Ancient history

History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

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Accommodating the divine: the form and function of religious buildings in Latial and Etruscan settlements c.900-500 B.C. Potts, Charlotte R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Delaine, Janet
     Chronological coverage: -900–-500

After the Achaemenids: exchange, transmission and transformation in the visual culture of Babylonia, Iran and Bactria, c.330-c.100 B.C. Wood, Rachel K.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -330–-100
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Pax terra mariqe: rhetorics of Roman victory, 50 B.C.-A.D. 14. Cornwell, Hannah
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Classics). Supervised by Quinn, Josephine
     Chronological coverage: -50–14
     Categories: Europe

Southeast Asia in the ancient Indian Ocean world: combining historical linguistic and archaeological approaches. Hoogervorst, Tom
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Gosden, Chris; Boivin, Nicole
     Chronological coverage: -1000–0
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Studies in early Peloponnesian migrations. Jordan, R. H.
     M. A., Belfast.
     Categories: Europe

The African boom: evaluating economic growth in the Roman province of Africa Proconsularis. Hobson, Matthew S.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Foxhall, Lin; Mattingly, David J.
     Chronological coverage: -150–300
     Categories: Europe

The first dynasty of Babylon, history and texts. Matthews, Lucy P.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Lambert, W.G.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

The imperial notarii of the late Roman empire from the accession of Constantine to the death of Honorius. Moulton, Carole H.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Tomlinson, H. A.
     Categories: Europe

The men who would be king: kings and usurpers in the Seleukid empire. Chrubasik, Boris
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Classics). Supervised by Ma, John
     Chronological coverage: -333–634
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

The pre-historic cemeteries of northwestern Pakistan: the deconstruction and reinterpretation of archaeological and burial traditions. Zahir, Muhammad
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by James, Simon; Young, Ruth
     Chronological coverage: -1600–500
     Categories: Asia and Middle East


An investigation into Maximians's conduct after the adbication, in the light of his conduct from 285 to 305. Mooney, P. J.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Smith, R. E.
     Categories: Europe

Aristocratic warfare, ideology and goverment in pre-classical Greece. Greenhalgh, P. A. L.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Finley, M. I.
     Categories: Europe

Hellenistic fortifications from the Aegean to the Euphrates. McNicoll, A. W.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Marsden, E. W.
     Categories: Europe

Imperial edicts, letters and subscripts, preserved in epigraphical texts, papyri and the writings of the jurists, A. D. 70-235: authorship, composition and content. Williams, W.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sherwin-White, A. N.
     Categories: Europe

Nicolaus of Damascus: his historical writings, with particular reference to his biography of Augustus. Biltcliffe, D. A. W.
     Ph. D., Leicester.
     Categories: Historiography

Public disorders in Rome under the early Principate. Newbold, R. F.
     Ph. D., Leeds. Supervised by Birley, A. R.
     Categories: Europe

Roman military defences to A.D. 117, with special reference to Britain. Jones, M. J.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Socio-economic conditions in the Gangetic valley, c.6th-2nd century B.C. Gupta, R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by de Casparis, J.G.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Studies of Timoleon and the revival of Greek Sicily, 344-317 B.C. Talbert, R. J. A.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Finley, M. I.
     Categories: Europe

Supernational and religious sanction of the emperor's rule under the Severi, A. D. 193-217. Rubin, Z.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F. G. B.
     Categories: Europe

The cult of Mithras in the Roman province of Gaul. Walters, Vivienne J.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Wild, J. P.
     Categories: Europe

The exercise of authority in early Christianity from c.170 to c.270. Pell, G.
     D. Phil., Oxford.
     Categories: Europe

The Greek colonization of the Black Sea area in the archaic and classical periods. Hind, J. G. F.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cook, R. M.
     Categories: Europe

The historical methods of Xenophon in the Hellenica, with special reference to the influence of Thucydides. Soulis, E.
     Ph. D., Bristol.
     Categories: Historiography

The policy and attitude of the Roman officials towards Christianity during the 3rd century and the ensuing persecution. Hughesdon, Beverley A.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Smith, R. E.
     Categories: Europe

The Romanization of Spain: a study of settlement and administration to A.D. 14. Hoyos, B. D.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frederiksen, M. W.
     Categories: Europe


Apulian wares and Greek influences. Small, A. M.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Boardman, J.
     Categories: Europe

Armenia in Hellenistic and Roman times. Wilkinson, R. D.
     M. Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Lang, D. M.
     Categories: Europe

A study of the client kings in the early Roman empire. Everatt, J. D.
     M. A., Durham. Supervised by Wright, R. P.
     Categories: Europe

A survey of denominations and categories in the currency of the western Roman empire, with special reference to hoards and site finds in Britain. Reece, R.M.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sutherland, C.H.V.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Community of goods and the voluntary renunciation of property in theory and practice c.100 B.C. - A.D. 100, with special reference to the New Testament and eastern Mediterranean. Mealand, D. L.
     M. Litt., Bristol. Supervised by Grayston, K.
     Categories: Europe

Economic relations between Britain and the Roman empire. Osborne, C. W.
     M. Phil., Southampton. Supervised by Whitaker, C. W.; Cunliffe, B. W.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Introduction and commentary on select chapters of Herodotus Book II. Lloyd, A. B.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Forrest, W. G. G.
     Categories: Historiography

Laeti and foederati in late Roman frontier defence. Simpson, C. J.
     M. Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Todd, M.; Thompson, E. A.
     Categories: Europe

Monks and bishops: studies in the background, development and influence of ascetic literature and the concept of spiritual authority, from Jerome to Cassian. Rousseau, P. H.
     D. Phil., Oxford.
     Categories: Europe

Politics at Rome 60-49 B.C.: a study of Cicero's correspondence. Jones, E. W.
     M. A., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Davies, W.H.
     Categories: Europe

Romano-British native settlement of the south Pennine region. Lane, H. C.
     M. A., Keele. Supervised by Rivet, A. L. F.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Rome and the 'client' kingdoms of the East: an historical study of the development of Rome's relations with the kingdoms of Asia Minor and northern Syria from Pompey to the Flavians. Thomas, Margaret H.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Crook, J. A.
     Categories: Europe

Sociology of the New Testament church to A.D. 62: and examination of the early New Testament church in relation to its contemporary social setting. Hill, C. S.
     Ph. D., Nottingham.
     Categories: Europe

The ascetic conventicles of the 4th century. Garland, C. J.
     Ph. D., Exeter.
     Categories: Europe

The dona militaria of the Roman army. Maxfield, Valerie A.
     Ph. D., Durham. Supervised by Dobson, B.
     Categories: Europe

The fiscal role and financial establishment of the Pretorian prefecture in the later Roman empire. Franks, L. E. A.
     M, Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Crook, J. A.
     Categories: Europe

The organization and tactics of the Seleucid army. Barkochva, B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Griffiths, G.T.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

The Origines of Cato and the non-Roman historical tradition about ancient Italy. Cornell, T. J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Momigliano, A. D.
     Categories: Historiography

The papacy and the eastern churches from Damasus to Innocent I (366-417). Taylor, J. J.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hardy, E. R.
     Categories: Europe

The praefectus annonae from Augustus to Severus Alexander. Schovanek, J. G.
     Ph. D., Liverpool. Supervised by Walbank, F. W.
     Categories: Europe


Augustus and the historians. Gillian Clark, E.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Lepper, F. A.
     Categories: Historiography

Autocracy, 404-338 B.C. Horne, M. J.
     Ph. D., Leeds. Supervised by Mattingly, H. B.
     Categories: Europe

Buddhism in the northern Deccan under the Satavahana rulers, c.30 B.C.-225 A.D. Hettiarachchy, J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by de Casparis, J.G.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Constitutional and administrative institutions of the Attalid kingdom. Allen, R. E.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Momigliano, A. D.
     Categories: Europe

Greek involvment in the wars of the late Roman republic. Owens, E. J.
     M.A., Sheffield. Supervised by Roy, J.
     Categories: Europe

Magistri militum of the eastern Roman empire in the 5th century. Scott, L. R.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hardy, E. R.
     Categories: Europe

Mithraism in the Roman empire. Gordon, R. L.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Finley, M. I.
     Categories: Europe

Numismatic and archaeological evidence for the social and economic history of Spain, especially Baetica, under the early Roman empire. Parker, A. J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sutherland, C. H. V.
     Categories: Europe

Pope Innocent I. Green, M. R.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frend, W. H. C.
     Categories: Europe

Roman imperial gold and bronze coinage, A. D. 193-202: mint organisation and the selection of types. Clay, C. L.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Sutherland, C. H. V.
     Categories: Europe

Roman villas in the north of England. Scott, P.R.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Harding, D.W.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Some aspects of transport, travel and trade in Roman Britain. Sanford, Elizabeth J.
     M. Phil, London. Supervised by Hassall, M.W.C.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Some old Babylonian letters. Al-A'dami, K.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Lambert, W.G.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Studies in the history of the island of Cos from the Persian Wars until the imperial period. Sherwin-White, Susan M.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Fraser, P. M.
     Categories: Europe

The auxilia of the Roman army raised in the Iberian peninsula. Roxan, Margaret M.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Strong, D. E.
     Categories: Europe

The disposition and interrelation of Roman military units in Danubian and eastern provincial and field armies in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries A.D. Brennan, P.M.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Crook, J. A.
     Categories: Europe

The powers and functions of proconsuls in the Roman empire, 70-260 A.D. Burton, G. P.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F. G. B.
     Categories: Europe

The Roman frontier based on the valley of the upper Euphrates from the black sea to Samosata. Mitford, T. B.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Levick, Barbara M.
     Categories: Europe

The Spanish provinces and their impact on Roman politics down to the fall of Numantia, 133 B.C. Richardson, J. S.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frederiksen, M. W.
     Categories: Europe

Traditional and contemporary elements in Xenophon's Hellenica. Rahn, P. J.
     Ph. D., Liverpool. Supervised by Walbank, F. W.
     Categories: Historiography


Adventus and consecratio: studies in imperial art and panegyric from the late 3rd to the 6th century. MacCormick, Sabine G.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

A history of the Gallic empire of the 3rd century A.D. Drinkwater, J. F.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Stevens, C. E.
     Categories: Europe

Intercourse between the Roman empire and the East. Thorley, J.
     Ph. D., Hull.
     Categories: Europe

Political groups and their influence, 49-44 B.C. Franklin, A. J.
     M. A., Liverpool. Supervised by Seager, R. J.
     Categories: Europe

Roman signal-stations and signalling systems in Britain and other frontier provinces of the Empire. Bradley, R. L.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Strong, D. E.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Studies the consulship in the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius. Young, Nancy R.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Browning, R.
     Categories: Europe

The army of Alexander the Great. Lock, R. A.
     Ph. D., Leeds. Supervised by Badian, E.
     Categories: Europe

The conference of Carthage of 411: the Donatist case. Alexander, J. S.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Cameron, J. K.
     Categories: Europe

The correspondents of St. Jerome. Clews, Diana M.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

The Emperor Valentinian I. Tomlin, R. S. O.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brown, P. R. L.
     Categories: Europe

The history and reliability of the Fasti Consulares, with special reference to the so-called plebeian consuls. Drummond, A.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brunt, P. A.
     Categories: Europe

The metallurgical development of the Roman imperial coinage during the first five centuries A.D. Cope, L. H.
     Ph. D., Council for National Academic Awards. Supervised by Carson, R. A.
     Categories: Europe

The role of military men in Syria and Egypt from Constantine to Theodosius II. Price, R. M.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Parsons, P. J.
     Categories: Europe

The role of religion in Athenian Foreign policy, 480-346 B.C. Powell, C. A.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Barron, J. P.
     Categories: Europe

The treatment of military operations and military leaders in Xenophon's Hellenika: the paradigmatic factor. Gray, Vivienne J.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Griffith, G. T.
     Categories: Historiography


An historical commentary on Plutarch's biography of Kimon. Stuart, M. J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Barron, J. P.
     Categories: Historiography

Captives, hostages and fugitives in the Peloponnesian War. J. P. Barron, A. Panagopoulos
     Ph. D., London.
     Categories: Europe

Chronography and early Greek history. Ball, R. N.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Jeffery, Lilian R.
     Categories: Historiography

Early Sparta: an archaelogical and historical study. Cartledge, P. A.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Boardman, J.
     Categories: Europe

Introduction, text and commentary on chapters 1-27 of Plutarch's Life of Caesar. Pelling, C. B. R
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Russell, D. A. F. M.
     Categories: Historiography

Josephus: Jewish history and the Greek world. Rajak, Tessa
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F. C. B.
     Categories: Historiography

Roman-Parthian relations in the time of Augustus, with reference to Augustus's foreign policy. Lander, J. L.
     M. A., Durham. Supervised by Tomlin, R. S. O.
     Categories: Europe

Settlement in the Mani peninsula: a study in historical geography. Wagstaff, J. M.
     Ph. D., Southampton. Supervised by J. H. Bird
     Categories: Europe

Suetonius's Life of Nero: a historical commentary. Bradley, K. R.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Sherwin-White, A. N.
     Categories: Historiography

The Celts of central Gaul: some aspects of social and economic development as background to the Roman conquest, in the light of numismatic and archeological evidence. Nash, Daphne E. M.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by de Ste. Croix, G. E. M.
     Categories: Europe

The opposition to Caius Iulius Caesar. Marsh, Marjorie J.
     M. A., Kent.
     Categories: Europe

The organization of Roman building during the late Republic and early Empire. Pearse, J. L. D.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Reynolds, Joyce M.
     Categories: Europe

The religions of civilian Roman Britain, with detailed reference to the military areas and to the Continent. Green, Miranda J.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Romano-British black-burnished industry. Willaims, D. F.
     Ph. D., Southampton. Supervised by Peacock, D. P. S.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The social stratification of Jewish Palestine in the 1st century of the Christian era. Gibson, G. S.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Stein, S.
     Categories: Europe

Weapons and armour of the Roman soldier in Britain: a catalogue and commentary. Bostock, A.
     M. A., Liverpool. Supervised by Eames, J. V. H.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Weighing in ancient Greece. Grayson, C. H.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Boardman, J.
     Categories: Europe


An emperor and Hellenism: studies in the thought and action of the Emperor Julian. Athanassiadi, P.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

An historical study of Fronto of Cirta. Champlin, E. J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F. G. B.
     Categories: Europe

Asiarchs. West, J. M. I.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F. G. B.
     Categories: Europe

A study of Roman gynaecological and toilette instruments. Longfield-Jones, Gwynneth M.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Healy, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

Characteristics of political life in the Greek cities, c. 70-120 A.D., with reference to later developments. Shepard, A. R. R.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Gray, F. W.
     Categories: Europe

Constantine: emperor, Christian and man. Spells, M. V.
     Ph. D., Manchester.
     Categories: Europe

Hellenistic drapery and hairstyles. Richardson, Catherine E.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Robertson, C. M.
     Categories: Europe

Iphikrates of Athens, 423/422-354/352 B.C. Pashalidis, G. H.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Rodewald, C. A.
     Categories: Europe

Late Roman fortifications in the western empire: a study of the origins and development of the Roman defensive system in the late 3rd century and after. Johnson, J. S.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Europe

Montanism: its ancient sources and modern interpretations. Daunton-Fear, A.
     B. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Alexander, J. S.
     Categories: Europe

P. Clodius Pulcher, potentissimus homo. Rundell, W. M. F.
     M. Litt., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Europe

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the 4th and early 5th century A. D. Hunt, E. D.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

Sources and interpretations of Spartan history in the reigns of Agesilaus II, Archidamus III and Agis III. Kelly, D. H.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Griffith, G. I.
     Categories: Europe

The archaeology and early history of Chios. Yalouris, E.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Boardman, J.
     Categories: Europe

The classical cults in Roman Britain. Alcock, Joan P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Strong, D.E.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The coinage of Constantine the Great: an analysis of the monetary system, and the structure and operation of the mints in relation to imperial policy and the economy of the Empire. King, Cathy E.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sutherland, C. H. V.
     Categories: Europe

The conquest of the Central and Eastern Balkans, 148 B.C. - A.D. 106. Poulter, A. G.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Wilks, J. J.
     Categories: Europe

The distribution and history of elements of the native culture of Roman Phrygia with reference to their ethnic origin. Carrington, P.
     Ph. D., Newcastle. Supervised by Harrison, R. M.
     Categories: Europe

The effect of the Roman occupation of the native populaton north of Hadrian's Wall. Clack, P. A. G.
     M.Litt., Newcastle.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The episode of Carausius and Allectus, with particular reference to the numismatic evidence. Shiel, N.
     M. Phil., Durham. Supervised by Mann, J.C.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The literary, epigraphical and archaeological evidence of the civitas Arvernorum and the pre-Roman background. Taylor, M.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Wild, J. P.
     Categories: Europe

The origin, significance and development of ludi at Rome, with special reference to the Roman and plebian games, to the end of the Republican period. Doyle, L.L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by North, J. A.
     Categories: Europe

The Roman iron and steel industry at the time of the Empire. Aiano, A. R.
     M. A., Wales (Aberystwyth).
     Categories: Europe

The value of the Liber Pontificalis as comparative evidence for territorial estates and church property from the 4th to the 6th century. Davies, R. P.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

The vigiles of Rome. Rainbird, J. S.
     Ph. D., Durham. Supervised by Mann, J. C.
     Categories: Europe


Ancient harbours in the Mediterranean, with particular reference to Greece and the Aegean. Hadjidaki, Elpis
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G. D. B
     Categories: Europe

An historical commentary on Suetonius's Lives of Galba, Otho and Vitellius. Murison, C. L.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Wellesley, K.; Cadoux, T. J.
     Categories: Historiography

Aspects of the campaigns of Lucius Licinius Lucullus and Cnaeus Pompeius Magnus in East, 74-62 B.C. Rajaratnam, R. V.
     M. Litt., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Europe

Authority and influence in 4th century Cappadocia: a study in the letters of St. Basil. Ashbrook, Susan J.
     M. Litt., Birmingham. Supervised by Young, Frances; Bryer, A. A. M.; Alexion, Margaret
     Categories: Europe

Heretics, bandits and bishops: studies in the religion and society of late Roman Gaul and Spain. Van Dam, R.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Whittaker, C. R.
     Categories: Europe

Hieronymus of Cardia. Hornblower, Jane M. R.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fraser, P. M.
     Categories: Europe

Imperial politics and the church in the reign of Constantine II, with special reference to the Arian controversy. Chandler, J. H.
     Ph. D., Bristol.
     Categories: Europe

Paganism and pagan revival: Constantius II to Julian. Bowder, Diana R.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

Palestine during the period of the Exile, 586-539 B.C. Graham, J.N.
     M.A., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Siciliy under the Roman empire: an archeological study from Augustus to Justinian. Wilson, R. J. A.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Europe

The emperor and the Roman army from Augustus to Severus Alexander. Campbell, J. B.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brunt, P. A.
     Categories: Europe

The influence of Anomoeanism of the ecclesiastical history of the 4th century. Keith, G. A.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Meredith, A.
     Categories: Europe

The Ionian Revolt. Stavrindou-Koussiouris, Marie
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Graham, A. J.
     Categories: Europe

The Roman pottery industry in N. Wiltshire. Anderson, A. S.
     M.A., Leicester.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Roman pottery industry of the Oxford region. Young, C. J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland


Baynes reconsidered: aspects of the religious policy of Constantine the Great. Clancy, K. G.
     M. Litt., Glasgow.
     Categories: Europe

Eunapius of Sardis. Buck, D. F.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cameron, A. D.
     Categories: Europe

Mycenean trade with the eastern Mediterranean. Gilmore, J.
     M. A., Durham. Supervised by Bargrave-Weaver, D.
     Categories: Europe

Pastoralists, peasants and politics in Roman North Africa. Shaw, B. D.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Reynolds, Joyce M.
     Categories: Europe

Patronage and social mobility in the aristocracies of the Principate. Saller, R. P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Garnsey, P. D. A.
     Categories: Europe

Ports in Roman Britain. Freyer, J.
     Ph. D., Keele. Supervised by Rivet, A.L.F.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Publicus Clodius Pulcher. Devonshire, Marilyn H.
     M. A., Liverpool. Supervised by Seager, R. J.
     Categories: Europe

Roman Crete to the Arab conquest. Sanders, I. F.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Europe

Roman goldmining in N. W. Spain. Bird, D. G.
     Ph. D., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G. D. B.
     Categories: Europe

Roman horse equipment: a study of harness and horse furniture in the European provinces of the Roman empire. Taylor, Annabel K.
     Ph. D., London.
     Categories: Europe

Romano-British agricultural buildings. Morris, P.A.
     M.A., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Romano-British rural settlement in S. Somerset and N. Dorset. Leech, R. H.
     Ph. D., Bristol.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

St. Ambrose: churchman, pastor and teacher. Harding, S. H.
     Ph. D., Manchester.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in the auxilia of the Roman army from Augustus to Trajan. Holder, P. A.
     Ph. D., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G. D. B.
     Categories: Europe

Suetonius's Life of Claudius: a historical and social commentary. Mottershead, Jean
     Ph. D., Manchester. Supervised by Birley, A. R.
     Categories: Historiography

Sulla: a biography. Keaveney, A. P.
     Ph. D., Hull.
     Categories: Europe

Sulpicius's Saint Martin. Stancliffe, Clare E.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J. M.
     Categories: Historiography

The chronicle of Count Marcellinus in its contemporary and historiographical context. Croke, B. F.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Historiography

The economic effects of the Roman army on southern Numidia. Fentress, Elizabeth W. B.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cunliffe, B. W.; Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Europe


A commentary on Quintus Curtius's Historiae Alexandri Magni Macedonis Book IV, 1-8. Bromley, Marilynne A. C.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Goodyear, F. R. D.
     Categories: Historiography

A declining and disadvantaged society and the implications of its military commitments: the western Roman empire in the second half of the 4th century as evidenced by Ammianus Marcellinus. Wilson, D. A. H.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Gelling, P. S.
     Categories: Europe

Aristotle's treatment of historical material in the Politics. Thomas, D. H.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D. M.
     Categories: Historiography

Aspects of hill fort and hilltop settlement in Somerset in the 1st to 8th centuries A.D. Burrow, I. C. G.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Rahtz, P. A.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Assinaros to Aigospotamoi: an investigation into the last eight years of the Peloponnesian War, with particular reference to naval strategy and chronology. Fincher, N. M.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Jackson, A. H.
     Categories: Europe

Colonization and official veteran settlement in Italy from Caesar to Nerva. Keppie, L. J. F.
     M. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brunt, P. A.
     Categories: Europe

Diplomatic procedures of Rome in the 2nd century B.C. Piddock, G. J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fredericksen, M. W.
     Categories: Europe

Italy during the second triumvirate. Thomas, Wendy M.
     M. A., Wales (Swansea).
     Categories: Europe

Mausolus of Karia. Hornblower, N. S. R.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D. M.
     Categories: Europe

Pagan philosophers in late antique society, with special reference to Iamblichus and his followers. Fowden, G. L.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Chadwick, H.
     Categories: Europe

Roman household religion. Mantle, Inga C.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh.
     Categories: Europe

Spiritual athletics: aspects of asceticism in the ancient world. Reynolds, N. A.
     Ph. D., Cambridge.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in the history of the Roman province of Arabia. MacAdam, H. I.
     Ph. D., Manchester. Supervised by Bowman, A. K.; Bosworth, C. E.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in the procedure of church synods of the 3rd and 4th centuries, to the year 375. Amidon, P. R.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.; Hinchliff, P. B.
     Categories: Europe

Technological developments in wheeled vehicles in Europe, from pre-history to the 16th century. McNeill, Carol A.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Harding, D. W.; Baker, L. G. D.

The architecture and social implications of Roman public and private toilets as seen at Rome, Ostia and the imperial villa of Hadrian at Tivoli. Hitchings, R. J.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G. D. B.
     Categories: Europe

The character or rural settlement and exploitation of the landscape in central and southern Italy under the late Republican and Roman empire. Mould, Alison
     M. Phil, Newcastle. Supervised by Daniels, C. M.
     Categories: Europe

The defences of the minor towns of Roman Britain. Watts, D. J.
     M. Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Todd, M.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The development of the Greek house and its integration into an urban complex. Owens, E. J.
     Ph. D., Sheffield. Supervised by Hopper, R. J.
     Categories: Europe

The household in the early Christian church, with comparitive selective reference to the pagan culture of the Roman world. Williams, S. R.
     M. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

The problem of the interaction of literacy, culture and the social structure, with special reference to the late Roman and early medieval periods. Stratton, J.G.
     Ph. D., Essex.
     Categories: Europe

The status of women in 1st century Christianity. Jayne, D. T.
     M. Phil., Nottingham.
     Categories: Europe; Gender and Women

Towns and urbanization in Roman Britain: the evidence from outside the defenses. Cleary, A.S. Esmonde
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland


A reconsideration of the literary sources of the history of Roman Britain. Reed, N. J.
     M. Phil, St. Andrews.
     Categories: Historiography

Aspects of Roman archery. Coulston, J.
     M. Phil., Newcastle. Supervised by Daniels, C. M.
     Categories: Europe

Athenian politics from the victory of Salamis until the dispatch of aid to Inaros. Milton, M. P.
     Ph. D., Newcastle.
     Categories: Europe

Coinage and finances in the reign of Domitan, A.D. 81-96. Carradice, I. A.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Europe

Romano-British imitations of the coinage of A.D. 330-48. Hammerson, M.J.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Reece, R.M.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Some aspects of public and private (sic) in 5th century B.C. Athens. Johnson, S. J.
     Ph. D., Southampton.
     Categories: Europe

State and society in Roman Galilee, A.D. 132-212. Goodman, M. D.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F. G. B.; Vermes, G.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in the coinage of Ionia: Erthrae, Teos, Lebedus, Colophon, c.400-30 B.C. Kinns, P.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Crawford, M. H.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in the use of fire in ancient Greek religion. Furley, W. D.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Kirk, G. S.
     Categories: Europe

Suetonius on the emperor: studies in the representation of the emperor in The Caesars. Wallace-Hadrill, A. F.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Brunt, P. A.
     Categories: Historiography

The auxilia and numeri raised in the Roman province of Syria. Kennedy, D. L.
     D.Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S. S.
     Categories: Europe

The concept of 'theocracy' and the religious policy of the emperors of the second Flavian dynasty (A. D. 293-363). Holding, Mary H.
     M. Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Drinkwater, J. F.
     Categories: Europe

The imperial cult in Asia Minor: religious aspects. Price, S. R. F.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by North, J. A.
     Categories: Europe


A re-assessment of the early Christian archaeology of Cumbria. O'Sullivan, Deirdre M.
     M.Phil., Durham. Supervised by Cramp, Rosemary J.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Aspects of native settlement in Roman Wales and the Marches. Davies, J.L.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Bishops, senators and their cities in southern and central Gaul, A.D. 407-76. Harries, Jill D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Europe

Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi. Moir, Kirsteen M.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh.
     Categories: Europe

Cretan archers: Cretan mercenaries abroad, c.750-27 B.C., in their Cretan and international setting. Sekunda, N.V.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Jackson, A.H.
     Categories: Europe

Dionysius of Halicarnassus as a historian: an investigation of his aims and methods in the Antiquitates Romanae. Schultze, Clemence E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fredericksen, M.W.
     Categories: Historiography

Egyptian queens in the 18th dynasty up to the end of the reign of Amenhotpe III. Robins, Rosemary G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Baines, J.R.

Employment and labour relations in the Theban necropolis in the Ramesside period. Eyre, C.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Malek, J.; Groll, S.

Greek attitudes and observances in regard to death. Garland, R.S.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Humphreys, Sarah C.
     Categories: Europe

Greek maritime traders from the archaic age until the death of Alexander. Reed, C.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by de Ste. Croix, G.E.M.
     Categories: Europe

Hillfort re-use in Gloucestershire, A.D. 0-700: a survey of the evidence. Klein, Janice B.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Rahtz, P.A.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Race, culture and nationalism in Egypt: to the Roman period. Hassan, A.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Finley, M.I.

Studies in the inscriptions of Roman Syria. Grainger, J.D.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Goodman, M.D.
     Categories: Europe

Tacitus and Roman Britain, with special reference to De vita Agricolae. Rogan, J.
     B.Phil., Open University.
     Categories: Historiography

The army and the frontier: the military and civilian population in upper Germany to A.D. 260. Thomas, D.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S.S.
     Categories: Europe

The denarii of the mint of Rome, A.D. 193-211. Sharples, J.P.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Birley, A.R.
     Categories: Europe

The diffusion and persecution of Manichaeism in Rome and China: a comparative study. Lieu, S.N.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Loon, P. van der
     Categories: Europe

The iron industry of Roman Britain. Cleere, H.F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wilkes, J.J.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The landowners of Roman Tibur. Bennet, M.R.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Birley, A.R.
     Categories: Europe

The military defence of the British provinces in its later phases. Welsby, D.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Gillam, J.P.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The oriental context for the end of Greek rule in the Hellenistic age. Gordon-Kerr, F.A.
     Ph.D., Hull.
     Categories: Europe

The Pisistratid tyranny of Athens. Worthington, I.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Rhodes, P.J.
     Categories: Europe

The topography of the city of Barcelona and its urban context in eastern Catalonia from the 3rd to the 12th centuries. Banks, P.J.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Todd, M.
     Categories: Europe

Urban public building in Italy north of Salerno, 300-850 A.D. Ward-Perkins, B.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
     Categories: Europe


A documentary and historical study of Roman routes in the N.E. Midlands and S. Hornshaw, S.P.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Mosley, D.J.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Apragmosyne: a study in late 5th-century Athenian society. Carter, L.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Humphreys, Sarah C.
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of diplomacy between Assyria, Babylonia, Persia and their neighbours, 8th-4th centuries B.C. Evans, R.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wiseman, D.J.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

A study of Hadrian's administrative and social policies. Taylor, M.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brunt, P.A.
     Categories: Europe

A survey of the status of women in Christianity during the first four centuries, with special reference to non-orthodox movements. E. Hall, Shirley
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Alexander, J.S.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; Europe

Diodorus Siculus Book XV: a historical commentary (excluding the Sicilian portions). Stylianou, P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cawkwell, G.L.
     Categories: Historiography

Herodian on Elagabalus. Sidebotham, H.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Birley, A.R.
     Categories: Historiography

Lactantius: prophecy and politics in the age of Constantine the Great. Nicholson, O.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Chadwick, H.
     Categories: Europe

Late Roman government and its public: the Variae of Cassiodorus in their literary and historical setting. MacPherson, R.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Europe

Legionary baths and their place in the development of bath-house architecture. Bidwell, P.T.
     M.A., Exeter. Supervised by Maxfield, Valerie A.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Local government in Spain under the early Roman empire. Mackie, Nicola K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bowman, A.K.
     Categories: Europe

Religious belief and social control, with special reference to patterns of stability and change in classical Athens and ancient Egypt. Carlton, E.
     Ph.D., Leeds.

Rome's relations with Parthia, c.92 B.C.-c.230 A.D. Dover, K.
     M.Litt., Newcastle.
     Categories: Europe

Rural structure and the classical polis: town-country relations in Athenian society. Osborne, R.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Snodgrass, A.M.
     Categories: Europe

Some aspects of the political career of M. Licinius Crassus, consul 70 and 55 B.C. Pugh, D.W.D.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in the history of Roman Sparta. Spawforth, A.J.S.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Categories: Europe

The eastern frontier of the Roman empire, with special reference to the reign of Constantius II. Lightfoot, C.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Tomlin, R.S.O.
     Categories: Europe

The economic and social origins of Gnosticism. Green, H.A.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Categories: Europe

The Emperor Constantius II (A.D. 317-61): a critical study. Bowen, R.F.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Mattingly, H.B.
     Categories: Europe

The factors which contributed to the deposition of Paul of Samosata in 268 A.D. Warner, C.P.
     M.Phil., Nottingham.
     Categories: Europe

The haruspices in the Roman world to the end of the Republic. Wood, J.R.McD.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cornell, T.J.
     Categories: Europe

The late Roman law codes, forms and procedures for legislation from the classical age to Justinian. Turpin, W.N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Categories: Europe

The military and administrative reforms of the Emperor Gallienus. Britton, P.D.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Tomlin, R.S.O.
     Categories: Europe

The state religion in the late Roman republic: a study based on the works of Cicero. Mary Beard, W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Crook, J.A.
     Categories: Europe

The timber buildings of the Roman army in Britain: their morphology and construction. Hanson, W.S.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Trade and market in Roman Imperial Gaul. Middleton, P.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Whittaker, C.R.
     Categories: Europe

Trade between southern Britain and the Roman world in the late iron age, 54 B.C.-A.D. 43. Sealey, P.R.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Xenophon's Hellenica: introductory essay and commentary on VI 3-5. Tuplin, C.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Andrewes, A.
     Categories: Historiography


A history of Samos from the revolt of 440 B.C. to the peace of Apameia. Shipley, D.G.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Forrest, W.G.G.
     Categories: Europe

An edition of unpublished Greek papyrus documents from Roman Egypt. Elmaghrabi, H.M.A.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Thomas, J.D.
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of society and settlement in Wales and the Marches, 500 B.C. to A.D. 1100. Jones, Myfanwy Lloyd
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cunliffe, B.W.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Astrology, magic and politics under the Julio-Claudians. Ward, M.S.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Goodman, M.D.
     Categories: Europe

A study of Roman North Africa in the 3rd century A.D.: some historic and historiographic aspects. B. Dresner, Denise
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Hassall, M.W.C.
     Categories: Europe

Cantabria, Asturia and Callaecia in the Roman empire: an analysis of the cultural impact of Roman civilization upon N.W. Hispania. Noelyn Bowen, E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Categories: Europe

Christianity and Roman society, with special reference to North Africa in the time of Tertullian and Cyprian, 180-260 A.D. Sally, R.I.M.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Burton, G.P.
     Categories: Europe

Christian prophecy and Christian glossolalia: their functions and decline in the first two centuries. Coupe, R.W.D.
     M.A., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Europe

Fundus and manerium: a study of continuity and survival in Gloucestershire from Roman to medieval times. Wool, S.T.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Aston, M.; Moore, B.J.S.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Justin Martyr: a theology of history. Donner, T.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Chadwick, H.
     Categories: Historiography

Landholding in the Oxyrhynchite nome, 30 B.C to c.300 A.D. Rowlandson, Jane L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bowman, A.K.
     Categories: Europe

Later prehistoric and Romano-British settlement north and south of the Forth: a comparative survey. McInnes, Lesley
     Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Jobey, G.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Roman civilian settlement in Antonine Scotland. Thomas, G.D.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Roman hydro-technology in Britain. Stephens, G.R.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Some aspects of the Romano-British church of the 4th and 5th centuries. McKillop, Sybil L.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Rivet, A.L.F.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Greeks in Thrace, c.500-c.270 B.C. Archibald, Zosia H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Boardman, J.
     Categories: Europe

The making and execution of financial and economic policies in the Roman empire during the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. Barclay, W.P.L.
     M.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Davies, J.K.
     Categories: Europe

The Roman army in the provinces of Syria, Palestine and Arabia. Gracey, M.H.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S.S.
     Categories: Europe

The Roman pottery of Kent. Pollard, R.J.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Fulford, M.G.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The satellite king: the character of client kingship. Braund, D.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Reynolds, Joyce M.
     Categories: Europe

The social and legal position of the Jewish woman in Palestine during the inter- testamental and Mishnaic period: a survey of life from birth to marriage. Archer, Leonie J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

The structure of credit in 4th-century Athens. Millett, P.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Finley, M.I.
     Categories: Europe

Trade and economy in Hispania Tarraconensis during the late Empire (3rd to later 6th centuries A.D. Keay, S.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wilkes, J.J.
     Categories: Europe


A literary and historical study of Prudentius's Peristephanon in the context of 4th- century Christianity. Palmer, Anne-Marie R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthew, J.F.
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of arable cultivation in Roman Italy, c.200 B.C.-c. A.D. 100. Spurr, M.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brunt, P.A.
     Categories: Europe

A study of civilian roadside settlements in Roman Britain. Smith, R.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S.S.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Epiteichismos: late 5th and 6th centuries B.C. Upton, T.J.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Forrest, W.G.G.
     Categories: Europe

Hellenism in Polybius. Edwards, S.G.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Roy, J.
     Categories: Europe

Law-making in the comitia of republican Rome: the processes of drafting, disseminating, recording and retrieving laws and plebiscites. Williamson, Caroline H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by North, J.A.
     Categories: Europe

Notarii in the Roman imperial service, A.D. 275-461. McCullagh, B.D.
     M.A., Belfast.
     Categories: Europe

Pope Leo the Great, the city of Rome and the Western churches. James, N.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
     Categories: Europe

Romanization in Dalmatia. M. Dusevic, Anne
     B.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Eames, J.V.H.; Davies, J.K.
     Categories: Europe

Roman mosaics in Britain. Neale, F.M.
     B.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Eames, J.V.H.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Settlements in the Atlantic province in the 1st millennium A.D.; a study of Argyll. Nieke, Margaret R.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Barrett, J.C.; Alcock, L.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Studies in provincial diplomacy under the Principate. Souris, G.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Categories: Europe

Studies on trade between the Levant and the Aegean in the 14th to 12th centuries B.C. Anita Yannai, Mrs.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Popham, M.R.; Boardman, J.
     Categories: Europe

The architecture and construction of Roman luxury villas on Mediterranean islands, with particular reference to the Julio-Claudian period. Ritchings, R.J.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Free, S.S.
     Categories: Europe

The cult of Vesta in the Roman world. Cobb, J.M.
     M.Phil., Open University.
     Categories: Europe

The cults of the disciplina in the Roman army. Marwood, M.A.
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Europe

The early Christian churches of Cilicia. Hill, S.J.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Harrison, R.M.
     Categories: Europe

The extent to which matters of public policy entered into the election of curule magistrates at Rome, 509-219 B.C. Thanisch, Ann M.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Lawrence, C.H.; Staveley, E.S.
     Categories: Europe

The law and the army under Valentinian I. Tipping, L.D.
     M.A., Belfast.
     Categories: Europe

The 'small towns' of Roman Britain: an analysis of their structure and functional complexity. Burnham, B.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wacher, J.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland


A commentary on Livy Book IX, chapters 1-28. Oakley, S.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Goodyear, F.R.D.
     Categories: Historiography

A commentary on Plutarch's Life of Pompey, chapters 1-46.4. Watkins, O.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pelling, C.B.R.
     Categories: Historiography

A geographical and systematic analysis of the later prehistoric and Romano- British settlement of upland limestone and gritstone margins of the Peak District and N.E Staffordshire. Makepeace, G.A.
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Phillips, A.D.M.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Ancient mining in mid Wales. Hughes, S.J.S.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Artistic patronage in the Roman diocese of Oriens, 313-64l A.D. Mundell-Mango, Maria C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Harrison, R.M.
     Categories: Europe

A social and economic study of the Durotriges from 150 B.C. to A.D. 150, with particular reference to coinage. Mays, Melinda R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nash, D.E.M.; Cunliffe, B.W.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Aspects of pagan/Christian relations in the first four centuries of the Christian era, with special reference to Origen: a study in church growth. Insley, M.G.P.
     M.Phil., Nottingham.
     Categories: Europe

Athenian internal politics, 403-395 B.C., with particular reference to the speeches of Lysias. Todd, S.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cartledge, P.A.
     Categories: Europe

Economy and society of Roman Lusitania under the Principate. Edmondson, J.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Crook, J.A.
     Categories: Europe

Fourth-century Greek historical writing about Persia in the period between the accession of Artaxerxes II Mnemon and that of Darius III (404-336 B.C.). Stevenson, Rosemary B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D.M.
     Categories: Historiography

Greeks outside the polis in the 4th century B.C. McKechnie, P.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D.M.
     Categories: Europe

Late prehistoric and Romano-British settlement in N.E. Cheshire. Nevell, M.D.
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Origins and development of Christian baptism to the year 230 A.D. Harper, A.
     M.Th., Glasgow.
     Categories: Europe

Roman and medieval settlement in N.W. Essex. Williamson, T.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Taylor, C.C.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Settlement patterns and municipal life in central Italy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 200. Patterson, J.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Crawford, M.H.
     Categories: Europe

The canabae and vici of Roman Britain. Mason, D.J.P.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Eames, J.V.H.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Dorians in Crete: a survey of the evolution of Cretan society, c.900-350 B.C. Burns, P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Boardman, J.
     Categories: Europe

The early Christian churches of Cyrenaica: an architectural and art-historical study. Abusbee, A.
     M.Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Harrison, R.M.
     Categories: Europe

Tripolitania under the Roman empire. Elmayer, A.F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Categories: Europe


Agents and masters in ancient near eastern history writings. Lawrence, P.J.N.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Categories: Historiography

Androtion, politician and atthidographer. Hall, L.G.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Forrest, W.G.G.
     Categories: Europe

Imperial virtues: the emperor and the direction of public opinion, 69-96 A.D. Gaffney, M.
     M.A., Belfast.
     Categories: Europe

Market exchange systems within the Roman economy of the 1st and 2nd centuries. E. Griffiths, Karen
     Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Greene, K.
     Categories: Europe

Mycenaean and Near Eastern economic archives. Uchitel, A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Kuhrt, Amelie T.L.
     Categories: Europe

Roman military equipment in the 1st century A.D.: an interpretation of the evidence. Bishop, M.C.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Kennedy, D.L.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in oral tradition and written record in classical Athens. Thomas, Rosalind
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Humphreys, Sarah C.
     Categories: Historiography

The changing role of Roman citizenship in Italy, 218-84 B.C. Piper, D.J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Mattingly, H.B.
     Categories: Europe

The circulation of bronze coinage in N. Gaul in the mid 4th century A.D.: the numismatic evidence for the usurpation of Magnentius and its aftermath, 350-61. Wigg, D.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by King, C.E.
     Categories: Europe

The development of a Roman road network: the lower Dee valley region before 138 A.D. Waddelove, A.C.
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Heroninos archive and the estate of Aurelius Appianus. Rathbone, D.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Bowman, A.K.
     Categories: Europe

The impact of the populace on the government of the city of Rome during the 4th century A.D. May, M.R.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Hunt, E.D.
     Categories: Europe

The importance of the sun in early Roman religion. Sellers, M.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by North, J.A.
     Categories: Europe

The nature of Athenian politics, 432/1-322 B.C. Steppler, Carolyn S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hornblower, N.S.R.
     Categories: Europe

The origins of Greek slavery from Homer to Solon: problems in the identification of servile status groups. Voss, H.J.
     M.Phil., Leicester.
     Categories: Europe

Towards a new approach to ancient history: the interaction of biological phenomena, social structure and the economy in ancient Attica. Sallares, J.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cartledge, P.A.
     Categories: Europe


An edition of fourteen unpublished Greek documents from Roman and Byzantine Egypt [2nd-7th centuries]. Gagos, T.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Thomas, J.D.
     Categories: Europe

Augustus and law-making. Tilson, E.C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Categories: Europe

Contact between Britain and the Continent, 600-200 B.C. Taylor, J.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nash, D.E.M.; Cunliffe, B.W.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Forbidden pleasures: sumptuary laws and the ideology of moral decline in ancient Rome. Miles, D.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cornell, T.J.
     Categories: Europe

Onomastics of Minoan Linear A and Linear B documents and their historical significance. Van Soesbergen, P.G.
     Ph.D., Sheffield.
     Categories: Europe

Plutarch and Rome: three studies. Swain, S.C.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pelling, C.B.R.
     Categories: Historiography

Studies in marriage in the Roman world in the pre-Christian Roman empire. Noy, D.
     Ph.D., Reading.
     Categories: Europe

Studies in the religious and intellectual background of Julian the Apostate. Smith, R.B.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fox, R.J. Lane
     Categories: Europe

Synoikism: people, power and poleis. E. Rihll, Tracy
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Mattingly, H.B.
     Categories: Europe

Taxation in 4th-century Egypt. Ford, M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hendy, M.F.; Goodman, M.D.
     Categories: Europe

The annona militaris: taxation and military provision in the Roman empire in the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. Tribbick, J.N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Categories: Europe

The beneficiarii consularis in the western provinces of the Roman empire. Rankov, N.B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S.S.
     Categories: Europe

The cities of Seleucid Syria. Grainger, J.D.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Goodman, M.D.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

The development of metal-working in England and the North Sea littoral from the late Roman iron age to the early medieval period. Brown, K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hawkes, Sonia E.C.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The early Cornish tin industry: an archaeological and historical survey. Gerrard, G.A.M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Lampeter).
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The early historic landscape of Strathearn: the archaeology of a Pictish kingdom. Driscoll, S.T.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Alcock, L.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Goths and the Balkans, c.350-500 A.D. Heather, P.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Howard-Johnston, J.D.
     Categories: Europe

The harbours of classical Greece, with special reference to those of the Aegean in the classical period. Parry, J.J.
     M.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Mee, C.B.; Eames, J.V.H.
     Categories: Europe

The nature and development of Roman Corinth to the end of the Antonine period. Walbank, M.E.H.
     Ph.D., Open University.
     Categories: Europe

The organization and institutions of female monasticism before the 5th century A.D. K.G. Elm, Susanna
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Europe

The primacy of Rome: a study of its origin and development. Brown, C.A.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Categories: Europe

The role of archers, slingers and other light-armed infantry in Greek warfare from the Mycenean period to 362 B.C. Thomson, C.S.
     M.Litt., Glasgow.
     Categories: Europe

The Roman brick and tile industry. Borges, Kathryn A.
     M.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Petch, D.F.; Davies, J.K.
     Categories: Europe


Barbarous radiates: a study of the irregular Roman coinage of the 270s and 280s A.D. from southern England. Davies, J.A.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Fulford, M.G.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Cereal cultivation and land use in ancient Egypt. Gardiner, H.M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

Cultures in collision: the barbarization of the western Roman empire in ideology and reality, c.370-530 A.D. Hague, B.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Whittaker, C.R.
     Categories: Europe

Early ecclesiastical sites in the Northern Isles and Isle of Man: an archaeological field survey. Lowe, C.E.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Morris, C.D.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Greek attitudes to Persian kingship down to the time of Xenophon. Higginson, T.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D.M.
     Categories: Europe

Information, frontiers and barbarians: the role of strategic intelligence in the relations of the late Roman empire with Persia and northern peoples. Lee, A.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
     Categories: Europe

Late Roman Pisidia. Greenhalgh, Jean
     Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Harrison, R.M.
     Categories: Europe

Popular religion and social protest: studies in religion in Roman Italy in the last two centuries B.C. Jones, D.T.
     M.Phil., Leicester. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, A.F.
     Categories: Europe

Public virtues and family propaganda in the later Roman republic. Evans, R.J.
     M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Mattingly, H.B.
     Categories: Europe

Restrictions on movement in Roman criminal law in the Roman empire up to the time of Justinian I. Burdon, Joan
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Goodman, M.D.
     Categories: Europe

Roman bath houses to 300 A.D. in Lycia and the neighbouring areas. Farrington, A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Coulton, J.J.
     Categories: Europe

Romano-Dalmatian sculpture. Dusevic, Anne M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Davies, J.K.
     Categories: Europe

Settlement in the Peloponnese, Greece, 3rd-6th centuries after Christ. E. Ince, Gillian
     M.Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Greene, K.
     Categories: Europe

The Athenian hippeis in the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. Spence, I.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by North, J.A.
     Categories: Europe

The barracks of the Roman army from the 1st to 3rd centuries A.D. Davison, D.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S.S.
     Categories: Europe

The coinage of Housesteads: a numismatic study of the economy and chronology of a fort on Hadrian's Wall. Curteis, M.E.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Casey, P.J.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Theological studies in the Roman imperial cult. Fishwick, D.
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Burton, G.P.
     Categories: Europe

The society and economy of Poitou-Charentes in the Roman period. Herring, G.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nash, D.E.M.; Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Europe


Aspects of the relationship between Rome and the Greek cities of southern Italy and Campania under the Republic and early Empire. Lomas, H.K.
     Ph.D., Newcastle.
     Categories: Europe

A study of the keles event in ancient Greece from the pre-classical period to the 1st century B.C. Bell, D.J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Categories: Europe

Byzantine public architecture between the 4th and early 11th centuries A.D., with special reference to the towns of Macedonia. Hattersley-Smith, Kara M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mango, C.
     Categories: Europe

Cassius Dio and the Julio-Claudians. Mills, C.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Categories: Historiography

Democracy restored: a study of Athenian politics in and after 403 B.C. Middleton, D.F.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Forrest, W.G.G.
     Categories: Europe

Domination, power and autonomy in the Greek cities, 446/5-405/4 B.C. Christodoloupolos, M.
     M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Hind, J.G.F.; Mattingly, H.B.
     Categories: Europe

Greek society and the transition to Roman rule: archaeological and historical approaches. Susan. Alcock, E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Categories: Europe

Historical commentary on Suetonius's Life of Caligula, with introduction. Wardle, D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Griffin, Miriam T.
     Categories: Historiography

Hydatius: a late Roman chronicler in post-Roman Spain: an historiographical study and new critical edition of the chronicle. Burgess, R.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Historiography

Lakonian cults: the main sanctuaries of Sparta, 800 B.C. to the Roman period. Constantinides, Soteroulla
     Ph.D., London.
     Categories: Europe

Opposition in the Hellenistic world: non-citizen revolts between 323 and 30 B.C. Martinez Lacy, J.R.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Cartledge, P.A.
     Categories: Europe

Settlement and land use in N. Wiltshire, with special reference to the 1st-11th centuries A.D. Heath, J.N.
     M.Phil., Leicester. Supervised by Wacher, J.S.; Fox, H.S.A.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Some attitudes to Julius Caesar in the Roman Republic: Catullus, Cicero and Sallust. Duxbury, Laura C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Griffin, Miriam T.
     Categories: Europe

St. Ambrose and ecclesiastical politics in Milan, 374-97. McLynn, N.B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Europe

The early episcopal career of Athanasius of Alexandria, A.D. 28 - A.D. 335. Arnold, D.W.-H.
     Ph.D., Durham.
     Categories: Europe

The role of the colleagues of Diocletian in the time of the first Tetrarchy. Lambert, G.
     M.A., Leeds. Supervised by Hind, J.G.F.
     Categories: Europe

The Roman empire in crisis: local communities and the civil wars (c.50 B.C. to A.D. 200). Van Deemter, H.
     M.A., Belfast.
     Categories: Europe

The treatment of infants in classical and Hellenistic Greece. Milligan, S.J.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Categories: Europe

The tyranny in Athens in the 6th century. Arrowsmith, S.P.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Whitehead, D.
     Categories: Europe

Transhumant and sedentary sheep-raising in Roman Italy, 200 B.C to A.D. 200. Thompson, J.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Categories: Europe

Urbanization in Rome and Latium Vetus. Betteridge, J.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hodson, F.R.
     Categories: Europe

Valerius Maximus as a source for his own times. Bellemore, Jane
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by North, J.A.
     Categories: Historiography


Apollodorus the son of Pasion. Trevett, J.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D.M.
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of the town in Roman Britain. E. Bates, Wendy
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Fulford, M.G.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Barbarian naval power in N.W. Europe, 12 B.C to c.A.D. 850. Haywood, J.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. Supervised by King, P.D.
     Categories: Europe

Ecclesiological Docetism in early and medieval dissent and heresy in eastern and western Christianity. Carveley, K.C.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Mason, A.F.
     Categories: Europe

From Provincia to Province: the nature of Roman imperialism in the late Republic and early Principate. Freeman, P.W.M.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Kennedy, D.L.
     Categories: Europe

In public and in private: the role of the house church in early Christianity. Blue, B.B.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Categories: Europe

Jewish involvement in the administration of Palestine, 100 B.C. - A.D. J.S. McLaren, 0.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sanders, E.P.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Nabonidus: the king of Babylon (556-539 B.C.). Lee, T.G.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Lambert, W.G.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Olive cultivation within Greek and Roman agriculture: the ancient economy revisited. Foxhall, Lin
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Davies, J.K.

Settlement and society in late Roman and early medieval Tripolitania. Sjostrom, Isabella Y.
     M.Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Johns, J.
     Categories: Europe

Social and political aspects of the career of St. Basil of Caesarea. Beagon, P.M.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Europe

The emergence of a pre-Roman state in Dacia: the archaeological and historical sources for Transylvania, 800 B.C. - A.D. 106. Bergquist, A.K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Alexander, J.A.
     Categories: Europe

The public position of the women of the imperial household in the Julio-Claudian period. S. Fischler, Susan
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; Europe

The role and perception of the civitas in late Roman and Frankish Gaul. Allen, Susan J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Ward-Perkins, B.R.
     Categories: Europe

The role of the strategoi in Athens in the 4th century B.C. Peake, S.G.A.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Austin, M.M.
     Categories: Europe

The war-elephant in antiquity: the role, value and impact of war-elephants in the ancient Roman world from the 3rd century B.C. to the 6th century A.D. Whiteside, P.
     M.A., Warwick.
     Categories: Europe

Village and small town in the Roman west country: a study of the larger Romano-British rural settlements of Avon, Somerset and Gloucestershire. Hanley, R.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland


Aspect of the Roman villa as a form of British settlement. Scott, Eleanor
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Smith, D.J.
     Chronological coverage: 45–410
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Aspects of imperial building activity in Rome in 69-96. Darwall-Smith, Robin H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Purcell, N.
     Chronological coverage: 69–96
     Categories: Europe

Augustan accounts of the regal period. Fox, Matthew A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Pelling, C.B.R.
     Chronological coverage: -31–14
     Index terms: Historiography, Roman; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Cultural change in central France under Roman rule. Woolf, Gregory D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 60–476
     Categories: Europe

Ovid and the `Fasti': an historical study. Herbert-Brown, Geraldine E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Price, S.R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 8–8
     Categories: Historiography

Roman Britain, 39-84 A.D.: a study of the source material contained in Tacitus, Suetonius and Dio. Nice, A.T.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
     Chronological coverage: 39–84
     Index terms: Tacitus, Cornelius (c.55-120); Britain, Roman; Suetonius (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus) (c.69-c.122); Dio Cassius (c.155-c.230)
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Romanization and urbanization in Baetica, c.50 B.C. - 150 A.D. Fear, Andrew T.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Chronological coverage: -50–150
     Categories: Europe

Roman military architecture on the eastern frontier, A.D. 200-600. Gregory, J. Shelagh
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, D.L.
     Chronological coverage: 200–600
     Categories: Europe

Shipping and the Port of London from Roman times to the 13th century A.D. Marsden, Peter R.V.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Archaeol.). Supervised by McGrail, S.
     Chronological coverage: 43–1200
     Index terms: Transport; Ports; London; Shipping; Britain, Roman
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Studies in the Roman colonate. Rosafio, Pasquale
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Whittaker, C.R.
     Chronological coverage: -100–100
     Categories: Europe

The christianization of the Roman army in the 4th century. Woods, D.
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: 300–400
     Index terms: Christianization; Army, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The economy of the Roman S. Pennines, with special r3eference to the lead extraction industry. Dearne, Martin J.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Branigan, K.
     Chronological coverage: 60–410
     Index terms: Pennines; Lead extraction industry; Britain, Roman
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Italian involvement in Greece from the 3rd century to 167 B.C. Tunnicliffe, John N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Derow, P.S.
     Chronological coverage: -299–-167
     Index terms: Italy, ancient; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The links between public art and politics/propaganda in 5th-century Athens: art and the political in the Athenian agora. Parkin, A.R.
     M.Litt., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-400
     Index terms: Propaganda, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient; Athens, ancient; Artists, Art, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

The monastic thought and culture of Pope Gregory the Great in their western context, c.400-604. Leyser, C. Conrad
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 400–604
     Categories: Europe

The peoples of the lower Danube and Rome: mobility, settlement and imperialism to the end of the 2nd century. Batty, Roger M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Chronological coverage: -31–200
     Categories: Europe

The Roman army in Egypt, 31 B.C. - 212 A.D. Alston, Richard
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Classics)
     Chronological coverage: -31–212
     Index terms: Army, Roman; Egypt, ancient; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe


A commentary on Q. Curtius Rufus's Historiae Alexandri Book X. Dempsie, William A.R.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Chronological coverage: 50–50
     Index terms: Quintus Curtius Rufus (fl. c.50; Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.); Historiae Alexandri Magni Macedonis (Quintus Curtius Rufus's); Historiography; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Historiography

Aspects of defence in Roman Europe, A.D. 350-500. Elton, Hugh W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Tomlin, R.S.O.
     Chronological coverage: 350–500
     Index terms: Defence, in Roman Europe; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of Rome as a pagan city and a Christian capital in the 4th century. Curran, John R.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Purcell, N.
     Chronological coverage: 300–399
     Index terms: Christianity, early; Paganism, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Bridging the Hellespont: the successor Lysimachus, a study in early Hellenistic kingship. Lund, Helen S.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Kuhrt, Amelie T.L.
     Chronological coverage: -325–-281
     Index terms: Lysimachus (d. 281 B.C.); Macedonia, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Flavian Scotland: a comparative view. Southern, Patricia
     M.Phil., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Daniels, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 75–96
     Index terms: Britain, Roman; Scotland
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Intercity rivalry and the sophists under the Roman empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. Bruce, Rosalind E.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Hind, J.G.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1–199
     Index terms: Sophists, in Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Local defence on the N.E. Roman frontier. Fahey, William
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Whitby, L.M.
     Chronological coverage: 80–400
     Index terms: Roman Britain; Frontier defence; Roman empire; Defence
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Marketing and exchange systems in south-central Italy. Roberts, Paul
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Collis, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: -200–410
     Index terms: Marketing, in ancient Italy; Italy, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Non-ferrous metalworking in England, late iron age to early medieval. Bayley, Justine C.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: -200–1000
     Index terms: Metalworking
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Politics and myth in classical Athens. Carter, Daniel R.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Whitehead, D.
     Chronological coverage: -499–-325
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Athens, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Roman water-power: a new look at old problems. Spain, Robert J.
     Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Smith, N.A.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1–410
     Index terms: Water-power, in Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Rural communities in the late Empire, A.D. 300-700: monetary and economic aspects. Banaji, Jairus
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Rea, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: 300–700
     Index terms: Rural communities, in the Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Soldiers and tribesmen: the Roman army and tribal society in late imperial Africa. Rushworth, Alan
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Daniels, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 193–400
     Index terms: Tribal society, in North Africa; Army, Roman; Roman empire; Soldiers, Roman; Africa, north
     Categories: Europe

Studies in market and exchange in ancient Athens. von Reden, Sitta V.I.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Millett, P.C.
     Chronological coverage: -600–-325
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Exchange, in ancient Greece; Market, in ancient Greece; Athens, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Symbols, power and the construction of identity in the city-kingdoms of ancient Cyprus, c.750-312 B.C. Given, Michael J.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Snodgrass, A.M.
     Chronological coverage: -750–-312
     Index terms: Cyprus, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The composition and promulgation of imperial pronouncements and the nature of government in the tetrarchic period, 284-324. Corcoran, Simon J.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Chronological coverage: 284–324
     Index terms: Imperial pronouncements, in the Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The development of the Roman towns of Dacia. Dawson, M.
     M.Phil., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 107–270
     Index terms: Towns, in Dacia; Dacia; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The king and the army in the Hellenistic world. Taylor, Richard W.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Hornblower, N.S.R.
     Chronological coverage: -323–-146
     Index terms: Kings, in Hellenistic world; Army, in Hellenistic world; Hellenistic world
     Categories: Europe

The medical works of Rufus of Ephesus. Abou-Aly, Amal
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Nutton, V.
     Chronological coverage: 70–110
     Index terms: Rufus of Ephesus (fl. 1st-2nd cent.); Medicine
     Categories: Europe

The military and political role of the allies of Sparta in the Peloponnesian War. Katsivardelos, Panayiotis
     M.Litt., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 431–404
     Index terms: Sparta; Pelopennesian War (431-404 B.C.); Armies, ancient Greek
     Categories: Europe

The slave mode of production in classical Athens: a very peculiar institution. McKeown, Niall A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Cartledge, P.A.
     Chronological coverage: -499–-325
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Slaves, Slavery, in ancient Greece; Athens, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The social structure of the Roman city in Italy (100 B.C. to A.D. 300): the logic of space. Laurence, Ray M.
     Ph.D., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: -100–300
     Index terms: Cities, in ancient Italy; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The transition from late prehistoric to early historic social and political structures amongst the Irish and its relevance to the case of Dal Riata. Woolf, Alexander D.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -100–700
     Index terms: Scotland; Dal Riata; Irish, early; Ireland
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The treatment of war wounds in Graeco-Roman antiquity. Salazar, Christine E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Lloyd, G.E.R.
     Chronological coverage: -800–-50
     Index terms: War wounds, treatment of


Age and the aged in Roman society: demographic, social and legal aspects. Parkin, Timothy G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Chronological coverage: -81–410
     Index terms: Old age, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient; Aged people, in ancient Rome
     Categories: Europe

An assessment of Velleius Paterculus and his attitudes towards the period from the late Republic to the early Principate. Pine, Jeremy R.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Burton, G.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1–30
     Index terms: Historiography; Velleius Paterculus (c.19 B.C. - after 30 A.D.); Rome, ancient
     Categories: Historiography

Childhood and Christianity from Paul to the Council of Chalcedon. Currie, Sarah
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 60–451
     Index terms: Childhood, in the ancient world; Christianity, early
     Categories: Europe

Corruption and bureaucracy in the later Roman empire. Kelly, Christopher M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Hopkins, M.K.
     Chronological coverage: 284–527
     Index terms: Corruption, in the Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Death and religion in archaic Greek Sicily: a study in colonial relationships. Shepherd, Gillian B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Snodgrass, A.M.
     Chronological coverage: -750–-500
     Index terms: Death, in ancient Sicily; Colonization, Greek; Sicily, ancient; Religion, in ancient Sicily
     Categories: Europe

Dominance in the Roman senate from Sulla to the Principate. Matyszak, Philip L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Purcell, N.
     Chronological coverage: -81–14
     Index terms: Senate, Roman; Rome, ancient; Principate, Roman; Sulla, Lucius Cornelius (138-78 B.C.); Empire, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Ethnic identity in the Argolid, 900-600 B.C. Hall, Jonathan M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Snodgrass, A.M.
     Chronological coverage: -900–-600
     Index terms: Argolid
     Categories: Europe

Explorations in classical Spartan property and society. Hodkinson, Stephen J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Cartledge, P.A.
     Chronological coverage: 500–350
     Index terms: Property, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient; Sparta
     Categories: Europe

Gender and boundary in Roman religion. Staples, I. Ariadne D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Beard, W. Mary
     Chronological coverage: -81–400
     Index terms: Gender, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient; Religion, Roman
     Categories: Europe

George Grote on Plato and Athenian democracy. Demetriou, Kyriacos
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Rosen, F.
     Chronological coverage: 1846–1856
     Index terms: Democracy, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient; Grote, George (1794-1871); Athens, Greece, ancient; Plato (c.427-c.347)
     Categories: Historiography

Leisure and ancient Rome. Toner, Jeremy P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Chronological coverage: -225–-31
     Index terms: Leisure, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Local administration in Egypt under Roman rule, 4th - 6th centuries A.D.: the element of corruption. Macnaughten, A. Hugh
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Harries, Jill D.
     Chronological coverage: 300–599
     Index terms: Egypt, ancient; Local administration, in Egypt; Corruption, in ancient Egypt; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Lydia: a cultural and social history. Gee, Lindsay M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Price, S.R.F.
     Chronological coverage: -700–-546
     Index terms: Lydia
     Categories: Europe

Marseille in late antiquity and the early middle ages. Loseby, Simon T.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ward-Perkins, B.R.; James, E.F.
     Chronological coverage: 450–800
     Index terms: Marseille, France; France
     Categories: Europe

Palmyra and the 3rd century: an historical study. Lennon, Timothy C.C.
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 200–300
     Index terms: Middle East; Syria; Palmyra, Syria

Piracy in the ancient world from Minos to Mohammad. de Souza, Philip
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Cornell, T.J.
     Chronological coverage: -1500–622
     Index terms: Piracy, in ancient world

Roman patrons of Greek cities in the late Republic and early Empire. Eilers, Claude F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Levick, Barbara M.
     Chronological coverage: -60–14
     Index terms: Cities, ancient Greek; Roman empire; Rome, ancient; Patronage, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

The dissemination of news and information in classical Greece, c.500-300 B.C. Lewis, Sian
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Osborne, R.G.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-300
     Index terms: News, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The relations between Theodoret of Cyrrhus and his city and its territory, with particular reference to the Letters and Historia Religiosa. Tompkins, Ian G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Cameron, A.
     Chronological coverage: 423–466
     Index terms: Syria; Theodoret (c.393-c.466), bishop of Cyrrhus; Cyrrhus, bishop of, see Theodoret
     Categories: Europe

The temples of Egypt: the impact of Rome. Glare, Penelope M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Chronological coverage: -30–300
     Index terms: Temples, in Egypt; Roman empire; Egypt, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Unequal feasts: food and its social context in early Greece. Dalby, Andrew K.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Rowlandson, Jane L.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-325
     Index terms: Food, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe


Alcibiades and Athens: a study in literary presentation. Gribble, David W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Pelling, C.B.R.
     Chronological coverage: -432–-404
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Athens, ancient; Alcibiades (c.450-404 B.C.); Historiography
     Categories: Historiography

Ancient Greek body armour, 1500-150 B.C. Everson, Timothy
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, A.H.
     Chronological coverage: -1500–-150
     Index terms: Armour, ancient Greek; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

An examination and reconstruction of the motives behind Roman foreign relations, c.500-c.300 B.C. Northwood, Simon
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Briscoe, J.; Hodkinson, S.J.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-300
     Index terms: Foreign relations, of ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Aquileia and its territory in the republican and early imperial eras. Howell, Diane M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Wilkes, John J.
     Chronological coverage: -509–14
     Index terms: Roman empire; Rome, ancient; Italy, ancient; Aquileia
     Categories: Europe

Beyond the bloom: bloom refining and artifact production in Roman Britain. Sim, David N.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Fulford, M.G.
     Chronological coverage: 50–410
     Index terms: Britain, Roman; Iron industry; Bloom refining
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Cult and money: a study of the growing wealth of the Jerusalem temple and its high priests from the Persian period to 70 C.E. Hastings, Cecily M.E.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: -538–70
     Index terms: Jerusalem, temple; Jews
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Economy of the Athenian navy, 4th century B.C. Clark, Michael G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Lewis, D.M.
     Chronological coverage: -399–-300
     Index terms: Athens, ancient; Greece, ancient; Navy, ancient Greek
     Categories: Europe

Late Roman handmade wares in S.E. Britain. Lyne, Malcolm A.B.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Fulford, M.G.
     Chronological coverage: 300–400
     Index terms: Handmade wares; Britain, Roman
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Late Roman military treatises. Rance, Philip
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Whitby, L.M.
     Chronological coverage: 337–476
     Index terms: Army, Roman; Military treatises, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Metropolis and hinterland: the city of Rome and the Italian economy, 200 B.C. - A.D. 200. Morley, Neville D.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Chronological coverage: -200–200
     Index terms: Italy, ancient; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Moral attitudes to eating and drinking in ancient Rome. Goddard, Justin P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, P.D.A.
     Chronological coverage: -264–410
     Index terms: Drinking, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient; Eating, in ancient Rome
     Categories: Europe

Procopius and the Persian wars. Greatrex, Geoffrey B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, J.D.
     Chronological coverage: 526–526
     Index terms: Procopius (c.499-565); Persian wars
     Categories: Historiography

Rome and the Celts of northern Italy in the Republic. Williams, Jonathan H.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Woolf, G.D.
     Chronological coverage: -225–-50
     Index terms: Celts, and Rome; Rome, ancient, and Celts; Italy, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The function of Roman frontier installations: a comparative study. Hodgson, Nicholas R.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Daniels, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: -205–410
     Index terms: Frontiers, of Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The Greeks and their foreign friendships, 435-336 B.C. Mitchell, Lynette G.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Rhodes, P.J.
     Chronological coverage: -435–-336
     Index terms: Foreign relations, of ancient Greeks; Greeks, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The Roman army as a fighting force, 100 B.C. - A.D. 200. Goldsworthy, Adrian K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Bowman, A.K.
     Chronological coverage: -100–200
     Index terms: Army, Roman; Rome, ancient; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The Romanization of the alae and cohortes from Augustus to Septimius Severus. Haynes, Ian P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eur. Archaeol.). Supervised by Frere, S.S.; Lloyd, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: -31–211
     Index terms: Augustus,....; Severus, Lucius Septimius (146-211), Roman emperor; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The see of Porec and Istrian Christianity in late antiquity. Gilmore, Ffiona H.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, P.W.
     Chronological coverage: 450–604
     Index terms: Christianity, early; Istria, Slovenia; Porec, diocese of
     Categories: Europe

The stateless polis : towards a re-evaluation of the classical Greek political community. Berent, M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Cartledge, P.A.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-325
     Index terms: Polis, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The tribunate of the plebs in the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C.: a study of its role in Roman Republican politics. Williams, P.L.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Swansea)
     Chronological coverage: -200–-1
     Index terms: Tribunate of the plebs, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Urbanization in Roman Gaul: the place of the vicus. Rorison, Monica
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Collis, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: -58–410
     Index terms: Urbanization, in Roman Gaul; Roman empire; Gaul; Vicus, in Roman Gaul
     Categories: Europe


Alexander the Great's campaigns in Sogdia and northern Bactria: a study of the topography and archaeology. Sommer, Peter
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Anc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -328–-328
     Index terms: Bactria; Sogdia; Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), king of Macedonia; Military campaigns, in Bactria and Sogdia
     Categories: Europe

An examination of the role of religion and public worship within the Roman empire, with specific reference to Gaul. Copeland, Susan M.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Collis, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: -31–476
     Index terms: Religion, in Roman empire; Gaul; Roman empire; France, see also Gaul; Public worship, in Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of the economic organization of the Roman household during the late Republic and early Principate. Parkins, Helen M.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Christie, N.J.; Foxhall, Lin
     Chronological coverage: -60–14
     Index terms: Household, in ancient Rome; Roman empire; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Athenian democracy until the end of the Peloponnesian War: its characteristics and leaders. Demir, Muzaffer
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Williams, Ann
     Chronological coverage: -500–-404
     Index terms: Democracy, in ancient Athens; Athens, ancient; Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.); Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Cato Minor and republicanism: a critical analysis of the life of Cato the younger and its impact on the late Republic and the republican ideal. Rew, Damian
     M.Phil., Wales. (Swansea)
     Chronological coverage: -75–-46
     Index terms: Cato, Marcus Porcius (95-46 B.C.), 'the younger'; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Defining women's status by dress conventions in classical Rome and Renaissance Venice. Hawkes, Venetia A.S.
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Williams, Ann
     Chronological coverage: -50–1550
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Venice, Italy; Dress conventions, in ancient Rome and Renaissance Venice; Italy; Renaissance, in Italy
     Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; Social history; Europe

Emporia, emporion and the early polis. Wilson, John-Paul
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, M.H.
     Chronological coverage: -600–-400
     Index terms: Polis, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient; Trade, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

Episcopal authority in late antiquity. Pollett, Shawn
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Harries, Jill D.
     Chronological coverage: 450–604
     Index terms: Episcopal authority; Bishops; Church, early
     Categories: Europe

Frames of mind: literate education in the Hellenistic and Roman worlds. Morgan, Teresa J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Beard, W. Mary
     Chronological coverage: -325–400
     Index terms: Education (Hellenistic and Roman)
     Categories: Europe

From conviviality to the mortification of the flesh: Christian attitudes to food in the Roman empire from New Testament times to the age of St. Jerome. Grimm, Veronika E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Edwards, M.J.; Goodman, M.D.
     Chronological coverage: 40–420
     Index terms: Christianity, Christians, early; Roman empire; Food, in the Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Quintus Curtius Rufus's Historiae Alexandri Magni: a study in rhetorical history. Moore, Philip I.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Hornblower, N.S.R.; Pelling, C.B.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1–99
     Index terms: Historiography; Quintus Curtius Rufus (fl. 1st cent.); Historiae Alexandri Magni (Quintus Curtius Rufus's); Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.)
     Categories: Historiography

Roman siege craft in the late Republic and early Empire. Thorn, Brett
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Todd, M.
     Chronological coverage: -50–14
     Index terms: Siege craft, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Rome and Capua from Republic to Empire. Pobjoy, Mark P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Purcell, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: -509–-31
     Index terms: Roman empire; Roman republic; Italy, ancient; Capua, Italy; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Rome and Italy: municipalization from the Social War to Actium and its political context. Bispham, Edward H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Levick, Barbara M.
     Chronological coverage: -91–-31
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Actium, battle of (-31 B.C.); Italy, ancient; Social War (91-88 B.C.); Municipalization, in ancient Italy
     Categories: Europe

The change in the nature and effectiveness of barbarian armies, Ariovistus to Theodoric. Haydock, Ian
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Todd, M.
     Chronological coverage: -60–489
     Index terms: Ariovistus (d. 58 B.C.); Armies, barbarian; Theodoric (c.454-526), king of the Ostrogoths; Barbarians; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The creation of the Roman state, A.D. 200-340: social and administrative aspects. Salway, R.W. Benet
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Chronological coverage: 200–340
     Index terms: Administration, of Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The history of Greek olive oil and perfumed oil and their containers in the Greek world between 1100 and 480 B.C. Raftopoulos, Helen G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kurtz, D.C.
     Chronological coverage: -1100–-480
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Olive oil, in ancient Greek world
     Categories: Europe

The institution of Choregia in Athens in the 5th and 4th century B.C. Makres, Andronike
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Osborne, R.G.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-300
     Index terms: Choregia, in ancient Greece; Athens, ancient; Greece, ancient,
     Categories: Europe

The Roman kingship in the 6th century B.C. Glinister, Fay N.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Cornell, T.J.
     Chronological coverage: -600–-500
     Index terms: Kingship, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The transformation of the urban order in early Christian Jerusalem: pilgrimage and the ritual topography, 325-460. Pullan, W.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archit.). Supervised by Carl, P.
     Chronological coverage: 325–460
     Index terms: Christianity, early; Pilgrimages; Jerusalem
     Categories: Europe


Between three empires: the Greeks of Asia Minor, 479-386 B.C. Cordner, Michael J.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Price, Simon R.F.
     Chronological coverage: -479–-386
     Index terms: Greeks, of Asia Minor; Asia Minor
     Categories: Europe

Communication, hierarchy and orthodoxy amongst the Christian elite of the later Roman empire. Miles, R.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, Peter D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 285–480
     Index terms: Church, early; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Communities of the Blessed: the origins and development of regional churches in northern Italy, c.250-381. Humphries, Mark
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Harries, Jill D.
     Chronological coverage: 250–381
     Index terms: Church, early; Churches, in Italy; Italy; Christianity, Christians, early
     Categories: Europe

Early Hellenistic Athens: leadership and diplomacy. Kralli, Ioanna
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -325–-271
     Index terms: Diplomacy, of ancient Athens; Greece, ancient; Athens, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Environmental impact of Roman iron-making in the Weald. Kaminski, Jaime
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Fulford, Michael G.
     Chronological coverage: 50–400
     Index terms: Weald; Iron-making; Britain, Roman; Environment
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Exilium Romanum: exile, politics and personal experience, 58 B.C. - A.D. 68. Singh-Masuda, Neil R.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -58–68
     Index terms: Exile, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Gardens of Italy and the western provinces of the Roman empire from the 4th century B.C. to the 4th century A.D. Farrar, Linda
     M.Phil., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -400–400
     Index terms: Gardens, in ancient Italy; Italy, ancient; Roman empire; Gardens, in the Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Heavenly honours: emperor worship in Italy from Augustus to the Severans. Gradel, Ittai D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Price, Simon R.F.
     Chronological coverage: -31–235
     Index terms: Roman empire; Italy; Augustus, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (63 B.C. - 14 A.D.), Roman emperor; Emperor worship; Severan emperors, in ancient Rome
     Categories: Europe

Neo-Assyrian and neo-Babylonian planetary astronomy-astrology, 747-612 B.C. Brown, D.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Postgate, John N.
     Chronological coverage: -747–-612
     Index terms: Astronomy, neo-Assyrian and neo-Babylonian; Babylonia; Assyria; Astrology, neo-Assyrian and neo-Babylonian
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Processes of marginalization in the Roman empire. Avidov, Avi
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Isaac, B.
     Chronological coverage: -31–410
     Index terms: Marginalization, in the Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

River Nile and its impact on leisure in ancient Egypt. Negm, Magid M. F.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Kitchen, Kenneth A.
     Chronological coverage: -1500–-31
     Index terms: Leisure, in ancient Egypt; Nile river, Egypt; Egypt, ancient

Roman small towns in the E. Midlands: a regional study of settlement development and interaction. Condron, Frances M.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Mattingley, David J.; Young, Robert
     Chronological coverage: 55–500
     Index terms: Towns; Roman empire; Settlement; Britain, Roman; Urban development
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Athenian state under threat: politics and food supply, 307-229 B.C. Oliver, Graham J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Osborne, Robin G.
     Chronological coverage: -307–-229
     Index terms: Food supply, in ancient Athens; Athens, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The bronze coinage of Carausius. Williams, Hugh P. G.
     M.Phil., Reading. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Fulford, Michael G.
     Chronological coverage: 287–293
     Index terms: Carausius (c.2450293), Roman emperor in Britain; Coins, Coinage; Britain, Roman
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Christian display of wealth in western Europe, A.D. 350-750. Janes, Dominic T.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
     Chronological coverage: 350–750
     Index terms: Christianity, medieval; Europe, western; Wealth, in Europe
     Categories: Europe

The development of provincial administration in the province of Central Gaul from Caesar's Gallic Wars to the early years of Vespasian. Hamilton, Paul G.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -56–72
     Index terms: Caesar, Gaius Julius (100-44 B.C.); Gallic Wars (58-49 B.C.); Gaul; Roman empire; Vespasian (Titus Flavius Vespasianus) (9-79 ), Roman emperor
     Categories: Europe

The Roman camps at Numantia: a re-appraisal in the light of a critical analysis of Polybius's discourse on the Roman army. Dobson, Michael J.
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Maxfield, Valerie A.
     Chronological coverage: -197–-91
     Index terms: Polybius (c.205 - c.123 B.C.; Numantia; Spain, ancient; Army, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe


Aspects of transport in Roman Egypt, 30 B.C. - 300 A.D. Adams, Colin E.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Bowman, Alan K.
     Chronological coverage: -30–300
     Index terms: Egypt, ancient; Transport, in ancient Egypt; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Augusta: images of the empress and Roman imperial power. Cresswell, L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Reynolds, Joyce M.
     Chronological coverage: 80–300
     Index terms: Empresses, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Between geography and history: Strabo's Roman world. Clarke, Katherine J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Millar, Fergus G.B.
     Chronological coverage: -43–21
     Index terms: Geography, in ancient world; Roman empire; Rome, ancient; Strabo (c.64-after A.D. 21); History, in ancient world
     Categories: Europe

Genealogies and personalities at Deir-el Medina in the Ramesside period. Davies, B.G.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Kitchen, Kenneth A.
     Chronological coverage: -1292–-1225
     Index terms: Deir-el Medina, Egypt; Egypt, ancient; Rameses II, Egyptian monarch (1292-1225 B.C.); Genealogies, in ancient Egypt

Popular attitudes to judicial activity in the age of Aristophanes. Crichton, Angus J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by North, John A.
     Chronological coverage: -428–-388
     Index terms: Law, in ancient Athens; Athens, ancient; Aristophanes (c.448-c.388); Judicial activity, in ancient Athens
     Categories: Europe

Some aspects of Roman borrowings (of rituals, clothing and accoutrements) from the Persians, c.230-363. Lee, Christopher J.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Hind, John G.F.
     Chronological coverage: 230–363
     Index terms: Clothing, in ancient Rome; Rituals, in ancient Persia; Rituals, in ancient Rome; Persia; Roman empire; Clothing, in ancient Persia
     Categories: Europe

The architectural patronage of the Attalids and Ptolemies. Winzor, Christine E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Coulton, John J.
     Chronological coverage: -229–-133
     Index terms: Architecture, in ancient Egypt; Architecture, in ancient Pergamum; Pergamum, ancient; Egypt, ancient; Attalid house; Ptolemaic house; Patronage, architectural, in ancient Egypt and Pergamum

The ethos of aristocratic warrior elites in the ancient world: historiography and history. Rawlings, Louis P.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Cornell, Timothy J.
     Chronological coverage: -1000–-500
     Index terms: Aristocrats, in ancient world; Warfare, in ancient world; Historiography

The rise and fall of Macedonian military might. Lopez, Julian
     M.Litt., Newcastle. (Classics)
     Chronological coverage: -359–-323
     Index terms: Army, of Macedon; Macedon, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The role of textual graffiti in ancient Egypt and Nubia. Peden, Alexander J.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Kitchen, Kenneth A.
     Chronological coverage: -1500–-31
     Index terms: Graffiti, in ancient Egypt and Nubia; Nubia, ancient; Egypt, ancient

The role played by the sanctuary of Isthmia in the rise of the Corinthian polis from the 8th to the 6th century B.C. Toley, Richard M.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -800–-500
     Index terms: Isthmia, sanctuary of, in ancient Greece; Corinth, Greece; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The Roman Alexander: studies in Curtius Rufus. Spencer, D.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Henderson, J.G.W.
     Chronological coverage: 41–54
     Index terms: Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.); Curtius Rufus, Quintus (c.41-54); Historiography
     Categories: Historiography

The Romanization of Britain. Giannotta, Kristina M.
     M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Hanson, William S.; Keppie, L.
     Chronological coverage: 43–410
     Index terms: Britain, early and Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Romanization of Piedmont and Liguria. Häussler, Ralph
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -200–-191
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Italy, ancient; Liguria, Italy; Piedmont, Italy
     Categories: Europe

The Stanegate: a frontier system in northern Britain, c.90-122. Stobbs, Graeme C.
     M.Litt., Newcastle. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 90–122
     Index terms: Frontier, in Roman Britain; Roman Britain; Stanegate; Defence, in Roman Britain
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Umbria from the Iron Age to the Augustan era. Bradley, Guy J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -600–14
     Index terms: Roman empire; Italy; Umbria, Italy
     Categories: Europe

Warlords of the Western Empire in the later 5th century A.D. MacGeorge, formerly Houghton, Penelope A. Houghton
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Ward-Perkins, Bryan R.
     Chronological coverage: 450–500
     Index terms: Roman empire; Warlords
     Categories: Europe

Woman as an object of medical knowledge in the Roman empire, from Celsus to Galen. Flemming, Rebecca E.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Van Bremen, Henrietta C.
     Chronological coverage: 50–201
     Index terms: Galen (Claudius Galenus) (d. 201); Women, in the Roman empire; Celsus, Aulus Cornelius (fl. A.D. 50); Medicine, in the Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe


A social history of Campania in the 4th century B.C. Bolis, Alessia C.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -400–-300
     Index terms: Campania, Italy; Italy, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of Roman building construction in Britain. Shirley, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Fulford, Michael G.
     Chronological coverage: 45–410
     Index terms: Building; Britain, early and Roman; Construction
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Aspects of seafaring and trade in the central Mediterranean region, c.1200-800 B.C. Calcagno, Claire
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Anthrop. & Geog.). Supervised by Sherratt, Andrew G.; McGrail, Sean
     Chronological coverage: -1200–-800
     Index terms: Seafaring, in Mediterranean Sea; Trade, in Mediterranean Sea; Mediterranean Sea
     Categories: Europe

Domestic politics and the movement of Roman legions, from Gaius to Trajan. Berriman, Andrew
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 37–117
     Index terms: Trajan, Marcus Ulpius (c.c.53-117), Roman emperor; Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (or Calligula)(12-41), Roman emperor; Legions, Roman; Roman empire; Army, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Education in Greco-Roman, Byzantine and early Arab Egypt: assessing the primary evidence. Bucking, Scott J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Easterling, Patricia E.
     Chronological coverage: -332–700
     Index terms: Education, in ancient Egypt; Egypt

Images of Constantius II: the philanthropic emperor and imperial propaganda in the 4th century A.D. Henck, Nicholas J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Tomlin, Roger S.O.; Levick, Barbara M.
     Chronological coverage: 337–361
     Index terms: Roman empire; Philanthropy, imperial; Constantius II (317-61), Roman emperor; Propaganda, imperial
     Categories: Europe

Images of motherhood in late antiquity. Harlow, Mary E.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Foxhall, Lin
     Chronological coverage: 450–600
     Index terms: Mothers, Motherhood, in late antiquity

King Saul: a re-examination of his reign and its effect on Israel down to the Schism. Shalom-Brooks, Simcha
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by North, John A.
     Chronological coverage: -1028–-933
     Index terms: Saul (11th cent. B.C.), king of Israel; Israel, ancient
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Roman coins from the province of Asia in the Antonine period, 138-192. Heuchert, Volker
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Howgego, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: 138–192
     Index terms: Asia, Roman province; Coinage, Coins, of Roman empire; Roman empire; Antonine emperors
     Categories: Europe

Roman Phrygia: cities and coinage. Armstrong, Andrea J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -84–500
     Index terms: Cities, in ancient Phrygia; Roman empire; Phrygia; Coinage, of ancient Phrygia
     Categories: Europe

Sanctuaries in Asia Minor under Hellenistic and Roman rule: finances and politics. Dignas, Beate D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Price, Simon R.F.
     Chronological coverage: -325–477
     Index terms: Sanctuaries, in Asia Minor; Greece, ancient; Rome, ancient; Asia Minor

Settlement change in southern Gaul, c.150 B.C. - A.D. 100, and the development of Gallia Narbonensis. Matthews, Nicola J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Lintott, Andrew W.
     Chronological coverage: -150–100
     Index terms: Gallia Narbonensis; Settlement; Gaul
     Categories: Europe

Social complexity and religion at Rome in the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C. Bendlin, Andreas E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Price, Simon R.F.
     Chronological coverage: -200–1
     Index terms: Religion, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The cash economy of 4th-century B.C. Athens. Shipton, Kirsty M.W.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -400–-300
     Index terms: Cash economy, of ancient Athens; Greece, ancient; Athens, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The cultural history of Colchis, 6th-1st centuries B.C. Tsetskhladze, Gocha R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Boardman, John
     Chronological coverage: -600–-1
     Index terms: Colchis (Kolkhida), Georgia; Black Sea
     Categories: Europe

The diplomatic relations of Hellenistic Crete. Karafotias, Alexandros
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Davies, John K.
     Chronological coverage: -325–-146
     Index terms: Diplomatic relations, of ancient Crete; Crete, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The extent and influence of the Egyptian empire in late bronze age Canaan and Transjordan. Godwin, Helen J.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Millard, Alan R.
     Chronological coverage: -1479–-1167
     Index terms: Egypt, ancient; Transjordan; Canaan
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

The food supply in Roman Egypt. Sharp, Michael L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Bowman, Alan K.
     Chronological coverage: -30–400
     Index terms: Food supply, in Roman Egypt; Egypt, Roman
     Categories: Europe

The hetaira in the ancient Greek world. Christodoulou, Despina
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Cartledge, Paul A.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-325
     Index terms: Prostitutes, Prostitution, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient; Hetaira, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

The reign of the Emperor Hadrian and its effects for Rome and the Empire. Penny, Colin
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Shotter, David C.A.
     Chronological coverage: 117–138
     Index terms: Hadrian (Publius Aelius Hadrianus) (76-138), Roman emperor; Rome, ancient; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The Roman empire's relations with Lycia and the island of Rhodes. Banks, Andrew D.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.; Hind, John G.F.
     Chronological coverage: -31–454
     Index terms: Rhodes, and the Roman empire; Roman empire, and Rhodes; Roman empire, and Lycia; Lycia, and the Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Women in law and Christianity in the later Roman empire. Jones, Christopher P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Levick, Barbara M.; Tomlin, Roger S.O.
     Chronological coverage: 312–547
     Index terms: Christianity, in the Roman empire; Roman empire; Women, in the Roman empire
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; Legal history; Europe; AD 1-500


An analysis of the generalship of Alexander III of Macedon: undermining or underlining greatness?. Boardman, Andrew P.
     M.A., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Rhodes, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: -334–-323
     Index terms: Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), king of Macedonia; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of Athenian relations with the Black Sea region, 600-300 B.C. Demir, Muzaffer
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -600–-300
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Black Sea; Athens, ancient
     Categories: Europe

A study of Ptolemaic royal portraiture: the presentation of a dynasty. Ashton, Sally-Ann
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Classics). Supervised by Rowlandson, Jane L.
     Chronological coverage: -323–-30
     Index terms: Ptolemaic dynasty, in Egypt; Egypt, ancient; Portraiture, royal

Forensic practice in the development of Roman and ecclesiastical law in late Antiquity, with special reference to the prosecution of heresy. Humfress, Caroline
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Garnsey, Peter D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 400–700
     Index terms: Roman law; Heresy; Ecclesiastical law; Forensic practice
     Categories: Europe

Harbours in Roman Egypt. Parry, John J.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Snape, Steven R.
     Chronological coverage: -30–400
     Index terms: Roman empire; Egypt, Roman; Harbours
     Categories: Europe

Syncretic religion in Roman Britain. Moore, Leigh Fereday
     M.Phil., Keele. (Classics). Supervised by Fear, Andrew T.
     Chronological coverage: 50–410
     Index terms: Syncretic religion; Roman Britain
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The articulation of Roman religion in the Latin historians Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus Marcellinus. Davies, Jason P.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by North, John A.
     Chronological coverage: -35–390
     Index terms: Ammianus Marcellinus (c.330-390); Tacitus, Cornelius (c.55-120); Livy (Titus Livius)(59 B.C.-17 A.D.); Religion, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The Corinthian War. Blewitt, Gillian
     M.Litt., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: -395–-86
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Corinthian war
     Categories: Europe

The history of Miletus to the end of the archaic period. Greaves, Alan M.
     Ph.D., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: -1000–-494
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Miletus
     Categories: Europe

The manufacturing processes of Hellenistic and Roman mosaic glass, 300 B.C. - 200 A.D.: a new theory of production. Dawes, Susan
     Ph.D., Central England in Birmingham. (Art & Design). Supervised by Flavell, R.; Wardle, Ken A.; Swift, J.
     Chronological coverage: -300–200
     Index terms: Glass manufacture; Rome, ancient; Greece, ancient; Mosaic glass

The significance of Roman material and influence beyond the Empire, in Scotland and Ireland, c.100 B.C. - 500 A.D. Bunter, Michael
     M.Phil., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: -100–500
     Index terms: Scotland, and Rome; Rome, ancient; Ireland, and Rome
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Women in myth and ritual. Thompson, Heather Ann
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-300
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Women, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Gender and Women; Europe


Antigonos Gonatas: coinage, money and the economy. Panagopoulou, Ekaterini
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -276–-239
     Index terms: Coinage, in Greece; Antigonos Gonatas (277-239 B.C.); Greece, ancient; Money, in Greece
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of Roman imperialism. Cook, David
     M.Phil., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Seager, Robin J.
     Chronological coverage: -146–400
     Index terms: Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

A study of the social patterns of worship in Palmyra in the Roman period. Kaizer, Ted
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 17–267
     Categories: Europe

A theory of Greek colonization: EIA Thrace and initial Greek contacts. Owen, Sara S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics)
     Chronological coverage: -700–-650
     Index terms: Colonization, Greek; Thrace, ancient; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Cavalry in Roman field-armies during the 4th, 5th and 6th centuries A.D. Wass, Richard G.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Coulston, Jonathan C.N.
     Chronological coverage: 300–600
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Army, Roman; Cavalry, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Creating public opinion: officially published Roman public inscriptions, c.100 B.C.-A.D. 68. Golden, Gregory K.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Millar, Fergus G.B.; Griffin, Miriam T.
     Chronological coverage: -100–68
     Categories: Europe

Delos: investigating the notion of privacy within the ancient Greek house. Burke, Samantha
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc.). Supervised by Foxhall, Lin
     Chronological coverage: -500–-146
     Index terms: Privacy, in ancient Greece; Delos, Greece; Greece, ancient; Houses, Housing, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

Feeding the troops: local grain supply on the northern frontier. Miller, Keith B.
     M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Hanson, Williams S.
     Chronological coverage: 43–410
     Index terms: Roman empire; Grain, supply of
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Indigenous communities in Lucania: social organization and political forms, 4th-1st century B.C. Isayev, Elena
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by North, John A.
     Chronological coverage: -400–0
     Index terms: Lucania, Italy; Italy
     Categories: Europe

Solon's Polis as Kosmos: intellectual, moral and political integration in archaic Athens. Lewis, John D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Cartledge, Paul A.
     Chronological coverage: -594–-590
     Categories: Europe

The economics of private construction in Roman Italy. Daniels-Dwyer, Robert J.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -264–410
     Index terms: Construction, in Roman Italy; Roman Italy; Italy, Roman
     Categories: Europe

The Seleucid royal economy: the finances and financial administration of the Seleucid empire. Aperghis, Gerassimos E.G.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Kuhrt, Amélie T.L.
     Chronological coverage: -305–-64
     Index terms: Financial administration, of the Seleucid empire; Seleucid empire
     Categories: Europe

Women and veiling in the ancient Greek world. Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Fisher, Nicholas R.E.; Lewis, Sian
     Chronological coverage: -600–-325
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Veils, Veiling; Women
     Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; Europe


Church, cities, and people: a study of the plebs within the Church and cities of Roman Africa in the works of Cyprian, Optatus and Augustine. Evers, Alexander W.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Cameron, Averil M.
     Chronological coverage: 248–430
     Index terms: Augustine, Saint (354-430), bishop of Hippo; Cyprian, Saint (d. 258), bishop of Carthage
     Categories: Europe

Coats of many colours: dyeing and dyeworks in ancient Greece. Monaghan, Mark D.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc.). Supervised by Foxhall, Lin
     Chronological coverage: -600–-325
     Categories: Europe

Dimensions of Christian allegiance and limits of government in the later Roman empire: a case study of the Donatist controversy in Africa. Blackhurst, Andrew
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 312–414
     Index terms: Christianity, Christians; Africa, Roman; Roman empire; Donatist controversy
     Categories: Europe

Historical reliability of Near Eastern literature. Redondo, Marcio
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Millard, Alan R.
     Chronological coverage: -1400–-1200
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Lamps and lighting in Roman Britain. Eckhardt, Hella
     M.Phil., Reading. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 50–410
     Index terms: Lighting, Roman; Lamps, Roman; Roman empire; Britain, Roman
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

'Military' and 'civilian' in late Roman Britain: an archaeology of social identity. Gardner, Andrew N.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 300–410
     Index terms: Social identity, in Roman Britain; Roman empire; Britain, Roman
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Poverty in the early Roman empire: ancient and modern conceptions and constructs. Parkin, Anneliese R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, Peter D.A.
     Chronological coverage: -27–150
     Categories: Europe

Quarr stone: an archaeological and petrological study in relation to the Roman, Anglo-Saxon and medieval stone building industries of southern Britain. Bishop, Cheryl M.
     M.Phil., Reading. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 50–1500
     Index terms: Building industry, Roman and Anglo-Saxon; Anglo-Saxons; Roman empire; Britain, Roman; Quarr stone
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Sub-Roman enclaves: an assessment of the evidence for British survival within lowland Britain, 400-700. Baker, John T.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 200–500
     Index terms: Roman Britain
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The age of Leonidas: the legend of Thermopylae in British political culture, 1737-1821. MacGregor-Morris, Ian
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1737–1821
     Index terms: Thermopylae, legend of; Leonidas (d. 480 B.C.), king of Sparta; Political culture
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; Ancient History; 18th Century

The Christian promotion and practice of almsgiving in lthe later Roman empire, 313-450. Finn, Richard D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Cameron, Averill M.; Garnsey, Peter D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 313–450

The external image of the Ptolemies. Marquaille, Céline M.C.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Classics). Supervised by Rowlandson, Jane L.
     Chronological coverage: -305–-30
     Index terms: Egypt, ancient; Ptolemies

The monetary economy of the Eastern Mediterranean, from Trajan to Gallienus. Katsari, Constantina
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 98–268
     Index terms: Gallienus, Publius Licinius Egnatius (218-68), Roman emperor; Monetary economy, ancient; Trajan, Marcus Ulpius (c.53-117), Roman emperor; Roman empire; Mediterranean, eastern
     Categories: Europe


Aspects of the Severan field army: the Praetorian guard, Legio II Parthica and legionary vexillations, A.D. 193-238. Cowan, Ross H.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Keepie, L.J.
     Chronological coverage: 193–238
     Categories: Europe

A study of personal combat in the ancient world. Amin, Ibrahim S.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Cornell, Timothy J.
     Chronological coverage: -264–410

Between city and country: the cultural background, character and function of Gallo-Roman urban peripheries. Goodman, P.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -121–450
     Index terms: Roman empire; Gaul, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Communities in southwest Scotland. c. 200 B.C.-200 A.D.: social space, material culture and identity. Carruthers, Martin A.
     M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Hanson, William S.
     Chronological coverage: -200–200
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Continuity and change: a biological history of ancient Egypt. Zakrzewski, S.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Biological Anthr.)
     Chronological coverage: -1000–-30
     Index terms: Egypt, ancient

Devices, contexts, systems, administration and states in bronze age Crete, 2000-1450 B.C. Hatzimichael, C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -2000–-1450
     Index terms: Administration, in Crete; Crete, bronze age
     Categories: Europe

Identity and plurality: medicine in Ptolemaic Egypt. Lang, Philippa M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Lloyd, G.E.R.
     Chronological coverage: -305–-30

Intellectual responses to Rome, 146 B.C.-14 A.D. Yarrow, L.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -146–14
     Index terms: Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Internal migration and the transformation of Republican Italy. Broadhead, William M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -200–-1
     Categories: Europe

Marcellus of Ancyra and the Arian controversy: a bishop in context. Parvis, Sarah E.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 335–350

Monetary circulation in Dacia in the period from Trajan to Constantine, A.D. 106-337. Gazdac, C.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 106–337
     Index terms: Constantine I, the Great (Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus) (c.274-337); Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Trajanus) (c.53-117), Roman emperor; Monetary circulation; Dacia
     Categories: Europe

Normative politics in Greek interstate relations, 411-322 B.C. Low, Polly A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Cartledge, Paul A.
     Chronological coverage: -411–-322
     Categories: Europe

Peasants, patronage and taxation, c.280-c.480. Grey, C.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Garnsey, Peter D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 280–480
     Index terms: Taxation; Patronage; Peasants
     Categories: Europe

Peloponnesian politics, 371-361 B.C. Gaskell, Edmund
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Davies, John K.
     Chronological coverage: -371–-361
     Categories: Europe

The culture and ideology of Achaemenid kingship, 404-323 B.C. Allen, Lindsay K.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Kuhrt, Amélie T.L.
     Chronological coverage: -404–-323
     Categories: Europe

The economic relations of religious and political organisations and social groups in the Mycenaean world. Bendall, L.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Bennet, D.J.L.
     Chronological coverage: -1350–-468
     Index terms: Economy, Mycenaean; Greece, ancient; Mycenaean world
     Categories: Europe

The evolution of Roman frontier fortification systems in the lower Danube provinces, 1st-2nd centuries A.D. Karavas, John N.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Millett, P.; Hunt, E.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1–200
     Categories: Europe

The influence of Alexander the Great on Julius Caesar. Tompkinson, Andrew
     M.Phil., Keele. (Classics). Supervised by Fear, Andrew T.
     Chronological coverage: -100–-44
     Index terms: Caesar, Gaius Julius (100-44 B.C.), Roman emperor; Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), king of Macedonia
     Categories: Europe

The reign of the Emperor Gaius: the wider context. Wilkinson, Samuel
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Moxon, Ian S.
     Chronological coverage: 37–41
     Categories: Europe

Transforming Tarantine horizons: a political, social and cultural history, 4th-1st century B.C. Poulter, A.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -400–0
     Index terms: Tarantine Italy; Italy
     Categories: Europe


A sacred commodity: the production, circulation and consumption of early metal axes in Ireland. Dickins, J.P.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 0–600
     Index terms: Axes, trade in, in Ireland; Ireland
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

A social archaeology of the iron age household: domestic space in western Denmark, 500 B.C.-A.D. 200. Webley, L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -500–200
     Index terms: Archaeology; Domestic space, in Denmark; Households, iron age, in Denmark; Denmark

Citizenship and social status in the western Mediterranean from the later Roman empire to the early middle ages: the case of Spain. Lo Nero, C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
     Chronological coverage: 200–800
     Index terms: Roman empire; Spain; Citizenship, in Spain; Social status, in Spain
     Categories: Europe

Democratic ideas and political practice in the late Roman Republic. Arena, Valentina
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -79–-31
     Index terms: Roman republic; Political practice, Roman; Democracy, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Early Christian attitudes to war, violence and military service. Iosif, Despina
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by North, John A.
     Chronological coverage: 50–400
     Index terms: War; Violence; Christians, Christianity, early; Military service

Salvian of Marseilles: a late Roman social critic. Lambert, David R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Kempshall, Matthew S.; Loseby, Simon T.
     Chronological coverage: 400–480
     Index terms: Salvian of Marseilles (fl. 5th cent.)
     Categories: Europe

The Athenian grain supply in the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. Moreno, A.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-300
     Index terms: Grain supply, in Athens; Athens; Greece, ancient; Trade, in Athens
     Categories: Europe

The cities of the Ptolemies: on aspects of Ptolemaic settlement. Mueller, K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Ray, J.D.
     Chronological coverage: -305–-30
     Index terms: Ptolemaic dynasty, in Egypt; Egypt, ancient

The creation of a Roman province: the case of Augustan Egypt. Capponi, Livia
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bowman, Alan K.
     Chronological coverage: -31–14
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Egypt, Roman
     Categories: Europe

The repression of violence in the Roman principate. Kelly, Benjamin
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Lintott, A.W.
     Chronological coverage: -27–285
     Index terms: Violence, in the Roman principate; Roman principate
     Categories: Europe

The use and organisation of space: settlements in England, A.D. 400-1000. Ware, Carolyn
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Greene, Kevin; Harding, Jan
     Chronological coverage: 400–1000
     Index terms: Settlement; Space
     Categories: Britain and Ireland


Awkward age: female transitions to adulthood in late antiquity. Alberici, Lisa A.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 100–600
     Index terms: Women, in late antiquity; Adulthood, female

Dealing with difference: attitudes of Gallo-Roman writers towards barbarians and behaviour, 440-590. McWhirter, Elayne
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 440–590
     Index terms: Rome, and Gaul; Gaul, and Rome; Barbarians
     Categories: Europe

Episcopal elections, A.D. 250-600. Norton, Peter
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 250–600
     Index terms: Church, early; Episcopal elections

Financing Roman trade and industry. Jones, David F.
     Ph.D., Open University.
     Chronological coverage: -264–410
     Index terms: Finance, Roman; Industry, Roman; Trade, Roman; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Hoi peri Eusebion: the polemic of Athanasius of Alexandria (bishop A.D. 328-73) and the early 'Arian controversy'. Gwynn, David Morton
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 328–373
     Index terms: Arian controversy; Athanasius (d. 373), Saint, patriarch of Alexandria; Alexandria, Greece??
     Categories: Europe

Mines and quarries in the Roman empire: organisational aspects, 27 B.C.-A.D. 235. Hirt, Alfred M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -27–235
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Empire, Roman; Quarries, Roman; Mines, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Mobility of Hellenistic women. Loman, Pasi
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: -323–-27
     Index terms: Mobility, of Hellenistic women; Greece, ancient; Women, Hellenistic
     Categories: Europe; Gender and Women

Slavery in ancient Greek poleis and ancient Sri Lanka: a comparison. Wickramasinghe, Chandina S.M.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: -325–-27
     Index terms: Slaves, Slavery, in ancient Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka, ancient; Slaves, Slavery, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient

The polemical use of the past in the Catholic/Donatist schism. Dearn, Alan C.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 320–600
     Index terms: Roman Catholic church; Donatist schism

The war of the words: a history of flyting from antiquity to the later middle ages. Frotscher, Antje G.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -250–1500
     Index terms: Flyting


A new political world: changing patterns of participation in Athenian democracy. Taylor, Claire E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Cartledge, P.A.
     Chronological coverage: -430–-380
     Index terms: Democracy, in ancient Athens; Athens, ancient; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Aspects of health, injury and disease amongst the non-elite workforces of dynastic Egypt. Hebron, Caroline
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -1000–-30
     Index terms: Disease, in ancient Egypt; Injury, in ancient Egypt; Health, in ancient Egypt; Egypt, ancient

Domestic cult in the classical Greek house. Morgan, Janett
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Fisher, Nicholas R.E.; Westgate, Ruth
     Chronological coverage: -600–-325
     Index terms: Households, ancient Greek; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Landscape, settlement and society: Wiltshire in the 1st millennium A.D. Draper, Simon A.
     Ph.D., Durham.
     Chronological coverage: 1–1000
     Index terms: Society; Settlement; Landscape; Wiltshire
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Negotiating space: routes of communication in Roman to British colonial Cyprus. Gibson, Erin S.L.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: -58–1960
     Index terms: Cyprus, Roman; Communication routes, in Cyprus; Cyprus, colonial
     Categories: Europe

No lasting city: Rome, Jerusalem and the place of Hebrews in the history of earliest 'Christianity'. Mosser, Carl
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Chronological coverage: 0–200
     Index terms: Hebrews; Jersualem; Rome, ancient; Christianity

Territorial organisation, land use and settlement in the middle Thames valley: a study of continuity and change from the late Roman to the late Anglo-Saxon period. Clark, Steve
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Hinton, David
     Chronological coverage: 400–1000
     Index terms: Roman Britain; Land use; Settlement; Thames valley
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The economy of the temple of Jerusalem and its clergy in the Hellenistic period. Baesens, Viviane F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Horbury, W.
     Chronological coverage: -332–-37
     Index terms: Temple, of Jerusalem; Jerusalem, ancient

The magistrates of Republican Sicily: their duties and social interaction, 132-70 B.C. Covino, Ralph J.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Chronological coverage: -132–-70
     Index terms: Magistrates, in the Roman republic; Rome, republic; Sicily
     Categories: Europe

The organisation of customs duties in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, c.332 B.C.-A.D. 284. Cottier, Michel F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Bowman, Alan K.
     Chronological coverage: -332–284
     Index terms: Customs duties, in Egypt; Egypt, Roman; Egypt, ancient

The Roman to medieval transition in the environs of South Cadbury Castle, Somerset. Davey, John E.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 450–650
     Index terms: Somerset; South Cadbury Castle, Som.; Roman Britain
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The tyrannies in the Greek cities of Sicily, 505-466 B.C. Griffin, Michael J.
     Ph.D., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: -506–-466
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Sicily; Tyranny, in ancient Greece; City, Cities, in Sicily
     Categories: Europe

Unthinking the Greek polis: ancient Greek history beyond Eurocentrism. Vlassopoulos, Kostas
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: -700–-500
     Index terms: Eurocentrism; Greece, ancient; polis, Greek
     Categories: Europe

Urban development and regional identity in the eastern Roman provinces, 50 B.C.-A.D. 250: Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Athens, Gerasa. Raja, Rubina
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -50–250
     Index terms: Identity, regional, in the Roman empire; Urban development, in the Roman empire; Rome, empire; Aphrodisias; Ephesos; Athens; Gerasa
     Categories: Europe


A new comparative approach to the Byzantine economy (A.D. 900-1200). Kaplanis, Costas
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1200
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Architecture, economics and identity in Romano-British ‘small towns’. Rust, Thomas C.
     Ph.D., Leicester.
     Chronological coverage: 50–400
     Index terms: Identity, urban, in Roman Britain; Towns, small, in Roman Britain; Architecture, in Roman Britain; Rome, empire
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

A study of the early recorded place-names of the South Cumbria area. Corrigan, Linda M.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 400–1000
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

Cavalry in Britain: their use and deployment from A.D. 43 to the 3rd century. Slater, Timothy M.
     M.Phil., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 43–300
     Index terms: Cavalry, early; Military
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Change and continuity: a study in the historic landscape of Devon. Ryder, Lucy
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -1000–2000
     Index terms: Devon; Landscape
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Constructions of female sanctity in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse religious prose. Hodgson, Miranda J.
     M.Litt., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Domestic space in Atlantic Scotland, 1800 B.C.-A.D. 1000. Russell, Caroline
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: -1800–1000
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Empire of coercion: Rome, its ruler and his soldiers. Foulkes, Martin E.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics)
     Chronological coverage: -27–400
     Index terms: Military, in the Roman republic; Rome, empire
     Categories: Europe

Hiberno-Saxon and Hiberno-Scandinavian contact in the west of the Northumbrian kingdom: a focus on the church. Edmonds, Fiona L.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1200
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

Hippocratic recipes: oral and written transmission of pharmacological knowledge in 5th- and 4th-century B.C. Greece. Totelín, Laurence M.V.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -500–-300
     Index terms: Pharmacology, ancient Greek; Hippocrates (c.460-377/59 B.C.), Greek physician; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Images of imperial power under the Tetrarchy, A.D. 284-311. Watts, Zachary A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 284–311
     Index terms: Tetrarchy; Rome, empire
     Categories: Europe

Magic in the works of Flavius Josephus. Jewell, Philip
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 57–101
     Index terms: Flavius Josephus (37-101), historian; Magic

Making middle Byzantine Constantinople: imperial devotional sites and ideology from Basil I to John II Komnenos. Zulian, Giulia
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 866–1143
     Index terms: Basil I (c.811-886), Byzantine emperor; Ideology, imperial; Empire, Byzantine; Constantinople; Byzantium; John II Komnenos (1087-1143), Byzantine emperor
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Norman ethnicity in Normandy and Italy, c.911-c.1204. Johnson, S. Ewan
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 911–1204
     Index terms: Italy, and Normandy; Normandy, and Italy; Ethnicity, Norman
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Pathways of power in late Carolingian Catalonia. Jarrett, Jonathan A.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 700–900
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Procopius and the Gothic War. Kouroúmali, Maria
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 520–565
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Reaffirming regional identity: cohesive institutions and local interactions in Ionia, 386-129 B.C. Metcalfe, Michael J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -386–-129
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Ionia; Identity, regional, in ancient Greece; Regional identity, see Identity
     Categories: Europe

Rebuilding the Britons: the post-colonial archaeology of culture and identity in the late antique Bristol Channel region. Bowles, Christopher R.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
     Chronological coverage: 400–500
     Index terms: Identity, in Bristol; Culture, in Bristol; Archaeology; Bristol Channel
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Rewriting the Bible: a study of 14 reception-histories of biblical stories. Swindell, Anthony
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol. & Relig. Stud.). Supervised by Mellor, Philip A.; Elliott, Keith
     Chronological coverage: 200–2006
     Index terms: Bible, reception of

Roman military objectives in Britain under the Flavian emperors. Grant, Alison
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 69–96
     Index terms: Vespasian (Titus Flavius Vespasianus) (9-79), Roman emperor; Roman Britain; Flavian dynasty; Titus (Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus) (39-81), Roman emperor; Military, in imperial Rome; Domitian (Titus Flavius Domitianus) (51-96), Roman emperor
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Roman trade with India and the Far East, 31 B.C.-A.D. 284. McLaughlin, Raoul
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Anc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -31–284
     Index terms: Rome, ancient, and the Far East; Far East, and ancient Rome; India, and ancient Rome; Trade, Roman, with India; Rome, ancient, and India; Trade, Roman, with the Far East
     Categories: Europe

Social conflict and its management in the 6th century, with special reference to the reign of Justinian I. Bell, P.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 500–600
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

South Italic military equipment: the cultural and military significance of the warrior’s panoply from the 5th to the 3rd centuries B.C. Burns, Michael
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: -500–-300
     Categories: Europe

The Balkans during the reign of Justinian: barbarian invasions and imperial responses. Sarantis, Alexander C.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 527–565
     Index terms: Rome, empire; Justinian I (Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus) (c.482-565), Roman emperor; Balkans; Barbarians, in the Balkans
     Categories: Europe

The church and communities: Cluny and its local patrons, 900-1050. Halton, Sarah E.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 900–1050
     Index terms: Patronage, religious; Cluny, monastery; Church, medieval, in France; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

The demography and economy of Athens, 432-c.380 B.C. Akrigg, B.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics)
     Chronological coverage: -432–-380
     Index terms: Demography, in ancient Greece; Athens; Greece, ancient; Economy, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

The impact of Sulla on Italy and the Mediterranean world. Santangelo, Federico
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -107–-78
     Index terms: Sulla, Lucius Cornelius (138-78 B.C.), Roman politician; Mediterranean world, ancient; Italy, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The Norse in Islay: a settlement historical case-study for medieval Scandinavian activity in western maritime Scotland. MacNiven, Alan J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1400
     Index terms: Norse, in Scotland; Islay, Scotland; Scotland; Scandinavia, and Scotland
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

The organisation of public work in society and by the state in early medieval England c.800-c.1300. Bell, Andrew
     Ph.D., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 800–1300
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

The origins and early development of the parochial system in the Orkney earldom. Gibbon, Sarah J.
     Ph.D., Open University.
     Chronological coverage: 875–1200
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

The polis, its coinage and its historians. Tsagouria, Polymnia
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -700–-500
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Coinage, ancient Greek; polis, Greek
     Categories: Europe

The representation of women, warfare and power in Greek historiography, 400-1 B.C. Vassiliu, Vassilis
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -400–-1
     Index terms: Power, in ancient Greece; Warfare, in ancient Greece; Historiography; Greece, ancient; Women, representation of, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Gender and Women; Historiography; Military/naval history; 1000-1 BC

The sacred landscape of Ireland. Pollard, Penelope A.
     Ph.D., Belfast.
     Chronological coverage: -4000–2000
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Travel to and in Egypt from the 4th to the 7th century A.D.: the evidence from hagiography. Kotsifou, Chrisi
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 300–800


Alienation and rebellion in Roman Italy 79-60 BC. Harrison, Ian
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -79–-60
     Categories: Europe

An analysis of Egypt's foreign policy during the Saite period. Boast, Julian
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: -664–-525
     Index terms: Foreign policy, Egyptian; Saite dynasty; Egypt

Athenian taxation from the Pisistratids to Lycurgus, 550-325 B.C. Fawcett, Peter W.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics)
     Chronological coverage: -550–-325
     Index terms: Pisistratids (561-510 B.C.); Taxation, in ancient Athens; Athens, ancient; Greece, ancient; Lycurgus (c.396-325)
     Categories: Europe

Authority and pedagogy in Hermann of Reichenau's De octo vitiis principalibus. Williams, Hannah
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 800–1100
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Chronicles of Isidore of Seville. Wood, Jamie P.
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 580–636
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Decline, collapse or transformation? Hadrian's wall in the 4th-5th centuries A.D. Collins, Robert M.
     Ph.D., York.
     Chronological coverage: 300–500
     Index terms: Empire, Roman; Hadrian's wall; Scotland
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Dynastic strategies and regional loyalties: Wessex, Mercia and Kent, 802-939. Little, Geoff
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 802–939
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

Hagiography and the cult of saints in the diocese of Liège, c 700-980. Zimmern, Matthew
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 700–980
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Iconic women: martyrdom and the female body in early Christianity. Martin, Elena R.L.
     M.A., Durham.
     Chronological coverage: 200–700
     Index terms: Women; Christianity, early; Martyrdom, female; Religion
     Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; Medieval

Land, property and power in Anglo-Saxon England c.600 to c.800. Ryan, Martin
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–800
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

Livy's battle descriptions and the nature of Roman mid-Republican heavy infantry combat. Koon, Sam
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -300–-100
     Categories: Europe

Minsters, estates and parish boundaries: the churches, settlements and archaeology of early medieval Norfolk. Godfrey, Matthew
     Ph.D., Leicester.
     Chronological coverage: 600–1100
     Index terms: Parish boundaries, early medieval; Churches, early medieval; Norfolk
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

Personal adornment and the expression of identity in Roman Britain: a study of the material culture of appearance. Rosten, Judith
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 43–500
     Index terms: Adornment, personal; Appearance, in Roman Britain; Empire, Roman
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Polemic and episcopal authority in 4th-century Christianity. Flower, Richard A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 300–400
     Index terms: Episcopal authority; Church, early; Christianity

Roman cargoes: underwater evidence from the eastern Mediterranean. Strauss, E. Julia
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -200–400
     Categories: Europe

Roman influences in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Dailey, Erin T.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 600–750
     Index terms: Rome, empire; Anglo-Saxons
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

Sex, statistics and soldiers: new approaches to the demography of Roman Egypt (28 B.C.-259A.D.). Pudsey, April
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -28–259
     Categories: Europe

Social exclusion from early medieval Wessex. Riddiford, Martha
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 700–1000
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

Social origins of dynastic and elective kingship. A study of the Frankish and Visigothic successions. Widdowson, John M.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 200–700
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

Texts and contexts: women's dedicated life from Caesarius to Benedict. Rudge, Lindsay
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 500–800
     Categories: Europe; Gender and Women; Byzantine history; Medieval

The conversion of East Anglia: an archaeological perspective. Hoggett, Richard
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 597–800
     Index terms: Christianity, conversion; East Anglia
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland

The history and archaeology of the Aegean Islands in late antiquity (A.D. 300-700): the case of the Dodecanese. Deligiannakis, Georgios
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 300–700
     Index terms: Dodecanese; Aegean Islands; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The Mercian polity, 716-918. Burghart, Alex
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 716–918
     Index terms: Mercia
     Categories: Medieval; Europe

The persistence of memory: a contextual landscape study of the early Christian churches of Argyll, Scotland. Meredith-Lobay, Megan E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1300
     Index terms: Church, early, in Scotland; Scotland; Argyll, Scotland; Landscape; Memory
     Categories: Medieval; Britain and Ireland


Alienation and rebellion in Roman Italy, 79-60 B.C. Harrison, Ian
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Cornell, Tim
     Chronological coverage: -79–-60
     Index terms: Alienation, in Roman Italy; Rebellion, in Roman Italy; Italy, Roman
     Categories: Europe

Contemporary perceptions of the Roman empire in the later 5th and 6th centuries. Kitchen, Thomas E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 480–700
     Index terms: Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Governmental intervention in foreign trade in archaic and classical Greece. Bissa, M.A. Errietta
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by van Wees, Hans
     Chronological coverage: -600–-200
     Index terms: Trade, foreign, in ancient Greece; Ancient world; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Hellenistic popular astronomy: Aratus' Phaenomena. Mastorakou, Stamatina
     Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Cuomo, Serafina
     Chronological coverage: -290–-239
     Index terms: Phaenomena, of Aratus; Aratus of Soli (c.310-c.239 B.C.), ancient Greek poet; Greece, ancient; Astronomy, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

History of grappling in the western world. Amin, Ibrahim
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Parkin, Tim
     Chronological coverage: -1000–500
     Index terms: Grappling; Ancient world

Individualism in Roman society 200 B.C.-A.D. 212: a study of the person, personal rights and law in the light of modern political theory. Mason, Nils
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Beagon, Mary
     Chronological coverage: -200–200
     Index terms: Personal rights, in ancient Rome; Law, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Life and death of the longhouse: daily life during and after the early Neolithic in the river valleys of the Paris Basin. Bickle, Penny
     Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -5000–0
     Index terms: Paris Basin, in the Neolithic period; Neolithic period; Longhouses

Prolegomena to a new edition of Gildas Sapiens, De excidio Britanniae. Larpi, Luca
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Langslow, David
     Chronological coverage: 400–600
     Index terms: Sub-Roman Britain
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Public political discourse in Roman Asia Minor. Kuhn, Christina Traute
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -30–250
     Index terms: Political discourse, in the Roman empire; Asia Minor, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Reactions to the Great Library of Alexandria. McEvoy, Geoffrey
     M.Litt., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by McGing, Brian
     Chronological coverage: -300–642
     Index terms: Alexandria; Great Library of Alexandria; Egypt, ancient; Libraries, in ancient Egypt

Royal authority in Egypt's 18th dynasty. Shaw, Garry J.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Chronological coverage: -1550–-1292
     Index terms: Royal authority, in ancient Egypt; Egypt, 18th dynasty

Sex, statistics and soldiers: new approaches to the demography of Roman Egypt, 28 B.C.-259 A.D. Pudsey, April
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Parkin, Tim
     Chronological coverage: -28–259
     Index terms: Demography, of Roman Egypt; Empire, Roman; Egypt, Roman

The Athenian mercantile community: a reappraisal of the social, political and legal status of inter-regional merchants during the 4th century. Woolmer, Mark
     Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Rawlings, Louis; Westgate, Ruth
     Chronological coverage: 300–400
     Index terms: Merchants, in Athens; Greece, ancient; Athens
     Categories: Europe

The Athenian navy: an investigation into the operations, politics and ideology of the Athenian fleet between 480 and 322 B.C. Potts, Samuel
     Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Rawlings, Louis
     Chronological coverage: -480–-322
     Index terms: Navy, Athenian; Athens, ancient; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The collapse of palatial society in late Bronze Age Greece and the post-palatial period. Middleton, Guy
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Rowe, D.J.; Dickinson, O.T.
     Chronological coverage: -1100–-150
     Index terms: Greece, Bronze Age; Bronze Age
     Categories: Europe

The fleets on the northern frontier of the Roman empire from the 1st to the 3rd century. Rummel, Christopher
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 0–300
     Index terms: Navy, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The religious topography of late antique Rome (A.D. 313-440): a case for a strategy. Mulryan, Michael J.J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: 313–440
     Index terms: Topography, religious, of ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Uisneach, Co. Westmeath: archaeology, history and legend (prehistory to c. A.D. 1100). Schot, Roseanne
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Galway.
     Chronological coverage: -2000–1100
     Index terms: Westmeath, County; Ireland; Uisneach, Ireland
     Categories: Europe

Urbanisation in the ancient Near East. Fitzgerald, Aoife
     M.Litt., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Dodge, Hazel
     Chronological coverage: -2000–0
     Index terms: Urbanisation, in the ancient Near East

Warlords and generals: the development of the early Roman army. Armstrong, Jeremy
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Classics). Supervised by Coulston, Jonathan
     Chronological coverage: -500–0
     Index terms: Military, Roman; Army, Roman; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe


Aspects of the Irish hillfort: a reappraisal in light of recent research in the Upper Slaney Valley. Flood, Rupert
     M.Litt., Dublin.
     Chronological coverage: -700–100
     Index terms: Upper Slaney Valley, Ireland; Hillforts, in Ireland; Ireland
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Colonisation, identity and astronomical orientation in Magna Graecia. Salt, Alun
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Ruggles, Clive; Foxhall, Lin
     Chronological coverage: -800–-275
     Index terms: Identity, in Magna Graecia; Colonisation, in Magna Graecia; Italy; Magna Graecia; Astronomy, in Magna Graecia
     Categories: Europe

Concepts and treatments of phrenitis in ancient medicine. McDonald, Glenda
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Classics). Supervised by van der Eijk, Philip; Andrews, Jonathan
     Chronological coverage: -600–100
     Index terms: Medicine, ancient; Phrenitis

Contextualising the navel of the earth: emergence, sustenance and religious transformation of Buddhism in the Bodhgaya region (c.300 B.C.E.-1200 C.E.). Amar, Abhishek Singh
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -3000–300
     Index terms: India; Bodhgaya, India; Buddhism
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Cruelty and sentimentality: Greek attitudes to animals, 600-300 B.C. Calder, Louise
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kurtz, Donna C.
     Chronological coverage: -600–-300
     Index terms: Sentimentality, about animals, in ancient Greece; Cruelty, to animals, in ancient Greece; Animals, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Dating of ancient astronomical phenomena: a critical assessment of eclipse dates from the ancient world. Smith, Alexandra
     Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Fisher, Nick
     Chronological coverage: -1500–0
     Index terms: Astronomy; Eclipses

Descriptions of battle in the Wars of Procopius. Whately, Conor Campbell
     Ph.D., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 550–550
     Index terms: History of the Wars, of Procopius; Procopius (c.499-565), Byzantine historian
     Categories: Europe

From periphery to centre: pagan continuity and revival in Britain and Rome during the late 4th century. Ranieri, Carmela M.
     M.A., Durham.
     Chronological coverage: 380–400
     Index terms: Roman Britain; Paganism, in Roman Britain; Rome, ancient

Hegemony and economy in ancient Greece: helots, th?tes and subaltern agency, c.600-322 B.C.E. Jew, Daniel Y.H.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: -600–-322
     Index terms: Helots; Greece, ancient; Th?tes
     Categories: Europe

Horse breeds and breeding in the Greco-Persian world: 2nd and 1st millennia B.C. Donaghy, Thomas
     Ph.D., Dublin.
     Chronological coverage: -2000–0
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Horses, Horse breeding, ancient; Persia, ancient

Household consumption in ancient economies: Pompeii and the wider Roman world. Ray, Nicholas
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 79–200
     Categories: Europe

Networks and religious innovation in the Roman empire. Collar, Anna
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Index terms: Religious innovation, in the Roman empire; Networks, in the Roman empire; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Perceptions of 'crisis' and problem-solving techniques in the Roman empire of the 3rd century A.D. Hurley, Patrick R.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Chronological coverage: 200–300
     Index terms: Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Roads on the frontier between Rome and Persia. Comfort, Anthony
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 400–600
     Index terms: Rome, and Persia; Persia, and Rome

Roman law and local law in Asia Minor, 133 B.C.-A.D. 212. Kantor, Georgy
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bowman, Alan
     Chronological coverage: -133–212
     Index terms: Law, Roman; Asia Minor, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Sculpted stone and the Roman economy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 300. Russell, Ben
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Smith, R.R.R.; Wilson, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: -100–300
     Index terms: Sculpture, stone, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Si monumentum requiris, circumspice: the art of public commemoration in republican Rome. Miller, R. Don
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Paterson, Jerry
     Chronological coverage: -260–50
     Index terms: Commemoration, public, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Spes rei publicae': the hope of the state? Child-emperors in the late Roman West, A.D. 367-455. McEvoy, Meaghan
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Tomlin, Roger; Heather, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 367–455
     Index terms: Roman empire; Child-emperors, in the Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The arrival of sailing technology in the Aegean. Gallagher, John-Vincent
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sheratt, Susan; Bennett, John
     Chronological coverage: -2000–-1500
     Index terms: Sailing technology, in the Aegean; Aegean, ancient
     Categories: Europe

The Athenian hoplite phalanx and the potential for military disintegration. Crowley, Jason
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Classics & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Low, Polly
     Chronological coverage: -1100–-150
     Index terms: Army, in ancient Athens, see also Military; Greece, ancient; Athens, ancient; Hoplites
     Categories: Europe

The campaigns of Alexander the Great. English, Stephen
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Rhodes, P. J.
     Chronological coverage: -336–-323
     Index terms: Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), king of Macedonia
     Categories: Europe

The Daimōn in Hellenistic astrology: origins and influence. Greenbaum, Dorian Gieseler
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Burnett, Charles
     Chronological coverage: -500–-33
     Index terms: Daimōn; Greece, ancient; Astrology
     Categories: Europe

The economic impact of Rome's imperial expansion from the Second Punic War to Mithradates VI of Pontus. Kay, Philip
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Howgego, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: -218–-63
     Index terms: Mithradates VI (134-63 B.C.), king of Pontus; Roman empire; Second Punic War (218-202 B.C.)
     Categories: Europe

The economy of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Glicksman, Kristina
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wilson, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: 100–600
     Index terms: Dalmatia, Roman; Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

The history of the Praetorian Guard under the Julio-Claudian emperors. Snook, Michael
     M.A., Kent.
     Chronological coverage: -41–68
     Categories: Europe

The north British frontier in the 3rd century. Fagg, David
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth.
     Chronological coverage: 200–300
     Index terms: Roman Britain
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The reception of Aristotle's Categories, c.80 B.C.-A.D. 220. Griffin, Michael J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Reinhardt, Tobias
     Chronological coverage: -80–220
     Index terms: Categories, of Aristotle; Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), Greek philosopher
     Categories: Europe

The senatorial and equestrian orders in the Roman army and administration, A.D. 235-337. Davenport, Caillan
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bowman, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 235–337
     Index terms: Equestrian order, in ancient Rome; Senatorial order, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient; Army, in ancient Rome
     Categories: Europe

The speeches in Sallust's Historiae. Rosenblitt, J. Alison
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Griffin, Miriam
     Chronological coverage: -78–-75
     Index terms: Historiae, of Sallust; Rome, ancient; Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus) (86-34 B.C.), Roman historian
     Categories: Europe

Tribal territories from the Humber to the Tyne: an analysis of artefactual and settlement patterning in the late Iron Age and early Roman periods. Ross, Catherine R.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Brickstock, R.J.; Schultze, Clemence E.
     Chronological coverage: -150–200
     Index terms: Settlement; Iron age; Roman Britain; Tyne, river; Humber, river
     Categories: Britain and Ireland


Achaemenid and Greco-Macedonian inheritances in the semi-Hellenised kingdoms of eastern Asia Minor. Ghita, Cristian E.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -323–-146
     Categories: Europe

After the daggers: politics and persuasion after the assassination of Caesar. Mahy, Trevor
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Classics). Supervised by Smith, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: -44–-24
     Index terms: Caesar, (Gaius) Julius (100-44 B.C.), Roman emperor; Rome, ancient
     Categories: Europe

Becoming 'Irish': the materiality of transcultural identities in the later Irish iron age. Wilson, J.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: -400–50
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

City boundaries and urban development in Roman Italy, 4th century B.C. to A.D. 271. Stevens, Saskia
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by DeLaine, Janet
     Chronological coverage: -400–271
     Categories: Europe

Controlling colours: function and meaning of colours in the British iron age. Hoecherl, Marlies
     Ph.D., Cardiff.
     Chronological coverage: -1000–-100
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Did Alexander the Great deserve such a prestigious title? A discussion. Wootton, Abigail
     M.A., Kent.
     Chronological coverage: -336–-323
     Categories: Europe

Embodying power, status and identity in Nuragic Sardinia. Vella Gregory, Isabelle
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Stoddart, Simon
     Chronological coverage: -1800–200
     Index terms: Sardinia, Nuragic
     Categories: Europe

Ethnic, cultural and social identity in Roman to post-Roman south-west Britain. Jarrett, Kirsten
     Ph.D., Sheffield.
     Chronological coverage: 43–750
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Food webs, subsistence and changing culture: the development of early farming communities in the Chifeng region, north China. Liu, Xinyi
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Martin
     Chronological coverage: -2000–0
     Index terms: Chifeng region, China; Farms, Farming, in China; China
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Forts, fields and towns: communities in north-west Transylvania from the 1st century B.C. to the 5th century A.D. Wanner, Robert Forts
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Taylor, Jeremy; James, Simon T.
     Chronological coverage: -100–500

Just deserts: Roman military operations in arid environments. Beattie, Melissa
     M.Phil., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Rawlings, Louis
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Categories: Europe

Material culture approaches to the study of children and childhood in the Roman world. Huntley, Katherine
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Allison, Penelope; Mattingly, David J.
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Categories: Europe

Metal figurines in Roman Britain. Durham, Emma
     Ph.D., Reading.
     Chronological coverage: 43–400
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Metal technology in early Italy, 1000-500 B.C. Mommersteeg, Peter W.
     M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: -1000–-500
     Index terms: Metal technology, in early Italy; Italy

'No freer than the Helots': Messenian rebel behaviour in Pausanias' 'Messeniaka' in comparative perspective. Langerwerf, Lydia L.B.M.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 160–160
     Categories: Europe

North Sea and Channel connectivity during the late iron age and Roman period, 175/150 B.C.-A.D. 409. Morris, Francis M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wilson, Andrew; Hamerow, Helena F.
     Chronological coverage: -175–409
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Policing, security, resistance and compliance in Gallia Comata, Britain and the Germanies, 26 B.C.-A.D. 284. Couper, James Grant
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Dodge, Hazel
     Chronological coverage: -26–284
     Index terms: Compliance, in the Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Premodern histories of lycanthropy and ephialtes. Metzger, Nadine
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Classics). Supervised by Rütten, Thomas; Smith, Rowland
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Index terms: Lycanthrophy; Werewolves, see Lycanthropy; Ephialtes; Incubi, see Ephialtes

Questions of Roman and native: variation in personal ornamentation from the north of England. Webb, T.
     Ph.D., Bradford.
     Chronological coverage: 43–400
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Redressing the 'Samnites': adornment and identity in central Italy between 750 and 350 B.C. Richardson, Amy
     Ph.D., Reading.
     Chronological coverage: -750–-350

Republicanism in the early Roman empire. Wilkinson, Sam
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: -27–150
     Categories: Europe

Resemblance and resistance: contacts between the Shang and the south during 'c'.1500-'c'.1045 B.C. Lai, Celine Y.Y.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Rawson, Jessica
     Chronological coverage: -1500–-1045
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Rural settlement and economic activity: olive oil and amphorae production on the Tarhuna plateau during the Roman period. Ahmed, Mftah
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Mattingly, David J.
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Categories: Europe

Senatorial and equestrian rank in the cities of Roman Asia Minor. Kuhn, Annika
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bowman, Alam
     Chronological coverage: -323–-146
     Categories: Europe

Soldiers and politics: managing the Roman army, 31 B.C.-A.D. 235. Eaton, Jonathan
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. & Anthr.). Supervised by Campbell, J. Brian
     Chronological coverage: -31–235
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Army, in ancient Rome
     Categories: Europe

St. Alban and saints' cults in late antique Britain. Garcia, Michael
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Morris, Richard; Wood, Ian N.
     Chronological coverage: 450–600
     Index terms: Alban, St. (d. c.303 A.D.), martyr; Saints, cult of
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Studying external stimuli to the development of the ancient Aegean: the ‘Kingship in Heaven’ theme from Kumarbi to Kronos via Anatolia. van Dongen, Eric W.M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Kuhrt, Amélie T.L.
     Chronological coverage: -1800–-500
     Index terms: Turkey; Anatolia; Kronos; Kumarbi; Aegean, ancient; Kingship in Heaven

Talking politics: constructing the res publica after Caesar's assassination. Swithinbank, Hannah
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Classics). Supervised by Smith, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: -44–-24
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Caesar, (Gaius) Julius (100-44 B.C.), Roman emperor
     Categories: Europe

The nature and significance of extramural settlement at Vindolanda and other selected sites on the northern frontier of Roman Britain. Birley, Andrew R.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by James, Simon T.; Allison, Pim
     Chronological coverage: 43–400
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The Roman to early medieval transition in south-east Wales: settlement, landscape and religion. Seaman, Andrew
     Ph.D., Cardiff.
     Chronological coverage: 409–600
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

The temple economies of Ptolemaic Egypt. Connolly, Helen
     M.Litt.(Hist.). Supervised by McGing, Brian
     Chronological coverage: -305–-30

The Zhou chariot: politics, cultural interaction and identity. Wu, Hsiao-yun
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Rawson, Jessica
     Chronological coverage: -1200–-200
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Tiberius and the equester ordo. Smith, Kayleigh
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Moxon, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 14–37
     Index terms: Equestrian order, in ancient Rome; Rome, ancient; Tiberius (Julius Caesar Augustus) (42 B.C.-A.D. 37), Roman emperor
     Categories: Europe

Tomb portraits under the Roman empire: local contents and cultural styles. Audley-Miller, Lucy
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Smith, R.R.R.
     Chronological coverage: -27–500
     Categories: Europe

Touching the gods: physical interaction with cult statues in the Roman world. Weddle, Polly
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Schultze, Clemence E.; Kaizer, Ted
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Categories: Europe


At home, with the good horses: relationality, roles, identity and ideology in iron age inner Asia. Argent, Gala
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Barker, Graeme; Pluciennik, Mark
     Chronological coverage: -4000–100
     Categories: Asia and Middle East

Egypt's encounter with the West: race, culture and identity. Cooney, William A.
     Ph.D., Durham.
     Chronological coverage: -4000–-1000

Evolving states: power and communities in Adriatic central Italy from 600 B.C.-A.D. 100. Sterry, Martin
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Christie, Neil; Haselgrove, Colin
     Chronological coverage: -600–100
     Categories: Europe

From Nebuchadnezzar (586 B.C.E.) to the Roman emperors: foreign rulers and powers in Josephus' writings. Passuello, Victor
     Ph.D., Reading. (Classics). Supervised by Rajak, Tessa; Nicholls, Matthew
     Chronological coverage: 37–100
     Categories: Europe

From Theodosius to Constans II: the settlement and economy of late Roman and Byzantine Sicily (A.D. 379-688). Sami, Denis
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Christie, Neil; Katsari, Constantina
     Chronological coverage: 379–688
     Categories: Europe

Galen's 'Hygiene' in context. Thomas, Dawn
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Dendrinos, Charalambos; Horden, J.N. Peregrine B.
     Chronological coverage: 149–199
     Categories: Europe

Greek elites and Roman citizenship: a historical analysis of the distribution of the civitas in Greece (48 B.C.-A.D. 69). Balzat, Jean-Sébastien
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Classics). Supervised by Spawforth, Anthony; Smith, Rowland
     Chronological coverage: -48–69
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Rome, ancient; Elites, ancient Greek; Citizenship, in ancient Rome; civitas, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Europe

Late Roman recruiting practices. Crawford, Peter T.
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. & Anthr.). Supervised by Campbell, J. Brian
     Chronological coverage: 200–500
     Categories: Europe

Romans and Goths in late antique Gaul: aspects of political and cultural assimilation in the 5th century A.D. Rückert, Julia
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Hunt, E.D.
     Chronological coverage: 400–500
     Categories: Europe

Roman seal-boxes in Britain. Andrews, Colin J.
     Ph.D., Open University.
     Chronological coverage: 43–400
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Tacitus and Lucan on civil war. Marshall, Melanie
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 59–117
     Categories: Europe

The population of Italy in the mid to late Roman republic. Greenacre, Charlotte S.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Arena, Valentina
     Chronological coverage: -100–-27
     Categories: Europe

The Roman elite and the power of the past: continuity and change in Ostrogothic Italy. McOmish, David M.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 489–554
     Categories: Europe


Agents of transmission: Egyptian priests and traditional ritual knowledge. West, Nicholas
     Ph.D., Reading. (Classics). Supervised by Vasunia, Phiroze; Rutherford, Ian C.
     Chronological coverage: -3150–31
     Index terms: Ritual, in ancient Engypt; Priests, in ancient Egypt; Egypt, ancient

Beyond typology: late iron age and early Roman brooches in northern France. Edgar, Melissa
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Haselgrove, Colin; Allison, Penelope
     Chronological coverage: -700–-100
     Categories: Europe

Faceless women: Celtic, Germanic and Celtiberian women, 400 B.C.-A.D. 400. Hammersen, Lauren A.
     M.Phil., Bangor. (Hist., Welsh Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Karl, Raimund
     Chronological coverage: -400–400
     Index terms: Women, Celtic; Women, Germanic; Women, Celtiberian

Fourth century Christian education: an analysis of Basil's Ad Adolescentes. Gane, Jenny
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Classics). Supervised by Smith, Rowland; Spawforth, Anthony
     Chronological coverage: 329–420
     Index terms: Education, Christian; Basil, St. (c.329-379), bishop of Caesarea; Oratio ad Adolescentes (4th cent.), of Basil of Caesarea

Images of the built landscape in the later Roman world. Simon, Jesse
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, James D.
     Chronological coverage: 300–500
     Index terms: Roman empire; Landscape, built, in the Roman empire
     Categories: Europe

Interpreting the image of Christ in late antiquity; a case study in religious interaction. Levine, Adam
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Elsner, Jas; Rosser, Gervase
     Chronological coverage: 200–600
     Index terms: Christ, image of

Roman Wales. Deschênes, Gladys
     M.Phil., Aberystwyth. (Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Jeffrey L.; Stöber, Karen
     Chronological coverage: 43–400
     Index terms: Wales, Roman; Roman Britain
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Studies in the materiality and socialisation of Haimonian lekythoi. Volioti, Katerina
     Ph.D., Reading. (Classics). Supervised by Smith, Amy; Aston, Emma
     Chronological coverage: -500–0
     Index terms: Greece; Haimonian lekythoi
     Categories: Europe

The art of personification in late antique silver, 3rd to 6th century A.D. Watson, Wendy
     D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by James, Elizabeth A.; Clarke, Meaghan E.
     Chronological coverage: 200–600
     Index terms: Personification, late antique; Silver, late antique; Art, Artists, late antique

The nature and experience of non-pitched battle in the Roman world. Anders, Adam
     Ph.D., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Gilliver, Catherine
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Warfare, in ancient Rome
     Categories: Europe

The social life of double-register sarcophagi in late antiquity: location, audience and meaning. Gorby, Alexis
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Roland R.R.
     Chronological coverage: 200–600
     Index terms: Sarcophagi, ancient; Burial, ancient


A new Caesar: Julian the Apostate in Gaul, 355-60 A.D. Woudhuysen, George
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ward-Perkins, Bryan
     Chronological coverage: 355–360
     Categories: Europe

Farmers in transition: the archaeobotanical analysis of the Carpathian Basin from the late Neolithic to the late bronze age, 5000-900 B.C. Reed, Kelly A.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by van der Veen, Marijke; Barton, Huw
     Chronological coverage: -5000–-3000

From longhouse to stone rows: the competitive assertion of ancestral affinities. Carnes, Alexander
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Brophy, Kenneth E.
     Chronological coverage: -9500–-2000
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

From Roman-Briton to Anglo-Saxon: changing conceptions of 4th- to 6th-century identity. Quarnstrom, Emma A.C.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Abrams, Lesley; Hamerow, Helena
     Chronological coverage: 300–600
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Iron age and Roman arable practice in the East of England. Parks, Kate E.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Haselgrove, Colin; van der Veen, Manjke
     Chronological coverage: -1000–400
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Towns in the dark: urban transformations from late Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England, A.D. 300-600. Speed, Gavin
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Christie, Neil; Buckley, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 300–600
     Categories: Britain and Ireland

Usurpation and the construction of legitimacy in imperial panegyric, 289-389. Omissi, Adrastos
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McLynn, Neil
     Chronological coverage: 289–389
     Categories: Europe


A landscape and materials-based approach to royal mortuary architecture in early third millennium B.C. Egypt. Dickinson, Tessa
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -2650–-2134

Divine illumination and spiritual sight: Ad Donatum and Cyprian's early career. Gassman, Mattias P.
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McLynn, Neil
     Chronological coverage: 220–258
     Categories: Europe

Karia and Crete: a study in cultural interaction. Carless Unwin, Naomi
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by van Bremen, Riet
     Chronological coverage: -1100–-150
     Categories: Europe

Remembrance and the Dead in Second Millennium BC Mesopotamia. MacDougal, Renata
     PhD., University of Leicester. Supervised by Edwards, David
     Chronological coverage: -2000–-1000
     Categories: Archaeology; Asia and Middle East

Roman households: space, status and identity. Wiggins, Meredith
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: -27–500
     Categories: Europe

Roman responses to political setback. Moore, Lee C.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Arena, Valentina
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Categories: Europe

Sulla and the gods: religion, politics and propaganda in the Autobiography of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Noble, Fiona
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Spawforth, Tony; Santangelo, Federico
     Chronological coverage: -118–-78
     Categories: Europe

The endgame of treason: suppressing rebellion and usurpation in the late Roman empire. Doyle, Christopher
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Galway. (Hist.). Supervised by Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí
     Chronological coverage: 300–400
     Categories: Europe

The impact of writing: ancient and modern views on the role of early writing systems within society and as part of 'civilisation'. Bywater, Mary
     M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Radner, Karen
     Chronological coverage: -3000–400

The maritime cultural landscape in the South Peloponnese-Kythera-West Crete during the late bronze age. Ivrou, Vasiliki
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Jones, Richard E.; van Dommelen, Peter
     Chronological coverage: -1500–-600
     Categories: Europe

The social and physical environment of early Gozo: a study of settlement and change. Boyle, Sara
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Geog., Archaeol. and Palaeoecology). Supervised by Malone, Caroline
     Chronological coverage: -5000–-1000
     Categories: Europe

What makes a war-god?. Millington, Alexander
     M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by van Bremen, Riet
     Chronological coverage: -1000–0