Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1750s

Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Economic History Society and the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’ and the other costs, including photography and transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, were funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1). CC-NC-BY.


In this section

William Golden of St James Westminster, glazier. WJ/SP/1751/04/004 (1751). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654550005

[To?] the right worshipfull his majestys justices of the peace in their general quarter sessions of the peace of the city and liberty of Westminster assembled.

The humble petition of William Golden of the parish of Saint James's within the liberty aforesaid glazier

Sheweth that by indenture of apprentiship bearing date the third day of July 1749 Cornelius Edwards son of John Edwards of Kew Green in the county of Surry gardiner did put himself apprentice to your petitioner to learn your petitioners art and with your petitioner after the manner of an apprentice to serve from the day of the date of the said indenture for the term of seven years.

That in the said indenture the said Cornelius Edwards did covenant your petitioner faithfully to serve and that he should not from your petitioners service day nor night absent himself as in and by the said indenture relation being thereunto had may more at large appear

That the said Cornelius Edwards since the date of his said apprentiship hath willfully absented himself diverse and sundry days and nights to the number of twenty days and nights at the least and your petitioner hath often times received him again into your petitioners service but he will not continue therein.

That the said Cornelius Edwards hath several times broke into your petitioners house in the night time and on or about the 26th day of February last in the night time broke into the house of your petitioner and took thereout two bottles of ale and victualls and a pair of your petitioners shoes and after having made a fire in a coopers cellar, adjoyning to in your petitioners house and burnt several staves belonging to the cooper of the value of five shillings went away and left the said fire in such a manner that your petitioners house as well as all the neighbourhood might have been burnt down by means thereof had the said fire spread in the night time.

That by the extreem bad behaviour of the said Cornelius Edwards your petitioner cannot trust him in his trade nor in the houses of his customers whereby your petitioner is greatly injured in his said trade.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays this honourable court will be pleased to order your petitioner to be discharged from his said indenture of apprentiship and that the indenture may be vacated and become void

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc.

  • William Golden

Edward Simmons, late constable of St Paul Covent Garden. WJ/SP/1751/10/003 (1751). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654560002

To the worshipful the chairman and the rest of the justices at the sessions of the peace held at Westminster for the city and liberties thereof the 11th. day of October 1751.

The humble petition of Edward Simmons late a constable for the parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden

Humbly sheweth that on the 4th. day of July 1750 a warrant under the hand and seal of G: [Fouaie?] esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace for said county was delivered to your petitioner requiring him to convey James Ridgby, Susanna his wife and Patience his child three vagrants to the parish of Ridge in Hertfordshire; that in obedience to said warrant and by vertue thereof your petitioner delivered the said three vagrants at the said parish as appeares by a receipt on the back of the said warrant in your petitioner's hands ready to produce; that by said warrant your petitioner was allowed twenty shillings for his trouble and expence that your petitioner often applyed to Master Cairns the high constable for the said twenty shillings allowed by the said warrant to your petitioner for his trouble and expence in conveying them to Ridge as aforesaid, but the said high constable refused to pay your petitioner the said twenty shillings to the great prejudice of your petitioner

May it therefore please your worships to to take your petitioners case into your consideration and out of your accustomed goodness order your petitioner to be paid the said twenty shillings allowed him by the said warrant for his trouble and expence and your petitioner as in duty bound

will ever pray etc

  • Edward Simmons his mark

William Mitchell, staymaker. WJ/SP/1753/07 (1753). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654580005

To the worshipfull the chairman and the rest of his majesties justices of the peace for the citty and liberty of Westminster at the general quarter sessions of the peace assembled

The humble petition of William Mitchell staymaker

Humby sheweth that by indenture of aprenticeship dated the second of September 1749 Benjamin Cary of the parish of Saint Martin's in the Fields was bound aprentice to your petitioner whereby he covenanted to serve your petitioner diligently and faithfully for the term of seven years and that he should do no damage or hurt to your petitioner as by the said indenture and other covenants therein contained doth more fully appear

That during the time the said aprentice hath served your petitioner he hath frequently behaved in such unruly idle and disorderly manner frequently spoiling your petitioners work wasting and damaging his good's almost in an unpardoable manner and that forasmuch as your petitioner really believes the said apprentice will never behave better during the time he is with your petitioner he having forgiving and looked over his faults innumerable times.

Your petitioner therefore most humbly prays for the reason's aforesaid that this honourable court will be pleasd to order your petitioner to be discharged from the said indenture of apprentiship and that the same may be vacated

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • William Mitchell

Samuel Attersoll, keeper of the house of correction in Tothill Fields Westminster. WJ/SP/1753/07 (1753). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654580008

To the worshipfull the chairman and the rest of his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster in quarter sessions assembled.

The humble petition of Samuel Attersoll, keeper of the house of correction in Tothill Feilds Westminster.

Sheweth that the said house of correction, is at present in very bad repair, and not fit, to keep prisoners sent there, in safe custody, and that for want of proper and necessa= =ry repairs, your petitioner, is in danger of looseing his prisoners, to the great detriment of the publick, and danger of himself and employment.

That your petitioner is informed, that by an act passed in the 12th. year of his present majesty, the justices in quarter sessions assembled, are empowerd to order such repairs to be done to the house of correction, in the said city and liberty, as to them shall seem necessary, to be paid for by the treasurer, of the county of Middle= =sex, out of the county rate.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships will be pleased, to appoint a committee, to inspect the said goal, and to order such repairs to be done, as to the said comittee, shall seem proper and necessary.

July 13th. 1753

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc.

  • Samuel Attersol

Thomas Oxlee of the Bull Head in Vere Street Clare Markett. WJ/SP/1753/10 (1753). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654590002

To the worshipful majesties his majesties justices of the peace assembled [illegible] the city and liberty of in their general quarter session for the city and Westminster liberty of Westminster

May it please your worships

The humble petition of Thomas Oxlee of the Bull Head in Vere Street Clare Markett humbly prays that your worships will please to grant him a licence for his house for publick entertainment of musick and dancing according to the act of the twenty fifth of King George the second.

And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray for and am your worships most obedient humble servant at command

  • Thomas Oxlee

And wee whose names are under written being neighbours to your petitioner and have known him several yeares certifyes that he always kept a house of good rule and order

  • John Penford apothecary;
  • Thomas Robinson
  • Daniel Stevens
  • George Sanderson
  • Mathew Dyer
  • John [Winburk?]
  • Giles Alsop
  • Thomas [Dyer?]
  • Thomas Rust

James Hugford of St James Westminster, dancing master. WJ/SP/1753/10 (1753). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654590003

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 17th. of October 1753.

The humble petition of James Hugford of Brewer Street in the parish of Saint James within the liberty of Westminster dancing master

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 18th. day of October 1752 your worships were pleased to grant license to your petitioner to keep a certain house called or known by the name of Hickfords Great Room in Brewer Street aforesaid for conserts and musical entertainments which license was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioner hath in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said license

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a new license to your petitioner for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • James Hugford

John Whitehead and Mary Breyfield. WJ/SP/1753/10 (1753). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654590004

To the worshipful his majestys justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 17th. day of October 1753

The humble petition of John Whitehead and Mary Breyfield

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 18th. day of October 1752 your worships were pleased to grant license to your petitioners to keep a certain house for publick dancing musick or other publick entertainment of the like kind in a certain house called or known by the name of the New Theatre in the Haymarket in the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields within the liberty of Westminster aforesaid which license was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioners have in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said license

Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that your worships would be pleased to grant a new license to your petitioners for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc

  • J Whitehead
  • Mary Brayfield

Cuthbert Ogle. WJ/SP/1753/10 (1753). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654590005

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 17th. October 1753

The humble petition of Cuthbert Ogle

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 18th day of October 1752 your worships were pleased to grant license to your petitioner to keep a certain house for publick dancing musick or other publick entertainment of the like kind in a certain house or room called or known by the name of the Concert Room in Dean Street in the parish of Saint Ann within the liberty aforesaid which license was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioner hath in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said licence

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a new license to your petitioner for the said house for the purposes aforesaid. to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • T: Joel sollicitor for petitioner.

Isaac Malony. WJ/SP/1753/10 (1753). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654590007

To the worshipfull the justices of the peace assembled at the general quarter sessions for the city and liberty of Westminster

The humble petition of Isaac Malony

Sheweth that your petitioner on the third day of August one thousand seven hundred and fifty two was bound apprentice to George Townsend of the parish of Saint Margaret Westminster watchmaker for seven years from the date of the said indenture to learn the art of a watchmaker

That your petitioner served the said George Townshend as an apprentice from the date of the said indenture untill the month of June last when the said George Townsend left his house in King Street Westminster and has never since been heard of by which your petitioner has been deprived of learning his said trade or of any maintenance from the said George Townsend

Wherefore your petitioner most humbly prays he may be discharged from his said apprentiship

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • Isaac Maloney

Thomas Currant, son of William and Ann Currant of St James Westminster. WJ/SP/1755/01 (1755). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654600008

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace of the city and liberty of Westminster in their general quarter session of the peace assembled

The humble petition of Thomas Currant son of William and Ann Currant of Beak Street in the parish of Saint James within the liberty of Westminster.

Sheweth that by indenture bearing date the second day of June 1755 your petitioner bound himself apprentice to John Hammerton (then of Beak Street aforesaid) by the name and addition of John Hammerton his majesties secretary and register of South Carolina esquire to learn the business of a writer or clerk in the office of the said John Hammerton at Charles Town in the province of South Carolina aforesaid for the term of five years

That the said John Hammerton did thereby agree to instruct your petitioner in the said business and to find him in cloaths meat drink washing and lodging

That in the month of June aforesaid the said John Hammerton was arrested for a large sum of money and continued in a bailiffs house for about three months when he removed himself to the Fleet Prison where he now continues

That the said John Hammerton hath in no wise performed any part of his aforesaid agreement but your petitioner hath been ever since and still is maintained at the costs of his parents

That your petitioner is destitute of employment and in great danger of being incapable of getting his own living he the said John Hammerton threatning to sue anyone who entertains your petitioner although he himself is not able to employ your petitioner

That in case your petitioner was discharged from the said indenture one Master [Barker?] a cabinet maker in Oxford Road is willing to take your petitioner apprentice

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your worships to discharge him the said indenture of apprenticeship and from the said John Hammerton or to grant him such relief in the premises as to your worships shall seem meet

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

  • Thomas Currant

James Hugford of St James Westminster, dancing master. WJ/SP/1755/01 (1755). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654600010

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 15th. day of October 1755

The humble petition of James Hugford of Brewer Street in the parish of Saint James within the liberty of Westminster dancing master

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 16th. day of October 1754 your worships were pleased to grant licence to your petitioner to keep a certain house called or known by the name of Hickfords Great Room in Brewer Street aforesaid for concerts and musical entertainments which license was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioner hath in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said licence

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a new licence to your petitioner for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • James Hugford

Ann Chambers widow. WJ/SP/1755/01 (1755). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654600011

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 15th. day of October 1755

The humble petition of Ann Chambers widow

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 16th. day of October 1754 your worships were pleased to grant licence to your said peticioner to keep a certain house called or known by the name of the Concert Room in Dean Street in the parish of Saint Ann within the liberty aforesaid for public dancing musick or other public entertainment of the like kind which licence was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That the condition of the said licence hath in all things been performed and fulfilled

Therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a licence to your petitioner for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • Ann Chambers

John Whitehead and Mary Brayfield. WJ/SP/1755/01 (1755). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654600012

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter sessions of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 15th. day of October 1755.

The humble petition of John Whitehead and Mary Brayfield

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 16th. day of October 1754 your worships were pleased to grant licence to your petitioners to keep a certain house called or known by the name of the New Theatre in the Hay Market in the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the liberty aforesaid for public dancing musick or other public entertainment of the like kind which licence was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioners have in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said licence

Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that your worships would be pleased to grant a new licence to your petitioners for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc

  • J Whitehead
  • Mary Brayfield

John Whitehead and Mary Brayfield. WJ/SP/1756/10 (1756). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654650002

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter sessions of the peace for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 13th. day of October 1756

The humble petition of John Whitehead and Mary Brayfield

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty of Westminster on Wednesday the 15th. day of October 1755 your worships were pleased to grant license to your petitioners to keep a certain house called or known by the name of the New Theatre in the Haymarket in the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the liberty aforesaid for public dancing musick or other publick entertainment of the like kind which licence was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioners have in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said license

Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that your worships would be pleased to grant a new licence to your petitioners for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc

  • J Whitehead
  • Mary Brayfied

Ann Chambers widow. WJ/SP/1756/10 (1756). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654650003

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 13th. day of October 1756

The humble petition of Ann Chambers widow

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 15th. day of October 1755 your worships were pleased to grant licence to your petitioners to keep a certain house called or known by the name of the Concert Room in Dean Street in the parish of Saint Ann within the liberty aforesaid for public dancing musick or other publick entertainment of the like kind which licence was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That the condition of the said license hath in all things been performed and fulfilled

Therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a license to your petitioner for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • Ann Chambers

James Hugford. WJ/SP/1756/10 (1756). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654650004

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 13th. day of October 1756

The humble petition of James Hugford

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 15th. day of October 1755 your worships were pleased to grant licence to your petitioner to keep a certain house called or known by the name of Hickfords Great Room in Brewer Street in the parish of Saint James within the liberty of Westminster for concerts and musical entertainments which licence was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioner hath in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said licence

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a new licence to your petitioner for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force until the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • James Hugford

Samuel Attersol, keeper of the house of correction at Tothil Fields. WJ/SP/1757/10 (1757). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654680006

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster in their general quarter session of the peace assembled

The humble petition of Samuel Attersol keeper of the house of correction at Tothil Fields

Sheweth that your petitioner was at the general quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty of Westminster on the seventh day of October 1741 chosen and appointed by your worships master or governor of the house of correction at Tothill Fields

That a salary of fifty pounds per annum was constantly received from the several parishes within the said city and liberty by your petitioners predecessors until the statute, made in the twelfth year of the reign of his present majesty intituled An Act for the More Easy Assessing Collecting and Levying of County Rates whereby it is enacted that the justices of the peace for the said city and liberty shall have full power to appoint the governor or master of the house of correction within the said city and liberty who shall have the sum of money yearly as had been accustomed for and towards the support and maintenance of the prisoners in his custody etc not exceeding fifty pounds by the year and directs the treasurer or treasurers of the county of Middlesex to obey all orders which shall be made by the justices of the peace for the said liberty or the greater part of them assembled in their general quarter session for the payment of any sum or sums of money for the allowance allotted to such governor or master of the house of correction

That there is due to your petitioner twenty five pounds for half a years salary from Lady Day last past to Michaelmas Day last past

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your worships to order Master John Higgs treasurer of the county of Middlesex to pay your [petitioner?] the said summe of twenty five pounds

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • Samuel Attersoll

John Whitehead and Mary Spinnage. WJ/SP/1757/10 (1757). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654680007

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter sessions of the peace for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 19th: day of October 1757

The humble petition of John Whitehead and Mary Spinnage

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty of Westminster on Wednesday the 15th 19th day of October 1756 your worships were pleased to grant license to your petitioner John Whitehead and one Mary Brayfield since deceased to keep a certain house called or known by the name of the New Theatre in the Hay Market in the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the liberty aforesaid for publick dancing musick or other publick entertainment of the like kind which license was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioners John Whitehead and the said Mary Brayfield did in all things performe and fulfill the condition of the said license

Your petitioners John Whitehead and Mary Spinnage therefore humbly pray that your worships would be pleased to grant a new license to your petitioners for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force untill the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc.

  • J Whitehead
  • Mary Spinnage

James Hugford. WJ/SP/1757/10 (1757). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654680008

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Thursday the 19th. day of October 1757

The humble petition of James Hugford

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 15th. day of October 1755 your worships were pleased to grant license to your petitioner to keep a certain house called or known by the name of Hickfords Great Room in Brewer Street in the parish of Saint James within the liberty of Westminster for concerts and musical entertainments which license was to continue in force until the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That your petitioner hath in all things performed and fulfilled the condition of the said license

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a new license to your petitioner for the said house for the purposes aforesaid to continue in force untill the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray

  • Thomas Hugford.

Ann Chambers, widow. WJ/SP/1757/10 (1757). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654680009

To the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 19th: day of October 1757

The humble petition of Ann Chambers widow

Sheweth that at the general quarter session of the peace holden for the city and liberty of Westminster aforesaid on Wednesday [the?] 15th: day of October 1756 your worships were pleased to grant license to your petitioner to keep a certain house called or known by the name of the Concert Room in Dean Street in the parish of Saint Ann within the liberty aforesaid for the publick dancing musick or other publick entertainment of the like kind which license was to continue in force untill the present Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the liberty aforesaid

That the condition of the said license hath in all things been performed and fulfilled

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships would be pleased to grant a license to your petitioner for the purpose aforesaid to continue in force untill the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be holden for this liberty

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • Ann Chambers

Thomas Higginson. WJ/SP/1757/10 (1757). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654680010

To the worshipfull his majestyes justices of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster assembled at the Michaelmas quarter session of the peace held for the city and liberty aforesaid on Wednesday the 19th: day of October 1757

The humble petition of Thomas Higginson

Sheweth that your petitioner has taken a lease of Thomas Panton esquire of a certain messuage and tenement scituate and being in a street called James Street near the Haymarket for the term of forty two yeares from Lady Day last past, paying the yearly rent of 100, guineas and has laid out on the, said premises above £100 pounds,

That your petitioner will take great care that no disorders shall be committed in the said house and that nothing contrary to sobriety decency or good manners be exhibited represented or transacted therein and will conform strickly to the letter of the act of Parliament made for the lycensing of publick entertaining houses,

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your worships to grant him a lycense to keep the said house for concerts and musical entertainments untill the next Michaelmas quarter session of the peace to be held for this liberty

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc.

  • Thomas Higginson

We whose hands are hereunto subscribed being inhabitants near to your petitioners house in James Street aforesaid. Do request and desire your worships to grant the said petitioner Master Higginson a lycense for the performance of concerts and musical entertainments according to the prayer of his petition and beleive the contents of the said petition to be true

  • [E R?] Stephenson
  • Edward Owen
  • Simon Lemon
  • Rowland Hozier
  • Joseph Winter
  • James Dalvy
  • John Burnell
  • Samuel Austin, Saint [Martins?] Street
  • Reynold Higgins, Saint [Martins?] Street
  • John Watson, [Hdg?] Lane
  • John Stone, Saint [Martins?] Street
  • James Ellison Saint [Martins?] Street
  • John Priest
  • James [Pettro?]
  • Samuel Boler
  • [Daniell?] Cannon
  • John Adams
  • William Howell
  • John Brown