Index of Persons and Places: J

Pages 585-586

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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James, John, 238 (p. 143).

Jardele, co. N’hamp. See Yardley.

Jargonvill, Jargonvyle, Roger de, 428 (pp. 256, 258).

Jarpenville, Coletta de, 510.

Jenningsbury, Juvenaldesbury, Juvenelesbury [in Hertford parish], co. Hertf., 518 (p. 339).
-, ……, manor, 518 (p. 317).

Jerberge, John, 518 (p. 335).
-, …… See Gerberge.

Jerdele, co. N’hamp. See Yardley.

Jerlington, co. Somers. See Yarlington.

Jervaulx, Jervaux, co. York, abbot of, 34, 49.

Jevan ap Henry, 612 (p. 390).

Jevington, Gevyngeton, co. Sussex, manor, 644.

Jew, Roger le, 486 (p. 286).

Jilleygh, co. Suff. See Eleigh.

Jobold, William, 192.

Joce, John, 635.
-, ……, John, 518 (p. 336).
-, ……, ……, and Christiana his wife, 635.
-, ……, Thomas, 635.
-, ……, William, 755.

Joene, Philip le, 275 (p. 163).
-, …… Cf. Juvene.

John, Herbert son of, 314.

John, Alexander, son of, 335.
-, ……, Henry son of, 607 (p. 381).
-, ……, Herbert son of, 7.
-, ……, ……, and Eleanor his wife, 314.
-, ……, John son of, 49, 232.
-, ……, ……, and Sarah his wife, 428 (p. 259).
-, ……, Richard son of, 275 (p. 163).
-, ……, Robert son of, 510.
-, ……, Roger son of, 195.

John ap Adam, Abadam, Appadam, Apadam, 102, 249, 366.
-, ……, ……, Thomas his son, 249, 366.

Johnby, Joneby [in Greystoke parish], co. Cumb., 50 (p. 23), 51 (p. 28).

Jokelhull, co. Salop. See Yockleton.

Joneby, co. Cumb. See Johnby.

Jop, Robert, of Willingdon, 756.

Jordan, Jurdan, Alexander, of Box, 727.
-, ……, James, 32, 41.

Jordanston, Jordanestoun, co. Pemb., 518 (p. 336).

Jorieslond, in Cudham and Chelsham, co. Kent, 521.

Jort, le Jort, Agnes wife of Reginald, 347.
-, ……, Reginald le, 347.

Josep, Richard, 433.
-, ……, ……, his son Thomas, 433.

Joye, Thomas, 275 (p. 161).

Judewyne, William, son of Richard, 655. Jugo, co. Kent. See Yoke.

Julyan, Robert, of Skeffling, 552.
-, ……, Nicholas, 552.

Jurdan. See Jordan.

Juvenaldesbury, co. Hertf. See Jenningsbury.

Juvene, Robert le, of Spratton, 121.
-, ……, William le, of Spratton, 121.
-, …… Cf. Joene; Yunge.

Juvenelesbury, co. Hertf. See Jenningsbury.

Juvensano, Emisius de, 556.