Medieval British Isles

History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

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Bernicia and the sea: coastal communities and landscape in north-east England and south-east Scotland, c.450-850. Ferguson, Christopher
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hamerow, Helena
     Chronological coverage: 450–850

Colour, paint and gold: the materiality of English manuscript illumination in the 12th century. Stirrup, Harold
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hawkes, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200

Culture and gender in the Danelaw: Scandinavian and Anglo-Scandinavian brooches, 850-1050. Kershaw, Jane
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hamerow, Helena
     Chronological coverage: 850–1050

Holy scripture and the meanings of the Eucharist in late medieval England, c.1370-1430. Pink, Stephen
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng. Lang. ; Lit.). Supervised by Ghosh, Kantik; Bose, Mishtooni
     Chronological coverage: 1370–1430

Lime burning in the central Pennines: the use of lime in the improvement of agriculture land from the late 13th century to c.1990. Johnson, David S.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Geog.). Supervised by Whyte, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1900

Logainmneacha na mbailte fearainn i mbarúntachtaí Dhéise Uactarach agus Dhéise Íochtarach Contae na Mí: bunfhoirmeacha agus bríonna ('In Irish medium'). O'Donoghue, Patrick
     M.Litt., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Prunty, Jacinta; Etchingham, Colmán
     Chronological coverage: 1000–2000

Placed deposits in early and middle Anglo-Saxon rural settlements. Sofield, Clifford M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hamerow, Helena
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000

Style and the Anglo-Saxon arts of 7th- and 8th-century Northumbria. Denton, Amanda
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hawkes, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 600–800

Surviving death: spiritual and somatic resurrection and elements of Pauline eschatology in the Hiberno-Latin tradition. Millin, Nathan C.
     Ph.D., University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Johnston, Elva
     Chronological coverage: 600–1000

The Anglo-Saxon settlement of Warwickshire. Maynard, Helen A.
     M.A., Birmingham.
     Categories: Historical geography

The anti-monastic reaction in England in the 10th century. Matthews, J.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by John, E.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The conceptualisation of sacred space in Anglo-Saxon Northumbria in the 6th to 9th centuries. Boulton, Megan
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hawkes, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 500–900

The honor of Wallingford, 1066-1330. Tilley, Christopher D.
     Ph.D., King's College London. (Hist.). Supervised by Baxter, Stephen D.; Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1330

The terms used for priests and other clergy in the Anglo-Saxon period. Elford, Kerry
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bassett, Steven R.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000


A catalogue of the acts of the Lord Edward, 1254-72. Studd, J. R.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Le Patourel, J.H.
     Categories: Political history

A comparison of old Irish with medieval Welsh land law. Charles-Edwards, T.M.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Foster, I.L.

A geographical study of the field systems of Devon and Cornwall. Fox, H.S.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Darby, H.C.
     Categories: Historical geography

Alien merchants in England in the reign of Henry VI, 1422-61. Bolton, J.L.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Holmes, G.A.
     Categories: Economic history

An education of 12th - and 13th-century charters in the Beauchamp cartulary. Mason, E. Emma
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Fisher, R.R.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Anglo-Scottish relations in the reigns of Robert II and Robert III. Hamer, Edna
     M. Litt., Glasgow. Supervised by Brown, A.L.

Aspects of the population structure of later medieval Coventry. Hulton, Mary H.M.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Local history

Axbridge, Somerset: history of a Domesday borough, with special reference to the development of local government. Lovell, Hilda
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Hodgett, G.A.J.
     Categories: Local history

Edward I and the Crusades. Beebe, B.T.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Political history

Frankpledge and leet jurisdiction in later medieval Essex. Crowley, D.A.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Miller, E.
     Categories: Legal history

Population and prosperity in Staffordshire, 1086-1539. Pinnock, A.
     M. A., Keele.
     Categories: Local history

Richard II's relations with the magnates, 1396-9. Mott, R.A.K.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Taylor, J.
     Categories: Political history

Studies in the administration of the diocese of Worcester in the 13th century. Davies, Susan J.
     Ph. D., Aberystwyth. Supervised by Saunders, I.J.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The career and estates of David, earl of Huntingdon (d. 1219), with an edition of the surviving charters. Stringer, K.J.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cheney, C.R.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The dean and chapter of Hereford, 1240-1320. Yates, W.N.
     M. A., Hull. Supervised by Heath, P.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The development of the landscape and human settlement in W. Norfolk from 350 to 1650 A.D., with particular reference to the Launditch hundred. Wade - Martins, P.J.F.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Thomas, C.
     Categories: Historical geography

The economic development of some lay estates in N. Nottinghamshire in the 14th century. Brett, Gwendoline
     M. A., Sheffield. Supervised by Miller, E.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The episcopal administration of the diocese of Norwich in the later middle ages. Burnham, B.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Mayr-Harting, H.M.R.E.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The episcopate in England and Wales in the reign of Edward I. Cosgrave, A.J.
     Ph. D., Belfast. Supervised by Gray, J.W.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The evolution of manpower policy in Great Britain, from the 15th century to the mid 1960s. Green, R.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Grassby, R.E.
     Categories: Economic history

The Langlay cartulary. Coss, P.R.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The lordships of Chirk and Oswestry, 1282-1415. Smith, Llinos O.W.
     Ph. D., London.

The manuscript transmission of letter collections relating to the Becket dispute and their use as contemporary sources. Duggan, Anne J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Darlington, R.R.
     Categories: Political history

The political career, estates and 'connection' of jasper Tudor, earl of Pembroke and duke of Bedford (d. 1495). Thomas, R.S.
     Ph. D., Swansea. Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.

The political thought of William of Ockham. McGrade, A.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ullman, W.
     Categories: Political history


A consideration of some aspects of landholding in medieval Berkshire. Jefferies, Peggy J.
     Ph. D., Reading. Supervised by Slade, C.F.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Administration of the diocese of St. Andrews, 1202-1328. Ash, Marinell
     Ph. D., Newcastle. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

Agweddau ar hanes plwyf Dolwyddelan. Thomas, I.
     M. A., Liverpool.

Alexander le Poer, bishop of Lincoln: his career, family and influence. Dyson, A.G.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Davies, R.H.C.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Aspects of Anglo-Norman governance: the definition of data in Domesday Book. Harvey, Sally P.J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Administrative history

Bowed instruments in England up to the reformation. Remnant, M.E.T.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sternfeld, F.W.
     Categories: Cultural history

Crime and tort in the medieval Welsh lawbooks, with special reference to the Book of Iorwerth. Rogers, H.R.
     LL. M., Aberystwyth. Supervised by Jenkins, D.

Customary law in English manorial courts in the 13th and 14th centuries. Beckerman, J.S.
     Ph.D, London. Supervised by Pugh, R.B.; Milsom, S.F.C.
     Categories: Legal history

English piracy, 1450-1500. Meehan, Margaret E.
     M. Litt., Bristol. Supervised by Ross, C.D.
     Categories: Economic history

Parish churches in the diocese of Lincoln, 1086-1254. Godwin, B.A.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Darlington, R.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

some aspects of epidemics in England, 1485-1640. Slack, P.A.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hoskins, W.G.
     Categories: 15th Century; 16th Century; 17th Century

The Courtenay cartulary from Powderham castle, Devon. Collison, Mary P.D.
     M. A., Exeter. Supervised by Barlow, F.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The crown and the diocese of Lincoln during the episcopate of John Buckingham, 1363-98. McHardy, Alison K.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The estate of Burton Abbey from the 11th to the 14th centuries. Walmsley, J.F.R.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The estates of Glastonbury abbey, c.1050-1200. Stacy, N.E.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Aston, T.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The gentry of Essex in the reign of Edward I. Illsley, J.S.
     M. Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Miller, E.
     Categories: Social history

The historical evolution of the landscape of three north Cambridgeshire villages: Landbeach, Cottenham and Waterbeach (A.D. 45001850). Ravensdale, J.R.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Everitt, A.M.
     Categories: Historical geography

The historical geography of the Wealdon iron industry. Cattell, C.S.
     M.A., London.
     Categories: Historical geography

The Order of the Garter in the reign of Henry VI. Milner, J.D.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Roskell, R.S.
     Categories: Political history

The property of Thorney and Crowland abbeys: a study in purchase and patronage. Raban, Sandra G.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Chibnall, Marjorie M.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The settlement pattern of Anglo-Norman Eastmeath, 1170-1660. Graham, B.J.
     Ph. D., Belfast. Supervised by Glasscock, R.E.

The social and economic implications of the feuing of ecclesiastical property in Scotland in the late 15th and 16th centuries. Sanderson, Margaret H.B.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Ferguson, W.; Donaldson, G.


A geographical synthesis of the road network of medieval Engand and Wales. Hindle, B.P.
     Ph.D., Salford.
     Categories: Historical geography

Agriculture and social developments on manors in N. Norfolk during the 15th and 16th centuries. Lade, Rosamund M.
     M. Sc., Bristol. Supervised by Clay, C.G.A.
     Categories: Local history

An edition of the cartulary of Leominster priory up to the mid 13th century. Morgan, Kathleen M.
     M. A., Cardiff. Supervised by Loyn, H.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

A register of papal bulls relating to the Knights Templar (British Museum Additional MS. 49613A), edited with an introduction. Nunn, Julia E.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Denton, J.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Cerddi'r i'r Tai Crefyddol, 1340-1539. Davies, Catrin T.B.
     M. A., Wales (Bangor). Supervised by Williams-Jones, W.K.

Durham cathedral priory as a landlord, 1290-1540. Lomas, R.A.
     Ph. D., Durham. Supervised by Offler, H.S.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Early Mercia: the evidence for the Anglo - Saxon settlement in the area. Rodda, Angela F.
     M. Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Cameron, K.; Bullough, D. A.
     Categories: Historical geography

East Anglian opposition to King John. Feeney, B.J.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
     Categories: Political history

Kirkstall abbey, 1147-1539. Barnes, G.D.
     M. Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Le Patourel, J.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Royal government in the reign of Ethelred II, 978-1016. Stafford, Pauline A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Chaplais, P.T.V.M.
     Categories: Administrative history

Shrines in England: an outline of their history. Brown, Christine E.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Dickinson, J.C.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Social and religious development in upland Glamorgan during the late medieval and Reformation period. Prichard, T.J.
     M. A., Swansea. Supervised by Williams, G.

Some aspects of the history, topography and archaeology of the north-eastern part of the medieval city of Winchester, with special reference to the Brooks area. Keene, D.J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pantin, W.A.
     Categories: Local history

Studies in the history of the diocese of Sherborne. O'Donovan, Mary Anne
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Whitelock, Dorothy
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Suffolk settlement: a study in continuity. Bigmore, P.G.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Millward, R.
     Categories: Historical geography

The Clifford family in the later middle ages, 1259-1461. Rees, Vivienne J.C.
     M. Litt., Lancaster. Supervised by Tuck, J.A.
     Categories: Social history

The Douglas earls of Angus: a study in the social and political bases of power of a Scottish family from 1389-1557. Kelley, M.G.R.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Bannerman, J.M.W.; Donaldson, G.

The estates of the Herbert family in the mid 15th century. Kent, G.H.R.
     Ph. D., Keele. Supervised by Richmond, C.F.

The Gant family in England, 1066-1191. Abbott, Mary R.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cheney, C.R.
     Categories: Social history

The gentry of Bedfordshire in the 13th and 14th centuries. Naughton, Katherine S.
     M. Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Chibnall, Marjorie M.
     Categories: Social history

The government of the north of England during the reign of Henry II. Pringle, Evelyne
     M.Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.
     Categories: Administrative history

The Great Roll of the Pipe for the 5th year of the reign of Henry III, Michaelman 1221 (Pipe Roll 65). Crook, D.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
     Categories: Administrative history

The growth of the Commons, 1350-1400. Simpson, C.S.K.
     M. Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.
     Categories: Political history; Administrative history

The history of the assize utrum to c.1260. Marr, Alexandra N.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Hall, G.D.G.
     Categories: Legal history

The manor and palace of Eltham, Kent, 1086-1663. Priestley, E.J.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
     Categories: Local history

The pattern of settlement in the central region of the Warwickshire Avon. Ford, W.J.
     M.A., Leicester. Supervised by Eden, P.M.G.
     Categories: Historical geography


Admonistration on the estates of Humphrey Stafford, duke of Buckingham, 1402-60. Story, R.A.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

A dowager and her lands in the 13th century: the case of Isabel de Forz. Pittman, Dorothy E.
     M. Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hay, D.; Harding, A.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Bonds of manrent in Scotland before 1603. Brown, Jennifer M.
     Ph. D., Glasgow. Supervised by Duncan, A.A.M.

England and Normandy, 1204-59. Stevenson, Wendy B.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Le Patourel, J.H.; Cox, J.W.
     Categories: Political history

Franciscan poverty in England, 1348-1538. Sheehan, M.W.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Smalley, Beryl
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Henry Bourgchier, earl of Essex and his family, 1408-83. Woodger, Linda S.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Social history

Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln (1272-1311), as locum tenens et capitaneus in the duchy of Aquitaine. Lawton, R.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Clementi, Dione R.
     Categories: Political history

Kennington: a late medieval palace. Dawson, G.J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Brown, R.A.
     Categories: Local history

Popular religion in Norwich, with special reference to the evidence of wills, 1370-1532. Tanner, N.P.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pantin, W.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Rural settlement patterns in medieval Cheshire. Kenyon, Denise
     M.A., Manchester.
     Categories: Historical geography

Society in the Anglo-Scottish border region in the 12th and 13th centuries. Gwynne, T.A.
     M. Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

Study of ancient fields (medieval), with specific reference to early estate maps in the Pennine District. Holt, Eleanor M.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Grimes, W.F.
     Categories: Historical geography

The accounts of William Soper, clerk of the king's ships to Henry V and Henry VI, for 1421-7. Rose, Susan P.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Ruddock, Alwyn A.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The common origin of the Scandinavian kingdoms of York and Dublin. Smyth, A.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
     Categories: Political history

The composition of the episcopate in England and Wales in the reign of King Stephen, 1135-54. Tringham, N.J.
     M. Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Edwards, Kathleen
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The contribution of the period of baronial reform (1258-67) to the development of the common law in England. Brand, P.A.
     D.Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Hall, G.D.G.
     Categories: Legal history

The early Anglo-Saxon settlement of the upper Thames basin, with special reference to the area around Cassington and Eynsham. Berisford, Freda
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Hawkes, Sonia E.
     Categories: Historical geography

The economic and social condition of the peasantry in S.E. Leicestershire, 1300-1700. Howell, Cicely A.H.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Thirsk, I. Joan
     Categories: Social history

The English royal chamber and chancery in the reign of King John. Edwards, Jean B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cheney, C.R.
     Categories: Administrative history

The episcopate in England and Wales, 1375-1443. Davies, R.G.
     Ph. D., Manchester. Supervised by Roskell, J.S.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The financial administration of the lordship and county of Chester, 1272-1377. Booth, P.H.W.
     M.A., Liverpool. Supervised by Myers, A.R.
     Categories: Administrative history

The historical geography of Strathmore up to late 11th century A.D. Cottam, M.B.
     Ph.D., Dundee.
     Categories: Historical geography

The history and archaeology of the Anglo-Norman earldom of Ulster. McNeill, T.E.
     Ph. D., Belfast. Supervised by Jope, E.M.

The lands and tennants of the bishopric and cathedral priory of St. Andrew, Rochester, 600-1540. Brown, Ann F.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The medieval manor of Bradford in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1066-1399. Crocker, D.H.
     M. Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Le Patourel, J.H.; Cox, J.W.
     Categories: Local history

The overseas trade of Sandwich, 1400-1520. Wallace, K. Janet
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Ruddock, Alwyn A.
     Categories: Economic history

The political role of the Comyns in Scotland and England in the 13th century. Young, A.
     Ph. D., Newcastle. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

The restoration of order in England, 1153-65. White, G.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fisher, D.S.V.
     Categories: Political history

The role of English war captains in England and Normandy, 1436-61. Marshall, Anne E. M.
     M. A., Swansea. Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The sheriffs of Oxfordshire and their subordinates, 1194-1236: a study in politics, patronage and society. Carpenter, D.A.
     D.Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Prestwich, J.O.
     Categories: Administrative history

The Staffords, earls of Stafford and dukes of Birmingham, 1394-1521. Rawcliffe, Carol
     Ph. D., Sheffield. Supervised by Jeffs, R.M.
     Categories: Social history

The urban and historical geography of Kirkwall and Stromness, Orkney. Luther - Davies, S.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Categories: Historical geography


An edition of the writs and charters of Henry II relating to Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, with studies of his measures and practices as revealed by these documents. Killingsworth, Vivienne
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Mayr-Harting, H.M.R.E.
     Categories: Administrative history

Anglo-Saxon contact with the eastern Mediterranean, A.D. 400-700, and its context. Higginbottom, R.W.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Wild, J.P.
     Categories: Economic history

A study of society in the Anglo-Scottish borders, 1455-1502. Cardew, Anne A.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Kettle, Ann J.

A study of the Memoriale Presbiterorum, a 14th-century confessional manual for parish priests. Haren, M.J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Choral instructions within the English church: their constitution and development, 1340-1500. Bowers, R.D.
     Ph. D., East Anglia.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Deserted and shrunken villages in southern Northumberland from the 12th to the 20th centuries. Wrathmell, S.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Historical geography

Field systems in eastern Norfolk during the middle ages: a study with particular reference to the demographic and agrarian changes of the 14th century. Campbell, B.M.S.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Baker, A.R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Great Yarmouth in the 14th century: a study of trade, politics and society. Saul, A.R.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Local history

Henry Burghersh, bishop of Lincooln, 1320-40. Brooks, J.B.
     M. A., Wales (Bangor). Supervised by Usher, G.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Hunting reserves in medieval Scotland. Gilbert, J.M.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Bannerman, J.W.M.; Donaldson, G.

Influence of the early Church in Cornwall. Clark, Sheila B.
     M. A., Exeter. Supervised by Barlow, F.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Minor domestic architecture of the middle ages in the counties of Herefordshire and Shropshire. Bismanis, Maija R.
     Ph. D., Nottingham. Supervised by Barley, M.W.
     Categories: Cultural history

Oseney abbey: studies in a house of Augustinian canons 1129-1348. Postles, D.A.
     Ph. D., Leicester. Supervised by Martin, G.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Personal pledging in a medieval English village. Pimsler, M.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hodgett, G.A.J.
     Categories: Legal history

Property and prerogative in game: the legal background to the history of the English game and forest laws. Cook, P.J.
     LL.M., Birmingham.
     Categories: Legal history

Sokeright. Joy, Christine A.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Sawyer, P.H.
     Categories: Legal history

Some aspects of royal administration in England during the reign of Henry I. Green, Judith A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Prestwich, J.O.
     Categories: Administrative history

Studies in the works of John Whethamstede. Howlett, D.R.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hunt, R.W.
     Categories: Cultural history

The Anglo-Saxon town. Hill, D.H.
     Ph. D., Southampton. Supervised by Biddle, M.
     Categories: Social history

The career and administration of Archbishop Geoffrey of York, ?1151-1212. Lovatt, Marie B.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Chibnall, Marjorie M.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The career of George Plantagenet, duke of Clarence, 1449-78. Hicks, M.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Armstrong, C.A.J.
     Categories: Political history

The career of John Howard, duke of Norfolk, 1420-85. Crawford, Anne
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
     Categories: Political history

The confiscated lands of the Contrariants in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire in 1322: an economic and social study. Waugh, S.L.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The court and household of Edward III, 1360-77. Given-Wilson, C.J.
     Ph.D, St. Andrews. Supervised by Prestwich, M.C.
     Categories: Administrative history

The cult of saints' relics in medieval England. Thomas, I.G.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The customary land market in Bedfordshire in the 15th century. Jones, A.C.
     Ph. D., Southampton. Supervised by Wagstaff, A.M.
     Categories: Economic history

The early Lollards: a survey of popular Lollard activity in England, 1382-1428. Knightley, C.
     D. Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The economic development of Birmingham before 1553. Holt, R.A.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Local history

The fiefs in England of the couts of Mortain, 1066-1106. Soulsby, I.N.
     M. A., Cardiff. Supervised by Loyn, H.R.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The finances of the Scottish Crown in the later middle ages. Madden, C.A.
     Ph. D., Glasgow. Supervised by Duncan, A.A.M.

The medieval moated sites of S.E. Ireland. Barry, T.B.
     Ph. D., Belfast. Supervised by Glasscock, R.E.

The origin and development of the curial orders of chivalry, 1330-1470. Boulton, D'A.J.D.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Armstrong, C.A.J.
     Categories: Political history

The pressures for peace, 1377-1422. Gray, Barbara T.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Political history

The revenues and financial administration of the bishopric of Durham, 1457-79. Grainger, P.N.
     M. A., Durham. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history


Ancient ironworking in Ireland: industrial and technological development to the end of the 14th century A.D. Scott, B.G.
     Ph. D., Belfast.

Anglo-Saxon bishops and clergy. Lanoe, G.F.M.
     Ph. D., Exeter. Supervised by Barlow, F.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Aspects of English building works from medieval times to the mid 19th century. Franks, J.
     M. Phil., Aston.
     Categories: Cultural history

Aspects of feudal kingship in Britain, 1050-1250. Tourtellot, C.T.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Simpson, G.G.
     Categories: Political history

Aspects of the ecclesiastical organization and architecture of the military orders in Britain from the 12th to 14th centuries. Wall, J.
     Ph. D., London.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Criminals and the law in the reign of Richard II, with special reference to Hampshire. Post, J.B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hunnisett, R.F.
     Categories: Legal history

Late medieval society in N.W. England: Cheshire and Lancashire, 1375-1425. Bennett, M.J.
     Ph. D., Lancaster. Supervised by Tuck, J.A.
     Categories: Social history

Lords and tennants in Wiltshire, c.1300-1520, with special reference to regional and seigneurial variations. Hare, J.N.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Peasant holdings in medieval Norfolk: a detailed investigation into the holdings of the peasantry in three Norfolk villages in the 13th century. Williamson, Janet G.
     Ph. D, Reading. Supervised by Dodwell, Barbara
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Political society in Warwickshire, c.1401-72. Carpenter, Christine
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Political history

Smaller domestic architecture and society in N. Berkshire, c.1300-c.1650, with special reference to Steventon. Currie, C.R.J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Thirsk, I. Joan
     Categories: Cultural history

The beneficed clergy of the diocese of Canterbury, 1279-1313. Mains, B.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Reynolds, Susan M.G.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Brigittine monastry of Syon, Middlesex, with special reference to its monastic usages. Tait, M.B.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The development of the parish in Hampshire, particularly in the 11th and 12th centuries. Hase, P.H.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cheney, C.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The estates of the bishopric of London, from the 7th century to the early 16th century. Taylor, Pamela J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The higher nobility in Scotland and their estates, c.1371-1424. Grant, A.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.

The human geography of the West Riding of Yorkshire in the middle ages: a comparative analysis of country-wide medieval surveys. Pallister, J.
     M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Jones, G.R.J.
     Categories: Historical geography

The knights of Edward I. Jurica, A.R.J.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The maintenance of law and order in England, 1227-63. Summerson, H.R.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fisher, D.J.V.
     Categories: Legal history

The Mostyn family and estate, 1200-1642. Carr, A.D.
     Ph. D., Wales (Bangor). Supervised by Williams, J.G.

The peasants of Halesowen, 1270-1400: a demographic, social and economic study. Razi, Z.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Social history

The position and role of the ecclesiastical bailie in late 15th and early 16th- century Scotland. Murray, P.J.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Donaldson, G.

The Vikings in the Irish Sea area, c.850-c.980. McCall, D.T.G.
     M. A., Belfast. Supervised by Dolley, M.


An aspect of Scottish monasticism: the houses of the order of St. Augustine, 1418-88. Duff, H.A.M.
     M. Litt., Glasgow. Supervised by Cowan, I.B.

An edition of the cartulary of Leiston abbey. Mortimer, R.C.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Brown, R.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

An environmental study of the location of pre-medieval settlement in Caernarvonshire. Johnson, N.D.
     M.A., Sheffield.
     Categories: Historical geography

Anglo-Burgundian diplomacy, 1467-85. Stark, Lesley
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Morgan, D.A.L.
     Categories: Political history

Anglo-Saxon commercial connexions with the Continent, with specific refernce to the distribution and typology of Rhenish basalt-lava quernstones and their use as an indicator of trade. Parkhouse, J.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Hill, D.
     Categories: Economic history

Anglo-Saxon medicine within its social context. Cayton, H.M.
     Ph. D., Durham.
     Categories: Social history

An historical and ecological study of inclosed and uninclosed woods in the New Forest, Hampshire. Flower, N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rose, F.
     Categories: Historical geography

Birmingham moat: its history, topography and destruction. Watts, Lorna R.J.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Rahtz, P.A.
     Categories: Historical geography

Early agriculturure and environment on the Hampshire chalklands: c.800 B.C. - 400 A.D. Murphy, P.L.
     M.Phil., Southampton.
     Categories: Historical geography

English customs ports, 1275-1343, with special reference to trade and transport in Hull, Boston, Yarmouth and Southampton. Uhler, Sharron G.
     B. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Prestwich, M.C.
     Categories: Economic history

Irish houses, 400-1200 A.D., with special reference to Dublin. Murray, Hilary K.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Wilson, D.M.

Land and people in S.E. Durham in the later middle ages. Lomas, T.
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.; Pollard, A.J.
     Categories: Historical geography

Medieval and 16th-century field systmems in Surrey. Thomas, Barbara A.
     Ph. D., Swansea. Supervised by Cousens, S.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

National defence in England, 1337-89. Alban, J.R.
     Ph. D., Liverpool. Supervised by Allmand, C.T.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Political developments in the second half of the reign of Henry IV, 1405-13. McNiven, P.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Roskell, J.S.
     Categories: Political history

Rural settlement and land use in the first millenium A.D. in N. Cumbria: a type case for the highland zone. Higham, N.J.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Historical geography

Settlement and economy in the territory of the Trinovantes c.500 B.C. to A.D. 50. Rodwell, W.J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S.S.
     Categories: Historical geography

The Anglo-Saxon burial sites of the upper Thames region and their bearing on the history of Wessex, c.400 to c.700 A.D. Dickinson, Tania M.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hawkes, Sonia E.
     Categories: Historical geography

The architectural history of the Romanesque cathedral at Chichester, Sussex. Andrew, M.R.G.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Kidson, P.
     Categories: Cultural history

The corporation and tradesmen of Stamford, 1461-1649, with an indication of developments concerning the corporation until 1750. Teall, D.G.
     Ph. D., Leicester. Supervised by Everitt, A.M.
     Categories: Local history

The counts of Aumale and Holderness, 1086-1260.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Social history

The demesne of the country palatine of Chester in the early 15th century. Curry, Ann E.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Roskell, J.S.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The development of fortification in England, 1166-1256. Renn, D.F.
     Ph. D., Southampton.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The education of the English parish clergy in the later middle ages, with particular reference to the manuals of instruction. Ball, R.M.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lovatt, R.W.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The English church at the councils, 1409-35: reform, heresy and nationalism. Spencer, E.M.
     B. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Cameron, J.K.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The estates ogf the bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Dyer, C.C.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The evolution of galss houses in England: an illustrated history from earliest times until 1830. Smith, P.R.
     M. Sc., Manchester. Supervised by Farrell, M.; Farrar, W.V.
     Categories: Economic history

The extent and use of Crown patronage under Richard III. Horrox, Rosemary E.
     Ph.D, Cambridge. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Political history

The geographical origins and mobility of the inhabitants of Southampton, 1400-1600. James, T.B.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Kettle, Ann J.
     Categories: Local history

The governance of Gwynedd under the 13th century princes. Stephenson, D.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davies, R.R.

The Jews of Devon and Cornwall from the middle ages until the early 20th century. Susser, B.
     Ph. D., Exeter. Supervised by Fisher, H.E.S.
     Categories: Social history

The medieval gentry: a study in Leicestershire society, 1350-99. Astill, G.G.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Social history

The Parrs of Kendal, 1370-1571. James, Susan e.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Miller, E.
     Categories: Social history

The settlement pattern of Lindsey and the East Riding of Yorkshire in the late Roman and early Ango-Saxon periods. Eagles, B.N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Evison, Vera I.
     Categories: Historical geography

The social position of women in the late 13th- and early 14th- century Scotland, 1284-1329. Dunlap, S.J.
     M. Litt., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women

The south-western estates of Syon monastry in the later middle ages. Morris, B.E.
     M. A., Kent. Supervised by Hatcher, M.J.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The Thomists and their opponents at Oxford in the last part of the 13th century. Kelley, F.M.E.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Weisheipl, J.
     Categories: Cultural history

The wardens' accounts of the Mercers' Company of london 1347, 1391-1464. Creaton, Heather J.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Ruddock, Alwyn A.
     Categories: Economic history

The wars of Richard I in the west: a study in the art of war in the 12th century. Lewis, P.N.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Brown, R.A.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The writ of habeas corpus: a historical and functional view. Mian, B.K.
     LL.M., Keele.
     Categories: Legal history

Trial by battle. Russell, M.J.
     Ph.D., London.
     Categories: Legal history


A gentry society of the 15th century: Derbyshire, c.1430-1509. Wright, Susan M.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Ives, E.W.
     Categories: Social history

A Hertfordshire manor of Westminster Abbey: an examination od demesne profits, corn yields and weather evidence, c. 1278-1396. Stern, D.V.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Hodgett, G.A.J.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

An edition of the cartulary of the vicars choral of York minster. Tringham, N.J.
     Ph. D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Macfarlane, L.J.; Edwards, Kathleen
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

An edition of the register of Bishop Reginald boulers, bishop of Lichfield, 1453-9. Hosker, P.
     Ph.. D, Liverpool. Supervised by Myers, A.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Ango-Saxon kingship, in practice, 400-889. Yorke, Barbara
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Roots, I.A.
     Categories: Administrative history

An historical geography of coalmining in the Radstock basin. Ferriman, B.D.
     M.Sc., Bristol.
     Categories: Historical geography

A study of settlement in N.E. Yorkshire during the Anglo-Saxon period. Keen, L.J.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Wilson, D.M.
     Categories: Historical geography

A study of the Mandeville family and its estates. Charlton, Anne R.
     Ph. D., Reading. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Fitzralph and the problem of poverty. Moisa, Maria A.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.A.
     Categories: Cultural history

Isabella, queen of England, 1296-1330. Doherty, P.C.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Political history

John Wastell of Bury, master mason. Woodman, F.A.T.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Kidson, P.
     Categories: Cultural history

Life and conditions in Scottish prisons, from earliest times to the present. Cameron, Joy
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Ferguson, W.; Donaldson, G.

Public order and private violence in Herefordshirem, 1413-61. Herbert, Ailsa E.
     M.A., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Legal history

Royal ecclesiastical patronage in England, 1199-1351. Saunders, P.C.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wood, Susan M.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

S. Lincolnshire at the beginning of the 14th century: the social, economic and cultural environment of Robert Mannyng's Handlyng Synne. Platts, G.C.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Local history

The architectural evolution of corn watermills in N. and E. Yorkshire. Hatcher, C.J.
     M. Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Yorkshire))
     Categories: Economic history

The Crown and the local communities in Devon and Cornwall, 1377-1422. Tyldesley, C.J.
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Wolffe, B.P.
     Categories: Administrative history

The cult of St. Denys in England in the middle ages. Hoare, D.C.
     M. Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Gransden, Antonia
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The diplomas of King Aethelred II (976-1016). Keynes, S.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Whitelock, Dorothy
     Categories: Administrative history

The early surveys of Evesham abbey: an investigation into the problem of continuity in Anglo-Norman England. Clarke, H.B.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The estates of the church of Worcester before the Norman Conquest. McClay, Alison
     B. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Brooks, N.P.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The Forest of Bowland: a study in continuity with particular reference to the Dark Age and Medieval periods. Higham, Mary C.
     M.A., Hull. Supervised by Harris, A.
     Categories: Historical geography

The foundation, endowment and early administration of Magdalen College, Oxford. Mills, J.F.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Cultural history

The geography of Augustinian settlement in medieval England and Wales. Robinson, D.M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Cousens, S.H.
     Categories: Historical geography

The Gloucestershire gentry in the 14th century. Saul, N.E.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Social history

The Instituta Cnuti: a translation and commentary. Yates, D.
     M.A., Wales (Cardiff). Supervised by Loyn, H.R.
     Categories: Legal history

The morphological, social and functional development of the Royal Burgh of Stirling, 1124-1881. Fox, R.C.
     Ph. D., Strathclyde.

The origins and development of the religious orders in Yorkshire, c.1069-1200. Burton, Janet E.
     D. Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Parish church in the medieval Scottish burgh, 1400-1560. Docherty, H.N.
     M. Litt., Glasgow. Supervised by Muirhead, I.A.; Cowan, I.B.

The plant economy and agriculture of the Anglo-Saxons in southern Britain with particular reference to the 'mart' settlements at Southampton and Winchester. Monk, M.A.
     M. Phil., Southampton. Supervised by Renfrew, J.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Thomas Netter of Walden, O.C., c.1372-1440. Dubois, D.J.
     M. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Categories: Cultural history


A calendar of the written acts of the earls of Fife, 12th-15th centuries. Coventry, C.
     B. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

Bishop Leofric and the Exeter cathedral chapter (1050-72): a reassessment of the manuscript evidence. Drage, Elaine M.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Parkes, M.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

British survival in Anglo-Saxon Yorkshire. Faull, Margaret L.
     Ph. D., Leeds. Supervised by Butler, L.A.S.
     Categories: Social history

Continuity and historical change in woodland and downland in an area west of Salisbury, Wiltshire. Gough, Pamela M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Jarvis, P.J.
     Categories: Historical geography

Cultural contacts between Spain and Celtic Britain during the middle ages. Hewitt, M.D.
     M. A., Swansea.
     Categories: Cultural history

Durham cathedral priory, 1229-1333: aspects of the ecclesiastical history and interests of the monastic community. Foster, Meryl R.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fisher, D.J.V.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Early 12th century Worcester cathedral priory, with specific reference to the manuscripts written there. McIntyre, Elizabeth A.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Parkes, M.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Fish in English Economy and society down to he Reformation. Litter, Alison S.
     Ph. D., Swansea. Supervised by Lloyd, T.H.
     Categories: Economic history

Gerald of Wales, 1146-1223. Bartlett, R.J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Southern, R.W.

'Gerardus de Aytes et tota sequela sua': a study into the establishment in 13th-century England of a 'notorious body of foreigners'. Ballentyne, A.W.G.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Fisher, D.J.V.
     Categories: Political history

John Kemp (d.1454): an ecclesiastic as statesman. Witchell, M.L.
     M.A., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Political history

Kingship and deposition in 14th century England. Messimer, N.R.
     M.Litt., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Political history

Monastic and early Church settlements in N. W. England from the Dee Valley to the Solway: a survey of selected sites. Crowe, C.J.
     M. A., Manchester.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Peasant and landlord in the development of feudalism and the transformation to capitalism in England. Martin, J.E.
     Ph. D., Lancaster. Supervised by Beier, A. L.; Urry, J.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Scottish royal marriages and marriage alliances from David I to Alexander III. Pressgrove, M.R.
     B. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

Settlement and economy in the forest and park of Weardale, co. Durham, 1100-1800: a study in historical geography. Bowes, P.L.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Roberts, B.K.
     Categories: Historical geography

Some aspects of the relationship between secular and ecclesiastical learning in Ireland and England in the early post-conversion period. Moisl, H.L.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Charles-Edwards, T.M.

The career and political influence of William de la Pole, 1st duke of Suffolk, 1437-50. James, L.E.
     M. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Holmes, G.A.
     Categories: Political history

The career of Walter Stapledon, bishop of Exeter, 130-26. Buck, M.C.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The castles of medieval Devon. Higham, R.A.
     Ph. D., Exeter. Supervised by Roots, I.A.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The Courtenay family in the politics of region and nation in the later 15th and early 16th centuries. Harwood, W.R.
     M. Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Elton, G.R.
     Categories: Social history

The formation of Tamworth. Meeson, R.A.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Bassett, S.R.
     Categories: Historical geography

The history of forests and forestry in Wales up to the formation of the Forestry Commission. Linnard, W.
     Ph.D., Wales (Bangor).
     Categories: Historical geography

The medieval town plan at Dumfries. Dodd, W.A.
     M. Phil., Edinburgh.

The military expenditure of the English Crown, 1422-35. Ratcliffe, Helen L.
     M. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The pottery industry of Stamford, Lincs., c.850-1250. Kilmurry, kathleen J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Graham-Campbell, J.A.
     Categories: Economic history

The Stanley family of Latham and Knowsley, c.1450-1504: a political study. Williams, Joanna M.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Davies, R.G.
     Categories: Social history

The territorial interests of the Anglo-Norman aristocracy, c.1086-c.1135. Boston, E.J.R.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fisher, D.J.V.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Wharfdale watermills. Shutt, G.
     M. Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Beresford, M.W.
     Categories: Economic history


An edition of documents relating to the manor and borough of Leeds, 1425-1662. Kirby, Joan W.
     M. Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Taylor, J.; Forster, G.C.F.
     Categories: Local history

Anglo - Saxon landscapes of the W. Midlands: the charter evidence. Hooke, Della
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Slater, T.R.
     Categories: Historical geography

A social and economic study of the Cinque Ports region, 1450-1600. Brindle, G.D.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Kettle, Ann J.
     Categories: Local history

A study of the annexation of Mercia to Wessex in the period 875-950, from narrative and charter sources. Syner, Mary L.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by John, E.
     Categories: Political history

Bristol castle: archaeology anf the history of a royal fortress. Ponsford, M.W.
     M. Litt., Bristol.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Byzantine bronze vessels in England and Europe: he origins of anglo-Saxon trade. Richards, P.M.
     Ph.. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dymond, D.P.
     Categories: Economic history

Colonization and the evolution of rural settlement in Worcestershire, prior to 1349. Hamshere, J.D.
     Ph.D, Birmingham. Supervised by Thomas, D.
     Categories: Historical geography

Early Anglo-Saxon from the 5th to the 8th centuries A.D.: the cemeteries and settlements in their archaeological and historical context. Welch, M.G.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hawkes, Sonia E.
     Categories: Historical geography

Echberht, king of the West Saxons: a study of his political achievement. Tyras, S.M.
     M.A., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Kirby, D.P.
     Categories: Political history

Fountains abbey and its benefactors, 1132-1980. Wardrop, Joan
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Gaelic society, Norman settlers and Angevin kinship: a study of interactions in Ireland in the late 12th century. Flanagan, Marie T.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Prestwich, J.O.

Land use and settlement before 1850 in the Avon valley south ship. Hernaman, Marjorie O.
     Ph.D, London. Supervised by Campbell, Eila M. J.
     Categories: Historical geography

Patterns and hierarchies of rural settlement in Nottinghamshire before 1700. Unwin, P.T.H.
     Ph.D., Durham.
     Categories: Historical geography

Public order and law enforcement in Shropshire and Staffordshire in the early 15th century. Powell, E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Legal history

Scandinavian personal names in Norfolk. Insley, J.
     Ph. D., Nottingham. Supervised by Cameron, K.; Bullough, D.A.
     Categories: Local history

Seventh- and 8th-century activity in Worcester and Hereford dioceses. Williams, P.P. Sims
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Shepherd, G.T.
     Categories: Cultural history

Some aspects of early castle-building in Scotland. Bogdan, N.Q.
     M. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Brooks, N.P.

The Bigod family: an investigation into their lands and activities, 1066-1306. Atkin, Susan A. J.
     Ph. D., Reading. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The constitution and the clergy of Beverley minster in the middle ages. McDermid, R.T.W.
     M.A., Durham.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The defensive linear earthworks of East Anglia, with particular reference to Anglo - Saxon settlement. Thackray, D.W.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wilson, D.R.; Hope - Taylor, B.K.
     Categories: Historical geography

The early history of the wardens of the marches of England toward Scotland, 1296-1377. Boyle, Marjorie L.
     M. A., Hull. Supervised by Palmer, J.J.N.

The Gilbertine priories of Alvingham and Bullington: their endowments and benefactors. Golding, B.J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The involvement of the gentry in the political, administrative and judicial affairs of the county palatine of Chester, 1442-85. Clayton, Dorothy J.
     Ph. D., Liverpool. Supervised by Myers, A.R.
     Categories: Local history

The lower clergy in parliament, 1295-1340. Dooley, J.P.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Denton, J.H.
     Categories: Political history; Administrative history

The Scottish parliament in the 15th and 16th centuries. O'Brien, I.E.
     Ph. D., Glasgow. Supervised by Kirk, J.; Duncan, A.A.M.

The structure and reliability of the Codex Wintoniensis (British Library, Additional MS. 15350), the cartulary of Winchester cathedral priory. Rumble, A.R.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Holdsworth, C.J.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The woodland landscape of the Wychwood region in the centuries before 1400. Schumer, Beryl P.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Phythian-Adams, C.V.
     Categories: Historical geography


An economic history of Bewdley before c.1700. Davies, S.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bridbury, A.R.
     Categories: Economic history

Aspects of chivalric culture, 1270-1350. Vale, Juliet
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Stern, Karen; Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Cultural history

Aspects of the reign of Cnut. Lawson, M.K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Political history

A study of some of the characteristics of the holdings and agriculture of Eastry manor, E. Kent, c.1086-c.1350. M. O'Grady, Margaret
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Vollans, Eleanor C.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Charters of the Redvers family and the earldom of Devon in the 12th century: edited texts with a study of the family and their estates. Bearman, R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Brown, R.A.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Craftsmen and industry in late medieval York. Swanson, Heather C. .
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Economic history

Ealdormen and earls in England from the reign of King Alfred to the reign of King Aethelred II. Banton, L.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Political history

Edward IV's charter to the clergy. Klesh, Kathleen B.
     M.Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Storey, R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Medieval and later tin mining in Devon. Greeves, T.A.P.
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Youings, Joyce A.
     Categories: Economic history

Monasteries and lay society in 13th-century Northumberland. Bignold, Brenda M.
     M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic)). Supervised by Coss, P.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Original papal letters in England, 1305-1417: a study and a calendar. Zutshi, P.N.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cheney, C.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Royal documents relating to Ireland from the reign of King John (1199-1216): an edition and translation. Kerr, Ann C.
     M.A., Belfast. Supervised by Warren, W.L.

Speech disorder in medical theory, 1300-1630. Wollock, J.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nutton, V.M.
     Categories: Cultural history

Studies in Carthusian history in later medieval England, with special reference to the order's relations with secular society. Rowntree, Carol B.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The conflict of the Reformation and democracy in the Geneva of Scotland, 1443-1610. Flett, I.E.F.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Cameron, J.K.

The Crown and the political community in Devonshire, 1377-1461. Cherry, M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Political history

The episcopate of William Booth, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield (1447-52), with an edition of his register. Bates, J.C.
     M.Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Storey, R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The great roll of the pipe for the sixth year of the reign of Henry III. Knight, G.A.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Harding, A.
     Categories: Administrative history

The homiliary of the Venerable Bede and early medieval preaching. van der Walt, A.G.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by d'Avray, D.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The library, scriptorium and community of Rochester cathedral priory, c.1080- c.1150. Waller, Katherine M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Gibson, Margaret T.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The medieval pottery of Lincoln, Nottingham and Derby. Coppack, G.C.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Categories: Economic history

The military career and affinity of Henry, prince of Wales, 1399-1413. Griffiths, W.R.M.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The Norman Conquest and church architecture in Sussex. Winterbotham, J.J.
     M.Phil., London.
     Categories: Cultural history

The ordinance book of the Mercers' Company of London. Parker, J.M.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Ruddock, Alwyn A.
     Categories: Economic history

The peculiar jurisdiction of York Minster during the middle ages. Brown, Sandra
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Smith, R.B. Dobson and D.M.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The political career of Richard, duke of York, to 1456. Johnson, P.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Political history

The secular noble household in medieval England, 1350-1550. Mertes, R.G. Katherine A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.; Goodman, A.E.
     Categories: Social history

The Staffordshire political community, 1440-1500. Rowney, I.D.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Richmond, C.F.
     Categories: Political history


An examination of literacy and learning in England in the 9th century. J.Morrish, Jennifer
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Parkes, M.B.
     Categories: Cultural history

An urban community in the Welsh borderland: Shrewsbury in the 15th century. Walker, D.R.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Local history

Aspects of the career of Sir John Fastolf, 1380-1459. Smith, A.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Political history

Aspects of the impact of man on the historical ecology of Ashdown Forest before 1885. Irons, J.K.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Short, B.M.
     Categories: Historical geography

Astudiaeth o ganu'r beirdd i'r Herbertiaid hyd ddechrau'r unfed ganrif arbymtheg (A critical study of the Herbert family from its origins to the beginning of the 16th century. Lewis, W.G.
     Ph.D., Wales (Bangor). Supervised by Williams, G.A.

A survey of the Debatable Land and Glen Tarras, c.1449-1620. Cole, J.R.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Phillips, C.B.; Jones, G.D.B.

A technological history of the drainage of the Derbyshire lead mines. Rieuwerts, J.H.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Ford, T.D.
     Categories: Economic history

Chantries in 15th-century Bristol. Burgess, C.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Guns in Scotland: the manufacture and use of guns and their influence on warfare from the 14th century to c.1625. Caldwell, D.H.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

Law and order in 15th-century England, with particular reference to the Paston family. Hearn, Sarah A.L.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Kettle, Ann J.
     Categories: Legal history

Minsters and parishes: Northamptonshire studies. Franklin, M.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Owen, Dorothy M.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Office-holding in East Anglian boroughs, 1272-1460. Alsford, S.
     M.Phil., Leicester.
     Categories: Local history

Political propaganda employed by the house of York in England in the mid 15th century, 1450-71. Allan, Alison R.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Administrative history

Shaftesbury abbey in the 11th and 12th centuries: the nuns and their estates. Cooke, Kathleen
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Some aspects of the social and economic history of the manor of Adisham, c.1200 to the Dissolution. Campbell, Sarah A.
     M.Phil., Kent. Supervised by Ormrod, D.J.; Butcher, A.F.
     Categories: Social history

The deserted medieval villages of N. Berkshire. Brooks, J.E.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Slade, C.F.
     Categories: Historical geography

The development of English shrines. Hall, M.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Kidson, P.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The diet and domestic households of the English lay nobility, 1265-1531. Thurgood, Jennifer M.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Bolton, J.L.
     Categories: Social history

The earls in Henry II's reign. Latimer, P.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by King, E.J.
     Categories: Political history

The impact of the crusading movement in Scotland, 1095-c.1560. Macquarrie, A.D.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

The justiciarship during the Barons' War, 1258-65: the royalist justiciarship of Philip Basset, 1261-3. Hogg, R.M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Walker, R.F.
     Categories: Administrative history

The king's council, patronage and the governance of Scotland, 1460-1513. Chalmers, T.M.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Simpson, G.G.; Macfarlane, L.J.

The lives and acta of St. Richard of Chichester. Jones, D.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lawrence, C.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The medieval concept of justice: the philosophical and juristic concept of justice in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and its correspondence with royal justice as described in 13th-century English legal literature. Doe, C.N.
     LL.M., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Legal history

The Scottish export trade, 1460-1599, from the exchequer rolls. Guy, Isabel
     M.Phil. l982., St. Andrews. Supervised by Smout, T.C.

Thornbury manor in the age of the Black Death: peasant society, land-holding and agriculture in Gloucestershire, 1328-52. Franklin, P.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture


A commercializing agrarian region: late medieval and early modern Hertfordshire. Glennie, P.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Glasscock, R.E.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Aspects of Scottish kingship, A.D. 840-1058. Hudson, B.T.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Charles-Edwards, T.M.

A study of the ports of Boston and Grimsby in the later middle ages. Rigby, S.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Categories: Economic history

Blything hundred: a study in the development of settlement, A.D. 400-1400. Warner, P.M.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Fox, H.S.A.
     Categories: Historical geography

'Ecclesiae incastellate': a documentary and architectural study of the concept of 'fortified churches' in England and Wales. Kelland, C.H.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Clarke, Helen
     Categories: Cultural history

English society and the Crusade, 1216-1307. Lloyd, S.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Prestwich, J.O.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

English vernacular Sunday preaching, in the late 14th and 15th centuries, with illustrative texts. Spencer, Helen L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gradon, P.O.E.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Eynsham abbey, 1005-1538: a study of medieval English Benedictine monasticism. Zeinelabdin, A.H.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Watt, J.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Horses, oxen and technological innovation: the use of draught animals in English farming, 1066-1500. Langdon, J.L.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Dyer, C.C.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Ideas of the monastic life in letters written in the circle of Canterbury and Bec, c.1070-c. 1170. Wells, R.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harting, H.M.R.E. Mayr-
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

John of Wales: a study of the works and ideas of a 13th-century friar. Swanson, Jenny
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Smalley, Beryl
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Landholding, church and settlement in Surrey before 1300. Blair, W.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Medieval Hampshire: studies in landscape history. Stamper, P.A.
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Hinton, D.A.; Platt, C.P.S.
     Categories: Historical geography

Medieval pottery from N. Lincolnshire. Hayfield, C.C.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Categories: Economic history

Military service in late medieval Cheshire, 1277-1403. Morgan, P.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Davies, R.R.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Personal suretyship in early medieval Irish and Welsh law. Stacey, Robin E.C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Charles-Edwards, T.M.

Place names and Anglo-Saxon paganism. Bronnenkant, L.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Page, R.I.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Sources for the history of Qartmin abbey, with special reference to the period A.D. 400-800. Palmer, A.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brock, S.P.
     Categories: AD 1-500

The bishops of Hereford and their acta, 1163-1219. S. Barrow, Julia
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Chaplais, P.T.V.M.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Anglo-Saxon England, with particular reference to the vernacular texts. Clayton, Mary
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Godden, M.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The earls of Strathearn from the 12th to the mid 14th century, with an edition of their written acts. J. Neville, Cynthia
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Simpson, G.G.

The early charters of Waltham abbey, Essex, 1062-1230. Ransford, Rosalind W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Mason, E. Emma
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The education and literary interests of the English lay nobility, c.1150-c.1450. Gue, Elizabeth J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Cultural history

The military and administrative significance of castles in Shropshire and the central Welsh borderland, 1066-1223. Hand, S.N.
     M.A., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Kirby, D.P.; Davies, R.R.

The parliament of 1472-5, with particular reference to the personnel of the Commons. Driver, J.T.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Allmand, C.T.
     Categories: Administrative history

The politics of the English royal court, 1247-65, with special reference to the role of aliens. Ridgeway, H.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Administrative history

The Port of London in the 14th century: its topography, administration and trade. Harding, Vanessa A.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Kettle, Ann J.; Prestwich, M.C.
     Categories: Economic history

The royal saints of Anglo-Saxon England: a study of some West Saxon and East Anglian cults. Ridyard, Susan J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Scandinavian character of Anglian England in the pre-Viking period. Hines, J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hawkes, Sonia E.
     Categories: Social history

The tenantry of Chartham, c.1200-c.1500. Langridge, M. Angela
     M.A., Kent. Supervised by Butcher, A.F.
     Categories: Social history

Thornholme priory: a medieval Augustinian canonry from the foundation to the Dissolution. Moore, Victoria C.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Luscombe, D.E.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Trade between Scotland and the Low Countries in the later middle ages. Stevenson, A.W.K.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Simpson, G.G.


A 13th-century English preacher's handbook: studies in Bodleian MS. Laud Misc. 511. O'Carroll, Mary E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lawrence, C.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

A historical demography of the Rolvenden hundred, with reference to population genetics. Hill, A.W.D.
     M.Sc., Durham.
     Categories: Local history

A history of the common law of criminal procedure, 1166-1222. Moss, W.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Milsom, S.F.C.
     Categories: Legal history

Anglo-Saxon and medieval woodworking crafts: the manufacture and use ofdomestic and utilitarian wooden artifacts in the British Isles, 400-1500 A.D. Morris, Carole A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hills, C.M.
     Categories: Economic history

Anglo-Saxon Buckinghamshire: the evolution of a duality in the culturallandscape. Baines, A.H.J.
     Ph.D., Open University. Supervised by Cameron, K.; Wilson, P.
     Categories: Historical geography

A political study of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1437-1509. Arnold, Carol E.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Davies, R.G.
     Categories: Political history

Astrology and divination in later medieval England. Carey, Hilary M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by North, J.D.; Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Categories: Cultural history

Charitable activity in the middle ages: the case of Cambridge. Rubin-Ungar, Merle E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Categories: Social history

Continuity and change in agrarian organization in N.W. England, 1100-1800. Gregson, N.
     Ph.D., Durham.
     Categories: Historical geography

Edward III's government of England, 1346-c.1356. Ormrod, W.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Administrative history

Entry into marriage in the late 11th and 12th centuries (c.1090-1181). Moule, Carolyn J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Categories: Social history

Judicial records of the rising of 1381. Prescott, A.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Categories: Legal history

Medieval Westminster: the vill and the urban community, 1200-1540. Rosser, A.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Categories: Local history

Population and resources in two 14th-century Essex communities: Great Waltham and High Easter, 1327-89. Poos, L.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Smith, R.M.
     Categories: Local history

Population change in late medieval Wiltshire. Nash, A.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Glasscock, R.E.
     Categories: Local history

Recruitment and extinction among the English nobility, 1215-1300. Wells, R.J.
     M.Litt., St. Andrews. Supervised by Given-Wilson, C.J.
     Categories: Social history

Richard Rufus of Cornwall and the tradition of Oxford theology, c.1230-c.1260. Raedts, P.G.J.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Southern, R.W.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Subsistence in late Norse Shetland: an investigation into a northern island economy of the middle ages. Bigelow, G.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Bailey, G.N.

Teaching and preaching in late Anglo-Saxon England, 991-1020. Correa, Alicia M.H.
     M.Litt., St. Andrews. Supervised by Bullough, D.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The bishops and diocese of Carlisle: church and society on the Anglo-Scottish border, 1292-1395. Rose, R.K.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.; Goodman, A.E.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The community of St. Cuthbert, its properties, rights and claims, from the 9th century to the 12th. Hall, D.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The ecclesiastical contributions to the development and enforcement of the English feoffment to uses, 1066-1535. DeVine, S.W.
     B.C.L., Durham.
     Categories: Legal history

The gild of Dunfermline in the 15th century. Torrie, Elizabeth P.D.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

The knight in 12th-century Lincolnshire. Wales, C.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fisher, D.J.V.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The local history of Worlingworth, Suffolk, to c.1400. Ridgard, J.M.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by McKinley, R.A.
     Categories: Local history

The lordships of the de Braose family in the March of Wales, c.1100-1326. Havard, D.G.
     M.A., Wales (Lampeter). Supervised by Jones, G.D.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The Mowbrays, earls of Nottingham and dukes of Norfolk to 1432. Archer, Rowena E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Political history

The origins of the scholastic sermon, c.1130-1210. Tibber, P.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Southern, R.W.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Painted Chamber and painting at Westminster, c.1250-1350. Binski, P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Henderson, G.D.S.
     Categories: Cultural history

The reconstruction of open field layout from landscape evidence in Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire. Upex, S.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Smith, Catherine Delano
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The relations between the papacy and the religious orders in England, 1305-52. McDonald, P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The role of royal castles in southern England, 1377-1509. Roeder, M.J.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Administrative history

The tribal hidage and the kingdom of Mercia in the pre-Viking era. Humphrey, N.J.
     M.A., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Kirby, D.P.
     Categories: Political history

Thurgarton priory, Nottinghamshire, and its benefactors, with an edition of the cartulary. Foulds, T.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Storey, R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history


An historical and field study of medieval settlement in the Bucklow hundred of Cheshire. M. Harden, Ann
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Studd, J.R.
     Categories: Historical geography

Archaeology, place-names and settlement in Lancashire and Cheshire, c.400-1066. Kenyon, Denise
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Historical geography

Benedictine monasticism in England, 1066-1135, with particular reference to the archdiocese of York. Dawtry, Anne F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Loyn, Brenda M. Bolton and H.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Changing private belief and practice in English devotional literature, c.1475-1550. Tudor, F. Philippa
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Loach, S. Jennifer
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

English and Norman government and lordship in the Welsh borders, 1039-87. Lewis, C.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mason, J.F.A.
     Categories: Political history

English nunneries: a study of the post-conquest foundations, c.1095-1250. Thompson, Sally P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bolton, Brenda M.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

English policy towards France during the truces, 1389-1417. Phillpotts, C.J.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Allmand, C.T.
     Categories: Political history

English royal warfare, 1066-1154. Morillo, S.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mason, J.F.A.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Hulton abbey: a history. Tomkinson, J.L.
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Studd, J.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Medieval and modern new towns [Conway and Runcorn]: a comparative study. Harrison, R.L.E.
     Ph.D., Wales (Bangor). Supervised by Dyer, A.D.
     Categories: Historical geography

Military organization in Lancastrian Normandy, 1422-50. Curry, Anne E.
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Teesside Polytechnic)). Supervised by Pollard, A.J.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Native law and the church in medieval Wales. Pryce, A.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Charles-Edwards, T.M.

Patronage and service: the careers of William Montagu, earl of Salisbury, William Clinton, earl of Huntingdon, Robert Ufford, earl of Suffolk, and William Bohun, earl of Northampton. Parker, Jennifer M.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Prestwich, M.C.
     Categories: Political history

Peasant society and land transactions in Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, 1277-1325. Clarke, Carolyn A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Pleadable brieves and jurisdiction in heritage in later medieval Scotland. MacQueen, H.L.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Sellar, W.D.H.

Politics, propaganda and public opinion in the reigns of Henry III and Edward I. Burton, D.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Political history

Royal finance in the latter part of the reign of Henry IV of England, 1406-13. Wright, T.E.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Administrative history

The Bohun earls of Hereford and Essex, c.1270-1322. Jones, Gwenllian
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Political history

The borough community of Tamworth and its courts at the end of the 13th century: the evidence of the court rolls. Tonkinson, A.M.
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Studd, J.R.
     Categories: Legal history

The burgesses of 14th-century Scotland: a social history. Ewan, Elizabeth L.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

The career and connections of Henry Percy, 2nd earl of Northumberland (1394-1455). Harrington, Anne M.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Goodman, A.E.
     Categories: Political history

The careers of Sir Richard II de Willoughby and Sir Richard III de Willoughby, chief justice of the King's Bench (1338-40), and the rise of the Willoughbys of Nottinghamshire. Bloom, M.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Local history

The character and private concerns of the gentry of Kent, 1422-1509. Fleming, P.W.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Categories: Local history

The charters of the early West Saxon kingdom. Edwards, Heather
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Wormald, C.P.
     Categories: Political history

The deserted medieval villages of N. Northumberland: a settlement history from the 12th to the 19th century. Dixon, P.J.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Historical geography

The English legal profession, c.1340-c.1450. Ramsay, N.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Baker, J.H.
     Categories: Legal history

The Ferrers earls of Derby: a study of the honour of Tutbury, 1066-1279. Golob, P.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
     Categories: Local history

The history of Bilsdale in the middle ages. McDonnell, J.
     M.A., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Local history

The literary manuscripts and literary patronage of the Beauchamp and Neville families in the late middle ages, c.1390-1500. McGoldrick, Lynn
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards . ((Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic)). Supervised by Coss, P.R.
     Categories: Cultural history

The monastic cathedral at Ely, c.1320-c.1350: art and patronage in medieval East Anglia. Lindley, P.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Massing, J.M.
     Categories: Cultural history

The political role of the monarchy in Scotland, 1249-1329. Reid, N.H.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

The regime of Isabella and Mortimer, 1326-30. Harding, D.A.
     M.Phil., Durham. Supervised by Prestwich, M.C.
     Categories: Political history

The remedy of Lawburrows in Scots law. Clarke, G.B.
     LL.M., Edinburgh. Supervised by Sellar, W.D.H.

The tournament in England, c.1100-c.1400. Barker, Juliet R.V.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Keen, M.H.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Three Norfolk estates [North Elmham, Sedgeford and Saxthorpe]: a study of their development and economic performance. Griffiths, G.R.
     M.Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Urbanism in the north-eastern Danelaw, c.400-1066, with special reference to Anglo-Scandinavian York. Hall, R.A.
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Categories: Historical geography

Violence, crime and public disorder in East Anglia, 1422-42. Maddern, Philippa C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Social history


A calendar of the archdeaconry of Stafford section of the register of Roger Northburgh, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1322-58, with some discussion of its contents. Davies, R.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Swanson, R.N.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Anglo-Saxon women in the religious life: a study of the status and position of women in an early medieval society. Schneider, Dagmar B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Keynes, S.D.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history

A study in the structure of land-holding and administration in Essex in the late Anglo-Saxon period. Boyden, P.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Loyn, H.R.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Bases of magnatial power in later 15th-century Scotland. Kelham, C.A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

Dedications of monastic houses in England and Wales c.1066-c.1216. Binns, Alison M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Early territorial organization in the hundred of Leyland in Lancashire. Atkin, Mary A.
     M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Jones, G.R.J.
     Categories: Historical geography

From Aragon to Byzantium: perspectives on Henry II's 'Mediterranean' foreign policy, 1154-89. Adams, A.S.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Mason, E. Emma
     Categories: Political history

Government and society in Kent, 1232-80. Quick, J.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Local history

Highland settlement evolution in W. Perthshire: development and changes in the parish of Balquidder from the 15th century to 1851. Stewart, J.H.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by McCord, N.
     Categories: Historical geography

John of Gaunt and his retainers, 1361-99. Walker, S.K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Political history

Logic and language in John of Salisbury's Metalogicon. Drew, Alison M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Evans, Gillian R.
     Categories: Cultural history

Patronage, pastoral provision and the secular clergy in the dioceses of Worcester and Hereford during the 13th century. Townley, S.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mayr-Harting, H.M.R.E.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Religion in the diocese of York, 1350-1450. Hughes, J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Canterbury archiepiscopates of John Stafford (1443-52) and John Kemp (1452-4), with editions of their registers. Foss, D.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dunstan, G.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The development of accounts for private households in England to c.1500. Woolgar, C.M.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Harvey, P.D.A.
     Categories: Social history

The development of a northern town in the later middle ages: the city of Durham, c.1250-1540. Camsell, Margaret M.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Local history

The development of the medieval infirmary in England. Goodey, R.L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nutton, V.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The lords and lordships of the English west March: Cumberland and Westmorland, c.1250-c.1350. Hall, I.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Prestwich, M.C.
     Categories: Local history

The monastic paruchia of Colum Cille in pre-Norman Ireland: itsits history and hagiography. Herbert, Mary R.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Mac Eoin, G.S.

The town of Nottingham in the 14th century. Hart, T.P.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Storey, R.L.
     Categories: Local history


A history of the church of Wimborne Minster, Dorset, during the middle ages. Coulstock, Patricia H.
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Denton, J.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

An edition of the cartularies and original charters of Sibton abbey, Suffolk. Brown, Philippa J.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Loyn, H.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

A social and economic history of the city of Kilkenny during the Ormond period, 1392-1843. Neely, W.G.
     Ph.D., Belfast. Supervised by Clarkson, L.A.

Aspects of monastic devotions to the saints in England, c.950-c.1100: theliturgical and iconographical evidence. Ortenberg, Veronica N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Aspects of the development of the Eastry estate, c.1350-c.1836. O'Grady, Margaret M.
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Polytechnic of Central London))
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Aspects of the gentry of 13th-century Hampshire. Maciver, Thamar E.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Social history

At the margin: Suffolk Breckland in the later middle ages. Bailey, M.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hatcher, M.J.
     Categories: Local history

Books of advice for princes in 15th-century England, with particular reference tothe period 1450-85. Kekewich, M. Lucille
     Ph.D., Open University. Supervised by O'Day, M. Rosemary
     Categories: Cultural history

Colchester and its region, 1310-1560: wealth, industry and rural-urban mobility ina medieval society. Galloway, J.A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Stanley, M.J.
     Categories: Local history

Crown-magnate relations [in Scotland], 1437-60. McGladdery, Christine A.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Macdougall, N.A.T.

Dress in Scotland, 1406-60. Scott, Margaret C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Ribeiro, Aileen E.; Campbell, I.L.

Female labour, status and marriage in late medieval York and other English towns. Goldberg, P.J.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Smith, R.M.
     Categories: Social history

Gloucester: an English provincial town during the later middle ages. Holt, R.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Local history

Judges in government and society under Edward II. Higgins, D.J.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Legal history

King Athelstan's 'witan': the charter evidence. Hughes, Jo D.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Rollason, D.W.
     Categories: Political history

Medieval settlement patterns in northern England, with particular reference to the estates of the priory of Durham. Campey, Lucille H.
     M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Forster, G.C.F.; Harrison, B.J.D.
     Categories: Historical geography

Naval artillery to 1550: its design, employment and evolution. Konstam, R.A.
     M.Litt., St. Andrews. Supervised by Martin, C.J.M.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Nottinghamshire and the North: a Domesday study. Roffe, D.R.
     Ph.D., Leicester.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Papal jurisdiction and courts in England in the period 1272-1372. Bateson, M.T.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Denton, J.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Political society in Lancastrian Nottinghamshire. Payling, S.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
     Categories: Political history

Popular revolt and unrest in England during the second half of the reign of Henry VI. Harvey, Isobel M.W.
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Fryde, E.B.
     Categories: Political history

Religion, society and politics, and the Liber Vitae of Durham. Briggs, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Wood, I.N.
     Categories: Political history

Royal power and ecclesiastical patronage in the kingdom of Mercia during the 8th century, 716-821. Fort, E.G.
     M.Litt., St. Andrews. Supervised by Bullough, D.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Selected aspects of the life of Richard Fox, 1446-1528. Carless, R.H.K.
     M.Litt., Bristol. Supervised by Guy, J.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Settlement and society in N.E. Yorkshire, A.D. 400-1200. Reid, Ann E.
     M.Phil., Durham. Supervised by Morris, C.D.
     Categories: Historical geography

Systems of land assessment in Scotland before 1400. Easson, Alexis R.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

The Anglo-Saxon occupation of S.E. Scotland. Aliaga-Kelly, C.J.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Talbot, E.J.

The Beauchamp earls of Warwick in the later middle ages. Sinclair, Alexandra F.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bridbury, A.R.
     Categories: Political history

The changing aspects of settlement in central Somerset from the 11th to the early 17th centuries. Langdon, M.
     B.Phil., Open University.
     Categories: Historical geography

The Cloud of Unknowing: its inheritance and its inheritors. Hilditch, Janet
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Cameron, J.K.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The development of the policy of the English Crown towards Wales and the Marches, c.1066-1216. Morgan, C.M.
     M.A., Wales (Lampeter). Supervised by Jones, G.D.

The Franciscan Observants in England, 1482-1559. Brown, K.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davies, C.S.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Hollands, dukes of Exeter, earls of Kent and Huntingdon, 1352-1475. Stansfield, M.M.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Keen, M.H.
     Categories: Political history

The pre-Conquest history and archive of St. Augustine's abbey, Canterbury. Kelly, Susan E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Keynes, S.D.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The productivity of medieval sheep on the great estates, 1100-1500. Stephenson, M.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Miller, E.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The Provinciale of William Lyndwood: the sources, contents and influences. Ferme, B.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Barton, J.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The structure of ecclesiastical government in Ireland, 8th-12th centuries. Firey, Abigail A.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Chadwick, H.

The transport system of medieval England and Wales: a geographical synthesis. Edwards, J.F.
     Ph.D., Salford.
     Categories: Historical geography

Trade and settlement in medieval Somerset (900-1400). Gerrard, C.M.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Categories: Economic history


An historical study of medieval and earlier settlement and agriculture within theLittletons in Worcestershire. Watson, J.B.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Bassett, S.R.
     Categories: Historical geography

Aspects of Anglo-Scottish relations, 1471-1513. Dunlop, D.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Clough, C.H.

A study of the books of Salisbury cathedral and of the scribal activities, studiesand interests of the canons in the late 11th and early 12th centuries. Webber, Mary T.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Parkes, M.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

A study of the development and structure of the early Welsh church. Flook, J.
     M.Phil., Manchester.

Burgesses and landed men in N.E. Scotland in the later middle ages: a study in social interaction. Booton, H.W.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Simpson, G.G.

Early Gothic manuscript illumination in England, 1190-1285. Morgan, N.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lasko, P.E.
     Categories: Cultural history

Early medieval land units in the Birmingham area: an historical study. Wager, Sarah J.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Bassett, S.R.
     Categories: Historical geography

From tempus werre to pax publica: the reconstruction of royal government in England, c.1149-c.1159. Amt, Emilie M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Prestwich, J.O.
     Categories: Administrative history

Irish influence on ecclesiastical settlements in Scotland: a case study of the island of Islay. Swift, Catherine J.M.
     M.Phil., Durham. Supervised by Cramp, Rosemary J.

John Ashenden and the scientia astrorum Mertonensis. Snedegar, K.V.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by North, J.D.
     Categories: Cultural history

King, government and community in Cumberland and Westmorland, c.1200- c.1400. Howarth, Sarah J.P.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Allmand, C.T.
     Categories: Political history

Medieval hospitals and almshouses: the changing scene, c.1200-1640. Prescott, Elizabeth C.
     M.Phil., Southampton. Supervised by Platt, C.P.S.
     Categories: Social history

Origin and development of urban churches and parishes: a comparative study of Hereford, Shrewsbury and Chester. Pearn, Alison M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Owen, Dorothy M.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Property, tenure and rents: some aspects of the topography and economy of medieval York. Rees-Jones, S. Ruth
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Local history

Royal succession in England, 1066-1154. Garnett, G.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
     Categories: Political history

Saints, dedications and cults in medieval Fife. Dove, G.W.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Bullough, D.A.

Saints of the Celtic church in Scotland. Redford, Morag
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Bannerman, J.W.M.

Schools and schooling in county Durham, 1400-1640. Vickerstaff, J.J.
     M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Teesside Polytechnic)). Supervised by Palliser, D.M.; Pollard, A.J.
     Categories: Cultural history

The Anglo-Saxon tower at Earls Barton, Northants: its history, structure and form. Baker, M.R.H.
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Studd, J.R.
     Categories: Cultural history

The aristocracy of England in the reign of Edward the Confessor. Clarke, P.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Political history

The Berkeleys of Berkeley, 1281-1417: a study in the lesser peerage of late medieval England. Harvey, Bridget R.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Given-Wilson, C.J.
     Categories: Social history

The castles of Ranulf III, earl of Chester, with particular reference to the castles at Chartley, Beeston and Bolingbroke. Powner, J.R.
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Studd, J.R.
     Categories: Local history

The 'Durham Ritual' (Durham MS. A.iv-19) and its place in the development of collectars, 8th-12th centuries. Correa, Alicia M.H.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Bullough, D.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The ecclesiastical patronage of the English earls during the reign of Edward I. Gemmill, Elizabeth A.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Denton, J.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The evolution and ownership of timber-framed houses within the old parish and market catchment area of Horsham, c.1300-1650: a socio-economic survey. Hughes, Annabelle F.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howard, M.; Kitch, M.J.
     Categories: Social history

The lordship of Galloway, c.1000-c.1250. Oram, R.D.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Crawford, Barbara E.; Watt, D.E.R.

The Perrot family and their circle in S.W. Wales during the later middle ages. Turvey, R.K.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.

The Scottish Cistercian houses, 1136-1487. Driscoll, Morag C.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by King, H.P.

The Scottish origin-legend before Fordun. Brown, D.E.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Bannerman, J.W.M.; Barrow, G.W.S.

The Scrope family of Bolton and of Masham, c.1300-c.1450: a study of a northern noble family, with a calendar of the Scrope of Bolton cartulary. Vale, Brigette P.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Social history

The structure and economy of the Domesday estates of N. Shropshire. Robinson, P.J.
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Hamshere, J.D.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Wales, England and Ireland in the 11th century: some paradigms for political interaction. Maund, Karen L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dumville, D.N.
     Categories: Political history


A borough and forest community: the courts of Macclesfield in the later 14th century. Tonkinson, A.M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Categories: Legal history

A critical edition of the Warwickshire hundred rolls of 1279-80. John, E.L.T.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Categories: Legal history

Adam Peshale: a study in the gentry society of 14th-century Staffordshire. Gross, A.J.
     Ph.D., London.
     Categories: Social history

A political history of the MacGregors before 1571. MacGregor, M.D.W.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Bannerman, J.W.M.; Ferguson, W.

Clerical movement in warfare in pre-Gregorian England and Ireland. Powell, T.E.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Wickham, C.J.

Early medieval Welsh book production. Webb, N.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.

Hospitals and charitable provision in medieval Yorkshire, 936-1547. Cullum, Patricia H.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Social history

Industrialization and urbanization in medieval Scotland: the material evidence. Spearman, R.M.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Slater, Elizabeth A.

Legal aspects of seignorial control of land in the century after the Norman Conquest. Hudson, J.G.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hyams, P.R.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Post-medieval pottery in Lincolnshire, 1450-1850. White, A.J.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Categories: Economic history

Secular building in the City of London, 1200-1600. Schofield, J.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Categories: Local history

Technical vocabulary to do with life on the River Thames in London, 1200-1500. Wright, Laura C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Stanley, E.G.
     Categories: Economic history

The architectural history of Byland abbey. Harrison, S.A.
     M.A., York. Supervised by Norton, E.C.
     Categories: Cultural history

The beneficed clergy in the diocese of Lincoln during the episcopate of HenryBurghersh (1320-40), with a calendar of his institution register. Bennett, N.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Smith, D.M.; Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The conduct and perception of war under the Anglo-Norman and Angevin kings, 1075-1217. Strickland, M.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
     Categories: Military and naval history

The design and development of stables and riding houses in Great Britain from the 13th century to 1914. Worsley, G.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Newman, J.A.
     Categories: Social history

The early Lollards of Northamptonshire, 1382-1414. Cullen, Mairi A.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The early medieval context of the royal free chapels of S. Staffordshire. Jenkins, Anne E.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Bassett, S.R.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The effects of the Scottish war on northern England, 1296-1328. McNamee, C.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Political history

The English clergy and the Hundred Years War, 1337-89. Briggs, C.F.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hood, A.B.E.; Goodman, A.E.; Fowler, K.A.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The estates and privileges of Malmesbury abbey in the 13th century. Berry, N.P.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Farmer, D.H.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The exchequer in the later 12th century. Brand, J.D.
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Polytechnic of North London)). Supervised by Williams, E. Ann; Gillingham, J.B.
     Categories: Administrative history

The household and resources of the Lord Edward, 1239-72. Wait, Hilary A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Prestwich, J.O.
     Categories: Administrative history

The interaction of politics, settlement and church in medieval Ireland: the Ui Main as a case study. Grabowski, Kathryn C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wailes, B.

The king, Council and councillors in Scotland, c.1430-1460. Borthwick, A.R.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.

The lands of Coldingham priory, 1100-1300. Donnelly, J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Miller, E.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The life and building activity of Bishop Richard Fox, c.1448-1528. Smith, Angela J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Trapp, J.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The merchant class and borough finances in later medieval Norwich. King, A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Reynolds, Susan M.G.
     Categories: Economic history

The mirror of kings and paladins: William Rufus and the 1088 war of the Anglo- Norman succession. Maloney, M.J.M.
     M.A., Lancaster. Supervised by King, P.D.
     Categories: Political history

The native Welsh dynasties of Rhwng Gwy a Hafren. Remfry, P.M.
     M.Phil., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Davies, R.R.

The pre-medieval and medieval human landscape and settlement pattern of S.E.Shropshire. Croom, Jane N.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Bassett, S.R.
     Categories: Historical geography

The sheriffs of Henry II and their role in civil litigation, 1154-89. Boorman, Julia
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Matthew, D.J.A.
     Categories: Administrative history

William Alnwick, bishop of Norwich (1426-37) and Lincoln (1437-49). Hayes, Rosemary C.E.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history


Anglo-Saxon church councils, c.650-c.850. Cubitt, Catherine R.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Anglo-Saxon minsters, A.D. 597-c.900: the religious life in England before the Benedictine reform. Foot, Sarah R.I.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

A study of the careers of Adam Fraunceys and John Pyel, 14th-century mayors of London, with an edition of their cartularies (Hatfield MS. CP 291.1 and College of Arms, MS. Vincent 64). O'Connor, S.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Categories: Local history

Feudal politics in Yorkshire, 1066-1154. Dalton, P.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by King, E.J.
     Categories: Political history

Fifteenth-century Worcestershire gentry. Maskew, Helen P.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Dyer, C.C.
     Categories: Social history

Hatfield Chase, 1287-1340. Fox, Lynne B.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by King, E.J.
     Categories: Local history

High-status sites, kingship and state-formation in post-Roman western Britain, A.D. 400-700. Dark, K.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lane, A.
     Categories: Political history

John Lewyn and the architecture of the northern counties, 1360-1400. Hislop, M.J.B.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Categories: Cultural history

Lay piety in late medieval Wiltshire. Brown, A.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Monuments and the construction of the past in early historic Ireland [6th-11thcenturies]. Aitchison, N.B.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Barrett, J.C.; Alcock, L.

Plan analysis of the medieval boroughs of Northumberland. Wilson, Marion L.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Stanley, M.J.
     Categories: Historical geography

Political antipapalism in England during the Great Schism and the Councils of the Church. Eckert, T.C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.
     Categories: Political history

Politics and the feud in late medieval Scotland. Boardman, S.I.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Macdougall, N.A.T.

Popular religion in late medieval Bury St. Edmunds. Dinn, R.B.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Rigby, S.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Royal minorities and protectorates in England, 1216-1549. Wiswall, F.L.
     M.Litt., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Political history

The canons of Exeter cathedral, 1300-1455. Lepine, D.N.
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Orme, N.I.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The changing structure of a small medieval industry: an approach to the study of floor tiles. Stopford, Jennifer M.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Astill, G.G.
     Categories: Economic history

The church and the aristocracy: lay and ecclesiastical landowning society in 14th- century Norfolk. Thompson, B.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The clergy and administration of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield underBishop John Hals, 1459-90. Stretch, G.J.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The documentary evidence for maritime technology in later medieval Englandand Wales. Friel, I.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Richmond, C.F.
     Categories: Economic history

The history of New Minster, Winchester, and its estates, c.900-1200. Allnatt, R.P.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, J.
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The knowledge and uses of food plants in Anglo-Saxon England. Banham, Deborah A.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Renfrew, J.M.
     Categories: Social history

The life and works of Johannes Michael Nagonius: poeta laureatus, c.1450- c.1510. Gwynne, P.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Trapp, J.B.
     Categories: Cultural history

The merchants of York, Beverley and Hull in the 14th and 15th centuries. Kermode, Jennifer I.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Luscombe, D.E.
     Categories: Economic history

The Norman conquest of Devon and Cornwall, 1066-1154. Carley, J.D.F.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Mason, J.F.A.
     Categories: Political history

The origins of the village in S. Wales: a study in landscape archaeology. Kissock, J.A.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Fox, H.S.A.
     Categories: Historical geography

The royal residences of the Anglo-Saxon kings, 597-876. Bernardi, P.V.
     M.A., Leeds. Supervised by Wood, I.N.
     Categories: Social history

The training and pastoral work of the Dominicans of the English province during the 13th and early 14th centuries. Trivasse, K.M.
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Denton, J.H.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The warhorse and military service under Edward III. Ayton, A.C.
     Ph.D., Hull. Supervised by Palmer, J.J.N.
     Categories: Military and naval history

Urban society and culture in later medieval England: the city of Wells, 1300- 1500. Shaw, D.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Categories: Cultural history


An introduction to and edition of the Hugh Bigod eyre rolls, June 1258-Feb. 1259, P.R.O., JUST 1/1187, JUST 1/873. Hershey, Andrew H.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1258–1259
     Categories: Legal history

A reconstruction and measurement of landscape change: a study of six parishes in the St. Albans area. Hunn, J.R.
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: -500–1990
     Index terms: Landscape change; St. Albans, Herts.
     Categories: Historical geography

Aspects of marriage and sexuality in the miracle literature of 12th-century England. Symes, Carol L.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Marriage; Miracle literature; Sexuality
     Categories: Social history

Aspects of the settlement of the Kingdom of Man and the Isles. Quine, Gillian
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Morris, C.D.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1100

Crown-magnate relations in the personal rule of James I of Scotland, 1424-37. Brown, Michael H.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, N.A.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1424–1437

English confraternities and politics, 1389-1450. Clark, Sally
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lowry, M.J.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1389–1450
     Categories: Political history

King John, Wales and the March. Mann, Kevin J.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Rowlands, I.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1216

Lordship and patronage: John Darcy and the Dublin administration, 1324-47. Mortimer, Richard H.R.
     M.Phil., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Frame, R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1324–1347

Medieval settlement in West Derby hundred, Lancs. Lewis, Jennifer
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Chronological coverage: 650–1000
     Categories: Historical geography

Norse settlement in the Inner Hebrides, c.800-1300, with special reference to the islands of Mull, Coll and Tiree. Johnston, Ann R.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Med. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Barbara E.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1300
     Categories: Historical geography

Politics and the constitution in the reign of Henry VI, c.1435-1461. Watts, John L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1435–1461
     Categories: Political history

Power, politics and status: aspects of genealogy in medieval Ireland and Wales. Thornton, David E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, D.N.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1400

Royal government in the counties palatinate of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1460-1509. Worthington, Paul
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1460–1509
     Categories: Administrative history

Studies in pre-Conquest history of Glastonbury abbey. Blows, Matthew J.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
     Chronological coverage: 750–1066
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Anglo-Saxon vernacular will: studies in texts and their transmission. Lowe, Kathryn A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Lapidge, M.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Categories: 500-1000

The attitude of the parliamentary Commons to law and order under Edward III. Verduyn, Anthony J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1377
     Categories: Political history

The bishops of Wells and Bath and their acta, 1061-1205. Davies, Frances M.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1061–1205
     Index terms: Bath and Wells, bishops of; Bishops; Wells and Bath, bishops of; Church, medieval; Acta, episcopal
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Church in 5th-century Britain. Duncan, Sandra A.J.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Higham, N.J.; Rack, H.D.
     Chronological coverage: 400–500
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The estate of the bishop of Durham in Durham City in the 15th century. Woolley, Alistair G.
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Britnell, R.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The execution of the will of John, duke of Bedford (1389-1435), with special reference to the inventories of his goods. Stratford, A. Jenny
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1435–1435
     Categories: Social history

The extent and form of Edward I's administration of Scotland from the battle of Falkirk 1298 to the rise of Robert Bruce as effective king of Scots. Watson, Fiona J.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Duncan, A.A.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1298–1314

The external relations of native Welsh rulers, 1063-1282. Moore, David J.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Carr, A.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1063–1282

The governance of England: law, reform and the common weal, c.1460-c.1560. Lockwood, Shelley C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Skinner, Q.R.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1460–1560
     Categories: Legal history

The honour of Pontefract, the manor of Wakefield and their region: a social and economic study, c.1270-c.1350. Stinson, Marie
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Econ. Stud.). Supervised by Chartres, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1270–1350
     Index terms: Wakefield, W.R. Yorks.; Pontefract, W.R. Yorks.
     Categories: 13th Century; 14th Century

The Lanercost cartulary: an edition of MS. DZ/1 in the Cumbria County Record Office. Todd, John M.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Stringer, K.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1165–1364
     Index terms: Lanercost, Cumb.; Cartularies
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The later medieval burgh kirk of St. Nicholas, Aberdeen. Fraser, Iain
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

The law code of King Alfred the Great. Dammery, Richard J.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Keynes, S.D.
     Chronological coverage: 871–871
     Categories: Legal history

The `maiores barones' in the second half of the reign of Edward I (1290-1307). Barrie, Derek A.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Med. Hist.). Supervised by Given-Wilson, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: 1290–1307
     Categories: Political history

The Montagu earls of Salisbury, c.1300-1428: a study in warfare, politics and political culture. Warner, Mark W.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, D.A.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1428
     Categories: Political history

The Norman lordship of Glamorgan: an examination of its establishment and development. Williams, Alun G.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Bates, D.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1090–1183
     Index terms: Glamorgan, lordship of

The origins and development of the church of St. Cuthbert, 635-1153, with special reference to Durham in the period c.1071-1153. Aird, William M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.; Goodman, A.E.
     Chronological coverage: 653–1153
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The patronage of the Templars and of the order of St. Lazarus in England in the 12th and 13th centuries. Walker, John
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Med. Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Simone C.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The political influence of the Hastings family in the Midland counties, 1461-1529. Baldwin, Frederick D.
     M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, D.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1461–1529
     Categories: Political history

The religious houses and the lay community in the diocese of Worcester, c.1120-1179. Taylor, Carin J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1120–1179
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Scottish campaign of Edward I, 1303-4. Haskell, Michael J.
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, M.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1303–1304

The will in medieval Wales to 1540. Chandler, Helen
     M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Llinos O.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1540

Thomas de Lisle, bishop of Ely, 1345-61: Edward III's turbulent priest. Aberth, John S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1345–1361
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Thomas of Lancaster in the chronicle and literary sources. Koch, Richard M.
     M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1322
     Index terms: Lancaster, earl of, see Thomas; Thomas (c.1277-1322), earl of Lancaster; Chronicles
     Categories: Political history

Wealden houses as illustrative of 15th-century Kentish society. Roscoe, Judith A.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Categories: Social history

Wills and inheritance in late Anglo-Saxon England, 871-1066. Hemming, Eric W.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Loyn, H.R.
     Chronological coverage: 871–1066
     Categories: 500-1000; 11th Century


A study of scribal practices in early Irish and Anglo-Saxon manuscripts. Tunbridge, Genny L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Parkes, M.B.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1013
     Index terms: Ireland; Anglo-Saxons; Scribal practices; Manuscripts

A study of the development of parks in Suffolk from the eleventh to the seventeenth century. Hoppitt, Rosemary
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (E. Angl. Stud.). Supervised by Williamson, T.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1602
     Index terms: Deer parks; Suffolk
     Categories: Historical geography

A study of the letters of Abbot Peter of La Celle (c.1115-83). Haseldine, Julian P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooke, Christopher N.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1145–1183
     Index terms: Peter of La Celle (c.1115-1183), bishop
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Danelaw society and institutions: East Midlands phenomena?. Hadley, Dawn M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bassett, S.R.
     Chronological coverage: 878–1066
     Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Danelaw
     Categories: Social history

Early and middle Saxon Essex. Challis, Keith
     M.Phil., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Chronological coverage: 400–850
     Index terms: Anglo-Saxons; Essex
     Categories: Local history

English royal palaces, 1450-1550. Thurley, Simon J.
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Newman, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1550
     Index terms: Palaces, royal
     Categories: Cultural history

Italian merchants in London, 1350-1450. Bradley, Helen L.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1450
     Index terms: Trade; Italians, in England; Merchants; London
     Categories: Social history

John of Salisbury and his correspondents. Hirata, Yoko
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Luscombe, D.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1140–1180
     Index terms: John of Salisbury (c.1115-1180)
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Land, family and inheritance in a later medieval community: Birdbrook, 1292-1412. Schofield, Phillipp R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Chronological coverage: 1292–1412
     Index terms: Family; Land; Birdbrook, Essex; Inheritance
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Patterns of landholding and architectural patronage in late medieval Meath. Abraham, A.S.K.
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1530
     Index terms: Architecture; Patronage, architectural; Landholding; Meath; Ireland

Peter des Roches, bishop of Winchester, an alien in English politics, 1205-38. Vincent, Nicholas C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Maddicott, J.R.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1205–1238
     Index terms: Peter des Roches (d. 1238), bishop; Winchester, bishop of
     Categories: Political history

Some aspects of English Carthusian writings and scholarship in the late middle ages, with special reference to Mount Grace priory. Horsfield, Robert A.
     M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1540
     Index terms: Monasticism; Mount Grace priory, N.R. Yorks; Carthusians
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Textiles, furs and liveries: a study of the material culture of the court of Edward I (1272-1307). Lachaud, Frederique S.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Vale, M.G.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1307
     Index terms: Court, royal; Textiles; Edward I (1239-1307), king; Furs; Liveries
     Categories: Cultural history

The aristocracy of East Anglia, c.970-c.1154. Wareham, Andrew F.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooks, N.P.
     Chronological coverage: 970–1154
     Index terms: Aristocracy; East Anglia
     Categories: Social history

The church of Christ in early Bernicia: forerunners and foundation. Gardner, Rex F.G.
     M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
     Chronological coverage: 633–735
     Index terms: Christianity, early; Bernicia
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The churchwardens' accounts of St. Mary the Virgin, Thame (Oxon.), to 1524. Carnwath, Julia M.E.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R.G.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1524
     Index terms: Churchwardens' accounts; Thame, Oxon., St. Mary the Virgin church; Church, medieval
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The customs records and trade of Newcastle upon Tyne in the later middle ages. Wade, John F.
     M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, Wendy R.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1485
     Index terms: Trade, external; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumb.; Customs records
     Categories: Economic history

The effects of the Norman Conquest on N.W. England with particular reference to the honors of Hornby and Burton in Lonsdale. Higham, Mary C.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1100
     Index terms: Burton in Lonsdale, W.R. Yorks.; Hornby, N.R. Yorks.; Norman Conquest
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The episcopate of Walter Langton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield (1296-1321), with a calendar of his register. Hughes, Jill B.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by McHardy, Alison K.
     Chronological coverage: 1296–1321
     Index terms: Coventry and Lichfield, bishop of; Register, episcopal; Langton, Walter (d. 1321), bishop
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The formation of the parish unit and community in Perthshire. Rogers, John M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1100
     Index terms: Scotland; Perthshire; Parish units

The hospitals of medieval Devon. Webster, Margaret E.G.
     M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Orme, N.I.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Hospitals; Devon
     Categories: Social history

The knights of the household of King John, 1199-1216: a study in Angevin kingship. Church, Stephen D.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1216
     Index terms: Household, royal; Knights; John (1167-1216), king; Kingship
     Categories: Administrative history

The masons and building-works of Durham priory, 1339-1539. Cambridge, Eric
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Harding, A.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1339–1539
     Index terms: Building-works; Durham, priory
     Categories: Cultural history

The origin, growth and dispersal of the book collections of Reading abbey. Coates, Alan E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Parkes, M.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1121–1540
     Index terms: Book collection; Reading, Berks., abbey; Monasticism
     Categories: Cultural history

The survey and custumal in Wales, 1300-1600. Ellis, Mary E.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Llinos O.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1600
     Index terms: Wales; Surveys; Custumals
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The Welsh Marcher lordship of Bromfield and Yale, 1282-1485. Rogers, Michael
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1282–1485
     Index terms: Bromfield and Yale, lordship of; Wales; Marches, of Wales

Wingham and its region, c.1450-1650. Andrewes, Jane
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, A.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1650
     Index terms: Wingham, Kent
     Categories: Local history


Anglo-Burgundian relations, 1464-72. Ballard, Mark H.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Vale, M.G.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1464–1472
     Index terms: Foreign relations, English, with Burgundy; Burgundy, and England
     Categories: Political history

Aspects of the history of medieval Yeovil. Peachey, Joseph P.
     M.Phil., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Curry, Anne E.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1400
     Index terms: Yeovil, Som..
     Categories: Local history

A study of the career of Sir James Douglas: the historical record versus Barbour's Bruce. Väthjunker, Sonja
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Simpson, G.G.
     Chronological coverage: 1306–1330
     Index terms: Bruce (Barbour's); Douglas, Sir James (c.1286-1330); Barbour, John (c.1316-1395)

Castles and lordship in 12th-century Yorkshire. Speight, Sarah
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Yorkshire; Lordship; Castles
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Changing attitudes to involuntary poverty in English religious thought from Piers Ploughman and Wyclif to William Perkins. Rudd, David
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Mullett, M.
     Chronological coverage: 1380–1590
     Index terms: Perkins, William (1558--1602); Wyclif, John (c.1329-1384); Piers Ploughman; Poverty; Religious thought
     Categories: Social history

Crime in Wiltshire, 1249-1306. Williams, Michael A.
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Critchley, J.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1249–1306
     Index terms: Wiltshire; Crime
     Categories: Legal history

Hebridean settlement and activity in Ireland, c.1470-1565. Smith, Philip
     M.A., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Dowd, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 1470–1565
     Index terms: Hebridean settlement; Ireland

Local history and identity in a coastal village in E. Sutherland, Scotland: a social anthropological study. Constantinidou, Evi I.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc. Anthr.). Supervised by Chapman, M.K.; James, W.R.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1990
     Index terms: Scotland; Villages; Sutherland

Political society in Cheshire, 1480-1560. Thornton, Timothy J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Haigh, C.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1480–1560
     Index terms: Cheshire
     Categories: Political history

Politics and propaganda in Lancastrian England, 1399-1450. Doig, James A.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Griffiths, R.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1399–1450
     Index terms: Lancastrian house; Propaganda
     Categories: Political history

Sheen Charterhouse from its foundation to its dissolution. Beckett, W. Neil M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Chronological coverage: 1414–1540
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries; Carthusian order; Sheen, Surr., Charterhouse
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The administration of the diocese of London: Bishops William Gray, Robert Fitzhugh and Robert Gilbert, 1426-48. Zadnik, Irene A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1426–1448
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Gilbert, Robert (d.1448),bishop; Fitzhugh, Robert (d.1436), bishop; Gray, William (d. 1436), bishop; London, diocese
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The duchy of Lancaster in the Lancastrian polity, 1399-1461. Castor, Helen R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1399–1461
     Index terms: Lancaster, house of; Lancaster, duchy of
     Categories: Political history

The household knights of Edward I. Ingamells, Ruth L.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, M.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1307
     Index terms: Household, royal; Edward I (1239-1307); Knights, household
     Categories: Administrative history

The late medieval English parish, c.1400-1560. Kumin, Beat A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, P.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1560
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Parishes
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The logistics and organization of English crusade expeditions in the 12th and 13th centuries. Kaner, Ralph A.
     M.Litt., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Lloyd, S.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Crusade expeditions; Crusades
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Mercers' Company of York in the 15th century. Wheatley, Louise R.
     M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, D.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Mercers' Company; York
     Categories: Economic history

The nunneries of London and its environs in the later middle ages. Paxton, Catherine
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1485
     Index terms: London; Nunneries
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The transmission of classical and patristic texts in late Anglo-Saxon and early Norman England. Castles, Nicola J.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Med. Hist.). Supervised by Gratwick, A.S.; Bullough, D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1100
     Index terms: Classical texts; Transmission of texts; Patristic texts
     Categories: Cultural history

Women and the Reformation: social relations and attitudes in England, c.1470-c.1570. Peters, Christine
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Heal, Felicity M.
     Chronological coverage: 1470–1570
     Index terms: Reformation; Women
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 15th Century; 16th Century

Women in the western world: a comparison of Irish, Welsh and Anglo-Saxon society in the early middle ages. Tilford, Abigail J.
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Brett, Caroline J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 450–700
     Index terms: Ireland; Anglo-Saxons; Women; Wales
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women


An historical comparison of garden design and the education of garden designers in Britain and China. Xu, Q.
     Ph.D., Reading.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1990
     Index terms: Education; Gardens; Gardens, in China; Education, in China
     Categories: Asia and Middle East; 11th Century; 12th Century; 13th Century; 14th Century; 15th Century; 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century; 19th Century

An historical study of the Gael and Norse in western Scotland, c.795-c.1000. Jennings, Andrew P.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Bannerman, J.W.M.; Gillies, W.
     Chronological coverage: 795–1000
     Index terms: Scotland; Norse people; Gaels

A Norfolk entrepot: the foreign and inland trade of Great Yarmouth in the 15th century. Adams, Terence R.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, R.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Yarmouth, Great, Norf.; Norfolk; Great Yarmouth, see Yarmouth, Great; Trade; Trade, external
     Categories: Economic history

Archbishop Lanfranc and canon law. Philpott, Mark
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Cowdrey, H.E.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1070–1089
     Index terms: Canon law; Lanfranc (c.1005-1089), archbishop; Church, medieval
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

A socio-economic study of the peasantry in late medieval England. Graham, Helena
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, C.C
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1540
     Index terms: Peasants
     Categories: Social history

A study of the books owned or used by John Grandisson, bishop of Exeter, 1327-69. Steele, Margaret A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Parkes, M.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1369
     Index terms: Grandisson, John (c.1292-1369), bishop; Book collection
     Categories: Cultural history

A study of the impact of imparkment on the social landscape of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, c.1080-1760. Way, H.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hills, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1080–1760
     Index terms: Huntingdonshire; Cambridgeshire; Imparkment; Landscape history; Parks
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Athletic competition in pre-industrial Wales, c.1066-1880. Lile, Emma
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Sports Sc.)
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1880
     Index terms: Sports; Athletic competition; Wales; Leisure

Cookham, Bray and Isleworth hundreds: a study in changing local relations in the middle Thames valley, 1422-1558. Mattingly, Joanna M.
     Ph.D., London. (Goldsmiths Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Jennifer C.
     Chronological coverage: 1422–1558
     Index terms: Isleworth hundred, Mdx.; Bray hundred, Berks.; Cookham hundred, Berks.; Thames valley
     Categories: Local history

English tithes in the late Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman periods. Taylor, Beryl R.
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Denton, J.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1154
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Tithes
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Farming, settlement and the environment oin the western Isles of Scotland, c.800 A.D. to the present day. Entwistle, Jane A.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
     Chronological coverage: 800–1990
     Index terms: Settlement; Farming; Western Isles of Scotland; Scotland; Environment

Gild and parish in late medieval Cambridgeshire, c.1350-1558. Bainbridge, Virginia R.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1558
     Index terms: Gilds; Cambridgeshire; Parishes
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Henley-on-Thames in the later middle ages. Peberdy, Robert B.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, C.V.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1485
     Index terms: Henley-on-Thames, Oxon.
     Categories: Local history

Images of episcopal authority in early Anglo-Saxon England, c.600-c.850 A.D. Coates, Simon J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Stephens, J.N.; Brown, T.S.
     Chronological coverage: 600–850
     Index terms: Church., medieval; Anglo-Saxons; Bishops
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

James Butler, 4th earl of Ormond, and the governing of Lancastrian Ireland, c.1420-1452. Matthew, Elizabeth A.E.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Frame, R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1420–1452
     Index terms: Butler, James (d. 1452),4th earl of Ormond; Ireland; Lancaster, house of

Lincoln, c.850-1100: a study in Anglo-Saxon urban development. Cliff, David
     Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, G.H.; Stafford, Pauline A.; Wright, D.G.
     Chronological coverage: 850–1100
     Index terms: Lincoln; Anglo-Saxons; Urban development; Towns
     Categories: Social history

Loyalty and war in 12th-century England. Meddings, John
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Crouch, D.B.; Loud, G.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: War; Loyalty
     Categories: Political history

Medieval hospitals of England, 1000-1550: an overview. Mawer, Sarah
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Scarisbrick, J.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1550
     Index terms: Hospitals
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Medieval moated sites in Warwickshire. Smyth, Graham P.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, C.C
     Chronological coverage: 900–1400
     Index terms: Warwickshire; Moated sites
     Categories: Historical geography

North Riding manorial courts. Severs, David F.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Sharpe, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 950–1400
     Index terms: Courts, manorial; Yorkshire, North Riding
     Categories: Legal history

Politics and society in Lancashire, 1437-61. Wright, Nicholas J.G.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R.G.
     Chronological coverage: 1437–1461
     Index terms: Lancashire
     Categories: Political history

Public order and law enforcement in England, 1294-1350: the local administration of criminal justice. Musson, Anthony J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1294–1350
     Index terms: Law enforcement; Public order; Local administration, Local government; Criminal justice
     Categories: Legal history

Secular piety and religious life in Lincolnshire between 1483 and 1563: practical manifestations of religious piety, the Reformation and early Tudor government. Ketteringham, John R.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, D.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1483–1563
     Index terms: Piety, secular; Reformation; Local administration, Local government; Church, medieval; Lincolnshire
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Settlement and society in Claverley, Shropshire, c.1000-1460. Brown, Rosalie W.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, C.C
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1460
     Index terms: Claverley, Salop; Settlement
     Categories: Historical geography

The development of the English medieval cathedral shrine. Nilson, Benjamin J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Dobson, R.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Cathedrals; Shrines
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The formation of the Midland honours of Tutbury and Leicester within the earldom, later duchy, of Lancaster, 1265-1330. Dobrowolski, Paula D.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, D.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1265–1330
     Index terms: Leicester, honour of; Lancaster, earldom and duchy of; Tutbury, Staffs., honour of; Midlands
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The idea of innocent martyrdom in medieval England, c.700-1150 A.D. Hayward, Paul A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1150
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Martyrs, Martyrdom
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The nature and function of the manor court, 1350-1700. Saaler, Mary E.
     M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Wendy
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1700
     Index terms: Courts, manorial; Manors
     Categories: Legal history

The Norman frontier in the 12th and early 13th centuries. Power, Daniel J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Holt, James
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1220
     Index terms: Frontiers; Normans
     Categories: Political history

The origins and development of English medieval townhouses operating commercially on two storeys. Harris, Roland B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Biddle, M.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1500
     Index terms: Townhouses
     Categories: Economic history

The place of Eton College and King's College Cambridge in the polity of the Lancastrian monarchy. Selway, Katherine E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Chronological coverage: 1440–1471
     Index terms: Cambridge, King's College; Eton, Bucks., Eton College; Lancaster, house of
     Categories: Cultural history

The religious patronage of the Anglo-Norman aristocracy in England, with special reference to the old English monasteries, 1066-1135. Cownie, Emma F.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Bates, D.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1135
     Index terms: Normans; Aristocracy; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Patronage, ecclesiastical
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The search for salvation: lay faith in Scotland, 1480-1560. Fitch, Audrey-Beth
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Kirk, J.; Duncan, A.A.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1480–1560
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Scotland; Lay faith

The Solway region, A.D. 400-600, and the kingdom of Rheged. Clarkson, Timothy J.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 400–600
     Index terms: Solway region; Rheged, kingdom of; Scotland

The Tailors of London and their guild, c.1300-1500. Davies, Matthew P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.; Rosser, A.G
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Guilds; London; Tailors
     Categories: Economic history

`To boundes of every field and round about their neighbour's lande': a study of the antiquity and evolution of boundaries and settlement units in S. Staffordshire. Finnemore, Terry J.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, H.S.A.
     Chronological coverage: 700–900
     Index terms: Staffordshire; Boundaries; Settlement; Fields
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture


An architectural history of Norwich buildings, c.1200-1700. Smith, Robert J.
     M.Phil., East Anglia. (E. Angl. Stud.). Supervised by Williamson, T.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1700
     Index terms: Norwich; Buildings
     Categories: Cultural history

Aspects of Lincolnshire churches in the 14th century. Alexander, Jennifer S.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Churches; Lincolnshire
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Buildings and patrons: early Gothic architecture in the diocese of Durham, c.1150-c.1300. Cunningham, Jane A.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Kidson, P.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1300
     Index terms: Patrons, architectural; Buildings; Gothic architecture; Architecture; Durham, diocese
     Categories: Cultural history

Crossing the border: a study of the Scottish military offensives against England, c.1369-c.1403. MacDonald, Alastair J.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Simpson, Grant G.
     Chronological coverage: 1369–1403
     Index terms: Scotland, and England; England, and Scotland

Deyville: a family in a century of rebellion. de Ville, Oscar
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Mason, E. Emma
     Chronological coverage: 1215–1322
     Index terms: Deyville family
     Categories: Political history

England and the continent in the 10th and early 11th centuries. Shepherd, Marion
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by King, P.D.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1130
     Index terms: England, and Europe
     Categories: Europe; 500-1000; 11th Century

Fransham: an archaeological and historical study of a parish on the Norfolk boulder clay. Rogerson, Andrew J.G.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (E. Angl. Stud.). Supervised by Williamson, T.M.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1990
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Parishes; Fransham, Norf.; Norfolk boulder clay
     Categories: Local history

Friars and society in late medieval East Anglia: mendicants and their material culture in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, c.1225-1538. Mattich, J.L.W. Vinten
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hills, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1225–1538
     Index terms: East Anglia; Friars; Mendicant order; Cambridgeshire; Norfolk
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Government and politics: London, 1461-83. Tucker, Penelope
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1461–1483
     Index terms: London
     Categories: Political history

Kent and national politics, 1437-1534: the royal affinity and a county elite. Mercer, Malcolm
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 1437–1534
     Index terms: Affinity, royal; Elites; Kent
     Categories: Political history

Lordship and the landscape: a documentary and archaeological study of the honor of Dudley, c.1066-1322. Hunt, John R.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1322
     Index terms: Landscape; Lordship; Dudley, Worcs.
     Categories: Historical geography

Lords, lands and livelihood: a study of the composition and management of the small gentry estate in Kent, c.1246-1348, with particular reference to the lesser lay tenants-in-chief. Everett, Vaughan
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, A.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1246–1348
     Index terms: Tenants-in-chief; Gentry; Kent; Estates
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Medical care in late medieval York. Stell, Philip M.
     M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Sarah R. Rees
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Medicine; York; Medical care
     Categories: Social history

Medieval Coventry: a study in town-plan analysis. Lilley, Keith D.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Slater, T.R.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1400
     Index terms: Coventry, Warwicks.; Towns
     Categories: Historical geography

Medieval settlement and society in the eastern Sussex Weald before 1420. Gardiner, Mark F.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1420
     Index terms: Sussex; Weald; Settlement
     Categories: Historical geography

Old age in England in the later middle ages. Chamings, Matthew P.
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Orme, N.I.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Old age
     Categories: Social history

Personal commemoration in late medieval Suffolk: the deanery of Dunwich, 1370-1547. Middleton-Stewart, Judith M.H.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (E. Angl. Stud.). Supervised by Virgoe, Roger; Martindale, A.H.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1370–1547
     Index terms: Commemoration, personal; Suffolk; Dunwich, Suff., deanery
     Categories: Social history

Religious and intellectual interests at St. Edmund's abbey at Bury and the nature of English Benedictinism, c.1350-1450. Heale, Nicholas J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1450
     Index terms: Benedictine monks, Benedictine order; Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., abbey
     Categories: Cultural history

Religious life for women from the 12th century to the middle of the 14th century, with special emphasis on the English foundations of the order of Fontevraud. Kerr, Berenice M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1350
     Index terms: Fontevraud, Order of; Women; Religious houses
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history

Society and conflict in Barnet, Herts., 1337-1450. Ko, Dong Wook
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1337–1450
     Index terms: Barnet, Herts.
     Categories: Social history

Sources for the study of history in 8th- and 9th-century Northumbria. Turff, Louise F.
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Smyth, A.P.
     Chronological coverage: 700–900
     Categories: Local history

Studies in the early history of Peterborough abbey, 650-1066. Peterson, Colin M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooks, Nicholas P.
     Chronological coverage: 650–1066
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Peterborough, Northants., abbey
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The castles of N. Donegal and their relationship to the landholding structure of the late medieval Gaelic lordships. Loingsigh, M.S.N.
     M.Phil., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Landholding; Castles; Lordships; Donegal, county; Ireland; Gaelic peoples

The character and development of territorial organization in the Midlands in the early middle ages (400-1086): a consideration with special reference to the area of the upper Avon river system. Mitchell-Fox, Patrick T.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bassett, S.R.
     Chronological coverage: 400–1086
     Index terms: Avon river, Midlands; Territorial organization
     Categories: Historical geography

The chronicle of Perth: an historical and archaeological study. Eagles, Jonathan
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, C.J.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1990
     Index terms: Chronicles; Perth

The development of agrarian capitalism in England, c.1450-c.1580. Whittle, Jane C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, R.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1580
     Index terms: Agrarian change, Agrarian development; Capitalism
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The early endowment of Lewes priory, with special reference to its spiritual possessions, c.1077-c.1200. Clarke, Marvin
     M.Phil., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Kemp, Brian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1077–1200
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Lewes, Suss., priory
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The end of Roman rule: Vortigern and the Adventus Saxonum. Bird, Ian R.
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Todd, M.
     Chronological coverage: 410–450
     Index terms: Adventus Saxonum; Vortigern (fl. c.450); Roman empire; Saxons
     Categories: Political history

The import and distribution of silk in 15th-century England. Sorensen, Stephen W.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, P.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Trade; Silk
     Categories: Economic history

The lathe of Lympne: a study of a region of Kent from the 5th to 8th centuries A.D. Richardson, A.F.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff)
     Chronological coverage: 400–700
     Index terms: Lympne, Kent; Kent

The mercery trade and the Mercers' Company of London, from the 1130s to 1348. Sutton, Anne F.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1130–1348
     Index terms: London; Mercers' Company; Trade
     Categories: Economic history

The northern English bishops and the Anglo-Scottish wars, 1286-1357. Ramshaw, Marcus
     M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1286–1357
     Index terms: Scotland; Anglo-Scottish wars; Bishops

The shaping of Cornwall, c.670-c.1140. Armstrong, Frances M.
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Crick, Julia C.
     Chronological coverage: 670–1140
     Index terms: Cornwall
     Categories: Local history

The Speculum Ecclesie of Gerald of Wales: an historical analysis and commentary. Narkiewicz, Stefan A.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Pryce, A. Huw
     Chronological coverage: 1220–1220
     Index terms: Giraldus Cambrensis, see Gerald of Wales; Speculum Ecclesie (Gerald of Wales's); Gerald of Wales (c.1147-c.1223)
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Wanton women? Misogyny and the perception of the wife in Walter Map's De Nugis Curialium. Watts, Jason M.
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Crick, Julia C.
     Chronological coverage: 1182–1192
     Index terms: Women; Map, Walter (c.1140-c.1210); De Nugis Curialium (Walter Map's); Misogyny
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; Cultural history

`Who was then a gentleman?' The East Anglian gentry and the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. Lawrence, Christopher E.A.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1381–1381
     Index terms: East Anglia; Peasants' Revolt (1381); Gentry
     Categories: Social history


An edition of the 1225 Pipe Roll and the early receipt rolls of the Exchequer, 1220-4. Barratt, Nicholas D.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1220–1225
     Index terms: Administration, royal; Receipt Rolls; Pipe Rolls; Exchequer
     Categories: Administrative history

A study of P.R.O., Ches. 25/4 (Palatinate of Chester Indictment Roll, 1354-77). Hill, Phyllis M.
     M.Phil., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Kermode, Jennifer I.; Booth, Paul H.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1354–1377
     Index terms: Indictment roll; Justice; Chester, palatinate
     Categories: Legal history

Brick in Essex from the Roman conquest to c.1540. Ryan, Patricia M.
     M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, Geoffrey H.
     Chronological coverage: 43–1540
     Index terms: Essex; Brick
     Categories: Economic history

Charlemagne and Northumbria: the influence of Francia on Northumbrian politics in the later 8th and early 9th centuries. Story, Joanna E.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 771–814
     Index terms: Charlemagne (c.742-814), Holy Roman Emperor; Francia; Northumbria
     Categories: 500-1000

Church dedications and landed units of lordship and administration in the pre-Reformation diocese of Worcester. Jones, Graham
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, Charles V.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1535
     Index terms: Worcester, diocese; Church dedications; Church, medieval
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Conflict and assimilation: relations between the Celtic and Roman churches, c.600-768. Corning, Caitlin C.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
     Chronological coverage: 600–768
     Index terms: Celtic Church; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Church, medieval
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Conquest and urban consolidation: an investigation into plan development and burgage patterns in Anglo-Norman Ireland. Dargan, Pat
     Ph.D., East London. (Cultural Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Urban development; Burgage patterns; Ireland

John Neville, marquess of Montagu: a re-evaluation of a career during the Wars of the Roses. Morlidge, William D.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Röhrkasten, Jens U.
     Chronological coverage: 1455–1471
     Index terms: Northumberland, earl of, see Neville, John; Montagu, marquess of, see Neville, John; Neville, John (d. 1471),marquess of Montagu and earl of Northumberland; Wars of the Roses (1455-85)
     Categories: Political history

Litigation in the court of exchequer, 1307-50. Trumpbour, J.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Baker, John H.
     Chronological coverage: 1307–1377
     Index terms: Exchequer, court of; Litigation
     Categories: Legal history

Medieval buildings in Westmorland. Lott, Beryl
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, Philip W.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1400
     Index terms: Lordship; Buildings; Westmorland
     Categories: Local history

Medieval legal records as sources for modern historians: coroners and their records in Hampshire and Wiltshire, 1327-99. Smith, Caroline L.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1399
     Index terms: Hampshire; Legal records; Coroners' records; Wiltshire
     Categories: Legal history

Newidiadau sefydliadol a gwleidyddol ddaeryddol yng Ngymru'r oesoedd canol. (Institutional and territorial changes in Wales in the middle ages.). Jones, Rhys A.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Earth Stud.). Supervised by Dodgshorn, Robert A.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1400
     Index terms: Wales

Patronage, priest and parish in the archdeaconry of Huntingdon, 1109-1547. Weale, Colin A.
     Ph.D., Middlesex. (Oak Hill Coll.). Supervised by Harper-Bill, Christopher; Hill, Rosalind M.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1109–1547
     Index terms: Patronage, ecclesiastical; Huntingdon, archdeaconry; Parishes; Church, medieval; Priests; Clergy
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Patterns of progress and social mobility in some Northamptonshire families, c.1460-1560. Rice, Dorothy A.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Daniel T.
     Chronological coverage: 1460–1560
     Index terms: Social mobility; Families; Northamptonshire
     Categories: Social history

Piety, fraternity and power: religious gilds in late medieval Yorkshire. Crouch, David J.F.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Sarah R. Rees
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1540
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Yorkshire; Gilds, religious
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Processes of estate development during the medieval period. Feltham, Victoria L.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Earth Stud.). Supervised by Dodgshorn, Robert A.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1500
     Index terms: Estates
     Categories: Historical geography

Provincial courts and local culture on the Welsh Marches, 1400-1600. Marsh, Deborah
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Richmond, Colin F.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
     Index terms: Courts, provincial; Marches, of Wales; Wales

Royal and comital government and the local community in Cornwall in the 13th century. Page, Mark R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Maddicott, John R.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Local administration; Administration, royal; Cornwall
     Categories: Administrative history

Royal endowment of peerage creations in the reign of Edward III. Bothwell, James S.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Given-Wilson, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1377
     Index terms: Edward III (1312-77), king; Peers, Peerage
     Categories: Political history

Royal finance in the period of baronial reform and rebellion, 1255-70. Collingwood, James A.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1255–1270
     Index terms: Henry III (1216-72), king; Finance, royal; Administration, royal; Crown; Baronial reform
     Categories: Administrative history

Settlement, territory and land use in the E. Midlands: the Langton hundred, c.150 B.C. - A.D. 1350. Bowman, Paul
     M.Phil., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Barker, Graeme W.W.; Fox, Harold S.A.
     Chronological coverage: -150–1350
     Index terms: Land use; Settlement; Langton hundred, Leics.; Midlands
     Categories: Historical geography

Small medieval towns, with special reference to Whitchurch, c.1250-1400. Deveson, Alison M.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1400
     Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Towns; Whitchurch, Hants.
     Categories: Social history

Texts and monuments: a study of ten Anglo-Saxon churches of the pre-Viking period. Pickles, Christopher J.R.
     M.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by James, Edward F.
     Chronological coverage: 500–750
     Index terms: Churches; Anglo-Saxons

The aldermen of Norwich, 1461-1509: a study of a civic elite. Frost, Ruth H.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Dobson, R. Barrie
     Chronological coverage: 1461–1509
     Index terms: Towns; Aldermen; Norwich
     Categories: Local history

The bishops of London and their acta, 1189-1228. Johnson, David P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1189–1228
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Acta, episcopal; London, bishops of
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The bishops of Worcester and their acta, 1218-68. Hoskin, Philippa M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1218–1268
     Index terms: Worcester, bishops of; Acta, episcopal
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The charters of Thoby priory (mid 12th - early 16th century). Cooper, Donna L.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Mason, E. Emma
     Chronological coverage: 1140–1520
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Charters; Thoby, Essex, priory
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Collectio Canonum Hibernensis and its sources. Davies, Luned M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Charles-Edwards, Thomas M.O.
     Chronological coverage: 700–700
     Index terms: Canon law, in Ireland; Collectio Canonum Hibernensis; Ireland

The English court and the restoration of royal prestige, 1327-45. Shenton, Caroline
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, George A.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1345
     Index terms: Edward III (1312-77), king; Court, English royal
     Categories: Administrative history

The Keynsham hundred: a study of the evolution of a N. Somerset estate, 350-1550. Prosser, Lee
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 350–1550
     Index terms: Estates; Keynsham hundred, Som.; Somerset

The location of the Domesday manors in Purleigh, Essex. Potter, Stephen
     M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, Geoffrey H.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1086
     Index terms: Domesday Book; Purleigh, Essex; Manors
     Categories: Historical geography

The medieval frontier in Ireland and Wales: a comparative analysis. Bradley, Helene M.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Earth Stud.). Supervised by Dodgshorn, Robert A.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1500
     Index terms: Frontier, in Wales; Ireland; Frontier, in Ireland; Wales
     Categories: Historical geography

The Order of the Garter, 1348-1461: politics and chivalry in late medieval England. Collins, Hugh E.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Keen, Maurice H.
     Chronological coverage: 1348–1461
     Index terms: Garter, Order of; Chivalry
     Categories: Political history

The poor in 14th-century English society. Moisa, Maria A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, Rodney H.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Poverty
     Categories: Social history

The provision of practical dental treatment in England from the 14th to the mid 18th century. Hargreaves, Anne S.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Derry, John W.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1750
     Categories: Social history

The religious instruction of the laity in late medieval England, with particular reference to the sacrament of the Eucharist. Fraser, Craig J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rubin, Miri E.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1540
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Eucharist; Religious instruction
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Thomas of Bayeux, archbishop of York, 1070-1100. Austin, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1070–1100
     Index terms: York, diocese; Thomas of Bayeux (d. 1100), archbishop; Church, medieval
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Topography and society in Boston, 1086-1400. Mattinson, A.
     M.Phil., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Michael C.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1400
     Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Boston, Lincs.
     Categories: Local history

Women's use of religious literature in late medieval England. Dutton, Anne M.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Religion; Literature, religious; Women
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history

Woods, wolds and groves: the woodland of medieval Warwickshire. Wager, Sarah J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bassett, Steven R.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1500
     Index terms: Warwickshire; Woodland
     Categories: Historical geography


A medieval woodland manor: Hanley Castle, Worcs. Toomey, James P.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1207–1500
     Index terms: Manors; Hanley Castle, Worcs.; Woodland
     Categories: Historical geography

Anglo-Scandinavian settlement in the lower Trent valley, 750-1066 A.D.: settlements, fields and boundaries. Nash, Beryl R.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Unwin, P. Tim H.
     Chronological coverage: 750–1066
     Index terms: Trent valley; Fields; Settlement, Anglo-Scandinavian; Boundaries
     Categories: Historical geography

An investigation into the English language teacher, 1340-1800: a historical perspective. Drennan, N.H.
     M.Phil., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1340–1800
     Index terms: Education (14th-18th cent.); English language

An investigation of ecclesiastical architecture as an historic source for the conversion of Northumbria. Bartley, Elizabeth A.
     M.Litt., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Airlie, Stuart R.; Barrett, John C.
     Chronological coverage: 500–800
     Index terms: Christianity, Christians, medieval; Missions, Christian; Northumbria; Architecture, ecclesiastical
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Bridges and communication in pre-industrial England. Harrison, David F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Stone, Eric
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1700
     Index terms: Communication; Bridges
     Categories: Economic history

Change in relationships between lord and tenants on the manors of Worcester cathedral priory, 1340-90. Hargreaves, Paul V.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1340–1390
     Index terms: Tenants; Lords; Land tenure; Worcester, cathedral; Manors
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Chatteris abbey cartulary: introduction and edition. Breay, M. Claire
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Hist. Res.). Supervised by Greenway, Diana E.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1400
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries; Cartularies; Chatteris, Cambs., abbey
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Church monuments in Norfolk and Norwich before 1850. Finch, Jonathan
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Victor F.G.; Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1850
     Index terms: Norwich, Norf.; Norfolk; Church monuments
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Continuity and change in rural society, c.1400-1600: West Hanney and Shaw (Berks.) and their region. Yates, Margaret H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harvey, Barbara F.; Smith, Richard M.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
     Index terms: Rural society, Rural communities; Shaw, Berks.; Hanney, West, Berks.
     Categories: Social history

Ecologies of power: [the Isle of] Man's changing fortunes in the high middle ages. Russell, Ruth C. Tomkins
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Crick, Julia C.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Man, Isle of
     Categories: Political history

Edward IV and Italy: some aspects of diplomatic relations between the English and the Italian courts. King, Adam
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1461–1483
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Italy; Italy; Edward IV (1442-83), king; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Court, royal

English knighthood in the15th century. Daw, Ben
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Richard G.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Knights, Knighthood
     Categories: Political history

'God's House' at Ewelme. Goodall, John A.
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Crossley, B. Paul
     Chronological coverage: 1437–1450
     Index terms: Suffolk, earl of, see Pole,; Ewelme, Oxf.; Pole, Alice de la (d.1475), countess of Suffolk; Pole, William de la (1396-1450), 4th earl and 1st duke of Suffolk; Patronage, ecclesiastical
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Heterodox and orthodox piety in Tenterden, c.1420-c.1540. Lutton, Robert G.A.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
     Chronological coverage: 1420–1540
     Index terms: Tenterden, Kent; Piety
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Intellectual life at the abbey of St. Albans and the nature of monastic learning in England, c.1350-c.1440. Clark, James G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Catto, R.J.A.I.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1440
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; St. Albans, Herts., abbey
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

'Keeping her in the family': women and gender in Southampton, c.1400-c.1600. Jones, Sian E.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
     Index terms: Women; Southampton, Hants.; Gender; Families
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 16th-17th Century

Land assessment and military organization in the Norse settlements in Scotland, c.900-1266. Williams, D. Gareth E.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Barbara E.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1266
     Index terms: Land assessment; Settlement; Norsemen; Scotland; Military organization

Medieval chapels in Devon. James, Jeanne
     M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Orme, Nicholas I.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1400
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Chapels; Devon
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Mercian hegemony and the Church. Garty, Lisa J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
     Chronological coverage: 757–796
     Index terms: Anglo-Saxons; Church, medieval; Mercia
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Minster churches in the Dorset landscape. Hall, Teresa A.
     M.Phil., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Harold S.A.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1066
     Index terms: Church (medieval); Churches; Minsters; Dorset
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Prophecy and public affairs in later medieval England. Coote, Lesley
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Riddy, Felicity J.; Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1485
     Index terms: Prophecy and public affairs
     Categories: Political history

Raising unruly voices: the laity, the vernacular and the church in late medieval England. Hardwick, Paul
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Lay people, Laity; Vernacular

'Rule of lyf alle folk to sewe': lay responses to the cult of St. Katherine of Alexandria in late medieval England, 1300-1500. Lewis, Katherine J.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Katherine of Alexandria, Saint (4th cent.), cult of; Saints, cult of
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

St. Augustine's abbey, Canterbury: book production in the 10th and 11th centuries. McKee, Helen A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, David N.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1100
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Book-production; Canterbury, Kent, St. Augustine's abbey
     Categories: Cultural history

Territoriality and the territorialization of W. Cornwall. Harvey, David
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Geog.). Supervised by Shaw, Gareth; Gibson, Alex J.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1700
     Index terms: Territoriality, Territorialization; Cornwall
     Categories: Historical geography

The abbey of St. Albans in the 14th century. Perkins, Michelle A.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Taylor, John; Childs, Wendy R.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; St. Albans, Herts., abbey
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Beauchamp earls of Warwick, 1268-1369. Barfield, Sebastian R.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1268–1369
     Index terms: Beauchamp family, earls of Warwick; Warwick, earls of, see Beauchamp family
     Categories: Political history

The bishop of Norwich's crusade, 1383: its origins and participants. Paine, Colin K.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, George A.
     Chronological coverage: 1383–1383
     Index terms: Crusades, Crusaders; Despenser, Henry le (d. 1406), bishop of Norwich; Norwich, bishop of
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The Book of Llandaf in its early 12th-century Cambro-Norman context. Davies, John R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, David N.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1130
     Index terms: 'Book of Llandaf; Wales

The composite manor of Brent: a study of a large wetland-edge estate up to 1350. Harrison, Jem D.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Harold S.A.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1350
     Index terms: Brent, East, Som.; Land tenure; Estates; Wetlands; Manors
     Categories: Historical geography

The crusades and society in the English Midlands, c.1160-1307. Evans, Michael
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Hamilton, Bernard F.; McHardy, Alison K.
     Chronological coverage: 1160–1307
     Index terms: Crusades, Crusaders; Midlands
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The dynamics of urban festal culture in later medieval England. Humphrey, Christopher
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Festal culture; Towns
     Categories: Cultural history

The earls of Chester and their family in Normandy and England from the early 11th century until 1120. Nakamura, Atsuko
     M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Bates, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1120
     Index terms: Anglo-Norman state; Normans
     Categories: Political history

The Eton choirbook: its institutional and historical background. Williamson, Magnus G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Music). Supervised by Caldwell, John A.; Wathey, Andrew B.
     Chronological coverage: 1444–1560
     Index terms: Choirs; Eton College, Berks.; Choirbooks
     Categories: Cultural history

The history of pearl fishing in Ireland. Lucey, John
     M.Phil., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by McAllister, James; John, David S.
     Chronological coverage: 830–1920
     Index terms: Fishing, in Ireland; Pearl fishing, in Ireland; Ireland

The history of semi-natural woodland on Loch Tayside. Stewart, Mhairi
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Whittington, G.W.; Smout, T. Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 500–1995
     Index terms: Scotland; Tay, Loch, Perths.; Woodland
     Categories: Historical geography

The history of the Seagrave family c.1160-1295, with an edition of the calendar of the Seagrave cartulary. Letters, Samantha
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1160–1295
     Index terms: Cartularies; Seagrave family
     Categories: Political history

The impact of the Norman Conquest on the production and procurement of manuscripts in Northumbria, 1066-1166. Lawrence, Anne E.
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Kauffman, Claus M.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1166
     Index terms: Northumbria; Manuscript production; Norman Conquest
     Categories: Cultural history

The Polden Hill manors of Glastonbury abbey: land and people, c.1260-1351. Thompson, Michael G.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Harold S.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1260–1351
     Index terms: Polden Hill, Som.; Manors; Glastonbury, Som., abbey; Land; Land tenure
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

The provisioning of a medieval monastery: Durham cathedral priory's purchases of imported goods, 1464-1520. Threfall-Holmes, Miranda
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Lomas, Richard A.; Britnell, Richard H.
     Chronological coverage: 1464–1520
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic life; Durham, cathedral priory; Trade
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The 'Regula Sancti Benedicti' in late Anglo-Saxon England: the manuscripts and their readers. Jayatilaka, Rohinie A.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wormald, C. Patrick
     Chronological coverage: 900–1100
     Index terms: Rule of St. Benedict; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic life; Anglo-Saxons; `Regula Sancti Benedicti'
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The rise of chantry space in England, c.1260-c.1400. Boldrick, Stacy
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1260–1400
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Chantries

The role of format and layout of texts in cultural and textual historical research: case studies in manuscripts written or owned in England before 1100. Nix, L.K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1100
     Index terms: Textual historical research; Manuscripts
     Categories: Cultural history

The status of women in Anglo-Saxon Mercia from the 7th to the 11th century. Pyle, Claire E.
     M.Phil., Nottingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1066
     Index terms: Mercia; Anglo-Saxons; Women
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women

'Through a glass darkly': the biography of a Domesday landscape - the nova foresta. Mew, Karen A.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Astill, Grenville G.; Curry, Anne E.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1400
     Index terms: Landscape; New Forest, Hants.; Domesday Book (1086); Forests
     Categories: Historical geography

Towards the banneret: studies in Midland society, 1150-1300. Dace, Richard
     M.Phil., Leeds. (Scarborough Univ. Coll.: Hum.). Supervised by Loud, Graham A.; Crouch, David B.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1300
     Index terms: County society; Midlands; Bannerets
     Categories: Social history

Women and the monastic life in late medieval Yorkshire. Macdonald, Anna C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Maddicott, John R. L.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1540
     Index terms: Women; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Yorkshire
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 15th Century; 16th Century

Women of the church in early medieval Ireland, c.450-1150. Harrington, Christina W.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Wendy E.
     Chronological coverage: 450–1150
     Index terms: Ireland; Church, medieval; Women
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history


Adam of Buckfield and the natural philosophy of the early universities. French, Edmund J.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Denley, Peter R.
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1300
     Index terms: Education (medieval); Universities; Aristotelianism; Adam of Buckfield (c.1300)
     Categories: Cultural history

A late 14th-century service book: the historiated and inhabited initials of the Great Missal (c.1383-4) of Abbot Nicholas de Litlyngton. East, Douglas
     M.Phil., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, Geoffrey H.
     Chronological coverage: 1383–1384
     Index terms: Missal, Great (Nicholas de Litlyngton's); Nicholas de Litlyngton (c.1316-1386), abbot of Westminster; Service books; Westminster, abbey; London, see also Westminster
     Categories: Cultural history

An analysis of the Anglo-Saxon charters of the New Minster, Winchester. Miller, Sean M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Keynes, Simon D.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1050
     Index terms: Charters; Winchester, New Minster; Anglo-Saxons
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Artistic patronage by women in England during the reigns of Henry III and three Edwards, c.1216-1377. Gee, Loveday E. Talbot
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Crossley, B. Paul
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1377
     Index terms: Women; Patronage, artistic; Art
     Categories: 13th Century; 14th Century; Gender and Women; Cultural history

A social interpretation of the castle in Scotland. Rutherford, Allan G.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Strickland, Matthew J.; Huggett, Jeremy W.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1600
     Index terms: Castles, in Scotland; Scotland

Aspects of Anglo-Saxon history in the E. Midlands, with special reference to the lower Soar valley. Rollings, Anthony B.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, Charles V.
     Chronological coverage: 500–800
     Index terms: Anglo-Saxons; Midlands
     Categories: Political history

Aspects of dynastic kingship in early medieval Ireland. Irwin, Philip T.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Charles-Edwards, Thomas M.O.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Index terms: Dynastic kingship, in Ireland; Ireland; Kingship, in Ireland

Class and the social transformation of a late medieval small town: Lydd, c.1450-1550. Dimmock, Spencer
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1550
     Index terms: Urban development; Class, social; Lydd, Kent
     Categories: Social history

Community and neighbourhood in medieval society: a local study in Cambridgeshire. Parkin, Katherine E.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, Charles V.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1400
     Index terms: Cambridgeshire; Neighbourhood; Community
     Categories: Social history

Creating communities: elites, ideology and literature in 9th- and 10th-century Ireland. Johnston, Elva B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sharpe, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 800–1100
     Index terms: Literature, Irish; Elites, Irish; Community; Ireland

Crown, magnates and gentry: the English parliament, 1369-1421. Dodd, Gwilym J.A.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1369–1421
     Index terms: Gentry; Magnates; Crown; Parliament
     Categories: Political history

Families, farming and faith: a study of two parishes in N. Yorkshire, c.1300-1750. Fox, Dorothy E.
     M.Phil., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, Charles V.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1750
     Index terms: Whitby, N.R. Yorks.

Family, followers and friends: the socio-political dynamics of the Anglo-Norman aristocracy, 1100-1204. Meddings, John P.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Crouch, David B.; Loud, Graham A.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1204
     Index terms: Families; Anglo-Norman aristocracy; Aristocracy

Gilds and the parish community in late medieval East Anglia, c.1470-1550. Farnhill, Kenneth S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Eamon
     Chronological coverage: 1470–1550
     Index terms: Parishes; East Anglia; Gilds
     Categories: Economic history

Image and reality: the lives of aristocratic women in early Tudor England. Rowley-Williams, Jennifer A.
     Ph.D., Wales (Bangor). (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Loades, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1547
     Index terms: Aristocrats; Women
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Social history; 15th Century; 16th Century

John Fynderne of Findern, Derbyshire: an Exchequer official of the early 15th century, his circle and Lollard connections. Jurkowski, Maureen J.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Richmond, Colin F.
     Chronological coverage: 1390–1420
     Index terms: Findern, Derbs.; Fynderne, John (fl. 1390-1420); Exchequer; Lollards, Lollardy

John Fynderne of Findern, Derbyshire: an Exchequer official of the early fifteenth century, his circle and Lollard connections. Jurkowski, Maureen J.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Richmond, Colin F.
     Chronological coverage: 1390–1420
     Index terms: Findern, Derbs.; Fynderne, John (fl. 1390-1420); Exchequer; Lollards, Lollardy

Knights and knighthood in early 13th-century England. Faulkner, Kathryn H.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1216
     Index terms: John (1167-1216), king; Counties; Knights
     Categories: Administrative history

Landed society in Cumberland and Westmorland, c.1440-1485: the politics of the Wars of the Roses. Booth, Peter W.N.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Daniel T.
     Chronological coverage: 1440–1485
     Index terms: Landed society; Westmorland; Cumberland; Wars of the Roses (1455-85)
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Literacy, culture and social structures in 15th-century towns in Kent. Merry, Mark L.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Social structures; Kent, Literacy; Towns
     Categories: Social history

Manorial courts in England before 1250. Stocks, Katharine J.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Britnell, Richard H.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1250
     Index terms: Manorial records; Manors
     Categories: Social history; Economic history; Agriculture

Memorials and commemoration in the parish churches of late medieval York. Barnett, Clara M.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Norton, E. Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Commemoration; Memorials; Parish churches; Churches; York
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Middle English romance, attitudes to kingship and political crisis, c.1272-c.1350. Lucas, Karen
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1350
     Index terms: Middle English; Kingship
     Categories: Political history

Monastic and secular religion and devotional reading in late medieval Dartford and W. Kent. Lee, Paul J.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Kent; Reading, devotional; Dartford, Kent; Devotional reading; Religion
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Monasticism in 7th-century Neustria and Northumbria: a comparative study of the monasteries of Chelles, Jouarre, Monkwearmouth-Jarrow and Whitby. Charmantier, Isabelle R. Odile
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 600–700
     Index terms: Chelles; Northumbria; Jouarre; Neustria; Monasteries, Monasticism; Monkwearmouth-Jarrow; Whitby

Nec silentio praetereundum: the significance of the miraculous in the Anglo-Saxon church in the time of Bede. Hustler, Jonathan R.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 693–735
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Bede, the Venerable (c.673-735); Miracles
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

Patronage and ambition: material culture and the English aristocracy in the late middle ages. Rock, Vivienne D.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Virgoe, Roger
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1520
     Index terms: Material culture; Aristocracy

Popular religion in late medieval Buckinghamshire: a case study of the parishes of Aylesbury, Amersham, Chesham and Great Missenden, 1480-1650. Cowper, Marcus
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1480–1560
     Index terms: Chesham, Bucks.; Amersham, Bucks.; Aylesbury, Bucks.; Buckinghamshire; Great Missenden, Bucks.; Popular religion; Parishes

Royal finance and politics in England, 1450-5. Smith, William
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Richard G.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1455
     Index terms: Henry VI (1421-71), king; Finance, royal; Administration, royal
     Categories: Administrative history

Rural industry in late medieval Norfolk. Butcher, Matthew D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Campbell, James; Smith, Richard M.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Norfolk; Rural industry; Industry
     Categories: Economic history

'She is but a wommann': the queen and princess in Scotland, 1424-63. Downie, Fiona A.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Ditchburn, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1424–1463
     Index terms: Princesses; Queens; Women; Scotland

Society, government and power in the lordship of Blakemere, N. Shropshire, c.1350-c.1420. Bumpus, Francesca B.G.
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Llinos O.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1420
     Index terms: Blakemere, Salop; Lordship
     Categories: Local history

Some aspects of the knightly household of Richard II. Mitchell, Shelagh M.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Gillingham, John B.
     Chronological coverage: 1377–1399
     Index terms: Knights; Richard II (1367-1400), king; Household, royal
     Categories: Administrative history

The 15th-century stewards' books of Southampton. Thick, Anne
     Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Platt, Colin P.S.; James, Thomas B.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Stewards' books; Southampton, Hants.; Towns
     Categories: Local history

The administration of the ulnage and subsidy on woollen cloth between 1394 and 1485, with a case study of Hampshire. Merrick, Phoebe H.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
     Chronological coverage: 1394–1485
     Index terms: Hampshire; Woollen industry; Subsidy, on woollen cloth; Ulnage; Taxation
     Categories: Administrative history

The Anglo-Saxon charters of Exeter: an edition and commentary. Insley, Charles L.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Chaplais, Pierre T.V.M.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1013
     Index terms: Anglo-Saxons; Charters; Exeter, Devon
     Categories: Political history

The archaeology of Middle Saxon England: the evidence of Lincolnshire and Hampshire compared. Ulmschneider, Katharina U.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eur. Archaeol.). Supervised by Biddle, Martin
     Chronological coverage: 500–1066
     Index terms: Hampshire; Lincolnshire; Saxons
     Categories: Political history

The British Church and Anglo-Saxon expansion: the evidence of saints' cults. Wakeford, Mark R.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 650–800
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Anglo-Saxons; Saints
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The clerical population of the province of York: an edition of the clerical poll tax enrolments, 1377-81. Mackie, F. Peter
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1377–1381
     Index terms: Poll tax (1377-81); York, province; Clergy; Population
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The custumals of the Cinque Ports, c.1290-c.1500: studies in the cultural production of the urban record. Croft, Justin P.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
     Chronological coverage: 1290–1500
     Index terms: Towns; Cinque Ports; Custumals
     Categories: Local history

The development of local government in Reading, 1125-1998. Oliver, Simon J.
     M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1125–1998
     Index terms: Local administration, Local government; Reading, Berks.

The Dinham family in the later middle ages. Kleineke, Hannes
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Saul, Nigel E.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Families, Family; Dinham family

The Dominicans in Scotland, 1450-1560. Foggie, Janet P.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Dickson, M. Gary; Lynch, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1560
     Index terms: Dominican order; Church, medieval; Friars preachers; Scotland

The emergence of leper-houses in medieval England, 1100-1250. Satchell, A.E. Maximillian
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pelling, Margaret H.; Rubin, Miri E.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1250
     Index terms: Leper houses

The governorship of the 1st duke of Albany. Hunt, Karen J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Boardman, Steven I.; Lynch, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1389–1420
     Index terms: Stewart, Robert (c.1340-1420), 1st duke of Albany; Albany, 1st duke of, see Stewart, Robert; Scotland

The household and military retinue of Edward the Black Prince. Green, David S.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Michael C.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1345–1376
     Index terms: Black Prince, see Edward; Edward, prince of Wales (1330-76), called 'the Black Prince'; Retainers, Retaining

The influence of educational qualifications and social networking on careers in the church: prosopographical study of Scottish clerical supplicants to the papal curia (mentioned in the Registra Supplicationum) between 1470 and 1500. Williamson, Eila
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Brown, David E.
     Chronological coverage: 1470–1500
     Index terms: Registra Supplicationum (papal); Social networking; Education (medieval); Papacy; Clergy; Scotland; Papal curia

The London Charterhouse in the later middle ages. Wines, Andrew R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Eamon
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1540
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Carthusian order; London, Charterhouse
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The medieval maiden: young womanhood in late medieval England. Phillips, Kim M.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Girls; Women
     Categories: Social history

The Nevilles and the political establishment in north-eastern England, 1377-1413. Arvanigian, Mark E.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Britnell, Richard H.
     Chronological coverage: 1377–1413
     Index terms: Neville family

Theoretical approaches to early medieval migration. Trafford, Simon J.P.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine R.E.; Carver, Martin O.H.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Index terms: Migration, in England
     Categories: Historical geography

The origins, rise and decline of free mining customs in England and North Wales: a legal standpoint. Tew, David
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Palmer, Marilyn
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1500
     Index terms: Free mining customs; Miners, Mining; Wales
     Categories: Economic history

The Philomena of John Bradmore and its Middle English derivative: a perspective on surgery in late medieval England. Lang, Sheila J.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Simone C.
     Chronological coverage: 1379–1420
     Index terms: Surgery, late medieval; Philomena (John Bradmore's); Bradmore, John (fl.1415)

The political development of Ulster and the lordship of the Isles, 1394-1499. Kingston, Simon M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wormald, Jenny
     Chronological coverage: 1394–1499
     Index terms: Lordship of the Isles; Ulster; Ireland

The Premonstratensian order in late medieval England. Gribbin, Joseph A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lovatt, Roger W.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1540
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Premonstratensian order
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The principality and lordship of Powys Wenwynwyn in the 13th century. Hogan, Christopher M.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Walker, Simon K.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1414
     Index terms: Powys, princes of; Wales

The role of the hospital in medieval Kent, c.1080-1560. Sweetinburgh, Sheila M.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
     Chronological coverage: 1080–1560
     Index terms: Medicine; Hospitals, medieval; kent

Thomas Tropenell esq.: a local lawyer, the gentry and estate creation. Taylor, Frederick C.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1425–1488
     Index terms: Tropenell, Thomas (c.1405-1488); Lawyers; Gentry; Estates

Typological interpretation and illustration of the English psalters, c.1150-1250. Panayotova, Stela D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1250
     Index terms: Psalters
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history


An analysis of monastic foundation in East Anglia c.650-1200. Pestell, Timothy
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Gilchrist, Roberta L.
     Chronological coverage: 650–1200
     Index terms: Monastic foundation; East Anglia

An edition of the cartulary of the collegiate church of St. Mary, Warwick. Fonge, Charles R.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1088–1501
     Index terms: St. Mary's, Warwick; Cartulary

Anglo-Saxon perceptions of the Arabs, Ismaelites and Saracens. Beckett, Katharine L. Scarfe
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1013
     Index terms: Ismaelites; Arabs; Anglo-Saxons; Saracens

Aristocratic and noble women and power in the 12th-century Anglo-Norman realm. Johns, Susan M.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Bates, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Aristocrats, Aristocracy; Anglo-Norman realm
     Categories: 12th Century; Gender and Women; Cultural history

Artists, patrons and the sequence of production in the Ormesby psalter (Oxford Bodleian Library Ms Douce 366). Law-Turner, Frederica
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Crossley, B. Paul; Lowden, John H.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1350
     Index terms: Patrons, Patronage; Artists; Ormesby psalter

A study of the extent to which existing native religious society helped to shape Scotland's reformed monastic community, 1070-1286. Veitch, Kenneth
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Lynch, Michael; Bannerman, John W.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Monasteries, Monasticism; Scotland

A study of the history of Longton. Perry, Harold
     M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1990
     Index terms: Longton, Staffs.

At the sygne of the cardynalles hat: the book trade and the market for books in Yorkshire, c.1450-1550. Gee, Stacey S.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1550
     Index terms: Books, book trade; Yorkshire

'At the sygne of the cardynalles hat': the book trade and the market for books in Yorkshire, c.1450-1550. Gee, Stacey S.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1550
     Index terms: Books, book trade; Yorkshire

Courts and the community in the 14th century: reconstructing the peasant society of Wisbech Hundred, Cambridgeshire, from manor court rolls. Parkin, Katharine
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, Charles V.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Wisbech Hundred, Cambridgeshire; Peasants, Peasant society; Court rolls; Law; Manor courts; Community; Courts, law

Culture and pious patronage in late medieval Yorkshire: the testament of Henry, Lord Scrope of Masham (1415). Hanen, Sharon A.
     M.Phil., Leeds. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1415–1415
     Index terms: Yorkshire; Testaments; Patronage, pious; Scrope, Henry le (1376?-1415), 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham; Culture

Economic and social aspects of three Wealden manors in the rape of Hastings during the 15th and into the 16th century. Taylor, Brian
     M.Phil., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Davis, Virginia G.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Weald, East Sussex; Manors; Hastings, East Sussex

England and the empire, 1216-72: Anglo-German relations during the reign of Henry III. Weiler, Björn
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1272
     Index terms: Empire

England and the Empire, 1216-72. Weiler, Björn
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1272
     Index terms: Empire

English queenship, 1445-1503. Chamberlayne, Joanna L.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Riddy, Felicity J.; Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1445–1503
     Index terms: Queenship, medieval

Fine table linen in England, 1450-1750: ownership and use of a luxury commodity. Mitchell, David M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Harte, Negley B.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1750
     Index terms: Standard of living; Luxury commodities; Table linen

'For circumstances must dictate the proper means': a study in the history of logistics with special reference to 13th-century England. Vaughn, Mark
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Curry, Anne E.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Logistics

Gender and religious guidance in the 12th century. Bos, Elisabeth K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Van Houts, Elisabeth M.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Religion; Gender

Godsfield preceptory and its cartulary. Beard, Felicity
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1397–1397
     Index terms: Godsfield preceptory, Hants.; Cartulary

Guildhalls and social identity in late medieval and early modern York, c.1350-1630. Giles, Katherine
     D.Phil., York.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1630
     Index terms: Guildhalls, in York; York

Images of Jews in medieval Scotland and England. Jackson, Fraser A
     M.Sc., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1290
     Index terms: Jews, medieval; Scotland

Kennedy kindred, 1346-1576, in Carrick and S.W. Scotland and the influence of Gaelic society. Simmons, John
     Ph.D. - suspended, Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Boardman, Steven I.; Lynch, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1346–1576
     Index terms: Scotland; Kennedy kindred; Carrick; Gaelic society

Landed society and locality in Gloucestershire, c.1240-1280. Mullan, John
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Coss, Peter R.
     Chronological coverage: 1240–1280
     Index terms: Gloucestershire; Landed society

Landownership and land use in the Domesday manors of the Fylde, c.1000-c.1700. Marshall, Brian
     M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Mullett, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1700
     Index terms: Domesday; Manors; Fylde, manors in

Landownership, landscape and communities in the forest of Macclesfield from the 14th century to the 20th. Kemsley, Rachel M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Christopher P.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1990
     Index terms: Landownership; Landscape; Community; Macclesfield, Ches.; Forest

Lincolnshire women in the 13th century. Wilkinson, Louise J.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.; Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Women; Lincolnshire
     Categories: 13th Century; Local and regional history; Gender and Women

Literary and political culture in Wales and the English border country, 1300-1975. O'Rourke, Jason
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1475
     Index terms: Wales; Political culture, in Wales; Literary culture, in Wales

Lordship and the growth of Coventry, 1043-1355. Goddard, Richard M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1043–1355
     Index terms: Lordship, medieval; Coventry,

Medieval English medicine and the law, 11th-15th centuries. Porter, Elizabeth
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Simone C.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Law, and medicine; Medicine

Monastic estates of Amounderness 1066-1540: their extent and contribution to the agricultural development of the area. Marshall, Bernard B.
     M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Mullett, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1540
     Index terms: Fylde, manors in; Domesday; Manors

Monasticism in 7th-century Neustria and Northumbria: a comparative study of Chelles, Jouarre, Monkwearmouth-Jarrow and Whitby. Charmantier, Isabelle R. Odile
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 600–700
     Index terms: Northumbria; Neustria; Chelles; Monasteries, Monasticism; Jouarre; Monkwearmouth-Jarrow; Whitby

Native Welsh military institutions, c.623-1283. Davies, Sean
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Jones, J. Gwynfor
     Chronological coverage: 623–1283
     Index terms: Military institutions, in Wales; Wales

Norse castles in Orkney. Grieve, Sarah J.
     M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cowan, Edward J.; Morris, Christopher D.
     Chronological coverage: 950–1200
     Index terms: Scotland; Norse; Orkney; Castles, Norse

Perceptions of lawlessness: the contribution of the honour of Leicester to crime and lawlessness between 1260 and 1360 and its bearing on the ballad literature of the period. Bates, Kathryn J.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Housley, Norman J.
     Chronological coverage: 1260–1360
     Index terms: Midlands; Ballads, medieval; Crime; Lancaster, earldom

Perceptions of lawlessness: the contribution of the Midland honours of the earldom of Lancaster to crime and lawlessness between 1260 and 1360 and its bearing on the ballad literature of the period. Bates, Kathryn J.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Housley, Norman J.
     Chronological coverage: 1260–1360
     Index terms: Midlands; Ballads, medieval; Crime; Lancaster, earldom

Propaganda, allegiance and sedition in the Tudor South-West, c.1497-1570. Cooper, John P.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Clifford S.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1497–1570
     Index terms: Sedition; Propaganda

Reconstructing women's lives and networks: evidence from late medieval wills. Turner, Colette
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1370–1520
     Index terms: Women; Wills, medieval
     Categories: Gender and Women; Legal history

Rituals of royalty: prescription, politics and practice in English coronation and royal funeral rituals, c.1327-c.1485. Burden, Joel F.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Richard; Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1485
     Index terms: Ritual, funeral; Coronation ritual; Ritual, coronation; Funeral ritual

Roman buildings in the middle ages in Britain. Eaton, Timothy D.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Fulford, Michael G.; Astill, Grenville G.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1500
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Roman buildings

Saints' shrines and miracle narratives in 12th-century southern England: negotiating communities. Yarrow, Simon S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Miracle narratives; Shrines; Saints

The 11th- and 12th-century parish church in Lincolnshire: architecture, wealth and patronage. Richards, Catherine H.M.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, Philip W.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
     Index terms: Lincolnshire; Patrons; Churches; Saxo-Normans

The 14th-century sheriff: English local administration in the late middle ages. Gorski, Richard C.
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ayton, Andrew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Sheriffs; Local administration, Local government

The appropriation of meaning: an examination of Roman stones re-used in an Anglo-Saxon context. Catling, Joanne E.
     M.A., Durham. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1000
     Index terms: Stones, Roman; Anglo-Saxons; Roman empire

The cartulary of Godsfield and Baddesley preceptory. Beard, Felicity A.
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1397–1397
     Index terms: Godsfield preceptory, Hants.; Cartulary

The cult of the Holy Name of Jesus in late medieval England, with special reference to the fraternity in St. Paul's Cathedral, c.1450-1558. New, Elizabeth A.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1558
     Index terms: Fraternities; St. Paul's cathedral; Holy Name of Jesus, cult of the; Religious cults

The cult of the Holy Name of Jesus, with special reference to the fraternity in St. Paul's Cathedral, c.1450-1558. New, Elizabeth A.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1558
     Index terms: Fraternities; St. Paul's cathedral; Religious cults; Holy Name of Jesus, cult of the

The De Verdun family in England, Ireland and Wales, 1066-1316: a study. Hagger, Mark
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1316
     Index terms: Ireland; Family, Families; De Verdun family; Wales

The Durham mint: the control, organization, profits and output of an ecclesiastical mint. Allen, Martin R.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1080–1541

The early history of Galloway and Dumfries. Crowe, Christopher
     Ph.D., Manchester Metropolitan. (Hist.). Supervised by Ling, Lesley A.
     Chronological coverage: 605–1000
     Index terms: Galloway and Dumfries; Scotland

The endowment and disendowment of lay magnates in England and the Welsh Marches, 1396-1408. Dunn, Alastair J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1396–1408
     Index terms: Wales; Marches; Magnates, lay

The English Knights Hospitaller, 1468-1540. O'Malley, Gregory J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1468–1540
     Index terms: Hospitallers

The English royal tapestry collection, 1485-1547. Campbell, Thomas
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld)
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1547
     Index terms: Tapestry collection, royal

The forest eyre, 1154-1368. Winters, Jane F.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1154–1307
     Index terms: Forest eyre

The foundation and functions of perpetual chantries in the diocese of Norwich, c.1250-1547. Ward, Rachel E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Eamon
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1547
     Index terms: Norwich, diocese; Chantries
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The history and development of the law of partition between co-owners of land. Conway, Heather A.
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Law). Supervised by Dowling, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1996

The kingship of David II, 1329-71. Penman, Michael
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Norman A.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1329–1371
     Index terms: Kingship; David II (1324-71), king of Scotland; Scotland

The Legh of Booths charters: medieval and early modern Cheshire society. Harris, Simon J.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Studd, J. Robin
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1700
     Index terms: Charters; Legh family; Chershire; Booths, Ches.

The Legh of Booths muniments, c.1280-1808: the study of a Cheshire family through its archive. Harris, Simon J.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Studd, J. Robin
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1808
     Index terms: Booths, Ches.; Chershire; Legh family; Charters
     Categories: 14th Century; 15th Century; 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century;

The Lincolnshire gentry and the Wars of the Roses. Mackman, Jonathan S.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1455–1485
     Index terms: Gentry; Lincolnshire; Wars of the Roses (1455-85)

The Lovells of Titchmarsh: an English baronial family, 1297-1485. Simon, Monika E.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1297–1485
     Index terms: Family, Families; Lovell family, of Titchmarsh; Titchmarsh, Northants.

The management of resources on the demesne farms of Wisbech Barton, 1314-1430. Stone, David J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hatcher, M. John
     Chronological coverage: 1314–1430
     Index terms: Demesne farms; Wisbech Barton; Hinderclay, Suff.

The management of the mobilization of English armies from Edward I to Edward III. Kaner, Ralph A.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1377
     Index terms: Mobilization; Armies; Edward III (1327-77), king; Edward I (1239-1307), king; Edward II (1307-27), king

The military retinue of the Black Prince. Green, David S.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Michael C.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1345–1376
     Index terms: Black Prince, see Edward; Edward, prince of Wales (1330-76), called 'the Black Prince'; Retainers, Retaining

Theory of names according to John Duns Scotus: a study in 13th-century semantics. Sheppard, J. Andrew
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Makin, Stephen A.R.; Luscombe, David E.
     Chronological coverage: 1290–1308
     Index terms: Duns Scotus, John (1266-1308); Semantics

The personnel of English and Welsh castles, 1272-1422. Rickard, John
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ayton, Andrew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1422
     Index terms: Wales; Castles

The political role of the three estates in parliament and general council in Scotland, 1424-88. Tanner, Roland J.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Norman A.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1424–1488
     Index terms: Estates in parliament; Scotland

The town of Reading, c.1200-1542. Rixon, Peter D.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, Gervase
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1542
     Index terms: Reading, Berks.

The use and reception of forged documents in 15th-century England. Hiatt, Alfred C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Forged documents

The veray registre of trouthe: the content, function and character of the civil registers of London and York, c.1274-c.1482. O'Brien, Deborah J.S.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Jones, Sarah R. Rees; Havely, Nicholas R.
     Chronological coverage: 1274–1482
     Index terms: Civil registers; York; London

Urban communities and the Crown: relations between Bristol, York and the royal government, 1350-1400. Liddy, Christian D.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1400
     Index terms: Government, royal; Bristol; York; Bristol; Community

Wiltshire minster parochiae and ecclesiastical organization in Anglo-Saxon Wessex. Pitt, Jonathan
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Index terms: Wiltshire; Parishes; Wessex


A 12th-century book collection: Llanthony abbey. Bennett, Kirsty
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Gameson, Richard G.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Wales; Llanthony abbey, Wales; Books

Aristocratic and noble women in the 12th-century Anglo-Norman realm. Johns, Susan M.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Bates, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Aristocrats, Aristocracy; Anglo-Norman realm
     Categories: Gender and Women; 12th Century

Aristocratic society in Herefordshire and the Middle March, 1166-1246. Holden, Brock W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R. Rees
     Chronological coverage: 1166–1246
     Index terms: Aristocracy; Middle March; Herefordshire

Attitudes to old age and ageing in medieval England. Cummins, Josephine
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Kennedy, Michael J.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1500
     Index terms: Age, Ageing

Churches and patrons in Saxo-Norman Lincolnshire. Richards, Catherine
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, Philip W.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1100
     Index terms: Lincolnshire; Patrons; Churches; Saxo-Normans

Crown and community in Essex, c.1066-c.1189. Titterington, David J.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Canterbury Christ Church: Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, Nicholas C.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1189
     Index terms: Community; Crown; Essex

Divided Gaels. Gaelic Scotland and Gaelic Ireland, 1200-1650: perceptions and connections. McLeod, Wilson C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1650
     Index terms: Ireland, Gaelic; Scotland, Gaelic; Gaels

Dramatic ritual and preaching in late Anglo-Saxon England. Bedingfield, M. Bradford
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1066

Hermits, hagiography and popular culture: a comparative study of Durham cathedral priory's hermits in the 12th century. Alexander, Dominic D.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Thacker, Alan T.; Bolton, Brenda
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Durham cathedral priory; Popular culture; Church, medieval; Hagiography; Hermits; Religion

Landscape of lordship: the landscape context of Castles in Norfolk, 1066-1506. Liddiard, Robert E.
     M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1506
     Index terms: Castles, Norman; Lordship; Countryside; Normans

Landscapes in the southern Welsh Marches: the evidence of the charter collections of Llandaff and Worcester. Hurley, Christopher
     M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Wendy E.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1100
     Index terms: Charter collection; Llandaff, Wales; Wales; Marches; Worcester, Worcs.; Landscape

Law and society in later Anglo-Saxon England. Boire-Hoffman, Gail R.
     M.Sc., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1066
     Index terms: Law, Anglo-Saxon; Anglo-Saxons

Leinster, S. Wales, Bristol and Angevin politics, 1135-72: some influences on the earliest English in Ireland. Cottrell, John
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Smith, Brendan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1135–1172
     Index terms: Wales, South; Bristol; Leinster, Ireland; Angevin politics; Ireland

'Libellus de rebus gestis Glastoniensibus', attributed to Adam of Damerham, a monk of Glastonbury, edited with introduction and critical notes. Standen, David C.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1291
     Index terms: Adam of Damerham (d. 1291); Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Libellus de rebus gestis Glastoniensibus; Glastonbury, Somerset

Livery collars on late medieval English church monuments: a survey of the south-western counties and some suggestion for further study. Friar, Stephen N.St.J.
     M.Phil., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Platt, Colin S.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Church monuments; Livery collars

Lordship and township in Durham, 1388-1406. Larson, Peter L.
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Britnell, Richard H.
     Chronological coverage: 1388–1406
     Index terms: Durham, county; Townships; Lordship

Monastic hospitality: the English Benedictines, c.1070-c.1245. Kerr, Julie
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Hudson, John G.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1070–1245
     Index terms: Benedictines; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Hospitality, monastic

Monks and markets: Durham cathedral priory, 1460-1520. Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Lomas, Richard A.; Britnell, Richard H.
     Chronological coverage: 1460–1520
     Index terms: Durham; Markets; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Durham cathedral priory

Personal names of women in Wales, Cornwall and Brittany, 400-1400. Cane, Meredith
     M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
     Chronological coverage: 400–1400
     Index terms: Cornwall; Wales; Women; Names, women's; Brittany; France
     Categories: Gender and Women

Provision for music in the parish church in London. Lloyd, Richard G.C.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Music). Supervised by Wathey, Andrew B.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Parish churches; London; Music

Reading liturgical practice at Westminster abbey in the late middle ages. Shaw, Alan T.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Music). Supervised by Wathey, Andrew B.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Westminster abbey; Liturgical practice; Church

Royal regulation of the substance of subjects' bargains, 1272-1399. Seabourne, Gwen C.
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Wei, Ian P.; Smith, Brendan
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1399
     Index terms: Trade regulation, royal

Secular political structures in Southumbria in the first half of the 9th century. Featherstone, Peter J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 800–850
     Index terms: Political structures, in Southumbria; Southumbria

Settlement and landscape change in S.W. Cheshire. Vipond, Prue
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Davey, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 450–1000
     Index terms: Landscape; Settlement

Swein Forkbeard's invasions of England. Howard, Ian
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Eng.). Supervised by Rumble, Alex R.
     Chronological coverage: 991–1014
     Index terms: Swein Forkbeard (d. 1014); Denmark

The Brus family in England and Scotland, 1100-c.1290. Blakely, Ruth M.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1290
     Index terms: Scotland; Brus family

The construction of the Saxon shore forts: an economic and contextual study. Pearson, Andrew
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1000
     Index terms: Forts, Anglo-Saxon; Anglo-Saxons

The development of the wetland vegetation of the Broadland region: a study of the sociohistorical factors which have influenced and modified the development of fen vegetation in Broadland. Parmenter, Joanne M.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 900–1900
     Index terms: Broadland Fens; Wetland vegetation; Fenland, Fens

The Essex gentry, 1381-1450. Starr, Christopher R.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Harold S.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1381–1450
     Index terms: Essex; Gentry

The financial relationship between the London merchant community and Edward III, 1327-77. Axworthy, Roger L.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1377
     Index terms: Finance; Merchants, London; Edward III (1327-77), king; London

The formation of urban elites: civic officials in late medieval York, 1476-1525. Carpenter, Charlotte E.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Jones, Sarah R. Rees; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1476–1525
     Index terms: Civic officials, in York; Urban elites, in York; York

The knightly families of Northumberland: a crisis in the early 14th century. Dixon, Marie Celeste
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1330
     Index terms: Knightly families; Northumberland; Family, Families

The military career of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, 1390-1447. Kamilewicz, Alexander C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Archer, Rowena
     Chronological coverage: 1410–1447
     Index terms: Gloucester, Humphrey, duke of (1390-1447)

The 'mystery' of the medieval shipmaster: the shipmaster at law, in business and at sea. Ward, Robin McGregor
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Harding, Vanessa A.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1450
     Index terms: Sea; Law, maritime; Shipmasters, medieval; Business

The personnel of castles in England and Wales, 1272-1422. Rickard, John
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ayton, Andrew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1422
     Index terms: Wales; Castles

The political career and personal life of Robert Burnel, chancellor of Edward I. Huscroft, Richard M.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1275–1292
     Index terms: Edward I (1239-1307), king; Burnel, Robert (d. 1292)

The political thought of Alfred the Great. Pratt, D.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 871–899
     Index terms: Alfred the Great (849-99)

The portrayal of women in Irish hagiography to c.900 A.D. Krook, Ann S.
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Flanagan, Marie Therese
     Chronological coverage: 700–900
     Index terms: Hagiography; Ireland; Nuns; Women; Historiography
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history

The royal foundation of Augustinian priories during the reign of Henry I. Butterill, Christine A.T.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1135
     Index terms: Augustinian priories; Church, medieval; Henry I (1068-1135), king

The rule of Thomas Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, in the W. Midlands, 1369-1401. Gundy, Alison K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1369–1401
     Index terms: Warwick, earl of, see Beauchamp, Thomas; Midlands; Beauchamp, Thomas (d.1401), earl of Warwick

The Tutbury coin hoard. Rowley, Jennifer E.
     M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Studd, J. Robin
     Chronological coverage: 1050–1644
     Index terms: Tutbury, Staffs.; Coin hoards

Welsh cathedral chapters, 1100-1300. Pearson, Matthew J.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Pryce, A. Huw
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Church; Cathedral chapters, in Wales; Wales

Woodworkers in Norwich, c.1200-1800. Howard, Philip
     M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1800
     Index terms: Norwich; Woodworkers

Yorkshire monasticism, with specific reference to the abbey and dependent town of Selby in the West Riding. Hass, Jeffrey D.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, Wendy R.; Palliser, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1070–1540
     Index terms: Selby abbey, Yorkshire; West Riding, Yorkshire; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Yorkshire


A Herefordshire nunnery: a calendar, with introduction, of the Aconbury nunnery. Scott, Mary E.
     M.Phil., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1300

An edition of the Surrey eyre roll of 1262-3. Stewart, Susan M.
     M.Phil., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1262–1263
     Index terms: Eyre roll; Surrey

Anglo-Norman defence strategy in selected English border and maritime counties, 1066-87. Richardson, Kay M.
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Palmer, John J.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1087

Anglo-Saxon churches. Blockley, Kevin
     M.Phil., Durham. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1000
     Index terms: Churches, Anglo-Saxon; Anglo-Saxons

Aspects of life at Norwich cathedral priory in the late medieval period. Noble, Claire
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monastic houses, Monasteries; Norwich, cathedral priory

Cambridge and its economic region, 1450-1560. Lee, John S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1560
     Index terms: Cambridge

Charitable institutions in Norfolk and Suffolk, c.1350-1600. Phillips, Elaine
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1600
     Index terms: Charitable institutions, in East Anglia; Norfolk; Suffolk

Civitas Winton from Eastgate to Westgate: development of the High Street. Cooper, Justine
     Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 800–1994
     Index terms: Winchester, Hants.; Eastgate, Winchester; Civitas Winton, see Winchester; Westgate, Winchester

Conciliar politics and administration in the reign of Henry VII. Ford, Lisa L.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1509
     Index terms: Henry VII (1457-1509), king; Conciliar politics; Administration, royal

English rule in Ireland in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Hartland, Beth
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1320
     Index terms: Ireland

English vernacular letters, c.1400-1600: language, literacy and culture. Williams, Sarah R.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Riddy, Felicity J.; Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1600

Gender, crime and the local courts in Kent, c.1460-1560. Jones, Karen M.
     Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.)
     Chronological coverage: 1460–1560
     Index terms: Gender; Kent; Courts, local; Women; Crime

John Stone, monk of Christ Church, Canterbury and his chronicle. Connor, Meriel E.
     M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1415–1471
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monastic houses, Monasteries; Christ Church, Canterbury; Stone, John (fl. 15th c.); Canterbury, Kent; Chronicles

Landed society in the far north-west of England, 1332-1461. Marsh, John P.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1332–1461
     Index terms: Landed society

Literary service at the court of Henry VII. Penn, T.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Horrox, Rosemary E.
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1509

Locality, culture and identity in late medieval Yorkshire. Holford, Matthew L.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Riddy, Felicity J.; Jones, Sarah R. Rees
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

Meanings of singleness: the single woman in late medieval England. Beattie, Cordelia
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

Peasant mentalities and cultures in two contrasting communities in the 14th century: Brandon in Suffolk and Badbury in Wiltshire. Muller, Miriam
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Badbury, Wilts.; Suffolk; Brandon, Suffolk; Wiltshire; Peasants

Piety and locality: studies in urban and rural religion in Surrey, c.1450-c.1550. Groom, Matthew
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1550
     Index terms: Religion, rural; Surrey; Locality; Piety; Religion, urban

Politics and legislation in England in the early 15th century: the parliament of 1406. El-Gazar, Zein
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1406–1406
     Index terms: Parliament (1406); Legislation; Politics

Scottish overseas trade, 1275/86-1597. Rorke, Alistair M.J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1275–1597
     Index terms: Scotland; Trade, Scottish

The 15th-century English Stonor letters: a revised text with notes, a glossary and a collation of those letters edited by C.L. Kingsford in 1919 and 1924. Truelove, Alison
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Eng.). Supervised by Kennedy, Ruth
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge (1862-1926), historian; Stoner letters

The burnt Germans of the age of iron: early Anglo-Saxon mortuary practices and the study of cremation in past societies. Williams, Howard
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 450–650
     Index terms: Cremation; Mortuary practices, Anglo-Saxon; Anglo-Saxons

The Cistercian economy in England in the later middle ages. Brigljevic, Ksenija
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1536
     Index terms: Cistercians

The conduct and practice of diplomacy during the reign of Edward IV, 1461-83. Meek, Edward L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Horrox, Rosemary E.
     Chronological coverage: 1461–1483

The county community of Hampshire, 1300-1500. Purser, Toby
     Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Hampshire

The cult of St. John of Beverley. Wilson, Susan
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
     Chronological coverage: 680–1664
     Index terms: John of Beverley, Saint (d. 721), bishop

The dependent cells of the Benedictine monasteries of medieval England, 1066-1540. Heale, M.R.V.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1540
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic house; Benedictines

The Drapers of London, c.1350-c.1550. Quinton, Eleanor J.P.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1550
     Index terms: Drapers' Company; London

The financial relationship of the London merchant community with Edward lll, 1327-77. Axworthy, Roger L.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1377
     Index terms: Finance; Merchants, London; Edward III (1327-77), king; London

The iconography of early Anglo-Saxon coinage, 6th-8th centuries. Gannon, Anna
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
     Chronological coverage: 500–800
     Index terms: Iconography, Anglo-Saxon; Coinage, Anglo-Saxon; Anglo-Saxons

The idea of the castle in medieval Engalnd. Wheatley, Abigail M.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Riddy, Felicity J.; Norton, E. Christopher; Grenville, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500

The Midland knights in the period of reform and rebellion, 1258-67. Fernandes, Mario J.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1258–1267
     Index terms: Rebellion; Knights; Midlands

The surnames of the hundred of Scarsdale, Derbyshire. Giller, Anne
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Adult Cont. Educ.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1990
     Index terms: Derbyshire; Scarsdale hundred, Derbs.; Surnames

Travel and the communications network in late Saxon Wessex: a review of the evidence. MacDonald, Jennifer E.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine R.E.; Carver, Martin O.H.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1000

William, Lord Hastings and the governance of Edward IV, with special reference to the second reign, 1471-83. Westervelt, Theron M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1471–1483
     Index terms: Hastings, William (1430?-1483), Baron Hastings; Edward IV (1442-83), king


A landscape given meaning: an archaeological perspective on landscape history in Highland Scotland. Hooper, Janet
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Morrison, Alex
     Chronological coverage: 1–1000

Anatomy of an army: the campaigns of 1387-8. Bell, Adrian R.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Curry, Anne E.
     Chronological coverage: 1387–1388

An examination of the horse in Anglo-Saxon England. Cathers, Kerry
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by James, Edward F.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1013

Anglo-Saxon literacy at Worcester: the evidence of Oswald's leases. Collingridge, Hannah
     M.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine R.E.; Tyler, Elizabeth M.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1066
     Index terms: Anglo-Saxons; Literacy; Worcester, see of

Assembly places in the Anglo-Saxon period: aspects of form and location. Pantos, Aliki
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Donoghue, H.; Blair, W. John
     Chronological coverage: 700–1013

A study of episcopacy in Northumbria, 620-735. Gaunt, Adam
     M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
     Chronological coverage: 620–735

Attitudes to death in late medieval and Reformation England, c.1450-1560. Tankard, Danae C.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Harding, Vanessa A.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1560

Borders history, 1450-1700. Groundwater, K. Anne
     M.Sc., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1700

Change and decay: the Warwickshire manors of the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, late 13th to late 16th centuries. Upton, Penelope J.G.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Harold S.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1580

Conquest or colonisation: the Scandinavians in Ryedale, 9th to 11th centuries. Carr, Sarah A.
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1100

Dominican art and architecture in the Cambridge Visitation, c.1220-c.1540. Smale, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Massing, Jean Michel
     Chronological coverage: 1220–1540
     Index terms: Cambridge Visitation; Dominican art; Artchitecture; Art

Ecclesiastical justice and the detection of heresy in England, 1380-1430. Forrest, Ian J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R R; Rubin, Miri E.
     Chronological coverage: 1380–1430

Edition and study of selected sermons by Robert Grosseteste. Paul, Suzanne
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Medieval Stud.). Supervised by Swan, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 1225–1253

Fictions of Judaism in medieval England. Bale, A.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Judaism, medieval, in England, see also Jews

Interlaced animal designs in Bernicia examined in the light of the concept of those in the Lindisfarne gospels. Adcock, Gwenda
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Graves, C. Pamela
     Chronological coverage: 700–800

Kingship and conversion: constructing pre-Viking Mercia. Tyler, Damian
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, C. Conrad; Higham, Nicholas J.
     Chronological coverage: 700–800

Lay piety in later medieval Scotland. Brown, Helen S.
     M.Sc., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

Patterns of clanship and kinship: the MacIntoshes and Clan Chattan, 1291-1609. Cathcart, Alison M.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macinnes, Allan I.
     Chronological coverage: 1291–1609

Perceptions and reality of merchants, trade regulation and commercialization: case studies of medieval Suffolk, 1200-1500. Davis, James
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hatcher, M. John
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1500

Place-names, land and lordship in the medieval earldom of Strathearn. Watson, Angus
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Barbara E.; Taylor, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500

Readings of John Gower's Confessio Amantis in 15th- and early 16th-century Scotland. Martin, J.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1520
     Index terms: Confessio Amantis, of John Gower; Gower, John (c.1325-1408), poet; Scotland

Sir Christopher Musgrave of Cumberland and Westmorland, c.1631-1704: a northern gentleman and his political worlds. Colman, Clark S.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Hughes, Ann L.
     Chronological coverage: 1651–1704

Society, economy and lordship in Devon in the age of the first two Courtenay earls, c.1297-1377. Burls, Robin J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R. Rees
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400

Symbols of change: Anglo-Saxon pendant crosses of the Middle Saxon period, c.600-c.720/30. Chadwick, A.E.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
     Chronological coverage: 600–730
     Index terms: Pendant crosses, Anglo-Saxon; Anglo-Saxons

The bishops of King Stephen's reign. Marritt, Stephen
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Bates, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 1135–1154

The career of Roger Mortimer, 1st earl of March (c.1287-1330). Dryburgh, Paul R.
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Smith, Brendan .
     Chronological coverage: 1307–1330

The county community of Middlesex in the 15th century. Freeman, Jessica
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

The deposition of Richard II: sources, procedure and the law. Weber, Wolfgang C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Maddicott, John R.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1399–1399

The design of structure in Scottish masonry buildings, c.1100-1650. Harris, Graham St.J.M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Archit.). Supervised by Macdonald, A.J.; Lowrey, J.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1650
     Index terms: Building techniques; Scotland

The emergence of evangelical theology in Scotland to 1550. Dotterweich, Martin Holt
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1550

The estates of Chertsey abbey, c.1300-c.1540. Forrest, Mark
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1540

The granges and estates of Kirkstall abbey in the 12th and 13th centuries. Wright, Robert J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (York St. John). Supervised by Palliser, David; Young, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Monks, Monasticism, Monastic house; Kirkstall abbey, Yorks.

The Leofwinesons: power, property and patronage in the early English kingdom. Baxter, Stephen D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wormald, C. Patrick
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1066

The origin and development of the English reredos, 1000-1540. Ollmann, D.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1540
     Index terms: Reredos

The origins and development of the Scottish parliament, 1124-1329. McQueen, Alison
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: 1124–1329

The place of Durham in the post-conquest spiritual life of the north. Luff, Alexander N.M.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1086

The royal lieutenancy: case studies of the houses of Argyll and Huntly, 1475-1567. Ross, Graeme
     M.Phil., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macinnes, Allan I.
     Chronological coverage: 1475–1567
     Index terms: Huntly family; Argyll family; Administration; Royal lieutenancy

The structure of royal estates in Anglo-Saxon Wessex. Lavelle, Ryan
     Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Hicks, Michael A.; Yorke, Barbara A.E.
     Chronological coverage: 500–800

The surnames of the High Peak hundred of Derbyshire: a study of the distribution of surnames of the High Peak hundred of Derbyshire from the 14th century to the present day, with special emphasis on the medieval and early modern period. Ullathorne, Graham
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Adult Cont. Educ.). Supervised by Hey, David G.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–2000

The Vikings and their impact on Kent, 792 A.D.-1042 A.D. Vince, Richard
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Gameson, Richard G.
     Chronological coverage: 792–1042
     Index terms: Kent; Vikings

Tithe and agrarian output between the Tyne and Tees, 1350-1450. Dodds, Benjamin
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Britnell, Richard H.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1450

War, politics and landed society in Northumberland, c.1296-1408. King, Andrew C.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.
     Chronological coverage: 1296–1408

William of Ockham: time, prescience and contingency. Navasargian, E.
     M.Phil., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1321–1349

Work, sexuality and urban domestic living: masculinity and literature, c.1306-c.1420. Davis, Isabel
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Riddy, Felicity J.
     Chronological coverage: 1306–1420


A green space beyond self-interest: the evolution of common land in Norfolk, c.750-2003. Birtles, Sara
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 750–2003
     Index terms: Norfolk; Common land

Alien courtiers of 13th-century England and their assimilation. Ray, Michael G.I.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Aliens, assimilation of; Courtiers, alien

An edition of the Wherwell cartulary. Bucknill, Rhoda P.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1364–1364
     Index terms: Cartulary, of Wherwell; Wherwell, Hants.

Anglo-Saxon attitudes to the past: a landscape perspective. Semple, S.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1000
     Index terms: Landscape; Anglo-Saxons

An investigation of the economics and productivity of the iron industry in Great Britain in the 'charcoal iron period'. King, Peter W.
     Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum., Lang. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1750
     Index terms: Industry; Productivity; Iron industry; Economics

Aspects of gender and craft production in early Anglo-Saxon England, with reference to the kingdom of Kent. Harrington, Susan K.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.). Supervised by Welch, Martin G.; Hamilton, Sue
     Chronological coverage: 450–650
     Index terms: Anglo-Saxons; Craft production, Anglo-Saxon; Gender; Kent

Aspects of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman mint of Worcester, 975-1158. Symons, David J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 957–1158
     Index terms: Mint, see Coinage; Coinage, Norman; Coinage, Anglo-Saxon

Britain and Scandinavian Ireland: the dynasty of Ivarr and pan-insular politics to 1014. Downham, C.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon)
     Chronological coverage: 856–1014
     Index terms: Ivarr the Boneless (c.794-873); Foreign relations, with Scandinavian Ireland; Ireland, Scandinavian

Chantry foundations and chantry chaplains at St. Paul's cathedral, London, c. 1200-1548. Rousseau, Marie-Hélene
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1548
     Index terms: St. Paul's cathedral; London, St. Paul's cathedral; Chantrys

Croxton abbey: buildings and community. Hall, Jacqueline
     M.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Norton, E. Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1162–1540
     Index terms: Community; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Croxton Kerrial, Leics., abbey; Buildings

Devotion to St. John the Baptist in England in the middle ages. McDonagh, M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Div.). Supervised by Duffy, Eamon
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Devotion, religious; John the Baptist, St.

Early ecclesiastical organization: the evidence from north-east Yorkshire. Kroebel, Christiane
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1013
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Ecclesiastical organization, in Yorks.; Yorkshire

Ecclesiastical structural reform in Ireland and Scotland in the 11th and 12th centuries. Miller, Karen
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Ditchburn, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
     Index terms: Church, medieval, in Scotland; Ireland; Church, medieval, in Ireland; Scotland

Edward II and parliament. Bradford, Phillip J.
     M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.
     Chronological coverage: 1307–1327
     Index terms: Parliament, of Edward II; Edward II (1284-1327), king

Feeding the poor to commemorate the dead: the pro anima almsgiving of Henry III of England, 1227-72. Dixon-Smith, Sally A.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
     Chronological coverage: 1227–1272
     Index terms: Henry III (1207-72), king; Almsgiving

Food in the city: an interdisciplinary study of the ideological and symbolic uses of food in the urban environment in later medieval England. Wells, Sharon
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Food, uses of; Towns

Government and political society in the West Riding area of Yorkshire, 1399-1461. Punshon, Mark C.
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1399–1461
     Index terms: Political society, in Yorks.; West Riding, Yorks.; Government, in Yorks.; Yorkshire, West Riding

Knighthood, chivalry and the Crown in 15th-century Scotland, 1424-1513. Stevenson, Katherine C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Boardman, Stephen I.; Goodare, Julian
     Chronological coverage: 1424–1513
     Index terms: Chivalry, in Scotland; Knighthood, in Scotland; Scotland

Landscapes, communities and exchange: a reassessment of Anglo-Saxon economics and social change, A.D. 400-900, with special reference to Kent. Brookes, Stuart J.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.). Supervised by Milne, Gustav; Welch, Martin G.
     Chronological coverage: 400–900
     Index terms: Economics, Anglo-Saxon; Exchange, Anglo-Saxon; Kent; Community, Anglo-Saxon; Landscape; Anglo-Saxons

Late medieval English and Welsh monasteries and their patrons, c.1300-1540. Stoeber, Karen
     Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Yorke, Barbara A.E.; Hicks, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1540
     Index terms: Patronage, ecclesiastical; Monks, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Wales, and England

London clothmaking, c.1250-c.1550. Oldland, John R.
     M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1550
     Index terms: Clothmaking, in London; London

Manhood, youth and politics in the reign of Richard II (1377-99). Fletcher, Christopher D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Watts, John L.
     Chronological coverage: 1377–1399
     Index terms: Richard II (1367-1400), king; Manhood; Youth

Military technology in late 13th- and 14th-century England. Storey, Randy
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Curry, Anne E
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1400
     Index terms: Military technology

Monastic charitable provision in later medieval England, c.1260-1540. Rushton, N.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Richard M.
     Chronological coverage: 1260–1540
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Charity, monastic

Monastic letter-collections of the 12th century in England. Karn, Nicholas E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sharpe, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Letter-collections, monastic; Monks, monasticism

Personal names of men in Wales, Cornwall and Brittany, 400-1400 A.D. Cane, Meredith
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth).
     Chronological coverage: 400–1400
     Index terms: Wales; Cornwall; Personal names, male; Brittany

Political geography and political structures in earlier medieval Ireland. McGowan, Katherine M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Dumville, David N.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Index terms: Geography, political, in Ireland; Ireland

Praise and propaganda: prophetic poetry in Wales. Schoales, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Thorne, David; Burton, Janet E.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
     Index terms: Prophetic poetry, in Wales; Propaganda, in Wales; Wales

Psalms and early Tudor humanism. Taylor, A.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1520
     Index terms: Humanism, Tudor; Psalms

Rings of the Lord: the finger-ring and a devotional object in later medieval England. McClure, Lara S.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Grenville, Jane; Marks, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Devotional objects; Finger-rings

Rural credit, debt litigation and manor courts in England, c.1290-c.1380. Briggs, C.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Richard M.
     Chronological coverage: 1290–1380
     Index terms: Debt litigation; Manor courts

Sanctity in 10th-century Anglo-Latin hagiography: Wulfstan of Winchester's Vita Sancti Æthelwoldi and Byrhtferth of Ramsey's Vita Sancti Oswaldi. Robertson, Nicola J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Medieval Stud.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.; Swan, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 900–1000
     Index terms: Byrhtferth of Ramsey (fl.990-1020); Wulfstan of Winchester (fl. c.995-1020); Hagiography; Sanctity; Vita Sancti Æthelwoldi, of Wulfstan of Winchester; Vita Sancti Oswaldi, of Byrhtferth of Ramsey

Sanctuary in the reign of Henry VII, with particular reference to Beverley and Durham. Sartain, D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1509
     Index terms: Durham; Henry VII (1457-1509), king; Sanctuary; Beverley, Yorks,

Silver mining in England and Wales, 1066-1500. Claughton, Peter F.
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Whittle, Jane C.; Burt, Roger
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1500
     Index terms: Mining, silver

Slavery and culture in medieval Britain and Ireland: an alternative perspective of an enduring institution. Wyatt, David
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Aird, William M.
     Chronological coverage: 787–1013
     Index terms: Ireland, and Britain; Culture, medieval; Slavery, medieval

The 11th- and early 12th-century manuscripts of Bury St. Edmunds abbey. Rushforth, R.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1120
     Index terms: Manuscripts; Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., abbey; Monasticism

The bishop's palace at Wells: an architectural and social history, c.1207-1465. Reeve, M.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
     Chronological coverage: 1207–1465
     Index terms: Episcopacy; Architecture; Bishop's Palace, Wells; Wells, Som.

The cult of St. Thecla in Anglo-Saxon England. Franc, Catherine A.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1066
     Index terms: Thecla (1st cent. A.D.), Saint; Saints, cult of

The development of the rural landscape of the Bourn Valley, south Cambridgeshire, c.600-1100 A.D. Oosthuizen, S.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1100
     Index terms: Cambridgeshire; Bourn Valley, Cambs.; Landscape

The emporia of Middle Saxon England: hinterlands, trade and rural exchange. Palmer, J.B.O.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 600–730
     Index terms: Exchange, rural; Trade; Anglo-Saxons

The Fitzalan earls of Arundel to 1415. Greenhalgh, David C.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Pryce, A. Huw
     Chronological coverage: 1243–1415
     Index terms: Fitzalan earls of Arundel; Arundel, earls of

The growth and decline of direct demesne management in medieval England. Poynder, Nicholas
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Campbell, Bruce M.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1020–1539
     Index terms: Demesne management

The history of Guildford castle. Alexander, Mary
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Astill, Grenville G.; Curry, Anne E.
     Chronological coverage: 1090–1600
     Index terms: Guildford, Surr., castle; Castles

The medieval palace, park and forest of Clarendon, Wiltshire. Richardson, Mandy
     Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Reynalds, Andrew; James, Tom Beaumont
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1500
     Index terms: Clarendon, Wilts.; Forests; Parks; Palaces

The Nonae: the records of the taxation of the ninth in England, 1340-1. Livingstone, Marilyn
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Campbell, Bruce M.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1340–1341
     Index terms: Nonarum Inquisitiones (1340-2); Taxation

The patronage of Benedictine art and architecture in the west of England during the later middle ages (1300-1540). Luxford, J.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Binski, P.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1540
     Index terms: Architecture; Art; Patronage, artistic; Benedictine art

The pattern of consumption of Winchester college, c.1390-1540. Harwood, Winifred
     Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, Roger C.; Hare, John N.; Hicks, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1390–1540
     Index terms: Winchester college; Consumption

The presence of magic in the middle ages, particularly the incorporation of pagan beliefs into Christianity within the British Isles. Grabove, Jennifer L.
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Haseldine, Julian P.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1485
     Index terms: Christians, Christianity; Pagan beliefs; Magic

The Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum and ecclesiastical law reform under the Tudors: society, politics and religion. Jackson, J.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1603
     Index terms: Ecclesiastical law reform; Church, from 16th cent.; Law reform, ecclesiastical; Society, Tudor; Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum; Politics, Tudor; Religion, Tudor

The Synonyma by Isidore of Seville as a source in Anglo-Saxon England. Di Sciacca, C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1000
     Index terms: Synonyma, of Isidore of Seville; Isidore of Seville, St. (c.560-636); Anglo-Saxons

The town and manor of Glastonbury, c. 1086-1400. Marston, Lynn
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Harold S.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1400
     Index terms: Towns; Glastonbury, Som.; Manors

The views of Roger Bacon on geography, world religions and the defence of Christendom as expressed in his Opus Maius. Power, A.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1234–1294
     Index terms: Bacon, Roger (1214?-1294), philosopher and scientist; Geography; Opus Maius, of Roger Bacon; Christendom, defence of; Religion, world

Vernacular humanism in England, c.1440-1485. Wakelin, D.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Beadle, H. Richard L.
     Chronological coverage: 1440–1485
     Index terms: Humanism, vernacular


Challenges posed by the geography of the Scottish Highlands to ecclesiastical endeavour over the centuries. Stephen, John Rothney
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
     Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
     Index terms: Geography, of Scotland; Church, in Scotland; Scotland, Highlands

Fundatio, ordinatio and statuta: the statutes and constitutional documents of English hospitals to 1300. Watson, Sethina C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Henrietta L.V.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Medicine, medieval; Hospitals, medieval

Gender, nation and conquest in William of Malmesbury's Gesta Regum Anglorum. Fenton, Kirsten A.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Chronological coverage: 1120–1134
     Index terms: Gesta Regum Anglorum, of William of Malmesbury; Malmesbury, William of (b. c.1090, d. in or after 1142), historian; Gender; Nation; Conquest

John Hardyng's Chronicle: a study of the two versions and a critical edition of both for the period 1327-1464. Peverley, Sarah L.
     Ph.D., Hull.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1464
     Index terms: Hardyng, John (b. 1377/8, d. in or after 1464), chronicler; Chronicle, of John Hardyng

Minor landlords and peasants in the 'long 15th century', c.1380-1530: a social and economic study of rural Northamptonshire. Taylor, Fredrik C.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1380–1530
     Index terms: Rural economy; Northamptonshire; Peasants; Landlords; Rural society

Orkney pilgrimage: perspectives of the cult of St. Magnus. Søiland, Margareth Buer
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 1115–1400
     Index terms: Saints, cult of; Magnus (1076?-1115?), Saint, earl of Orkney; Pilgrimage; Orkney

Settlement and integration in Scotland, 1124-1214: local society and the development of aristocratic communities, with special reference to the Anglo-French settlement of the south-east. Webb, Nigel M.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
     Chronological coverage: 1124–1214
     Index terms: Society, local, in Scotland; Scotland; Settlement, in Scotland; Aristocracy, in Scotland

Shropshire and the March of Wales, c.1070-1283: the creation of separate identities. Lieberman, Max
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R Rees
     Chronological coverage: 1070–1283
     Index terms: Marches, of Wales; Wales; Shropshire; Identity, in Wales

The de Vere earls of Oxford, 1400-1513. Ross, James A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Archer, Rowena E.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1513
     Index terms: Nobility; de Vere family; Oxford

The estate of Gloucester abbey, 1086-1348. Smyth, Graham P.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1348
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Gloucester abbey, estate; Monastic houses; Estates

The obedientiary account rolls of Worcester cathedral priory, 1469-1540. Morrison, David
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1469–1540
     Index terms: Account rolls, of Worcester cathedral priory; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Worcester cathedral priory

The small towns of medieval Gloucestershire: origins and development. Catchpole, Antonia
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Slater, Terry R.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Gloucestershire; Towns, medieval

Viking-age coin finds from the Isle of Man: a study of coin circulation, production and concepts of wealth. Collins, K.A. Bornholdt
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hills, Catherine M.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1100
     Index terms: Coin circulation, Viking; Isle of Man; Viking age; Wealth, Viking


An edition of the Nostell Priory Cartulary (Cotton Vespasian E xix). Frost, Judith
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1122–1500
     Index terms: Cartulary, Nostell priory; Nostell priory, cartulary; Monastic houses

Anglo-Saxon magic: aspects of popular religion in England, 800-1066. Skidmore, R. Lewis
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1066
     Index terms: Religion, see also Church; Religion, popular; Magic, Anglo-Saxon

An introduction to and edition of the chief justice's roll of the 1286 eyre to Buckinghamshire. Boatwright, M. Lesley
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1286–1286
     Index terms: Eyre roll, Buckinghamshire; Buckinghamshire

An introduction to and edition of the Suffolk eyre roll of 1240 - civil pleas. Gallagher, Eric J.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1240–1240
     Index terms: Eyre roll, Suffolk; Suffolk

A prosopographical analysis of society in east central Scotland, c.1100-1260, with special reference to ethnicity. Hammond, Matthew H.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Broun, Dauvit E.; Dunn, Marilyn
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1260
     Index terms: Society, in Scotland; Prosopography; Scotland; Ethnicity, in Scotland

A social archaeology of medieval parish church chapels and chantries: a perspective from southern and western England. Roffey, Simon
     Ph.D., Southampton. (U.C. Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, Andrew; Hicks, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Chapels; Churches, parish; Archaeology, social; Chantries

Aspects of Welsh saints' cults and pilgrimage, 1066-1530. Garland, Lisa
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Webb, Diana M.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1530
     Index terms: Pilgrimage; Wales; Saints, cult of

Bastard feudalism and the bishops of Winchester, c.1300-1500. Brown, Richard
     Ph.D., Southampton. (U.C. Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by James, Thomas B.; Hicks, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Bishops, of Winchester; Winchester, bishops of; Bastard feudalism

Chivalry in late medieval Scotland. Reader, Robert
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdonald, Alistair J.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Chivalry, in Scotland; Scotland

Collaboration and litigation in two Suffolk manor courts, 1289-1364. Phillips, Jennifer L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1289–1364
     Index terms: Manor courts; Litigation; Suffolk

Cults of political martyrs in late medieval England. Piroyansky, Danna
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Rubin, Miri
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: Martyrs, cults of

Discourses on the body and sexuality in early Anglo-Saxon England. Pettit, Emma
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 600–700
     Index terms: Sexuality, Anglo-Saxon; Body

England and medieval anti-semitism, 1150-1350: clerical sermons and the transmission of stereotypes. Kovalcik, Timothy Mitchell
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1350
     Index terms: Stereotypes, Jewish; Sermons; Anti-Semitism; Jews

English colonisation strategies in Ireland and Wales in the 13th and 14th centuries. Korngiebel, Diane M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, R. Rees
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
     Index terms: Colonisation, of Wales; Wales, and England; Colonisation, of Ireland; Ireland, and England

English vernacular script, c.990-c.1035. Stokes, Peter A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, David N.
     Chronological coverage: 990–1035
     Index terms: Script, vernacular

Family, lordship and service - the Courcys in the 11th and 12th centuries. Flanders, Steve
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1171–1219
     Index terms: Courcy family; Service, medieval; Lordship, medieval; Family, medieval

Henry VII and parliament. Cavill, Paul R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Gunn, Steven J.
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1509
     Index terms: Henry VII (1457-1509), king; Parliament

Historical resource use and ecological change in semi-natural woodland: Western Oakwoods in Argyll, Scotland. Sansum, Philip
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Environmental Sc.). Supervised by Watson, Fiona J.; Tipping, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Scotland; Ecological change, in Scotland; see also Forests, Parks; Argyll, Scotland; Woodland, in Scotland; Western Oakwoods, Argyll

Household materials and social networks in Norwich, 1371-1500: a study of testamentary evidence. Dauteuille, Karine J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Richard M.
     Chronological coverage: 1371–1500
     Index terms: Wills; Norwich; Social networks; Households; Testaments

Instruments in context: telling the time in England, 1350-1500. Eagleton, Catherine T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: Time, telling of

Kinship in 13th-century England: the canon law and the common land. Worby, Samantha J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Common land; Canon law; Kinship

Landscape, power and politics: the place of the park in medieval English society, c.1100-c.1535. Mileson, Stephen A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Watts, John L.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1535
     Index terms: Politics, medieval; Parks; Power; Landscape; Society, medieval

Lay male sanctity in early 12th-century England. Huntington, Joanna
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Tyler, Elizabeth; Biller, Peter P.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1125
     Index terms: Religion; Sanctity, male; Lay people

Lordship and land: Suffolk in the 10th and 11th centuries. Marten-Holden, Lucy
     M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Harper-Bill, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 900–1100
     Index terms: Suffolk; Lordship

Music in English miscellanies of the 12th and 13th centuries. Deeming, Helen L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Music). Supervised by Rankin, S.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Musical miscellanies

National sentiment and national identity in England, c.1272-c.1377. Ruddick, Andrea C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1377
     Index terms: Identity, national; National sentiment

Power, ambition and political rehabilitation: the Despensers, c.1281-1400. Lawrence, Martyn J.
     Ph.D., York.
     Chronological coverage: 1281–1400
     Index terms: Despenser family; Ambition; Power

Race, gender and wealth in a medieval Welsh borough: access to capital, market participation and status in Ruthin, 1312-22. Stevens, Matthew F.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Schofield, Phillipp
     Chronological coverage: 1312–1322
     Index terms: Gender, in Wales; Race, in Wales; Wales; Wealth, in Wales; Ruthin, Wales; Commerce, in Wales

Reflections of reality in the manor court: Sutton-in-the-Isle, 1308-91. Smith, Erin N. McGibbon
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hatcher, M.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1308–1391
     Index terms: Courts, manor; Sutton-in-the-Isle, ??; Manor courts

Representations of the Nativity in the art and vernacular literature of the Anglo-Saxons. Condie, Victoria A.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1066
     Index terms: Art, Anglo-Saxon; Nativity, Anglo-Saxon representations of; Literature, Anglo-Saxon vernacular

Rewriting history in the cult of St. Cuthbert from the 9th to the 12th centuries. Crumplin, Sally
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1200
     Index terms: Cuthbert (c.635-87), Saint, bishop of Lindisfarne; Saints, cult of

Sheep farming in medieval Gwynedd and Pembrokeshire. Johnson, Catherine
     Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Burton, Janet E.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Gwynedd, Wales; Wales; Farming; Sheep farming; Pembrokeshire, Wales

Society and economy at Oakham, c.1000-c.1500: lords, peasants and townspeople. Fletcher, Martin T.
     Ph.D., Sheffield.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Lords, Lordship; Economy; Society; Oakham (Rutland); Peasants; Towns

The Anglo-Norman aristocracy of Kent and Sussex. Yarlett, Richard
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1154
     Index terms: see also nobility; Kent; Aristocracy, Anglo-Norman; Sussex

The Anglo-Norman aristocracy under divided lordship, 1087-1106: a social and political study. Strevett, Neil
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
     Chronological coverage: 1087–1106
     Index terms: Lords, Lordship, Anglo-Norman; Aristocracy, Anglo-Norman

The Anglo-Saxon origins of Stafford and its churches. Edwards, Matthew J.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1066
     Index terms: Churches, in Stafford; Stafford (Staffs.)

The career of Matilda of Boulogne as countess and queen in England, 1135-52. Dark, Patricia A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thomson, Benjamin J.
     Chronological coverage: 1135–1152
     Index terms: Matilda of Boulogne (c.1103-52), queen; Queens, Queenship

The clerical physician in late medieval England. Ralley, Robert C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. & Phil. of Sc.). Supervised by Kassell, Lauren
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Medicine, medieval; Clerical physicians

The De Excidio Britonum of Gildas and the early British church: an interdisciplinary approach. George, Karen L.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
     Chronological coverage: 500–570
     Index terms: De Excidio Britonum, of Gildas; Gildas (fl. 5th-6th cent.), writer; Church, medieval

The early Black Books of Lincoln's Inn. Jevon, Kathryn
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1422–1700
     Index terms: London, Lincoln's Inn; Law, see also Litigation; Law; Black Books, of Lincoln's Inn

The governance of Edward I, 1272-1307, with special reference to Shropshire, Warwickshire and Kent. Burt, Caroline
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1307
     Index terms: Shropshire; Warwickshire; Edward I (1239-1307), king; Kent

The impact of the Black Death on 17 units of account of the bishopric of Winchester. Arthur, Paula
     Ph.D., Southampton. (U.C. Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Hicks, Michael A.; James, Thomas B.; Page, M.
     Chronological coverage: 1348–1349
     Index terms: Bishoprics, see Winchester; Winchester, bishopric of; Black Death

The influence of 'Lollardy' and reformist ideas on English legislation, c.1376-c.1422. Foulser, Nicholas E.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Given-Wilson, Chris
     Chronological coverage: 1376–1422
     Index terms: Legislation, and Lollardy; Lollardy

The law enforcement policy of Edward IV and its impact, with special reference to Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, Hertfordshire and Essex, 1461-83. Coates, Neil J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1461–1483
     Index terms: Nottinghamshire; Law enforcement; Derbyshire; Edward IV (1442–1483), king; Hertfordshire; Essex

The manuscripts of the works of Gerald of Wales. Rooney, Catherine M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, David N.
     Chronological coverage: 1166–1223
     Index terms: Gerald of Wales (c.1146-c.1223), author; Chronicles

The medieval landscape and economy of the Forest of Dean. Townley, Elizabeth L.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Forest of Dean, Glos.; Economy, medieval; Landscape, medieval

The narrative of the Scottish nation and its late medieval readers: non-textual reader scribal activity in the MSS. of Fordun, Bower and their derivatives. Tod, Murray A.L.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 1440–1500
     Index terms: Fordun, John (d. in or after 1363), chronicler; Scotland; Chronicles, Scottish; Bower, Walter (1385-1449), abbot of Inchcolm and historian

The Oxfordshire eyre roll of 1261. Jobson, Adrian
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1261–1261
     Index terms: Eyre roll, Oxfordshire; Oxfordshire

The politics of mercy: the use of the royal pardon in 14th-century England. Lacey, Helen
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark; Havely, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Pardons, royal; Mercy

The practice of Irish kingship in the central middle ages. Zumbuhl, Mark J.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Kingship, in Ireland; Ireland

The regimen in late medieval England. Hardingham, Glenn J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Peter M.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Governance, medieval

The role of the prior of St. John in late medieval England. Phillips, Simon
     Ph.D., Southampton. (U.C. Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Beaumont James, Tom; Hicks, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Monasteries, Monastic houses; Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem; Prior of St. John

The Roman-medieval transition in the Essex landscape: a study in persistence, continuity and change. Morris, Brynmor W.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 500–700
     Index terms: Landscape, of Essex; Essex

The Scottish wars of Edward III, 1327-38. Candy, Christopher A.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1338
     Index terms: Scottish wars, of Edward III; Edward III (1327-77), king

Welsh kingship, A.D. 383-1063: a reassessment of terminology and political formation. Stokes, Kaele L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Dumville, David N.
     Chronological coverage: 383–1063
     Index terms: Kingship, in Wales; Wales

Wills and will-making in late Anglo-Saxon England. Hall, Linda Tollerton
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1066
     Index terms: Testaments; Wills


An edition of the cartulary of Binham priory, Norfolk, with a critical introduction. Margerum, Johanna
     M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1400
     Index terms: Cartulary, of Binham priory (Norf.); Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Norfolk; Binham priory (Norf.)

A peculiar prosperity: Windsor in the high middle ages. Lewis, David
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1300
     Index terms: Windsor (Berks.)

Apprenticeship in later medieval London, c.1300-c.1530. Hovland, Stephanie
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1530
     Index terms: London; Apprenticeship; Trade

A sensible Reformation: the senses and liturgical life in Tudor England. Milner, Matthew
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1603
     Index terms: Liturgy, Tudor; Church, Tudor; Reformation

Aspects of power relationships between the English and the Welsh in the principality of Wales, 1284-1415: conflict and synthesis. Davis, Carolyn
     M.Phil., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1284–1415
     Index terms: Wales, and England

A study of the early recorded place-names of the South Cumbria area. Corrigan, Linda M.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 400–1000
     Categories: Ancient

Byzantine astrology in the 11th century. Vladimirou, Andrew
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
     Index terms: Astrology, Byzantine; Byzantium

Canon law and the letters of Ivo of Chartres. Rolker, Christof
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1090–1115
     Index terms: Ivo, bishop of Chartres (c.1040-1116); Canon law

Church reform ideas and practices in 15th-century England: with special reference to Reginald Pecock, Thomas Gascoigne and college foundations. Choi, Jong W.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Gascoigne, Thomas (1404–58), theologian; Universities; Pecock, Reginald (c.1392-c.1459), bishop of Chichester; Church (16th-18th cent.); Education; Philanthropic foundations

'Danger - falling masonry': rebuilding the ruins of St. Radegund's abbey, Kent. Huitson, Toby
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1190–1535
     Index terms: St. Radegund's abbey (Kent); Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Kent; Architecture

Dives and pauper and an ‘aesthetics of response’: readings of devotional practice in 15th-century England. Vince, Emilie J.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Devotional practice

English settlers in 14th-century Ireland: a case study of twelve landed families of south Leinster/east Munster. Mungham, Angela
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Leinster; Settlement, in Ireland; Ireland; Munster

Forging links with the past: the 12th-century reconstruction of Anglo-Saxon Peterborough. Morris, Avril
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Peterborough (Cambs.)

From St. Margaret to the Maid of Norway: queens and queenship in Scotland, 1066-1290. Nelson, Jessica
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1290
     Index terms: Margaret, St. (c.1046-93), queen of Scotland; Scotland; Queens, Queenship; Margaret, Maid of Norway (1283-90), queen of Scotland

Government and locality in Essex in the reign of Henry III, 1216-72. Moore, K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1272
     Index terms: Henry III (1207-72), king; Essex; Government, in Essex

Hiberno-Saxon and Hiberno-Scandinavian contact in the west of the Northumbrian kingdom: a focus on the church. Edmonds, Fiona L.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1200
     Categories: Ancient

Hinton priory and its impact on the locality. Dodge, Margaret
     M.Phil., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1230–1539
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Hinton priory, Som.

History and charters of Higham in the middle ages. Davis, Andrew
     M.Phil., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Kent; Higham (Kent); Charters

Ideology and the family in late medieval York. Tyler, Michael
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Ideology; Family; York

Jewish converts to Christianity in medieval London. Fogle, Lauren
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1400
     Index terms: Christianity; Conversion, Jewish, to Christianity; London; Jews, and Christians

Magna turris: a study of the development, planning and use of social space in donjons of the 11th and 12th centuries located in the geographical territories of the Norman and Angevin kings of England. Marshall, Pamela E.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1200

Manor houses, churches and settlements: historical geographies of the Yorkshire Wolds before c.1600. McDonagh, Briony
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1600
     Index terms: Historical geography; Settlement; Churches; Manor houses; Yorkshire Wolds

Medieval pottery production in England. Marter, Philip
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Winchester: Hist)
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Pottery production

Medieval Rothley, Leicestershire: manor, soke and parish. McLoughlin, Vanessa
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Leicestershire; Manors; Rothley (Leics.); Parishes; Sokes

Mothers, mothering and motherhood in late Anglo-Saxon England. Beaumont, Naomi
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 900–1066
     Index terms: Mothers, Motherhood, Anglo-Saxon

Music in the arts faculty of Paris in the 13th and early 14th centuries. Rico, Gilles
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1350

Northern castles and garrisons in the later middle ages. Cornell, David J.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: Military; Garrisons; Castles

Orderic Vitalis and Norman society, c.1035-1087. Bickford Smith, James
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1035–1087

Oxfordshire women in the 13th century. Hanchett, Polly
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Oxfordshire; Women
     Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; Social history

Political roles of women in the earlier Anglo-Saxon period. Sterling, William E.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 450–650
     Index terms: Politics, and women; Women
     Categories: Political history; Gender and Women

Re-imagining history in Anglo-Norman prose chronicles. Spence, J.B.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1154
     Index terms: Chronicles, see also Narrative sources; Chronicles, Anglo-Norman

Remembering the dead in Anglo-Saxon England. Devlin, Zoe
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 700–1066
     Index terms: Dead, remembrance of

Richmondshire, 1372-1425. Devine, Melaine J.
     Ph.D., Teesside.
     Chronological coverage: 1372–1425

Royalty and the church in Ireland and Britain to A.D. 1050. Schaffer, B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon)
     Chronological coverage: 600–1050
     Index terms: Royalty, see also Queens, Kings; Royalty; Church, medieval; Church, medieval, in Ireland; Ireland

The 15th-century context of Laurence Minot's poetry: re-reading BL, MS. Cotton Galba E ix. Madden, Mollie
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Minot, Laurence (fl. early 14th cent.), poet; Poetry

The Balliol dynasty of Scotland, c.1250-1364. Beam, Amanda
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1364
     Index terms: Balliol dynasty; Scotland

The church in Anglo-Saxon Yorkshire: ‘minsters’ in the Danelaw, c.600-1200. Pickles, Thomas
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1200
     Index terms: Yorkshire; Church, Anglo-Saxon; Danelaw

The ‘De Obitu Willelmi’ and the Anglo-Norman succession of 1087. Lack, Katherine J.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1087–1120
     Index terms: Anglo-Norman succession; William I (the Conqueror) (1027/8–87), king; ‘De Obitu Willelmi’

The history of Carlton in Coverdale, 1086-1910. Joynes, Nora E.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1910
     Index terms: Coverdale (Yorks.); Carlton (Yorks.); Yorkshire

The household knights of Edward II. Tebbit, Alistair
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1307–1327
     Index terms: Household knights, of Edward II; Military service; Edward II (1284–1327), king

The household knights of Henry III, 1216-58. Lightfoot, Kenneth W.B.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1258
     Index terms: Knights, household, see also Military, Chivalry; Knights, household; Henry III (1207-72), king

The Norse in Islay: a settlement historical case-study for medieval Scandinavian activity in western maritime Scotland. MacNiven, Alan J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1400
     Index terms: Norse, in Scotland; Islay, Scotland; Scotland; Scandinavia, and Scotland
     Categories: Ancient

The organisation of public work in society and by the state in early medieval England c.800-c.1300. Bell, Andrew
     Ph.D., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1300
     Categories: Ancient

The origins and early development of the parochial system in the Orkney earldom. Gibbon, Sarah J.
     Ph.D., Open University.
     Chronological coverage: 875–1200
     Categories: Ancient

The origins and production of the Findern Manuscript (Cambridge, University Library, MS FF.1.6). Gottschall, Anna E.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1440–1460
     Index terms: Findern Manuscript (Cambridge, University Library, MS FF.1.6; Manuscript production

The principles of peacemaking in the late 12th and early 13th centuries. Benham, J.E.M.
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1175–1225
     Index terms: Peacemaking

The Regimen Sanitatis and its dissemination in England, c.1348-1550. Bonfield, Christopher A.
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1348–1550
     Index terms: Medicine, medieval; Regimen Sanitatis

The stone carvings of Chios as a feature of social distinction: an approach to the transition from nobility of birth to nobility of wealth (14th-19th centuries). Koukounis, Ioanna N.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1900
     Index terms: Nobility; Greece, ancient; Chios, Greece

The symbolic life of birds in Anglo-Saxon England. Ramirez, Janina
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Index terms: Birds, symbolic life of

The Tower of London as a royal residence. Ashbee, Jeremy A.
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1649
     Index terms: London, Tower of; Royalty

Thomas of Brotherton, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England: a study in early 14th-century aristocracy. Marshall, Alison F.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1330
     Index terms: Aristocracy; Thomas (of Brotherton), first earl of Norfolk (1300–38); see also Nobility

Tudor revolution? Royal control of the Anglo-Scottish border, 1483-1530. Etty, Claire J.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1483–1530
     Index terms: Scotland, and England

War, politics and the English aristocracy, 1272-1314. Simpkin, David
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1314
     Index terms: Politics; War; Aristocracy


An analysis of the correspondence and hagiographical works of Philip of Harvengt. Robertson, Lynsey E.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1120–1183

An edition of Aberystwyth NLW MS. Peniarth 164. (Golygiad o Lawysgrif Peniarth 164 (H) o Gyfraith Hywel Dda.). Elias, Angharad
     Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist. & Welsh Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400

Byzantine textbooks of the Palæologan period (13th-15th century). Nousia, Fevronia
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1261–1453

Civic government and identity in the provincial towns of late medieval England, c.1370-c.1500. Carrel, Helen M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1370–1500
     Index terms: Identity, civic; Towns; Government, civic

Dynastic strategies and regional loyalties: Wessex, Mercia and Kent, 802-939. Little, Geoff
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 802–939
     Categories: Ancient

‘Dyvers kyndes of religion in sondry partes of the Ilande’ : the geography of pastoral care in 13th-century England. Campbell, William Hopkins
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300

Early Anglo-Saxon settlement in the East Midlands, A.D. 450-850. Hawkes, Michael A.
     M.A., Leicester.
     Chronological coverage: 450–850
     Index terms: Settlement, Anglo-Saxon; East Midlands

Experiencing small medieval urban buildings: the history, architecture and archaeology of Abbey Row, Tewkesbury (England). Kelso, Glynn C.
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Tewkesbury, Glos.; Abbey Row, Tewkesbury; Gloucestershire

Forgotten revelation: the iconographic development of the Anglo-Norman verse and early prose apocalypse manuscripts. Ross, Nancy L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1133
     Index terms: Iconography, Anglo-Norman; Manuscripts, apocalyptic; Apocalypse

Health in southern and eastern England: a perspective on the early medieval period. Arce, Alvaro L.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Millard, Andrew; Roberts, Charlotte
     Chronological coverage: 500–1005
     Index terms: Health, Healthcare, medieval

Individualising the spiritual self in late 14th-century England. Richey, Julia E.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1380–1400
     Index terms: Spirituality, medieval

Joan of Kent, daughter of Edmund of Woodstock: royal kinship and marriage in the 14th century. Lawne, Penelope
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1348–1385

King John’s piety, c.1199-c.1216. Webster, Paul
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1216
     Index terms: John (1167–1216), king; Piety, royal

Land, property and power in Anglo-Saxon England c.600 to c.800. Ryan, Martin
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–800
     Categories: Ancient

Lordship, land and clergy: social stability and change in the palatinate of Durham, c.1286-1346. Boniface, Jonathan P.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1286–1346
     Index terms: Clergy, medieval; Church, medieval; Land; Lordship, medieval; Durham, palatinate

Medieval London: the development of a civic political community, c.1100-1300. McEwan, John
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300

Minsters, estates and parish boundaries: the churches, settlements and archaeology of early medieval Norfolk. Godfrey, Matthew
     Ph.D., Leicester.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1100
     Index terms: Parish boundaries, early medieval; Churches, early medieval; Norfolk
     Categories: Ancient

Money lending in 12th-century England. Gray, Hazel
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200

Music in court and capital in late 14th-century Paris. Story, Christina
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Music)
     Chronological coverage: 1360–1400

Noblewomen in Shropshire and the adjacent March of Wales, 1150-1350. Cavell, Emma
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1350
     Index terms: Noblewomen, in Wales; Women, in Wales; Marches, of Wales; Wales; Shropshire
     Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; Social sciences

Norman and Anglo-Norman participation in the Iberian Reconquista c.1018-c.1248. Villegas-Aristizabal, Lucas
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1018–1248

Pandolfo Petrucci: politics and patronage in Renaissance Siena. Jackson, Philippa
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg)
     Chronological coverage: 1487–1524

Parliament and political culture in early 14th-century England. Bradford, Phillip J.
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1307–1327

Pastoral care of prostitutes in Paris, c.1180-c.1250. Nowacka, Keiko R.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1180–1250
     Index terms: Prostitutes, in France; Paris; France

Peasant society in a Midlands manor, 1400-1600. Tompkins, Matthew
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
     Index terms: Midlands; Manors; Peasant society

Political communication in early Tudor England: the Bristol elite, the urban community and the crown, c.1471-c.1553. Lee, James M.
     Ph.D., West of England.
     Chronological coverage: 1471–1553
     Index terms: Bristol; Communication, political; Community, urban

Rebellion and dissent in the Angevin lordship of Ireland during the reign of Henry III (1216-72). McCance, Roger
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1272
     Index terms: Rebellion, in Ireland; Ireland, Angevin; Henry III (1207-72), king

Roman influences in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Dailey, Erin T.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–750
     Index terms: Rome, empire; Anglo-Saxons
     Categories: Ancient

Sacred space: priorities, perception and the presence of God in late medieval Yorkshire parish churches. Masinton, Anthony W.
     Ph.D., York.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: Churches, in Yorkshire; Yorkshire

Seville: between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 1248-1492: pre-Columbus commercial routes from and to Seville. Serradilla Avery, Dan Manuel
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1248–1492

'Shame on him who allows them to live': the Jacquerie of 1358. Aiton, Douglas
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1450
     Index terms: Jacquerie (1358); France

Small houses in late medieval York and Norwich. Rimmer, Jayne
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Giles, Katherine; Rees Jones, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Houses, in Norwich; York; Houses, in York; Norwich; Norfolk

Social exclusion from early medieval Wessex. Riddiford, Martha
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Categories: Ancient

The book collections of Llanthony priory from foundation until dissolution (c.1100-1538). Bennett, Kirsty
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1538
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Llanthony priory, Wales; Book collections

The circulation and reception of a Middle English alchemical poem: the Verses upon the Elixir and the associated corpus of alchemica. Timmermann, Anke
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1480–1500
     Index terms: Verses upon the Elixir; Alchemy

The conversion of East Anglia: an archaeological perspective. Hoggett, Richard
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 597–800
     Index terms: Christianity, conversion; East Anglia
     Categories: Ancient

The cult of St. Margaret of Antioch in medieval England. Dresvina, Yuliana
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
     Index terms: Margaret of Antioch, St.; Saints, cult of

The Dover Bible. Tomlin, Annette
     M.Phil., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1140–1160
     Index terms: Manuscripts; Dover Bible

The economic history of Anglian Deira, 700-870. Smith, Caroline
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine; Richards, Julian D.
     Chronological coverage: 700–870

The exchequer and some of its revenue generating aspects during the reign of Richard I. Jackson, John A.
     Ph.D., Sheffield.
     Chronological coverage: 1189–1199
     Index terms: Richard I (1157-99), king; Exchequer, medieval

The great missal of Abbot Nicholas de Litlyngton. East, Douglas
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1383–1384
     Index terms: Litlyngton, Nicholas (c.1315-1386), abbot of Westminster; Litlyngton missal (1383/4)

The life and career of Bishop Bernard of St. David's (1100-48). Knight, Edward
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1148

The Lincolnshire marsh: landscape evolution, settlement development and the salt industry. Fenwick, Helen
     Ph.D., Hull.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Salt industry, in Lincs.; Lincolnshire Marsh

The myth of minority: cultural change in Valencia in the 13th century at the time of the conquests of James I of Aragon. Eckersley, Ben
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300

The Norman conquest and settlement of Sussex 1066-1100. Lewis, Kate
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1100
     Index terms: Sussex, settlement; Norman conquest (1066)

The persistence of memory: a contextual landscape study of the early Christian churches of Argyll, Scotland. Meredith-Lobay, Megan E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1300
     Index terms: Church, early, in Scotland; Scotland; Argyll, Scotland; Landscape; Memory
     Categories: Ancient

Towards a reception history of the surviving Old English Bede manuscripts: a diachronic sudy extending from the date of their production in Anglo-Saxon England to their first appearance in print in 1643. Taylor, Lorraine
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1643
     Index terms: Bede (673/4-735), monk and historian; Manuscript production


A monastic landscape: the Cistercians in medieval Leinster. Lynch, Bridget
     Ph.D., Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Bradley, John
     Chronological coverage: 1140–1500
     Index terms: Leinster; Ireland; Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses, in Ireland; Cistercians

Anglo-Norman castles and religious foundations in counties Louth and Down: a comparison with examples in England and Wales. Lennon, Alison
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Barry, Terence
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1154
     Index terms: Down, county; Louth, county; Ireland, and Wales; Castles; Wales, and Ireland

Animal exploitation in medieval Ireland. Denham, Sean D.
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Animals, exploitation of, in Ireland; Ireland

Animal visual culture in the middle ages: an archaeological study of animal representations in Britain. Phillips, Sarah J.F.S.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Rowley-Conwy, Peter; Graves, Pam
     Chronological coverage: 500–1500
     Index terms: Animals, representations of

An Irish gradual of the 12th century - Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Rawl. C. 892: a palaeographical, liturgical and repertorial study. Lawrence, Francis J.
     Ph.D., University College Dublin.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1165
     Index terms: Oxford, Bodleian Library; Gradual; Palaeography; Music, church; Liturgy; Repertory; Ireland

Brides of Christ: royal marriage and the conversion of the English in Bede's 'Historia Ecclesiastica'. MacCarron, Mairin
     Ph.D., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Reilly, Jennifer
     Chronological coverage: 731–731
     Index terms: Historia ecclesiastica (731), of Bede; Marriage, royal; Bede, St. (673/4–735), monk and historian; Church, early; Conversion, religious

Bruno Von Rappoltstein: power relationships in later medieval Alsace. Carter, Geoffrey P.
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: Rappoltstein, Bruno von (c.1335-1398); France; Alsace

Catalysts and constraints of castle-building in Suffolk c.1066-1200 A.D. McAndrew, Duncan
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.). Supervised by Reynolds, Andrew; Milne, Gustav
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1200
     Index terms: Castle-building, in Suffolk; Suffolk

Communities of the hinterland: social networks and geographical mobility beyond the walls of late medieval York. Hamblen, Bethany J.
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Rees Jones, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Mobility, geographical; Social networks, in York; York

Constructing English identities, 924-1066. Pickin, Rebecca J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 924–1066
     Index terms: Identity, national

Contested loyalties: regional and national identities in the midland kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, c.700-c.900. Capper, Morn D.T.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Foot, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 700–900
     Index terms: Anglo-Saxons; Identity, national; Identity, regional

Dramatic activity in early modern Newcastle upon Tyne, c.1400-1640. McKay, Jean M.
     M.Phil., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1640
     Index terms: Drama, see also Theatre; Newcastle upon Tyne

Early Tudor drama and legal culture, c.1485-1558. McBain, James
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1558
     Index terms: Legal culture; Drama

English medieval bone flutes, c.450-c.1550 A.D. Leaf, Helen
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 450–1550
     Index terms: Flutes, bone; Music, medieval

Gender, age and visibility: the archaeology of women and children in Ireland, 700-1200. McAlister, Deirdre K.
     Ph.D., Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Bradley, John
     Chronological coverage: 700–1200
     Index terms: Gender, in Ireland; Age, in Ireland; Women, in Ireland; Ireland

Gendered imaginations? Illustrating the high medieval psalter for men and women in England. Mills, Rosie Chambers
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1230
     Index terms: Psalters
     Categories: Gender and Women

Goldsmiths and the English royal court, 1360-1413. Lutkin, Jessica
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Saul, Nigel E.
     Chronological coverage: 1360–1413
     Index terms: Goldsmiths; Court

Horsemen and warriors: sculptural patronage in Viking age Northumbria. Russell, Natalie
     M.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine; Hawkes, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 600–1000
     Index terms: Patronage, artistic; Northumbria; Vikings; Sculpture, Viking

Leofric of Exeter and his Lotharingian connections: a bishop's books, c.1050-1072. Corradini, Erika
     Ph.D., Leicester.
     Chronological coverage: 1050–1072
     Index terms: Leofric (d. 1072), bishop of Exeter; Books; Lotharingia

Local conflict in the Anglo-Scottish borderlands, c.1399-1488. Armstrong, Jackson Webster
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1399–1488
     Index terms: Conflict, in Scotland; Border, Scottish; Scotland, and England

Materials for the study of the cult of St. Agnes of Rome in Anglo-Saxon England: texts and interpretations. Phillips, Christine
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Corona, Gabriella; Garrison, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Index terms: Saints, cult of; Agnes of Rome, St.

Medieval English roodscreens, with special reference to Devon. Williams, Michael Aufrère
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1570
     Index terms: Roodscreens, medieval; Devon

Meditations of the Bible in late medieval England. Poleg, Eyal
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Rubin, Miri E.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Bible, meditations of

Memory and gender in the late medieval church courts of York. Kane, Bronach C.
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Goldberg, Jeremy
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Law, in York; York; Church courts, in York; Gender; Memory, medieval

Mortality and life expectancy: Winchester College and the New College, Oxford c.1393-c.1540. Oakes, Rebecca
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Beaumont James, Tom; Hicks, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1393–1540
     Index terms: New College, Oxford; Winchester College; Life expectancy; Mortality; Oxford University

Order and society: Great Yarmouth, 1366-1381. Rodziewicz, Janka
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Church, Stephen D.
     Chronological coverage: 1366–1381
     Index terms: Great Yarmouth, Norf.; Norfolk

Politics and community in south Nottinghamshire, 1327-60. Russell, Peter
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodd, Gwilym
     Chronological coverage: 1327–1360
     Index terms: Community, in Nottinghamshire; Nottinghamshire

Politics, governance and the Wars of the Roses: the political elites of south-west England, 1450-1500. Stansfield, Robert
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Grant, Alexander
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1500
     Index terms: Wars of the Roses (1455-85); Elites, political

Scandinavian settlement of northern Shetland: Northmavine, Yell, Unst and Fetlar. Marttila, Juha M.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Batey, Colleen E.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1100
     Index terms: Northmavine; Settlement, Scandinavian, of Shetland; Yell; Scandinavians, in Shetland; Scotland; Shetland; Unst; Fetlar

Scotland at war: its conduct and the behaviour of Scottish soldiers, 1332-57. MacInnes, Iain A.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1332–1357
     Index terms: Soldiers, in Scotland; War, conduct of, in Scotland; Scotland

Strange appearance': the reception of Homer in Renaissance England. Demetriou, Tania
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1450
     Index terms: Homer, reception of

The Anglicisation of the Gaelic Irish nobility, c.1169-1366. Verstraten, Freya
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin.
     Chronological coverage: 1169–1366
     Index terms: Anglicisation, of Gaelic nobility; Ireland; Nobility, Gaelic

The Anglo-Saxon charters of York and Durham. Woodman, David A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 934–1066
     Index terms: York; Charters, Anglo-Saxon; Durham

The client network, connections and patronage of Sir John Howard (Lord Howard, first duke of Norfolk) in north-east Essex and south Suffolk. Ashdown-Hill, John
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Thornton, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1449–1485
     Index terms: Essex; Suffolk; Client networks; Patronage; Howard, John (d. 1485), 1st duke of Norfolk

The English household chapel, c.1100 -c.1500: an institutional study. Rawlinson, Kent A.C.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.; Harvey, Margaret H.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1500
     Index terms: Household chapels, medieval; Chapels,household

The medieval Irish church and early Norse Christianity. Martin, Thomas
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Galway. (Hist.). Supervised by Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Index terms: Church, medieval, in Ireland; Christianity, Norse

The mercers in medieval York, 1272/3-1529: social aspirations and commercial enterprise. Wheatley, Louise Russell
     Ph.D., York.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1529
     Index terms: Merchants; Trade; Social aspiration; York; Mercers; Commerce

The O'Farrells of Annaly: the transformation of a late medieval lordship in early modern Ireland. Farrell, Neil
     M.Litt., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Gillespie, Raymond
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: O'Farrells of Annaly; Ireland; Lordship, in Ireland

The origins of the role of Master of the Order of Sempringham, c.1130-c.1230. Sykes, Katharine
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1130–1230
     Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Sempringham, priory; Master of the Order of Sempringham

The painted glass of Great Malvern priory (Worcs.) c.1430-c.1500. Scott, Heather Gilderdale
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Crossley, Paul B.
     Chronological coverage: 1430–1500
     Index terms: Worcestershire; Great Malvern priory, Worcs.; Stained glass

The prevention and resolution of disputes over property rights in 12th- and early 13th-century Scotland. O'Sullivan, Eileen M.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Broun, Dauvit E.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1220
     Index terms: Property rights, in medieval Scotland; Scotland

The production and the historical context of the Vitae Dunstani of Osbern, Eadmer and William of Malmesbury, c.1090-c. 1130. Vaughan, Alexander
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1090–1130
     Index terms: Osbern (d. 1094?), Bendictine monk and hagiographer; William of Malmesbury (c.1090-c.1142), Benedicine monk and historian; Eadmer of Canterbury (c.1060-c.1126), Benedictine monk and historian; Vitae Dunstani, of Osbern

The psychology of devotion in late medieval England: instruction, analysis and religious experience. Bradley, Christopher Gibson
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Devotion; Religion

The religious dimensions of English Cistercian privileges. Morgan, Stuart A.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses; Cistercians

Transport for London, 1250-1550. Martin, Claire
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1550
     Index terms: Transport, in medieval London; London

Viking-age settlements in north-west England: a re-consideration. Watson, Richard
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Higham, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 800–1066
     Index terms: Settlement, Viking; Vikings

Welsh settlement in medieval Ireland, c.1170-1530. Price, Roger T.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Rowlands, Ifor
     Chronological coverage: 1170–1530
     Index terms: Wales, and Ireland; Settlement, Welsh, in Ireland; Ireland, and Wales


A comparative analysis of the palaeography of the manuscripts containing the Æthelwoldian translation of Regula Sancti Benedicti written in England. Álvarez López, Francisco J.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 959–975
     Index terms: Benedictines; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Regula Sancti Benedicti; Palaeography

A limpid and abundant spring': a re-reading of Walter Daniel's Life of Ailred of Rievaulx. Moatt, Michelle
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Jotischky, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1167
     Index terms: Life of Ailred of Rievaulx, of Walter Daniel; Ailred of Rievaulx (1110–67), religious writer and abbot of Rievaulx; Church, medieval; Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses; Daniel, Walter (fl. 1150–1167), Cistercian monk, hagiographer, and theologian; Rievaulx abbey, Yorks.

A manuscript for all seasons: MS. 8004 in the context of medieval medicine and the dissemination of knowledge. Mount, Toni P.
     M.A., Kent.
     Chronological coverage: 1454–1456
     Index terms: Physician's Handbook; Medicine, medieval

Anglo-Saxon conceptions of the inner self: an exploration of tradition and innovation in selected Cynewulfian and Alfredian texts. Ramsden, Alexandra
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Garrison, Mary; Townend, Matthew
     Chronological coverage: 770–899

A regal asset or a right royal disaster? King's knights, royal influence and local administration in the Midlands, 1377-99. Dowse, Colin
     M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Bothwell, James
     Chronological coverage: 1377–1399
     Index terms: Administration, local; Midlands; Knights; Royal power

Aspects of law, kingship and government in medieval Scotland, c.1100-1230. Taylor, Alice
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Maddicott, John; Sharpe, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1230
     Index terms: Scotland; Government, in Scotland; Kingship, in Scotland; Law, in Scotland

A study in the literary dimensions of Anglo-Saxon charters from the 7th century to the reign of Edgar. Snook, Benjamin J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 600–975
     Index terms: Edgar (943/4-975), king ; Charters, Anglo-Saxon

A Study in the Literary Dimensions of Anglo-Saxon Charters From the Seventh Century to the Reign of Edgar'. Snook, Ben
     Ph.D., Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. Supervised by Love, Rosalind
     Chronological coverage: 600–900
     Categories: 500-1000

A study in vernacular devotional translation in late medieval England. Iguchi, Atsushi
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500
     Index terms: Religion; Devotion, religious

Bede's eschatologial thought. Darby, Peter N.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooks, Nicholas P.
     Chronological coverage: 700–740

Charcoal burial in early medieval England. Holloway, James
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Index terms: Charcoal burial

Clergy and commoners: interactions between medieval clergy and laity in a regional context. Taubman, Andrew W.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, Jeremy; Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
     Index terms: Laity, medieval; Clergy, medieval

Coinage and history in Southumbrian England, c.750-865. Naismith, Rory
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 750–865
     Index terms: Coinage

Constructions of masculinity in late medieval England. Oliver, Andrea E.E.
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Masculinity, medieval

Continuity and change at Hereford and Worcester cathedrals, and the effects on musical and liturgical provision and practice, c.1480-1650. Burson, Anna K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Caldwell, John; Harper, John
     Chronological coverage: 1480–1650
     Index terms: Hereford, cathedral; Worcester, cathedral; Cathedrals; Music, liturgical; Liturgy

Drogheda as a case-study of an Anglo-Norman town foundation, 1188-1412. Buldorini, Chiara
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Simms, Katherine
     Chronological coverage: 1188–1412
     Index terms: Town foundation, in Ireland; Ireland; Drogheda, Ireland

Dynasty and the family unit: assessing the nature and structures of the West Saxon royal house in Wessex and Mercia in the later 9th and earlier 10th centuries. Mann, Adrian
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Yarrow, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 850–950
     Index terms: Royalty, West Saxon; West Saxons; Mercia; Wessex; Families, royal

Earl Rognvaldr Kali: crisis and development in 12th-century Orkney. Prescott, Joshua
     M.Phil., St. Andrews.
     Chronological coverage: 1135–1158
     Index terms: Orkney; Rögnvaldr Kali Kolsson (c.1103-1158), earl of Orkney

Female moneylending and wet-nursing in Jewish-Christian relations in 13th-century England. Meyer, Hannah
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Wet-nursing; Moneylending, female; Women; Jews, and Christians

Fictions of fatherhood: fatherhood in late medieval English gentry and mercantile letters and romances. Moss, Rachel
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, Jeremy; McDonald, Nicola
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Correspondence, mercantile; Merchants; Gentry; Fatherhood; Romances, mercantile

'For to knowen here sicknesse and to do the lechecraft there fore': animal ailments and their treatments in late medieval England. Aitchison, Briony
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Simone C.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Animals, medical treatment of

Grasping schemer or hostage to fortune: the life and career of Stigand, last Anglo-Saxon archbishop of Canterbury. Mitton, Nancy L.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Chronological coverage: 1020–1072
     Index terms: Canterbury, archbishop of; Stigand (d. 1072), archbishop of Canterbury; Church, Anglo-Saxon

Hidden spaces, obscure purposes: the medieval ecclesiastical staircase, gallery and upper chamber in east Kent. Huitson, Toby
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Bovey, Alixe; Thomas, Gabor
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1550

'Invisible melodies': music, space, memory and identity in England, 'c'.1350-1550. Bolitho, Sally
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, Jeremy; Losseff, Nicola
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1550

Looking east and west: the reception and dissemination of the Topographia Hibernica and the Itinerarium ad partes orientales in England, 1185-1500. David, Sumithra
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1185–1500
     Index terms: Itinerarium ad partes orientales (1255), of William of Rubruck; Gerald of Wales (c.1146–1220x23), author and ecclesiastic; William of Rubruck (c.1220-c.1293), Franciscan missionary and explorer; Topographia Hibernica (1186-7), of Gerald of Wales; Manuscript circulation

Money and money equivalents in 7th- and 8th-century England - the transition from a pre-coinage age to a politically managed economy. Errington, Mark
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bassett, Steven R.
     Chronological coverage: 600–800
     Index terms: Coins, Coinage; Financial exchange; Money

Politics and the creation of memory: the afterlife of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. Millard, Frank
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1447–1500
     Index terms: Humphrey, duke of Gloucester (1390-1447)

Protection, feud and royal power: violence and its regulation in English law, c.850-c.1250. Lambert, Thomas B.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.; Liddy, Christian D.
     Chronological coverage: 850–1250
     Index terms: Law; Violence; Royal power; Feuds

Queen consorts and queen mothers: the power and authority of early 14th-century Plantagenent queens. Benz, Lisa
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1315–1409
     Index terms: Women, royal; Royal power; Queenship; Plantagenets

Reforming drama: theology and theatricality, 1461-1553. Atkin, Tamara
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gillespie, Vincent; Smith, Emma
     Chronological coverage: 1461–1553
     Index terms: Drama; Theology; Theatricality

Remembrance tuk me be the hand': memory and the cultivation of national identity in late medieval texts. Ash, Kate
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: National identity

Representations and experiences of place: the islands of Sheppey in the late medieval and early modern period. Caiazza, Melanie
     Ph.D., Kent.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1700
     Index terms: Sheppey, islands

Studies in the exercise of royal power in Ireland, c.650-c.1200 A.D. Casey, Denis
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 650–1200
     Index terms: Royal power, in Ireland; Ireland

Tactics, strategy and the social composition of the army in England during the Hundred Years' War (with particular reference to the periods 1337-86 and 1413-22). Bethell, John
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1337–1453
     Index terms: Hundred Years' War (1337-1453); Military tactics; Army, social composition of; Military strategy

Taking the war to Scotland and France: the supply and transportation of English armies by sea, 1320-60. Lambert, Craig
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ayton, Andrew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1320–1360
     Index terms: Scotland; Army, transportation; France

Telling tales about Rosslyn chapel, c.1446-2006. Hannay, Alexander
     Ph.D., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: 1446–2006
     Index terms: Rosslyn chapel, Midlothian; Scotland; Chapels

The Anglo-Saxon and Irish ideal of the Civitas, c.500-1050. Maddox, Melanie
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Bartlett, Ribert J.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1050
     Index terms: Civitas, Anglo-Saxon; Ireland; Anglo-Saxons; Civitas, Irish

The baronage in the reign of Richard II, 1377-99. Fildes, Keith
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Walker, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1377–1399
     Index terms: Nobility; Richard II (1367-1400), king; Baronage

The book collections at St. Guthlac's priory, Hereford before 1200: acquisition, adaptation and use. Tuckley, Chris
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Shaw, Philip; Swan, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1200
     Index terms: Herefordshire; Books; St. Guthlac's priory, Hereford; Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses

The -by place names and Scandinavian settlement in Norfolk. Wilson, Simon A.
     M.Res., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Bombi, Barbara
     Chronological coverage: 800–1066
     Index terms: Norfolk; Place-names, Scandinavian, in Norfolk

The castle in the social and geographical landscape of medieval Cumbria, *c*.1066-1300. McCabe, Hannah
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Barry, Terence
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1300
     Index terms: Cumbria; Castles

The classical erudition of Peter of Blois. Hanaphy, Stephen
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Robinson, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1212
     Index terms: Blois, Peter of (1125 x 30–1212), letter writer and ecclesiastic

The de Lacy family in England, Ireland and Normandy, *c*.1160-1241. Veach, Colin
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Seán
     Chronological coverage: 1160–1241
     Index terms: Ireland; Normandy; de Lacy family

The development of the Anglican episcopate in mainland Britain, with special reference to current perceptions and expectations of the episcopal role by bishops, clergy and key laity in four dioceses of the three countries. Keulemans, Michael
     D.Min., Bangor.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
     Index terms: Laity, Anglican; Clergy, Anglican; Bishops, Anglican; Anglican Church, see Church of England; Church of England; Episcopate, Anglican

The development of the notions of penance, purgatory and the afterlife in Anglo-Saxon England. Forbes, Helen G.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1066
     Index terms: Church, medieval; Afterlife; Purgatory; Penance

The divine office in Anglo-Saxon England, 597-c.1000. Billett, Jesse D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 597–1000
     Index terms: Divine office; Church, medieval

The earls in the reign of Edward I (1272-1307). Spencer, Andrew M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1307
     Index terms: Nobility; Edward I (1239-1307), king; Earls

The hagiographical workes of Jocelin of Furness: text and context. Birkett, Helen
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Norton, E. Christopher; Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn
     Chronological coverage: 1180–1220

The household accounts of King Henry III. Wild, Ben
     M.Phil., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1272
     Index terms: Household accounts, of Henry III; Henry III (1207-72), king

'Their final blazon': burial and commemoration among the north midland nobility and gentry, c.1200-1536. Lee, Kelcey
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Saul, Nigel E.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1536
     Index terms: Commemoration; Burial; Midlands; Gentry; Nobility

The military organisation of Southampton in the late medieval period, 1300-1500. Moffett, Randall P.
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Military; Southampton, military organisation of

The minster churches of Beverley, Ripon and Southwell, 1066-c.1300. Sharp, I. Stuart
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Haseldine, Julian
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1300
     Index terms: Southwell, Notts.; Ripon, Yorks.; Beverley, Yorks.; Churches

The Norman episcopate, 989-1110. Allen, Richard
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 989–1110
     Index terms: Episcopate, Norman, see also Bishops

The Northumbrian name stones of early Christian Anglo-Saxon England. Maddern, Christine
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Hawkes, Jane; Cubitt, Catherine
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000

The nunneries of London and its environs, 1100-1400. Jones, Janet M.
     M.Phil., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1400
     Index terms: Nunneries, in London; London

The origins of Warwick. Hinksman, Sarah
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bassett, Steven R.
     Chronological coverage: 914–1300
     Index terms: Warwick, Warks.

The patronage and iconography of stained glass in late medieval Norfolk: an historical analysis. Daunton, Claire H.G.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Rawcliffe, Carole
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Stained glass, in Norfolk; Norfolk; Patronage, artistic; Iconography

The religiosity of English men-at-arms in the 14th century. St. John, Graham E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
     Index terms: Religious faith, of soldiers; Soldiers; Army

The royal court and household of Scotland, 1329-1437. Scott, Nicola Rankin
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Oram, Richard D.; Penman, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1329–1437
     Index terms: Royalty, Scottish; Households, royal, Scottish; Court, Scottish

The significance of angels in English religious cultures, c.1480-1700. Sangha, Laura
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Marshall, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1480–1700
     Index terms: Angels

The signifying question in Middle English religious discourse, c.1380-1500. Vincent, Diane E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1380–1500
     Index terms: Signifying question

The structure and exercise of lordship in south eastern Scotland, 1094-1434. Gledhill, Jonathan
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Grant, Alexander
     Chronological coverage: 1094–1434
     Index terms: Lordship, in Scotland; Scotland

The trade and industry of late medieval Ipswich. Amor, Nicholas R.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Rawcliffe, Carole
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Ipswich, Suff.; Trade, in Ipswich; Industry, in Ipswich

The ‘Wonders of the East’ in its contexts: a critical examination of London, British Library, Cotton MSS. Vitellius A.XV and Tiberius B.V. and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Bodley 614. Ford, Alun J.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1066
     Index terms: Manuscripts; Wonders of the East

Urbanisation and the urban landscape: building medieval Bury St. Edmunds. Antrobus, Abby L.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Bailiff, Ian; Gerrard, Chris; Graves, Pam
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1600
     Index terms: Bury St. Edmunds, Suff.; Urbanisation; Suffolk

William of Wykeham and the founding of Winchester College. Shipp, Arnold
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Orme, Nicholas; Hamilton, Sarah M.
     Chronological coverage: 1340–1404
     Index terms: Wykeham, William (c.1324–1404), bishop of Winchester; Winchester College


A history of Gaelic script, A.D. 1000-1200. Duncan, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1200

Almsgiving in late Anglo-Saxon England, c.900-1066. Olson, Aleisha
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine
     Chronological coverage: 900–1066
     Index terms: Almsgiving, medieval

A medieval London hospital: Elsyngspital, 1330-1536. Bowtell, Ann
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1330–1536
     Index terms: Hospitals; Elsyngspital hospital, London; Health, Healthcare; London

An archaeology of Scotland's early Romanesque churches: the towers of Alba. Semple, Mhairi-Claire
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Broun, Dauvit E.; Driscoll, Stephen T.
     Chronological coverage: 1150–1250
     Index terms: Scotland; Architecture, Romanesque; Churches, in Scotland

An edition of the cartulary of Alvingham priory. Redford, Jill
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Hoskins, Philippa
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Cartularies; Alvingham priory, Lincs.

A sense of place in rural settlement: a locally orientated study of the Huntingdonshire Ouse Valley and the eastern High Weald. Chester-Kadwell, Brendan
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–2000

Aspects of the alignment and location of medieval rural churches. Hinton, Ian
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500

Barrows and buildings, ditches and dwellings: the appropriation of prehistoric monuments in early to middle Anglo-Saxon settlements. Crewe, Vicky A.
     Ph.D., Sheffield.
     Chronological coverage: 600–850

Between history and hagiography: aspects of William of Canterbury's 'Miracula Sancti Thome'. Oppitz-Trotman, Gesine
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, Nicholas C.
     Chronological coverage: 1160–1170

Blessings for nature in the English liturgy, 'c'.900-1200. Rowe, Tasmin L.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1200

Concealed communities: the history and archaeology of Upper Coquetdale and the College Valley during the late medieval and post-medieval periods. Shipley, Jonathan P.
     Ph.D., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1700

Constructing spiritual landscapes: aspects of centrality and peripherality in Anglo-Saxon England and early medieval Ireland. Douglass, Brian
     M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Garrison, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Index terms: Landscape, spiritual; Ireland; Landscape, spiritual, in Ireland

Constructing the father: 15th-century manuscripts of Geoffrey Chaucer's works. Magnani, Roberta
     Ph.D., Cardiff.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

Contextualising lawcodes in English manuscripts, 1060-1220. Gobbitt, Thom
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Swan, Mary; Da Rold, Orietta
     Chronological coverage: 1060–1220
     Index terms: Manuscripts; Law codes

Continuity and change: the town, people and administration of Nottingham between c.1400 and c.1600. Mills, Judith
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Goddard, Richard; Merritt, Julia F.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
     Index terms: Nottingham

Crown and community on the royal manors of the Liffey Valley. Foley, Ann
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Seán
     Chronological coverage: 1175–1250

'Elysabeth ye Quene': understanding representations of Elysabeth of York in the Tudor period, 1485-1603. Johnson, Jacqueline J.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1603

English chivalrous society and the crusade, 'c'.1307-1399. Guard, Timothy
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Tyerman, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: 1307–1399

From Rome to 'the ends of the habitable world': the provision of clergy and church buildings in the Hebrides, c.1266-c.1472. Thomas, Sarah E.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Driscoll, Stephen T.; Macgregor, Martin D.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1266–1472
     Index terms: Churches, in Scotland; Scotland; Hebrides; Clergy, in Scotland

Iona's local associations in Argyll and the Isles, c.1203-c.1575. MacDonald, Janet C.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Clancy, Thomas O.; McGregor, Martin
     Chronological coverage: 1203–1575
     Index terms: Scotland; Iona, Scotland; Argyll, Scotland

Landed society and the honour of Pontefract, c.1086-1509. Rose, Sarah
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Grant, Alexander; Stringer, Keith
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1509
     Index terms: Pontefract, Yorks.

Lincoln in the Viking age: a 'town' in context. Harkel, Aleida T.T.
     Ph.D., Sheffield.
     Chronological coverage: 789–1085

Medieval Religious Guilds: an analysis of the Palmers’ Guild, Ludlow,and the Holy Cross Guild, Stratford-upon-Avon c.1400-1551. Bailey, Judy
     MA (Research), University of Gloucestershire. Supervised by Barker, Simon; Judica, John
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1551
     Categories: 16th Century; 15th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history

Medieval religious guilds: an analysis of the Palmers’ Guild, Ludlow, and the Holy Cross Guild, Stratford-upon-Avon, 'c'.1400-1551. Bailey, Judy
     M.A., Gloucestershire. (Hum.). Supervised by Judica, John; Barker, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1551

Medieval rural settlement: a study of Mid-Argyll, Scotland. James, Heather F.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Driscoll, Stephen T.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Argyll, Scotland; Scotland

Memorialisation and the gentry of Glamorgan, 1250-1550. Biebrach, Rhianydd
     Ph.D., Swansea. (Hist.). Supervised by Youngs, Deborah
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1550
     Index terms: Gentry, in Wales; Glamorgan; Wales

Men of law: local legal professionals in early 14th-century East Anglia. Kinsey, Robert C.
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1325
     Index terms: Law; East Anglia

Non-metallic armour prior to the First World War. Cheshire, Edward
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Atkins, A.; Tallett, Frank
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1914
     Index terms: Armour, metallic; World War I (1914-18)

Offices, officers and accountability in the middle ages. Sabapathy, John W.W.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
     Index terms: Officers, Office-holding, medieval

Peasant agriculture at Oakington, Cambridgeshire, c.1290-1400. Sapoznik, Alexandra M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hatcher, John
     Chronological coverage: 1290–1400
     Index terms: Oakington, Cambs.; Agriculture, peasant

Proofs of age, 1246-1430: their nature and use as sources. Deller, William
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Grant, Alexander; Winstanley, Michael J.
     Chronological coverage: 1246–1430
     Index terms: Proofs of age

Reconstituting the English diplomatic 'corps', 1335-1422: a prosopographical study. Benson, Katherine J.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Matthews, E.A.W
     Chronological coverage: 1335–1422
     Index terms: Diplomats, Diplomacy

Representations of knighthood in late medieval Scotland. Caughey, Anna
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mapstone, Sally
     Chronological coverage: 1375–1513

Saffron Walden: role and context of a late medieval small town. Allan, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Saffron Walden, Essex

Saint Christopher wall paintings in English and Welsh churches, 'c'.1250-'c'.1500. Pridgeon, Eleanor E.
     Ph.D., Leicester.
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1500

Savernake forest: continuity and change in a wooded landscape. Lennon, Ben
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–2000

Servicium debitum and scutage in 12th-century England, with comparisons to the regno of southern Italy. Smith, Nicholas J. Crosby
     Ph.D., Durham.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200

Stress along the medieval Anglo-Scottish border? Skeletal indicators of conflict-zone health. Jennings, Jaime
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Roberts, Charlotte; Graves, Pam
     Chronological coverage: 800–1500
     Index terms: Scotland; Health, Healthcare, in Scotland

The alchemy of George Ripley, 1470-1700. Rampling, Jennifer M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. & Phil. of Sc.). Supervised by Kassell, Lauren
     Chronological coverage: 1470–1700
     Index terms: Alchemy; Ripley, George (d. c.1490), alchemist

The Augustinian canons in the diocese of Worcester. Nicholls, Nick
     Ph.D., Wales. (Trinity St. David Hist.). Supervised by Burton, Janet
     Chronological coverage: 1170–1536
     Index terms: Worcester, diocese; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Augustinian canons

The cross of Christ and Anglo-Norman religious imagination. Munns, John Millington
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Binski, Paul
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1154
     Index terms: Cross of Christ; Religion, Anglo-Norman

The inward keeping of the self: affective discourse and the acquisition of virtue in vernacular devotional writing. Gunning, Janet
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth University. Supervised by Watt, Diane; Schofield, Phillipp
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1450
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history

The location of early medieval churches in Northumbria: conversion to a Christian landscape in northern England. Newton, Andrew C.
     Ph.D., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: 650–800
     Index terms: Northumbria; Conversion to Christianity, in Northumbria; Churches, in Northumbria

The military activities of bishops, abbots and other clergy in England, 'c'.900-1200. Gerrard, Daniel
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Strickland, Matthew J.; Marritt, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 900–1200

The Northumbrian frontiers, 'c'.500-'c'.850. Clark, Felicity H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Blair, W. John; Charles-Edwards, Thomas
     Chronological coverage: 500–850

The origins and development of central and focal places in early medieval south-west England. Foote, Simon J.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 600–800

The origins of East Anglian towns: coin loss in the landscape, A.D. 470-939. Hutcheson, Andrew R.J.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 470–939

The place-name evidence for a route-way network in early medieval England. Cole, Ann
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Blair, W. John
     Chronological coverage: 600–800

The political career of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, c.1413-1447. Rhymer, Lucy
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, M. Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1413–1447
     Index terms: Humphrey, duke of Gloucester (1390-1447)

The portrayal of St. Patrick in Muirchú's *Vita Patricii*. Powell, Robert
     Ph.D., Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Bracken, Damian
     Chronological coverage: 650–650
     Index terms: Patrick, St. (*fl*. 5th cent.), patron saint of Ireland; Muirchú Moccu Macthéni (*fl*. 7th cent.), historian and monk; Saints

The role of cage chantries in late medieval England, c.1360-1540. Wood, Cindy
     Ph.D., Winchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Hicks, Michael A.; Beaumont James, Tom
     Chronological coverage: 1360–1540
     Index terms: Chantries

The use of G.I.S. in determining the role of visibility in the siting of early Anglo-Norman stone castles in Ireland. McManama-Kearin, Lisa K.
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1886

The Welsh soldier, 1283-1422. Chapman, Adam
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Curry, Anne
     Chronological coverage: 1283–1422
     Index terms: Soldiers, Welsh; Military, Welsh

Thomas Hoccleve as poet and clerk. Killick, Helen
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Mooney, Linne; Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1388–1426

Thought on the soul in England, 'c'.1160-1220. Poffley, Vincent
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kempshall, Matthew
     Chronological coverage: 1160–1220

Trinkets and charms: the use, meaning and significance of later medieval and early post-medieval dress accessories. Standley, Eleanor R.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Gerrard, Chris; Graves, Pam
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1700
     Index terms: Dress; Charms

War and politics: John Wyclif in the context of 14th-century political thought. Cox, Rory
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Forres, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1384


Accounting, management and control at Durham cathedral priory, 'c'.1250-'c'.1420. Dobie, Alisdair J.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodds, Benjamin; Prestwich, Michael C.
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1420

Agricultural wage labour in 15th-century England. Liu, Gerald
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodds, Benjamin; Liddy, Christian D.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

Anglo-Saxon bishops in their political context, 597-1066. Coffin, Benedict
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Hist. Res.). Supervised by Thacker, Alan T.; Keene, Derek
     Chronological coverage: 597–1066

Barking abbey and its saints, 'c.'950-1100. Beaumont, Casey
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Stafford, Pauline A.
     Chronological coverage: 950–1100

'Brynge Hym into my Chapelle': sacred space in middle English romance. Morgan, Chloe
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by McDonald, Nicola; Marks, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1050–1500

Christianity and burial in late Iron Age Scotland, A.D. 400-650. Maldonado, Adrian
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Driscoll, Stephen; Campbell, Euan
     Chronological coverage: 400–650
     Index terms: Christianity, in Scotland; Scotland

Creating a 'gens Anglorum'. McKinney, Windy
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine R.E.; Tyler, Elizabeth
     Chronological coverage: 692–731

Cymry yn Eglwys yr Oesoedd Canol. ('In Welsh medium'.). Emlyn, Rhun
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth. (Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Stöber, Karen; Schofield, Phillipp
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500

Education and episcopacy: the universities of Scotland in the 15th century. Woodman, Isla
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Mason, Roger A.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

From Paganism to Christianity: the role of acculturation in medieval Irish tradition. Hamon, Denis
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Johnston, Elva
     Chronological coverage: 400–800

Gaelic place names and the social history of Gaelic speakers in medieval Menteith. McNiven, Peter
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Clancy, Thomas; Broun, Dauvit
     Chronological coverage: 700–1300
     Index terms: Place-names, Gaelic; Gaelic language; Menteith, Scotland; Scotland

Gender and transgression in the late medieval English household. McLoughlin, Sarah
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by McDonald, Nicola; Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

Girard d'Athée and the men from the Touraine: their roles under King John. Rickaby, Caroline
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.; Liddy, Christian D.
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1216

Holy Innocent? Narratives of faith and the construction of childhood in later medieval England. Bennett, Alice
     M.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Goldberg, P. Jeremy P.; Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

Knole: an architectural and social history of the archbishop of Canterbury's house, 1456-1535. Gregory, Alden
     D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by O'Malley, M.; Howard, Maurice
     Chronological coverage: 1456–1535

Late medieval roof bosses in the churches of Devon. Andrew, Susan
     Ph.D., Plymouth.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

Local communities in 15th-century London: craft, parish and neighbourhood. Colson, Justin
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Burgess, Clive R.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

Money and power in the Viking kingdom of York, 'c'.895-954. Gooch, Megan L.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.; Dodds, Ben
     Chronological coverage: 800–900

Perceptions of conversion in 7th-century Ireland: representations of religious transformation in the 'Lives' of Brigit and Patrick. Dawson, Elizabeth
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Johnston, Elva
     Chronological coverage: 600–700

Peripatetic and sedentary kingship: the itineraries of the 13th-century English kings. Kanter, Julie
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300

Political ideals and values in Ricardian literature, 1377-99. Green, Kathryn
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rigby, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1377–1399
     Index terms: Literature, Ricardian; Richard II (1367-1400), king

Recession and recovery in the north-east, 1450-1540. Brown, Alex
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodds, Ben; Green, Adrian
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1540

Representing Rome: the influence of ‘Rome’ on aspects of the public arts of early Anglo-Saxon England ('c'.600-800). Izzi, Luisa
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine; Hawkes, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 600–800

Sir John Fortescue on law and regal power. Marcuzzi, Suzanne
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Stedman Jones, Gareth
     Chronological coverage: 1417–1479

Sokemen and freemen in late Anglo-Saxon East Anglia in comparative context. Day, Emma S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Pratt, David R.; Smith, Richard M.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1066

The blind in later medieval England: medical, social and religious responses. Hawkins, Joy
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Rawcliffe, Carole
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

The cult of relics in early Christian Ireland. Wycherley, Niamh
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Doherty, Charles
     Chronological coverage: 600–700

The daughters of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine: a comparative study of 12th-century royal women. Bowie, Colette M.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Strickland, Matthew J.; Marritt, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1156–1199

The English way of war, 1360-99: a case of military decline?. Baker, Gary
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ayton, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: 1360–1399
     Index terms: Warfare

The image and reality of the magician figure in 12th-century England. Escobar Vargas, Carolina
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Lawrence, Anne E.; Le Saux, Françoise
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200

The Kelso Abbey cartulary: context, production and forgery. Smith, Andrew T.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Clancy, Thomas; Broun, Dauvit
     Chronological coverage: 700–1500
     Index terms: Forgery, monastic; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Scotland; Cartularies; Kelso Abbey

The landscapes of Stanley abbey, 1250-1650. Brown, Graham
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1650

The manuscript tradition of Gerald of Wales's 'Topography'. Ni Bheaglaoi, Noirin
     M.Phil.(Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jason
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1700

The organisation of the early church in the East Riding of Yorkshire, 'c'.700-1100: the churches of 1086 and their origins. Brown, Joseph S.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Cubitt, Catherine; Richards, Julian D.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1100

The political appropriation of Lydgate's 'Fall of Princes': a manuscript study of British Library, MS. Harley 1766. Pittaway, Sarah L.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1460

The significance of the place-name element 'funta in the early middle ages. Hawkins, Jillian P.
     Ph.D., Winchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Yorke, Barbara; Stoodley, Nick
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000

Transfers of property by the laity in Anglo-Saxon England: the disposition of property at death. Mumby, Julie
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000


Affective devotion and the formation of a virtuous Christian disposition in later medieval English society, c.1350-c.1450. Gunning, Janet M.
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth. (Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Schofield, Phillipp; Watt, Dianne
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1450
     Index terms: Virtue, Christian; Devotion, Christian

An analysis of the archaeological evolution of Pollok country park: the estate o'many pairts. Mitchell, Mark T.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Dalglish, Christopher; Driscoll, Stephen T.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1500
     Index terms: Pollok country park, Glasgow; Scotland

Angels in Anglo-Saxon England, 700-1000. Sowerby, Richard S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foot, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Index terms: Angels

Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture in Mercia as evidence of continental influence and cultural exchange. Dales, Gwendoline
     Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Semple, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 400–1066

Borderlands: the Buckinghamshire-Northamptonshire border, 600-1600. Taylor-Moore, Kim
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1600
     Index terms: Northamptonshire; Buckinghamshire; Borderlands

Deciphering the manuscript page: the mise-en-page of Chaucer, Gower and Hoccleve manuscripts. Nafde, Aditi
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng. Lang. ; Lit.). Supervised by Hanna, Ralph; Horobin, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1370–1426

Dissemination of a legend: the texts and contexts of the cult of St. Guthlac. Bacola, Meredith A.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Gameson, Richard; Rollason, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 700–800
     Index terms: Cult of saints; Guthlac, St. (674-715), hermit

Ethnonyms in Scottish place names. Peader Morgan, Ailig
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Woolf, Alexander
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Index terms: Ethnonyms, on Scottish place-names; Scotland; Place-names, in Scotland

Friendship and favour in late Anglo-Saxon elite culture: a study of documentary and narrative sources, c.900-1016. Schröder, Els
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Tyler, Elizabeth; Cubitt, Catherine R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1016
     Index terms: Culture, elite; Favour; Friendship

Green Hoods and kingship: a literary approach to the problem of political disorder in 15th-century England using the Gest of Robyn Hode and Thomas Malory's The Most Piteous Tale of the Morte Arthur Saunz Guerdon. Stileman, Katherine D.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Skoda, Hannah; Moss, Rachel
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Robin Hood; The Most Piteous Tale of the Morte Arthur Saunz Guerdon (15th cent.), of Sir Thomas Malory; Gest of Robyn Hode (c.1450); Political disorder; Kingship; Malory, Sir Thomas (1415 x 18–1471), author

Heraldry, heralds and the Earl Marshal of England, c.1480-1603: war, politics and diplomacy. Gelber, David A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, H.E.; Brigden, Susan E.
     Chronological coverage: 1480–1603
     Index terms: Heralds, Heraldry; Warfare; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Earl Marshal

Hugh de Lacy and the earldom of Ulster. Brown, Daniel
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. & Anthr.). Supervised by Flanagan, Marie Therese
     Chronological coverage: 1195–1242
     Index terms: Lacy, Hugh de (d. 1242), , earl of Ulster; Ulster

Illuminating devotion: relationships between text and image in 'The Littlemore Anselm'. Atwood, Jennifer J.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kauffmann, Martin; Ward, Benedicta
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: 'The Littlemore Anselm' (mid 12th cent.); Anselm, St. (c.1033-1109), abbot of Bec and archbishop of Canterbury

King John and the Welsh Cistercians. Jenkins, James
     Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Nicholson, Helen J.
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1216
     Index terms: John (1167–1216), king; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses, in Wales; Wales; Cistercians, in Wales

Lichfield and the lands of St. Chad (in collaboration with Lichfield cathedral). Sargent, Andrew
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Philip; Tringham, Nigel
     Chronological coverage: 600–1075
     Index terms: St. Chad, church, Lichfield; Lichfield cathedral

Lordship and landholding norms between the Humber and the Forth, c.1050-1250. Hunter, Linsey
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Hudson, John G.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1050–1250
     Index terms: Lordship; Landholding; Humber, river; Forth, river; Scotland

Making a mark: burial mounds and monumental stone sculpture in Anglo-Saxon England. Parker, Chloe
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Donaghue, Heather
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Index terms: Sculpture, monumental stone; Burial mounds

Mental maladies in Old English remedy collections. Kesling, Emily
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Donaghue, Heather; Leneghan, Francis
     Chronological coverage: 800–1050
     Index terms: Mental health, Mental healthcare

Monstrous bishops: an examination of the relationship between church reform and the anarchy. Gibaut, Peter M.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Episcopacy; Church, medieval

Peacemakers and partisans: bishops and political reform in England, 1213-68. Ambler, Sophie T.
     Ph.D., King's College London. (Hist.). Supervised by Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1213–1268

Preaching the Policratus: the re-use of John of Salisbury's Policratus in selected sermons produced in England during the later middle ages. Moreau, Lauren
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Flynn, William T.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: John of Salisbury (1110s-1180), bishop of Chartres; Sermons; Policratus (1150s), of John of Salisbury

Reading and writing in the circle of Sir John Fastolf (d. 1459). Thorpe, Deb
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Tayloe, Craig; Mooney, Linne
     Chronological coverage: 1408–1459
     Index terms: Reading; Writing; Literacy; Fastolf, Sir John (1380–1459), soldier

Scenes from provincial life: multiple lordship in the north midlands in the 12th century. Boston, Hannah
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, George S.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1220
     Index terms: Lordship

The Barnwell Chronicle: overlooked perspectives on the reign of King John. Ward, Alison
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, George S.
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1216
     Index terms: John (1167–1216), king; Barnwell Chronicle (13th cent.); Chronicles

The Bórama: the poetry and hagiography in the Book of Leinster. Eyjolfsdottir, Elin I.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Clancy, Thomas; Chonaill, Bronagh Ni
     Chronological coverage: 900–1050
     Index terms: Hagiography, in Ireland, see also Cult of saints; Book of Leinster (1150-90); Ireland; Poetry, in Ireland; Bórama

The East Anglia church, 869-c.975. Purkiss, Richard
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foot, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 869–975
     Index terms: East Anglia; Church, medieval

The evangelists in insular culture, c.600-c.800 AD. Baker, Nicolas G.
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Halsall, Guy; Hawkes, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 600–800
     Index terms: Evangelists, insular; Church, medieval; Ireland

The historical interpretation of early medieval insular place-names. Kilpatrick, Kelly A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Charles-Edwards, T.M.O.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1100
     Index terms: Place-names

The honor of Wallingford, c.1066-1330. Tilley, Christopher
     Ph.D., King's College London. (Hist.). Supervised by Baxter, Stephen D.; Carpenter, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1330
     Index terms: Wallingford, Oxon.

The London parish and church of St. Dunstan in the East, c.1450-1550. Ledfors, Jennifer
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1550
     Index terms: London; St. Dunstan in the East, parish

The mirabilis made visible: mechanics of visuality in the Marvels of the East group. Ayres de Campo, Miguel
     M.St., Oxford. Supervised by Kauffman, Martin; Elsner, Jas
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1050
     Index terms: Marvels of the East

The role of the papacy and the minority of Henry III, 1216-27. Hennings, Lucy
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Watts, John
     Chronological coverage: 1216–1227
     Index terms: Papacy; Henry III (1207–72), king

The secular liturgical office in late medieval England. Cheung Salisbury, Matthew R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Dondi, C.; Sharpe, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Liturgy

'To know a gentilman': men and gentry culture in 15th-century Yorkshire. James. Alison
     Ph.D., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Ayers, Tim; Goldberg, Jeremy P.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

'Where are the doctors?' Medical culture and 12th-century Bury St. Edmunds and Canterbury. Thouroude, Veronique J.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foot, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Canterbury, Kent; Bury St. Edmund's, Suff.; Medical culture; Medicine


Affinity and commemoration in late medieval England: the visual representation of Yorkist and Lancastrian livery collars on funerary monuments, church architecture and in documentary sources, c.1450-c.1500. Ward, Matthew
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodd, Gwilym; Lutton, Rob
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1500

Anglo-Scandinavian literature and the post-conquest period. Parker, Eleanor C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng. Lang. ; Lit.). Supervised by O'Donoghue, Heather
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1100

A survey of the provenance and survival of ecclesiastical objects in Ireland from the later medieval period. Smith, Keith
     Ph.D., University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Breathnach, Edel
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1500

Church, crown and complaint: petitions from bishops to the English crown in the 14th century. Phillips, Matthew
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodd, Gwilym
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1400

Elite landscapes in late medieval and early modern East Anglia: families, residences and the development of exclusivity. Dallas, Patricia
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1700

Embodiment and devotion in English medieval church graffiti. Hurley, Maud E.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Barnwell, Paul; Archer, Rowena
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1500

Encountering the environment: rural communities in England, 1086-1348. Kilby, Susan
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Richard L.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1086–1348

Gender visibility, landholding and the landscape of southern England in the central middle ages. Weikert, Kate
     Ph.D., Winchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Roffey, Simon; Lavelle, Ryan L.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1250

Hireling shepherds: English bishops and their deputies, c.1186-c.1323. Hope, Aaron
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David
     Chronological coverage: 1186–1323

Hostages of fortune: prisoners, guests and exiles in the Eccelesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis. Almond, Vyvyan K.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, George S.
     Chronological coverage: 1095–1142

Hunaniaeth ranbarthol yng Nghymru, c.1100–1283. [Regional identity in Wales, c.1100–1283.] (In Welsh medium.). Roberts, Euryn R.
     Ph.D., Bangor. (Hist., Welsh Hist. and Archaeol.). Supervised by Pryce, A. Huw; Powell, Nia M.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1283

Illegitimacy and English landed society c.1285-c.1500. Matthews, Helen S.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Saul, Nigel E.
     Chronological coverage: 1285–1500

Illegitimacy in medieval Scotland, 1165-1500. Marshall, Susan
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdonald, Alastair; Ehrenschwendtner, Marie-Luise
     Chronological coverage: 1165–1500

Institutional identity in the 15th century cartulary of the Priory of Holy Trinity, Aldgate. Knoer, Katie L.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Poleg, Eyal
     Chronological coverage: 800–1100

Irish hagiography and its dating: a study of the O'Donohue group of Irish saints' lives. Szacillo, Judyta A.
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. ; Anthr.). Supervised by Flanagan, Marie Therese
     Chronological coverage: 700–900

Keeping time: the Anglo-Saxon experience of time, c. A.D. 700-1066. Tarassenko, Anne
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Gill; Lawrence, Anne E.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1066

Lay urban identities in late medieval Lincoln, 1288-1400. Kissane, Alan
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Goddard, Richard; Lutton, Rob
     Chronological coverage: 1288–1400

Legality of bastard feudalism: the Statutes of Livery, 1390-c.1520. McKelvie, Gordon
     Ph.D., Winchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Hicks, Michael A.; Murphy, Neil W.
     Chronological coverage: 1390–1520

Life and death: a study of the wills and testaments of men and women in London and Bury St. Edmunds in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Wood, Robert A.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1380–1420

Monasteries and monasticism in late medieval Dorset, 1290-1540. Cousins, David
     Ph.D., Winchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Hare, John; Hicks, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1290–1540

Monastic education in England, 1050-1150. Hodgson, Steven G.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foot, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 1050–1150

Post-conquest Old English charters. Wiles, Kate
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Da Rold, Orietta; Swan, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1100

Prisons and punishments in late medieval London. Winter, Christine
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

Ripon Minster in its social context, c.1350-1530. Werronen, Steve
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Morris, Richard; Emilia, Jamroziak
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1530

Royal responsibility in post-conquest invasion narratives. Winkler, Emily
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wickham, Chris; Ashe, Laura
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1200

Scandinavian identity in Cumbria, c.900-1250. Cook, William
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winchester, Angus J.L.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1250

Taboos and penitence: analysis of the Irish medieval society conversion process and the constitution of a popular religion (6th-7th centuries). Farrell, Elaine Dos S. Pereira
     Ph.D., University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Johnston, Elva
     Chronological coverage: 500–700

The anonymous description of the altar of the Holy Cross in St. Albans Abbey (c.1428). Lenk, Stefanie
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Benjamin, Thompson
     Chronological coverage: 1428–1428

The art and architecture of the Cistercians in northern England in the late middle ages, c.1300-1539. Carter, Michael
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Park, David
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1539

The art and architecture of the Cistercians in northern England in the late Middle Ages. Carter, Michael
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Park, David
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

The land divides, the sea unites: the communities of Bristol and its hinterland and their relationships with Ireland and south Wales in the long 15th century. Bowly, Timothy R.
     Ph.D., West of England. (Hist.). Supervised by Ellis, Steven; Fleming, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

The manuscript dissemination and readership of 'Polychronicon' of Ranulf Higden, c.1330-1500. Freeman, James
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Webber, Teresa
     Chronological coverage: 1330–1500

The O'Donohue Group of saints' lives in the Codex Salmanticensis. Szacillo, Judyta Aleksandra
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. & Anthr.). Supervised by Flanagan, Marie Therese
     Chronological coverage: 700–900
     Categories: 500-1000; Ecclesiastical and religious history

The pious practices of Edward I, 1272-1307. Farris, Charles H.D.C.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Burgess, Clive R.
     Chronological coverage: 1272–1307

The Wydeviles 1066-1503: a re-assessment. Pidgeon, Lynda J.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Curry, Anne
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1503

Travel and communication in the landscape of early medieval Wessex. Langlands, Alex
     Ph.D., Winchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Lavelle, Ryan L.; Yorke, Barbara A.E.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000

Tyranny, complaint and redress: the evidence of the petitions presented to the crown, c.1320-35. Walker, Sharon I.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodd, Gwilym
     Chronological coverage: 1320–1335


An Irish apostle: articulating and actualising apostolicity in the early Irish church. Lordan, Shane
     Ph.D., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Bracken, Damian
     Chronological coverage: 800–1000

Bede's 'plures de Scottorum regione': the Irish in Bede's 'Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum'. McCann, Sarah
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Galway. (Hist.). Supervised by Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí
     Chronological coverage: 622–731

Burial and commemoration in medieval London, 1350-1560. Steer, Christian
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1560

Campaigns in Britain during the Viking age: their depiction in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Konshuh, Courtnay
     Ph.D., Winchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Yorke, Barbara A.E.; Lavelle, Ryan L.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1066

Community and identity in the shadow of York Minster: the chapel of St. Mary and the Holy Angels, c.1380-1520. Warren, Eleanor
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Flynn, William T.
     Chronological coverage: 1380–1520

Community, kinship and piety in Lincoln Cathedral, c.1450-1500. Wilson, Marianne
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Lutton, Rob; Barrow, Julia S.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1500

Crowns, processions and wedding rings: continuity and change in the representations of Scottish royal authority in state ceremony, c.1214-1603. Dean, Lucinda H.S.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Mann, Alistair J.; Penman, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1214–1603

Death and Marian devotion in late medieval Ireland. Bettger, Branden
     Ph.D., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by D'Aughton, Malgorzata
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

Defining the castle through 12th-century chronicle perceptions in the Anglo-Norman regnum. Cowan, Kimberly
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tyerman, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200

Earl Roger of Montgomery and the Norman colonisation of Shropshire, c.1071-93. Lagram-Taylor, Roseanna M.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, George S.
     Chronological coverage: 1071–1093

Establishing adult masculinity in the Angevin royal family, 1140-1200. Anderson, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Music, Hum. and Media). Supervised by Cullum, Patricia H.; Lewis, Katherine J.
     Chronological coverage: 1140–1200

Land of the raven and the wolf: a comparative study of family power and strategy in the Welsh March, c.1199-1300. Julian-Jones, Melanie
     Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. and Archaeol.). Supervised by Coss, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1199–1300

Landscape change: the case of two Pennine parishes. Newton, Sheila
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Jackson, Mark; Turner, Sam
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500

Les obediences et les obediencers en Angleterre aux xiiè-xvè siècles. (In French medium.). Dewez, Harmony
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth. (Hist. and Welsh Hist./Paris I). Supervised by Feller, Laurent; Schofield, Phillipp
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1500

Mapping the medieval and post-medieval landscape of Cumbria. Newman, Caron
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Webster, Jane; Turner, Sam
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1700

MS. Douce 1 and the imagery and practice of passion devotion in 15th-century England. Pollick, Johanna
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Skoda, Hannah; Rosser, Gervase
     Chronological coverage: 1440–1460

'Non est vera misericordia nisi sit ordinata': pastoral theology and the practice of English justice, 1100-1250. Byrne, Philippa
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kempshall, Matthew S.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1250

Origins and developments of the legend of Robin Hood. La Chance, Scott
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Loud, Graham A.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1500

Perceptions of femininity in early Irish society. Oxenham, Helen
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Mhaonaigh, Máire Ní
     Chronological coverage: 400–1000

Piety, conformity and dissent: religious belief in the deanery of Craven, West Riding of Yorkshire, 1450-1603. Spence, Marian E.V.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Forster, Gordon C.F.; Alford, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1603

Record keeping at Fountains abbey and the management of Malham in Craven. Spence, Mike
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Jamroziak, Emilia M.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1300

Royal wealth and the money supply in late medieval England. Ball, Katherine
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Forrest, Ian; Mayhew, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

Structural, geographical and social environments of 14th- and 15th-century Scottish castles. Buchanan, Katherine
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Penman, Michael A.; Oram, Richard D.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500

The development of Dunfermline Abbey and the cult of St. Margaret, c.1070-1406. Lee, Sang Dong
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Oram, Richard D.; Penman, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1070–1406

The fiscal constitution of later medieval England: the reign of Henry VI. Brayson, Alex
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ormrod, W. Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

The history of the re-used 12th-century glass of York Minster. Reid, David
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Ayers, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200

The Order of St. John of Jerusalem (the Hospitallers) in Ireland. Virtuani, Paolo
     Ph.D., University College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Coleman, Edward
     Chronological coverage: 1172–1538

The sea in the Anglo-Norman realm, c.1050-1189. Raich, Susan
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by van Houts, Elisabeth
     Chronological coverage: 1050–1189

Urban space and political culture in early Tudor London. Minson, Stuart J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Archer, Ian W.
     Chronological coverage: 1485–1540