22 Bagot v Fitzgarrett

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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John Bagot, gent v Mr FiztGarret, gent

No date


Bagot complained that an Irish gentleman, Mr. FitzGarrett, had given him the lie and assaulted him. Claiming that he was a maimed man, and that FitzGarrett was plotting further trouble for him, Bagot desired the Earl Marshal to send for FizGarrett and examine his abuses. Nothing further survives.

Initial proceedings

EM267, Petition

'Your petitioner, lately coming to the chamber of one Mr FitzGarrett, an Irish gent, (in a friendlie sort) where he found three other persons with Mr FitzGarrett. The petitioner giving no just occasion of quarrel or offence, FitzGarrett gave him the reproachfull word of the lye, and also made an assault upon him.

Now, forasmuch as your petitioner having a great charge of wife and children, and himself a maimed man, humblie beseecheth your lordship (for avoiding further trouble and danger which the petitioner hath found they have plotted against him) to send for FitzGarrett and to heare and examine the abuses, and thereupon to take such order as in your lordship's wisdom and judgement shalbe thought expedient. And your petitioner shall praie.'

No date.

No signatures.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Petition: EM267 (no date)

People mentioned in the case

  • Bagot, John, gent
  • FitzGarret, Mr, gent
  • Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel and Surrey

Places mentioned in the case

  • Ireland

Topics of the case

  • assault
  • giving the lie