com= =modities, amounting to a very considerable sum, that in the year 1685 upon peticion to the honourable Hous of Commons a committee was appointed to inspect the accounts, and report the same, that an other peticion was also presented to the Parliament the 6th of May 1689, who were pleased to order a committee to examine the matter of fact of the said peticion, and to state, and report the same to the hous, upon reading whereof, the 16th day of July last it was resolved (nemine contra= dicente) to take the petitioners case into consideracion at their next meeting which was prevented by the suddain desolution.

That the satisfying of this so just a debt, would much in= =crease the credit of the Exchequer, and incourage men to bring in their mony freely, and give further incouragement to trust on the like occation, and would be a great releife to those who are in misery

Your petitioners do most humbly pray that this honourable hous will take their sad condicion, into their just and compassionate consideracion, that those in prison may be relieved, and others who are under miserable circumstances, may be preserved from utter ruin.

And as in duty bound they shall ever pray etc.

Robert Maynwaring and others, poor or alms knights of Windsor. SP 32/4 f. 196 (1692)

To the honourable the knights citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled

The humble petition of Robert Maynwaring Robert Levingston Daniel Donn Edward Errington and Gilbert Wye 5 of the poor or almes knights of Windsor


That your petitioners predicessors at the instance of Sir Peter Le Maire and Sir Francis Craine being by a chapter held the 14th of January 1660 annexed to the foundation of the poor knights of Windsor. The said Sir Peter Le Maire and Francis Craine by deed inrolled of the 28th of march [166.?] and since confirmed by their assignes granted 230 pounds per annum without deductions out of the mannour of Carbrooke in the county of Norfolke to be paid by half yearly payments to the hands of the chancellor of the noble order of the [garter and?] by him distributed to your petitioners predicessors and [their?] successors five of the said poor knights for ever

That your petitioners predicesours and your petitioners respectively have received the said 230 pounds untill the beginning of the year 1692 since [which?] time Sir Robert Clayton who is in possession of the said [manor?] doth detain from your petitioners the summ of 58 pounds - 15 shillings [thereof?] [illegible] being a member of this honourable house doth insist upon [h...?] [illegible] priviledge against any remedy to be taken by your petitioners [illegible] same (though some of your petitioners are now in [prison?] [illegible] want thereof to pay their necessary subsistance [illegible]

Wherefore your petitioners most humbly pray this honourable house will be pleased to take the premises into consideracion and make such order therein as shall seem best to you

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc

Signed Edward Errington

John Weale, master of the science of single rapier. SP 32/5 f. 1 (1693)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of John Weale master of the science of single rapier.


That your peticioner above 30 yeares since lost both his eyes in the service of this nation and since hath taught the science of single rapier and gave lesson before King Charles the 2d with approbacion, whereon his highnesse Prince Rupert (to whom it was then referred) reported that your peticioner might by warrant be admitted master of the said science to his majestie.

And since your sacred majesties happy accession to the crowne, twenty five lords have recommended your peticioner to your majestie for that imployment and on your majesties referrence to the Duke of Leinster his grace reports that for your petitioners former services and sufferings your majestie would please to admitt him to some such place as may be officiated by a deputy, or grant him somewhat in your majesties dispose your peticioner shall find out: and that your peticioner may be appointed master of the said science to your majestie, as by the reports and recommendacion from the prince the duke and the lords, appears.

May it please your majestie according to the said reports and recomendacion to appoint your peticioner master of the science of single rapier to your majestie with allowance of such [sallery?] and priviledges, or such office or grant from your majestie as your majestie in your great wisdome and clemency shall thinke fitt

And your peticioner shall alwayes pray etc.

John Mitchell, captain of the Rooke, on behalf of himself and other owners of the ship. SP 32/5 f. 20 (1693)

To the Queens most excellent majesty

The humble petition of John Mitchell captain of the Rooke frigatt, privateer on behalfe of himselfe and severall others owners of the said ship.


That your petitioner having by the encouragement given by your majesty been at a great expence in setting forth to sea the aforesaid ship as a privateer for takeing and seizing the ships and effects belonging to the subjects of the French King, and your petitioner in prosecution of such designe having about the 20th March last seized 2 ships one called the African, the other the Cour Prince both as is pretended belonging to the Brandenburg Company at Embden in East Freizland.

That the said 2 ships were seized nere Plymouth but out of the command of your majesties forte there.

That by the papers and invoice of goods in the said ship found and by depositions of witnesses it abundantly appears that the present cargo of the said ships are of the growth and product of Martinico and other French islands in America and that by those ships the said French islands have been supplyed with provisions and amunition which they much wanted and that thereby a trade is carryed on to the great advantage of your majesties enemies.

That your petitioner having seized the said ships neare Plymouth sound before the publishing the last act of Parliament for the encouragement of privateers whereby ships made prizes within any your majesties ports are given to your majesty, and it being somewhat disputable how farr the extent of Plymouth port may bee.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your majesty in consideracion of your petitioners great charge and expences in fitting out the said privateer will out of your princely goodness and bounty grant unto your petitioner such right or tytle in the said 2 ships as may accrue to your majesty by the aforesaid clause in the said late act of Parliament, in case the said 2 ships should hereafter bee adjudged to have been seized within your majesties port of Plymouth

And your petitioner shall pray

James Corry, esquire. SP 63/355 f. 321 (1693)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of James Corry esquire

Humbly sheweth

That the Queens most excellent majestie was gratiously pleased to grant her warrant to your petitioner beareing date the 19th day of September last for passing a grant for a debt of two thousand pounds sterling due by Richard late Earle of Tyrone to Sir Edward Scott a forfeiting person attainted and outlawed and now in the French Kings service by a mortgadge on the lands and mannor of Hollywood in the county of Wicklow together with all interest then due or that should thereafter grow due in compensacion of services and money expended in your majesties service by your petitioner as may appeare by the said warrant and the severall reports whereupon it is grounded coppies whereof are readie to be produced

That upon your petitioners passing his grant the present James Earle of Tyrone preferred a peticion to the lords commissioners of the great seale of Ireland setting forth that he had some antient deed of settlement which would defeate the said grant and that his father was onely tennant for life and had noe power to give the said lands as security, and desired the said grant might not passe notwithstanding which allegacion the said lords commissioners passed the said grant under the greate seale

That the said James Earle of Tyrone as alsoe his father Richard Earle of Tyrone were in actuall rebellion against your majesties and that now the said James Earle of Tyrone being sencible of the danger that he is in has applyed himselfe to your majestie for your pardon of all the treasons and other crimes by him committed as your petitioner is informed, upon the obtaineing whereof he intends to sett up the said pretended settlement to defeate your majesties title to the said debt and to deprive your petitioner of the compensacion and reward granted to him by your majestie which will be to your petitioners apparent prejudice and contrary to your majesties royall intencions

May it therefore please your majestie that in case you shall thinke fitt to grant the said pardon that you will be gratiously pleased to cause to be incerted therein a clause for saveing the said debt and interest and either to oblidge the said Earle to give better security or that he shall not be restored to the said lands untill your petitioner first receave the said 2000 pounds and what interest is due thereon

And your petitioner will ever pray etc.

Robert Mackarrell, merchant. SP 63/356 f. 140 (1694)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Robert Mackarrell merchant


That your peticoner haveing about four months since by his peticion att large layd before your majestie his deplorable case which your majestie was gratiously pleased to referr to the right honourable the lords commissioners of Ireland for their examinacon and report the same is accordingly returned from Ireland and lodged with the right honourable Sir John Trenchard your majesties principall secretary of state but through some pressing occasions of your petitioner whereby hee was held here in towne and could not pay his attendance on their lordshipps att the time of settling their said report severall too harsh reflections hath thereby been innumerated upon his unfortunate yett innocent [slight?] from the [yoake?] of France and other as considerable instances of his sufferings ommitted to the utter concealment of the truth of his case and [perverting perhapps?] of your majesties tender and mercifull inclinations towards your petitioner who with his scatterd family are objects soe justly filled for your princely pitty and royall compassion.

The premisses considered your petitioner humbly prayes your majestie att the time of reading their said report the following head unnotyfied thereby may be togeather taken into your gratious consideration which are all ready to be attested upon oath according to the perticulars following videlicet.

His having been an inhabitant of France for 18 yeares, his marrying, setling with his family and acquiring his estate there by which meanes impossible of removeing of his estate att one

His suffering imprisonment there as a friend to your majestie when Prince of Orange before the warr, his escaping with 4 of his shipps from France att the breaking out of the warre, entring them in your majesties transport service in Ireland for which is still oweing to him upwards of 2000 pounds there being taken by the French after their discharge condemnd as prize and he himselfe in one of them, made a prisoner againe, by two arrayes of councill (ready to be produced) in August 89 and February 90, declared an enemy to that crowne, proceeded against as such in their court of admiralty sentenced there in February 92 to pay back money received for goods actually sold and delivered to them before the warr proclaymed and seized after in May 92 againe sentenced to pay charges insurers subjects of France upon plaint brought against them upon a [lasse?], by vertue of the aforesaid arrayes pronouncing him an enemy

His leaving severall lands, his house and furniture untoucht behinde him in France the better to cover his escape and avoyd suspicion his risques and hazzards in transporting, his children his wife his servants etc

All humbly submitted to your majesties most gracious results att whose royall feet hee with all loyall devotion and dutyfull obedience prostrates himselfe imploreing your sacred majesties protection in the innocency of these his difficult adventures undergon for noe sake of trade as their lordshipps report through mistake seems to insinuate soe much as to free himselfe and persecuted family from the bondage and injustice of France and to give England the advantage of those fruites of his industry and labour he could escape with mercyes allowed the refugees of France who have plentifully tasted thereof from your majestie on the like but less dangerous occasions and what your petitioner humbly hopes will not bee denied him: a refugee though not a native of that kingdome.

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc:

The protestant creditors of Colonel John Browne. SP 63/357 f. 150 (1695)

To his excellencie the Lord Deputy of Ireland and councill

The humble petition of the protestant creditors of Collonel John Browne.

Most humbly sheweth

That your petitioners haveing a great debt of att least 30000 pounds due to them from the said John Browne and his estate wasted and soe incumbered with other debts and mortgages that your petitioners would certainly loose their debts if provision were not made for them by the articles of Lymerick in satisfaction of their effects taken for the use of the Irish and their army.

That after many debates and heareings before the right honourable Sir Charles Porter knight Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and the Lord Cunningsby then lords justices of this kingdome and councell and also before the right honourable the Earle of Rumney then Lord Sydney Lord Lieutenant of this kingdome and councell it was agreed and declared, that the persons comprehended within the articles of Lymerick and Galway or any other articles or capitulations made in this kingdome were to be charged and made lyable to the payment of the moneys payable to your petitioners by the said articles in reguard they have all had the petitioners effects which enabled them to make articles and accordingly then submitted to the payment thereof and have agreed thereto before this honourable board and to [illegible] the said charge that your petitioner should have one yeares vallue of the quitt rents of their respective estates two yeares in satisfaction thereof that in order to secure the same your excellencie and lordshipps have after due and full examination of all the said matters transmitted a bill into England to be layd before his majesty in council for the satisfaction of your petitioners that it was generally knowne to all the kingdome that the said bill and the matters therein contained were transacted publickly and that all persons that had any objections to make might be heard before your excellencie and lordshipps that some persons pretending themselves to be ajents for the Irish comprehended in the articles of Galway and others pretending themselves to be agents for all the articled men of Ireland petitioned his most sacred majesty in England against the said bill and amongst other their untrue sugestions had sett forth that Generall Ginkell now Earle of Athlone had given a writeing under his hand and seale beareing date the 10th of February 1691 certifyeing that the agents that acted for the Irish in the articles of Lymerick were only lyable to the payment of the said money to your petitioners and have annexed the certificate or a coppy thereof to their peticons a coppy of which said pretended certifycate is hereunto annexed, that your petitioners doe verily beleive that the said certifycate if any such be was had by surprize from his lordship for it is well known to the right honourable the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and the Lord Cunningsby then lords justices and partys to the said articles of Lymerick that the said clause in behalfe of your petitioners was solemnly debated inserted and read before the articles of Lymerick were signed

That your petitioners are many in number and have been kept long out of their money and the said agents for the Irish would now have a heare= =ing before his majestie in England contriveing the same on pur= pose to stop your petitioners bill whereas all the matters in the said bill contained were transacted in this kingdome that by the clause inserted in the articles of Lymerick in favour of your petitioners there is an act of Parliament agreed to be passed for secureing your petitioners distinct from the rest of the clauses in the said [illegible] articles

To the end that your petitioners may be noe further delayed consi =dering the miserable condition many of them are in and that the pretended Irish agents may if they please be heard before both or either of the honourable houses of Parliament in this kingdome against the said bill if any pretensions they have

Your petitioners most humbly pray that your excellency and lordshipps will be pleased to recomend the whole matter and your service thereof to his most sacred majesty to prevent the ruine of your petitioners which delay will certainely bring

And your petitioners will pray etc


A true coppy Walmer [Deputy clerk conc priv?]

Whereas in the articles of Lymerick there is a provisi= =on made for a sume of money to be secured to Collonel John Browne and his creditors as by the said articles beareing date the third day of October last may appeare I doe declare that the said sume was to be secured on the estate of those mannagers of the Irish that were partys to the said articles of Lymerick only and not on any other person whatsoever wittnesse my hand and seale this 10th day of February 1691 Baron de Ginkell

Sir Thomas Hacket and Colonel Dudly Colclough on behalf of themselves and other creditors of Colonel John Browne. SP 63/357 f. 152 (1695)

To the right honourable the lords justices of Ireland and council

The humble petition of Sir Thomas Hacket knight and Collonel Dudly Colclough in behalf of themselves and others the subscribeing claymants


That for ascertaining each mans proportion of the moneys certifyed by Major Generall Parsfeild comonly called Lord Lucan to the vallue of the effects taken from Colonel John Browne in order to satisfy his protestant creditours pursuant to the articles of Lymrick all the claimants now before your lordshipps (a very few excepted) have consented to secure and pay to Sir John Topham in trust for the said creditors the vallue of one yeares quitrent out of their respective estates to be paid by half yearely payments in two yeares.

In as much therefore as by the condition of the recognizance ordered by your lordships the said money is payable to the said Sir John Topham and that it will be the advantage of the creditors and a great satisfaction to your petitioners to have each mans proportion ascertained with out further trouble to either party.

Your petitioners most humbly pray that your lordships will be pleased to order it accordingly and that such of the claimants as shall secure their proportion of the said moneys unto the said Sir John Topham may have that part that relates to the said creditors left out of their respective recognizances

And they will pray etc

  • Thomas Hacket Gregory Byrne Dudley Colclough
  • Francis Coghlan [Garr?] Moore Walter Buttler Edmond Nugent
  • [Robert?] Cusack H: [Netterril?] Maurice Bremingham Patrick [Bellas?]
  • John Coghlan Christopher Pippard Thomas Warren

Captain Connor O Bryan. SP 63/357 f. 190 (1695)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble petition of Captain Connour O Bryan.


That Daniell O'Bryan senior first Lord Viscount Clare dyed anno 1691 in actual rebellion against your majestie; that likewise his son and heir Daniel O Bryan junior served as collonel of a regiment of foot under the French King against your majesties allyes untill the day of his death, and also Charles O Bryan now commonly called Lord Clare second son of the said Daniel O Bryan senior is in armes against your majestie in the French service.

That aswell the said Daniel Lord Clare the father as his said two sons have been actually attaynted and outlawed in Ireland for high treason and rebellion against your majestie and their lands and estates in that kingdome seised and sequestered.

That by settlements duely made upon valuable and good considerations long before the last rebellion of Ireland your petitioner was and is lawfully intitled in remainder for want of heires males of the body of the said Daniel O Bryan senior first Viscount Clare, to all and singuler the lands and reall estate of the said lord, he and your peticioner being of the same house and family and originally descended from two brothers, and the said Charles commonly now called Lord Clare being the only issue male living of the said Daniel first Lord Clare, and he being not marryed, your petitioner after his death, without issue male will be rightly intitled to the said lands and estate, notwithstanding the attainders and forfeitures of the said father and two sons.

That your petitioner being bred a protestant was anno 1689 attainted of high treason by the pretended parliament then sitting in Ireland, for no other cause but being in your majesties service, which attainder was procured by the said Daniell then Lord Clare, with designe not onely to exclude your petitioner from his right in remainder to the said estate, but also from his own estate then and for many yeares before unjustly and most injuriously detayned from him and his father by the said Lord Clare.

That by Gods blessing upon your majesties victorious armes in reducing Ireland, your petitioner became freed from the said attainder, and having for severall yeares served your majestie in the army and constantly shewed his good affections ever since your happy accession to the crowne, your petitioner as he most humbly conceives is a proper object of your majesties justice and favour.

That the said estate of the Lord Clare in value is not considerable, and the same being highly incumbered to protestant creditors is of very little benefitt to your majestie, and your petitioner after the death of the said Charles O Bryan without issue male being justly and by law intitled to the said estate, to have as aforesaid your majesties title therein cannot be of so much consequence to any as to your petitioner.

He therefore most humbly prayeth your sacred majestie out of your wonted grace and bounty to grant your royal order for your petitioners passing all the said estate with all the forfeitures thereon, in pattent to him and his heires, and in the mean tyme that he may have a custodium of the same.

And your petitioner (as in duty bound) will ever pray etc

Captain Conor O Brien. SP 63/357 f. 192 (1695)

To the honourable the knights citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled

The humble petition of Captain Conor O Brien.


That Daniel late Lord Viscount Clare was in his life time and at the time of his death seized of severall manners and lands in the county of Clare and kingdome of Ireland in trust for your peticioners father and his heires

That the said Lord Clare in the late King James his time did procure your petitioner by expresse name to be attainted of treason in the late Parliament of Ireland to the intent to hold the said lands free from your peticioners trust your peticioner being at that time and ever since in their majesties service in this kingdome and in Ireland

That the freehold and estate of the said Lord Clare (together with that whereof he stood seized in trust for your peticioner) by his being in actuall armes under the late King in Ireland and otherwise by his ayding and assisting him will be rested in their majesties

That if your honours doe intend to vest generally in their majesties all the estates of such persons as were in the late Irish rebellion thereby your peticioners right to his estate will be endangerd unlesse his right therein be particularly saved which in the bill formerly intended to passe your honours were pleased to insert a clause for the saveing your peticioners right

Your petitioner therefore prayes your honours to add the clause hereunto annexed to the bill for that purpose

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

Connor O [Brien?]

Shadrack Cooke and William Snatt clerks, prisoners in Newgate. PC 1/1 f. 32 (1696)

To theire excellencies the lords justices and the right honourable the lords of his majesties most honourable privy councell.

The humble peticion of Shadrack Cooke and William Snatt clerks prisoners in Newgate


That whereas your peticioners did lately peticion your excellencies for their liberty upon bayle but it soe happened that whilst your peticioners were in all humility beseeching your compassions, the presumpcion of some person utterly unknowne to your peticioners had then published a little paper called the case of the two absolvers, which as your peticioners are informed was the only thing that prevented your goodness from then descending on your peticioners

Wherefore your peticioners doe here againe in all humble manner apply themselves to your excellencies that seeing your peticioners are cleare of the publishing the said paper, nor have done any other matter or thing whereby any new occasion might be given to your excellencies to turne aside the course of your clemency from them, your excellencies would be graceously pleased now after the pain of above three months imprisonment and much decay of health to admitt them to bayle

And your peticioners shall ever pray etc

  • Shadrack Cooke
  • William Snatt

The Lord Mountgomery. SP 32/6 f. 165 (1696)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble peticion of the Lord Mountgomery


That your peticioners father dyeing in June last severall of his servants after his decease re= tired into Flanders where they have continued ever since, and your petitioner being advised that it is necessary for him to make proof of his said fathers decease.

Your petitioner humbly prays your majestie would be gratiously pleased to grant your pass that John Hatfeild and Claudi= =us Pinet may have leave to come into England, out of Flandres.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

Sarah Heywood. SP 32/6 f. 206 (1696)

The peticion of Sarah Heywood


Rd June 17th 96

To their excellencies the lords justices of England.

The humble peticion of Sarah Heywood.


That Thomas Juxon your petitioners late uncle being seized of six messuages and 20 acres of land in Greenham and Newbury in Berkshire and of three other messuages in Coleman Street London, the 10th of February 1670 made his will and devised one moyety thereof to your petitioner and her sister Elizabeth, now the wife of John Arnold and their heires, equally to be divided, and the other moyety thereof gave to your petitioners aunt Elizabeth Bagnold and her heires.

That afterwards in December 1694 your petitioners uncle dyed, and your petitioner and her said sister by vertue of the said will became intitled to one moyety of the said premises, and finding the same no ways capable of a division agreed with their said aunt to convey their right to her and her heires.

That in November last conveyances and fines were accordingly made and acknowledged at Westminster by all parties concerned save your petitioners said husband Thomas Heywood meniall servant to the late King, who was then, and ever since 1689 hath been in France, and for perfecting the said conveyances your petitioner caused the same to be carried over to her said husband who executed the same and sent them back to your petitioner by one Charles Noell, who was lately taken into custody, and the said conveyances being at that time about him, the same are now come to the hands of Master Nicholas Baker sollicitour to the Treasury, so as your petitioner is thereby hindred from receiveing what is due to her on the said purchase, being all your petitioner hath in the world to support herselfe and child.

Your petitioner therefore most humbly prays your excellencies order for the delivery of the said conveyances for the uses they were made and executed.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

The JPs and gentlemen of Leicestershire and the mayor and aldermen of the borough of Leicester. SP 32/13 f. 216 (1696)

To the Kings most excellent majestye

The humble petion of severall justices of the peace and gentlemen in the county of Leicester on the behalfe of themselves and the other inhabitants of the said county as alsoe of the maior and aldermen of the burrough of Leicester on the behalfe of themselves and the rest of the inhabitants of the said burrough

Humbly sheweth

That in the said county and burrough there are many thousands of poore people that have nothing to live upon but their dayly labour and are cheifely imployed in the woollen manufacture that by reason of the suppressing of the old money and the great scarcity of the new, the said poore doe labour under manifold difficultyes their masters the managers of the woollen manufacture, and other neighbours not being able to continue them in their usuall imployments, soe as the said poore are likely to fall under utter ruine or else must become an unsupportable charge to your peticioners in their respective parishes

That by reason of the great distance of the said county from any of your majestyes mints your peticioners and others in whose hands the old money remaineth cannot without great difficulty and expence have the said old money recoyned, for the carrying on the said manufacture and releiveing the numerous poor and supply of their other necessary occasions

Your peticioners therefore doe humbly beseech your most excellent majestye, that for ease of your peticioners and the said county and for the more speedy recoynage of their old money that your majestye will be graciously pleased to appoynt a mint to be established at the said burrough of Leicester or some other convenient place in the said county as your majestye in your princely wisdome shall think fitt

And your peticioners shall ever pray for your majestyes long life and for your long happy and glorious raign over us

  • Edward Smith
  • E Smith
  • John Wollaston
  • Nathaniel Wrighte
  • John Roberts mayor
  • William Southwell
  • John Goodall
  • Edmund Johnson
  • John Brokesby

Justices of the peace of the county of Leicester

Michael Schade, master mariner, born in the king's dominion of Graafschap Lingen. SP 32/8 f. 262 (1697)

To the Kings moste excellent majestie

The humble petition of Michael Schade master marriner a borne subject in your majesties dominion, [Stet Graafschap?] Lingen

Sheweth your majesties humble petitioner (as more largely doth appeare by the demonstration and deposicion written on the bakside of this peticion) that he is absolutely ruined, and undone, by the rude and violent dealings, of the rabble and multitude of people, att Dymchurch about 14 or 15 miles from Dover, where his petitioners ship called Perseverance att Ostend freighted for your majesties service, to carry some soldiers from thence to Corke in Yreland, videlicet Collonell Zachary Tiffin a brigadeer, and his officers with theire provisions and baggage was cast on shoare, or sands, which otherwise might have been saved, by [floathing?] and [commeing?] of with the tyde, in case the said rabble hath not soe violently plunderd, the said ship, in a rageing furie, without any reason or necessity, notwithstandeing it was demonstrated, that the shipp was a free shipp for and in your majesties service, and that the owners thereof were Master [Gillet?] threasurer of Newport, Master John [Stugtin?] of Ryssell in France, and your majesties peticioner himselfe, as a native of Lingen your majesties dominions, as Grave van Lingen

Therefore your majesties humble petitioner, doth hereby moste devoutely take his recours to your majesties sacred person, craveing your majesties favoure, mercy and helpe, that your petitioner by your majesties unparralled wisdome, justice, and order may recover the losse and dammage of his shipp, suffered by the injurie done to him by the rabble aforesaid. By such methodes and means, as your majesties royall wisdome shall think fitt to appoint

And your majesties humble petitioner and naturall borne subject, shall ever pray etc.



William Hoare clerk, chaplain to your majesty. SP 32/8 f. 265 (1697)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of Peter Crop master of the Diamond of Topsham of 50 tunns, and Samuell Hagon master of the Vine of Yarmouth of 150 tunns for themselves and Samuell Duersly master of the Mary Anne of Scarborough of 70 tunns Daniell Smailes master of the Catherine of 50 tunns, John Russell of the Fortune of 350 tunns, and William Hill master of the recovery of 130 tunns









Humbly sheweth

That on the eleaventh thirteenth and fourteenth days of October last, old stile, five of your petitioners and their shipps above named were taken by severall French ships off of Dunkirk whither they were bound with coales, and on the eighth and twentyeth day of October aforesaid Peter Crop the other petitioner coming from Newfoundland and bound for Topsham laden with fish and traine oyl was likewise taken by a French ship about nine leagues from Scilly within the channell and all the said ships carried to Dunkirk

That being arrived there your petitioners were in few days restord to their ships, but staying as they were advisd by means of the articles of peace to prosecute the captors who plunderd and dammagd them as by the memorandum annexed, on the 14th day of this instant December an order came from the court att Paris to stop your petitioners said ships, which were accord= ingly seizd and are now deteind in Dunkirke

Your petitioners therfore do humbly pray your majesty that your majesty would be pleasd to take this matter into your royall consideration, and to cause restitution of the ships and goods, and reparation of dammages to be made to your petitioners or such other remedy as your majesty in your great wisdom shall think fitt

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc

  • Samuell Hagon
  • Peter [Crapp?]

Edmund Soame, esquire. SP 32/10 f. 363 (1698)

To the honourable the knights citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled

The petition of Edmund Soame esquire

Humbly sheweth

That the twenty sixth day of July last being appointed for the election of burgesses to serve in this pressent Parliament for the burrough of Thetford in the county of Norfolk att which time Sir Joseph Williamson and your petitioner had the major number of those who were duely quallified to give their votes but Robert [Caudle?] gentleman mayor of the said burrough did refuse the votes of severall persons who had a right and admitted others to poll for James Sloane esquire who were not quallified nor had any right to give their votes and by meanes of other partiall proceedings of the said mayor together with diverse indirect and unlawfull practises the said James Sloane esquire procured himself to be returned a member for the said burrough in manifest wrong of your said petitieoner and to the prejudice of the said town of Thetford all which your petitieoner is ready to make appeare

Wherefore your peticioner humbly prays this honourable house to take the premisses into their serious consideration and that he may have such releife as to your great wisdom shall seem meet

And your petitieoner shall ever pray

Edmund Soame

James Vincent. SP 32/11 f. 4 (1698)

[illegible] Vincents [petition?] [illegible] an almesman at [illegible]

To their excellencies the lords justices of England

The humble petition of James Vincent


That your petitioner has lived in the citty of Norwich, as became an honest man, and been in good circumstances, but being now, by divers misfortunes, reduced, together with family to so low a condition, as to be an object of charity,

Your petitioner therefore humbly prayes your excellencies would be pleased to bestow on him the next almesman's place, that shall become void in the cathedrall church of Norwich.

And he shall ever pray etc.


Att the court at Whitehall 15th September [illegible] The lords justices having been moved upon this petition their [illegible] are pleased to direct that the clerk of his majestys signett attending [illegible] prepare a bill in the usuall forme for granting unto the petitioner the almesmans place in the cathedral church of Norwich as in [illegible] petition is desired [R Yard?]

John Martin of Rochester, vintner. SP 32/13 f. 240 (1698)

The humble petition of John Martin of the citty of Rochester vintner


That Captain William Haward deceased late of the right honourable the Lord Berkly's regiment of marrines, who with his company quartered in and about the said citty in the year 95/6 that the said captain was necessitated to borrow of your pettioner the summe of fiftie five pounds sterling as per annexed bond and bill may appear, which if your pettioner had not supplyed the captain therewith, the company would undoubtedly have desarted their collours.

The said captain being dead and your pettioner unpayd

Your pettioner therefore humbly prayes to consider the zeale and loyalty of your pettioner for his majestie and government, and order the monyes or wages due to the said captain may be stopt notwithstanding any administrator, or administratrix that may appear to the contrary, untill your pettioner is payd the said summe.

And your petitioner in duty bound will ever pray etc


Master Martin

[Mr Bl...?] [illegible] [Fox?]

Samuel Shepheard, Gilbert Heathcote and Henry Tate on behalf of themselves and other owners of the Adventure. SP 32/11 f. 257 (1699)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of Samuel Shepheard, Gilbert Heathcote and Henry Tate in behalf of themselves and others, owners of the ship Adventure and cargo whereof Thomas Gullock was commander.


That the 16th of March 1697/8 your petitioners did send the said ship Adventure on a voyage to Borneo in India which with her cargo cost above thirteen thousand pounds

That on the 17th of September last, when the captaine with 14 of the men were ashoare on the island of Nayas on the coast of Sumatra to take in some fresh water the major part of the seamen on board seized upon the chief mate and some others whom they sent ashoare, and then cutt the cable and rann away with the ship as by the affidavites hereunto annexed doth more fully appeare. And your petitioners haveing some hopes to find the said ship in the West Indies doe intend immediately to dispatch the said Captain Gullock to your majestys plantations there, and being informed that your majesty has already ordered a sixth rate friggatt to saile for New England.

Your petitioners doe humbly pray your majesty that the said Thomas Gullock may have your majestys orders to all your majestys governors deputy governors commanders of men of warr and all other your majestys officers and subjects to assist the said Thomas Gullock in the recovery of the said ship and cargo and apprehending the men

That the said sixth rate friggatt, which your majesty has ordered for New England may be hastened away and that the said Gullock with 5 or 6 men may have leave to goe in her.

And your petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray etc

John Haynes. SP 32/11 f. 284 (1699)

To the King's most excellent majesty

The humble petition of John Haynes


That your petitioner having been allways concerned in the woollen manufacture; after your majestys happy accession to the throne, was appointed in an act of Parliament made in the first year of your majestys reign a commissioner to putt in execution the acts made to prevent the exportation of wooll which he has ever since with very great vigour and expences performed

That pursuant to those acts there was seized on the 24 day of January last in the haven of Great Yarmouth a quantity of combd and uncombd wooll on board two vessells then lying in the road, to the value of 780 pounds sterling and upwards, as in a memoriall hereunto annexed is more particularly recited: but in obedience to your majestys pleasure signifyd to your petitioner by Master Secretary Vernon, the said seizure is actually deliverd back to the proprietors, though to your petitioners great and apparent loss

Your petitioner therefore most humbly beseeches your sacred majesty would be graciously pleased to consider his great pains and expences in the execution of his trust, for which he never receivd any satisfaction from the government; and to make him such a compensation for surrendring the seizure at Yarmouth, as to your majestys wisdom shall seem most reasonable

And your petitioner et cetera.

Andrew and Jeronimy Clifford of London, merchants, late inhabitants of Surinam in the West Indies. SP 32/13 f. 243 (1699)

The peticion of Andrew and Jeronomy Clifford.

To the King's most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Andrew and Jeronimy Clifford of London merchants late inhabitants in Surrinam in the West Indies.


That your petitioners were by many unjust sentences of the governour and councill of Surrinam, excessively fined, and imprisoned, and the liberty of transporting their effects denyed them contrary to the articles of peace between England and Holland anno 1667, and 1674, to their damage of twenty thousand pounds sterling and upwards.

That your petitioners formerly applyed to the governour and councill of Surrinam, to the West India Company of Holland proprietors of that colony, and to the States Generall for satisfaction for their damages without obtaining any relief.

That thereupon your petitioners in June last humbly laid their case before your majestie by a peticion the copy whereof is hereunto annexed, praying your majesties interposition to the States Generall, whereupon your majestie was graciously pleased to recomend the same to Sir Joseph Williamson your majesties ambassador at the Hague who delivered in a memoriall the second day of September last in the behalf of your petitioners

Your petitioners thereupon by order of the pentionary again peticioned the States Generall and produced proofs of all the matters complained of which were examined and allowed of by two advocates appointed by the States Generall for that purpose, but the said States still decline giving relief to your petitioners in the premisses, and only referr him to the ordinary courts of justice, whereas by the charters or octroys granted to the West India Company there, the ordinary courts of justice are forbid to intermeddle with sentences passed at Surrinam soe that your petitioners are wholy deprived of means for their relief

Wherefore your petitioners most humbly pray the continuance of your majesties favour, and that you will be pleased to give such effectuall orders, as that your petitioners may obtaine reasonable satisfaction, for their damages, and may be permitted to transport the small remainder of their effects from Surrinam without molestation.

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc.

James Plunckett of Castle Plunckett in the county of Roscommon. SP 63/360 f. 54 (1699)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of James Plunckett of Castle Plunckett in the county of Roscommon and kingdom of Ireland.

Humbly sheweth

That your petitioner being a captain in the Irish army before your majestys happy accession to the crowne, did imediately, on notice of your majestys first declaracion for reduction of Ireland, lay down his commission, and reti =red to his usuall place of aboad in the said county of Roscommon, where your petitioner lived ever since peaceably and quietly, allwayes demeaneing himselfe with all tendernesse and regard to his protestant neighbours, as appeares by the annexed certifacatt

That your petitioner upon the account of laying down his commission, and complying with your majestys said declaracion, has beene a great sufferer, by the Irish army and raparees, haveing lost a stock, and other personall estate, to the vallue of two thousand pounds.

That your petitioner hath a smale estate in the county of Roscommon, whereof he is but bare tennant for life, which he lost dureing the late rebellion, by an act of Parlament, passet by the late pretended Irish Parlament; but is now in possession thereof, by an act of Parlament made in England in the first yeare of your majestys raigne.

That your petitioner as soone as your majestys forces reached the place of his aboad, cheerefully submitted to your majestys government, took the oath of allegiance to your majesty and ever since, behaved himselfe [illegible] as he ought to doe, like a good and loyall subject

That your petitioner is not outlawed for treason or any other crime or offence, but that your petitioner is indicted for treason att the last assises held att Roscommon, for being in the Irish armie after your majestys accession to the crowne, and before he had notice of your majestys said declaracion though your petitioner submitted thereunto as soone as he had notice thereof.

That in regard your petitioner submitted to your majestys said declaracion, as soone as was possible for him to doe, and hath taken the oath of allegia= =nce to your majesty and ever since lived with as great duty and loyalty to your majestys person and government as any other of your majestys subjects and allsoe in regard your petitioner in further manifestation of his loyallty and constant affection to your majestys government, humbly offerrs his children to be educated in the protestant religion, and that two third parts of his smale estate be sett to protestants, and for that your petitioner not being outlawed, is capable to receave the benefit of your majestys mercy.

May it therefore please your most sacred majesty to grant unto your petitioner your majestys most gracious pardon for heigh treason, and all other offences concearning the late rebellion.

And your petitioner will ever pray