Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 351-400

Pages 209-250

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 351-400

Writ of dower 10 February, assignment of dower 10 March, 22 Henry VII.
YORK. The escheator, in the presence of Nicholas Burdett, Amery Wentworth and Laurence Langley, the next friends of Thomas Wentworth, son and heir of Matthew aforesaid, a minor in the king’s wardship, caused to be extended 2 messuages and 60a. land in Elmesall and Claiton, worth 48s. 2d., whereof the said Matthew died seised; and assigned to the said Elizabeth, a messuage with 2 enclosures in Claiton called ‘Michael roide’ and ‘Brom cloys,’ worth 16s. 0 1/2d. and a third part of 1/2d., as her dower of all the lands &c. of the said Matthew in the county.
C. Series II. Vol. 20. (167.)
Writ of dower 1 July, assignment of dower 12 July, 22 Henry VII.
WILTS. The escheator, in the presence of Maurice Berkeley, esquire, Robert Bulkeley, esquire, and John Erneley, the next friends of John Berkeley, kinsman and heir of the said Edward, a minor in the king’s wardship, assigned to the said Alice a third part of 4 messuages, 300a. land, 12a. meadow and 200a. pasture in Crykelade, as her dower of all the lands &c. of the said Edward in the county.
C. Series II. Vol. 20. (168.)
Writ of dower 10 November, 22 Henry VII; assignment of dower 13 May, 23 Henry VII.
YORK. The escheator, in the presence of George Loremer and John Hedon, the next friends of Walter Thorneholme, son and heir of the said John Thornholme, a minor in the king’s wardship, assigned to the said Elizabeth as her dower of all the lands &c. in the county late of her said husband:—
A capital messuage, 12 bovates of land and a close in Hasthorp, in the tenure of John Akelom.
A messuage and 3 bovates of land there in the tenure of William Bateson.
A messuage and 3 bovates of land there in the tenure of Thomas Hewson.
A messuage and 4 bovates of land there in the tenure of John Baron.
A messuage and 4 bovates of land there in the tenure of William Bilby.
A messuage and 3 bovates of land there in the tenure of John Yorke.
2 cottages there in the separate tenures of Robert Warcop and William Wryght.
C. Series II. Vol. 20. (169.)
Writ of dower 1 July, assignment of dower 29 July, 22 Henry VII.
COUNTY OF THE TOWN OF GLOUCESTER. The escheator, in the presence of Richard Cokkes and John Grantham, the next friends of John Berkeley, son and heir of the said Edward, a minor in the king’s wardship, assigned to the said Alice a third part of all the lands &c. in Brentham (sic) and Beggeworth late of the said Edward, and a third part of the manor of Downhatherley, as her dower of all the lands &c. in the said county late of the said Edward.
C. Series II. Vol. 20. (170.)
Writ of dower 1 July, assignment of dower 21 July, 22 Henry VII.
GLOUCESTER. The escheator, in the presence of Robert Poyntz, knight, Roger Porter and Thomas Trolley, the next friends of John Berkeley, kinsman and heir of the said Edward, a minor in the king’s wardship, assigned to the said Alice in dower:—
A tenement in Beverston held by Thomas Bircher at a rent of 10s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Walter Byryman at a rent of 6s. 8d.
A tenement there in the tenure of William Freme at a rent of 5s.
A tenement there in the tenure of John Galon at a rent of 3s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Nicholas Billyng at a rent of 5s.
A tenement there in the tenure of John Unwyn at a rent of 21s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Margaret Unwyn at a rent of 23s. 4d.
A tenement there in the tenure of John Birt at a rent of 20s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Robert Mody at a rent of 6s. 8d.
A tenement [there] in the tenure of Thomas Unwyn at a rent of 26s. 8d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Nicholas Brynkeworth at a rent of 8s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Thorneton at a rent of 13s. 4d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Seryvyn at a rent of 6s. 8d.
A pasture there in the tenure of the same Thomas at a rent of 12s. 6d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Conrad Tylly at a rent of 10s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Parker at a rent of 13s. 6d.
A tenement there in the tenure of John Pope at a rent of 20s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Robert Toby at a rent of 13s. 4d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Wynkworth at a rent of 18s. 4d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Edward Hayn at a rent of 13s. 4d.
A tenement there the tenure of John Wellys at a rent of 7s. 9d.
A tenement in Over in the tenure of William Tayler at a rent of 20s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Haynys at a rent of 28s. 7d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Bryll at a rent of 13s. 4d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Poleyn at a rent of 13s. 4d.
A tenement there in the tenure of John Perys at a rent of 13s. 4d.
A tenement there in the tenure of Richard Tayler at a rent of 16s.
A tenement there in the tenure of Thomas Crede at a rent of 13s.
A tenement there in the tenure of John Wade at a rent of 3s.
Total value 19l. 14s. 8d.
C. Series II. Vol. 20. (171.)
Writ of dower 10 February, assignment of. dower 22 March, 22 Henry VII.
NOTTINGHAM. The escheator, in the presence of James Jhesope, Thomas Kepas and Thomas Atwellez, the next friends of Thomas Wentworth, son and heir of the said Matthew, a minor in the king’s wardship, caused an extent to be made of 9 messuages, 3 cottages and 68a. land in Sutton, Scarworth and Stokwith, worth 8l., whereof the said Matthew died seised, and assigned to Elizabeth the following, worth 4 marks, as her dower of all the lands &c. in the county late of the said Matthew:—
A messuage in Sutton lately in the tenure of John Jonson, worth 29s. 6d.
A messuage in Stokwith now in the tenure of Hugh Hamerton, worth 23s. 10d.
C. Series II. Vol. 20. (172.)
Writ, wanting; inquisition … November, 23 Henry VII.
……………… were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage, 40a. land, 10a. meadow, 50a. pasture and 10a. marsh in Braham, and granted them by fine to Robert Adgore, Gregory Adgore, Simon Wyseman, Thomas Kebyll, Thomas Frowyk, William Huntley, William Eyer and Edmund Gelgelt, and the heirs of the said Gregory. Edmund Gelgelt survives, and is still seised of the premises in form aforesaid.
John Dysynge was seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. called ‘Benelles’ and 20a. land in Braham, and granted them by charter to Gregory Adgore, John Wyndham, knight, James Hubert, king’s attorney, and John Wyseman, esquire, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory and his heirs. James Hubert and John Wyseman survive, and are still seised of the premises in fee by survivorship.
John Colman of Braham was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage in Braham called ‘le Berehowse,’ and granted it by charter to Gregory Adgore, John Wyndham, knight, and John Wyseman, esquire, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory, his heirs and assigns. John Wyseman survives, and is still seised &c.
John Wyghtynge of Capell, son and heir of Thomas Wyghtynge, late of Capell, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. called ‘Standons’ and ‘Sadelers,’ and granted them by charter to Gregory Adgore, William Hyll, John Peverell and Robert Cole of Estbergholt, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory and his heirs. William Hyll and Robert Cole survive, and are still seised &c.
John Masselyn and Joan, his wife, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage and lands &c. called ‘Crownes,’ and granted them by charter to Gregory Adgore, John Wyndham, knight, John Wyseman, esquire, John Breuxer and John Draper, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory and his heirs. John Breuxer, John Wyseman and John Draper survive, and are still seised &c.
Thomas Hecham, son and heir of John Hecham of Chelmondeston, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. called ‘Masons,’ and granted them by charter to Gregory Adgore, John Wyseman, esquire, and Thomas Wilson, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory and his heirs. John Wyseman and Thomas Wylson survive, and are still seised &c.
Robert Adgore, one of the executors of William Wodward, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned tenement in Braham, [called ‘Wodwardes’], late of William Wodward, and in accordance with the will of the said William demised it by charter to Gregory Adgore, his son, John Wyndham, knight, John Wyseman, esquire, William Hyll and John Draper, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory and his heirs. John Wyseman, William Hyll and John Draper survive, and are still seised &c.
Thomas Masselyn and Thomas Brampston were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. called ‘the Holdhouse’ and garden &c. called ‘Chekwell,’ and granted them by charter to Robert Adgore, Gregory Adgore, his son, of Braham, and John Wyseman, gentleman, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory and his heirs. John Wyseman survives, and is still seised &c.
John Gainday, John Darby, Thomas Masselyn, Geoffrey Cokho and Thomas Branston were seised in fee of the under-mentioned tenement &c. called ‘Downynges Yn,’ and enfeoffed thereof by charter Robert Adgore, Thomas Dey, Gregory Adgore, son of the said Robert, and John Draper, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Gregory and his heirs. John Draper survives, and is still seised &c.
Robert Adgore, father of the said Gregory, of Brantham, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Briggeplace, tenements called ‘Staunfordes’ and ‘le Newehowse,’ lands &c. called ‘le Hyll,’ messuage called ‘Carterz,’ close called ‘le Gatefeld,’ and lands called ‘Potterz’ and ‘Wyghtes,’ and by charter enfeoffed thereof (by the name of all his lands &c., rents and services in the towns of Braham, Brantham, Bergholt, Catywad, Stutton, Capell, Tatyngston and elsewhere in Suffolk), William Eyer, William Huntley, William Wodward, Robert Cole and John Peverell, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Robert Adgore and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will. Robert Cole survives, and is still seised &c.
On St. Bartholomew’s day, 20 Henry VII, the said Gregory made his last will of the premises, and thereby bequeathed all his manors and lands &c. in Suffolk, and all his lands in Essex, to Anne, his wife, for the term of her life.
He died (blank) August, . . Henry VII. Ela, aged 10 years and more, and Dorothy, aged 7 years and more, are his daughters and heirs.
SUFFOLK. Manor of Briggeplace, worth 20 marks, held of Richard Wentworthe, esquire, as of his manor of Histoftes, service unknown.
A tenement called ‘Hylttes’ in Brantham, worth 3l. 6s. 8d., held of Philip Calthorp, knight, as of his manor of Erwarton, by homage, fealty and 14s. rent.
Lands &c. in Braham called ‘Benelles’ and 20a. land there, worth 13s. 4d., held of John, earl of Oxford, as of his manor of Tatyngston, by homage, fealty and 14s. 8d. rent.
A messuage in Braham near Catywade chapel, now called ‘le Berehowse,’ worth 3l., held of Edward Cornwales, esquire, service unknown.
Lands &c. called ‘Standons’ and ‘Sadelers’ in Capell, worth 40s., held of the lady Anne Debenham, widow, as of her manor of Wenham, service unknown.
A messuage and lands &c. called ‘Crownes’ in Braham, in the hamlet of Catywad, and other towns adjacent, worth 40s., held of the said Edward Cornwales, service unknown.
Lands &c. called ‘Masons’ in Braham and in the hamlet of Catywad, worth 10s., held of the said Edward Cornwales, service unknown.
Lands and tenements called ‘Wodwardes’ in Braham, worth 100s., held of the aforesaid earl of Oxford, as of his manor of Tatyngston, by homage, fealty and 15s. rent.
A tenement called ‘Masselyns’ worth 20s., held of the said Edward Cornwales, service unknown.
A tenement with garden annexed called ‘Downynges Yn,’ now ‘le Swan,’ in Brantham and in the hamlet of Catywad, with a croft of arable, worth 40s., held of the king, as of his honor of Clare, service unknown.
A tenement in Brantham Strete and certain lands &c. belonging thereto called ‘Staunfordes’ in Brantham and Stutton, worth 10 marks, held of the earl of Oxford, service unknown.
A tenement in Brantham Strette called ‘Le Newehouse,’ and certain lands &c. belonging thereto, worth 6s., held of John Talmage, esquire, service unknown.
Lands in Braham, in the hamlet of Catywad, called ‘le Hyll,’ worth … ., held of the said Edward Cornwales, service unknown.
A messuage called ‘Cartterz’ with lands pertaining thereto, and a close or field called ‘le Gatefeld,’ in Bergholt, worth 30s., held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown.
Lands in Bergholt [called ‘Potterz’] and ‘Wyghtes’, worth 40s., held of the earl of Oxford, service unknown.
A messuage, 40a. land, 10a. meadow, 50a. pasture and 10a. marsh in Braham.
A messuage with a garden in the hamlet of Catywad, called ‘the Holdhouse,’ and a garden called ‘Chekwell’ with a grange built thereon.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (1.)
Writ of Devenerunt 21 November, inquisition 3 February, 23 Henry VII.
John Esfelde, clerk, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages, &c., and granted them to John Hynde and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to John Colpepyr, John Preston, Robert de Teye, Clement Spyce, Robert Rykedon, John Bassett, Ellis de Bokkyng, and Richard Thorp and the heirs of the said Richard. John Colpepyr, John Bassett and Ellis de Bokkyng died, and the surviving remaindermen released by deed all their right in the premises to the said John Hynde, his heirs and assigns. After the death of John Hynde and Elizabeth the premises descended to John Wrytyll, the father, as kinsman and heir of the said John Hynde, citizen of London, and Elizabeth, his wife, of their bodies begotten, to wit, son of Joan daughter of John their son and heir; and the said John Wrytyll was accordingly seised thereof in fee tail by the form of the gift aforesaid. After his death the premises descended to John Wrytyll, the son, named in the writ, as his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor and advowson of Little Chisehull, worth 8l. … . ., held of the king, as of his honor of Boulogne, by knight-service.
Manor of Pycottes, worth 6l., held of the king, as of the same honor, by knight-service.
Manor of Little Canfeld, worth 9l. 3s., held of John, earl of Oxford, service unknown.
Manor of Bradwell, worth 8l. 16s. 11 1/2d., held of [the abbot of] St. Peter’s Westminster, as of his manor of Feryngbery, service unknown.
2 messuages, 3 mills, 800a. land, 32a. meadow, 72a. wood, [l0l. rent, and a rent of 2] cocks and 20 hens in Bradwell, Feryng, Stysted, Coggys-hale, Bokkyng, Cressyng, Patyswyke, Little Chysehill and Great Chisehull; whereof the premises in Bradwell, Feryng, Stysted and Coggeshale, worth ……, are held of the earl of Essex, service unknown, those in Bokkyng, Cressyng and Pateswyke, worth 6l. 13s. 4d., are held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown, and those in Great and Little Chysehull, worth 21l., are held of John, earl of Oxford, service unknown.
William Hale and Richard Wolby were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor &c., and granted the same by deed to John Hynde, the younger, and the heirs of his body, with successive remainders to Joan Wretyll, daughter and heir of John Hynde, the elder, his brother, and the heirs of her body, and to Griselda, late the wife of John Hynde, the elder, and Walter Wretyll, their heirs and assigns. On the death of John Hynde, the younger, without issue, the premises descended to John Wretyll, the father, as son and heir of the said Joan, and he died seised thereof in fee tail.
ESSEX. Manor of Standon Hall, with the advowson of the church of Standon belonging thereto, and 6 messuages, 80a. land, 40a. meadow, 40a. pasture and 20a. wood in Standon, worth 15l. 7s., held of the duke of Buckingham, as of his hundred of Onger, by 8d. rent for all service.
[Henry,] late earl of Essex, Ralph Butteler, knight, late lord de Sudeley, William Beauffytz and Thomas Drakys were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c., and gave them by charter to John Hynde, the younger, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the above-mentioned Joan Wretyll and the heirs of her body. On the death of John Hynde, the younger, without issue, the premises descended to John Wretyll, the father, as above, and on his death to John Wrytell, the son, as his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor of Ramsey in the hundred of Tendryng, worth 15l. 10s. 6 1/2d., held of John Fortescue, as of his manor of [Great Tey], service unknown.
Manor of Wrabnase, with the advowson of the church, worth 14l., held of the abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, service unknown.
10 messuages, 10 gardens, 300a. land, 80a. meadow, 100a. pasture, 60a. wood and a marine water-[mill] in Ramsey, Bradfelde, Wykes and Wrabnase, worth 40s., held of the said abbot, service unknown.
A tenement with a garden adjoining, and a wharf opposite, in New Hithe, Colchester, formerly of John Aleyn, worth 40s., held of the king in free burgage.
John Wrytell, the father, died seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages and lands, and after his death they descended to John Wrytell, the son, as his son and heir.
ESSEX. 5 messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 100a. pasture and 10a. wood in Great Eyston, called ‘Blomsters,’ worth 10l., held of the heirs of lord Storton, service unknown.
2 messuages, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, [20a.] pasture, 5a. wood and 6l. 12d. rent in Depdens, worth 4l., held of William Fyndern, knight, service unknown.
3 messuages, 30a. land, 10a. meadow, 20a. pasture and 2a. wood in Chykwell, worth, together with the under-mentioned lands in Little Canfeld, 9l., held of John, earl of Oxford, service unknown.
2 messuages, 20a. land, 6a. meadow, 7a. pasture and 3a. wood, and lands called ‘Edwardes [tenement’] in Little Canfeld, Great Eston, (ad montem) and Little Reynes, with the advowson of. the church of Little Reynes, whereof the premises in Little Canfeld are held of the earl of Oxford, as above, and the other premises, worth 20s., are held of the heirs of the lord Storton, service unknown.
Henry, earl of Essex, and John Barnwell, fishmonger, and John Schukborough, citizens of London, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors &c., and demised the same to Katharine late the wife of Walter Wretyll for life; and she was seised thereof in her demesne as of free tenement.
ESSEX. Manor of Lampyttys, worth 6l., held of the lord le Scrope, service unknown.
Manor and advowson of Bobyngworth, 3 messuages called ‘Pykerelles,’ ‘Reynkins’ and ‘Bolyscroftes,’ and lands &c. called ‘Hyerdes,’ ‘Pykerettes,’ ‘Wylkyns,’ ‘Crowche croft,’ ‘Chamberleyns,’ ‘Pappys’ and ‘Tylehous’ in Bobynworth, High Onger and Northwelde, worth 10l., held of the duke of Buckingham, service unknown.
Henry, earl of Essex, William Bourghcher and Thomas Bourghcher, knights, Robert Plomer and John [Wode] were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor &c., and demised the same to the aforesaid Katharine for life, as above.
ESSEX. Manor of Astelyns, and 4 messuages, 2 tofts, 140a. land, 20a. meadow, 30a. pasture and 5a. wood in Babyngworth, Welde, Moreton, Lauvere Magdeleyn, High Onger, Fyffhyde and Northwelde Bassett, worth 10l., held of the duke aforesaid, service unknown.
Richard Kyrby, esquire, John Marmyon of Rothyng Aythorp and John Veysey of Elsenham were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and advowson &c., and demised the same to the aforesaid Katharine for life, as above.
ESSEX. Manor and advowson of High Laver, and 2 messuages, 100a. land,
40a. meadow, 80a. pasture, 10a. wood and 10s. rent in High Laver, Magdaleyn Laver, Harlowe, Macchyng, Moreton and Little Laver, worth 15l., held of the duke aforesaid, service unknown.
John Bryan, vicar of Navestok, John Bromhall, esquire and John Lamberd of Chikwell were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors &c., and gave the same to Walter Goldyngham, knight, and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Walter, with remainder to Walter de Wretyll, his heirs and assigns. Walter Goldyngham died without heir of his body. Afterwards Walter Wretyll died, whereupon the remainder descended to John Wretyll, the father, his son and heir, who on the death of the said Elizabeth entered into the premises and was seised thereof in fee. On his death the premises descended to John Wretyll, the son, as his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manors of Westhatch and Bukhurst, alias Goldhurst, and 2 messuages, 20a. land, 6a. meadow, 7a. pasture and 2a. wood in Chykwell and Berkyng, worth 6l. 6s. 8d., tenure unknown.
John Fray and John Bassett were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, and gave it to John Hynde, the elder, son of John Hynde, late citizen of London, to hold during the life of Elizabeth, lady Sudeley, his mother, with successive remainders to the said John Hynde, the younger, and the heirs of his body, and to John Hynde, the elder, and the heirs of his body. After the death of John Hynde, the younger, without heir of his body, and of the said Elizabeth, the premises descended to John Wrytyll, the father, as kinsman and heir of John Hynde, the elder, to wit, son of Joan his daughter and heir, and from John Wrytyll, the father, to John Wrytyll, the son, as his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor of Mascallesbery in White Rodyng, worth 16l. 13s. 4d., held of the duke aforesaid, service unknown.
The above demises to Katharine late the wife of Walter Wrytell for life were made with remainder to John Wrytell, the father, and the heirs of his body; and after his death the said remainder descended to John Wretyll the son. The said Katharine is dead.
John Wretyll, the father, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned tenements and manor, and after his death they descended to John Wretyll, the son.
ESSEX. A tenement called ‘Keryes,’ or ‘Kyres,’ in Aythorp Rodyng, worth 4l., held of the duke aforesaid, service unknown.
Manor of Milles in Stysted, worth 10l., held of the earl of Essex, service unknown.
A tenement called ‘Wolsyes’ in Eston ……, worth 20s., held of the heirs of the lord Storton, service unknown.
All the premises came to the king’s hands by the death of John Wretyll, the father, who died on 13 October, 1 Henry VII, and by reason of the minority of John Wretyll, the son, named in the writ, then aged 6 weeks and more, and are still in the king’s hand. By letters patent dated 29 June, 1 Henry VII, the king granted the wardship and marriage of John Wretyll, the son, to Reynold Bray, knight, Edmund Schaa, knight, and John Schaa, knight (by the name of John Schaa, citizen and goldsmith of London). On 21 May, 16 Henry VII, after the death of Edmund Schaa, the said John Wretyll, the son, by appointment and agreement of the remaining two guardians, at London in the parish of Holy Trinity in the ward of Chepe, took to wife Audrey, daughter of the said John Schaa, he being then 16 years of age and she 14 years of age. He died 28 July last. Audrey is still alive. Joan, daughter of the said Audrey, aged 1 year and 37 weeks, is daughter and next heir of the said John the son.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (2.)
359. RALPH GRAY of Chewillyngeham, knight.
Writ, wanting; inquisition 7 December, 23 Henry VII.
He died 4 August, 22 Henry VII. Thomas Gray, aged 4 years and more, is his son and heir.
He died in seisin of the following:—
NORTHUMBERLAND. Manor of Chewillyngham, worth 81l. 0s. 8d., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
The town or manor of le Newetowne, held of the earl of Northumberland, services unknown.
Manor of Alberwik, worth 26s. 8d., held of the king [in chief], services unknown.
50a. land in Nethirbuston, worth 31s., held of [the king] in chief, service unknown.
Manor and castle of Heton, worth 22l. … ., and a fishery there in the water of Twede, worth 7l. 6s. 8d., all held of the bishop of Durham, services unknown. At the time of Ralph’s death the bishopric of Durham was in the king’s hand, the see being void.
15a. land in Alnewik, worth 10s., held of [the earl of] Northumberland, services unknown.
5 messuages and 200a. land in Yevering, worth 5l. 13s. 8d., held of [the king] in chief, services unknown.
4 messuages, 100a. land and a water-mill in Cowpelound, worth 6l. 13s. 4d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Manor of Reveley, worth 7l. 8s. … . tenure unknown.
Manors of Northmydelton and Suthmydelton, worth 17l. 3s. 4d., held of the earl of Northumberland, services unknown.
Manor of Aukhald, worth 13l. 0s. 9d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Manor of Eworth, worth 14l. 12d., held of the earl of Northumberland.
Manor of Ancroft, held of the bishop of Durham (as above), services unknown.
A free fishery at Cawdstreme, worth 40s., held of the king in chief by socage.
40 messuages, 300a. land and 1 lb. pepper, worth 32l., parcel of the manor of Dodyngton, which manor is held of the earl of Northumberland, services unknown.
Manor of Myndrome, worth 12l. 18s., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
26a. land in Branxston, worth 13s. 4d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Manor of Larmouth, 200a. land and 100a. meadow called ‘lez est demeanes de Wark,’ and a water-mill there, worth 24l. 6s. 8d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Manor of Anterchester and the towns of Colman and Aylsden, held of the king in chief, services unknown. They were once worth 3l., but now yield nothing because they are devastated.
Manor of Wark, worth 40l. 12s. 1d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Manor of Presfenne, worth 6l. 13s. 4d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Manor of Fenton, worth 20l. 18s., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
Manor of Killom and a close there, worth 13l. 15s. 4d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Manor of Rosse, a free warren and an oyster bed, held of the bishop of Durham, as above.
12a. land in Bowesden, worth 6s. 8d., held of the king in chief.
Manor of Felkynton, worth 6l., 5 messuages and 60a. land in Tilmouth, worth 40s., the manor of Kylay, worth 7l. 15s. 8d., and 4 messuages and 100a. land in Norham, worth 4l. 5s. 7d., held of the bishop of Durham, as above, services unknown.
24a. land in Bambrugh, worth 14s. 3d., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
A tenement and 40a. land in Dudhowe, worth 26s. 8d., held of the bishop of Durham, as above, services unknown.
Manor of Howik, worth 21l. 20d., held of the earl of Northumberland, services unknown.
Manor of Hawkhill, a close and a fulling-mill, worth 15l. 8s. 4d., held of the earl of Northumberland, services unknown.
3 messuages and an enclosure in Newcastle upon Tyne, worth 40s., held of the king in burgage, as the whole town is held.
3 messuages and 100a. land in Chesewik, worth 3l., held of the bishop of Durham, as above.
30a. land in Hethe Pole, worth 20s., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
A messuage and 60a. land in Calmerton, worth 26s. 8d., tenure unknown.
A water-mill by St. Ninian’s chapel at Fenton, worth 40s., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor &c., and enfeoffed thereof by charter John Heron, bastard, who survives, and others now deceased, to the use of Elizabeth, his wife, for life. Elizabeth is still living and the said John is still seised to the use aforesaid.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Manor of Woller, and 10 messuages, 500a. land, 100a. meadow and 200a. pasture in Donyngton, parcel of the manor of Donyngton, held of the earl of Northumberland, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (3.)
360. GEORGE LUMLEY, knight.
Writ 1 December, inquisition the last day of February, (fn. 1) 23 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee tail, to himself and the heirs of his body, as kinsman and heir of the body of Marmaduke de Twenge, to wit, son and heir of Thomas Lumley, knight, son and heir of John Lumley, knight, son and heir of Ralph Lumley, knight, son and heir of Isabel, daughter and heir of Robert de Twenge, son and heir of the said Marmaduke, of the under-mentioned messuages &c., which Margaret Roos granted to the said Marmaduke de Twenge and the heirs of his body by a fine levied in the king’s court at York in 29 Edward I. By his charter indented dated 12 September, 22 Henry VII, he enfeoffed thereof (by the name of all his manors, messuages &c. in Kyrkby Kendalle, Helsyngton, Crosttwate and Lythe) Henry, lord Lescrope, William Conyers, knight, Thomas Lambton, and Ralph Melet, esquires, John Rawghton, James Hayton and William Thorpe, clerks, Robert Clergemett and Simon Emreson, to hold to them and their heirs to his use and for the fulfilment of his last will. Afterwards, by another indented charter dated 12 December, 22 Henry VII, he declared and willed that the said feoffees and their heirs should stand seised of the premises to his use during his life, and after his death to the use of Richard Lumley, esquire, and the heirs male of his body, and in default of such issue to the use of the heirs male of the body of Thomas Lumley, esquire, deceased, his (George’s) son, and in default of such issue to the use of the heirs male of his body, and in default of such issue to the use of his heirs.
He died 13 November, 23 Henry VII. Richard Lumley, then aged 30 years and more, is his kinsman and heir of his body, to wit, son and heir of Thomas Lumley, esquire, his son and heir.
WESTMORLAND. 60 messuages, 800a. land, 200a. meadow, 100a. wood, 2000a. pasture, 2 mills, a moiety of 3 mills, and 25s. rent in Kyrkby in Kendall, Helsyngton, Crosttwate and Lythe, worth 44l., held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (4.)
Writ, wanting; inquisition 10 November, 23 Henry VII.
The said Thomas Sekford, George Mannok, esquire, John Goldyngham, the younger, esquire, John Bischopp, gentleman, and John Purpett, clerk, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Sekford Hall &c. and lands &c. in Little Belynges, Great Belynges &c., and granted them by charter to Robert Warner, esquire, Thomas Baldry, Robert Gefereys, John Scoldyng, Edmund Purry and William Quyncy, and their heirs, to hold to the use of the said Thomas Sekford and Margaret, his wife, in survivorship, and the heirs and assigns of the same Thomas, and to the intent that the said Margaret, should she survive Thomas, should pay to his executors, for 10 years immediately following his death, 10l. yearly from the issues of the premises for the performance of his last will, and that after the conclusion of that term she should pay 10l. yearly for the rest of her life to his heirs; and the surviving grantees, namely, Robert Warner, Thomas Baldry, John Scoldyng, Edmund Purry and William Quyncy, are still seised thereof to that use. The said Thomas declared his last will as follows (inter alia):—‘Item, I gyff and bequeth unto Margaret my wyef my maner callyd Sekford Hall with thapportenauns therto belonging and all my londes and tenements in Gret Belynges, Litill Belynges, Martillisham, Wodbrigge, Pleyford, Rismer and Kesgrave in the comte of Suffolk duryng her lief to this intent and use that with the profittes therof comyng sche schall fynde her self paying unto myn executoures 10l. yerly the space of 10 yeres next after my deces, and after the seid 10 yeres endyd than the seid Margaret schall pay unto my son and heir 10l. yerly as long as sche is soell and unmaryed; and yf sche fortune to be maryed, than I wyll sche schall pay into my son and heir 10l. more yerly, that is the hole 20l. And I wyll that my feoffes beyng seisyd of and in the seid maner, londes and tenementes and every of them stond and be seasid to thuse and intent aforeseid.’
The said Thomas Sekford, Robert Damm, clerk, John Bukke and William Gresham were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Boulge &c. and lands &c. in Boulge, Borough &c., and granted them by charter to George Mannok, esquire, John Goldyngham the younger, esquire, John Bischopp, gentleman, John Purpett, clerk, John Scoldyng and Edmund Purry, and their heirs, for the performance of the last will of the said Thomas; and the said grantees are still seised thereof to that use. The said Thomas made his last will as follows (inter alia):—‘Item, I wyll that myn executures schall perseyve thissues and profittes of the maner called Boulge with thappurtenaunces in the conte of Suffolk unto soch tym that my sonn and heir that schall fortune to be com of thage of 21 years, and myn executures with thissues and profittes therof comyng to fynd my sonnys and doughters and to help to the performans of this my last will; and after thage of 21 yeres than my seid son and heir to have the seid maner of Boulge with thappurtenaunces.’
The said Thomas was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Henley, and granted it by charter to John Sekford, his son, John Purry, Thomas Alvard, Thomas Goodwyn, Edmund Purry, John Page, Richard Loveday and John Scoldyng, and their heirs, for the performance of his last will; and the survivors, namely, John Purry, Edmund Purry, Richard Loveday and John Scoldyng, are still seised thereof to that use. The said Thomas made his last will as follows (inter alia):—‘Item, I wyll that my feoffes beyng enfeoffid of and in the seid maner of Henley with the appurtenaunces schalbe seised to thentent and use that myn executures schall perceyve and take thissues and profittes of the seid maner to fynde with my childre to soche tyme that my yonger son com to thage of 21 yeres, yf ony yonger son I schall fortune to have, at soch tyme my seid yonger son to have the seid maner to hym and to his heires of his body lawfully begotyn, and for defaut of soch issu the seid maner to remaign unto Margaret my wief for term of her lief, and after her deces the seid maner schall remayn unto my older son and to his heires of his body lawfully begotyn. And forthermore I wyll that unto soch tym that my seid childer com to thage of 21 yeres that myn executures schall have thissues and profittes of the seid maner of Henley to helpe to the performance of this my seid last wyll. And if it fortune my seid sonnys to dye havyng non issu of ther bodies, than I wyll the seid maner be put in feoffment after the discrecion of myn executures to fynde a prest contenuelly to syng for me and my frendes for ever &c.’
He died 25 November, 21 Henry VII. Thomas Sekford, aged 9 3/4 years, is his son and heir.
SUFFOLK. Manor of Sekford Hall with the advowson of the church of Little Belynges, worth 20l., held of John Wyngfeld, knight, as of his manor of Thorpp, by fealty and 3s. 11d. yearly.
200a. land, 100a. pasture, 20a. wood, 20a. meadow and 100s. rent in Little Belynges, Great Belynges, Martillisham, Wodbrigge, Kesgrave, Hacheston, Rismer and Pleyford; whereof 40a. land, 40a. pasture, 10a. wood and 10a. meadow, worth 100s., are held of William Willoughby, knight, lord de Willoughby, as of his manor of Bradfeld, services unknown, and the residue, worth 10l., is held of John Blanderhassett, esquire, as of his manor of Loudham, by fealty and a rent of 14d. yearly.
Manor and advowson of Boulge, worth 6l., held of the king, John Wyngfeld aforesaid and the prioress of Campissey, as of the manor of Dalenghoo, by half a knight’s fee. Three parts (3/5) of the said manor of Dalenghoo are in the hand of the said John Wyngfeld, a fourth part (1/5) is in the hand of the said prioress, and a fifth part is in the king’s hand by reason of the forfeiture of Edmund Pole, late earl of Suffolk.
100a. land, 40a. pasture, 10a. wood and 10a. meadow in Boulge, Borough, Hasketon and Wodbrigge; whereof 60a. land, 20a. pasture, 5a. wood and 5a. meadow, worth 3l., are held of John Audeley, knight, as of his manor of Clopton, by fealty and a rent of 2s. yearly, and the residue, worth 3l. 6s. 8d., is held of Roger Townyssend, esquire, as of his manor of Hasketon, by fealty and a rent of 2s. 6 1/2d. yearly.
Manor of Henley, worth 5l., held of Richard, bishop of Norwich, as of his manor of Bakton, by fealty and a rent of 5s. yearly.
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362. THOMAS TEMPEST, knight.
Writ 17 June, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 30 September, 23 Henry VII.
Henry Mathewe, formerly rector of Thornton in Craven, Robert Marsshden, chaplain, and William Everyngham were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors, moiety of a manor, and messuages &c., and granted them to Richard Tempest for life, with provisos that after Richard’s death his executors should have the manors and lands &c. in Esyngton and Pathorn for 20 years and the residue should remain to Peter Tempest, his [son] and heir, in tail male, and that at the conclusion of the said term of 20 years the premises in Esyngton and Pathorn should also remain to the said Peter in tail male. After Richard’s death the said Peter entered successively into all the premises in accordance with the above grant, and died seised thereof in fee tail. After his death they descended successively to John Tempest, his son and heir male, Richard, son and heir male of the said John, and Thomas Tempest, knight, brother and heir male of the said Richard son of John. During the seisin of the said Thomas it was covenanted and agreed between him and Tristram Bollyng, esquire, that a certain Richard Tempest, esquire, kinsman and heir male of Thomas, to wit, son of Nicholas his brother, should marry Rosamund, daughter and heir apparent of the said Tristram, and that, in the event of the said Thomas dying without heir male of his body, all the said manors and messuages &c. should remain to the said Richard in tail male; and in fulfilment of the above agreement the said Thomas by his charter indented granted the said manors and messuages &c. to John Sayvile and Thomas Talbott, knights, William Calverley and William Westby, esquires, to the use of himself and the heirs male of his body, and in default of such issue to the use of the said Richard Tempest and the heirs male of his body. William Westby, the survivor of the said grantees, is still seised of the premises by survivorship to the use aforesaid.
Thomas died 1 July, 22 Henry VII, without heir male of his body. Richard Tempest, esquire, then aged 26 years and more, is his kinsman and heir, as above.
YORK. Manors of Bracewell [and] Ulley, a moiety of the manor of Esyngton, and 40 messuages, 400a. land, 300a. pasture, 300a. meadow, 100a. wood, 1000a. moor and heath and 50s. rent in Bracewell, Ulley, Esyngton, Stoke, Herton in Craven, Pathnall, Waddyngton, Pathorn, Thorp, Burnesall, Skypton in Craven, Malhom, Broghton, Conyngston, Coldconyngston and Hornby. The manors of Bracewell [and] Ulley, the moiety of the manor of Esyngton, and the lands &c. in Bracewell, Ulley and Esyngton, worth 10l., are held of Henry de Clifford, as of his castle of Skypton, services unknown; the tenements in [He]rton, worth 40s., are held of the heirs of John Cley, services unknown; the tenements of Pathnall, worth 12s., are held of Henry, [earl of] Northumberland, services unknown; the tenements in Waddyngton, worth 10 marks, are held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, services unknown; the tenements in Pathorn, worth 20s., are held of the lord de Percy, earl of Northumberland, services unknown; the tenements in Thorp, Skypton and Burnesall, worth 20s., are held of the lord de Clifford, services unknown; the tenements in Malhom, worth 10s., are held of the abbot of Fountains, services unknown; and the tenements in Broghton, Conyngston and Coldconyngston, worth 40s., are held of the lord de Clifford, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (6.)
Writ, wanting; inquisition 24 June, 23 Henry VII.
Thomas Kempe, esquire, Geoffrey Kent and Walter Petyte were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Stokkery, and after 24 August, 6 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof, by the king’s licence, Robert Tate, John Warde, Henry Colet, knight, John Tate, the elder, and William Isaake, aldermen of London, John Broun, gentleman, Robert Fitzherbert, Thomas Creine, William Spark, citizens and drapers of London, Richard Drylond, gentleman, Stephen Baker and Henry Wodcok, who enfeoffed thereof John Bourghcher, knight, and Elizabeth, his wife, and their heirs. Afterwards, by a fine levied in the octave of Midsummer, 6 Henry VII, the said John and Elizabeth granted the said manor, except 1a. land, to the above feoffees, who were seised thereof in fee [after] 18 November, 7 Henry VII, and afterwards granted the same to the said John and Elizabeth for life in survivorship; the king’s licence for these alienations having been obtained under the great seal on 24 August, 6 Henry VII. Elizabeth survived her husband, and on her death the reversion of the manor, except as above, belonged to the aforesaid feoffees, who were seised thereof in fee to the use of the said Robert Tate, father of Robert Tate named in the writ, and for the performance of his last will. Afterwards the said John Broun, Robert Tate, John Ward, Henry Colet, William Spark and Richard Drylond died, and the survivors remained seised to the said use. Robert Tate, the father, died 15 December, 17 Henry VII. Robert Tate named in the writ, then aged 26 years and more, was his son and heir.
John Busshop, Emmot, daughter of Thomas Cheseman of Estgrewych, and Henry Newark of the same town, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage called ‘Rosehowes’ and site in Estgrewych, and enfeoffed thereof, after 20 December, 19 Edward IV, Robert Tate, William Stokker, John Croke and John Tate, to hold to them and their heirs. John Tate survived the other feoffees.
Geoffrey Spark, William Barow, Robert Godwyn, John Chyttok and William Spark were seised in fee of the under-mentioned croft called ‘Lobelland,’ and after 20 January, 18 Edward IV, enfeoffed thereof Robert Tate and Margery his wife, John Croke, the elder, John Tate, brother of Robert Tate, Richard Marland, gentleman, and Thomas Gylbart, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of the said Robert Tate and for the performance of his last will.
The same persons by the same feoffment enfeoffed the said Robert, John, Richard and Thomas of the under-mentioned 3 pieces and 2 tofts of land in Escombe, to hold to them and their heirs.
The same Geoffrey and William (sic) by their said deed enfeoffed the said Robert Tate, John Tate and the others above-named of the under-mentioned land called ‘Wyldos Closes,’ to hold to them and their heirs.
John Manevers of Eltham was seised in fee of the under-mentioned 10a. land in Eltham, and enfeoffed thereof Robert Tate and Margery his wife, John Tate, John Croke and Thomas Gylberd, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of the said Robert Tate.
John Tate (fn. 2), alias John Ryder, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned tenement called ‘le Blakbull’ and 3 virgates of land in Estgrewych, and enfeoffed thereof Robert Tate and John Tate, to hold to them and their heirs.
By his said deed the said John Tate* enfeoffed the said Robert and John Tate of the under-mentioned 12a. land in Combe Mershe in form aforesaid.
Philip Blount and Elizabeth Danyell were seised in fee of the under-mentioned 6 cottages &c. in Estgrenewych, and on 20 January, 1 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof Robert Tate, John Tate, John Spark and John Saunders.
George Rowe was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Bredeherst, and by his charter dated 12 December, 15 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof the said Robert Tate, Thomas Marowe, Edward Tyrrell, William Copynger, William Petytt, Geoffrey Goldwell, Robert Tate, the son, and Henry Baker, vicar of Stokbery, to hold to them and their heirs.
The feoffees of all the lands &c. aforesaid were seised to the use of the said Robert Tate, father of Robert Tate named in the writ, and for the fulfilment of his last will. By his said will he directed that his executors should make a partition of all his lands and tenements ‘within the cite of London and Coventre, within the shirs aforeseyd or ells where within the reallme of Englond, except allway out of the sayd particon my gret mease wherin I dwell set in the parishe of All Holowen in Barkyn besydes the Towere of London and my tenements in Marlane,’ into two parts, of which Margery, his wife, was to have one part ‘at hir own choyse and eleccion togyder with my sayd mease for the terme of hir lyff,’ and Robert, his eldest son, was to have the other part, to him, his heirs and assigns, and that Margery’s part, together with the ‘grete mese,’ should remain to the said Robert, the son, his heirs and assigns, on her decease. After the death of Robert, the father, the feoffees were seised of the premises as follows, to wit, of a moiety thereof to the use of Robert, the son, and his heirs, and of another moiety to the use of the said Margery for life, and after her death to the use of the said Robert, the son, and his heirs. Robert, the son, received the issues of his moiety, and after his death the feoffees were seised of his moiety, and of the reversion of the other moiety, to the use of John Tate, his brother and heir. Margery is still living.
Robert Tate, the son, died 3 April last. John Tate, the younger, aged 26 years and more, is his brother and heir.
KENT. Manor of Stokkery, or Stokbery, held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee; worth, the above-mentioned 1a. excepted, 20 marks. The said acre, held of the king in chief, is worth 4d.
A messuage called ‘Rosehowes,’ a site (vacua placea) called ‘le Yard’ on the north side of the said messuage, and a small piece of land, in Estgrewych, worth 20s., held of the prior of Sheyn, services unknown.
A croft called ‘Lobelland’ in the lordship of Escombe in the parish of Estgrenwych, held of the lady Margaret, countess of Richemond, services and value unknown.
3 pieces and 2 tofts of land in Escombe aforesaid, held of the prior of Seynt Marioveres in Suthwark, services and value unknown.
10a. arable land called ‘Wildos Closes’ in Catbroke, worth 10s., held of the prior of Saynt Mary Overeys, services unknown.
10a. land in Eltham, worth 10s., held of the king, as of his manor of Eltham, by a rent of 2 1/2d. per acre and suit of court.
A tenement called ‘le Blakbull’ in Estgrewych, held of the heirs of Robert Ballard, and 3 virgates of land, lying dispersed in Estgrewych, held of the prior of Shene, values and services unknown.
12a. land in Combe Mershe, worth 12s., held of the aforesaid countess of Richmount, services unknown.
6 cottages or small tenements, with a garden adjoining and a croft of land annexed thereto, situated at the east end of the town of Estgrenewych, worth 20s., held of the prior of Shene, service unknown.
A messuage with a garden and a small meadow and 30a. land in Bredeherst, worth 20s., held of the dean [and] canons of the free chapel of St. Stephen within the king’s palace at Westminster, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (7.)
Writ, wanting; inquisition 10 May, 23 Henry VII.
He died seised of the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Ekton, except the following:—
2 messuages, 6 virgates of land, a water-mill, a close called ‘lez Milleyerde’ and a piece of land called ‘lez Tonges’, worth 7l. 4s., parcel of the said manor, whereof Thomas Haldanby was seised in fee, and, being so seised, by his charter dated 16 October, 15 Edward IV, enfeoffed thereof William Mountegomery and Elizabeth, his wife, for life, with remainder to William’s right heirs. Elizabeth survived William, and is still seised of the premises in her demesne as of free tenement.
A messuage, 9 1/4 virgates of land, 3 cottages and a small close in Ekton, worth 114s. 6d., parcel of the said manor, which the said Elizabeth holds for life in dower by assignment of John Mountegomery, son and heir of the said William and father of the said Michael.
5 messuages and 20 virgates of land, meadow, leasowe and pasture, parcel of the said manor, whereof the said John Mountgomery, father of Michael, was seised, and, being so seised, by his charter dated 20 September, 21 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof William Chaunterell, esquire, William Mordaunte, esquire, Edmund Hasylwode, Robert Chaunterell and John Chaunterell, gentlemen, and John Alyson, clerk, to the use and intent that they should enfeoff thereof him and Anne, his wife, for life, with remainder to his right heirs. The said feoffees are still seised thereof to the said use.
2 cottages, 6 closes, 5 3/4 virgates of land, and 2 parcels of meadow called ‘Smethmede’ and ‘Marisgresse,’ worth 4l. 16s. 8d., parcel of the said manor, which the said Anne holds for life in dower by assignment of William Chaunterell, esquire, then guardian of the lands and heir of the said Michael, son and heir of the said John Mountegomery, by virtue of a grant by John Mountgomery of Cowbeley, co. Derby, knight, to whom the said guardianship by right pertained.
William Mountegomery, grandfather of Michael, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage in Norhampton, which messuage, and all the lands and tenements in the said town of Norhampton, are and from time immemorial have been demisable by testament. The said William bequeathed it to Elizabeth, his wife, for life, and after his death she entered thereon and is still seised thereof in her demesne as of free tenement.
John Blakwell was seised of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Ekton, and by his charter enfeoffed thereof the said John Mountegomery and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of John. Anne survived her husband, and is still seised thereof in her demesne as of free tenement.
William Alyson was seised in fee of the under-mentioned 2 cottages &c. in Ekton, and by his charter enfeoffed thereof the said John and Anne, and the heirs of John. Anne survived John, and is still seised &c.
The said Michael was seised of the under-mentioned toft in …… ., held at the lord’s will according to the custom of the manor there.
He died 21 July, 22 Henry VII. Thomas Mountegomery, aged 15 years and more, is his kinsman and heir, and is in the wardship of John Mountegomery, knight, aforesaid.
NORTHAMPTON. Manor and advowson of Ekton, worth 10l., held of John Mountegomery, knight, as of his manor of Cowbeley, co. Derby, by service of two knights’ fees.
A messuage in Norhampton, worth 20s., held of the mayor and burgesses of Norhampton in burgage.
A messuage and 1 1/2 virgates of land in Ekton, worth 17s., held of the said John Mountegomery, as of his manor of Ekton, by homage, fealty, rent of a needle, and suit of court.
2 cottages with tofts and gardens adjoining in Ekton, worth 2s. 6d., held of the said John Mountegomery, as of the said manor, by fealty and suit of court.
A toft in …… ., worth 6d. held of the abbot of Crowlonde by fealty, 18d. rent and suit of court.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (8.)
365. RICHARD NANFANT, knight.
Writ of Mandamus 17 January, 2[3] Henry VII; inquisition 28 January, 23 Henry VII.
By letters patent dated at Croydon, 1 June, 3 Henry VII, the king granted the under-mentioned manors of Bliston, Carnanton and Helston Tony, late of Anne, countess of Warwick, with all knights’ fees, tolls of tin, courts, views of frankpledge, leets, warrens &c. belonging thereto, to the said Richard Nanfan, then esquire, for good service, to hold in tail male by service of one knight’s fee. The said Richard died so seised thereof without heir male of his body, the reversion pertaining to the king, who has since taken the issues and profits thereof.
By an Act of the Parliament held on 9 November, 3 Henry VII, John Beammont, esquire, was adjudged a traitor convicted and attainted of high treason, and all the honours, lands and liberties &c. which he or any other person to his use, held on 15 November, 2 Henry VII, were forfeited to the king. By another Act of the Parliament held on 13 January, 4 Henry VII, the attainder was annulled and the said John Beammont’s hereditaments were restored to his heirs. By a further Act of the same Parliament it was enacted that the said annulment and restoration should not extend to any lands &c. of the said John in Tregonan, but that Richard Nanfant, knight, should have the same in tail male, with remainder to the heirs of the said John Beammont. By virtue of the said Act the said Richard was seised in tail male of the manor of Tregonan, and died without heir male of his body. After his death the manor remained to Henry Beammont, son and heir of John aforesaid, then aged 26 years and more, who entered and is still seised thereof in fee.
The said Richard was seised in fee of the remainder of the under-mentioned manors, messuages and lands &c., and enfeoffed thereof Richard, bishop of Winchester, by the name of Richard, bishop of Exeter, Thomas Lovell, knight, Robert Frost, clerk, Richard Vyvyan, Thomas Canceler, and others now deceased, to the use of himself and his heirs and for the performance of his last will. Afterwards, at the request of the said Richard, the said feoffees suffered a recovery of the premises to Thomas Bradbury, James Gresey and Robert Tredenek, who entered and were seised of the premises in fee to the use of the said Richard, his heirs and assigns, and for the performance of his last will. By his last will, made on 10 November, 1506, and proved before William, archbishop of Canterbury, on 16 April, 1507, he directed that the said James Gresey should have the premises for the payment of his (Richard’s) debts and the legacies specified in the said will; and accordingly the said Thomas Bradbury and Robert Tredenek, by their deed of release dated 22 April, 22 Henry VII, released all their right in the premises to the said James, his heirs and assigns, and he is sole seised thereof in fee to the use of himself and his heirs, and has received the issues thereof since Richard’s death.
Richard died 1 January, 22 Henry VII. John Bollys, aged 26 years and more, is his kinsman and heir.
CORNWALL. Manors of Blyston and Helston Tony, worth 30l., and manor of Carnanton, worth 40l., held of the king in chief by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Tregonan, worth 100s., held of Peter Eggecomb, knight, as of his manor of Tucoys, services unknown.
Manors of Trethewyll and Tregeryan, worth 10 marks, held of Hugh, bishop of Exeter, as of his manor of Pouton, services unknown.
Manor of Trelegh, worth 5 marks, held of Phillippa Carmynowe, widow, as of her manor of Tolgoys, services unknown.
Manor of Tregartha, worth 10s., held of Henry Nicoll by fealty only.
60 messuages, 3 mills, 2000a. land, 100a. meadow, 2000a. pasture, 60a. wood, 2000a. furze and heath and 10l. rent in Trethewyll, Tregeryan, Trelegh, Tregartha, Treberveth, Morlond, Bodruthen, Pentyre, Trevemedore, Treburthek, Trevorgy, Treyer, Trevyscarvyghan, Nansynt, Penros, Tredresyk, Trenoyowe, Tregollas, Hengolan, Reskere, Trefula, Carthue, Hendemour, Trewennowe, Trevoen, Polmargh, Crukemorek, Tredowghar, Trenowith, Trevantros, Cruker, Tresalyn, Porthmusyn, Carvedell, Treneyren, Trelothewe, Halwyn, Reduyth, Sowlemeour, Trengweyth, Nansowe, Pencoys, Gyrmoweveour, Trenant, Trewolwyn, Hendrey at Hyll, Trengoyff, Penhangyr, Boterton, Trewassa, Heymoreshed, Tresmure, Tresulgan, Lanharon, Tregarrek, Treweytha, Fenton, Polgover, Tremore, Trecondale, Hustyng and Clerkesslade, and the advowson of St. Tudy; whereof:—
A messuage, 100a. land and 100a. pasture in Treberveth are held of William Roche, as of his manor of Tredwen, by fealty and 2s. 6d. rent.
A messuage, 100a. land and 100a. pasture in Morland, worth 10s., are held of William Kendall in right of his wife, as of her manor of Gluvyan, by fealty and 8d. rent.
6 messuages, 160a. land, 140a. pasture and 180a. furze and heath in Bodruthen, Hengolen and Halewyn, worth 10s., are held of John Arundell, knight, as of his manor of Lanharn, by fealty and 1 lb. cummin.
A messuage, 40a. land, 60a. pasture and 100a. furze and heath in Trevyscarvyghen, worth 10s., are held of John Denysell, as of his manor of Denysell, by fealty and 2s. rent.
8 messuages, 260a. land, 300a. pasture and 300a. furze and heath in Treynoyowe and Pentyre, worth 6s. 8d., are held of William, prior of Bodmin, as of his manor of Ryalton, by fealty, 8d. rent and higgastrum yearly.
A messuage, 20a. land and 40a. pasture in Morland, worth 3s. 4d., are held of Thomas Leighton, knight, as of his manor of Deygembris, by fealty only.
40a. land in Tredrysek, worth 12d., are held of William Chyvals, services unknown.
A messuage, 20a. land, 60a. pasture and 20a. furze and heath in Gyrmoweveour, worth 5s., are held of Maud Seyntavyn by fealty only.
10 messuages, 200a. land, 10a. meadow, 200a. pasture, 200a. furze and heath and 20d. rent in Tregartha, Trenant, Trewolwyn, Hendrey at Hyll, Trengoyff, Penhangyr, Boterton, Trewassa, Heymoreshed, Tresmure, Tresulgan, Lanharon, Tregarrek, Treweytha, Fenton, Polgover, Trenore, Trecondale, Hustyng, Hendemore and Clerkeslade, worth 12d., are held of Henry Nicholl, by fealty only.
3 messuages and 40a. land in Trengweyth and Soulemeoure, worth 20d., are held of John Crocker, esquire, as of his manor of Lamborn, by fealty and 12d. rent.
A messuage and 40a. land in Trefula, worth 12d., are held of Thomas Seyntavyn, as of his manor of Hellogan, by fealty and 3s. 6d. rent.
A messuage in Rederyth, worth 12d., is held of Mary Hastynges, widow, as of her manor of Lanant, services unknown.
6 messuages, a mill, 300a. land, 50a. meadow, 500a. pasture, 40a. wood, 500a. furze and heath and 4l. 10s. 8d. rent in Trelegh, Resker, Nansowe, Pencoys and Carthewe, worth 40s., are held of Philippa Carmynowe, widow, as of her manor of Tolgoys, services unknown.
20 messuages, 2 mills, 600a. land, 50a. meadow, 600a. pasture, 20a. wood, 700a. furze and heath, 100s. rent and the advowson of St. Tudy in Trethewyll, Tregaryan, Trevemedor, Treburthek, Trevorgy, Treyere, Nansynt, Penros, Trewynniowe, Trewon, Polmargh, Crukemoreske, Tredowghar, Trenowith, Trevantros, Crukker, Tresalyn, Porthmusyn, Carwedell, Treneyren, Trelothewe and St. Tudy, worth 40s., are held of Hugh, bishop of Exeter, as of his manor of Pouton, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (9.)
Writ 30 October, inquisition 20 May, 23 Henry VII.
The said Anne and John Crokker, late her husband, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors, fourth part, messuages and lands &c., (fn. 3) and in Michaelmas term, 20 Henry VII, suffered a recovery thereof to Richard, bishop of Winchester, Giles Daubeny, knight, lord Daubeny, Thomas Lovell, knight, Thomas Marrowe, Lewis Pollarde, serjeant-at-law, James Hobarde, knight, Edmund Dudley, Thomas Lucas, John Gylberd, John Willemer and Andrew Ogarde, to the use and intent that the recoverors should by deed indented demise the same to the said John and Anne, or persons to be named by them, for 8 years from Michaelmas, 20 Henry VII, without impeachment of waste, at yearly rents of . . l. 6s. 8d. for the first 7 years and 38l. 6s. 8d. for the last year to be paid to the recoverors to the use of the king, his heirs and assigns, in satisfaction of 255l. and of 250l., as appears in certain indentures dated 16 November, 20 Henry VII, made between the said bishop of Winchester, Giles Daubeny, Thomas Lovell, J[ames] Hobard, Richard Empson, knights, Edmund Dudley, Thomas Marowe, [Lewis] Pollarde, Thomas Lucas, John Gylberd, John Willemer and Andrew [Ogarde], of the one part, and John Crokker and Anne his wife, sister and heir of Edmund Arundell, knight, of the other part. A clause in the said indenture stipulated that if the said John and Anne, their heirs, executors or assigns, should make default of the said yearly rent of 3l. 6s. 8d. payable during the first 7 years of the said term, or of the rent of 38l. 6s. 8d. payable for the last year, or should fail to satisfy the king of the said 250l. out of the issues and profits of the manor of Tremethert (whereof lady Joan Arundell, widow of Edmund Arundell, knight, is now seised for life), then it should be lawful for the recoverors to re-enter the premises and hold them to the use of the king, his heirs or executors, until they should have paid what remained unpaid of the said sums of 255l. and 250l. After payment of the said sums, the recoverors will stand seised of the premises to the use of the said John Crokker and Anne and the heirs and assigns of Anne, and will make a lawful estate thereof to them or to persons to be named by them.
Anne, wife of John Danvers, knight, and John Whytyngton, esquire, are the next heirs of the said Anne Crocker; Anne Danvers being the daughter of John Stradlyng son of Elizabeth the elder sister of Remfrey Arundell, father of the said Anne Crokker, and John Whytyngton being the son of Elizabeth the younger sister of the said Remfrey.
CORNWALL. Manor of Trenant, worth 10 marks, held of Robert Aysthorp, clerk, service unknown.
Manors of Maneley and Seint Ewea with the advowson [of the church] of the manor of Seint Ewea, worth 12l., held of the king in chief by service of one knight’s fee and by the service of finding a man riding armed in the king’s war for forty days at his own cost.
Fourth part of the manor of Trurubourgh, worth 10s., held of the prince in free burgage, by fealty only.
The castle or island of Sully, held of the prince, as of the castle of Launceston, by the service called ‘Wayternefe’ and a rent of 300 puffin or 6s. 8d. yearly; worth 100s. in time of peace, and in time of war nothing.
Manor of Eglyshell, worth 40s., held of the bishop of Exeter, as of the manor of Burnier, by fealty and 9s. 9d. rent yearly.
Manor of Trevenell, worth 6l., held of the aforesaid bishop, as of his manor of Tregeyere, service unknown.
Manor of Truruvyan, worth 10s., held of the lord prince, as of his manor of Moreske, parcel of his duchy of Cornwall, by fealty and a rent of 81s. 2d. yearly, and by common suit to the court of Moreske.
200 messuages, 1000a. land, [100]a. meadow, 1000a. pasture, [200a.] wood, [1000a. furze], 1000a. heath and 100s. rent in Manely, Seynt Ewa, Trenant, Sully, Lamborne, Trevenell, Eglyshell, Boskenna, Trebugrel, Treruvyan, Trurubourgh, Kelestoke, Melenowith, Mousehoule, Talgraken, Gudderon, Tresula, Redruyth, Walle, Mawle, Boskennan, Trevrythall and Nansmura; whereof the lands &c. in Lambourne, Kelestoke, Melynoweth, … . ., Talgraken and Goodron, worth 40s., are held of Richard Boscallen, service unknown, and the lands &c. in Tresula, Redruyth, Walle, Mawle, Boskennam, Trevrythall and Nansmura, worth 10l., are held of the prince, as of his manor of Tywarnayle, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, for a rent of 8s. 11d. and common suit to the court of the said manor.
Anne late the wife of Remfrey Arundell, knight, held for life at the time of the death of Anne Crocker, and still holds, the under-mentioned manors and fourth part, and 100 messuages, 500a. land Cornish, 40a. meadow, 100a. wood, 100a. furze and heath and 100s. rent in Mayon, Boskenvyn, [Fentenleke], Penfenten[eowe, Rynsy,] Tregeusteke, Lanevett, Estals, Trevilly, Trewaseke Wartha, Trevaseke W[oles,] Trenals, Guyek, Greys, Gromeleighe, Pollech, Treyllyon, Bosioore, Baskett, Neuham, Parcoys, Lostwollythyell, Lanhunsyth, Tregentulyan, ‘Sent Colyns the ov[era’, Truruburgh, Trenans, Hendre in the parish of Seynt Kewa], Slygyowe, Buthen Gleeb, Tuneacker, Treloga, Tregelest, Pendoget, Tremetany, Hendre by Rynsy, Trewafos, Tregere, Trenowyth by Tregeere, Trevesewathen, Poltuske, Gwelmayow and Tregorreke.
CORNWALL. Manor of Mayon, held of Thomas Leighton, knight, as of his manor of Corvoigth, by fealty and 5s. 10d. yearly rent and common suit to the court of the manor of Corvoigth.
Manor of Boskenvyn, held of the prince, as of his manor of Helston in Kerrir, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, by fealty and 4s. 6d. rent and common suit to the court of the manor aforesaid.
Manor of Fentenleke, held of John Arundell, knight, as of his manor of Conerton, by knight-service and 4s. rent, with common suit to the court of the said manor.
Manor of Penfenteneowe, held of William Fortescue, Humphrey Monke and John Carmynowe, esquires, in right of their wives, [as of their manor of] Ethelyse, by fealty, 4s. rent, and common suit to the court of the manor aforesaid.
Manor of Rynsy, worth 53s. 4d., held, of William Trewynnard by fealty and 4s. 10d. rent.
Manor of Tregeusteke, worth 4l., held of the manor of Blyston, late of Richard Nanfan, knight, by fealty and 20d. rent.
Manor of Lanevett, worth 40s., held of the prior of Bodmyn, as of his manor of Ryalton, by fealty and 2s. 8d. rent.
Fourth part of the borough of Truru and a water-mill there, worth 13s. 4d., held of the prince in free burgage by fealty only.
Land called ‘Guelemayoth,’ containing 40a. land English, worth 20s., held of the prince, as of his manor of Helston in Kerreerez, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, by fealty and 3s. rent.
Joan late the wife of Edmund Arundell, knight, held for life at the time of the death of Anne Crocker, and still holds, the under-mentioned manor and advowson.
CORNWALL. Manor of Tremedert with the advowson of the church of Dewlo, worth 20l., held of the king, as of the manor of Latyan, formerly of the earl of Salisbury, by knight-service.
The reversion of all the premises held for life by Anne late the wife of Remfrey Arundell and Joan late the wife of Edmund Arundell pertained to Anne Crocker aforesaid, and on her death descended to her heirs above-named.
By a fine levied in the king’s court in the quinzaine of Midsummer, 1 Henry VII, William Houghton, knight, and Joan, his wife, granted the under-mentioned manors, messuages &c. to Robert Throgmerton, esquire, and Edward Bertlet, who by the same fine granted the premises back to the said William and Joan and the heirs of the body of Joan, with successive remainders to Thomas Nevyll, kinsman and heir of William Nevyll of Pykell, knight, in tail male, and to the right heirs of Guy de Blankmoustre, late rector of Lansalloys. Joan died 20 December, 13 Henry VII, and William remained seised of the premises in his demesne as of free tenement. After Joan’s death the reversion of the premises descended to Edmund Arundell, knight, kinsman and heir of the body of the said Joan, to wit, son of Remfrey, her son and heir by Remfrey Arundell, knight, her first husband. Edmund died 27 November, 19 Henry VII, without heir of his body, whereupon the said reversion descended to Anne aforesaid, wife of John Crokker, sister and heir of the said Edmund, as kinswoman and heir of the body of the said Joan, to wit, daughter of Remfrey her son.
Anne Crokker died 25 August last without heir of her body, whereupon the said reversion descended to Anne Danvers and John Whytyngton and Richard Bolles, esquires; Anne Danvers being the daughter of John Stradlyng son of Elizabeth the elder daughter of the aforesaid Joan by Remfrey Arundell, knight, her first husband, John Whytyngton being the son of Elizabeth the second daughter of the said Joan and Remfrey, and Richard Bolles being son of Isabel, daughter of the said Joan by John Nanfan, esquire, her second husband. At the time of death of Anne Crokker, Anne Danvers was aged 30 years, John Whytyngton 44 years, and Richard Bolles 30 years and more. William Houghton aforesaid died the last day of February last.
CORNWALL. Manors of Byenamye (worth 10l.), and Stratton (worth 20l.), held of the prince, as of his castle of Launceston, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, by knight-service.
Manor of Sw[ancott], worth 40s., held as above.
Manor of Seynt Maryweke and Wekebourgh (Wike) and the advowson of Seynt Mary Weke, worth 10l., held as above.
Manor of Leskerd Colshull, worth 6l., held as above.
Manor of Seynt Clere Colshull, worth 6l., held of the heirs of Richard Derlyng by fealty only.
20 messuages, 2000a. land, 300a. meadow, 400a. pasture, 300a. wood and 100s. rent in Bynamye, Stratton, Swancote, Seynt Mary Weke, Seynt Clere Colshull, Leskerd Colshull and Tremyeth, held (except a messuage and 1a. land Cornish in Tremyeth) of the prince, as of the castle aforesaid, by knight-service; worth 20s. The said messuage and land in Tremyeth, worth 6s. 8d., are held of Thomas Cressy by fealty.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (10.)
Writ of Amotus 16 October, inquisition 4 November, 23 Henry VII.
By his charter dated 8 April, 13 Henry VII, he [granted] a messuage, 13a. land, 6a. meadow and 2a. wood in Carsford, and 2 messuages, 30a. land, 4a. meadow and 1a. wood in Hokeway, whereof he was seised in fee, to John More, Nicholas Snape, Philip Boteler, Robert Notte, John Pape and Henry Suthcomb, and their heirs; and on the caption of seisin thereof, by indented deed (in English, recited) of the same date, he directed that the feoffees should suffer him to take the issues and profits of the premises during his life, and on his death make estate thereof to Christian, his wife, for life, with successive remainders to Thomas Wevyll in tail, and to his own right heirs.
By his charter dated 9 August, 19 Henry VII, he granted the under-mentioned messuage in Criditon, called ‘le Angell,’ whereof he was seised in fee, to John More, Roger Holand, esquire, John Carswyll, Philip Boteler and William Melhuysche, who by their indented charter dated 20 August, …… ., granted the same to him and Joan, his wife, and his heirs. The said Joan is still living.
By his charter dated 6 May, 18 Henry VII, he granted a messuage, 8a. land, 6a. meadow and 2a. wood in Carsford, 2 messuages, 20a. land, 2a. meadow, 2a. [wood] and …… heath in Hokeway, and the under-mentioned lands &c. in Copelwall and Dunsford, whereof he was seised in fee, to Joan Gale, widow, for life, at the rent of a red rose at Midsummer.
By his indented charter dated 8 January, 16 Henry VII, he granted the under-mentioned lands &c. in Gretclyff, whereof he was seised in fee, to Philip Boteler for life, at the rent of 60s. yearly, with remainder to Thomas Wevyll, his son, in tail, at the like rent payable to him during his lifetime, and with remainder over to his right heirs; by virtue whereof the said Thomas was seised thereof in fee tail.
By his indented charter dated . . January, 16 Henry VII, he granted the under-mentioned lands &c. in Nuttiston, whereof he was seised in fee, to Philip Boteler for the term of one year, at a rent of 26s. 8d., with remainder at the conclusion of the said term to Thomas Wevyll aforesaid in tail, at the like rent payable as above, and with remainder over to his right heirs; by virtue whereof the said Thomas was seised thereof in fee tail.
He died seised in fee of the remaining under-mentioned messuages and lands &c.
He died on Wednesday before the feast of St. Edward the King, 21 Henry VII. Thomas Wevyll, aged 30 years and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. The above-mentioned messuages, lands &c. in Carsford, worth 6s. 8d., held of the dean and chapter of Exeter by a rent of 20s.
The above-mentioned messuages and lands in Hokeway, worth 10s., held of the bishop of Exeter, services unknown.
A messuage in Crediton called ‘le Angell,’ worth 20s., held of Master John, prebendary of Aller in the collegiate church of Holy Cross, Crediton, by a rent of 4s.
A messuage, 30a. land, 2a. meadow, 2a. wood and 40a. furze and heath in Copelwall, worth 6s. 8d., held of Richard Trobrigge, as of his manor of Oldrige, by fealty only.
A messuage, 40a. land, 8a. meadow, 3a. wood and 50a. furze and heath in Dunsford, held of the abbess of Canonlegh, services unknown.
A messuage, 200a. land, 40a. meadow, 100a. wood and 30a. furze and heath in Gretclyff in the parish of Bukyngton, worth 30s., held of John Coblegh by a rent of 11s.
A messuage, 100a. land, 30a. meadow, 6a. wood and 40a. furze and heath in Nuttiston in the parish of Chalvelegh, worth 13s. 4d., held of Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon, [by a rent of] 8s. 5d.
A messuage, 8a. land and 4a. meadow in the borough of Witherigge, worth 20d., held of Edmund Carewe, knight, and Katharine his wife, and Edward Poynys and Elizabeth his wife, as of their borough of Witherigge, by a rent of 2s. 3d., suit of court, and fealty.
2 messuages, 40a. land, 8a. meadow and 20a. furze and heath in Great Rakerneford, [worth] …s. 4d., held of John Cruys, esquire, as of his borough of Great Rakerneford, by fealty.
A messuage, 100a. land, . . a. meadow, 6a. wood and 50a. furze and heath in Est Rokcomb, worth 15s., held of Thomas, earl of Ormond, as of his manor of Edbury, by fealty only.
A messuage, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, 4a. wood and 30a. furze and heath in Est Farlegh in the parish of Cheriton Fitz Payne, worth 16s., held of John Arundell of Trerysse, knight, as of his manor of Stoklegh Lukcomb, by fealty only.
A messuage, 60a. land, 20a. meadow, 3a. wood and 30a. furze and heath in Rugge in the parish of Cheriton Fitz Payne, worth 4d., held of John Arundell aforesaid, as of the same manor, services unknown.
………… ., 100a. land, 20a. meadow, 2a. wood and 100a. furze and heath in Wygham in the parish of Morchard Bishop, worth 10s., held of John Arundell, knight, as of his manor of Morchard Arundell, by fealty only.
A messuage, 60a. land, 20a. meadow, 6a. wood and 40a. furze and heath in Hele in the parish of Bukyngton, worth 5s. 6d., held of John Barry by fealty only.
2s. reserved rent [issuing from] a messuage and …… . . pertaining thereto in Byrcheham in the parish of Boryngton.
A messuage, 200a. land, 40a. meadow, 12a. wood and 200a. furze and heath in Aller and Nuttiston in the parish of Crediton, worth 30s., held of the vicar of the collegiate church of Holy Cross, Crediton, by a rent of 5s.
6 messuages, 6 gardens and a toft in the New Borough of Crediton, worth 20s., held of the bishop of Exeter, as of his borough there, by fealty.
2 messuages and 2 gardens in Crediton within the Canon Fee, worth 3s., held of Edmund Inge, precentor of the church of Holy Cross aforesaid, by a rent of 6s.
2 messuages, 100a. land, 20a. meadow, 6a. wood and 40a. furze and heath in Legh All Saints, worth 5s., held of the heirs of William Peperell by a rent of 6s.
A messuage, 60a. land, 10a. meadow, 6a. wood and 30a. furze and heath in Thorne in the parish of Dipford, worth 10s., held of the heirs of Byndelegh by a rent of 5s.
A messuage, 30a. land ……… . in Tottewyll in the parish of Plymmouth, worth 30s., held of John Vautard of Grylston, esquire, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (11.)
Writ 1 November, inquisition 20 January, 23 Henry VII.
John Ormond, esquire, and the said Joan, his wife, were seised in fee tail, in right of the said Joan, of the under-mentioned manor of Alfreton, in consequence of a gift thereof by John Erle, chaplain, to Thomas Chaworth, knight, and Joan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies; the said manor having descended,—after the deaths of the said Thomas and Joan, Thomas, their son, William, son of the last-named Thomas, Thomas son of the last-named William, William son of the last-named Thomas, and Thomas son of the last-named William,—to Joan Ormond aforesaid as sister and heir of the last-named Thomas.
Also the said John and Joan were seised in fee tail, in right of the said Joan, of the under-mentioned manor of Norton, by gift of William de Spaigne of Boston, Margaret, his wife, and Thomas Claymond of Hole to William de Chaworth, son of Thomas Chaworth, knight, and the heirs of his body; the said manor having descended,—after the death of the said William, Thomas his son, William son of the last-named Thomas, and Thomas son of the last-named William,—to Joan Ormond, as above.
By a fine levied in the octave of St. Martin, 18 Henry VII, the said John and Joan Ormond acknowledged the said manors (by the name of the manors of Alfreton and Norton and 6 messuages, 4 tofts, 200a. land, 12a. meadow, 100a. pasture and 20a. wood in Alfreton and Norton) to be the right of Thomas Babyngton, as being held by him, Robert Brudenell, Thomas Jakes and Robert Nevell by their gift; and in return for such acknowledgement the said Thomas, Robert, Thomas and Robert granted the same to them for life, with remainder of one third part thereof to Thomas Dynham (by the name of Thomas Lowe) and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of the body of the said Joan, of another third part thereof to Anthony Babyngton and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Elizabeth, and of the remaining third part thereof to William Meryng (son of William Meryng, knight), and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Anne, and with remainder over in each case to the right heirs of Joan Ormond aforesaid. John Ormond died 4 October, 19 Henry VII.
Joan Ormond survived her husband and died 29 August, 23 Henry VII. The said Thomas Dynham and Joan, William Meryng and Anne, and Anthony Babyngton, are still living, and are seised of the said third parts by virtues of the fine aforesaid. Elizabeth wife of Anthony died 27 November, 21 Henry VII. The said Joan, aged 24 years and more, and Anne, aged 18 years and more, daughters of Joan Ormond, and Thomas Babyngton, aged 2 years and more, son of the said Elizabeth, another daughter of the said Joan Ormond, are her next heirs. Thomas Babyngton is in his father’s wardship.
DERBY. Manor of Alfreton and lands &c. there, worth 30l., held of the king, as of his honor of his castle of Tykhull, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee and a rent of 6s. 8d. yearly for ward of the said castle.
Manor of Norton and lands &c. there, worth 20l., held as above by the same services.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (12.)
369. ROBERT CHEYNE, knight.
Writ of Mandamus 1 July, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 4 October, 23 Henry VII.
Robert Shottesbroke, knight, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of West Wodehey and Enbourn, with the advowsons of the churches pertaining to the said manors, and granted them by charter to John Cheyne, knight, and Eleanor his wife, daughter of the said Robert, for life in survivorship, with successive remainders in tail male to John Cheyne, esquire, Robert Cheyne and Roger Cheyne, sons of the said John and Eleanor, and with remainder over to the right heirs of Robert Shortesbroke aforesaid. John Cheyne, the younger, died seised of the premises without heir male of his body. Robert Cheyne also died without heir male of his body. Roger Cheyne died during Robert’s lifetime, and left issue John Cheyne, esquire, to whom the premises ought to remain by the form of the gift aforesaid. The said John is aged 30 years and more. Robert Cheyne died 6 August, 18 Henry VII, and ever since then Francis Cheyne, esquire, has taken the issues and profits of the premises, by what right or title the jurors know not.
BERKS. Manor of Wodehey, worth 16l., held of the king by knight-service. Manor of Enbourne, worth 24l., held of the king by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (13.) E. Series II. File 783.(5.)
Writ 1 November, inquisition 20 January, 23 Henry VII.
John Ormond, esquire, and the said Joan, his wife, long before their death were seised in fee tail, in right of the said Joan, of the under-mentioned manor of Toynton, by gift of Thomas Onyebey, parson of the church of Estbrugeford, to John Caltofte and the heirs of his body. The said manor, after the death of the said John Caltofte, Alice his daughter and heir, Thomas Chaworth, son and heir of the said Alice, William son of the said Thomas, and Thomas son of the said William, descended to Joan Ormond aforesaid as sister and heir of the last-named Thomas.
Also the said John and Joan were seised in fee tail, in right of the said Joan, of the under-mentioned manor of Tymberland, by gift of Agnes de Percy, relict of John Dayncourt, to Roger Lebrette and Roberta his wife, daughter of the said Agnes, and the heirs of their bodies. The said manor, after the death of the said Roger and Roberta, John their son, John son of the said John, Katharine sister of the said John Brett son of John, Alice daughter of the said Katharine, Thomas son of the said Alice, William son of the said Thomas, and Thomas son of the said William, descended to Joan Ormond aforesaid as sister and heir of the last-named Thomas.
By a fine levied in the octave of St. Martin, 18 Henry VII, the said manors, by the name of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Toynton and Tymberland, were settled on the said John and Joan for life, with remainders as above (No. 368.)
Other findings as in No. 368.
LINCOLN. Manors of Toynton and Tymberland, otherwise called 22 messuages, 14 tofts, 160a. land, 42a. meadow, 140a. pasture, 10a. wood and 40a. moor in Toynton and Tymberland; whereof the premises in Toynton, worth 3l. 6s. 8d., are held of the king, as of his honor of Bolyngbroke, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee, and the premises in Tymberland, worth 50s., are held of the king, as of the same honor, by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (14.)
371. JOHN STYLE, late of London, ‘mercer.’
Commission of concealments &c., 20 October (fn. 4), inquisition 30 October, 23 Henry VII.
He died 28 September, 21 Henry VII, seised in fee, inter alia, of the under-mentioned lands &c. in Bekenham. Humphrey Style, aged 6 years and more, is his son and heir. On 29 September, 21 Henry VII, Elizabeth, his widow, entered into the premises and all the lands late of the said John and intruded upon the king’s possession, and took the issues and profits thereof from the said 28 September until Midsummer day following, since when James Jarford, alias Yarford, late of London, ‘mercer,’ and the said Elizabeth, his wife, have intruded upon the said lands and taken the issues and profits thereof.
KENT. 160a. land, meadow, pasture and wood in Bekenham, late of Robert Symson, worth 8l., held of the king by a rent of 5d. yearly, but by what tenure or by what other services the jurors know not.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (15.)
372. WILLIAM TWYNYO, esquire.
Writ of Amotus 1 October, inquisition 16 October, 23 Henry VII.
Katharine, daughter and heir of John Solers and late the wife of the said William Twynyo, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c., and being so seised, took to husband the said William Tweneo, who was jointly seised of the same in her right. They had issue Walter Tweneo. Katharine died 30 September, 10 Henry VII, and the said William survived her and was seised of the premises in his demesne as of free tenement as tenant by the courtesy.
He died 17 January, 12 Henry VII. Walter Twyneo, esquire, aged 36 years and more, is his son and heir, and also son and heir of the said Katharine.
GLOUCESTER. Manor of Shipton Solers, with the advowson of the church of Shipton Solers, worth 100s., held of Edward, duke of Buckingham, as of his honor of Hereford, by knight-service.
Manor of Lye, worth 10 marks, held of the abbot of Teukesbury, as of his manor of Derehurst, service unknown.
A messuage and 2 carucates of land in Whytyngton, Brokehampton by Cenanton and Doudeswell, worth 5 marks, held of the king, as of his manor of Whytyngton, parcel of the earldom of Warwick lately acquired by the king from Anne, late countess of Warwick, by a rent of 2s.
2 messuages, 6 virgates of land, 20a. meadow and 16a. pasture in Foxcote, worth 30s., held of the dean and college of Westbury, as of their manor of Foxcote, service unknown.
A toft, a virgate of land and 4a. meadow in Wythyngton, worth 4s., held of the bishop of Worcester, as of his manor of Wythyngdon, by a rent of 12d. and suit to the court of his said manor.
A messuage, 10 virgates of land and 12a. meadow in Brokehampton, and a messuage, a virgate of land and 12a. meadow in Clople and Cenanton, worth 17s. 8d., held of the bishop of Hereford, as of his manor of Cenanton, services unknown.
A burgage tenement in Northlache, and a moiety of a messuage and of 2 virgates of land in Estynton by Northlache, worth 26s. 8d., held of the abbot of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, as of his manor of Northlache, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (16.) E. Series II. File 343. (20 & 21.)
Writ of Mandamus 6 February, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 12 October, 23 Henry VII.
Andrew Wyndesore, William Burgyn, George Puttynham, William Lytton, Guy Palmez, John Fitzjamez, the younger, John Marschall, John Portemane and Constantine Rowe were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c., and by their charter indented dated 8 May, 12 Henry VII gave them to Robert Bowryng and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to William Juyn aforesaid and his heirs. Robert and Alice are still seised thereof in fee tail by the form of the said gift.
William died 22 August, 19 Henry VII, whereupon the said remainder descended to the said Alice Bowryng, and to Anne and Joan Juyn, as his daughters and heirs. Alice is aged 29 years and more, Anne 7 years and more, and Joan 6 years and more.
GLOUCESTER. 10 messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 40a. pasture, 10a. wood, 20a. heath, 20a. moor and 10s. rent in Westhanam, Dounehanam, Oldelond, Button and Upton, worth 8l., held of Edmund Gorges, knight, as of his manor of Hanam, in socage, by a rent of 3 1/2d.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (17.) E. Series II. File 343. (15.)
Writ, wanting; inquisition 10 October (fn. 5), 23 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Newguldford and all the lands &c. mentioned therewith, and in Easter term, 21 Henry VII, suffered a recovery thereof to Thomas Frowyk knight, C.J.C.B., now deceased, and John Darell, knight, Edward Guldford, Alexander Culpeper, William Crowemer and John Gage, esquires, William Isaak, John Engham and John Hales, who survive, to the use of himself and his heirs and for the performance of his last will. He made his last will on 7 April, 21 Henry VII, and thereby directed that immediately after his death the issues of the premises and of all his other lands (except certain lands in Hawkeherst, co. Kent) should be employed for the payment of his debts, and that thereafter the said recoverors should be seised of the premises to the use of himself and his heirs.
By letters patent dated 17 January, 21 Henry VII, the king granted the under-mentioned lordship or manor of Hiham and office of king’s bailiff, whereof he was seised in fee in right of his crown, to the said Richard Guldford and the heirs male of his body at a yearly fee-farm rent of 20l. payable half-yearly at the Exchequer; and Richard died seised of such estate therein.
He was seised in fee at the time of his death of the under-mentioned manor of Mersham and messuage &c. in Playden, Pett, Farleygh and Ikelysham.
He died 28 September, 22 Henry VII. Edward Guldeford, esquire, aged 28 years and more, is his son and heir.
SUSSEX. 6 messuages, a mill and 1800a. marsh in Newguldford in the reclaimed lands (inclusio) of Guldford Innyng by Rye, Promhill, Pett, Farlygh and Ikelysham, and the advowson of Newguldford, held of the king in chief in socage, by fealty and a rent of 12d.; and 2 messuages, 100a. land and 100a. marsh in the parishes of Pette, Farlyghe, Ikelysham, Rye and Playden, held in socage of George Hastynges, lord de Hastynges, as of his rape of Hastynges, by fealty and a rent of 2s.; worth 50l.
Lordship or manor of Hiham, alias Iham, and office of king’s bailiff of New Wynchelse, with the advowson of churches and certain other commodities and rents belonging to the said lordship; worth 40s. clear.
Manor of Mersham, worth 100s., held in socage of George Hastynges aforesaid, as of his rape of Hastynges, services unknown.
A messuage and 26a. land in the parishes of Playden, Pett, Farleygh and Ikelysham, worth 30s., held in socage of Roger Leukenore, knight, by service of 6d. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (18.)
Writ 22 April, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 16 October, 23 Henry VII.
He died 10 April, 22 Henry VII. Richard Ligon, aged 30 years and more, is his son and heir.
At the time of his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and lands &c.
WORCESTER. Manor of Madrysfeld, worth 20l., held of the king, as of his barony of Elmeley, by service of one knight’s fee and a rent of 2s.
Manor of Warmendon, in Warmendon and Horton, worth 13l. 6s. 8d., held of the king, as of the same barony, by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Bracesligh, worth 4l. 13s. 4d., held of the king, as of the same barony, by service of half a knight’s fee.
Manor of Holfast, worth 6l., held of the king, as of the same barony, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
5 messuages in Tolwardyn, worth 3l., held of the bishop of Worcester, as of his manor of Whitston, by fealty and a rent of 12s.
Manor of Farley, worth 5l., held of the king, as of his castle of Hanley, by fealty and a rent of 4 measures of oats.
2 messuages, 100a. land, 20a. meadow and 40a. pasture in Lykhill and Nethirmytton, worth 7l., held of George Nevile, lord de Bergevenny, services unknown.
A messuage and 40a. land in Apurley, worth 40s., held of the king, as of his manor of Apurley, parcel of the earldom of Warwick, by fealty and a rent of 5s.
A messuage and 30a. land in Hollyn and Stylldon, worth 12s., held of the prioress of Westwode by fealty and a rent of 5s.
2 messuages in Dormyston, worth 23s. 4d., held of John Russell by fealty and a rent of 1d.
A messuage in Powyke, worth 4s., held of the prior of Great Malvern, service unknown.
A messuage in Wordisfeld, worth 4s., held of the prior aforesaid, service unknown.
A messuage in Bedwardyn in the parish of St. John by Worcester, worth 10s., held of the prior of Worcester by fealty and service of 2s. yearly.
2 messuages in Beaudeley, worth 20s., held of the king, as of his manor of Beaudeley, parcel of his earldom of March, by service of 2d. yearly and suit to his court at Beaudeley twice yearly.
4 burgage tenements in the city of Worcester, worth 26s. 8d., held of the king by service of free burgage of 4d. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (19.)
Writ 20 October, inquisition 26 October, 23 Henry VII.
William Boteler, late of Coventre, son and heir of Henry Boteler of Coventre, deceased, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c., and by his charter dated at Loterworth, 7 August, 8 Henry VII, granted them to Edmund Verney and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of the body of Edmund, with remainder to Edmund’s right heirs. Edmund and Elizabeth were seised accordingly, and had issue Richard Verney, who survives.
Edmund died 6 February, 10 Henry VII, and Elizabeth died 26 August, 23 Henry VII. Richard Verney, aged 36 years and more, is their son and heir.
WARWICK. Manor of Compton Mordoke, alias Compton Verney, worth 40l., held of the king, as of the castle of Warwick, late of the countess of Warwick, by service of half a knight’s fee.
Manor of Kyngeston, worth 40 marks, held of the abbot of Abyngton, in right of his church of Abyngton, by fealty and a rent of 20s.
2 messuages and 2 virgates of land in Lyghthorne, worth 30s., held of the king, as of the castle aforesaid, by fealty and a rent of 4s. 2d.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (20.) E. Series II. File 1116. (89.)
377. JOHN LYNGEYN, the elder, knight.
Writ, wanting; inquisition 20 October, 23 Henry VII.
He died 2 March last, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors. John Lyngeyn, knight, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir.
HEREFORD. Manor of Sutton, worth 30l., held of Edward, duke of Buckingham, as of his honor of Kyngton, by service of half a knight’s fee.
Manor of Kenchestre, worth 12 marks, held of the prior of Lantony by Gloucester, service unknown.
Manor of Harton in the march of Wales, worth 8l., held of Thomas Cornewell of Burford, knight, as of his castle and lordship of Stepulton, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (21.) E. Series II. File 411. (6.)
Writ of Mandamus 2 October, inquisition 3 November, 23 Henry VII.
Long before the taking of this inquisition the said John Crossinge, formerly of Alhawlenlegh in the parish of Hurberton, was seised in fee tail of all the under-mentioned lands &c., and by an indented charter enfeoffed thereof Vincent Turpen, chaplain, William Andrew, William Crossing and Robert Crossing, their heirs and assigns. After his death the said feoffees by another indented charter demised the said lands &c. to John Crossing, his son and heir, arid the heirs of his body.
The said John Crossing, the son, by an indented charter dated 1 January, 13 Henry VII, demised the under-mentioned tenement &c. in Snawdon to Henry Snawdon and Joan, his wife, for life; and also demised the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Alhawlenlegh (except the tenement and 18a. land pertaining thereto) to the above-named William Crossing, to hold at will at a rent of 3l. yearly.
The said John Crossing, the elder, died 13 March, 12 Edward IV. John Crossing, the younger, aged 60 years and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. A messuage with a garden adjacent, a tenement, 200a. arable, 4a. meadow and 2a. wood in Alhawlenlegh, worth 6 marks, held of John Copleston, esquire, in free socage, by a rent of 17s., other services unknown.
A tenement, 20a. arable and 3a. meadow in Snawdon in the parish of Ratterew, worth 12s., held of the abbot and convent of St. Dagmaelles in Kemmays by fealty and 1/2d. rent, other services unknown.
80a. land in Weste Wassheborne, worth 20s., tenure unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (22.)
Writ 13 August, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 21 October, 23 Henry VII.
At the time of his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Catteanger and lands &c. in Catteanger and Fyfete, which on his death descended to John Walsche as his son and heir.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned 8 messuages &c. in Stowey, Felton and Fyfete, and by his charter dated 17 October, 21 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof Edmund Gorges and Nicholas Waddam, knights, Edward Waddam, esquire, Edward Daubeney (now deceased), William Crook and John Whitcom, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of John Walsche, his son and heir, and Joyce, wife of the said John, daughter of John Brook, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John, as appears in certain indentures dated 31 July, 20 Henry VII, made between John Brook and Thomas Walsche upon the marriage to be had between John Walsche and Joyce aforesaid. The said feoffees (except Edward Daubeney) are still seised to the said use.
Robert Walsche, father of Thomas, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned 6 messuages &c. in Lillisdon, North Curry and Stowey, and by his charter dated 3 October, 10 Henry VII, granted them to the said Thomas and Margaret his wife, daughter of John Boler, esquire, and the heirs of Thomas. Margaret survived her husband, and held herself in by survivorship.
Elizabeth Walsche, mother of the said Thomas, is seised as of free tenement of 10 marks’ yearly rent issuing from the manor of Catteanger and all the other under-mentioned messuages and lands &c. in Catteanger, Stowey, Lillesdon, North Currey, Fifete and Felton, by assignment of the said Thomas, in allowance of all her dower of the free tenement of Robert Walsche, late her husband.
Thomas died 16 July last. John Walsche, aged 14 years and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERSET. Manor of Catteanger, and 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 100a. wood, 300a. pasture and 20s. rent in Catteanger and Fyfete; 8 messuages, 100a. land, 40a. meadow and 100a. wood in Stowey, Felton and Fyfete; and 6 messuages, 100a. land, 20a. meadow, 100a. wood and 100a. pasture in Lillisdon, North Curry and Stowey: whereof:—
The manor of Catteanger and all the lands &c. in Fyfete and Catteanger, worth 100s., are held of the abbot of Michelney, services unknown;
The messuages &c. in Lillisdon, worth 40s., are held of Henry Stafford, knight, and Cecily, his wife, in right of the said Cecily, services unknown;
The lands &c. in North Curry, worth 8s., are held of the dean and chapter of Wells in free socage, by a rent of 20d.;
The messuages &c. in Stowey, worth 4l., are held of John Harwell, as of his manor of Berd, in free socage, by a rent of 6d.; and
The messuages &c. in Felton are held of John Rodney, knight, as of his manor of Wynford, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (23.) E. Series II. File 897. (71.)
380. JOHN KEYNES, esquire.
Writ, wanting; inquisition 16 November, 23 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and messuages &c., and by his charter dated 27 May, 10 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof Humphrey Walrond, esquire, John More, William Walrond and John Kyrkeham, who survive, and Maurice More and George Whityng, now deceased. Afterwards, by his charter dated 23 May, 22 Henry VII, he willed and declared that the feoffees aforesaid should by charter assign a yearly rent of 20s. issuing from the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Weryngston to Amelio Sedburgh for life, with clause of distraint in case of non-payment; and that Ellen, his wife, and the said feoffees, should take all the issues and profits of Wynkelegh and Weryngston until the following payments should have been made therefrom:— the debts of the said John Keynes, to wit, 22l. 13s. 8d. to John Browne, 30s. to Geoffrey Taylour, 20s. to William Pyke of Exeter ‘tayllour,’ 26s. 8d. to Maud Bullewyke, and any other debts that may be proved before them, 10 marks to Ellen Walrond for her marriage, 40s. to Ellen Holwey for her marriage, and 100l. for the maintenance of a priest, as ordained in his testament, and in other ways for the salvation of his soul at their discretion.
He died 26 May, 22 Henry VII. Humphrey Keynes, aged 11 years and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. Manor of Wynkelegh Keynes, worth 10l., held of the king, as of his honor of Gloucester, by half a knight’s fee.
12 messuages, 100a. land, 20a. pasture, 10a. wood, 20a. meadow and 40a. furze and heath in Weryngston, worth 4l., held of the prince, as of his honor of Bradnynche, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (24.)
381. WILLIAM MARTYN, knight.
Commission, wanting; inquisition 28 October, 23 Henry VII.
Isolda late the wife of William Martyn, knight, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Tyncleden and Wynterbourne Germyn at the time of her marriage to the said William. They had issue Christopher Martyn, and after Isolda’s death William held himself in the manors for life by the courtesy of England. Also at the time of his death the said William was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Athelhampston &c., and lands &c. in Brodewey. All the foregoing descended to Christopher Martyn, son and heir of William and Isolda aforesaid, who is seised thereof in fee.
Before his death the said William was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Slepe and lands &c. in Lychet Mynster, Pudell Bryan, Wey Bayhouse, Wey Hamondevyle and Pole, and granted them by indented charter to Hugh Oldam, clerk, John Poulett and Amyas Poulet, knights, Robert Care, Robert Turges and Henry Uvedale, esquires, and Henry Gardener, their heirs and assigns, and by virtue of the said grant they were seised thereof in fee to the following intent, to wit, to the use of the said William Martyn during his life, and after his death to the intent that they should stand enfeoffed of all the lands etc. in Wey Bayhouse, Wey Hamondevyle and Pudell Bryan to the use of Christina, late the wife of the said William, until Richard Martyn, son of the said William and Christina, should reach the age of 24 years, and then to the use of the said Richard and the heirs of his body, or, if Richard should die before reaching the age of 24, then they should stand enfeoffed of the said lands &c. to the use of the said Christina for life, and after her death to the use successively of Elizabeth Martyn, daughter of William and Christina, and the heirs of her body, Christopher Martyn and the heirs of his body, and the right heirs of William; and that, after the death of the said William, they should demise the said manor of Slepe and lands &c. in Lechet Mynster and Pole to the said Christina for life, in satisfaction of her dower of the manor of Athelhampston, with successive remainders to the aforesaid Richard, Elizabeth and Christopher and the heirs of their bodies respectively, and to the right heirs of William.
He died on Sunday before the Annunciation, 19 Henry VII. Christopher Martyn, his son and heir, was then 26 years of age.
DORSET. Manor of Tyncleden, worth 10l., held of the prior of Christchurch Twynham in socage.
Manor of Wynterbourne Germyn, worth 8l., held of the heirs of Robert de Bello Campo, as of the manor of Compton Donden, co. Somerset, by knight-service.
Manor of Athelhampston and the advowson of the free chapel pertaining thereto, worth 20l., held of the prior of Christchurch Twynham by a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
100a. land, 20a. meadow and 100[a.] pasture in Brodewey, worth 10 marks, held of William, lord Sturton, by fealty only.
Manor of Slepe, and 140a. land, 10a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 100a. heath, 4a. wood and 13s. 4d. rent in Lechet Mynster, held of Margaret, countess of Richmond and Derby, as of her manor of Cockedene, by service of doing suit to the court of Cockedene twice yearly.
3 messuages, 300a. land, 40a. meadow, 300a. pasture and 100a. moor in Pudell Bryan, Wey Bayhouse and Wey Hamondevyle, worth 8l., held of James Frampton and Robert Abbott, as of the manor of Uppeway, by fealty and a rent of 20s.
A messuage (or manor) and garden in Pole, wherein Thomas Whyzte lately dwelt, worth 10s., held of the mayor and burgesses of Pole by a rent of 3d.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (25.)
Commission of concealments &c. 22 November, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 28 October, 23 Henry VII.
The said Richard was seised in fee tail at the time of his death of the under-mentioned manors &c. by gift of Walter Marescall, sometime earl of Pembroke, to John de Turbervyle, his ancestor.
He died 20 March, 19 Henry VII. John Turbervyle, aged 34 years and more, is his son and heir.
DORSET. Manor of Bere and a messuage in Milbourne, parcel of the said manor, with the hundred of Bere, amends of bread and ale in the said hundred, the profits of the amercements at the two lawful hundreds of Bere, to wit, those of Martinmas and Hokeday, [of] all persons using false measures and selling against the assise within the said hundred, both of the men and villeins of the abbess of Tarrant in the town of Bere and of all others within the precincts of the hundred, (such amercements to be levied for his use by his bailiff of the said hundred), a moiety of the wood of Bere, and a moiety of a fair, as parcel of the said manor, worth 40 marks, held of the heirs of Walter Marescall aforesaid by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Combe Marschall and Hymber, 4 messuages in Ham, a messuage in Stourmynstre Marsehall, and a messuage in Charleton, worth 10 marks, held of the heirs of the earl aforesaid by fealty.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (26.)
Commission and inquisition, as above.
The said earl, who was attainted of high treason, was seised in fee at the time of his attainder of the under-mentioned manor of Swyre, and died so seised. After his death Robert Lugge of Westminster, co. Middlesex, ‘yoman,’ intruded into the said manor, and has taken the issues and profits thereof since the time of the said attainder, but by what right the jurors know not. The said earl was attainted 4 November, 14 Henry VII, and died 12 November in the same year.
DORSET. Manor of Swyre, worth 7l. 6s. 8d., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (27.)
Writ of Mandamus 12 February, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 10 November, 23 Henry VII.
Edward Makwilliam, esquire, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Stanborn Halle, Grenevilles and Monehall and lands &c. in Stanborn, Riddiswell, Fynchyngfeld, Bumstede, Toppisfeld and Gelham, and by his charter enfeoffed thereof Robert Plummer, gentleman, who survives, and others now deceased, their heirs and assigns, to the use of himself and his heirs. By his last will he gave the said manors and lands &c. to Christina Makwilliam, formerly his wife and late the wife of Robert Tyrell, knight, for the term of her life, and after his death she took the profits thereof.
Robert Plummer, Robert Colston and John Tynt were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Boxstede, and by their charter dated 1 April, 19 Edward IV, gave them to the said Christina and the heirs of the bodies of Christina and Edward aforesaid. Christina was seised thereof accordingly in fee tail. She and Edward had issue Henry Makwilliam, who survives.
Henry, earl of Essex, William Bowcher, knight, lord de Bowcher, Thomas Bowcher, knight, and Robert Colston were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Westmersey, and by charter dated 18 August, 17 Edward IV, gave them to the said Christina and the heirs of the bodies of Christina and Edward aforesaid. Christina was seised thereof accordingly in fee tail.
The aforesaid earl, William, Thomas and Robert were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages in Colcestre, and by charter dated 18 August, 17 Edward IV, gave them to the said Christina and the heirs of the bodies of Christina and Edward aforesaid. Christina was seised thereof accordingly in fee tail.
Christina died 12 January, 21 Henry VII. Henry Makwilliam, aged 30 years and more, is son and heir of Christina and Edward.
ESSEX. Manor of Stanborn Halle, held of the king, as of his honor of Clare, by knight-service.
Manor of Grenevilles, held of the king, as of the same honor, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Monehall, held of the king, as of his honor of Maundvill, by fealty only.
40a. wood, 10a. meadow and 20s. rent in Stanborn, Riddiswell, Fynchyngfeld, Bumstede, Toppisfeld and Gelham.
Each of the above manors is worth 5 marks and over, and thus the sum total is 20 marks (sic).
A messuage and 120a. wood called ‘Boxstedes Wode’ in the town of Boxstede, worth 40s., held of Thomas Dawtre, as of his manor of Boxstede, by fealty and 4s. rent.
A messuage and 44a. land with pasture of sheep in a certain marsh of Westmersey, held of the master and scholars of the college of Hygham Ferys by fealty and 3s. 10d. yearly, and 1a. meadow and 8a. marsh in Westmersey, held of the same by fealty and 2d. yearly; worth 40s.
8 messuages in Colcestre, worth 4l., held of the abbot of Colcestre by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (28.), E. Series II. File 295 (17.)
385. THOMAS AUDLEY, esquire.
Writ [16] July, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 3 November, 23 Henry VII.
John Nedeham and Philip More, parson of the church of Macworth, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c., and by their charter gave them to James, lord de Audeley, for life, with remainder to the said Thomas Audeley and the heirs of his body. After James’s death the said Thomas was seised of the premises in fee tail, and enfeoffed thereof Edmund, bishop of Salisbury, Christopher Twynneho and James Bromwiche, clerks, canons of Salisbury, Thomas de la Lynde, knight, and Thomas Barett of Sylvyngton, to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of the bishop, Christopher, James and Thomas de la Lynde; by virtue of which the said bishop, Christopher, James and Thomas de la Lynde were seised thereof in their demesne as of fee, and Thomas Barett in his demesne as of free tenement. Afterwards the said Thomas Barett released by charter all his right in the premises to the remaining feoffees, who, in Michaelmas term, 22 Henry VII, suffered a recovery thereof to John Woodrof, clerk, Thomas Chafyn, John Talbot and William Potton, as appears by an exemplification of the record. The said recoverors gave the premises by charter to the said Thomas Audeley and Katharine, his wife, for life in survivorship, with remainder to George Twynneho of Cayford, co. Somerset, ‘gentilman,’ and Anne, his wife, daughter and heir of the said Thomas, and the heirs of their bodies. Katharine survived Thomas and is still living.
Thomas died on Tuesday after the feast of Corpus Christi last. Anne, wife of George Twynneho aforesaid, aged 17 years and more, is his daughter and heir.
STAFFORD. Two-thirds of all the lands &c. in Horton Hey, worth 8l. 11s. 1d., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, by fealty and a rent of 6s. 8d.
Moiety of the manor of Norton in the Moors (super le Mores), worth 7l. 19s., held of the king, as above, by fealty and a rent of 20d.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (29.) E. Series II. File 1017. (23.)
Writ 20 June, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 4 November, 23 Henry VII.
During his life he was seised of the under-mentioned manors, lands &c., and by his charter dated 6 April, 16 Henry VII, granted them to William Assheby, esquire, John Wiggeston, merchant of the staple of Calais, Thomas Jakes, William Smyth and William Bolte, their heirs and assigns, for the performance of divers covenants specified in certain indentures dated 23 March, 1 Richard III, between him and Thomas Pulteney, knight, and also for the performance of his last will. The said feoffees are still seised thereof in fee to the use and intent aforesaid.
The said Roger died on Friday after Whitsunday last. William Wiggeston, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir.
LEICESTER. Manor of Thedyngworth, worth 12l., held of John Wyvell of Stonton Wyvell, service unknown.
Manor of Wheston, worth 11l., held of the earl of Bougham, service unknown.
Manor of Belgrave, worth 100s., held of the earl of Oxford, service unknown.
Manor of Wartnaby (or Warknaby), worth 4l., held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown.
Manor of Carleton Curlewe, worth 26s., held of John Wyvell, service unknown.
A messuage, 2 virgates of land and 10s. rent in Oudeby, worth 33s. 4d., held of the abbot of Kenelworth, service unknown.
A virgate of land in Willoughby Waterles, a water-mill in Enderby, and 4 messuages, 3 gardens and 10a. pasture in Leycestre, worth 4l., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (30.) E. Series II. File 1116. (91.)
387. THOMAS AUDELEY, esquire.
Writ 16 July, 22 Henry VII; inquisition Saturday after All Saints, 23 Henry VII.
Findings as in No. 385, mutatis mutandis.
SALOP. Moiety of the manor of Newport, worth 3l., held of the king in chief by fealty and a rent of 2s.
A third part of the manor of Eggemondon, worth 7l., held of the king in chief by fealty and a rent of 2s. 2 1/2d.
A messuage in Little Halys, worth 46s., held of John, lord Fitzwaren, and William Trowtbeke, knight, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (31.)
388. THOMAS AUDELEY, esquire.
Writ 16 July, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 4 November, 23 Henry VII.
Thomas de la Hay, the elder, esquire, Philip More, rector of the church of Macworth, William Hyveden, rector of the church of Staundon, John Bowle, John Brodok, John Sherard, John Harison and John Wyndore were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c., and by indented charter dated 20 February, 32 Henry VI, granted them to James Twychet, lord de Audeley, and Eleanor his wife, for life in survivorship, with successive remainders to Henry, their son, and the heirs of his body, and to Thomas Audeley aforesaid and the heirs of his body. Henry died without heir of his body, and after the death of James and Eleanor the said Thomas entered into the premises and was seised thereof in fee tail. He enfeoffed thereof Edmund, bishop of Salisbury, Christopher Twynneho and James Bromwich, canons of the cathedral church of Salisbury, Thomas de la Lynd, knight, and Thomas Barett of Sylvyngton, to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of the bishop, Christopher, James and Thomas de la Lynde. Afterwards the said Thomas Barett released by charter all his right in the premises to the remaining feoffees, who, in Michaelmas term, 22 Henry VII, suffered a recovery thereof to John Woodrof, clerk, Thomas Chafyn, John Talbot and William Potton, who were seised thereof accordingly in fee, and, being so seised, gave the premises by charter to the said Thomas Audeley for life, with remainder to George Twynneho of Cayford, co. Somerset, ‘gentilman,’ and Anne, his wife, daughter and heir of the said Thomas, and the heirs of their bodies.
Death and heir as in No. 385.
HEREFORD. A messuage in Monyton upon Wye, worth 3l. 6s. 8d., held of Margaret, wife of the late John, lord de Audeley, and William Trowtbeke, knight, in socage, to wit, by fealty and a rent of 6s. 8d.
2 messuages in Staundon, worth 4l. 17s. 4d., a messuage in Byford, worth 2d., and 8 messuages, a water-mill, 100a. land, 40a. meadow and 6s. capital rent in Luntley, a messuage in Dewall and a messuage in Dylwyn, worth 5l. 6s. 8 1/2d.; all held of Walter Baskerfeld, knight, services unknown.
A messuage in Le Were, worth 40s., held of the bishop of Hereford in socage, to wit, by fealty and a rent of 8s.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (32.) E. Series II. File 411. (7.)
Writ 8 July, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 8 November, 23 Henry VII.
John Thornhill, father of John Thornhill named in the writ, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Thornhill, and by charter dated 1 April, 22 Edward IV, granted it in tail to John Thornhill, his son and heir apparent, together with all his lands &c. in Thornhill and Stalbrige except 2 tenements in Stalbrige then severally in the tenure of John Laueraunce and John Lymon. John Thornhill, the son, died seised in fee tail of the said manor &c., and was also seised in fee simple of the aforesaid 2 tenements in Stalbrige on the day of his death.
Also John Thornhill, the father, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Alveston, and by indented charter dated at Alveston, Thursday before All Saints, 6 Edward IV, granted them to John Thornhill, the son, and Alice his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The said John and Alice had issue Thomas Thornhill. John survived Alice, and was seised of the premises in fee tail when he died.
He died 21 April last. Thomas Thornhill, aged 38 years and more, is his son and heir.
DORSET. Manor of Thornhill, and lands &c. in Thornhill and Stalbrige, worth 10l., held of the abbot of Schirbourne, in right of his church of Schirbourne, by fealty and a rent of a pair of white gloves, or 1d., payable at Michaelmas.
6 messuages, 60a. land, 60a. pasture and 30a. meadow in Alveston in the hundred of Schirbourne, held of Edmund, bishop of Salisbury, as of his manor of Schirbourne, by fealty and a rent of 13s. 4d.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (33.) E. Series II. File 897. (73.)
390. DENISE SPARKE, sometime the wife of HENRY ELVEDEN, the younger, esquire, and afterwards the wife of WILLIAM SPARKE.
Writ of Mandamus 23 October, inquisition 13 January, 23 Henry VII.
One Robert Levelord was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and lands, and by his charter dated 19 February, 15 Edward IV, granted them to Henry Elveden and the said Denise (then called Denise Hewyke), whom Henry afterwards took to wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Henry’s right heirs. Henry and Denise had issue a certain Denise Elveden. After Henry’s death Denise his wife was seised of the premises in fee tail, and by her charter dated 19 November, 10 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof John Breton, S.T.P., Robert Tate, citizen and alderman of London, John Chauntrell, clerk, Robert Sheffeld, ‘gentilman,’ recorder of the city of London, John Tate, citizen and alderman of London, Humphrey Conyngesby, Thomas Sall, Thomas Frowyke, Thomas Tate (son of Robert), John Tate (son of John), John Port, Antony Fytzherbert, ‘gentilmen,’ and John Bettenham and William Godwyn, citizens and drapers of London, to hold to them and their heirs to the use and intent specified in an indenture dated 14 December, 10 Henry VII, between Robert Fitzherbert, friend and governor of Denise Elveden, daughter and heir of the said Denise and Henry Elveden, of the one part, and the said Denise the mother of the other part. John Breton, Robert Tate, Thomas Sall, Thomas Frowyke and John Tate the son have since died, and the remaining feoffees are seised in fee to the use aforesaid.
The said Denise died 19 December, 20 Henry VII. Denise Elveden, then aged 12 years and more, is her daughter and heir.
ESSEX. Manor of Arnoldes in the parish of Yngmontney, and 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 140a. pasture, 40a. wood and 4s. 3d. rent in Yngmontney, worth 12l. 6s. 8d., held of William Capell, knight, as of his manor of Bacons, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (34.)
391. JOHN HARDWYK, ‘gentilman.’
Writ 20 November, inquisition 14 January, 23 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. on 10 February, 22 Henry VII. John Herdwyk, then aged 11 years and more, is his son and heir.
DERBY. 6 messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow and 30a. pasture within the lordship of Stanesby, worth 13l. 15s. 4d., held of John Savage, knight, as of his manor of Stanesby, by a third part of a knight’s fee, a rent of 12d., 1lb. pepper, 1lb. cummin and a gilly-flower yearly, and suit to the court of the said manor or lordship.
Moiety of a bovate of land in Glapwell, worth 3s. 4d., held of John Leeke, esquire, as of his manor of Plesley, by fealty and a rent of 4d.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (35.)
Writ 1 November, inquisition 15 January, 23 Henry VII.
John Ormond, esquire, and the said Joan, his wife, long before their death were seised in fee tail, in right of the said Joan, of the under-mentioned manors of Marneham and Osberton, in consequence of a gift thereof by John Erle, chaplain, to Thomas Chawurth and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies; the manors having descended,—after the deaths of the said Thomas and Joan, Thomas their son, William son of the last-named Thomas, Thomas son of the said William, William son of the last-named Thomas, and Thomas son of the last-named William,—to Joan Ormond aforesaid as sister and heir of the last-named Thomas.
By a fine levied in the octave of St. Martin, 18 Henry VII, the said John and Joan Ormond acknowledged the said manors (by the name of the manors of Marnham and Osberton and 2 messuages, 5 tofts, 30a. land, 30a. meadow and 300a. moor in Marnham and Osberton) to be the right of Thomas Babyngton, as being held by him, Robert Brudenell, Thomas Jakes and Robert Nevell by their gift; and in return for such acknowledgement the said Thomas, Robert, Thomas and Robert granted the premises to John and Joan aforesaid for life, with remainders as in No. 368 above.
Death and heirs and other findings, as in No. 368.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Marnham and all the lands aforesaid there, worth 40l., held of the king, as of the honor of his castle of Tykhull, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, by service of a knight’s fee and a rent of 13s. 4d. for ward of the said castle.
Manor of Osberton and all the lands aforesaid there, worth 30s., held of Humphrey Hersy, esquire, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (36.)
Writ of Mandamus 22 October, inquisition 8 November, 23 Henry VII.
Long before the date of this inquisition he was seised in fee of all the under-mentioned lands &c., and by his charter dated 13 June, 21 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof (inter alia) Robert Falley, clerk, William Wigley and Richard Bromfeld, to hold to them and their heirs to his use and for the performance of his last will. After the said feoffment, to wit, on 5 June (sic), 21 Henry VII, he made his last will, and thereby ordained that Mary his wife should have the messuages &c. in Stratfeld Mortymer and the under-mentioned advowson for life, and that John Gape should have the meadow in Ofton Robert for life, with remainder to the said Mary for life. Since his death the said Mary and John have respectively received the issues of the premises in accordance with his said will.
He died 7 July, 21 Henry VII. Anne, aged 12 years and more, and Edith, aged 10 years and more, are his daughters and heirs.
BERKS. 3 messuages, 20a. land, 12a. pasture, 6a. wood and 6a. meadow in Stratfeld Mortymer, worth 26s. 8d., held of the king, as of his manor of Stratfeld Mortymer, by fealty and suit to the court of the said manor at Easter and Michaelmas.
A meadow containing 10a. in Ofton Robert, worth 20s., held of the abbot of Redyng, as of his lordship of Thele, by fealty and suit to the said abbot’s court of Thele once yearly.
Advowson of a chantry founded in the parish church of Bray, worth nothing.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (37.) E. Series II. File 783. (6.)
394. JULIANA TREGONA, widow, late of Nanfenten.
Commission of concealments &c. 25 June, 20 Henry VII; inquisition 4 November, 23 Henry VII.
She died 3 June, 20 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c., which after her death descended by hereditary right to Richard Perat, her kinsman and heir, to wit, son of Margaret her sister, who has been an idiot since his birth.
CORNWALL. A messuage, 30a. arable and 10a. meadow in Trenans in the parish of St. Ide, and a messuage, 30a. arable and 10a. meadow in Tregona in the parish of Nanfenten; worth 16s.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (38.)
395. NICHOLAS DAVNANT, late of Seynt Eth.
Commission and inquisition, as above.
He died 6 September, 21 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c., which after his death descended to William, his son and heir, who has been an idiot since birth.
CORNWALL. A third part of the town of Seynt Eth, a moiety of the town of Carkean, 200a. arable and 40a. meadow in Seynt Eth and Carkean, 2 messuages, 40a. arable and 20a. meadow in Davnant Dussell, 3 messuages, 200a. arable and 40a. meadow in Treville alias Trevele, 2 messuages, 100a. arable and 40a. meadow in Delenewyth and Tynpethy, and 4 messuages, 108a. arable and 40a. meadow in Trewynen, Delemyre, Trewosell and Wodwalse; worth 100s.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (38.)
396. ROGER MONKE, of Bodmyn.
Commission and inquisition, as above.
He died 4 October, 20 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c., which after his death descended to William Monke, his son and heir, who has been an idiot since birth.
CORNWALL. 2 messuages with 2 gardens annexed to the same in Bodmyn; worth 20s.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (38.)
397. WILLIAM MORE, late of Atmore.
Commission and inquisition, as above.
He became insane (amens) on 12 August, 20 Henry VII, at Atmore, co. Cornwall, and since then has been a lunatic, enjoying lucid intervals. He held no lands at that time or after.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (38.)
398. NICHOLAS DAVNANT, late of Seynt Eth.
Commission and inquisition, as above; the inquisition being taken by the oath of a different set of jurors.
Findings as in No. 395.
CORNWALL. The lands specified in No. 395; and also 6a. arable in a close called ‘Globelond close,’ and a messuage and 5a. arable in Trevarlage; worth 100s.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (39.)
Commission of intrusions &c. 20 March, 21 Henry VII; inquisition 29 November, 23 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors. After his death Sybil, formerly his wife, entered into the premises without obtaining the king’s licence, and has taken the issues and profits thereof ever since.
BEDFORD. Manors of Tyllesworth and Stanbrygge, worth 20l., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (40.)
Commission 12 February, 22 Henry VII; inquisition taken at Bruton, co. Somerset, 27 November, 23 Henry VII.
She has been an idiot since birth. She has never alienated any lands, nor have any lands ever descended to her, nor has she ever possessed any lands or goods which she could alienate or dissipate.
C. Series II. Vol. 21. (41.)


  • 1. At the foot of the inquisition the month is given as January. The inquisition was delivered in the Chancery on 26 March.
  • 2. Recte Gate; cf. Vol. II, No. 494.
  • 3. The list of the said manors given at the beginning of the inquisition differs slightly from that given at a later point and calendared below, in that it includes the manor of Lamborne, omits the manors of Eglyshell and Truruvyan, and substitutes the “manor” of Sully for the “castle or island.”
  • 4. The date of the commission is given in the inquisition. The commission itself is wanting.
  • 5. This date is written over an erasure. The date given at the end of the inquisition is 21 September.