70 Brooke v Brodripp

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Thomas Brooke of Glastonbury, co. Somerset, gent v William Brodripp of the same, alehouse keeper

1638 - 1639


Brooke alleged that in Glastonbury, Somerset, on 29 November 1638, Brodripp said that he was 'as good a man and as good a gentleman as Captain Thomas Brooke' and 'held out his face and gnashed his teeth at me', provoking him to duel. Brooke had been a captain of the trained bands for around thirty years and claimed ancestry from the Lords Cobham and John Brooke, a judge of the assizes in the reign of Henry VIII, whereas Brodripp was merely an alehouse keeper. Brooke evidently won the cause as part of Brodripp's submission survives. [See also cause 71].

Initial proceedings

20/2c, Libel

1. Brooke had been a captain of trained bands for 35 years, and his family had been gentry for up to 300 years, descended from the Barons Cobham. His ancestor John Brooke was Seneschal of the Glastonbury Abbey and Judge of the Assizes, western circuit, during the reign of Henry VIII. Brodripp was an alehouse keeper.

2. On 29 November 1638 in Glastonbury, Brodripp 'said he was as good a man, and as good a gentleman as I, and that I was a base fellow and he held out his face and gnashed his teeth at me.'

3. These contemptuous words were provocative of a duel.

No date.

Signed by Arthur Duck.


4/42, Submission

No date and incomplete.

'Wm Brodripp

in particular to have said that I was as good a man and as good a gentleman as Captain Thomas Brooke and that he was a base fellow and whilest I used the words I gnashed my teeth at him in a very provoking manner I do hereby...'



The arms and pedigree of Thomas Brooke of Glastonbury Abbey appeared in the Somerset Visitation of 1623. He was married to Rebecca, daughter of John Wike of Minehead.

F. T. Colby (ed.), The Visitation of the County of Somerset in the year 1623 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 11, 1876), p. 15.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Libel: 20/2c (no date)
  • Submission
    • Submission: 4/42 (no date)

People mentioned in the case

  • Brodripp, William, alehouse keeper (also Brodrip)
  • Brooke, John, judge
  • Brooke, Rebecca
  • Brooke, Thomas, gent
  • Cobham, baron
  • Duck, Arthur, lawyer
  • Tudor, Henry VII, king
  • Wike, John

Places mentioned in the case

  • Somerset
    • Glastonbury
    • Glastonbury Abbey
    • Minehead

Topics of the case

  • assizes
  • comparison
  • facial gesture
  • military officer
  • provocative of a duel
  • trained band