Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 857-895

Pages 294-308

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1987.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 857-896

Writ for proof of age of John Deyncourt, knight, brother and heir of Ralph Deyncourt, son and heir of William Deyncourt, deceased. 16 July 1403.
[Endorsed] Ralph earl of Westmorland, who held two parts of the lands, was summoned to attend the proof by John Laxston and William Pillay.
YORK. Proof of age. Stillingfleet. 13 Dec.
William Coupland, aged 56 years and more, John Waghen, 55 and more, and William Carter, 50 and more, remember that John Deyncourt, knight, was born at Middleham on 28 Feb, 1382 and baptised on 1 March in the church there, because on that 28 Feb. 21 years ago John son of William Coupland was promoted to priest’s orders at York as appears by his letters shown to them.
William Hertesheved, 53 and more, William Baxster, 58 and more, Robert Magson, 58 and more, William Kampsall, 50 and more, and William Broun, 53 and more, were witnesses to livery of seisin of a messuage and 2 a. in Middleham to John Bryce on that day, and they then heard of the birth of John.
William de Morton, 56 and more, William Gayle, 54 and more, William Wryght, 50 and more, and William Smyth, 58 and more, remember because they were present on 1 March that year at the burial of Isabel late wife of John Perot at Middleham, saw John baptised and asked the bystanders about the birth.
C 137/40, no. 46
Writ for proof of age; by the grant of John Frank he was in the ward of John Bernard, who should be warned of the inquisition. 27 Nov. 1402.
SOMERSET. Proof of age. Ilchester. 15 March 1403.
The jurors say that Nicholas is aged 21 years and more, having been born at South Petherton on 24 June 1380, and baptised in the church of St. Peter there.
Robert Lambrouk, 64, knows because he was present in the church when John Hayward, chaplain, baptised Nicholas and wrote the day and year in a missal in the church.
John Mucheldever, 54, came with Nicholas, then prior of Muchelney abbey, to the church, where the prior was godfather, and he saw the date written in the missal.
John Mede, 60, was present and had a son William born in the same year.
John Peny, 48, came to the church on that day, and on the Sunday before he had married Alice daughter of Robert Lambrouk.
John Warmwell, 44, was with Robert Lambrouk in the church and contracted marriage with Margery his daughter.
Henry Humerford, 60, John Holme, 64, Robert Boton, 68, and Philip Batte, 55, were at a fair at South Petherton on that feast [Midsummer day], they were called from it to bear witness and were present when John Hayward wrote the date.
John Bryce, 50, John Wodehous, 56, John Bokerell, 60, were present in the church at the baptism and were called to bear witness; and on that day John Molyns granted to John Spore and Edith his wife 3 a. in South Petherton for their lives by a charter so dated.
C 137/40, no. 49
Writ to assign dower, 5 March 1403.
CAMBRIDGE. Assignment of dower, in the presence of Lawrence Trussebut and William Lampet, next friends of Robert son and heir of Robert Scales. Haslingfield. 7 May.
One chamber with 1 chimney called ‘le Squyerschambre’ next to a chamber called ‘le Knyghteschambre’ inside the moat with all the rooms from the ‘Knyghteschambre’ to the end of the bridge, with free ingress and egress within the moat; a garden also within, to the west end of the hall, called the ‘Kychengarden’ with fruit and pasture; a third part of a dovecot in the same garden; 1 house called ‘le Stots…’ situated between the ‘couhous …stable’ under one roof; half a barn called ‘le Oteberne’ in the west, with a house called ‘le Chauffhouse’ by the barn on the south; a third part of the large barn; a third part of a barton by the ‘Aldefelde’; and a third part of a barn there; all with free ingress and egress.
Farm of free tenants: Walter Phelip for a tenement bought from Thomas Bradfeld, formerly of John Hied(?), 6 1/4d. and half a farthing; John Stacy, 22d.; Margery Asshby, 11 1/2d.; John Jake, 47 1/2d.; John Knyght, chaplain, 9d.; Agnes Bysshop, 15s.; Thomas Robat, 3s.4d.; … and 1 capon; Thomas Pappeworth, 17 1/2.; …; William Amys, 3s.10d.; John Ey, senior, 17d. and half a farthing; Thomas Rown, 3s.8 1/4d.; Henry Masoun, 23d. and half a farthing; John Shymmyng, 9 1/2d.; Agnes Scot of Barrington, 1d.; Thomas Serie 1 capon.
Total …
Farm of servile tenants …
[Part of two more paragraphs, torn and illegible].
C 137/40, no. 51
Writ for proof of age, 22 Oct. 1402.
NORFOLK. Proof of age. Hockwold. 21 Nov.
The jurors say that he was aged 21 on 25 Sept. last, having been born at Hockwold and baptised there on 25 Sept. 1381.
[The statements by the following jurors are illegible] Thomas Moncheney and William Eyre, each aged 50 years and more, Stephen Bate and Robert Kavell, each 40 and more, John Phelipp, senior, and John Stede, each 45 and more, William Mountford and John Waterman, each 60 and more, John Freman and William Ferers, each 48 and more.
John Cheseman and John Norman, each 43 and more, remember the date because Thomas Norman, brother of John, died on that day after 9 and before 3 o’clock.
C 137/40, no. 52
LONDON. Assignment of dower. 12 Dec. 1403.
£96. 8s.10 1/2d., being a third part of £289 6s.8d. payable from the custom of wools and woolfells since 28 Nov. 1402 by the collectors.
Edward now duke of York was warned to be present by Hugh Battesford and Walter Staunton.
Writ to assign dower, 22 May 1403.
LINCOLN. Assignment of dower.
From Grantham, where his rents and services, with soc, lands and tenements, tolls and perquisites of court extended at £100 12s.3d.:
Great Ponton, with its appurtenances in Denton, Belton, Harlaxton and Harrowby, with lands, tenements, rents, services, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats and all other appurtenances, annual value £21 1s.10d.
Harlaxton, £4 8s.1/2d. from various lands and tenements called the fee of ‘Brewes’ so let to farm to John Grene of Grantham.
Grantham, a third part of the tolls of markets and fairs, and of forfeitures, escheats, and other profits and commodities arising from perquisites of courts with soc of the same.
From Stamford, where all lands and tenements extend at £80:2 watermills £4 6s.8d.; houses and shops of various tenants, £4 17s.6d., viz Roger Fraunceys 16s., William Dobyn 14s., John Draper 9s., Robert Massthorp 3s., William Tyerd 13s.4d., John Spillesby 12d., William Fletcher 10s., John Algode 5s., John Cadeney 14d., John Chaloner, senior, 8s., John Barker 2s., John Forster 2s., John Pitt 6s., Nicholas Tabard 6s. and Robert Asshborne 12d.; from various demesne lands let to farm 55s.11d., viz John Longe 17s., Henry Cok 5s.4d., Gilbert Apethorp 6s.3d., William Stacy 6s.8d., John Apethorp 4s., Richard Bonde 4s., John Gervays 3s., John Cobto of Ryhall 2s.8d., John Carter 2s., Richard Benefeld 3s. and Robert Grafton 2s.; and a third part of all wastes, tolls of markets and fairs, forfeitures, escheats and perquisites of courts there.
Writ to assign dower, 22 May 1403.
NORTHAMPTON. Assignment of dower.
Fotheringhay: from all the lands etc. of the duke in Fotheringhay where the castle and manor extend at £80:
From various free tenants, 20s.1 1/2d.: viz abbot of Sawtry 10s.; John Knyvet 8d.; Henry Bracy 6s.8d.; William Webster 2s.3d.; and rent of ‘Swanneholme’ 6d.
Rents of cottagers, 9s.6 1/2d.: James Sumpter 7s.; John So… 12d.; Robert Derby 6d.; and William Hauseman 12d.
Rents of servile tenants, £13 8s.: viz Thomas Austyn 36s.8d.; William Taillour 36s.8d.; John Horne 36s.8d.; Walter Holand 18s.4d.; John Hoghton 18s.; John Olneye and William Lessy 13s.4d.; William Taunt 26s.8d.; Hugh Grovelane 15s.; John Hoghton 26s.8d.; Robert de Vye 26s.8d.; and John del Chambre 13s.4d.
Farm of bakery and mills, 31s.1 1/4d.; farm of fisheries from William Hunne and Nicholas Petit, 8s.9 1/4d.; and from Robert Wyrtrynham, clerk, farmer of the castle land there, 4s.2d.
A third part of all the demesne lands: ‘Parkewong’, ‘Darnwellwong’ and ‘Langethornewellwong’; 1/2 a. under ‘Chalkehill’; 12 a. in ‘Toftewong’ by ‘Tofteshall’; ‘Littilburymorewong’; 4 a. called ‘Leys’ in ‘Westondewong’; 12 a. in ‘Risshcroft’ by the mill; ‘Curtellwong’, le Conynghere’, ‘Cunnlynshade’, 7 selions on the ‘Curtellwong’; 38 a. meadow in the meadow called ‘Wyldeholme’ to the north; 7 a. meadow in ‘Horsecroft’ to the west; 10 a. in ‘Westmedowe’ to the west; and 60 a. in the meadow called ‘Arneweys’ to the south with the meadows called ‘Fremannesmedowe’ and ‘Warmyngtonmedowe’.
A third part of the moor and pasture, namely ‘Estmore’ and ‘Oxmore’; a third of the park on the east, with a third of the … and of the woods belonging to the lordship, with a third of the profits from the perquisites of court, and a third of all casual profits whatsoever.
Nassington and Yarwell, a third part of the lordship extending at £68 yearly, comprising £12 18s.8d. from assize rents at Yarwell; 13s.9d. from rents of tofts there; 39s.9d. small rents; 12d. from Wansford; £7 6s.2d. from various tenants of the fee called ‘Doddisfee’ in Nassington, viz Thomas Chaddelerove 14s., Robert Levyng 8s., Robert Bilby 9s., Henry Chaddelrode 9s.6d., Henry Bracy 16s., William Wryght 26s., John Welden 6s., William Kay 3s.6d., John Cole 8s., John Brown 20s.2d., Agnes Norman 8s., William Brown 8s., John Mounteyn 8s. and John Taillour 12d.; with one third of the profits of courts and of all casual revenues.
Writ to assign dower, 22 May 1403.
YORK. Assignment of dower. 13 Aug.
Firstly, Conisbrough, Braithwell, and Clifton, the manors and vills, with all their members, lands and tenements, rents, services, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, knight’s fees, advowsons, mills, suits of court of free tenants and villeins with their offspring, with hall of pleas at Conisbrough, the pond called ‘Casteldame’, the park of Conisbrough with game, agistment and pannage, ‘housebot’, ‘haibot’, ‘feirebot’ in the park, with all other profits of the offices of the bailiwick of Conisbrough, as of the offices of reeves of Conisbrough, Braithwell and Clifton.
Then, Hatfield, the vill and lordship with a third part of the manor, two long chambers, a bakery with other small chambers adjoining, a granary in the site of the manor, with half the long stable, a third of the garden towards the north, next to the bounds there, and of a granary next to the church, that is in the east end; with the park of Hatfield with game, agistment and pannage, with ‘housebot’, ‘haibot’ and ‘fairebot’ in the park.
Dowsthorpe, the vill, with all its members, lands and tenements … villeins with their offspring [as above under Conisbrough], with all the fishery of ‘Countesmer’ with a park in ‘Counteyseng’ lying next to Tudworth with free ingress and egress to the fisheries and with sufficient ground to draw and dry their nets and bow(?) (ad tractand’ et siccand’ recia arcumquaque), a third part of the warren and the chase of Hatfield, namely the bailiwick of Clownes with all other profits whatever of the offices of reeves of Hatfield and Dowsthorpe.
Similarly Holmfirth, the town and lordship, with all its members, appurtenances and mills, and the wood called ‘Owtwode’ of Wakefield in the west of that wood, with lands, tenements etc. [as above under Conisbrough], and all other profits of the office of reeve of Holmfirth, saving always free ingress and egress to Edward duke of York to the same for cutting, carting and selling the great timber for repairing houses and for large fuel.
Also £133 6s.8d. from the grant of £400 yearly from the customs of wool in Kingston upon Hull, and £33 6s.8d. from the grant of £100 from the same customs.
C 137/40, nos.53, 54
SHROPSHIRE. Assignment of dower in the manor of Quatt by the escheator, who afterwards took her oath not to marry without the king’s licence.
1 chamber where the manor formerly was, length 36 feet, width 15 feet; 1 little toft annexed to it, length 14 feet, width 10 feet; 1 close called ‘Home close’, 4 a., annual value 5s.; 1 pasture called ‘Byrches’, 4 a., 4s.; 1 pasture called ‘Westfeldes’, 16 a., 10s.; 1 messuage with garden and 1/2 virgate held by John Hancokes, 3s.; 1 messuage, 1 garden and 1/2 virgate held by Roger Fuller, 3s.; 1 messuage, 1 garden and 1 virgate held by Thomas Piers, 10s.; 1 messuage, 1 garden and 1 virgate held by John Wygan, 5s.; 1 messuage, 1 garden and 1/2 virgate held by John Tandy, 4s.; 1 messuage, 1 garden and 1/2 virgate held by Richard Hulle, 5s.; 1 messuage, 1 garden and 1/2 virgate held by Constance Bacon, 6s.; 1 cottage held by John Webbe, 2s.; 1 cottage and 1/2 virgate held by John Harlewyn … 1 lb. cumin; 1 ruinous cottage and 1 a., nil; 1 cottage and 1/2 virgate held by Walter Tumour, 10d.(?); and 1 fishery opposite the tenement of Hugh Dodmaston and 1 a., nil.
Total 59s.10d.
C 137/40 no. 55
BEDFORD. Assignment of dower from the manor of Harlington. 23 March 1403.
Site of the manor. Firstly assigned within the site of the manor: 1 barn, 1 … called … with garden, with ingress and egress protected by the common way to the spring within the site.
Rents of freemen, villeins and rent-paying cottars: 10s. from William Huntewene senior for his rent and all other services and customs; 16s.11d. from John Oseberne; 13s.8d. from Richard Archer; 13s. from John Martyn; 11s.6 1/2d. from Robert atte Hale; 4s.9 1/2d. from Thomas Boltere beyond 2s.3 1/4d. paid to the king; 14s. from … Cholestre; … 9 1/2d. from Edmund Croy; 12s.6d. from William Longe; 5s.5 1/2d….; 4s.6d. from John Lyncolne; 16 1/4d. from John Buckeby, senior; 19s.10d. from William …; 7 1/4d. from Eleanor Matheu beyond 2s.6 3/4d. paid to the king; and 4s. from various …
Total £7 … 1/4d.
[22 lines mostly illegible].
C 137/40, no. 57
Commission to Hugh de Shirley, Thomas Frisby, John Curson, Peter de la Pole and the escheator to enquire what he held in Nottinghamshire. 3 June 1403 [CPR 1401–5 p.278].
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition before Thomas Frysby, John Curson and the escheator. Kingston upon Soar. 16 June.
He held 1 messuage and 3 1/2 bovates in Ruddington, which were once of Roger Perpointe, and ‘Magotdoghterland’ in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief of the castle of Castle Donington, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, by knight service, annual value 13s.4d.
He died on 23 Sept. 1401. Hugh de Annesley his son and heir is aged 8 years. John de Clyfton, clerk, has held since he died, title unknown. What lands he held of others is likewise unknown.
C 137/40, no. 58
YORK. Inquisition ex officio. Richmond castle. 3 March 1403.
William de Lawys of North Cowton died about 5 years ago holding 2 messuages and 30 a. arable and meadow in his demesne as of fee in North Cowton, annual value 5s.
Thomas his son and heir is an idiot. John de Lawys has held and taken the profits to the date of this inquisition, and is answerable to the king for them.
C 137/40, no. 59
ESSEX. Inquisition ex officio. Castle Hedingham. 4 Nov. 1402.
She held the manor of Eyston Hall in Belchamp Walter for life by the grant of John de Veer, late earl of Oxford, grandfather of Robert de Veer, duke of Ireland, with reversion to himself and his heirs, annual value 66s.8d. Owing to the death of Elizabeth and the forfeiture of the duke it should belong to the king.
She died on 7 May 1395. John Baryngton, John Aylemer and Richard Ferrour have occupied the manor and taken the profits since her death, by the grant of Aubrey de Veer, uncle and heir of Robert.
E 149/81, no. 8
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition ex officio. Bingham. 28 Aug. 1403.
He held 1 messuage in Wiverton Hall in his demesne as of fee of the honour of Peverel by a rent of 2s. payable by equal parts at the court of Peverel at Nottingham at Easter and Michaelmas, and by two attendances at that court, annual value 40s.
He died about Michaelmas 1398. John de Kneveton and Agnes, formerly wife of Robert, have taken the issues since then. John his son and heir is aged 7 years and more.
E 149/81, no. 12
LEICESTER. Inquisition taken at Leicester in the court of the honour of Leicester and the duchy of Lancaster by William Byspham, feodary in Warwickshire and elsewhere in the honour and duchy, by virtue of the king’s letters under the duchy seal. 23 Jan. 1403.
John Charnels of Bedworth, esquire, held in his demesne as of fee certain lands and tenements in Pailton, [Warwickshire], and by his charter enfeoffed William Pareys, parson of Widdrington, John de Grenehull of Attleborough and William Clerkes of Green End to them and their heirs. They granted them by charter on 26 April 1386 to John Charnels, Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs and assigns of John, and they were so held until he died.
The feodary having heard that John was sole tenant in his demesne as of fee and that he had died without heirs took the premises into the king’s hands. They are held of the king of the duchy of Lancaster.
E 149/82, no. 6
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Calne. 8 Feb. 1403.
Elizabeth wife of Richard Chedder is the granddaughter and heir of Robert Cauntelo, formerly husband of Maud Cauntelo, being the daughter of his son Robert.
E 152/391, no. 2
Writ 8 Nov. 1403.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Babraham. 24 Nov.
She held in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief 1 messuage and 20 a. 1 1/2 roods in Sawston as a thirtieth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 3s.4d.
She died on 16 April last. John Prat her son and next heir is aged 30 years and more.
C 137/41, no. 1
E 149/82, no. 11
Writ, devenerunt, asking what lands he had acquired in Stapenhill and elsewhere. 8 June 1404.
DERBY. Inquisition. Measham. 6 Aug.
He lately acquired in Stapenhill 34 a. and a parcel of meadow in the fields of Heathcote called ‘Cadlowesyche’, annual value 32s.; 1 messuage, 2 virgates and 1 a. meadow called ‘Kirkemedewe’, annual value 50s.; and 1 messuage and 15 a., annual value 12s. Of whom they are held and by what service is unknown. They came into the hands of the abbot and convent of Burton on Trent and so remain, without royal licence.
C 137/41, no. 2
Writ 3 Feb. 1404.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Thorpe Market. 1 July.
She held the manor of East Beckham of the king in chief in fee tail as an eighth part of a knight’s fee by the grant of Roger Virly, Simon de Blyklyngge, Peter de Lyngwode and William de Tonne, chaplain of Aylsham, by licence of Edward III [CPR 1350–4, p.486] to Geoffrey and Christina and the heirs of their bodies, with successive remainders to Roger brother of Geoffrey and his heirs, William their brother and his heirs, and the right heirs of Christina, annual value 45s.
She held in fee tail 1 messuage, 35 a. and 24s.2d. rent in Shipden, payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, of Walter de Walyngton, Simon Felbrygge, knight, John Reynold, John Herdyng and the heirs of Robert Herward, with remainders as above, service unknown, annual value 13s.
She died on 8 July 1392, and all should descend to Cecily daughter and heir of Robert Aleyns, son of Roger, because Geoffrey and Christina died without heirs. Cecily was aged 15 on 2 Feb. last and is married to Edward son of Edward Durdaunt of Buckinghamshire.
Edward Durdaunt, deceased, Benjamin Everard of Shipden and William Ulp of East Beckham held the premises and took the profits from the death of Christina until 2 Feb. last.
C 137/41, no. 5
Writ 12 April 1404.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Norwich. 15 July.
Robert Robell of Great Yarmouth held a quarter of the manor of Hempstead, except 6 1/2 a. which James Jeneye now holds, in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by the service of half a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value 23s.3 1/2d.
He held 3 a. and half a messuage in Hempstead of the prior of Hickling of his manor of Netherhall by a rent of 2d., annual value 16d.
He died on 24 Feb. 1404. Thomas his son and next heir is aged 23 years and more.
C 137/41, no. 7
Writ 10 March 1404.
KENT. Inquisition. Canterbury. 19 March.
As fourth sister and heir of William Cundy of Sandwich Constance took a quarter of £30 rent from the farm of the city of Canterbury to herself and her heirs, granted to Cundy by letters patent of Edward III [CPR 1354–8, p.326], £10 at Easter and £20 at Michaelmas.
She died on 26 Feb. last. Joan wife of Thomas Mayhew of Sandwich and Margaret wife of Robert Fygge of the Isle of Thanet are her daughters and next heirs, both aged 24 years and more.
C 137/41, no. 8
Writ 20 Oct. 1403.
SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Shrewsbury. 19 Nov.
He held in his demesne as of fee 1 tenement in Leighton of the king in chief in socage, by a rent of 40d. payable by the sheriff by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas, annual value 13s.4d.
He died on 16 Oct. last. William his son and heir is aged 14 years and more.
C 137/41, no. 9
E 149/83, no. 7
Writ 19 April 1404.
HEREFORD. Inquisition. Hereford. 10 May.
He held in fee tail of the king in chief 1 messuage, 96 a. arable, 3 a. meadow and 100s. rent in Lower Bullinghope, Clehonger and Hereford as a fifth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 113s.4d.
He died on 19 March last. Henry his son and heir is aged 40 years and more.
C 137/41, no. 10
E 149/83, no. 3
Writ 28 Sept. 1403.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Chipping Campden. 8 Oct.
He held one quarter of 3 messuages, 2 1/2 virgates and 7 a. meadow in Weston Subedge in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 7s.
He died on 21 May last. John his son and heir was aged 13 at Christmas last.
C 137/41, no. 11
Writ 8 Feb. 1404.
YORK. Inquisition. York castle. 3 April.
She held half of a ruinous messuage, 4 waste tofts and 24 bovates of waste land in Great Givendale and of 4 bovates of waste land in Little Givendale of the king in chief by one quarter of the serjeanty of finding a crossbowman in York castle for 40 days when there is war in Yorkshire, annual value 13s.4d.
She died on 15 June 1379. Elizabeth wife of Hugh Standyssh, esquire, of Lancashire, aged 60 years and more is her sister and heir because she has no surviving issue. The lands have been in the king’s hands since Katherine’s death.
C 137/41, no. 12, mm. 1, 2
Writ 11 May 1404.
YORK. Inquisition. York castle. 12 March 1405.
The lands named in the last inquisition [the bovates not being described as ‘waste’] with the addition of one quarter of a wood in Great Givendale, and again valued at 13s.4d., came into the king’s hands owing to the death of Katherine de Malton and the minority of Thomas de Plumland her son and heir, and so they remain.
He died on 7 Feb. 1379. Elizabeth his aunt, wife of Hugh Standyssh, his heir is aged 60 years and more.
C 137/41, no. 12, mm.3, 4
Writ 18 Oct. 1403.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Winchester. 6 Nov.
He held 2 a. in Sutton Scotney in the field called ‘Hentechele’ between the lands formerly of William le White on both sides in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 12d.
He died on 31 Aug. 1393. Edward Hastynges is next heir, being the brother of Hugh, esquire, son of Hugh, knight, son of Hugh, knight, younger brother of John. He was aged 21 on 24 May last.
C 137/41, no. 13, mm.3, 4
Writ 18 Oct. 1403.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Winchester. With same jurors as last. 6 Nov.
He held 2 a. in Sutton Scotney [as in last].
He died on 2 Nov. 1396. Edward Hastynges, knight, his brother and heir, was aged 21 on 24 May 1403.
The escheators have held the land and taken the profits for the king since the death of Hugh.
C 137/41, no. 13, mm.1, 2
Writ 28 Jan. 1404.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Alford. 4 March.
He held a fifth part of the lordship and soke of Mumby in his demesne as of fee of Anne late queen of England, of the honour of Richmond by knight service, annual value £14.
It was in the queen’s hands owing to his death and the minority of his son John. The queen took the profits from Thomas’s death until her own death. Since then John Bell of Boston has held it by virtue of letters patent of Richard II.
He also held in his demesne as of fee the manor and advowson of Langton, of John duke of Lancaster and Thomas earl of Kent by knight service, annual value £10. The duke, the earl and their executors held them until 25 April 1393 owing to the minority of the heir.
John his son and next heir was aged 21 on 6 Jan. last.
C 137/41, no. 14
Writ for proof of age; his lands being in the custody partly of John Bell of Boston and partly of the executors of John duke of Lancaster and Thomas earl of Kent, they should be warned. 17 March 1404.
[Endorsed] John Bell was warned at Mumby and the executors at Langton, all on 29 March by Thomas Swynshed and Robert Walton
LINCOLN. Proof of age. Partney. 8 April.
The jurors say that John son of Thomas de Langton, who held in chief of the honour of Richmond, was 21 on 29 Dec. last, having been born at Langton by Sausthorpe and baptised in the church there on 29 Dec. 1381 [sic].
Being separately examined, they say that they know for the reasons given below:
John Northorp of Sausthorpe, aged 60 years and more, was in the church at the baptism and says that the name and date of birth were written in a great missal in the church.
Walter son of Robert Langton, 44 and more, had a son William born on the next day.
Walter Tateshale of Langton, 49 and more, was sent to find John de Marham, chaplain, who was a godfather.
Hugh Justice of Sausthorpe, 50, was bailiff of Thomas the father in Langton and accounted for the issues of the manor from Michaelmas before the birth and had an acquittance, by the date of which he knows when John was born.
Henry Godeale of Sausthorpe, 48, purchased for himself and his heirs 1 a. in Langton at Easter after the birth and knows by the date of the charter.
Henry Cutman, 50, had a daughter married on 1 Nov. following the birth.
John Pylett, 44, and Thomas South, 50, were in the church at the baptism with a jug of wine and also with dinner, and John Northorp and John Marham were godfathers, and they and all the other people there ate and drank.
Alexander Stacy, 54, and Richard Abott, 50 and more, were witnesses to a charter by which the father bought a messuage for himself and his heirs at Midsummer before the birth,
Thomas son of Nicholas de …, 48, and William Gylyott, 42, set out for Lincoln at Michaelmas before the birth, and it rained so heavily and the waters rose so much that they scarcely avoided being drowned.
C 137/45, no. 53
Writ 12 Feb. 1404.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke. 15 April.
She held 80 a. waste assart in the heath in Hazeley in her demesne as of fee of the king by a rent of 4s.10 3/4d. payable by the sheriff, annual value nil.
Jointly enfeoffed with her late husband she held the manor of Sherfield upon Loddon by the gift of John Foxle, knight, made with the king’s licence [CPR 1401–5, p.466] to them for their lives with remainder to Thomas de Warbleton, her husband’s son, and his heirs male. It is held of the king in grand serjeanty by the service of being marshal of the whores, of dismembering evildoers when condemned, and of measuring gallons and bushels in the king’s household, annual value £13 2s.2 1/2d.
She also held for life by the gift and grant of Arnold Brocas, clerk, with remainder to the right heirs of her husband: 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Chineham of Thomas de Ponynges, Lord St. John, service unknown, annual value 40s.; 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Preston Candover of John de Camoys, service unknown, annual value 20s.; 1 messuage and 60 a. in Basingstoke of the king of the manor of Basingstoke by a rent of 20s. payable to that manor, annual value 10s.; and 1 messuage, 40 a. arable and 4 a. meadow in Stratfield Turgis of Edward Boclond of his manor of Heckfield by a rent of 1d., annual value 10s.
Thomas son of John Warbleton had issue William and died. Katherine died on 7 Feb. last. William, son of John, son of Thomas and Katherine, her next heir, is aged 22 years and more.
Writ, plenius certiorari, citing an inquisition before Robert Loxle concerning the manor of Warbleton [CIPM XVI, no. 179] and inquiring who were the heirs of John and Alice Warbleton. 3 Dec. 1403.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. East Grinstead. 8 Jan. 1404.
John Warbelton, father of John, and Alice his wife had an heir of their bodies, namely John Warbelton. John the father died. John the son married Katherine daughter of John Foxle, knight. They had issue Thomas. John the son died. Thomas married Joan daughter of John Hay, knight. They had issue William Warbleton, who still lives. Thomas is dead.
William son of Thomas is next heir of John, father of John, and Alice, being son of Thomas, son of John, son of John, son of John, father of John and Alice.
SURREY. Inquisition. Tandridge. 7 Jan. 1404.
Findings as in last.
C 137/41, no. 15
E 149/83, no. 14
Writ for proof of age; William More who has the wardship of the lands should be warned. 3 Dec. 1403.
HAMPSHIRE. Proof of age of William Warbleton, son of Thomas, son of John, son of John and Alice, and heir of John, father of John, and Alice. Basingstoke. 11 Jan. 1404.
Thomas Coufold, aged 60 years and more, and Thomas Baldok, 52 and more, say that he is 21, having been born at Sherfield upon Loddon on 6 April 1381 and baptised that day in St. Leonard’s church there. They remember because that day they were retained for life by Katherine Warbleton, then lady of Sherfield.
William Tighale, 51 and more, and William Burgeys, 49 and more, remember by the date, 5 April, of a bond by which they bound themselves in a sum of money to Katherine Warbleton.
John Leche, 45 and more, and Stephen Waspell, 62 and more, were in the church to hear mass and saw the baptism.
John Shipver, 48 and more, and Stephen Sherveld, 64 and more, were wrestling together within the site of the manor of Sherfield on that day, and John broke Stephen’s shin.
Thomas Gregory, 48 and more, and Thomas Leche, 46 and more, had a dispute and reached agreement by indenture on that day, and know the age of William by the date of the indenture.
William Overton, 53 and more, and Robert Many, 61 and more, were at Sherfield that day with several others practising archery beside the churchyard, and the same day dined with Katherine and heard the common talk about the birth and the baptism.
C 137/41, no. 15, mm.7, 8
Writ 8 Feb. 1404.
STAFFORD. Inquisition. Stafford. 26 June.
He held a quarter of the manor of Blymhill in his demesne as of fee by knight service jointly with Hawise his wife, who survives, of Edmund brother and heir of William earl of Stafford, who is under age in the king’s ward, annual value of the quarter £4.
He died on 29 Jan. 1397. William his son and heir is aged 30 years and more. Hawise has held and taken the profits since his death.
C 137/41, no. 16
Writ 20 April 1404.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Titchfield. 10 June.
He held the manor of Knighton in the Isle of Wight in his demesne as of fee of Edward duke of York of his castle of Carisbrooke by knight service, annual value £20. The island was granted to the duke by Richard II. [CPR 1396–9, p.150].
He died on 15 April last. John his son and heir was aged 6 years on 22 Nov. 1403.
Writ 20 April 1404.
DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 12 May.
He held the manor of Braunton Gorges in his demesne as of fee. From it he granted a rent of 20 marks to Elizabeth, widow of his brother Bartholomew, whose heir he was, in dower for life. In return for this she released to him all the rights and claims she had in his lands throughout England. He also granted 40s. rent for life from the manor to John Copleston. Later he enfeoffed Thomas Beauchamp, knight, John Manyngforde, Richard Sutton, Robert Veel and their heirs and assigns. It is held of the king in socage by the service of rendering a barbed arrow whenever and as often as the king hunts in the forest of Exmoor; annual value beyond the rents £10 7s.4d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 20 April 1404.
DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 24 May.
He held in his demesne in fee tail to himself and his heirs male by the gift of Walter Waleys:
Sturminster Marshall, a quarter of the manor and the advowson. Long before he died, by his deed dated 7 Jan. 1403 he granted the quarter manor, but not the advowson, to Robert Grey, John Fauntleroy, junior, Edmund Elyot, clerk, and Robert Veel, describing it as his manor of Sturminster Marshall, to hold for their lives, by a rent of a rose at Midsummer for 3 years, and after 3 years, if they wished to retain it, by a rent of £40 payable by equal parts at the four principal terms. If the rent were wholly or partly in arrears for 15 days he might re-enter and hold it. He bound himself and his heirs in warranty to the feoffees. The manor and advowson are held of the king in socage by the service of rendering a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. whenever the king comes to the forest of Purbeck; annual value 20 marks.
Upper Kingcombe, 1 messuage, 4 carucates, 7 a. meadow and 2 a. wood. By his charter dated 2 June 1401 and shown to the jurors he granted and confirmed these premises described as all his lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, moors, woods, rents and services in Upper Kingcombe to Robert Veel for life, on condition that he paid Thomas, his heirs and assigns a rent of 26s.8d. during the life of John Sparwe and 13s.4d. yearly to the same John Sparwe, who still lives, to be held of the king as he himself had held it. So Robert Veel was seised of it. By another charter dated 20 Dec. 1402 likewise shown to the jurors, reciting this grant and confirmation, Robert Veel regranted all the premises to Thomas and paid a certain sum of money, and Thomas again granted and confirmed them to Robert Veel for his life and one year more, paying to Thomas and his heirs a rent of a rose at Midsummer … during his life 13s.4d. for all services. Thomas bound himself and his heirs to warranty to Robert Veel, who was then seised of the premises. They are held of the heirs of Guy de Briene, knight, as of his manor of ‘Ray…’, service unknown, annual value 40s.
Bridport, 1 messuage called ‘la Glebe’ and the advowson. Long before he died he granted this messuage to John Hayward alias Saymour for life, by his charter shown to the jurors, for a rent of 1 belt (cingulum) or 2d. to him and his heirs at Midsummer. [They are held of the king in socage deleted], annual value 4s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 20 April 1404.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Wells. 13 May.
He held the manor of Wraxhall with its members of Flax Bourton and Nailsea in his demesne as of fee. Long before his death he enfeoffed Thomas Beauchampe, knight, John Copelston, Richard Sutton, Robert Veel, their heirs and assigns, on condition that they should re-enfeoff him, Agnes his wife, who is still alive, and his heirs male, but they held it and made no re-enfeoffment. The manor is held of the earl of Devon by knight service, annual value £60.
He died on 16 April. John his son and heir was aged 7 years on 11 May last.
C 137/41, no. 17
E 149/83, no. 13