Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Appendix I: 1022-1071

Pages 521-543

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Appendix I: 1022-1071

1022. THOMAS LANGTON of Kyrkebe.
Inquisition, as above.
He died 12 April, 4 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. Cuthbert Langhton, aged 26 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. A messuage, a cottage, 30a. land, 6a. meadow and 10a. pasture in Huknall Torcard, worth 10s., held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Peverell, by knight-service.
A messuage and 23 bovates of land in Kyrkebe, worth 12l., held of the lord Darcy by a hundredth part of a knight’s fee (per centum pars militare).
E. Series II. File 730. (5.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 14 April, 20 Henry VII.
The said Robert was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor &c., and by his indented charter enfeoffed thereof Robert Sheffeld, recorder of London, Humphrey Hercy, Brian Sandeford, Hamo Sutton, Thomas Thurland, Richard Topclyff, esquires, and William Southern, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of himself during his life, and after his death to the use of John Rosse of Routh, co. York, his heirs and assigns. The feoffees were seised of the premises accordingly to those uses. Afterwards the said Robert made his last will and thereby directed that immediately after his death the said John Rosse should have the premises in accordance with the charter aforesaid.
He died on Monday after St. Martin the Bishop, 14 Henry VII. The said John Rosse, aged 50 years and more, is his brother and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Northleverton, and 65 messuages, 10 cottages, 1000a. land, 600a. meadow, 80a. pasture, 40a. wood, 8l. rent and a rent of 50 cocks and 100 hens in Northleverton, Hablesthorp, Cotes, Bole, Bekyngham, Burton and Haton, worth 40 marks, held of Thomas, archbishop of York, in right of his church of York, as of his manor of Scroby, by fealty and a rent of 2s. yearly.
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Inquisition, virtute officii, 23 October, 20 Henry VII.
The said Maud and John Fitzwilliam, knight, her husband, were seised of the under-mentioned messuages &c., he in his demesne as of fee and she in her demesne as of free tenement. She survived her said husband and was sole seised of the premises by survivorship.
She died 20 August, 14 Henry VII. John Fitzwilliam, aged 18 years and more, is son and next heir of the said John and Maud.
NOTTINGHAM. 9 messuages, 3 tofts, 22 bovates of land and 15s. rent in Baseford, worth 4l., held of the king in chief, as of his honor of Peverell, by knight-service.
Note in margin:—Sancti Michaelis brevia anno xiiij. regis H. vij.
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1025. RALPH SLORY of Colwyk Nowers.
Inquisition, virtute officii, Friday after All Saints, 20 Henry VII.
He died 15 February, 4 Henry VII. Other findings as in No. 1021 above.
Endorsed:—Fit execucio ex parte rememoratoris regis.
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Inquisition, 5 November, 20 Henry VII.
He died ——, 19 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned moiety, messuages &c. Thomas Stanley, aged 22 years and more, is his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of George his son.
Cf. Vol. II, No. 787.
DERBY. Moiety of the manor of Barleburgh, worth 8l., held of Ralph de Langford, knight, as of his manor of Barleburgh, by knight-service.
8 messuages, 8 cottages, 100a. land, 20a. pasture, 6a. wood and rents of 4d. and 1 lb. cummin in Whetwell, worth 100s., held of the said Ralph Langford, services unknown.
10 messuages, 60a. land, 4a. wood, 7a. meadow and a fourth part of a watermill in Creswell, worth 4l., held of the said Ralph Langford, knight, as of his manor aforesaid, services unknown.
3 messuages, 30a. land and 2a. meadow in Clowne and Therlesthorp, worth 20s., tenure unknown.
A fourth part of the manor of Kynualmersh, worth 20s., held of the king, as of his honor of Peverell, by knight-service.
Note at foot:—Habet liberacionem.
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1027. JOHN ABNEY of Wyllesley.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 October, 20 Henry VII.
He died on the morrow of St. Andrew, 19 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. George Abney, aged 1 year and more, is his son and heir.
DERBY. 8 messuages, 210a. land, 18a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 10a. wood and a horse-mill in Wyllesley, worth 100s., and a messuage, 50a. land, 4a. meadow and 6a. pasture in Pakyngton, worth 20s., held of William Gressley, esquire, son and heir of Thomas Gressley, knight, as of his manor of Castellgressley, by knight-service.
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1028. THOMAS GRESLEY, knight.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 31 October, 20 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Drakelowe, Castell Gresley, Lullyngton and Lynton, and by his charter dated at Drakelowe, 5 May, 14 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof Thomas Talbot, brother of George earl of Shrewsbury, George Hastyng, knight, John Curson, esquire, and John Blount, gentleman, to hold to them and their heirs. The said feoffees were seised thereof accordingly, and by their charter dated at Drakelowe, 10 June, 15 Henry VII, gave the said manor of Lullyngton to William Gresley, esquire, (son and heir apparent of the said Thomas), and Benedicta, his wife, and the heirs between them begotten. The said William and Benedicta were seised thereof accordingly, he in his demesne as of fee tail and she in her demesne as of free tenement.
The said Thomas died 26 January, 19 Henry VII. William Gresley, aged 23 years and more, is his son and heir.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 857, 860, 967.
DERBY. Manor of Drakelowe, with its members in Stapenhull and Caldewall, worth 40l., held of the king, as of his honor of Tutbury, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of a bow with a quiver and 12 arrows, or 18d. rent.
Manors of Castell Gresley (worth 10 marks), Lullyngton (worth 20 marks or 10 marks), and Lynton (worth 20 marks or 10 marks), held of the king, as of his honor aforesaid, by knight-service.
Note in margin:—Execucio pertinet ducatui Lancastrie.
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Inquisition, virtute officii, Friday after All Saints, 21 Henry VII.
He died 12 April, 4 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. Cuthbert Langton, aged 26 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. A messuage, a cottage, 40a. land, 13a. meadow and 15a. pasture in Hokenall Torker’, worth 23s., held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Peverell, by knight-service.
A messuage, 23 bovates of land and 27a. pasture in Kyrkeby, worth 10 marks, held of Thomas, lord Darcy, by knight-service.
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1030. JOHN DAMPARD of Stapulford.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 16 September, 24 Henry VII.
He died 16 May, 22 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. Margery wife of ……… ., aged 23 years and more, is his sister and next heir.
NOTTINGHAM. A messuage, 5 cottages, a moiety of a watermill (medio molendino aquatico), 18 bovates of land and 18a. meadow in Stapulford, worth 10 marks, held of the honor of Peverel and the king’s castle of Notyngham by fealty and suit to the court of the said castle twice a year.
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Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 October, 20 Henry VII.
He died on the feast of St. Bartholomew, 18 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. John Clay, aged 28 years and more, is his son and heir, and immediately after his death entered into the premises without the king’s licence.
NOTTINGHAM. 10 messuages, 280a. land, 200a. pasture and 100a. wood in Fenyngley, worth 8l., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
A messuage, 30a. land, 7a. meadow and 4a. pasture in Harrewell, worth 13s., tenure unknown.
10a. land and 10a. pasture in Claworth, worth 30s., tenure unknown.
4a. meadow in Sturton, worth 6s., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, services unknown.
5 messuages, 200a. land, 15a. meadow and 20a. pasture in Blithe, held of the prior of Blithe, services unknown.
Endorsed:—Fit processus inde ex parte rememoratoris regis.
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1032. EDMUND APPULBY of Appulby, co. Leicester, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 12 May, 21 Henry VII.
He died 14 February, 21 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors. Richard Appulby, aged 50 years and more, is his brother and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manors of Bylby and Ranby (extent given), worth 10l., held of Joan Ormond, widow, as of her manor of Alfreton, by homage, fealty, scutage and a rent of 13s. 4d. yearly.
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1033. ROBERT TEVEREY of Stapilford.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 5 May, 21 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c., and by his charter dated at Stapulford, 2 September, 11 Henry VII, granted the same to John Babyngton, knight, Thomas Armestronge, esquire, William Wentworth, esquire, and John Crewkar, gentleman, who by virtue of the said feoffment were seised of the premises in fee. The said feoffees, by their charter dated 8 September, 11 Henry VII, granted the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Grenehill (by the name of the messuage and dovecot called ‘Grenehill’ and 100a. land, 60a. pasture and 10a. meadow) to Hugh Teverey (son and heir apparent of the said Robert) and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs between them begotten; and they are seised thereof accordingly, he in his demesne as of fee tail and she for life. By another charter dated 12 September, 11 Henry VII, the same feoffees granted the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Long Eyton to the said Robert Teverey and Joan, his wife, for life in survivorship, with successive remainders to the said Hugh and the heirs of his body by the said Elizabeth, and to the said Robert and h s heirs; and Robert and Joan were seised thereof accordingly in their demesne as of free tenement. Robert died so seised, and Joan now holds the said messuages &c. by survivorship.
Robert died 14 November, 21 Henry VII. The said Hugh Teverey, aged 32 years and more, is his son and heir.
DERBY. A messuage, a dovecot, 100a. land, 60a. pasture and 10a. meadow in Grenehill, worth 53s. 4d., held of Joan Ormond, lady of Alfreton, as of her manor of Alfreton, by fealty, a rent of 12s. 1d. yearly, and suit to the two great courts there.
2 messuages, a cottage, 9 bovates of land and 10a. meadow in Long Eyton within the soke of Salow, worth 53s. 4d., held of Geoffrey, bishop of Chester, as of his manor of Sallowe, by fealty, a rent of 9d. yearly, and suit to the two great courts of Sallowe.
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1034. JOHN BABYNGTON, knight.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 16 January, 22 Henry VII.
Long before his death, and at the time of his death, George, earl of Shrewsbury, John Vavasour, knight, J.C.B., John, then abbot of Leicester, Thomas Gunthorpe, prior of Newstead in Shirwode, John Dunham, esquire, Thomas Leeke of Skreyton, John Seynt Andre, Henry Babyngton, doctor of theology, Robert Yole, clerk, John Porte and John Dawson, clerk, were seised and enfeoffed in fee of the under-mentioned manors &c. to the use and intent of fulfilling the last will of the said John Babyngton, and also to the use of the said John and his heirs. The said John made his last will for the payment of divers debts and other necessary purposes.
He died at Chilwell, 22 March, 16 Henry VII. Elizabeth Eltonhed, then aged 52 years and more, was his sister and heir. After his death she entered into all the said manors &c. and expelled the aforesaid feoffees therefrom, and was seised thereof by disseisin on the day of her death. She died 9 September, 20 Henry VII. Ellen, wife of Robert Sheffeld, knight, aged 36 years and more, is her daughter and heir. After the death of Elizabeth the said Robert and Ellen entered into the premises and have taken the issues and profits thereof ever since.
Cf. Vol. II, No. 898.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor and lands &c. in Childwell and Adenborugh, worth 16l., held of Richard Waslyn by service of a pair of gilt spurs worth 6d., or 6d. at Easter.
Manor of Ruddyngton and lands &c. there, worth 4l., held of William Fitzwilliam of Sprodborugh, as of his manor of Plumptre, services unknown.
Manor and lands &c. in Bradmere, worth 100s., held of the heirs of Richard Illyngworth, as of their manor of Boney, services unknown.
Manor of Briggeford on ‘lee Hill,’ and lands &c. there, worth 6l., held of the warden of the college of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, by fealty and a rent of 4d. yearly.
Manor and lands &c. in Ratclif upon Trent, worth 4l., held of Brian Stapulton, knight, as of his manor of Byngham, services unknown.
Manors and lands &c. in Rolston and Kelham, worth 15l., held of Thomas, archbishop of York, as of his manor of Suthwell, services unknown.
Manors and lands &c. in Clifton and Glapton, worth 4l., held of Gervase Clifton, knight, by fealty only.
Manor of Allesworth and Grescrofte and lands &c. there, worth 6l., held of John Savage, knight, by fealty only.
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1035. RALPH MARSSHALL of South Carleton in the parish of Suthmuskham.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 16 November, 22 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c., and by his charter dated 14 January, 4 Henry VII, granted them to Thomas Marsshall and Agnes, his wife, John Hobard, the elder, Thomas Muston, John Hobard, the younger, Stephen Hatfeld and Andrew Rauson, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of the said Thomas and Agnes and the heirs of their bodies. The said feoffees were seised of the premises accordingly, and by their charter dated 15 January, 4 Henry VII, granted all the lands &c. in the towns and fields of Southmuskham, Carleton, Newark and Batheley to the said Ralph Marshal and Katharine, his wife, for life in survivorship, with remainder to the aforesaid Thomas and Agnes and the heirs of their bodies. The said Ralph and Katharine were seised thereof accordingly in their demesne as of free tenement, and died so seised.
Ralph died 20 September last. Thomas Marsshall, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Besthorp, worth 60s., held of the heirs of Hugh Hastynges by service of 12 (blank) yearly.
Manor of Harleshagh (or Alreshagh), worth 26s. 4d., held of the prebendary of Northmuskham in the collegiate church of St. Mary, Suthwell, by service of 3s. 6d.
Manor of Eykeryng, worth 26s. 4d., held of the abbot of Rufford and the heirs of the lord Roos by service of 2s. and a gillyflower (floris de Gelouer).
Manor of South Carleton in the parish of Suthmuskham, worth 53s. 4d., held of the chapter of Suthwell by service of 14s. yearly.
A messuage in Newark, worth 2s., held of the bishop of Lincoln by service of 1d. yearly.
10a. land and meadow in Kellom, worth 4s., held of the heir of John Babyngton, knight, by service of a rose.
A toft and 2 bovates of land in South Carleton and Southmuskham, worth 20s., held of Henry lord le Scrop of Upsall by service of 13s. 4d. yearly.
A toft (or a toft and croft) and 2 bovates of land (or land and meadow) in Southmuskham, worth 12s., held of the heirs of Thomas Batheley by service of 12d.
A bovate (or a messuage and a bovate) of land in Northmuskham, Batheley and Holme, worth 5s., held of the prebendary of Northmuskham in the collegiate church of St. Mary, Suthwell, by service of 5s. yearly.
A messuage and a bovate of land in Meddelthorp in the parish of Norwell, worth 6s. 8d., held of the prebendaries of Overhall and Palishall Norwell in the collegiate church aforesaid, by service of 3s. yearly.
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1036. AGNES CLYFTON, late wife of Gervase Clifton, knight.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 12 November, 22 Henry VII.
The said Gervase, being seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and advowson, by his writing dated 10 January, 22 Edward IV, granted them, inter alia, to Master Robert Bothe, clerk, dean of St. Peter’s, York, William Constable, clerk, William Rokesshawe, clerk, Stephen Copendale, Robert Yole, clerk, and Thomas Orston, their heirs and assigns. The said grantees were seised thereof accordingly in fee, and by their writing dated 12 November, 1 Richard III, granted the said manors (but not the advowson) to the said Gervase and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of Gervase. Gervase and Agnes were seised thereof accordingly, he in his demesne as of fee and she in her demesne as of free tenement. Gervase died so seised, and Agnes survived him.
Agnes died 20 January, 21 Henry VII, and the reversion of the premises belongs to Gervase Clyfton, knight, son and heir of the said Gervase, who is 40 years of age and more.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Hoddesoke, with the soke thereof, to wit, Hoddesoke, Melton, Home, Oulecotes, Harmeston, Flixthorp and Stirop, worth 60l., held of the king, as of the honor of Tykhyll, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of four knights’ fees.
Manor of Broughton Sulney, worth 16l., held of the king, as of the honor of Tutbury, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of one knight’s fee; with the advowson of the church of Broughton aforesaid.
Note in margin:—Execucio pertinet ducatui Lancastrie.
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1037. RALPH LONGFORTH of Suthwell, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 24 April, 22 Henry VII.
The said Ralph, being seised in fee of the under-mentioned moiety of the manor of Knapthorp, and the rent and lands mentioned therewith, enfeoffed thereof Henry Wylloughby, knight, Brian Sanford, knight, Edward Stanhop, knight, Robert Sutton, esquire, John Dunham, esquire, William Blyton, esquire, John Wylloughby, Thomas Sutton and Robert Kellum, ‘gentylmen’ to hold to them and their heirs to the use of Katharine Longforth, his wife, during her life.
He was also seised of the under-mentioned toft and croft and 1a. land in Westhorp, and died so seised.
He died 20 May, 21 Henry VII. William Longforth, aged 16 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. A moiety of the manor of Knapthorp, 4s. rent in Averham, 5a. meadow in Holme and 6a. land in the fields of Harleshagh, worth 5 marks, held of the prior of Newstead in Schyrwod by a rent of 4 1/2d. yearly.
A toft and croft and 1a. land in Westhorp in the parish of Suthwell, worth 10s., held of the chapter of the collegiate church of St. Mary, Suthwell, by a rent of 4s. yearly.
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1038. RICHARD SLURRY, ‘gentilman,’ of Uffyngton, co. Lincoln.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 12 November, 22 Henry VII.
William Slurry, father of the said Richard, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and messuage &c., and by his indented charter granted the same to the said Richard and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Richard and Anne were seised thereof accordingly in fee tail, and had issue John Slurry and others. Anne survived her husband and is still seised of the premises in fee tail by survivorship.
Richard died 1 June last. John Slurry, aged 11 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Ratclyffe upon Trent, worth 5l., held of the heirs of William Dencourt, sometime lord of Grandby, by service of one knight’s fee.
A messuage, a cottage and 2 bovates of land in Ratclyffe aforesaid, worth 16s., held of the king in chief, as of his honor of Peverell, by forinsec service.
Note in margin:—Sancti Michaelis brevia anno xxiiij. regis H. vij., rotulo —.
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Inquisition, virtute officii, 14 November, 22 Henry VII.
John Kyngesmell, J.C.B., Guy Palmes, Richard Burgh, chaplain, and Robert Bulwiche were seised in fee of the under-mentioned moiety of the manors of Okebrok, Chadesden and Stanton to the use of the said Elizabeth and her heirs. For 270l. paid to her by Edmund Dudeley the said Elizabeth bargained and sold the said moiety, by the name of all the manors &c. which she had in the towns of Okebrok, Chadesden and Staunton, to the said Edmund and his heirs; and the aforesaid John, Guy, Richard and Robert were seised thereof accordingly to the use of Edmund and his heirs. During their seisin the said John, Guy and Richard, in fulfilment of the aforesaid bargain and sale, and with the assent of the said Elizabeth, suffered a recovery of the said moiety to Nicholas Warley and John Camby (as appears among the king’s records of Michaelmas Term, 21 Henry VII) to the use of the same Edmund and his heirs; and the said Nicholas and John entered accordingly, and are still seised in fee to that use. Afterwards the said Robert released by deed to the said Nicholas and John Camby all his right in the said moiety to the same use.
The said Elizabeth was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Sponden, and, for a certain sum of money paid to her by the said Edmund Dudeley, bargained and sold the same to him and his heirs. Afterwards, while so seised of the premises, she suffered a recovery of the same to the said Edmund, Andrew Wyndesore, esquire, John Ernley and John Caryll (as appears among the king’s records of Trinity Term, 21 Henry VII) to the use of Edmund and his heirs; and the said recoverors entered into the premises, and were, and still are, seised of the premises in fee to that use.
The said Elizabeth died 28 September, 22 Henry VII. Elizabeth and Joan, both aged 2 years and more, are her kinswomen and heirs, to wit, daughters of Henry her son.
DERBY. A moiety of the manors of Okebrok, Chadesden and Stanton, and 3 messuages, 100a. land, 40a. meadow, 100a. pasture, 100a. wood and 100a. furze and heath in Sponden, worth 12l., held of the king in chief by a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
Note in margin:—Sancti Michaelis brevia anno xxiiij. regis H. vij., rotulo —.
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1040. RICHARD CURSON of Ketelston, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 March, 22 Henry VII.
The said Richard was seised in fee on the day of his death of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Tupton.
Long before his death Richard Bagot, esquire, Ralph Pole, esquire, Ralph Saucheverell, esquire, Richard Knyveton, esquire, Henry Pole, ‘gentilman,’ and James Wybursley, clerk, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Ketilston with its member and hamlet of Weston Underwode, to wit, of one moiety of the manor to the use of the said Richard Curson and his heirs, and of the other moiety of the manor as well as the said hamlet to the use of Joan Curson, late wife of John Curson, for life, and after her death to the use of the same Richard Curson and his heirs. Joan died 12 July, 21 Henry VII.
Richard Curson died 26 July, 15 Henry VII. John Curson, aged 24 years on the feast of St. Laurence last, is his son and heir.
DERBY. 3 messuages, 4 cottages, 120a. land, 12a. meadow and 40a. pasture in Tupton, worth 10 marks, held of Hugh Wyllughby, esquire, as of his manor of Brakenthwaite, by fealty and a rent of 5s. yearly.
Manor of Ketilston, with its member and hamlet of Weston Underwode, worth 20 marks, held of the king, as of his honor of Tutbury, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Note in margin:—Execucio pertinet ducatui Lancastrie.
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1041. EDMUND APPULBY of Appulby, co. Derby, gentleman.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 16 November, 22 Henry VII.
The said Edmund died 25 January, 21 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned part of the manor of Appleby, and of the under-mentioned mill &c. in Meissam and land in Stretton. Richard Appulby, aged 40 years and more, is his brother and heir.
DERBY. A third part (or a moiety of a third part) of the manor of Appleby, worth 40s., held of Henry Vernon, knight, by service of suit to the court of the town of Appulby.
A mill with ‘le holme’ thereof and 3 messuages with 12a. land in Meissam, worth 4l., held of Robert Sheffeld, knight, by service of suit to the court of the said town and 2s. yearly.
2 virgates of land and 3 messuages in Stretton with Okethorp, held of the lord de Mountjoy by service of suit to the court of the said town and a pair of gloves yearly.
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1042. THOMAS SEGRAVE, gentleman.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 29 April, 22 Henry VII.
The said Thomas died 20 August, 21 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. Ralph Segrave, aged 56 years and more, is his brother and heir.
DERBY. 6 messuages, 2 tofts, 100a. land, 20a. meadow, 40a. pasture, 3a. wood and 16s. rent in Staley Wodthorp, worth 100s., held of Henry Clifforde, knight, lord Clifforde, and John Frechvyle, esquire, as of their manor of Staveley, services unknown.
A messuage, 3 cottages, 40a. land, 6a. meadow, 2a. wood and 8s. rent in Palterton and Scartclyffe, worth 40s., held of George, earl of Shrewsbury, as of his barony of Cruch, services unknown.
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Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 September, 24 Henry VII.
The said John died 4 March, 23 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, messuages and lands &c. Robert Styrley, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Wodborowe, and 4 messuages, 20 bovates of land, 40a. meadow, 60a. pasture and 2s. rent in Wodborowe, worth 8l., held of the earl of Nottingham by suit of court and 2s. rent.
2 bovates of land and 4s. rent in Calverton, worth 4s., held of Roger Eyre, services unknown.
11 bovates of land in Normanton, worth 40s., held of Roger Eyre, services unknown.
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1044. THOMAS HUNT of Normanton by Sothwell.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 September, 24 Henry VII.
The said Thomas died 5 May, 23 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. Edmund Hunt, aged 14 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. 4 messuages and 12 bovates of land with the advowson of the free chapel of St. John the Evangelist in Normanton, worth 4l., held of John Donham, service unknown.
A messuage and 2 bovates of land in Hokerton, worth 26s., held of the king, as of the honor of Tykyll, by suit to the court of Hokerton twice a year.
4 messuages and 8 bovates of land in Hokerton, worth 66s. 8d., held of William Wymodesolde and Thomas Boman, as of the manor of Hokerton, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Note in margin:—Hunt tenet de duchie socage.
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Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 September, 24 Henry VII.
The said Thomas died 30 March, 22 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, messuages and lands &c. John Rosyll, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Ratclyff upon Trent called ‘Rosyll maner,’ and a messuage, 6 bovates of land, 6 bovates of meadow and 6 bovates of pasture in Ratclyff, worth 5 marks, held of the lord St. John by 10s. rent yearly.
8 bovates of land in Lamcotte, worth 53s. 4d., held of the earl of Kent by a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
A messuage, a bovate of land, a bovate of meadow and a bovate of pasture in Ratclyf aforesaid, worth 10s., held of the heirs of the lord Grey by a rent of 1 lb. cummin.
A bovate of land in Lamcot, worth 8s., held of the honor of Tekill, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, services unknown.
[A messuage], 4 bovates of land, 4 bovates of meadow and 4 bovates of pasture in Oxton, worth 40s., held of the heirs of John Babyngton, knight, by suit to the court of Hokerton.
A messuage, 4 bovates of land, 4 bovates of meadow and 4 bovates of pasture in Cotgrave, worth 100s., held of Brian Stapulton, knight, by a rent of 1 lb. cummin.
4 bovates of land, 4 bovates of meadow, 4 bovates of pasture and 40a. wood in Eperston. The wood is held of the lord Scrope of Bolton, services unknown.
3 messuages, 5 bovates of land, 5 bovates of meadow, 6 bovates of pasture and 9a. land in Adbolton, worth 4l., held of the heirs of Styrley by a rent of a clove (Clove Gelafure) yearly.
A wood called ‘Sampson Wodde’ in the forest of Sherwodde, held of the same forest, services unknown.
E. Series II. File 730. (29.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 September, 24 Henry VII.
The said Nicholas died 10 November, 23 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, messuages and lands &c. Hugh Serleby, aged 34 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Serleby with appurtenances in Torworthe, to wit, 6 messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 300a. pasture, 5a. Wood, a watermill and 40s. rent, worth 20 marks, held of the heirs of the lord Mowbray by a third part of a knight’s fee.
A messuage, 17 cottages, 20a. land and 30a. meadow in Everton, worth 4 marks, held of the archbishop of York, services unknown.
2 messuages, 30a. land and 20a meadow in Wiston, worth 40s., held of the abbot of St. Peter’s, Westminster, as of the soke of Oswardbecke.
E. Series II. File 730. (30.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 September, 24 Henry VII.
The said John died 24 March, 22 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. John Wydmerpolle, aged 34 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. 9 messuages, a cottage, 300a. land, 20a. meadow and 2s. 6d. rent in Wyssall, Clyfton and Keworth, worth 8 marks, held of the king, as of his honor of Tekille, services unknown.
2 messuages, 2 cottages, 10 bovates of land and 10a. meadow in Widmerpolle, worth 4l., held of William Peroynt, knight, by service and rent of 8s. and suit to his court of Widmerpolle.
Note in margin:—Wydmerpole pro ducatu Lancastrie.
E. Series II. File 730. (31.)
1048. THOMAS BALGY of Aston, the younger.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 7 October, 24 Henry VII.
Thomas Balgy, the elder, his father, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c., and by his charter dated 12 May, 13 Edward IV, granted the same, inter alia, by the name of all his messuages, lands, rents and services in Castelton, Hope and Aston, to William, late lord de Hastynges, John Assheton, knight, John Dampord, esquire, William Dampord and John Freman, then vicar of Hope, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of himself and his heirs. William Dampord survived the other feoffees, and was seised of the premises in fee to the use aforesaid; and after the death of the said Thomas Balgy, the elder, he was seised in fee to the use of the aforesaid Thomas Balgy, the younger (to whom the use descended as son and heir of Thomas, the elder) and his heirs. Afterwards the said Thomas, the younger, willed that William Damport should stand seised of the premises for the performance of his last will; and by his last will he directed that the said William should take the issues of all the under-mentioned lands &c. in Castelton for 5 years after his death for the marriage of Alice, his sister, and that the same William and his heirs should permit Thomas Eyre of Hyelowe and Otuel Balgy, brother of the testator, to take the issues of all the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Aston immediately after his (the testator’s) death, and of all the under-mentioned burgage tenements &c. in Castelton immediately after the aforesaid term of 5 years, during the minority of Thomas Balgy, the testator’s son and heir, for the payment of the testator’s debts and the fulfilment of his legacies.
Thomas Balgy, the younger, died 28 March, 23 Henry VII. Thomas Balgy, then aged 4 years and more, is his son and heir.
DERBY. 8 messuages, a cottage, 220a. land, 83a. meadow, 10a. pasture, 2 watermills and 4d. rent in Aston, worth 4l., held of Ralph Yelot and Robert Yelot by fealty and a rent of 3s. yearly.
2 1/2 burgage tenements, 40a. land, 12a. meadow and 6a. pasture in Castelton, worth 40s., held of the king in burgage, as of his honor of Tutbury, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by fealty and a rent of 3s. 3 1/2d. yearly.
Note in margin:—Pro ducatu Lancastrie.
E. Series II. File 730. (32.)
1049. RALPH POLE of Wakebregge, ‘gentilman.’
Inquisition, virtute officii, 17 October, 24 Henry VII.
The said Ralph died 10 March, 20 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. Thomas Pole, then aged 24 years and more, is his son and heir.
DERBY. A messuage, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, 60a. pasture and 20a. wood in Wakebrigge, worth 40s., held of Thomas Babyngton, esquire, and James Rolston, ‘gentilman,’ as of their manor of Lee, by fealty and 1 lb. cummin yearly.
4 messuages, 80a. land, 200a. pasture and 12a. meadow in Tannesley, worth 60s., held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by fealty and a rent of 18s. 6d. yearly.
16a. meadow, 200a. pasture and 100a. wood in Matlok, worth 100s., held of the king, as of his manor of Wyrkesworth, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by a fortieth part of a knight’s fee and a rent of 4s. 10d. yearly.
2 messuages, 80a. land and 20a. pasture in Heghegge, worth 26s. 8d., held of the king, as of his honor of Tutbury, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by fealty and a rent of 22s. yearly.
200a. land, 10a. meadow and 5a. pasture in Criche, and the advowson of the chantry of St. Mary in the church of Cryche, worth 30s., held of George, earl of Shrewsbury, as of his barony of Crich, by fealty and a rent of 5s. 8d. yearly, and by 1 lb. pepper for having common in Cryche Clyf.
A messuage, 20a. land, 4a. meadow and 6a. pasture in Wessyngton, held of the abbot of the monastery of St. Mary, Derley, by fealty and a rent of 10s. 4d. yearly.
Note in margin:—Pro ducatu Lancastrie.
E. Series II. File 730. (33.)
1050. JOHN HARDWYK, ‘gentilman.’
Inquisition, virtute officii, 16 October, 24 Henry VII.
The said John died 10 February, 22 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. John Hardwyk, aged 12 years and more, is his son and heir.
DERBY. 6 messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow and 30a. pasture within the lordship of Stanesby, worth 13l. 15s. 4d., held of John Savage, knight, as of his manor or lordship of Stanesby, by a third part of a knight’s fee, rents of 12d., 1 lb. pepper, 1 lb. cummin and a clove, and suit to the court of the said John Savage of his manor &c. aforesaid.
A moiety of a bovate of land in Glapwell, worth 3s. 4d., held of John Leek, esquire, as of his manor of Plesley, by fealty and a rent of 4d. yearly.
E. Series II. File 730. (34.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 3 November, 4 Henry VII.
Henry Fitzhugh, knight, late lord Fitzhugh, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, and by his writing indented dated 20 October, 7 Edward IV, demised it at farm to Henry Barton, prior of Bustelesham, and his successors, for 20 years from the previous Michaelmas, at a rent of 11 marks yearly, as appears in the part of the said writing remaining with the said prior. The prior and his successors were possessed of the manor accordingly, and the fee and right thereof belonged to the said Richard at the time of his death as son and heir of the said Henry Fitzhugh. The prior and his successors occupied the manor from the time of the death of the said Richard until Michaelmas last.
The said Richard (by the name of Richard, lord Fitzhugh, Marmyon and Seynt Quyntine), by his letters patent dated 25 September, 1 Henry VII, granted to John Carleton, his servant, for good service, a life annuity of 40s. from the said manor, with a proviso for distraint in case of non-payment thereof for a quarter of a year after any term of payment.
He died 20 November, 3 Henry VII. George Fitzhugh, aged 1 year and more, is his son and heir.
BERKS. Manor of Bradley, worth 4l., held of Elizabeth, queen of England, as of her lordship of Cokeham and Bray, in free socage, by a rent of 3l. 3s. 4d. yearly.
E. Series II. File 777. (1.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 8 November, 4 Henry VII.
He died 31 July, 17 Edward IV, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor. Joan Stokes, aged 11 years and more, is his daughter and heir.
BERKS. Manor of Brympton, worth 19 marks, held of Cecily, duchess of York, as of her manor of Stratffelde Mortymer, by knight-service.
E. Series II. File 777. (5.)
1053. THOMAS DELAMARE, knight.
Writ of Diem clausit, missing; inquisition 20 October, 8 Henry VII.
Thomas, late cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, and the said Thomas Delamare were jointly seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Aldermanston, and by licence of Edward IV granted it to John, archbishop of Canterbury (by the name of John Morton, clerk, keeper of the Rolls of Chancery), Richard, late bishop of Salisbury, Thomas Chaundeler, clerk, Richard Chokke, knight, Maurice Berkeley, knight, William Norres, knight, John Baker, clerk, William Bocher, clerk, Richard Fouler, John Pury, esquire, William Danvers, Bernard Delamare, esquire, Robert Baynard, esquire, James Viell, esquire, Christopher Hanyngton and Richard Kyngesmyll, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of the said Thomas Delamare and for the performance of his last will. Afterwards the said bishop, Thomas Chaundeler, Richard Chokke, Maurice Berkeley, John Baker, William Bocher, Richard Fouler, John Pury and Bernard Delamare died, and the surviving feoffees were, and still are, seised of the manor in fee by survivorship to the use aforesaid.
The said Thomas Delamare was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Speresholt and Estmanton, and enfeoffed thereof by charter Thomas Gryffyth, chaplain, John Milborn and Thomas Ford, to hold to them and their assigns for ever. The said feoffees were seised thereof accordingly in fee, and enfeoffed thereof Thomas Chaundeler, doctor of theology, John Baker, doctor of theology, John Stratton, doctor of laws, John Chalers, knight, John Norres, esquire, Robert Rufford, esquire, and the said Thomas Delamare and Elizabeth, his wife, to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of the said Thomas Delamare to the use of the same Thomas and Elizabeth and the heirs and assigns of Thomas. The said feoffees were seised thereof accordingly, to wit, Thomas Chaundeler, John Baker, John Stratton, John Chalers, John Norres, Robert Rufford and Elizabeth in their demesne as of free tenement, and Thomas Delamare in fee, to the use aforesaid. Elizabeth survived the other feoffees, and was, and still is, sole seised of the manors in her demesne as of free tenement to her own use for the term of her life.
James Viell and John Delamare, esquires, Thomas Wode, gentleman, John Gawen, esquire, William Porte, vicar of the church of St. Mary, Aldermaston, William Bocher, Richard Curteys, Maurice Davy, George Coke and John Colley were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Chalowe, and enfeoffed thereof by charter the said Thomas Delamare and Elizabeth, his wife, to hold for life in survivorship, with successive remainders to George Delamare, son of the said Thomas, and the heirs male of his body, to the heirs male of the body of the said Thomas, to the heirs of the body of the said Thomas, and to the right heirs of the same Thomas. Elizabeth survived the said Thomas, and was, and still is, sole seised of the manor in her demesne as of free tenement by survivorship.
Edmund Pakenham, esquire, was seised in fee of a moiety of the under-mentioned manor of Fynchamsted, and held it of the said Thomas on the day of his death by knight-service.
John Parkyns and Margaret, his wife, were seised in fee, in right of the said Margaret, of the other moiety of the same manor of Fynchamsted, and held it of the said Thomas on the day of his death by knight-service.
The warden and scholars of the new college of St. Mary by Winchester were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Colethorp, and held it of the said Thomas in frankalmoin on the day of his death.
The said Thomas died 2 September 8 Henry VII. Thomas Delamare, aged 14 years and more, is his kinsman and heir, to wit, son and heir of John Delamare, esquire, his son.
BERKS. Manors of Aldermanston (worth 40l.), Speresholt (worth 20l.), and Chalowe (worth 8 marks), held immediately, and manors of Fynchamsted (worth 20l.) and Colethorp (worth 100s.), held mediately, of the king in chief by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Estmanton, worth 20 marks, held of the lord Fitzwaren, services unknown.
E. Series II. File 778. (7.)
1054. JOHN WOTTON, prior of the priory of St. John the Evangelist, Coldenorton.
Inquisition, virtule officii, 28 October, 12 Henry VII.
He died on Saturday before Palm Sunday, 11 Henry VII, seised in fee, in right of his monastery, of the under-mentioned priory &c. From time immemorial the priory &c. has been of the foundation and patronage of the king and his progenitors, kings of England, and on every vacancy the prior has been chosen by the convent and canons there. At the time of the death of the late prior there was no convent of canons of the priory, so that the succession of priors was totally dissolved and terminated, and the priory and its possessions ought to revert to the king and his heirs as an escheat.
OXFORD. Priory of Coldenorton, 6 messuages, 200a. land, 1000a. pasture, 60a. meadow, 20a. wood and 40s. rent in Coldenorton, 40 messuages, 4 mills, 40a. land, 2000a. pasture, 100a. meadow, 60a. wood and 6l. 13s. 4d. rent in Rowlandryght, Bradeston, Dunthorp, Lydston, Netenston, Sanlake, Burford and Stepyll Aston, and the advowson of the church of Stepyll Aston, worth 50l., held of the king in chief in frankalmoin.
E. Series II. File 779. (4.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 18 October, 12 Henry VII.
William Norreyes, knight, Thomas Dalamer, knight, Richard Fetispace, esquire, John Huett, esquire, Henry Assheburne, gentleman, and Thomas Blewett were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor to the use of Edmund Mountfort and his heirs, and at his request and by his order demised the same to him for life, with remainder after his death to the above-mentioned Francis, his heirs and assigns. While so seised of the said remainder, Francis was attainted of high treason by authority of Parliament, and thereby forfeited to the king, among his other lordships and lands &c., the said reversion or remainder. Afterwards the said Edmund died, to wit, on 6 March, 9 Henry VII, and since then John Preston has taken all the issues and profits of the manor.
BERKS. Manor of Remenham.
Endorsed:—Execucio istius patet in Memorandis hujus Scaccarii, videlicet, inter brevia executa pro rege de termino Sancti Michaelis anno xij. regis Henrici vij. ex parte rememoratoris thesaurarii, rotulo primo.
E. Series II. File 779. (5.)
1056. THOMAS HALL of Shorthamton.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 June, 13 Henry VII.
He died 20 April, 5 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. William Hall, aged 10 years and more, is his son and heir.
OXFORD. 2 messuages and a moiety of 2 virgates of land in …… . ., worth 13s. 4d., held of Reynold Damers and Joan, his wife, [? as of their manor of] Pudlicote, whereof they are seised in fee in right of the said Joan, by knight-service.
E. Series II. File 780. (10.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 24 September, 14 Henry VII.
The said Edward, kinsman and heir of the body of Giles de la Mote, held the under-mentioned manor and advowson in fee tail, to wit, to him and the heirs of his body, by pretext of a gift thereof made by Edward I to the said Giles and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Giles, with reversion in default of such heirs to Edward I and his heirs.
He died 16 February, 12 Henry VII, without heir of his body. The jurors know not who is next heir of the body of the said Giles. John Denton, now deceased, and Thomas Denton, his son, have severally received the profit of the manor &c. since Edward’s death.
BERKS. Manor of Appulton, with the advowson of the church thereof, worth 10l., held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Endorsed:—Execucio fit sicut continetur in Memorandis Scaccarii, videlicet, inter Recorda de termino Sancti Michaelis, rotulo —, ex parte rememoratoris thesaurarii.
E. Series II. File 780. (16.)
1058. ROBERT BROUGHTON, knight.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 12 November, 22 Henry VII.
He was seised of the under-mentioned manor, and by his charter dated 23 February, 17 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof John, earl of Oxford, Reynold Bray, Robert Drury and William Hartwell, knights, Edmund Felton, Robert Lestraunge, William Taylard and John Reynys, esquires, and John Leynton, the elder, John Andrew and Henry Spaldyng, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of himself, his heirs and assigns, and for the performance of his last will; and the said feoffees were seised thereof accordingly in fee to that use. Afterwards, by indentures dated 18 February, 19 Henry VII, he demised the manor at farm to Robert Brudenell, the younger, to hold to him and his assigns for 20 years from Michaelmas, 1505, at a yearly rent of 6l. 13s. 4d.; and the said Robert Brudenell is still possessed thereof. Afterwards the aforesaid Reynold Bray, William Hartwell, William Taylard, John Reynys, John Leynton and John Andrew died, and the surviving feoffees are still seised of the manor in fee to the use aforesaid.
The said Robert Broughton died 28 August, 22 Henry VII. John Broughton, aged 16 years and more, is his son and heir.
BERKS. Manor of Rye, worth 10 marks, held of the dean and chapter of the college of Wyndesore by service of 14d. for all services.
E. Series II. File 783. (8.)
1059. THOMAS KYNGESTON of Chylrey.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 January, 22 Henry VII.
He died 26 January, 22 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c. John Kyngeston, aged 16 years and more, is his kinsman and heir.
BERKS. Manor of Southe Falley, worth 10l. 12s. 7d., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
Manor of Chylrey, worth 29l. 3s. 4d., held of the lord Fitzwaren, as of his manor of [Want]ynge, services unknown.
Manor of Kyngeston Bagpuse, worth 9l. 3s. 4d., held of the king, as of his duchy of [Lancaster], by fealty only.
3 messuages and 4 virgates of land in Letcombe, worth 4l. 6s. 8d., held of the lord Cobham, services unknown.
Note at foot:—Sancti Michaelis brevia retornata de anno xxiiij. regis H. vij., rotulo vj.
E. Series II. File 783. (10.)
1060. JOHN GYSE, knight.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 January, 22 Henry VII.
He died 30 September, 17 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned moieties. John Gyse, esquire, aged 22 years and more on 20 September last, is his son and heir.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 489, 509, 510.
OXFORD. Moiety of the manor of Ardeley, worth 58s. 6d., held of the heirs of Hugh de Plessi, services unknown.
Moiety of the manor of Southe Weston, worth 6l. 19s. 8 1/2d., held of the prince, as of his honor of Walingford, services unknown.
Notes at foot:—Fi[at] quia honor in manu regis. Sancti Michaelis brevia retornata de anno xxiiij. regis H. vij., rotulo xiij.
E. Series II. File 783. (11.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 January, [22] Henry VII.
He was seised in fee on the day of his death of the under-mentioned manor of Bukkenhull and messuages in Burcestre.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Turnesmer &c., and granted the same by charter to Thomas Langston, his younger son, John Cottesforde and Robert Laumpett (?), clerk, with others, to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, to the use of the said Thomas, his heirs and assigns. Afterwards the said Thomas and the other feoffees released by charter all their right in the said manor &c. to the said John Cottesforde and Robert to the use of the said Thomas and his heirs and for [the performance of his last] will. The said John Cottesforde and Robert, at the request of the said John Langston and Thomas, demised the same by charter to the same Thomas and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of Thomas. Thomas and Alice were seised thereof accordingly, he in fee and she in her demesne as of free tenement. Afterwards the said John Langston and Richard Langston, then his son and heir apparent, released by charter all their right in the said manor &c. to the said Thomas and Alice and the heirs of Thomas, and moreover by the same charter granted that they and their heirs would warrant the same to them against the abbot of Westminster and his successors. Thomas and Alice are still in possession of the manor &c. and are seised thereof by virtue of the above feoffment.
Thomas Warner, clerk, and Peter Chapell were seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. in Glympton, Lodwell, Arnecote, Stepullaston, Bukkenhull, Fewcote, Stokelile, Turnesmer, Midlyngton and Waterstoke to the use of the said Thomas Langston and his heirs, and at the request of the said John Langston and Thomas demised them by charter to the aforesaid Thomas and Alice and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas. Thomas and Alice were seised thereof accordingly in fee tail. Afterwards the said John Langston and Richard, his son and heir apparent, released by charter all their right in the said lands &c. to the said Thomas and Alice, and moreover by the same charter granted that they and their heirs would warrant the lands &c. to them and the heirs of Thomas against the abbot of Westminster and his successors.
(Date of death and heir not given.)
Marginal note:—The within-named Richard Langston has special livery of all the manors &c. whereof the within-named John Langston or any other person to his use died seised, as appears in the Originalia of 23 Henry VII, rot. 26.
OXFORD. Manor of Bukkenhull, worth … . ., held of ……… . . in chief by service of one knight’s fee.
3 messuages in Burcestre, worth 30s., held of ……… . . le Straunge by fealty and a rent of 1 lb. cummin yearly.
Manor of Turnesmer, with the advowson of the church thereof as pertaining thereto, and certain lands &c. in Stokelile, Harwyke, Audeley and Fewcote, worth … ., held of George, earl of Shrewsbury, by fealty.
Lands &c. in Glympton, worth 4l., held of John Lydyard by a rent of 1 lb. pepper and fealty.
Lands &c. in Lodwell, worth 53s. 4d., held of ……… by fealty for all services.
Lands &c. in Arnecote, worth 33s. 4d., held of the prior of Burcestre by a rent of 4s. yearly.
Lands &c. in Stepullaston, worth . . d., held of the heirs of the lord Dynham by fealty for all services.
Lands &c. in Bukkenhull, worth 40s., held of Richard Langston by fealty for all services.
Lands &c. in Fewcote, Stokelile, Turnesmer, Midlyngton and Waterstoke, worth 30s. 8d., held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by a rent of 8s. yearly and fealty.
E. Series II. File 783. (12.)
1062. JOHN WOTTON, prior of the priory of St. John the Evangelist, Coldnorton.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 24 April, 22 Henry VII.
Findings as in No. 1054.
OXFORD. Priory of Coldenorton, manor of Coldenorton, 6 messuages, 200a. land, 1000a. pasture, 60a. meadow, 20a. wood and 40s. rent in Coldenorton, 40 messuages, 4 mills, 40a. land, 2000a. pasture, 100a. meadow, 60a. wood and 9l. 13s. 4d. rent in Chepyngnorton, Over Norton, Little Norton, Hockenorton alias Hoggesnorton, Great Rowlandright, Bradeston, Dunthorp, Lyddeston, Overhalford, Netherhalford, Netherenston, Stanlake, Burford, Stepylaston, Myddylaston, Enston, Churchehyll, Chylston, Chadlyngton, Banbury, Sewell alias Sercewell, Little Tew (Parva Tua), Shipton, Dadyngton and Therne, and the rectory of the parish church of SS. Peter and Paul, Stepylaston, anciently annexed and appropriated to the priory, worth 50l., held of the king in chief in frankalmoin.
E. Series II. File 783. (13.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 23 September, 10 Henry VII.
He died 30 November last, seised in fee of the under-mentioned tenement and lands. Margaret Gryffith, aged 11 years and more, is his sister and heir. She is in the wardship of Owen Ridley of Wolverhampton, co. Stafford, ‘marchaunt.’
Cf. Vol. I, No. 1010.
SALOP. A tenement in Brugnorth, worth 6s. 8d., held of the king, services unknown.
A pasture called ‘Polecrofte’ containing 20a. land, and another pasture called ‘Severn Lesowe’ containing 8a. land, near Brugnorth, worth 26s. 8d., held of the king by knight-service.
A messuage, 4 cottages, 30a. land and 6a. meadow in the lordship of Neweport, worth 40s., held of Thomas Audeley, brother of the lord Audeley, services unknown.
E. Series II. File 831. (1.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, Tuesday, 10 November, 11 Henry VII.
She died 8 March, 10 Henry VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor, which she held for life by demise of Edmund Lucy, esquire, son and heir of William Lucy, knight, with reversion to the said Edmund and his heirs. The said Edmund is 30 years of age and more, and entered into the manor after her death by virtue of the reversion aforesaid.
Cf. Vol. I, No. 1138.
SALOP. Manor of Hugford Middelton, worth 10l., held of the earl of Arundel by service of one knight’s fee.
E. Series II. File 832. (1.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 10 February, 14 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee tail of the under-mentioned manors, and enfeoffed thereof (but not of the advowson of the church of Stoketon) Maurice Ludlowe, esquire. The said Maurice was seised thereof accordingly in fee, and gave them to the said Edmund and Joan, his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of Edmund. Edmund and Joan were seised thereof accordingly, she as of free tenement and he in fee; and he died so seised.
He also died seised in form aforesaid of the above-mentioned advowson.
He died 12 December, 11 Henry VII. Thomas Lucy, then aged 9 years, is his son and heir.
SALOP. Manor of Stoketon, worth 10l., held of the king in chief by knight-service and a rent of 4s. yearly.
Manors of Appley and Hugford Middelton, worth 20 marks, held of Thomas, earl of Arundel, by homage and fealty.
E. Series II. File 832. (4.)
1066. EDMUND LUCY, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 11 April, 14 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Stokton, and of the advowson of the church of Stokton which then pertained to the said manor; and by his deed dated 10 January, 8 Henry VII, he granted to John Boteler, Henry Baker and Roger Clerke, clerk, the next presentation to the said church (by the name of the church of St. Chad, Stokton), and promised to warrant the same to them and their assigns when it should next fall in. Afterwards, by another deed, he enfeoffed Maurice Ludlowe, esquire, and others of the manor aforesaid (except the advowson of the church and the woods, parcel of the manor), at a time when he had nothing in the said advowson until after the next presentation. Maurice and the others were accordingly seised of the manor (except as above) in fee, and gave it (except as above) to the said Edmund and Joan, his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of the body of Edmund, with remainder in default of such issue to Edmund’s right heirs. Edmund and Joan were seised of the manor (except as above) accordingly, he in fee tail and she in her demesne as of free tenement. Joan survived her husband and held herself in the manor by survivorship, and is still seised thereof as above.
The said Edmund died 3 December, 11 Henry VII. Thomas Lucye, aged 11 years and more, is his son and heir.
SALOP. Manor of Stokton, worth 100s., held of the earl of Arundel by knight-service, to wit, by half a knight’s fee, and not of the king in chief.
E. Series II. File 832. (5.)
1067. THOMAS HORDE, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, Monday, 29 October, 14 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee on the day of his death of the under-mentioned messuages and lands in Bruggenorth, Maughtill, Asteley Abbots, Tasseley and Shrewsbury.
He was seised by the courtesy of England, in right of Joyce, his wife, deceased, of the under-mentioned pasture and wood called ‘Neteley’ and ‘Arungrove.’
He died on Monday after Holy Trinity, 13 Henry VII. Thomas Horde, aged 22 years and more, is kinsman and next heir of the said Thomas and Joyce, to wit, son of John Horde, deceased, their son.
SALOP. 20 messuages, 100a. arable, 40a. pasture and 30a. meadow within the liberty and franchise of Bruggenorth, worth 10l., held in burgage by a rent of 2d. for all services.
80a. pasture, 60a. land and 20a. wood in Maughtill, worth 5 marks, held of the abbot of St. Peter’s, Shrewsbury, in socage, by fealty and a rent of 12d.
A pasture called ‘Bynwall’ within the lordship of Asteley Abbots, worth 10s., held of the same abbot in socage, by a rent of 2d. yearly.
A pasture called ‘Dounvoe,’ 100a. pasture and 60a. wood in Asteley aforesaid, worth 10 marks, held of the same abbot in socage, by fealty and a rent of 12d. yearly.
A pasture called ‘Henley’ within the lordship of Tasseley, worth 4 marks, held of the earl of Shrewsbury &c.
20 messuages and 100a. pasture within the liberty and franchise of Shrewsbury, worth 20 marks, held in burgage by a rent of 6d.
200a. pasture and 60a. wood called ‘Neteley’ and ‘Arungrove,’ worth 20 marks, held of Richard Lakyn, knight, in socage, by fealty and a rent of a red rose yearly.
E. Series II. File 832. (6.)
1068. LAURENCE HOSIER, alias HOWELL, of Shrewsbury, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 9 November, 18 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages and lands &c., and by his charter dated 18 August, 16 Henry VII, granted the same (by the name of all his lands in Shrewsbury and within the franchise of the town of Shrewsbury and in the county of Salop) to Thomas Knyght of Shrewsbury, gentleman, and Humphrey Blike, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use and for the performance of his last will.
He died 4 September, 17 Henry VII. Richard Howell, aged 16 years and more, is his son and heir.
SALOP. 5 messuages and 40a. land in Pulleley, worth 40s., held of Thomas Pontesbury in socage, by a rent of 4s. yearly.
A messuage and 10a. land in Astley, worth 10s., held of the dean and canons of the collegiate church of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, in socage, by a rent of 16d. yearly.
A messuage and 12a. land in Cleve, worth 12s., held of the same dean and canons in socage, by service and rent of 2s. yearly.
All the above lands &c. are within the liberties of the town of Shrewsbury.
A messuage and 15a. land in Neuton by Mudell, worth 11s., held of George, lord le Straunge, as of his lordship of Mudell, in socage, by service and rent of 2s. and 2 hens yearly.
A messuage and 10a. land in Besford, worth 8s., held of Ranulf Brereton, knight, in socage, by service and rent of 12d. yearly.
Two-thirds of the manor of Lynches, worth 100s., held of George, lord le Straunge, as of his lordship of Mudell, in socage, by service and rent of a red rose at Midsummer. This he held jointly with [the above-mentioned] Richard Howell.
3 burgage tenements in Shrewsbury, worth 20s., held in free burgage.
E. Series II. File 832. (15.)
1069. THOMAS WHITCOMBE, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 16 November, 19 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages, manor and lands. By his charter dated 12 March, 15 Henry VII, he granted them to Thomas Poynour of Beslow, esquire, and Sir Nicholas Poynour, vicar of the church of Wroxcetter, to hold to them and their heirs for ever; and the said grantees, by their charter dated 13 March, 15 Henry VII, released all their right in the same to him and Isabel, his wife, their heirs and assigns.
He died on the eve of the Conception, 18 Henry VII. Isabel survived him and is sole seised of the premises by virtue of the above grant and release.
SALOP. 4 messuages, 200a. land, 40a. pasture, 20a. meadow and 6a. wood in Berwyk by Attyngham, worth 4l., held of the lady Blanche Otteley by service of 1/2d. yearly.
Manor of Willesland by Great Ercalew (or lands &c. in Willesland), worth 40s., held of John Newport, esquire, by service of a pair of gilt spurs yearly.
A moiety of a messuage in Preston on le Were by Haghmond, worth 13s. 4d., held of Thomas Poynour, service unknown.
A messuage in Rodyngton and a meadow in Isumbrigge.
Lands in Upton, worth 10s., held of the earl of Arundel, service unknown.
E. Series II. File 833. (1.)
1070. RICHARD LAKEN, knight.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 16 November, 19 Henry VII.
He died 1 July, 18 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c. Thomas Laken, aged 28 years and more, is his son and heir.
SALOP. Manor of Kenley, with its members, to wit, Gretton, Hatton and Wildertop, worth 20 marks, held of the lord Arundell, service unknown.
Manor of Harley, and Willeley (which is a member of the same manor), worth 20l., held of the lord Zouche, service unknown.
13 messuages, 200a. land and pasture and 70a. meadow in Coton, Laken, Wolverley, Lopynton, Edstaston, Tillulley and Wemme, worth 10l., held of the barony of Wemme, service unknown.
E. Series II. File 833. (2.)
1071. WILLIAM HAREWELL, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 10 November, 19 Henry VII.
He died 6 October, 18 Henry VII, seised of the under-mentioned manors. John Harewell, aged 30 years and more, is his son and heir.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 430, 431, 477.
SALOP. Manors of Borwardesley (worth 46s. 8d.), Hungerford (worth 4 marks), Little Postern (worth 52s. 1/2d.), Great Postern (worth 40s. 7 1/4d.), Billyngesley (worth 56s. 2d.), Wrykton (worth 30s.), and Walkeslowe (worth 28s.), held of Thomas, earl of Arundel, services unknown.
Manor of Over Millynchop, worth 10 marks, held of the king in chief by knight-service.
Footnote:—Execucio inde fit per priorem inquisicionem coram Johanne Brokwall, nuper escaetore in comitatu predicto, capta, sicut continetur in Memorandis de anno xxij. regis hujus, [inter] Michaelis brevia retornata, rotulo —.
E. Series II. File 833. (3.)