Index: A-J

Pages 182-195

A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 17, Calne. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 2002.

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NOTE. Page numbers in bold-face are those of the chapter on the hundred, parish, or township. A page number in italics refers to a map or illustration on that page, and a page number followed by n is a reference only to the footnotes on that page. Numbers preceded by pl. are those of the plates between pages 74 and 75 and pages 138 and 139. The following are among the abbreviations used and in some cases, whether or not in the plural form themselves, refer to the plural form of the abbreviated word: adv., advowson; agric., agriculture; Alex., Alexander; Alf., Alfred; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; abp., archbishop; archit., architecture; Bt., Baronet; Bart., Bartholomew; Benj., Benjamin; bp., bishop; Brit., British; bldg., building; cath., cathedral; Cath., Catherine; chant., chantry; chap., chapel; char., charity; Chas., Charles; chart., charter; Chris., Christopher; ch., church; chwdns., churchwardens; chyd., churchyard; c., circa; Coll., College; ctss., countess; ct., court; cust., customary; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; d., died; dioc., diocese; dirs., directories; dom., domestic; dchss., duchess; eccl., ecclesiastical; Edm., Edmund; educ., education, educational; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; fam., family; f., father; fl., flourished; Fred., Frederick; gdn., garden; Geof., Geoffrey; Geo., George; Gilb., Gilbert; govt., government; grds., grandson; Hen., Henry; Herb., Herbert; hosp., hospital; ho., house; Humph., Humphrey; inc., inclosure; ind., industrial, industry; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; Laur., Laurence; Ld., Lord; man., manor; Marg., Margaret; mkt., market; m., married; Mat., Matthew; Maur., Maurice; Mic., Michael; mun., municipal; Nat., Nathaniel; neph., nephew; Nic., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformity; par., parish; pk., park; parl., parliamentary; pt., part; Phil., Philip; pop., population; prehist., prehistoric; prot., protestant; rly., railway; regs., registers; rem., remains; rep., representation; Ric., Richard; riv., river; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; Sam., Samuel; sch., school; Sim., Simon; soc., society; s., son; sta., station; Steph., Stephen; Thos., Thomas; Vct., Viscount; Wal., Walter; w., wife; Wilf., Wilfred; Wm., William

Aaron Evans Associates Ltd.,

Abberd brook,
-, mill on,

Abberd mead, see Calne; Calstone; Cherhill; Compton Bassett

Abingdon (Berks., later Oxon.),

Acre (Israel),

-, Cathedrals,
-, Municipal Corporations,
-, Reform,

Adam, Rob.,

adventure playground, see Bowood: Bowood Ho.

Aggregate Industries Ltd.,

Ainslie, J. B.,

airfield, see Yatesbury airfield

-, John (fl. 1728),
-, John (fl. c. 1779, ?another),

-, Upham, Upper, q.v.

aldermen, see Calne, borough (pre-1835) and borough (post-1835)

-, F. J.,
-, Wm.,

Aldrie, Wm. de,

ale taster, see Calne, borough (pre-1835): alderman

alehouse keepers,

alehouses, see Berwick Bassett, inn or alehouse; Calne, inns; Quemerford

Aleppo (Syria),

Algar (fl. 1066),

Allen, Wm.,

Allom, Thos.,

allotments (garden), see Calne; Quemerford

Allsop, Chris.,

almshouses, see Calne; Compton Bassett

Alrinton, Rog. of,

Alwi (fl. 1066),

American colonies,

ancient demesne,

-, (formerly Browne), Benedict (d. 1786),
-, (formerly Browne), Benedict (d. 1856),
-, J.,
-, J. B. O.,
-, J. C. B.,

Angus cattle,

animal foodstuff preparation and production, see Calne, trade and ind.; Quemerford, trade and ind.

animals, see deer; horses; racehorses; and see (for cross references) cattle

Anstie, B. W.,

antiquarian, and see Aubrey


Appe (fl. 1066),

apprenticeships and apprenticing,

ApReece, Thos.,

Aquitaine (France),

architects and designers, see Aaron Evans Associates Ltd.; Adam; Allom; Ashbee; Barry; Brakspear; Brandon; Carlini; Christian; Cockerell; Foster; Gabriel, C. H. and S. B.; Hopkins; Keene; Kennedy; Lane; Lloyd; Mark Lovell Design Engineers; Oliver; Pearsall; Pearson; Ponting; Samuels; Slater; Stent; Strong and White; Tilden; Weaver; White, Jas.; Woodyer; Wyatt

armour, see Calne, borough (pre-1835)

arms (weapons),

Ashbee, C. R.,

-, Jos. (d. 1725),
-, Jos. (fl. 1734),
-, Sam.,

assarting and assarts, see Bowood; Chippenham forest; Studley; Whetham


-, of ale,
-, of bread,

assizes (judicial),

-, Sir John,
-, Rob.,

Atherton, Nathan,

Aubrey, John, antiquarian,

author, and see Maundrell, Hen. (fl. 1690s); Wheatley

Autoguide Equipment Ltd.,

Avebury, John of,

-, Beckhampton, q.v.
-, vicars, see Mayo, Jas. (three of the name)

Avebury with Winterbourne Monkton , benefice,

bacon curer,

bacon curing, see Calne, trade and ind.

-, Eliz., m. Wm. de Bohun, earl of Northampton,
-, Eliz., w. of Giles de, Ld. Badlesmere,
-, Giles de, Ld. Badlesmere,
-, Maud, m. John de Vere, earl of Oxford,

-, Caleb,
-, Dan.,
-, Eliz.,
-, Geo.,
-, Giles,
-, Hen.,
-, Jeremy,
-, Jos., & Co. (formerly Geo. Bailey & Co.),
-, Rob.,
-, Susanna, see Goddard
-, Miss,
-, fam.,

bailiffs, see Calne, man. and estates (Calne) and mkt. officials; Calne hundred, officers; Cherhill; Wiltshire, sheriff


bands (musical), see Calne

banks (commercial), see Calne

-, baptistries,
-, mission rooms,

-, John,
-, Rog., s. of Rog. de,
-, Rog. de,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm., m. John Blount,

-, B. W.,
-, Mrs. E. T.,
-, J. B.,
-, P. A.,

Barrett, W. H.,

Barry, Chas.,

-, Francis,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos. (d. 1621),
-, Thos. (fl. 1707),
-, Thos. (fl. 1754),

basket makers, see Weston, fam.

-, Adelize, see Dunstanville
-, Alan,
-, Aline, m. Sir Hugh le Despenser, Rog. Bigod, earl of Norfolk,
-, Arthur,
-, Fulk, dean of York, bp. of London,
-, Gilb. (fl. 1185),
-, Gilb. (d. 1241),
-, Isabel, see Ferrers
-, Sir John,
-, John, s. of Sir John,
-, Sir Phil.,
-, Thos.,

Bath (Som.),
-, Bath stone,

Bath and Wells, bp. of, see Moss

Bath Gas Company,

Battle (Suss.), abbey of,


-, And.,
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1544),
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1599),
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1657),
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1679),
-, Edw. (d. by 1728),
-, (Sir) Hen.,
-, Sir John (fl. 1410),
-, John (d. 1516),
-, Lucy, m. Edw. (d. by 1728),
-, Mr.,
-, fam.,

-, Geo.,
-, Hugh,

-, Alice, w. of Guy de, earl of Warwick, m. Wm. la Zouche, Ld. Zouche (from 1323),
-, Anne, w. of Sir Ric., Ld. St. Amand,
-, Anne de, ctss. of Warwick, m. Ric. Neville, earl of Salisbury and of Warwick,
-, Cecily, w. of Hen. de, earl and duke of Warwick, m. John Tiptoft, earl of Worcester,
-, Eliz., Baroness St. Amand, w. of Sir Wm., m. Sir Rog. Tocotes,
-, Eliz., w. of Sir Wal., see Roches
-, Guy de, earl of Warwick,
-, Hen. de, earl and duke of Warwick,
-, L. B.,
-, Maud, see FitzJohn
-, Sir Ric., Ld. St. Amand,
-, Ric. de, earl of Warwick,
-, Thos. de, earl of Warwick (d. 1369),
-, Thos. de, earl of Warwick (d. 1401),
-, Sir Wal.,
-, Sir Wm., Ld. St. Amand,
-, Wm. de, earl of Warwick,
-, fam.,

Beauchamp, Vct., see Seymour, Edw.

Beaufort, John, marquess of Dorset,

Beaufort, dukes of, see Somerset, Chas. and Hen.

-, Hugh,
-, Isabel, see Wilington
-, Phil.,
-, Sir Thos. (d. 1450),
-, Thos. (d. 1488),
-, Wm.,
-, Wm., grds. of Wm.,

Becket, St. Thos.,

Beckett, Mrs. E. G.,

Beckhampton (in Avebury),
-, man.,

beerhouses, see Heddington, inns; Quemerford

Beint, W. E., & Sons,

-, H. L. T.,
-, L. T.,
-, Dr.,
-, fam.,

bell founders, see Burrough; Cor (both entries); Lott; Mears; Mears & Stainbank; Purdue (all entries); Rudhall (all entries); Taylor, John, & Co.; Walgrave; Wallis; Wells, Rob.

benefit societies, see Calne

-, Gail,
-, H. M.,

Benson, Guy,

Bentley, John

-, Eliz., m. Chas. Somerset, duke of Beaufort,
-, Eliz., see Norborne
-, John Symes,
-, Norborne, Ld. Botetourt,

Berkshire, see Abingdon; Wallingford

Bernard, Wal. s. of, see Walter

-, Agnes of, m. John de la Roches,
-, Gilb. of,

Berwick Bassett,
-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, alehouse, see Berwick Bassett, inn or alehouse
-, boundary,
-, bridge,
-, chapelry,
-, chaplains,
-, ho.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, archit.,
-, bells,
-, lights,
-, masses,
-, plate,
-, regs.,
-, chwdns.,
-, commonable pastures,
-, cts.,
-, view of frankpledge,
-, curacy,
-, curates, and see Hubert; Miller
-, cust. tenants,
-, dom. archit.,
-, Berwick Ho.,
-, Home Farm,
-, and see Berwick Bassett, the Manor and the Old Farmhouse
-, farms and farmsteads,
-, Berwick (Berwick Ho.),
-, Hampstead,
-, Manor,
-, green,
-, Hackpen Hill,
-, inc.,
-, ind.,
-, inn or alehouse,
-, the Manor,
-, man. and estates,
-, Berwick Bassett,
-, Berwick (Berwick Ho.) farm,
-, Manor farm,
-, Prebendal,
-, and see Berwick Bassett, farms and farmsteads
-, man. hos., and see Berwick Bassett, the Manor and the Old Farmhouse
-, the Old Farmhouse, pl.
-, open fields,
-, boundary marks,
-, place names,
-, planned settlement,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. rem.,
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, roads,
-, schs.,
-, schoolhouse,
-, tithe rent charges,
-, tithes,
-, tithingman,
-, view of frankpledge, see Berwick Bassett, cts.
-, woodland,
-, and see Winterbourne Bassett with Berwick Bassett; Winterbourne Monkton with Berwick Bassett

Bethel, Slingsby,

Beversbrook (in Hilmarton),
-, Beversbrook, Lower, farm,
-, estates,
-, man.,
-, tithingman,

Bicester (Oxon.), prior and priory of,

bicycle maker, see Maundrell, E. W.

-, Aline, see Basset
-, Rog., earl of Norfolk,

Binegar, Som., rector of, see Mortimer, Ant.

birds, game,

Birstingle, Chas.,

Bishop, Marg., m. Ric. Dugdale,

Black Dog halt, see Calne, rly. sta.

Black Dog Hill, see roads, London-Bristol

Blackburn, C. H., & Co. Ltd.,

-, D. G.,
-, J. H.,

Blackland (tithing, in Blackland and Calne parishes),
-, agric.,
-, Blackland crossroads,
-, Blackland Ho., pl.
-, pk., grotto, lake, lodge,
-, Blackland street,
-, boundary,
-, char.,
-, commonable meadows and pasture,
-, ct.,
-, cust. tenants,
-, dom. archit.,
-, Blackland Farm,
-, educ.,
-, farms and farmsteads,
-, Blackland, moat,
-, Dykes,
-, Park,
-, Green Lanes,
-, imparking,
-, inc.,
-, man. and estates,
-, Blackland,
-, Blackland farm,
-, Blackland Ho. estate,
-, Blackland Stud,
-, Dykes farm,
-, Park farm,
-, and see Blackland, farms and farmsteads
-, man. ho., and see Blackland: Blackland Ho.
-, mill,
-, open fields,
-, place name,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, pound,
-, prehist. rem.,
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, rating area,
-, roads,
-, stud farms,
-, Theobald's Green (Tibbolls Green, Tibolds Green), q.v.
-, tithes,
-, tithingman,
-, woodland,

Blackland (parish),
-, adv.,
-, ch.,
-, archit.,
-, bells,
-, light,
-, plate,
-, regs.,
-, chwdns.,
-, curate,
-, eccl. par.,
-, glebe,
-, overseers,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Hadow, G. R.; Macdonald, W. M.; Mayo, Jas. (d. 1822) and Jas. (fl. 1843); Page; Smith, Thos. (d. 1779)
-, rectory,
-, tithes,
-, and see Blackland (tithing); Blackland and Calstone Wellington; Calne and Blackland

Blackland and Calstone Wellington, united benefice,
-, adv.,
-, curate,
-, rectors,

-, Hen. (d. c. 1553),
-, Hen. (d. 1660),
-, Hen. (d. 1731),
-, Joan, m. - Wroughton,
-, John,
-, Rob.,
-, Rog. (d. 1557),
-, Rog. (fl. c. 1599),
-, Thos.,

-, John (fl. 1781),
-, John (d. c. 1819, ?the same),

blind house, see Calne

-, Edm.,
-, John,
-, Marg., m. John Hussey, Ld. Hussey,
-, Sim.,
-, Wm., see Barley

-, And. (fl. 1242-3),
-, And. (fl. 1330-40),
-, Sir Hugh,
-, Sir John (d. c. 1383),
-, Sir John (fl. 1406),
-, Ralph,
-, fam.,

Bodinnar, Sir John,

-, G. R.,
-, J. F.,
-, M. L.,

Boethius (d. 524),

-, Eliz., see Badlesmere
-, Hen. de, earl of Hereford,
-, Humph. de (d. c. 1129),
-, Humph. de (d. c. 1165),
-, Humph. de (d. c. 1187),
-, Humph. de, earl of Hereford (d. 1275),
-, Humph. de, earl of Hereford, of Essex, and of Northampton (d. 1373),
-, Mary, see Mary
-, Maud, w. of Hen. de, earl of Hereford, see Mandeville
-, Maud, w. of Humph. de (d. c. 1129), see Salisbury
-, Wm. de, earl of Northampton,

Bond, A. H.,


bookseller, see Heath, Alf.

Bore down, see Quemerford

Botetourt, Ld., see Berkeley, Norborne

-, John,
-, Mary, see Colvile

-, Margery, see Hartham
-, Wm.,

Botreaux, Baroness, see Hungerford, Mary

-, Sir Edw. des, Bt.,
-, Sir Jacob, Bt., Vct. Folkestone,
-, Wm., Vct. Folkestone, earl of Radnor,
-, and see Pleydell-Bouverie-Campbell-Wyndham

-, Abbot's Waste, and see Bowood, estates
-, agric.,
-, assarts,
-, Bowood Ho., pls.
-, adventure playground,
-, archit.,
-, chap.,
-, gdn. (kitchen),
-, gdn. centre,
-, gdns., pl. pavilion,
-, laundry ct.,
-, pk., arboretum, boathouse, pl. bridge, deer pk., drives, entrances, haha, lake, lodges, pl. mausoleum, pl. pinetum, pleasure grounds, temple,
-, Bowood Ho. (as commercial premises),
-, restaurant,
-, shop,
-, Bowood Ho. (descent of property with),
-, brickyard,
-, Buck Hill, q.v.
-, commonable pasture,
-, dom. archit.,
-, Queenwood Ho.,
-, estate yard (the Osprey),
-, estates,
-, Abbot's Waste,
-, Bowood,
-, farms,
-, farmsteads,
-, Home (formerly Lodge) Farm,
-, Golden Gate, pl.
-, golf course,
-, club ho.,
-, inc.,
-, liberty,
-, the Osprey, see Bowood, estate yard
-, overseers,
-, pk.,
-, gates,
-, lodges,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, tithingman,
-, woodland,

Bowood estate,
-, agric.,
-, dom. archit.,


Bradenstoke (in Lyneham), priory of,

-, Agnes, see Mauduit
-, Thos., Ld. Bradeston,

Bradley, E. H., & Sons Ltd.,

Brakspear, Sir Harold,

Brandon, D.,

-, John, and his w. Isabel,
-, John, s. of John,

-, Derry Hill, q.v.
-, Ratford, q.v.
-, Stanley, q.v.
-, Studley, q.v.
-, Studley Corner, see Studley
-, vicar,

Bremhill with Foxham, vicarage,


brewing, see Calne, trade and ind.

brick kilns, brickfield, and brickyards, and see Bowood, brickyard; Calne, trade and ind. (brickworks)

-, Sir Francis (d. 1717),
-, Francis (d. 1740),
-, Sir Orlando, Bt.,

bridges, see Berwick Bassett; Bowood: Bowood Ho. (pk.); Calne; Quemerford; Ratford; Studley
-, unmaintained and in poor condition,

Brinkworth, J. O.,

bristles making, see Calne, trade and ind.

-, burgess,

Bristol Aeroplane Company,

Bristol Flying Club,

Britannia Building Society,

British Industrial Sand Ltd.,

Broad's Green, see Stockley


Brocas, Sir Bernard,

Bromham, see Phelps alias Bromham

-, Beacon Hill, see Heddington
-, chant.,
-, eccl. par.,
-, man.:
-, Battle,
-, Roches,
-, Spye Park,
-, Wans Ho.,

Bromham, Chittoe, and Sandy Lane, ecclesiastical parish,

-, Ant. (d. 1741),
-, Ant. (d. 1778),
-, Hen.,
-, John,
-, Priscilla, m. Francis Child,
-, Wal.,

-, C. E.,
-, R. P., and his w. Maria,
-, Ralph (d. 1768),
-, Ralph (d. c. 1805),

Broughton Gifford,

-, Alice,
-, Annie,
-, Hen.,
-, Lancelot ('Capability'),
-, Laura,
-, Maria,
-, W. J.,

-, Benedict (d. 1737),
-, Benedict (d. 1766),
-, Benedict (d. 1786), see Angell
-, Benedict (d. 1856), see Angell
-, Wm.,

Buck Hill (in Bowood liberty, Calne parish),
-, dom. archit.,
-, sch., library,

Buckhill, see Studley, man. and estates

Buckhill Ho., see Studley

Buckinghamshire, see Singleborough

Buddhists, see Sayagyi U Ba Khin Memorial Trust

building societies, see Britannia Building Society; Calne and District Permanent Benefit Building Society

-, Dan.,
-, John,

-, John,
-, Mr. (?the same),

-, Agnes, w. of Edm.,
-, Agnes, w. of Nic. (d. by 1301), m. Hen. de Freynes, Sir Peter Doygnel,
-, Cecily, m. Hen. Thorp,
-, Edm.,
-, John,
-, Nic. (d. by 1301),
-, Nic. (fl. 1351),

Burdge, W. W.,


burgage, see Calne, borough (pre-1835)

burghal tenements and tenure, see Calne, borough (pre-1835)

Burrough, Jas.,

Burt, A. H.,

Bushton (in Clyffe Pypard),

business premises, and see commercial premises

butchers, and see Harris, John (d. 1791)

-, Sir Edw.,
-, Hawise, w. of Ralph,
-, Ralph,

-, Eleanor, w. of Sir Rob., Bt.,
-, Geo.,
-, Sir John, Bt.,
-, Sir Rob., Bt.,
-, Wm. (d. 1547),
-, Wm. (d. 1591),
-, Wm. (d. 1599),
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1655),
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1660),

Byass, see Hawkings-Byass

café, see Cherhill

-, Susannah, w. of Thos.,
-, Thos.,

-, Everard of,
-, Herb. of, and his w. Galiena,
-, Maur. of,
-, Nigel of, prebendary of Calne, and see Nigel
-, Reynold of (?two of the name),
-, Wal. of,
-, Wm. of,

-, Abberd mead (commonable meadow),
-, inc.,
-, and see Calstone; Cherhill; Compton Bassett
-, adv.,
-, agric., and see Eastman Street
-, the Alders (commonable pasture), and see Calne, man. and estates
-, alehouses, see Calne, inns
-, allotments (gdn.),
-, almshouse (sometime poorhouse), pl.
-, bands (musical),
-, banks (commercial),
-, benefit societies,
-, Blackland, q.v.
-, blind ho. (prison),
-, Bore down, see Quemerford
-, borough (corporation; pre-1835),
-, alderman (or ale taster),
-, armour,
-, arms,
-, boundary, and see Calne, borough ditch
-, burgage,
-, burgess stewards, see Calne, borough (pre-1835): stewards
-, burgesses,
-, admittance, expenses, income, meetings, owners of land, trustees of chars.,
-, burghal tenements and tenure,
-, chars.,
-, chart.,
-, constables,
-, fire engines,
-, govt. (manorial),
-, guild stewards, see Calne, borough (pre-1835): stewards
-, guildhall, and see Calne, ch. ho.
-, hayward,
-, land,
-, leather sealers, stamping hammer,
-, liberties,
-, lordship,
-, M.P.s, see Calne, M.P.s
-, parl. elections,
-, returning officer,
-, seals,
-, stewards (burgess stewards, guild stewards),
-, borough (corporation; post-1835),
-, aldermen,
-, arms,
-, boundary,
-, as cemetery owner,
-, chain and robes,
-, clerk,
-, constables,
-, council, meetings,
-, councillors,
-, electoral roll,
-, as electricity supplier,
-, expenditure,
-, as gas supplier,
-, as housing provider,
-, income,
-, land,
-, lighting inspectors,
-, mayor,
-, plate,
-, police,
-, pop., and see Calne Within
-, par.
-, as recreation ground owner,
-, sch. attendance officer,
-, seal,
-, town crier,
-, treasurer,
-, veterinary inspector,
-, watch rate,
-, as water supplier,
-, borough ditch,
-, boundary,
-, bowls club,
-, Bowood, q.v.
-, bridges,
-, Port (town),
-, Sambourne,
-, Studley,
-, and see Calne, rly.
-, Broad's Green, see Stockley
-, Buck Hill, q.v.
-, Calstone, q.v.
-, canal,
-, tunnel,
-, wharf, wharfinger's ho.,
-, car parks,
-, castle (supposed), and see Calne, hos. (the Castle and Castle Ho.)
-, cemetery (prot. nonconf., later mun.),
-, chants., see Calne, ch. of St. Mary
-, chaps.,
-, chaplains,
-, chars. (educ.),
-, chars. (eleemosynary),
-, Baydon Lands,
-, Caish's,
-, Calne Advancement in Life,
-, Calne Almshouse,
-, Calne Relief in Need,
-, Calne Town,
-, Ernle's,
-, (Hen.) Harris's,
-, (Jos.) Harris's,
-, (Thos.) Harris's,
-, Hungerford's,
-, Luckett's,
-, Savings Bank,
-, (Hen.) Smith's,
-, Stanier's,
-, Swaddon's,
-, Town Stock,
-, Weekes's,
-, Wootton's,
-, and see Calne, ch. of St. Mary and ch. of Holy Trinity
-, choral society,
-, ch. (of St. Mary), pls.
-, archit.,
-, bells,
-, chant. of Blessed Virgin Mary, cantarist,
-, chant. of St. Mary Magdalene,
-, chant. (another), chaplain,
-, chars. to benefit,
-, chwdns.,
-, chyd.,
-, clock,
-, estate, land, revenues, tithes,
-, lights,
-, organ,
-, plate,
-, regs.,
-, sexton,
-, ch. ho. (otherwise guildhall),
-, ch. of Holy Trinity (Quemerford ch.), pl.
-, archit.,
-, bell,
-, chars. to benefit,
-, chwdns.,
-, curate, and see Chinnery-Haldane
-, plate,
-, cinema,
-, clothworkers' club,
-, club ho.,
-, coffee tavern,
-, colonization from,
-, commonable meadows, and see Calne, Abberd mead
-, commonable pastures,
-, and see (all s.v. Calne) the Alders; the Marsh; Penn
-, community centre,
-, composition of the par.,
-, conservation area,
-, Constitutional club,
-, Co-operative store,
-, corn exchange, see Calne, mkt. ho. and town hall (new)
-, cts.,
-, Cowage, q.v.
-, cricket and cricket club,
-, Cuff's Corner, q.v.
-, curates,
-, cycle track,
-, cycling club,
-, Derry Hill, q.v.
-, dirs. (printed),
-, ditch, see Calne, borough ditch
-, dom. archit., and see Calne, farms and farmsteads and hos.
-, Eastman Street, q.v.
-, eccl. par.,
-, electricity supply,
-, estate (king's),
-, agric.,
-, boundary,
-, cust. tenants,
-, mills,
-, factories, and see Calne, trade and ind. (bacon curing, candle making, cloth making, food processing, and paving slab manufacture)
-, fairs,
-, farms and farmsteads,
-, Berhills,
-, Coleman's,
-, Conigre,
-, Cowage farm,
-, Laggus farm,
-, Lickhill,
-, Newcroft,
-, Penn, High,
-, Penn Hill,
-, Pinhills,
-, Studley Brook farm,
-, Swerves farm,
-, Swerves Farm (later Studley Brook Farm),
-, Swerves Farm (another),
-, fire brigade,
-, fire engine hos.,
-, fire engines,
-, fire sta.,
-, fires,
-, football clubs and grounds,
-, ford,
-, fraternity,
-, free ch.,
-, archit.,
-, sch.,
-, freemasons,
-, friendly soc., and see Calne District Friendly Society
-, gas supply and gasworks,
-, glebe,
-, Gospel (formerly Oxford) Hall,
-, guild,
-, guildhall, see Calne, ch. ho.
-, health centre,
-, Hermitage (bldgs.),
-, Hermitage (place),
-, hosp. (for children),
-, hosp. (isolation), and see Calne, pesthouses
-, hosp. of St. John the Baptist and St. Ant. (charitable),
-, prior, see Green, John
-, hos. (among those named):
-, Adam Ho.,
-, Bentley Ho.,
-, the Castle,
-, Castle Ho., chimneypiece, pl.
-, Castlefield Ho., lodge, pk.,
-, Chilvester Hill Ho., see Calne, hos. (Chilvester Ho.)
-, Chilvester Hill Ho. (another, formerly Oak Lea),
-, Chilvester Ho. (formerly Chilvester Hill Ho.),
-, Chilvester Lodge,
-, Cowage Farm,
-, the Croft (near Quemerford), pk.,
-, Ebor Ho. (near Quemerford),
-, Elmfield (formerly Lickhill Ho.),
-, Fisher's Brook Ho.,
-, the Grange,
-, Laggus Farm,
-, Lickhill Ho., and see Calne, hos. (Elmfield)
-, Linden Grove,
-, no. Market Hill, chimney piece, see Calne, hos. (Castle Ho.)
-, no. Market Hill (formerly the Bell),
-, Northfield Ho., see Calne, hos. (St. Cecilia's)
-, Oak Lea, see Calne, hos. (Chilvester Hill Ho.)
-, Patford Ho.,
-, Pinhills Farm,
-, Pinhills Ho., moat,
-, Priestley Ho.,
-, St. Cecilia's (no. Curzon Street, formerly Northfield Ho.),
-, St. Dunstan's, pl.
-, South Place,
-, Springfield (Ho.),
-, Vern Leaze, lodge, pk.,
-, Wellington Villa,
-, Wessington Ho. (near Quemerford),
-, Woodlands, pl. pk.,
-, and see Calne, Hungerford Row and Lansdowne Row
-, housing for old people,
-, Hungerford Row,
-, imparking,
-, inc., and see Calne, Abberd mead and Penn
-, ind. estates,
-, ind., see Calne, trade and ind.
-, inns and alehouses, public hos., and taverns,
-, Anchor,
-, Bear,
-, Bell (formerly White Lion), and see Calne, hos. (no. 4 Market Hill)
-, Borough Arms, see Calne, inns (King's Arms)
-, Bricklayers Arms (later Bug and Spider),
-, Butchers Arms,
-, Catherine Wheel, see Calne, inns (Lansdowne Arms)
-, Crown,
-, Green Dragon,
-, Hart, and see Calne, inns (White Hart)
-, King George,
-, King's Arms (formerly Borough Arms),
-, Lansdowne Arms (formerly Wheel, Catherine Wheel; later Lansdowne Strand Hotel),
-, pl. brewery,
-, London Road,
-, Peach Tree,
-, Tallowchandlers Arms,
-, Wheatsheaf,
-, Wheel, see Calne, inns (Lansdowne Arms)
-, White Hart, and see Calne, inns (Hart)
-, White Lion, see Calne, inns (Bell)
-, Lansdowne Row,
-, libraries, pl. 11; and see Calne Society for the Culti vation of Useful Knowledge
-, lighting (of streets),
-, Low (pasture), see Calstone; Cherhill
-, lunatic asylum,
-, M.P.s,
-, Mannings Hill, q.v.
-, man. and estates,
-, the Alders,
-, Berhills farm,
-, Calne, bailiff,
-, Cew,
-, Chilvester,
-, Coleman's farm, see Calne, man. and estates (Witchampton)
-, Conigre farm,
-, Coombe Grove,
-, Cowage,
-, Laggus,
-, Lickhill farm,
-, Mannings Hill,
-, the Marsh,
-, Newcroft farm,
-, Penn, High, farm,
-, Pinhills,
-, Prebendal (Calne ch.'s) estate,
-, Rogers's,
-, Witchampton (later Coleman's farm),
-, and see Calne, farms and farmsteads
-, man. ho., see Calne, hos. (Pinhillsn Ho.)
-, mkt. bell,
-, mkt. ho. (later corn exchange and town hall), pl.
-, as corn exchange,
-, as town hall,
-, mkt. officials:
-, bailiff,
-, clerk,
-, mkts.,
-, cattle,
-, corn,
-, general,
-, livestock, pl.
-, meat,
-, wool,
-, the Marsh (commonable pasture),
-, Mechanics' Institution,
-, as a meeting place,
-, mills,
-, Horsebrook (formerly Swaddon's),
-, Kew Lane,
-, Lows, see Eastman Street, mill
-, Moss's,
-, Port, see Calne, mills (Town)
-, Swaddon's, see Calne, mills (Horsebrook)
-, Town (or Port), pound,
-, and see Calne, trade and ind. (cloth making, fulling, saw mill, and silk making)
-, musical society,
-, netball club,
-, newspapers,
-, numbering of hos.,
-, nursing homes,
-, Oddfellows' hall,
-, open fields,
-, orphanage,
-, overseers (of the poor),
-, overseers of highways,
-, Oxford Hall, see Gospel Hall
-, parl. rep., and see Calne, M.P.s
-, paving,
-, Penn (commonable pasture),
-, inc.,
-, and see Cherhill; Compton Bassett
-, pesthouses, and see Quemerford
-, petty sessions,
-, police stas. and policing,
-, poor relief, and see (all s.v. Calne) poorhouse; rating areas; workhouse (par.)
-, poorhouse, and see Calne, almshouse and workhouse (par.)
-, pop.,
-, post office,
-, power sta.,
-, prehist. rem.,
-, prison, see Calne, blind ho.
-, prot. nonconf., and see (all s.v. Calne) cemetery; free ch.; streets (Back Road, Castle Street, High Street, Pippin Road, Silver Street, and Wood Street)
-, public hos., see Calne, inns
-, quarries, and see Calne, trade and ind. (stone quarrying)
-, Quemerford, q.v.
-, R.A.F. sta., see R.A.F. Compton Bassett
-, rly.,
-, bridge,
-, rly. sta.,
-, Black Dog halt,
-, Ratford, q.v.
-, rating areas,
-, recreation ground,
-, lodge,
-, pavilion,
-, and see Calne, football clubs and grounds and sports grounds
-, refuse removal,
-, rifle club,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Catholicism, and see Calne, schs. (St. Edmund's); papistry
-, Romano-Brit. rem.,
-, Verlucio,
-, rugby club,
-, Sandy Lane, q.v.
-, savings bank, see Calne Savings Bank
-, schs.,
-, Bentley (grammar, comprehensive),
-, Bentley's (free),
-, British, and see Calne, schs. (Calne Marden)
-, Calne county (secondary),
-, Calne junior,
-, Calne Marden (British),
-, free, and see Calne, schs. (Bentley's)
-, Fynemore (secondary modern),
-, Guthrie (juvenile, infants'),
-, National,
-, Priestley (primary),
-, St. Dunstan (primary),
-, St. Edmund's (Rom. Catholic, primary),
-, St. Margaret's (junior),
-, St. Mary's (girls' boarding),
-, Springfields (special),
-, technical,
-, and see (both s.v. Calne) free ch.; streets (Curzon Street, the Green, Mill Street, Silver Street, and Wood Street)
-, settlement (early medieval),
-, sewage and sewerage,
-, shambles,
-, shops, and see Calne, Co-operative store and supermarkets
-, sports centre,
-, sports grounds, and see Calne, football clubs and grounds and recreation ground
-, Stanley Home (bldg.),
-, Stock, q.v.
-, Stockley, q.v.
-, stocks (punitive),
-, street lighting, see lighting
-, streets and roads (among those named):
-, Abberd Way,
-, Alma Terrace,
-, Anchor Road (formerly Cow Lane), and see Calne, streets (Cow Lane)
-, Back Road, chaps.,
-, Back Street (formerly Rotten Row, later pt. of Church Street),
-, Bentley Grove,
-, the Bristol road,
-, Broken Cross Road (formerly Eastman Street, later pt. of the Pippin),
-, Bryans Close Road,
-, Butcher Row (later pt. of Church Street), pl.
-, Castle Street, chap.,
-, Church Street, and see Calne, streets (Back Street and Butcher Row)
-, Cow Lane (otherwise Kew Lane, partly Eastmead Street, later Anchor Road), and see Calne, streets (Anchor Road)
-, Cox's Hill,
-, Curzon Street, sch.,
-, Eastmead Street, see Calne, streets (Cow Lane)
-, Frog Lane, see Calne, streets (Oxford Road)
-, the Green (otherwise Kingsbury Green), pls. schs.,
-, High Street, pls. chap.,
-, Hog Street,
-, Horse Lane, see Calne, streets (North Street)
-, Horsebrook,
-, Kerry Crescent, pl.
-, Kew Lane, see Calne, streets (Cow Lane)
-, Kingsbury Green, see Calne, streets (the Green)
-, Lambourns Lane,
-, Lickhill Road,
-, London Road (the London road, formerly the Quarr, Quarry Street), pl.
-, Low Lane,
-, Mill Street, sch.,
-, New Road (pt. formerly Patford Lane), pl.
-, North Street (formerly Horse Lane),
-, Oxford Road (formerly Frog Lane, otherwise Oxford Street),
-, Patford Lane (later New Road),
-, Patford Street,
-, Phelps Parade,
-, the Pippin (pt. formerly Broken Cross Road, pt. formerly Pippin Road),
-, Pippin Road (later pt. of the Pippin), chap.,
-, Priestley Grove,
-, the Quarr, see Calne, streets (London Road)
-, Quarr Barton,
-, Quarry Street, see Calne, streets (London Road)
-, Rotten Row, see Calne, streets (Back Street)
-, Shelburne Road,
-, Silver Street, chap., sch.,
-, Stockley Lane,
-, the Strand, pls.
-, Victoria Terrace,
-, Wenhill Lane,
-, Wessington Avenue, pl. and see Calne, Wessington Avenue
-, the Whetham road,
-, Wood Street (or World's End), meeting ho., sch.,
-, Studley, q.v.
-, supermarkets,
-, swimming pools,
-, taverns, see Calne, inns
-, telephone exchange,
-, tennis club,
-, tithes, and see Calne, ch. of St. Mary (estate)
-, town hall (new), pl.
-, corn exchange,
-, town hall (old), see Calne, mkt. ho.
-, town square,
-, trade and ind., animal foodstuff production, bacon curing, factories, pl. by-products factory, power sta.,
-, basket and sieve making,
-, bicycle making,
-, brewing (breweries and brewhouses),
-, brickworks,
-, bristles making,
-, candle making and factory,
-, cheese dealing,
-, clock making,
-, (woollen) cloth making, factories, and mills, Horsebrook (formerly Swaddon's) mill, Kew Lane mill, and see Calne, clothworkers' club and trade and ind. (fulling and fulling mills)
-, curled hair production,
-, currier and workshop,
-, engineering,
-, fertilizer production,
-, flax processing,
-, food processing, factories, pl.
-, fulling and fulling mills, Horsebrook mill, Kew Lane mill, Moss's mill,
-, glass making or dealing,
-, iron founding and foundry,
-, lamp posts making,
-, lime kilns and pits,
-, list making,
-, malt mill, malthouses, and maltsters,
-, paving slab manufacture and factory,
-, printed circuit manufacture,
-, printing,
-, pumps making,
-, railings making,
-, retail trades, and see (all s.v. Calne) Co-operative store; shops; supermarkets
-, sand extraction,
-, saw mill,
-, sawdust store,
-, silk making and mill,
-, Stellex works,
-, stone quarrying, and see Calne, quarries
-, tanneries,
-, warehouse and warehousing,
-, watch making,
-, woolstapling and woolstaplers,
-, and see (all s.v. Calne) banks; gas supply; ind. estates; inns; mills; workshops
-, tunnel, see Calne, canal
-, vestry (people),
-, select,
-, vicarage,
-, vicarage hos.,
-, vicars, and see Duncan; Guthrie, John; Jones; Mortimer, Wm.
-, warren,
-, lodge,
-, watch and ward,
-, water supply,
-, reservoir,
-, Wessington Avenue (trees),and see Calne, streets (Wessington Avenue)
-, Whetham, q.v.
-, Whitley, q.v.
-, woodland,
-, workhouse (par., later poorhouse), n, and see Calne, poorhouse
-, workhouse (union), pl.
-, workshops,
-, weavers',
-, World's End, see Calne, streets (Wood Street)
-, and see Blackland; Calstone

Calne and Blackland, united benefice,

Calne and Calstone manor, see Calne, man. and estates (Calne); Calstone, man. and estates (Calstone)

Calne and District Permanent Benefit Building Society,

Calne board of health (Calne urban sanitary authority and district),
-, boundary,

Calne Brick, Tile and Pottery Works Ltd.,

Calne District Friendly Society,

Calne Gas and Coke Company,

Calne hundred,
-, cts., (every 3 weeks),
-, view of frankpledge (ct. leet, tourn; biannual),
-, liberty,
-, lord,
-, lordship,
-, meeting place,
-, officers:
-, bailiff,
-, constables,
-, pound,
-, view of frankpledge, see Calne hundred, cts.

Calne Literary Institution, see Calne Society for the Cultivation of Useful Knowledge

Calne Millowners Association,

Calne poor-law union,
-, workhouse, see Calne

Calne prebend, and prebendary of,
-, peculiar,
-, and see Calne, Nigel of

Calne Railway Company,

Calne registration district, ct. for,

Calne Savings Bank,

Calne Society for the Cultivation of Useful Knowledge (later Calne Literary Institution),
-, reading room and library,

Calne urban sanitary authority and district , see Calne board of health

Calne Waterworks Company,

Calne Within, parish,
-, pop., and see Calne, borough (post-1835)

Calne Without, parish,
-, pop.,

-, Agnes, m. John Wylye,
-, Eleanor, w. of John of,
-, Ellis of,
-, John of,
-, Phil. of,
-, Ric. of,
-, Rog. of (?two of the name),
-, Rog. of (another),
-, Sim. of,
-, Wal. of,
-, Wm. of,

Calstone (village and tithing in Calne and Calstone Wellington parishes),
-, Abberd mead (commonable meadow),
-, inc.,
-, and see Calne; Cherhill; Compton Bassett
-, agric.,
-, boundary,
-, char.,
-, ch., see Calstone Wellington
-, colonization,
-, commonable meadow, see Calstone, Abberd mead
-, commonable pastures, and see Calstone, Low
-, cts.,
-, view of frankpledge,
-, cust. tenants,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farms and farmsteads,
-, East,
-, Manor (in Calstone Wellington), pl.
-, Page's farm,
-, South,
-, Sprays,
-, hill fort, see Oldbury castle
-, inc., and see Calstone, Abberd mead
-, Low (Calstone Low, later Calne Low; commonable pasture),
-, refuse (landfill),
-, sand extraction, and see Calne, trade and ind.; Calstone, trade and ind.
-, and see Cherhill
-, man. ho.,
-, man. and estates,
-, Blunt's (Manor farm, in Calstone Wellington),
-, Calstone,
-, Calstone Wellington,
-, East farm,
-, South farm,
-, Sprays farm,
-, and see Calstone, farms and farmsteads
-, mills,
-, Calstone,
-, cloth,
-, corn (and grist),
-, fulling,
-, gig,
-, Hardwick,
-, Little,
-, Lower,
-, mop,
-, paper,
-, Sprays,
-, Upper,
-, obelisk (Cherhill monument), pl.
-, open fields,
-, linches, and see Calstone, prehist. rem.
-, place name,
-, poor relief, and see Calstone Wellington
-, pop., and see Calstone Wellington
-, prehist. rem.,
-, linches, and see Calstone, open fields
-, and see Oldbury castle
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, rating area,
-, reading room,
-, rectory ho., see Calstone Wellington
-, reservoir,
-, roads,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, tithingman,
-, trade and ind.,
-, clock making,
-, cloth making,
-, lime burning,
-, malting,
-, paper making,
-, sand extraction, and see Calne, trade and ind.; Calstone, Low
-, snuff grinding,
-, watch making,
-, whitening making,
-, and see Calstone, mills (cloth, fulling, gig, mop, and paper)
-, view of frankpledge, see Calstone, cts.
-, woodland,

Calstone Wellington (parish),
-, adv.,
-, boundary,
-, ch.,
-, archit.,
-, bells,
-, plate,
-, regs.,
-, curate,
-, eccl. par.,
-, estate, see Calstone, man. and estates (Blunt's)
-, farm and farmstead, see Calstone, farms and farmsteads (Manor)
-, glebe,
-, place name,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Corbyn; Heath, Thos.; Millard
-, rectory,
-, rectory ho.,
-, tithes,
-, and see Blackland and Calstone Wellington; Calstone

Cambridge university:
-, Clare Hall,
-, Gonville and Caius Coll.,

Campbell-Wyndham-Long, Mary,
-, her mother, see Pleydell-Bouverie-Campbell-Wyndham
-, and see Long; Wyndham

Campden Guild,

canals (commercial):
-, Kennet & Avon,
-, Wilts. & Berks.,

canals (ornamental), see Studley: Studley Ho. (pk.); Whetham: Whetham Ho. (pk., gdns., and woodland)

candle making, see Calne, trade and ind.

-, P. W.,
-, R. T.,

Cannings, Bishop's,
-, Chittoe, q.v.

Canterbury, abp. of, see Dunstan

-, Auberée, w. of Wm. de (d. by 1219),
-, Geof. de,
-, Gerard de,
-, Leuca, w. of Geof. de,
-, Ric. de, governor of Cyprus,
-, Wm. de (d. by 1219),
-, Wm. de (fl. 1242),

Capital and Counties Bank Ltd.,

Carey, Edw.,

Carlini, Agostino,

Carnegie, And.,

-, Eliz., see Zouche
-, Wm.,

-, Mrs. E. M.,
-, F. C.,

cart builders, see Hunt, fam.

-, Adam de, and his w. Maud,
-, Eliz., m. Nic. Freton,
-, Geof. (fl. 1381),
-, Geof. (fl. 1428),
-, Ric. (fl. 1307),
-, Ric. (fl. 1391),
-, Ric. (d. 1445),
-, fam.,

Castle Combe,

Castlehaven, earls of, see Tuchet, Jas. and Mervyn

castles, see Calne; Cerney, South; Devizes; Wallingford

Catherine (Parr), w. of Hen. VIII,

cattle, see Angus; Friesian; Galloway; Kerry

-, Eliz., m. Ric. Cheddar,
-, Eve de, w. of Wm. de (d. 1254),
-, Fulk de,
-, Geo. de,
-, Joan, w. of Rob. (fl. 1329),
-, Maud de,
-, Maud, w. of Rob. (fl. 1329),
-, Millicent, m. John de Montalt, Eudes la Zouche,
-, Rob. (fl. 1329),
-, Rob. de (fl. 1316, another),
-, Rog. de,
-, Wm. de (d. 1239),
-, Wm. de (d. 1251),
-, Wm. de (d. 1254),
-, fam.,

Cecily, duchess of York, see Richard, duke of York

cemetery, see Calne

Cerney, South (Glos.), castle at,

cert rent,



chantries, see Bromham; Calne, ch. of St. Mary; Heytesbury; Studley, chap.

charities, see under places; and see Calne, almshouse and hosp. of St. John the Baptist and St. Ant.; Compton Bassett, almshouses

-, Eliz., see Cauntelo
-, Ric.,

cheese dealer,

cheese exporting,

-, Abberd mead (commonable meadow),
-, inc.,
-, and see Calne; Calstone; Compton Bassett
-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bailiff,
-, barn (otherwise tithe barn), pl.
-, boundary,
-, café,
-, chaplains,
-, char.,
-, Cherhill monument, see Calstone, obelisk
-, ch.,
-, archit.,
-, bells,
-, plate,
-, regs.,
-, chwdns.,
-, commonable meadows, and see Cherhill, Abberd mead
-, commonable pastures, and see Cherhill, Low and Penn
-, community centre, see Cherhill, memorial hall
-, conservation area,
-, constable,
-, council hos.,
-, cts.,
-, view of frankpledge,
-, curacy,
-, curacy (perpetual),
-, ho. (later rectory ho.),
-, curates,
-, curates (perpetual),
-, cust. tenants,
-, dom. archit.,
-, Manor Ho.,
-, Tudor Cottage, pl.
-, eccl. par.,
-, farms and farmsteads,
-, Bell,
-, Lower,
-, Manor (demesne),
-, Oare Farm,
-, Upper,
-, glebe,
-, haywards,
-, hill fort, see Oldbury castle
-, inc., and see (all s.v. Cherhill) Abberd mead; Low; Penn
-, inns,
-, Black Horse,
-, Low (commonable pasture),
-, inc.,
-, refuse (landfill),
-, sand extraction,
-, and see Calstone
-, malthouses,
-, man. and estates,
-, Bell farm,
-, Cherhill,
-, Manor farm,
-, Prebendal,
-, Upper farm,
-, and see Cherhill, farms and farmsteads
-, memorial hall (community centre),
-, mills,
-, Lower,
-, Upper,
-, open fields,
-, overseers,
-, Panhill spring,
-, Penn (commonable pasture),
-, inc.,
-, and see Calne; Compton Bassett
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. rem., and see Oldbury castle
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, R.A.F. stas., and see R.A.F. Compton Bassett; R.A.F. Yatesbury
-, rectory,
-, rectory ho., see Cherhill, curacy (perpetual)
-, roads,
-, Rom. Catholicism,
-, Romano-Brit. rem.,
-, schs.,
-, tithe barn, see Cherhill, barn
-, tithes,
-, tithingman,
-, trade and ind.,
-, view of frankpledge, see Cherhill, cts.
-, white horse, pl.
-, woodland,
-, Yatesbury airfield, q.v.

Chester, earl of, see Scot

-, Sir Francis (d. 1713),
-, Francis (d. 1780),
-, John,
-, Priscilla, see Brooke
-, Rob. (d. 1639),
-, Rob. (d. 1688),
-, Steph.,
-, Thos.,

chimneys, inadequate or dangerous,

Chinnery-Haldane, J. R. A., curate of Holy Trinity, Calne,

Chinnok, Wm. de,

Chippenham, Rog. of, rector of Heddington,

-, coll.,
-, Studley, q.v.

Chippenham forest,
-, assarts and assarting,
-, boundary,
-, imparking,
-, inc.,
-, tithes,

Chippenham hundred,

Chippenham parliamentary division,

Chittoe (in Bishop's Cannings),
-, ch.,
-, eccl. par.,
-, sch.,

-, Bridget, w. of Hen. (d. 1720),
-, Hen. (d. 1587),
-, Hen. (fl. 1639),
-, Hen. (d. 1720),
-, Mary, m. Wal. Norborne (d. 1659),
-, Rob.,
-, Rog.,
-, Seacole,
-, Thomasine,
-, fam.,

Christian, Ewan,

church, redundant,

church houses, see Calne; Heddington

Church Pastoral Aid Society,

Churches Conservation Trust (formerly Redundant Churches Fund),

churchwardens, see Berwick Bassett; Blackland (parish); Calne, ch. of St. Mary and ch. of Holy Trinity; Cherhill

Civil War,

Clarence, duke of, see Plantagenet, Geo.

-, Anne Hayward,
-, Eliz.,
-, Isaac (d. 1855),
-, Isaac (d. 1892),
-, Mary,
-, Robin,

clerks, see Calne, borough (post-1835) and mkt. officials

Clevancy (in Hilmarton),

clock makers,

clock making, see Calstone, trade and ind.

cloth makers, clothiers, and clothworkers, and see Allen; Bailey, Dan. and Jos., & Co.; Chivers, Hen. (d. 1587) and fam.; Fry, Hen.; Heale, fam.; Long, Thos. (d. 1562); Oriel; Pinnegar, Wm. and Wm., & Sons; Swaddon, fam.; Viveash (all entries); Viveash & Co.; and see drugget maker

cloth making, and see Calne, trade and ind.; Calstone, mills and trade and ind.; Quemerford, trade and ind.

-, Mary, see Wyche
-, Rob.,

clubs and societies, see Bristol Flying Club; Calne District Friendly Society; Calne Millowners Association; Calne Society for the Cultivation of Useful Knowledge; Harris, C. & T., (Calne) Ltd. (Welfare and Entertainment Soc.); Heddington, scout hall; and see (all s.v. Calne) benefit societies; bowls club; choral society; clothworker's club; club ho.; Constitutional club; cricket; cycling club; football clubs; fraternity; freemasons; friendly society; Mechanics' Institution; musical society; netball club; Oddfellows' hall; rifle club; rugby club; tennis club; and see (for cross references) building societies; workmen's clubs

Clyffe Pypard, see Bushton

coach proprietor, see Keen

Cockerell, C. R.,

coffee tavern, see Calne

Cole, N. R.,

colonization, see Calne; Calstone; Stock; Stockley

-, Anne, m. Wm. Saville,
-, Anne, w. of Rob.,
-, Godfrey,
-, John,
-, Mary, w. of Godfrey, m. John Both, Gabriel Saville,
-, Rob.,

commercial premises, and see Calne, banks; Bowood: Bowood Ho. (as commercial premises); business premises; Cherhill, café; (all 3 s.v. Calne) cinema; coffee tavern; Co-operative store; Bowood, estate yard; garage; Bowood: Bowood Ho. (gdn. centre); Hampsley Hollow Riding Centre; Calne, lunatic asylum; petrol station; Calne, rly. sta.; Bowood: Bowood Ho. (as commercial premises), restaurant; racehorses, stables; (all 3 s.v. Calne) supermarkets; telephone exchange; canal (wharf); and see (for cross references) alehouses; beerhouses; golf courses; hotel; industrial buildings; inns; nursing homes; post offices; public houses; quarries; shops; stud farms; Calne, taverns; toll houses

commissioners for charitable uses,

commonable meadows, see under places

commonable pasture, and see under places

Compton Bassett,
-, Abberd mead (commonable meadow), and see Calne; Calstone; Cherhill
-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, linches,
-, almshouses (?spurious),
-, Bore down, see Quemerford
-, boundary,
-, chars.,
-, ch., pls.
-, archit.,
-, bells,
-, plate,
-, regs.,
-, commonable meadows, and see Compton Bassett, Abberd mead
-, commonable pastures, and see Compton Bassett, Penn
-, Compton Bassett Ho.,
-, archit.,
-, gdns.,
-, home farm,
-, lodges,
-, pk. and woodland,
-, Compton Bassett Ho. (another),
-, conservation area,
-, constable,
-, council hos.,
-, cts.,
-, view of frankpledge,
-, Cowage, q.v.
-, curates,
-, cust. tenants,
-, dom. archit., pl.
-, Dugdale's Farm,
-, Manor Farm, pl.
-, farms and farmsteads,
-, Austin's Farm,
-, Breach,
-, Compton farm,
-, Dugdale's, and see Compton Bassett, dom. archit.
-, Freeth,
-, Home, and see Compton Bassett: Compton Bassett Ho. (home farm)
-, Lower End,
-, Manor, and see Compton Bassett, dom. archit.
-, Nolands,
-, Nolands, West,
-, Streete,
-, fishponds, and see Compton Bassett, ponds
-, glebe,
-, Grammer Lane (hamlet),
-, inc.,
-, inn,
-, malthouse,
-, man. and estates,
-, Blake's,
-, Compton Bassett,
-, man. ho., (and see Compton Bassett: Compton Bassett Ho.)
-, Compton Cumberwell,
-, Compton farm,
-, Dugdale's farm,
-, Freeth farm,
-, Home farm,
-, Manor farm,
-, Nolands farm,
-, Nolands, West, farm,
-, and see Compton Bassett, farms and farmsteads
-, mill,
-, Nolands, South (hamlet),
-, open fields,
-, Penn (commonable pasture), and see Calne; Cherhill
-, place name,
-, ponds, and see Compton Bassett, fishponds
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. rem.,
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, quarries,
-, R.A.F. stas., see R.A.F. Compton Bassett; R.A.F. Yatesbury
-, rectors, and see Eyre; Frayling; Holghan; Moss; Nisbett
-, rectory,
-, rectory ho.,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Catholicism,
-, Romano-Brit. rem.,
-, schs.,
-, Silver Street (hamlet),
-, tellers of sheep,
-, tithes,
-, tithingmen and tithings:
-, Compton Bassett,
-, Compton Cumberwell,
-, trade and ind.,
-, view of frankpledge, see Compton Bassett, cts.
-, village hall,
-, woodland, and see Compton Bassett: Compton Bassett Ho. (pk. and woodland)
-, Yatesbury airfield, q.v.

Compton Bassett estate,
-, dom. archit.,

Conacher, P. A., & Co.,


conservation areas, see Calne; Cherhill; Compton Bassett; Derry Hill; Sandy Lane

constables, see Calne, borough (pre-1835) and borough (post-1835); Calne hundred, officers; Cherhill; Compton Bassett; Diva; Yatesbury

-, Eliz., see Nalder
-, Rob.,

Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd., and see Calne, Co-operative store

-, Rob.,
-, fam.,

Corbyn, Phil., rector of Calstone Wellington,

-, liberty,
-, Pickwick, q.v.

council houses, see Calne, borough (post-1835): as housing provider; Cherhill; Compton Bassett; Heddington; Quemerford; Stock; Stockley; Studley; Theobald's Green; Yatesbury

court silver,

courts and jurisdictions, see under places; and see assizes (judicial); Calne, petty sessions; Calne registration district; Chancery; forests; leet jurisdiction; Requests; Wiltshire, quarter sessions; and see (for cross references) courts leet; peculiar jurisdiction; view of frankpledge

courts leet, see (in each case s.vv. cts.: view of frankpledge) Calne hun dred; Eastman Street; Yatesbury

Cove, Aubrey,

Cowage (rating area, in Calne),
-, sch.,

Cowage (in Compton Bassett, later Hilmarton),
-, agric.,
-, boundary,
-, dom. archit.,
-, estate (Cowage farm),
-, farm and farmstead (Cowage),
-, grange,
-, pop.,
-, roads,
-, tithes,
-, woodland,

Cowage brook,
-, bridge and ford,

Cowing, Geo.,

Cox, Wm.,

Cranburn, John,

-, Henrietta, see Hungerford
-, Hungerford, Ld. Crewe,
-, John, Ld. Crewe,
-, fam.,

Crewe, earl and marquess of, see Milnes, Rob.

Crewe-Milnes, see Milnes, Rob.

-, Alice, see Studley
-, John,
-, John, uncle of John,
-, Thos.,

Cripps, P.,

Croatia, see Spalato

crops (less common), see sainfoin

cucking stool,

-, Maud, m. John True,
-, Ric.,

Cuff's Corner (in Calne),
-, dom. archit.,
-, farm and farmstead,
-, woodland,

Cumber, W., & Son (Theale) Ltd.,

-, Hugh,
-, Sir John (fl. 1289),
-, Sir John (fl. 1334, ?another),
-, John (d. 1427),
-, John, s. of John (d. 1427), n
-, Marg., see Weston
-, Phil.,
-, Wm. of,

curled hair production, see Calne, trade and ind.


customary payments, and see cert rent; court silver

Cyprus, governor of, see Canville, Ric. de

Dalgety Ltd.,

Damerham, North, hundred,

Daniel, Sir Wilf.,

Danvers, Nic.,

Darling, Fred.,

Daubeney, Giles, Ld. Daubeney,

-, Maud, see Mandeville
-, Ric.,
-, Rog. of,
-, Wm.,


-, H. W.,
-, N. G.,
-, Thos.,

-, Alice, m. John Poyntell,
-, John,

-, Hannah, see Long
-, Jas.,

-, Cath., see Zouche
-, Sir Gilb.,


-, John (d. 1768),
-, John (fl. 1793),
-, Peter,

Denman, Mrs. J. M.,

Derby, earls of, see Ferrers, Wm. de; Henry IV

Derry Hill (in Bremhill, Calne, and Pewsham),
-, adv.,
-, ch., p. xxii; pl.
-, archit.,
-, conservation area,
-, curacy, see Derry Hill, vicarage
-, curate, see Derry Hill, vicar
-, dom. archit., pl.
-, eccl. district (later par.),
-, farmstead,
-, Golden Gate, see Bowood
-, inns,
-, nursing home,
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, Rag Lane,
-, reading room,
-, Red Hill,
-, schs.,
-, vicar (formerly curate),
-, vicarage (formerly curacy),
-, vicarage ho.,
-, village halls,
-, workmen's club,

-, Aline, see Bassett
-, Sir Hugh le,
-, Sir Hugh le, Ld. le Despenser, earl of Winchester,

-, Edw., Vct. Hereford,
-, Eliz., see Norborne

-, castle, constable, see Diva
-, museum,

Devon, earl of, see Reviers

-, Caleb,
-, Ezekiel,
-, Vickris,

Dickson (later Dickson Poynder), John, Ld. Islington, and see Poynder

Digby, see Wingfield-Digby

Diocletian (Emperor),

Diva, Guy de, constable of Devizes castle,


Dolman, T. E.,

Dorset, marquess of, see Beaufort

Dorset, see Wimborne

-, John,
-, Sam.,
-, W. J.,
-, W. J., & Sons,
-, fam.,

-, Agnes, see Burden
-, Sir Peter,

Draycot Cerne,
-, rector, see Smith, Thos. (d. 1779)

-, John,
-, Rob. (fl. 1640),
-, Rob. (fl. 1680, another),
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,

drugget maker, and see Heale, Steph.

du Boulay:
-, F. H., rector of Heddington,
-, J. T., rector of Heddington,
-, Susannah, w. of J. T., m. - Majendie,

-, Anne, w. of Steph., m. Thos. Edwards,
-, Geo.,
-, John,
-, Sir Lionel (d. c. 1588),
-, Lionel (d. 1609),
-, Lionel (d. 1693),
-, Lionel (fl. 1752),
-, Steph.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

-, Marg., see Bishop
-, Ric.,

Duncan, John, vicar of Calne,

-, Wal.,
-, Wm.,

Dunning, John,

Dunstan, St., abp. of Canterbury,

-, Adelize, m. Thos. Basset,
-, Adelize, w. of Reynold or Rob. (the elder), see Lisle
-, Reynold or Rob.,
-, Reynold (d. 1156),
-, Reynold or Rob. (d. 1185, grds. of Reynold or Rob.),
-, Wal. de,

Dupplin, Vct., see Hay, Thos.

Durnford, Great, manor,

-, Jos.,
-, Thos.,

Eadred, King,

Eastman Street (otherwise Eastmead Street, later Broken Cross Road, in Calne),
-, agric.,
-, cts.,
-, view of frankpledge (ct. leet),
-, cust. tenants,
-, dom. archit.,
-, farmsteads,
-, man.,
-, mill (Lows),
-, planned settlement,
-, rating area,
-, tithing and tithingmen,
-, view of frankpledge, see Eastman Street, cts.
-, and see Calne, streets (Broken Cross Road)

Ecclesiastical Commissioners,

ecclesiastical practices, see church, redundant; Heddington Wick, mission room; Whetham, man. ho. (oratory); and see (for cross references) chantries; peculiar jurisdiction

Edmund, duke of York,
-, his s., see Edward, duke of York

Edmund, earl of Kent,

-, his w., see Estrild

Edward IV (formerly duke of York),
-, his f. and mother, see Richard, duke of York

Edward, duke of York,
-, his f., see Edmund, duke of York

-, Anne, see Duckett
-, Thos.,

Eleanor, queen of Edw. I,

electrical engineers, see Blackburn

Ellis, John s. of, see John

-, John (s. of John s. of Ellis),
-, Thos., see Swindon

-, (or Infield), Wm.,
-, Mrs.,

engineers, see Maundrell Foundries Ltd.

English Heritage,

entertainment and recreation, see (both s.v. Bowood) Bowood Ho. (adventure playground); Bowood Ho. (as commercial premises): restaurant; (all 8 s.v. Calne) bands; choral society; cinema; coffee tavern; community centre; cycle track; musical society; recreation ground; Cherhill, café; Hampsley Hollow Riding Centre; Harris, C. & T., (Calne) Ltd. (Welfare and Entertainment Soc.); Heddington, scout hall; and see (for cross references) alehouses; beerhouses; clubs and societies; golf courses; inns; libraries; public houses; reading rooms; sports and games; Calne, taverns; village halls; workmen's clubs

Épaignes, Alf. of,

-, Constantia, m. Thos. Hay, Vct. Dupplin, earl of Kinnoull,
-, Henrica, see Foreman
-, John (fl. 1423),
-, John (d. 1519),
-, John (d. 1555),
-, John (d. 1572),
-, Sir John (d. 1648),
-, John (d. 1685),
-, Sir John (d. 1697),
-, John Kyrle,
-, Mary, see Fynemore
-, Mic.,
-, Ric.,
-, fam.,

-, ctss. of, see Mandeville, Maud
-, earls of, see Bohun, Humph. de (d. 1373); FitzPeter, Geof.; Mandeville, Geof. de and Wm. de

Essington, Rob.,

Estrild, m. Edric,

Eu, Wm. of,

Ewelme (Oxon.), honor of,
-, ct.,

Eyre, Wm., rector of Compton Bassett,

factories, see Calne; Quemerford, trade and ind. (cloth making)

Fairfax, Sir Wm., Bt.,

fairs, see Calne

Farleigh, priory of,

farm seeds cleaning and dressing, see Quemerford, trade and ind.

Fastolf, Sir John,

-, Eliz., see Freville
-, Thos.,

-, Isabel de, m. Gilb. Basset, Reynold de Mohun,
-, Sibyl, see Marshal
-, Wm. de, earl of Derby,

fertilizer production, see Calne, trade and ind.; and see manure manufacture

Fettiplace, Thos.,

-, Noel, w. of W. S.,
-, W. S.,

fire, destruction by, and see Calne, fires

fire brigades, see Calne; Wiltshire

fire engines, see Calne, borough (pre1835) and fire engines

Fisher's brook,


fishponds, see Compton Bassett

FitzAlan, fam.,

FitzGeoffrey, John,
-, his dau., see FitzJohn, Maud
-, his f., see FitzPeter, Geof.
-, his sons, see FitzJohn, John and Ric.

FitzGilbert, John,
-, his f., see Gilbert the marshal

FitzHerbert, Mat.,
-, his sons, see FitzMatthew

-, John,
-, Maud, m. Wm. de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick,
-, Ric., Ld. FitzJohn,
-, and see FitzGeoffrey

-, Herb.,
-, Peter,
-, and see FitzHerbert

Fitzmaurice, see Petty-Fitzmaurice

-, Geof., earl of Essex,
-, his dau., see Mandeville, Maud
-, his sons, see FitzGeoffrey; Mandeville, Geof. de and Wm. de
-, Rob.,

flax processing, see Calne, trade and ind.

Folkestone, Vcts., see Bouverie, Sir Jacob and Wm.

food processing, see Calne, trade and ind.

food processing equipment manufacturer, see Blackburn

fords, see Calne; Ratford

-, Arthur,
-, Geo.,
-, Henrica, w. of Wm. (d. 1609), m. Ric. Ernle,
-, Rachel,
-, Rob. (d. 1646),
-, Rob. (fl. 1687),
-, Ruth,
-, Wm. (d. 1609),
-, Wm. (d. 1636),
-, Wm., s. of Wm. (d. 1636),
-, fam.,

forests (royal):
-, justices, sessions,
-, and see Chippenham forest

Formage, John,

Foster, Sir Norman,

-, Georgiana, see Lennox
-, Hen., Ld. Holland (d. 1774),
-, Hen., Ld. Holland (d. 1840),
-, Hen., Ld. Holland (d. 1859),
-, Mary, w. of Hen., Ld. Holland (d.
-, 1859),
-, Steph., Ld. Holland,

Fox-Powys, Leopold, see Powys

France, see Aquitaine; Paris

fraternity, see Calne

Frayling, John, rector of Compton Bassett,

free warren,

freemasons, see Calne

-, F. G.,
-, F. J.,
-, M. E., w. of F. G.,

-, Eliz., see Casterton
-, Nic.,

-, Alex. de,
-, Baldwin de (d. 1343),
-, Sir Baldwin (d. 1375),
-, Sir Baldwin (d. 1387),
-, Sir Baldwin (d. 1400),
-, Baldwin (d. 1418),
-, Eliz., m. Thos. Ferrer,
-, Joan, w. of Alex. de,
-, Marg., m. Hugh Willoughby,

-, Agnes, see Burden
-, Hen. de,

friendly societies, see Calne; Calne District Friendly Society

Friesian cattle,


-, Ant.,
-, Hen.,

fuller, and see Bailey, fam.

fulling and fulling mills, and see Calne, trade and ind.; Calstone, mills; Quemerford, trade and ind.

Furnell, H. J.,

Fyfield (in Milton Lilbourne), manor,

-, Agnes, w. of Wm. (fl. 1409),
-, Geof. de,
-, Gilb. de (fl. 1270s),
-, Gilb. de (fl. 1332),
-, John de (fl. 1344),
-, John (fl. 1436), and his w. Joan,
-, Mary, m. Mic. Ernle,
-, Ric. de (fl. early 13th cent.),
-, Ric. (d. 1522),
-, Rog. (fl. 1465),
-, Rog. (d. 1574 or 1575),
-, Thos.,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm. de (fl. 1230s),
-, Wm. (fl. 1409),
-, Wm. (fl. 1424, ?another), and his w. Margery,
-, fam.,


-, C. H.,
-, Ellinor,
-, S. B.,

Gaby, John,

Gale, Ric.,

gallops, and see racehorses

Galloway cattle,


game, see birds; deer

games, unlawful,

Gantlett, G. R.,

garage (commercial),

garden centre, see Bowood: Bowood Ho.

garden designers, see Kennedy; Smirke

Garland, J. P.,

Gaunts Estate Company,

Gay, fam.,

Germany, see Hamburg


-, Rob.,
-, Sarah, see Nalder

Giddes, Eliz.,

Gilbert the marshal,
-, his s., see FitzGilbert

glass making or dealing, see Calne, trade and ind.



Gloucestershire, see Cerney, South

Glyn, Sir Ric., Bt.,

-, Anna, see Hannah
-, Anne, w. of Edw. (d. 1625),
-, Ant.,
-, Edw. (d. 1625),
-, Edw. (d. c. 1710),
-, Francis (d. 1652),
-, Francis (d. c. 1701),
-, Hannah or Anna, m. - Goldney, Rob. Maundrell,
-, Jas.,
-, John (fl. 1557),
-, John (d. c. 1567, another),
-, John (d. 1635),
-, John (d. 1688),
-, Mary,
-, Ric.,
-, Susanna, m. Caleb Bailey,
-, Thos. (d. 1581),
-, Thos. (d. 1598),
-, Thos. (d. 1610),
-, fam.,

Godwin, P.,

Golden Gate, see Bowood

Goldney, Hannah or Anna, see Goddard

golf courses, see Bowood; Heddington

Gough, Geo.,

government bodies, see Ministry of Defence; and see Secretary of State for Air

Grammer Lane, see Compton Bassett

granges, see Cowage (in Compton Bassett); Studley

-, John, prior of the hosp. at Calne,
-, fam.,
-, and see Lycett Green

Green Lanes, see Blackland (tithing)

grocer, see Gundry, Wm. (d. 1851)

-, Hen.,
-, John (d. 1649),
-, John (fl. 1692),
-, Marg.,
-, Phoebe, w. of Wm.,
-, Susan,
-, Thos. (fl. 1630),
-, Thos. (d. 1669, ?another),
-, Thomasine,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, and see Hunt Grubbe

-, E. D., rector of Yatesbury,
-, H. E.,
-, H. L.,
-, Mary, w. of E. D.,

-, Geo.,
-, Wm. (d. 1851),
-, Wm. (d. 1853),

Gunnar (fl. 1066),

-, Caroline, w. of John,
-, John, vicar of Calne,

Hackpen Hill, see Berwick Bassett

Haddon, Christine,

-, Eliz., m. W. M. Macdonald,
-, (Sir) (Fred.) Austen,
-, G. R., rector of Blackland,
-, J. P.,
-, fam.,

Haldane, see Chinnery-Haldane

Halfknight, Rob.,

Hall, Marshall,


Hampshire, see Winchester

Hampsley Hollow Riding Centre,

Hampton, Wm. of,


-, E. G.,
-, Hubert,

Harold, Earl, later King,

-, Amy,
-, C. & T., & Co.,
-, C. & T., (Calne) Ltd.,
-, Welfare and Entertainment Soc., annual show,
-, Chas.,
-, Chas., & Co.,
-, H. G.,
-, H. J.,
-, H. W.,
-, Hen.,
-, John (d. 1791),
-, John, s. of John,
-, Jos.,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos., & Sons,
-, fam.,

-, Hen. of,
-, Joan,
-, John,
-, Margery, w. of John, m. Wm. Botreaux,
-, Martin of, and his w. Parnel,

-, Edw., Ld. Hastings,
-, Francis, earl of Huntingdon,
-, Geo., Ld. Hastings, earl of Huntingdon,
-, Hen., earl of Huntingdon,
-, Mary, see Hungerford

Hawkings-Byass, N. G.,

Hawkins, Sarah,

-, Constantia, see Ernle
-, Thos., Vct. Dupplin, earl of Kinnoull,

haywards, see Calne, borough (pre-1835); Cherhill; Yatesbury

-, Markham,
-, Mary Ann,
-, Ralph (fl. 1764),
-, Ralph (d. 1859),
-, Steph.,
-, fam.,

-, Alf.,
-, Thos., rector of Calstone Wellington, vicar of Hilmarton,
-, fam.,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Beacon Hill (partly in Bromham),
-, beerhouse, see Heddington, inns
-, boundary,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, archit.,
-, bells,
-, font,
-, plate,
-, regs.,
-, ch. ho.,
-, commonable meadows,
-, commonable pastures, and see Heddington Wick; the Splatts
-, council hos.,
-, cts.,
-, view of frankpledge,
-, cust. tenants,
-, dom. archit.,
-, Church Farm,
-, Home Farm,
-, Manor Farm,
-, Manor (Heddington) Ho.,
-, eccl. par.,
-, farms,
-, Bell,
-, Church (demesne),
-, Court (demesne),
-, Heddington Wick,
-, Home,
-, Manor,
-, Marsh End,
-, Paddock,
-, Splatts,
-, Turnpike,
-, Yew Tree,
-, farmsteads,
-, Box Farm,
-, Church Farm, and see Heddington, dom. archit.
-, Eyre Farm,
-, Harley Farm,
-, Hill Farm,
-, Home Farm, and see Heddington, dom. archit.
-, New Farm,
-, Paddock Farm,
-, Yew Tree Farm,
-, glebe,
-, golf course,
-, Heddington Wick, q.v.
-, inc.,
-, inns:
-, Bear,
-, (formerly beerhouse),
-, Bell,
-, man. and estates,
-, Church farm,
-, Court farm,
-, Heddington,
-, Heddington Cauntelo,
-, Home farm,
-, Manor farm,
-, Marsh End farm,
-, Paddock farm,
-, Splatts (Splatts farm),
-, and see Heddington, farms
-, milestones,
-, mill,
-, mission room, see Heddington Wick
-, open fields,
-, overseers,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, post office,
-, prehist. rem.,
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, reading room,
-, rectors, and see Chippenham, Rog. of; du Boulay, F. H. and J. T.; Rogers, Francis, Hen. (d. 1670), Hen. (d. 1721), Jas., and Rob.
-, rectory,
-, rectory ho.,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Catholicism,
-, Romano-Brit. rem.,
-, sch. (day),
-, schs. (Sunday),
-, scout hall,
-, the Splatts, q.v.
-, tithes,
-, tithingman,
-, toll ho.,
-, trade and ind.,
-, view of frankpledge, see Heddington, cts.
-, village hall,
-, woodland,
-, workmen's club,

Heddington Coachworks,

Heddington Wick (in Heddington),
-, commonable pasture,
-, dom. archit.,
-, estate, see Heddington, man. and estates (Marsh End farm)
-, farms, and see Heddington, farms (Heddington Wick and Marsh End)
-, farmsteads,
-, Marsh End Farm,
-, Wick Farm,
-, mission room,
-, prot. nonconf.,
-, Romano-Brit. rem.,
-, workmen's club,

-, Sir Chas.,
-, Wm.,

Heginbotham, Jas.,

Heneage, see Walker Heneage

-, Gilb. of,
-, Hugh of,
-, Rob.,

-, H. K.,
-, R. T.,
-, T. L.,
-, fam.,

Henry III,

Henry IV (Hen. of Lancaster, earl of Derby),
-, his w., seeMary

Herbert son of Herbert,
-, his s., see Reynold

-, Phil., earl of Pembroke and of Montgomery,
-, Wm., earl of Pembroke,

-, ctss. of, see Mandeville, Maud
-, earldom,
-, earls of, see Bohun, Hen. de, Humph. de (d. 1275), and Humph. de (d. 1373)
-, Vct., see Devereux, Edw.

Herefordshire, see Kington


Hertford, earl of, see Seymour, Edw.

Hertfordshire, see Wheathampstead

-, Ernulf of,
-, fam.,

-, chant.,
-, hosp. (charitable),
-, sch.,

Higgs, W. A.,

highways and roads:
-, encroached on,
-, obstructed,
-, unmended or unsatisfactory,
-, and see roads


-, Edw.,
-, F. C. G.,
-, H. E.,
-, W. J. R.,
-, fam.,

Hillier, W. J.,

-, Beversbrook, q.v.
-, Clevancy, q.v.
-, Cowage, q.v.
-, man.,
-, vicar, see Heath, Thos.
-, Witcombe, q.v.

Hilmarton and Highway, benefice,

Hinton, Broad, church,

historians, see Lambarde, Wm.; Macaulay

-, G. F.,
-, G. R.,

Hole mill, see Quemerford, mills (Phelps)

Holghan, Rob., rector of Compton Bassett,

-, Dorothy, see Rogers
-, John,
-, Rogers (d. 1761),
-, Rogers (d. 1765),

Holland, Lds., see Fox

homes for the elderly, and see Calne, nursing homes; Derry Hill, nursing home

Hopkins, J. H.,

-, (for riding),
-, shire,
-, washing and watering place,
-, and see Blackland (tithing), stud farm; gallops; Hampsley Hollow Riding Centre; racehorses; slaughtering of horses; Yatesbury, stud farm

-, Jas.,
-, John,

Hosier Estates,

Hosken, H. D.,

hospital equipment manufacturer, see Blackburn


hospitals, see Calne; Heytesbury

hotel, see Calne, inns (Lansdowne Arms)

-, John,
-, Nic.,

Houghton, Ld., see Milnes, Rob.

housing for old people, and see Calne

Huband, fam.,

Hubert, Francis, curate of Berwick Bassett,

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Humby, Great (Lincs.),

Humphreys, Cyril,

hundreds, see Calne; Chippenham; Damerham, North

-, Edw. (d. c. 1507),
-, Edw. (d. 1667),
-, Eleanor, see Moleyns
-, Eliz., w. of Geo. (d. 1764),
-, Frances, see Seymour
-, Gena, see Stock
-, Geo. (d. 1641),
-, Geo. (d. 1697),
-, Sir Geo. (d. 1712),
-, Geo. (d. 1764),
-, Geo. (fl. 1770), see Walker
-, Henrietta, dau. of Geo. Walker, m. John Crewe, Ld. Crewe,
-, Hen.,
-, John (d. 1636),
-, John (d. 1681),
-, Lumley, see Keate
-, Mary, Baroness Botreaux, Hungerford, and Moleyns, m. Edw. Hastings, Ld. Hastings, Sir Ric. Sacheverell,
-, Mary, m. Jermyn Wyche,
-, Mary, w. of John (d. 1681),
-, Rebecca, w. of Thos.,
-, Rob. (fl. 1336),
-, Sir Rob., Ld. Hungerford and Moleyns (d. 1464),
-, Rob. (d. 1517),
-, Rob. (d. c. 1558),
-, Rob. (fl. 1667),
-, Thos.,
-, Wal. (d. 1601),
-, Wal. (d. 1754),
-, Mrs.,
-, fam.,

Hunt, fam., and see Stewart Hunt

Hunt Grubbe:
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. (d. c. 1753),
-, Wm. (d. by 1820),
-, and see Grubbe

Huntingdon, earls of, see Hastings, Francis, Geo., and Hen.

-, John, Ld. Hussey,
-, Marg., see Blount
-, Sir Wm.,

Hutchins, Thos.,

imparking, see Blackland (tithing); Calne; Chippenham forest

inclosure, and see under places


industrial buildings, and see brick kilns; fulling and fulling mills; Calne, gas supply and gasworks and ind. estates; mills; Calstone, reservoir; workhouses; workshop (or warehouse); Calne, workshops; and see also Calne, trade and ind. (brewing, currier and workshop, iron founding and foundry, lime kilns and pits, sawdust store, Stellex works, tanneries, and warehouse); and see (for cross references) commercial premises; factories; malthouses; power station; saw mills

industrial estates, see Calne

industry, see trade and industry

Infield, Wm., see Enfield


inns, see under places

intercommoning, and see (under places) commonable meadows; commonable pasture

Ipswich (Suff.),


iron founders, see Maundrell Foundries Ltd.

iron-framed roofs,

iron working,

Isabel, queen of Edw. II,

Islington, Ld., see Dickson

Israel, see Acre; Jerusalem


John, King,

John son of Ellis, and see Ellis, John; Swindon, Thos. of

John son of Robert,

Johnson, see Fielding-Johnson

Jones, Thos., vicar of Calne,

-, Wm. (d. 1602),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1624),
-, Wm., s. of Sir Wm.,