The College of Minor Canons: The Statutes of 1396

Pages 329-359

Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. Originally published by Nichols and Sons, London, 1873.

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Cap. 1. Prefacio operis.
2. De modo eligendi Minorem Canonicum.
3. De juramento Minoris Canonici.
4. Forma verborum juramenti.
5. Forma admissionis.
6. De solutione Minoris Canonici.
7. De obsequio Divino.
8. De tonsura et gestu, &c.
9. De moribus et gestu in mensa.
10. De lectura Biblie in mensa.
11. De Senescallo et ejus officio.
12. De Comminariis, &c.
13. De extrancis, &c.
14. De clausura portarum.
15. De munditia clausure.
16. De mulieribus suspectis.
17. De detractione vitanda.
18. De secretis celandis.
19. De rixa et contencione.
Cap. 20. De manuum injectione.
21. De reconsiliatione fraterna.
22. De Custode et ejus officio.
23. De Pitantiario et ejus officio.
24. De pena recusantis officium.
25. De levatione mulctarum.
26. De convocatione Sociorum.
27. De Statutis legendis.
28. De libris accommodandis.
29. De utensilibus non sumendis.
30. De focalibus restituendis.
31. De Servis communibus.
32. De fidelitate eorum prestanda.
33. De custodia Thesaurarie.
34. De novis emergentibus.
35. De officio Junioris Cardinalis.
36. De Elemosinario.
37. De donis Johannis Gotham.
38. De donis Roberti Aslyn.


§ I. Statuta Collegii Minorum Canonicorum Ecclesie Sancti Pauli Londinensis.

Ubi sunt duo vel tres congregati in Nomine Meo, dicit Dominus, ibi sum in medio eorum.

Nos igitur omnes duodecim Minores Canonici et Prebendarii in Ecclesia Cathedrali Sancti Pauli Londinensi, perpetualiter fundati et collegiati, ac super hoc authoritate Regis et aliorum quorum in hac parte interest licenciati, decimo octavo die mensis Marcii, Anno Domini Millesimo tricentesimo nonagesimo sexto, in communi aula Collegii nostri pariter congregati (quibus est esseque debet in Deo cor unum et anima una) ad honorem summe Trinitatis et Individue Unitatis Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, ex unanimi consensu has regulas et sanas sanctiones subscriptas statuimus apud nos imperpetuum observandas, et debere cum effectu ab omnibus nobis observari; quibus inter nos et successores nostros appetitus noxii juste refrenentur, divinum obsequium Omnipotenti Deo devote impendatur, et fraterna charitas debite conservetur. Hac protestatione prehabita quam haberi volumus in omnibus Statutis nostris faciendis pro repetita et habita: quod non intendimus per aliqua statuta hujusmodi superioribus nostris aut juramentis per nos prestitis, vel per successores nostros prestandis, Decano et Capitulo de obediendo eisdem, et serviendo Deo et Ecclesie predicte humano more debitis horis, secundum modum et formam Statutorum dicte Ecclesie in hac parte ab antiquo editorum, quibus Statutis per solemne juramentum obligamur, in aliquo prejudicare quomodolibet aut obstare.

§ I. The Statutes of the Petie Canons Colledge of the Churche of St. Paul in London.

Wheare there are ij or three gathered together in My Name, sayth the Lorde, there am I in the middest of them.

Therfore all we the twelve Petie Cannons and Prebendaries in the Cathedrall Churche of St. Paule in London, beinge perpetually established and gathered together into oon societie and fellowshipe, yea evē by the kyngs auctoritie, and others, who as towchinge this matter apeare most sertaynly to be lycensed, We, I say, being thus gathered together in or com'on haule the eyghtenth day of Marche in the yeare of owr Lorde a thowsande three hundred nyntie and six, amongst whome there ys, as there ought to be, but oon hart, and oon mynde in God, haue wth oon vniforme consent and agrement, ordayned to be kepte and obserued of vs all, for eur, and that willingly, because dutie so byndeth us, thes holsome rules, and invyolable decres to the honor of the most highe Trinitie, and the Vndevyded Vnitie of the Father, the Sonn, and the Holy Goast. By the means of wch Statutes that inordinate desyre of offendinge or hurtynge oon an other amonge us and or successors might of ryght be restrayned, the devyne servis to Almightie God devowtly rendred, and brotherly charitie as reasen wolde sholde be obserued. This protestacion beinge had before or eyes, wch we wolde sholde be accownted of in the makinge of all owr Statutes, that we meane not by any Statute of lyke condicion to owrs, before mentioned, ether by the othes heare by vs geven, or by thes wch heareafter shalbe geuen by or successors, to resist or hinder the Deane and Chapter by any means or any way of there obedience due vnto them, but to serve God and the Churche aforesaide as men ought and are wonte to doo, at due owrs, accordinge to the man'er and forme of the Statutes of the aforesaide Churche, made for a long tyme past to this effecte, vnto wch we are bounde by solemne othe.

§ II. De modo eligendi et instituendi Minores Prebendarios.

Cum habeatur ex laudabili consuetudine a tempore cujus memoria non existit usitata, quod vacante aliqua Minore Prebenda inter Minores Prebendarios, per mortem aut resignacionem vel aliter, statim ceteri Minores Canonici cum deliberato consilio inter ipsos in hac parte prehabito, eligent duas personas sufficientes et ydoneas ad deserviendum Minori Canonicatui hujusmodi, et eas Decano et Capitulo nominabunt et presentabunt; et tunc predicti Decanus et Capitulum alteram istarum personarum sic presentatarum admittent, et in Minorem Canonicatum ac Prebendam sic vacantem instituent et inducent. Sed ne hujusmodi nominatio ac presentacio per carnalem affectionem, favorem, aut muneris dacionem, quod absit, aliquando fiat, volumus et ordinamus quod decedente vel recedente aliquo Minore Canonico, ceteri Minores Prebendarii sint onerati juramento coram Magistro sive Custode dicti Collegii, quod non nominabunt neque presentabunt Decano et Capitulo alias personas quam dignas, sufficientes, et ydoneas in lectura, cantu, et precipue in honestate morum, ac eciam quod sint viribus corporis potentes et habiles ad deserviendum Deo et Ecclesie predicte, nocte dieque, secundum Statuta et Ordinationes ejusdem Ecclesie, prout officium eorum exigit, juxta conscienciam ipsorum Minorum Canonicorum virtute juramenti ut supradictum est in hac parte oneratam.

§ II. Of the man'er of electinge or chusinge the Lesser Prebendaries.

Seinge that it ys recevede by a laudable custome tyme owte of mynde, we ordayne and decree that when any Lesser Prebende amonge the Peticannons ys voyde, ether by death, resignacion, or any other way, by and by the rest of the Lesser Prebendaries havinge had before deliberate consultation amonge themselves as towchinge this matter, shall chuse ij sufficient and fitt men to serve in that Peticannonship or Prebende, and thes shall nominate and p'sent vnto the Deane and Chapter. And then the aforsaide Deane and Chapter shall admitt oon of thos ij persons so presented, and shall institute and inducte h[im?] into that Peticannonship or Prebende then voyde. But lest that suche a nominacion or presentacion sholde at any tyme be made ether for favor, carnall affection, or for luker and gayne (wch God forbid) we will and ordayne that at the death or departure of any Petican'on, the rest of the Peticannons shall take there othes before the Master or Warden of the saide Colledge that they shall not nominate or present to the Deane and Chapter any other persons then suche as are worthy, sufficient, and mete men; not only in readinge and singinge, but also and especially in honesty of lyfe, and godlyness of conversacion. And moreover it ys required that they be sownde of body, and of power and abilitie to serve God and the Church aforsaide, both day and night, according to the Statutes and Ordinances of the said Churche, and as also there office and dutie requireth, the conscience of every oon of the said Peticannons calinge for at there handes the p'formans of thes thinges, when they shall consider there saide consciences to be burdened wth an oth as ys aforsaide.

§ III. De juramento Minorum Canonicorum in Collegio prestando.

Et quia excellentissimus Princeps Richardus Secundus, quondam Rex Anglie, pio charitatis intuitu considerans et videns nos olim per singula nostra hospitia horis refecoriis sparsim fuisse divisos, ut simul convescentes per frequenciorem honestam communicationem fervenciorem charitatis flammam accenderemus; ad instanciam et supplicacionem multiplicem Reverendorum Patrum ac Dominorum Thome Arundell, (fn. 2) quondam Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, et Roberti Braybrooke (fn. 3) Londinensis Episcopi, concessit nobis licenciam et potestatem aulam et edificia nostra in Collegium erigendi, ac nonnullos redditus nobis et predicto Collegio nostro pie contulit et quamplurima privilegia gratanter indulsit: hinc est quod nos, pro nobis et successoribus nostris quibuscunque imperpetuum, unanimiter statuimus et ordinamus quod nos omnes et singuli successores nostri (fn. 4) juramus, et jurabunt successores nostri quicunque, quod erimus obedientes Magistro sive Custodi dicti Collegii cuicunque pro tempore existenti in omnibus licitis, canonicis, et honestis, et quod omnia et singula statuta, ordinaciones, et consuctudines dicti Collegii licita et honesta per nos facta et facienda, approbata et approbanda, inviolate observabimus pro perpetuo sub penis et mulctis in ipsis statutis et ordinacionibus limitatis ac limitandis: statuimus eciam et ordinamus quod hujusmodi emolumentorum quibus in communi dotati sumus illi duntaxat participes fiant, qui legittime in gradum Minoris Canonicatus per nostram eleccionem, nominacionem, et presentacionem, Decano et Capitulo, ut supradictum est, admissi fuerint, et qui in aula nostra communi pacifice cohabitaverint commensales, quique tactis sacris evangeliis hoc idem juramentum corporaliter prestiterint et in Collegium nostrum antedictum juxta modum et formam subscriptam fuerint admissi. Quam formam admissionis volumus et ordinamus imperpetuum inter nos imposterum observari, videlicet, quod iste Minor Canonicus de novo recipiendus in Collegium nostrum, coassumpto sibi Clerico Capitulari sive alio Notario, compareat coram Magistro sive Custode et consociis suis in porticu aule prefati Collegii, ubi idem de novo recipiendus sequentem formam verborum ipsemet in propria persona expresse leget, et omnia et singula ibidem contenta, tactis sacrosanctis evangeliis, jurabit se fideliter observaturum quamdiu Minor Canonicus fuerit. Deinde propriis suis sumptibus instrumentum vel notulam inde fieri faciet, ad perpetuam rei memoriam, in Collegio predicto conservandam et remansuram imperpetuum, ne in futuro aliqui forsitan de perjurio aut omissione predicti juramenti nos aut successores nostros maliciose calumnientur.

§ III. Of the oth wch ys geven to the Petie Cannons in there Colledge.

And because that the most excellent Prince Richarde the Seconde, somtyme Kinge of England, by a godly aspecte of charitie consideringe and beholdinge vs heartofore to be devyded, and, as it were, scattered abroade every man to his severall howse at the howrs of refection: he hath graunted vnto vs libertie, and power, at the instante and earneste suplication of the reverende fathers and lordes, Thomas Arundell sumtyme Archbishope of Canterbury, and Robert Braybrook, Bishope of London, to erecte a haule and dwellinge places for a societie or company of equale power and auctoritie, wch haule and edifices we tearme a Colledge, to the wch, as also vnto vs the said Prince hath geven many revenues, and willingly hath bestowed sundry privileges: to the ende that we, takinge owr repast together, might thus by a more often and honest co'municatiō, or impartinge of or selves oon to an other, be burned, as it were, wth a more fervent flame of love and charitie emonge owr selves: heare hence ys it therfore that we for vs and all owr successors doo for ever determyn and decree, wth oon vniforme consent and agrement, that all and every of vs and owr successors will sweare, and so shall, that we wilbe obedient to the Master or Warden of the said Colledge whosoeu' he be for his tyme, in all lawfullness and honest causes. And that we will obserue and kepe invyolably for eu' all and euery of the statutes, ordinances, and customes of the said Colledge, beinge lawfull and honest, by vs don or to be don, allowed of vs or to be allowed, upon ye payne and forfayt limited, or to be limited, in thos statutes and ordinances. In lyke maner we ordayne and decree that of thos profites and comodities wherwth we have byn indowed in comō they only are made partakers wch have byn lawfully admitted into the degree of a Peticanonship by owr election, nomination, and p'sentation to the Deane and Chapter as ys aforsaide. And they wch have dwelt heare wth us quietly, takinge there repast in or co'mon haule, and havinge also tasted of the holy woord of God, they, I say, have corporally geven this same oth, and have byn admitted into owr Colledge aforsaid, accordinge to the manner and forme heare vnder written. Which forme of admission we doo will and ordayne to be kept and observed of vs for eu' hearafter, that ys to say, that the Petycanon now nuly to be receaved into or Colledge, takinge vnto hym selfe ether the Clerke of the Chapter or els some other Notary, doo appeare before the Master or Warden and his felowes in the porche belonginge to the haule of the forsaide Colledge, wheare the selfe same Peticanon now nuly to be admitted shall hymselfe in his owne person playnly reade this forme of wordes folowinge, and shall, layinge his hande vpon the holy evangelistes, take his oth that he will faythfully obserue and kepe all and eu'y particuler thinge contayned in that forme, as longe as he contynueth Peticanon. Then shall he, at his owne proper costes and charges, cause an instrument or note to be made for a perpetuall memory of the thinge, to remayne vpon recorde in the Colledge aforsaide, lest that peraduenture in tyme to come som' oon or other might falsly and maliciosly accuse ether vs or owr successors of periurie or of neglectinge the aforsaid oth.

§ IV. Forma Verborum.

In Dei nomine Amen. Coram vobis discretis viris J. N. Magistro sive Custode Collegii Minorum Canonicorum Ecclesie Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londinensis, Minoribusque Canonicis ejusdem Collegii, necnon auctentica persona et testibus hic presentibus, ego R.B. dicto prefato Collegio jam aggregatus, non tamen ad participacionem sive communionem proficiorum et commodorum dicti Collegii admissus, tactis per me sacrosanctis evangeliis, ex mea certa pura et spontanea voluntate

Juro quod ero obediens Magistro sive Custodi cuicunque pro tempore existenti in omnibus honestis, licitis, et canonicis. Item, juro quod omnia et singula statuta, ordinaciones, et consuetudines istius Collegii licita et honesta fideliter observabo, et obedienter eisdem parebo. Item juro quod dicti Collegii jura et commoda pro viribus conservabo, et absque fraude, quantum in me est, semper procurabo et promovebo. Item, juro quod quatinus in me est cum omni diligencia possibili faciam et effectualiter procurabo ut quilibet Minor Canonicus in dictum Collegium pro tempore meo admittendus, antequam in socium (fn. 5) et communionem emolumentorum dicti Collegii recipiatur, istud idem prestabit in sua persona juramentum, necnon quod ipse quemcumque Minorem Canonicum pro tempore suo sic assumendum et recipiendum faciet consimilem omnibus, et hoc idem prestare juramentum, et sic deinceps imperpetuum, sicut me Deus adjuvet et hæc sancta evangelia. Hac protestacione presupposita, et in premissis omnibus semper adjecta, quod volo et intendo in omnibus et per omnia parere dominis Decano et Capitulo Ecclesie predicte, et eisdem obedire juxta observancias, statuta, et consuetudines ejusdem Ecclesie Minores Canonicos tangentes quomodolibet aut concernentes.

§ IV. The forme or maner of the wordes.

In the name of God Amen. Before you discreete men J. N., Master or Warden of the Colledge of the Petie Can'ons in the Cathedrall Churche of Sainct Paule in London, and you the Peticanons of the same Colledge, morover I, beinge a credible p'son also, and we all heare witnesses to thes presentes, I, I say, by name R. B., now elected to the aforesaid Colledge, howbeit not as yet admitted to the participation or com'union of the profites and commodities of the said Colledge, layinge myn hande vpon the holy evangelistes doo wth a pure and not compelled will sweare, that I wilbe obedient to the Master or Warden whosoeu' he be for the tyme, in all honest, lawfull, and canonnicall causis.

In lyke maner I doo protest that I will faythfully obserue and kepe all and singuler statutes, ordinances, and costomes of this Colledge beinge lawfull and honest, and will dutifully obey the same.

Also I doo take myn oth that I will kepe and mayntayne as farr forth as I am able the rightes and comodityes of the said Colledge, and will procure and so earnestly p'ferr the same, as I may possibly any way.

Moreovere I doo sweare that as muche as lyeth in me, yt wth all possible diligence, I will cause and effectually procure that whatsoeu' Petican'on ys to be admitted into the said Colledg in my tyme, shall performe this same oth in his own person before he be receved into the societie and com'union of the profittes and emolumentes of the said Colledge, and also that he shall cause whatsoeu' Petican'on ys so to be receved or admitted in his tyme to doo the lyke in all respectes, and to geue this same oth, and so from thensforth for eu' as God shall helpe me and this holy testament. This protestation beinge presupposed, and adioyned alwayes vnto all the premissis, that I will and entende in all thinges and by all means to be ruled by or masters the Deane and Chapter of the aforesaid Churche, and them obey, accordinge to the obseruances, statutes, and customes of the said Churche, touchinge or concerninge the Petie Cannons any way.

§ V. Admissio novi Socii per Custodem facienda.

Nos admittimus te in Socium hujus Collegii, et facimus te participem omnium emolumentorum ejusdem quibus in communi dotati sumus.

§ V. The admission of a nue Felowe to be donn by the Warden.

We doo admitt thee to be a Fellowe of this howse, and make thee a partaker of all the profittes and com'odities of the same howse with the wich we in com'on haue byn enriched.

§ VI. De solucione Minoris Canonici in introitu, et de beneficiatis.

Item statutum est quod unusquisque in gradum Minoris Canonici rite admissus, in suo primo ingressu solvat dicto Collegio pro naperia et aliis utensilibus ejusdem Collegii xj s. viij d. Et si quis dimiserit Minorem Canonicatum et alias redierit, solvat denuo pro introitu suo, et sit novitius, sicut in prima admissione sua. Simili modo statutum est quod quilibet Minor Canonicus beneficiatus rectoria, vicaria, libera capella, prebenda, sive alio beneficio quocumque et cujuscumque valoris majoris vel minoris, solvat Collegio antedicto xxiij s. viij d., sive fuerit beneficiatus ante admissionem suam sive post. Quo semel adimpleto quamvis hujusmodi beneficiatus abierit et postea forte redierit, tamen ad observacionem hujus statuti de beneficiatis non amplius tenebitur. Et volumus quod solutio hujusmodi summarum superius expressarum maxime pro ingressu, fiat infra annum juxta discretionem Custodis, ut inde in compoto suo reddat rationem. Similiter ordinatum est quod quilibet Minor Canonicus semel in vita sua per seipsum cum sibi placuerit, vel post mortem per executores suos, dabit huic Collegio unum coclear argenteum ad valorem v s. vel ultra, ad augendum thesaurum et publicam utilitatem ejusdem Collegii imperpetuum.

§ VI. Of the payment wch a Petican'on ys charged wth at his entrance, and of thears that are benefited.

In lyke man'er it ys set downe to be obserued that eury oon admitted aright into the degree of a Petie Can'on, at his first entrace shall pay to the said Colledge towarde the mayntenance of the napry, and other thinges of necessary vse in the howse xj s. viij d. And yf any man shall leave his Peticanonship and afterwards retorne, he shall pay agayne for his entrance, and be accounted as a nue comer, yea, even as he was at the tyme of his first admission. In lyke sorte also ys it decreed that every Peticanon being beneficed ether with parsonage, vicarige, free chappell, or prebende, or any other benefice, of whatsoeu' value it be, ether more or lesse, shall pay to the aforenamed Colledge xxvjs. viij d., whether he be beneficed ether afore the tyme of his admission, or after, wiche payment beinge oonce dischargede, althoughe he goo away and afterwarde come agayne beneficed, he shall no more be charged with the obseruacion of this statute. And we will that the payment of suche sum'es as are above-named, especially that for the ingresse, or entrāce of a Peticanon, be made within the yeare, accordinge to the discression of the Warden, yt thereof he may make a reckninge in his accounte. ffurthermore it ys ordayned that euery Peticanon oonce in his lyfe tyme by hymselfe, when it shall please hym, or else after his death by his executors, shall geue to this Colledge oon silver spoone to the value of fyve shillinges, or more, for to increase the treasure and publicke vtilitie of the said College for eu'.

§ VII. De Divino obsequio debite Deo reddendo.

Item, statuimus et ordinamus quod omnes et singuli Minores Canonici studeant summopere divinas preces vigilantissima cura custodire, et in hiis divinum obsequium, prout unicuique ex proprio officio incumbit, humiliter ac devote persolvere. Mox enim, ut datum est signum, confestim omnes ornatiore habitu et gradui competentiore investiti, ad Ecclesiam conveniant: quam non pompatice aut inhoneste, vel gradu incomposito, sed cum reverentia et Dei timore ingrediantur. Et quia secundum Domini sentenciam, Domus Ejus domus orationis est, volumus quod Chorum ingressi, cum timore et veneratione religiose Deo assistentes, ab ociosis sermocinationibus auditum pariter castigent et linguam: ut absque omnimoda cordis distractione aut orent, aut cantent, aut legant, aut audiant, secundum quod vicissitudinaria observancia orandi, cantandi, legendi, vel audiendi in Choro deposcit. Que etiam non tantum voce, immo et mente persolvant, secundum Apostoli sentenciam, dicentis, Orabo spiritu, orabo et mente; psallam spiritu, psallam et mente. Nec preterea rixas, aut verba turpia, seu seditiosa, vel secularia, ipsi proferant in tam sacro loco, nec in quantum possunt alios proferre sinant: quin potius laudes Deo ac preces devotas in communi persolventes, pro suis populorumque delictis Dominum devote exorent.

§ VII. Of the devyne seruise due unto God, and unto Hym to be rendred.

Moreouer we do ordayne and decree that all and every of the Petie Canons do wth greate indeuor, and a most vigilant care, studie to kepe the devyne seruyse of Almightie God, and heare in to render vnto Hym His deuyne prayses, even as the proper office and dutie of every oon of vs requireth, and that wth humilitie and deuocion: for as sone as there ys a signe geuen, all the Peticanons ought to come together vnto the Church, beinge more decently arayed or adorned, and with a more modeste or convenient gate or pase then other; into the wiche they shall not come statly, vnhonestly, or with a disioyned pace, but with greate reuerence and in the feare of God. And because that accordinge to the infalible iudgement of God, His howse ys an house of prayer, we will that hauinge entred into the quyer, wth all feare and reuerence, standinge before God religiosly, they doo chasten or refrayne there tonges and cars, from ether spekinge ydlely, or hearinge ydle and v'profitable talke, that wthowt any kynde of withdrawinge or alienation of the mynde they might ether pray, singe, reade, or heare, even as euery mans dutie in the quiyer, beinge done of hym as his cowrse cometh, requireth, whether it be in prayinge, singinge, readinge, or hearinge. And this they shall not only doo with voyce but also in there mynde and from the harte, accordinge to the mynd of the Apostle, when he saith, I will pray in spirit and will pray in mynde, I will singe in spirit and will singe also in mynde. Nether shall they bringe forth or once haue in there mouthes ether filthy or vnsemly wordes tendinge to sedition or contention in so holy a place, nether yet shall suffer others to vse the lyke, as farr forth as they be able, but rather to render vnto God in comon His prayses, wth deuoute prayers, most earnestly intreatinge Him as well for there owne offences as the peoples.

§ VIII. De habitu et gestu Minorum Canonicorum.

Item, ordinatum est quod dicti Minores Canonici Chorum intrantes si habitu minus honesto aut gestu fuerint ex assueto reperti, nisi moniti se compositos et correctos brevi ostendant, nullatenus incorrecti evadant, sed acrius coarceantur, cujuscunque gradus, officii, vel dignitatis existant. (fn. 6)

§ VIII. Of the apparell and gesture of the Petican'ons.

In lyke sorte it ys ordayned that yf the said Petican'ons entringe into the quyer be found in there apparell vnsemly, and in there gesture not comly, and that of custome, except they beinge once warned do within short space after declare them selves to be reformed as men tractable, they shall in no wise escape vnpunished, but be sharply restrayned, of what degree, office, or dignitie soeu' they be.

§ IX. Quomodo in mensa se gerere debeant Minores Canonici.

Item, ordinatum est quod dicti Minores Canonici singulis diebus per annum simul conveniant ad prandium in aula communi, ad cenam vero in hora quinta, pulsata prius eorum communi campana. Ad mensam autem accedentes honeste pariter discumbant, non sedem sedi preferentes (nisi pro Custode tantum), sed secundum quod quis prior aut posterior ad mensam accesserit, sic locum inferiorem vel superiorem sibi sumat, habita semper inter eos pia et fraterna compassione super infirmitate vel senectute gravatis. Deinde Ebdomadarius pro septimana, vel aliquis alius discumbentium ad ejus instantiam, benedicat mensam, et dicat gratias, tam ante prandium et cenam, quam post. Ac nullus discumbentium a mensa recedat antequam gratiarum actiones debite Deo reddantur absque causa rationabili, sub pena oboli, nec ullus esculenta aut poculenta in mensa proposita absque causa notoria viliter nanci pendat, nec causa odii versus Senescallum ipsa despiciat, unde ceteri eadem fastidiose abhorreant, sub pena oboli. Et quia frater dicitur quasi ferens alterum, volumus et ordinamus quod confratres nostri convescendo, conbibendo, et colloquendo honeste se gerant penes alterum, et benigne ac pacienter alios ferant, supportantes invicem in charitate, solliciti servare unitatem spiritus in vinculo pacis, honore invicem prevenientes, ut ait Apostolus. Et de cibariis in mensa ministratis jocunde, sobrie, et humaniter se reficiant, et ita accipiant ut de pinguioribus et lautioribus unusquisque partem habeat. Nec quisquam aliquid sub pretextu joci seu quovis alio colore in mensa unquam maliciose proferat, quod alteri aliqua occasione displicere valeat. Et si contingat aliquando, quod absit, aliquam inter confratres contencionem in mensa aut alibi suscitari, statim per Custodem silentium imponatur. Cui quicunque non obedieret, mulctetur primo in ij d., deinde in iiij d., et sic crescente malicia crescat et pena.

§ IX. How the Peticanous ought to behave themselves at the Table.

Also it ys set downe as a statute to be kept that the said Peticanons do come together every day in the yeare to diner in the comon haule, but to supper at fyve of the cloke, there comō bell beinge before ronge, who com'ynge to the table shall sitt honestly downe together, not preferringe oon seat aboue an other, except it be that whiche ys only appoy'ted for the Warden, but accordinge as every man cometh first or last to the table so shall he take to hym selfe the first or last place, having alwayes a godly and brotherly compassion of thos wch are molested with sicknes, and oppressed with age. Then the Stuarde for his weke, or some other at the table at his request, shall say grace and geue thankes as well afore diner and supper, as after. And nō of them that sitt at the table shall departe thence untill thankes be dutifully rendred vnto God, without a resonable cause, vpon payne of losinge a halpenny. Nether shall any man despyse, or esteme of lesse value, thos meates and drinkes which are sett vpon the table, ether withowt a notoriouse cause why, or in respecte of any hatred or displeasure conseued agaynst the Stuarde, wherby the rest may abhorre thes meates and drinkes as noysom vnto them, vnder the payne of forfaytinge a halpeny. And because that this word frater, for a brother, hath his begininge of sufferinge, or bearinge with an other, we will and ordayne that owr bretherne eatinge, drinkinge, or talkinge together shall behaue them selves honestly oon towardes an other, and shall gently and patiently beare oon with another, supporting oon an other in love, beinge carfull to kepe the unitie of the spirit in the bonde of peace, goinge oon before an other in geuinge honor, as saith the Apostle. And they shall refreshe them selues wth such meates as are serued to the table, cherfully, soberly, and as it becometh men of modestie, so takinge of the best and fynest of the meate, as that eu'y oon at the table may haue parte. Nether shall any man at the table speake any thinge maliciosly at any tyme, ether vnder the p'tence of mirth or any other colore, that may be offencive to an other any way. Howbeit yf it shall happen at any tyme that any contencion or stryfe shalbe stirred vp amonge the bretherne ether at the table or els wheare (which God forbid) straight way the Warden shall com'aunde silence, vnto whome whosoeu' will not be obedient, shall for the first tyme be punished in ij pence, for the seconde in three pence, and so as the falt doth encrease, so shall the punishment.

§ X. De lectura Biblie.

Item, statutum est quod memorati Minores Canonici habeant quotidie in prandio, quotiens convenienter fieri potest, unam leccionem sacre Biblie distincte et aperte inter eos lectam; omnes et singuli diligenter attendant et auscultent, ut dum corpus exterius saturatur, anima interius refocilletur; quia non in solo pane vivit homo, sed in omni verbo quod procedit de ore Dei. Et quicumque hujusmodi lecturam Sacre Scripture, vel gratiarum actiones superius nominatas, tumultuosis verbis aut vanis confabulationibus maliciose disturbaverit vel impedierit, quociens in hac parte diliquerit, multetur in ij d.

§ X. Of the readinge of the Byble.

Furthermore it ys decreed that the afore namede Peticannons shall have dayly at dinner tyme, as often as they may cōueniently, oon lesson of the holy Byble redd distinctly and playnly amonge them, vnto the whiche all and euery of them shall geue hede and harken diligently, that whylest the externall bodie ys filled, the internall sowle might be refreshed, for because that man liveth not by breade only, but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouth of God: whosoeu' therfore shall maliciosly ether wth sediciose wordes, or vayne brablinges, distorbe or hinder the readinge of the holy scripture, or the geuinge of thankes before mencioned, shalbe punished in ij pence as often as he ys taken offendinge in this poynt.

§ XI. De Senescallo et ejus officio.

Item, statuimus et ordinamus quod quilibet Minor Canonicus sit Senescallus in vice sua, incipiendo a senioribus, gradatim descendendo, in propria persona, vel inveniat unum ex confratribus suis pro septimana sua, sub pena xij d. Et hujusmodi Senescallus pro tempore septimane sue diligenter ordinet victualia pro tota comitiva ita frugaliter et discrete ut neque nimis parce neque nimis laute epulentur, sed secundum ordinariam et consuetam ratam comminarum, quantum fieri potest, honeste provideat. Si vero contingat aliquando quod Senescallus per neglicenciam, vel propriam sensualitatem aut voluptatem suam, absque causa rationabili tantum in sumptibus excedat, ut ceteri confratres inde forte graventur: tune solvat ipsemet pro hujusmodi excessu secundum discressionem Custodis et majoris partis comitive dicti Collegii, quantum eis videbitur. Et dictus Senescallus in septimana sua diligenter curet et supervideat, ut de cibariis ab eo preparatis equaliter ministretur in mensa secundum possibilitatem, eleccione ferculorum Custodi, et in ejus absencia, seniori presenti semper reservata. Volumus eciam quod unusquisque sit contentus cum ordinatione Senescalli pro tempore existentis; qui vero de ferculis et cibariis per Senescallum ordinatis contentus non fuerit, sed aliunde vesci aut lautius epulari desiderat, faciat ea que sibi placent, queri et preparari sibi sumptibus suis propriis et expensis, ne per ipsum ceteri Minores [Canonici] aggraventur, aut communis utilitas deterioretur Sed si quis premonuerit Senescallum vel servum communem quod non possit comedere de tali aut tali etc., tunc emat sibi aliud prandium conveniens et complaccns, dum tamen non excedat dietam dicti conquerentis et premonentis.

§ XI. Of the Stuarde and his office.

In lyke man'er we ordayne and decree that euery Peticanon be Stuard as his course com'eth, begininge at the seniors and so by degrees descendinge to the iunior, and that in his owne p'son, except he can fynd owt oon of his fellowes to supply his rowme for his weke, vnder the payne of forfetinge xijd. And this Stuarde, duringe the tyme of his weke, shall so diligently and profitably ordayne and dispose the victualles for the whole comõs, and wth suche discression, that they nether fare so sparingly, nor yet feade over dayntely, but accordinge to the ordinary and accostomed rate of the comons he shall honestly provyde to his power. But nowe yf it doo happen at any tyme that the Stuard ether by his negligence or by his owne sensualitie or voluptuosnes withowt a resonable cause, doo so farr excede the accustomed rate in expences, that the reste of the bretherne by means therof be greued: then shall he hym selfe pay for any such excesse, accordinge to the discression of the Warden and the greater part of the comons of the said Colledge, what semeth good vnto them. And the said Stuard for his weke shall carfully and diligently prouyde and foresee, that of thos meates wch he hath preuyded there be as equale distribution made at the table as ys possible, the election or choyse of euery messe alway reserued for the Warden, or, in his absence, for hym that ys senior, and there present. In lyke maner we will that eu'y man be contented wth his provision that ys made by the Stuard for the tyme, wch whosoeu' ys not, but ether desyreth to eate els wheare, or to mende his fare, let hym cause thos thinges wch shall please hyme to be sought for and prepared at his owne proper costes and charges, lest that by hym the reste of the Petie Canons might be greued, and the comon vtilitie impayred. But yf any man shall before ether warne the Stuard or comon servant that he can'ot eate of suche and suche meates, then let there be bought for hym som other meat more convenient and agreable for his appetite, so that it exceede not the said dyet of his.

§ XII. De Comminariis et Semi-comminariis.

Item, ordinatum est quod quilibet Minor Canonicus semper erit integer comminarius nisi sit infirmus aut longius devillans. Tunc, si velit, potest esse extra comminas, sed solvet tamen hujusmodi infirmus aut devillans absens pro absencia sua singulis septimanis iiij d., versus pastum trium communium servientium et Curati Sancti Gregorri. Tamen in hiis tribus ebdomadis, scilicet, Natalis Domini, Pasche, et Pentecostes, ae etiam quociens est Senescallus in suo proprio cursu, quilibet Minor Canonicus semper erit integer comminarius, nulla causa obstante, sub pena iij s. iiij d. comminis applicanda. Et quis aliquis ex dictis Minoribus Prebendariis, vocante Deo, admissus fuerit ad qualecunque officium, hoc est Elemosinarii, Sacriste, Camerarii Pistrini, vel alterius cujuscunque officii, unde possit alibi comederc, tamen istis non obstantibus semper erit integer comminarius hic in Collegio nostro, nisi ex causa rationabili per Custodem et majorem partem comitive approbata, aliter secum dispensatum fuerit. Si quis autem ad devillandum fuerit dispositus, premoneat Senescallum vel servum communem de discessu suo, nocte precedente, si velit esse extra comminas. Et quicunque permanserit ad mensam in aula communi per quinque dies in aliqua septimana, erit ipse sic permanens semper integer comminarius. Et qui permanserit per quatuor dies, erit semi-comminarius pro tribus diebus continuis, et solvat ultra pro una dieta, ut moris est.

§ XII. Of the Com'iners and halfe Com'yners.

It ys allso ordayned that every Peticanon shall still be whole com'iner, except he be sicke, or gon farre owt of towne, then yf he will he may be oute of com'ons, but he shall paye for this his absence by occasion of sicknes and busines abrode wikly iiij d. toward the repaste of three comon seruantes and the Curate of St. Gregories. And yet notwthstandinge in thes three feastes, that ys to say, Christmas, Easter, and Whitson weke, and also as often as he ys Stuard in his owne course, euery Peticanon shall alwayes be whole cominer, no cause to the contrary admitted as lawfull, vnder the payne of three shillinges fower pence to be applyed to the vse of the comons: and althoughe any of the said Lesser Prebendaries (cauled thervnto of God) shalbe admitted to any office, that ys to say ether to be Amner, keper of holy thinges, or Chāberlayne of the back house, (fn. 7) or any other office whatsoeu', by the means whereof he may eate els wheare, yet all thes thinges notwthstandinge he shalbe still whole cominer in this owr Colledge, except that thoroughe some lawfull cause allowed of by the Warden and the greater parte of the company, he be otherwise dispensed wthall. And farther, yf that any man be disposed to goo abroade, let hym warne the Stuard or comon seruant of his departure ouernight yf he wilbe oute of comons. And whosoeu' shall continue at the table in or comon haule by the space of fyve dayes in any oon weke, shall, in so doinge, be alwayes whole cominer. And he that shall remayne fower dayes shalbe halfe cominer for three of them, and shall pay for the fowrth, as the maner and custome ys.

§ XIII. De extrancis ad mensam introductis.

Item, ordinatum est quod nulla forinseca persona, cujuscumque gradus, status, aut ordinis sit, stet in predicta aula ad comminas tamquam equalis, sed solvat plus quantum concordatum fuerit inter Custodem et consocios suos. Nec omnino audiat aliquis extraneus de summa comminarum nostrarum vel de compoto earundem, sed recedat quousque compotus finiatur, et satisfaciat pro eo inducens eum. Item, si aliquis dicte comitive introducat aliquem extraneum in communem aulam per septimanam vel per diem ad prandium vel ad cenam, solvet pro pastu suo secundum ordinacionem Custodis et sociorum suorum, ut ratio temporis majoris vel minoris caristie vel abundancie exposcat. Et si pro tali invitato expense crescant et fiant ultra communem consuetudinem comminarum, talem invitans sumptibus propriis solvat excessum, ita semper quod commodum comminarum potius accrescat quam decrescat. Simili modo ordinatum est pro famulis et servientibus et aliis minoris gradus in secunda tabula sedentibus, ut solvant secundum gradum suum habita ratione temporis, ut supradictum est. Et quisquis ex dicta comitiva introduxerit vel introduci fecerit aliquem extraneum subito ad mensam aliquo tempore prandendi vel cenandi sine premonitione Senescalli, puniatur in ij d. Nec ullus introducat sive introduci faciat aliquem extraneum in quoquinam seu panetriam nostras communes, absque causa rationabili et manifesta, sub pena oboli, si fuerit consocius: si famulus, sub pena jd. Similiter concordatum est quod nullus dictorum Minorum Canonicorum habeat cenam de communi infra tempus quadragesimale nisi in dominicis tantum, nec eciam in sextis feriis, aut aliis diebus per annum, in quibus de jure vel consuetudine jejunare tenemur.

§ XIII. Of Strangers that are brought vnto or Table.

Morouer it ys enacted that no stranger of what degree, state, or order soeu' he be, shalbe at comons wth vs in the aforesaid haule as owr equale, but shall pay more then we doo, euen as muche as shalbe agreed vpon betwene the Warden and his fellowes. Nether may any foriner heare of the some of or comons, or be made privie to the account thereof, but shall geue place untill it be ended, and let hym that brought in this stranger discharge the comons for hym. In lyke sorte yf any of the forsaid comoners shall bringe in any stranger into owr comon haule, ether by the weke or by the day, or for to dine and supe with vs, let hym pay for his repaste even as shalbe thought expedient by the Warden and his fellowes, the consideration of the tyme causinge them to take ether more or lesse, as the darth or plentie of victualles then requireth. And yf by this or the lyke invitinge or biddinge the expenses shall increase or growe greater then the accostomed rate of the comons, he of the company that so inviteth or biddeth shall hym selfe pay the overplus, so that the profit and comoditie of the comons shall alwayes increase rather than decrease. In lyke sort it ys decreed for or seruātes, even them of or speciall howseholde and others of that inferior degre sittinge with them at the seconde table, that they shall paye accordinge to there degree, a consideration beinge hadd of the tyme, as ys aforesaid. And whosoeu' of the said societie shall bringe in or cause to be brought in upon the soden any stranger to the table ether at diner or supper tyme, not forewarninge the Stuarde therof, shalbe punished in ij pence. Nether shall any man bringe in, or cause to be brought in, any stranger into owr comon kitchin or buttree wthout a resonable cause and the same manifeste, vnder payne of losinge a halfe peny, yf he be a fellowe, but yf he be a seruant, a peny. In lyke sort it ys agreed vpon, that no of the aforesaid Peticanons haue a comon supper wthin the tyme of Lent except it be vpon the Sondayes only . . . . . . . . . . . or upon any other dayes in the yeare in whiche we are bound ether by lawe or custome to faste.

§ XIV. De clausura portarum dicti Collegii, et silencio post certam horam habendo.

Item, statuimus qnod omni die per annum quo pransuri aut cenaturi sumus in aula nostra communi, alter famulorum nostrorum communium bene claudat ambas portas Collegii nostri. Et quisquis nostrum dictas portas ingrediens ipsas post se non bene clauserit, precipue in hyeme ad ecnam, mulctetur in j d. Similiter statutum est quod nullus, per se vel alium, faciat tumultum aut strepitum infra clausuram dicti Collegii, a festo Pasche usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis, post nonam horam de nocte; et a festo Sancti Michaelis usque ad festum Pasche, post octavam horam; unde dicti Minores Canonici impediantur a suo somno naturali, per quod sint indispositi ad divina, sub pena ij d.

§ XIV. Of lockinge the forsaid Colledge Gates, and of Silence to be kept after a certayne Howre.

Furthermore we ordayne that euery day thorouought the yeare, when we dyne or suppe in or comon haule, oon of owr comon seruantes shall shutt faste both the gates of or Colledge. And whosoeu' of vs cominge in shutteth not shurly after hym thos gates, especially in the winter tyme at supper, shalbe punished by the losse of a peny. In lyke maner it ys decreed that no man ether by hym selfe or by any other shall raise any braule, tumult, or noyse within the gates of the said Colledge at any tyme frome the Feaste of Easter vntill the Feaste of St. Michaell, but eu'y man to be come in by nyne of the cloke at night, and from the Feaste of St. Michael vntill the Feaste of Easter also nō' to offende as ys aboue said, but to be come in by eyght of the clocke, wherby the said Petie Canons might be hindred of there naturall reste, or become vnapt to serue God, vnder the payne of the losse of ij pence.

§ XV. De honestate et mundicia infra clausuram predictam observanda.

Item, ordinatum est quod nullus dictorum Minorum Canonicorum jactet per se vel alium jordanos seu aliqua vilia et inhonesta, nec urinam faciat infra clausuram dicti Collegii, nisi in loco ad hoc deputato, sub pena oboli quociens contrarium fecerit. Et si contingat aliquem de dicta comitiva ibidem habere lapides, calcem, sabulum, tegulas, aut ligna pro reparacione facienda, statim postquam operarii hujusmodi opus finierint, amoveat ille, qui fecit hujusmodi reparacionem, talia relicta ex semento, et tegulis, et aliis predictis a dicto loco communi. Et si terminus sit sibi limitatus per Custodem infra quem terminum hoc facere neclexerit, puniatur pro primo lapsu termini predicti in ij d., et sic crescente delicto crescat et pena.

§ XV. Of honestie and clenlines to be kept wthin the gates of the said Colledge.

Morouer it ys ordayned that no of the said Peticanons, ether by hymselfe or by any other, do caste filth or any vyle and vnhonest thinge, nether may make water wthin the gates of the said Colledge, except it be in the place appoy'ted for that purpose, vnder the payne of losinge a halfe peny as often as he shalbe taken doinge the contrary. And yf it do happen any of the said co'mons to haue there ether stones, morter, sand, tyles, or timber, for rep'acions to be done, imediatly vpon the finishinge of any such woorke, he that hath made such rep'acion shall remoue out the said comon place that wch remayneth of the morter, tyles, and the reste, as ys aforesaid. And yf a tyme be limited vnto hym by the Warden, within the whiche he shall neglecte this to doo, let hym be punished for the breeche of his firste limit aforesaid ijd, and so as the falt increseth in lyke sorte let the punishmente.

§ XVI. De mulieribus suspectis et ludis ac spectaculis inhonostis vitandis.

Item, statutum est quod nullus dictorum Minorum Canonicorum habeat colloquium in Ecclesia vel cimiteriis in habitu, vel extra, cum aliqua muliere suspecta, unde scandalum vel suspicio sinistra oriri possit Ecclesie, sibi, aut sociis, sub pena iiij d. Similiter ordinatum est, quod nullus memorati Collegii aliquas mulieres notorie suspectas in domos suas, aut infra clausuram Collegii predicti, seu in aliquam aliam domum in qua traxerit moram dum fuerit Minor Canonicus, scienter introducat seu introduci faciat, aut venire permittat, de die aut de nocte, sub pena iij s. iiij d., quociens poterit contra eum probari pro prima vice. Si secundo deprehensus fuerit in eodem crimine, puniatur in vj s. viij d.; si tercio, sit expulsus ab aula communi et exclusus ab omni commodo ejusdem Collegii donec reconsilietur. Similiter fiat quociens aliquis dictorum Minorum Canonicorum frequentat et exercet lupanaria vel tabernas publice cum meretricibus, aut aliquos ludos vel spectacula inhonesta clericis prohibita, unde scandalum status Minorum Canonicorum ac dicti Collegii nostri possit oriri; nisi moniti desistant puniantur eadem pena ut supradictum est.

§ XVI. Of suspecte women and of unhonest playes and sightes to be shunnede.

In lyke maner it ys decreed that no of ye aforesaid Peticanons shall haue any talke or comunication in the Churche or Churche yarde, in his habit or wthout it, wth any suspecte woman, whereby any offence or suspicion of evell may aryse to the Churche, to hymselfe, or to his company, vnder the payne of fower pence losse. In lyke maner it ys ordayned that non of the afornamed Colledge shall wittingly bringe in, or cause to be brought in, or suffer to come in, ether by day or by night, any wemen vehemently suspected, or notorios for euell lyfe, into or howses, or wthin the cumpase of the Colledge aforesaide, or into any other howse in wch he shall make his abode, as longe as he shalbe Petie Canon, vpon payne of losing three shillings fower pence as often as it shalbe proved agaynst hym for the first tyme; yf he shalbe taken in the same falt the seconde tyme, he shalbe punished in six shillinges eight pence; yf the third tyme let hym be expelled owt of the comone haule and excluded from all profittes and comodities of the said Colledge vntill he may be reconsiled. In lyke sorte it ys also concluded, that as often as any of the said Petie Canons doo frequent or haunt the stues or tauerns publickly with harlottes, or any other vnhoneste playes and spectacles prohibited to clerkes, whereby an offence may growe of the state of the Peticanons, and of or said Colledge, except they, being oonce warned, do shewe them selues to be reclaymed, they shall incurr the lyke punishment as hath byn before declared.

§ XVII. Quod nemo detrahat alteri, nec verba incircumspecte prolata cuiquam revelet.

Item, ordinatum est quod nullus antedictorum Minorum Canonicorum detractet socio suo in aliqua domo dominorum suorum vel alio loco quocunque, nec aliquod sinistrum de eo maliciose proferat, unde idem socius deteriorari possit. Quod si quis (quod absit) fecerit, et super hoc convictus fuerit, puniatur prima vice in vj d., secunda in xij d., et sic crescente malicia crescat et pena. Simili modo ordinatum est, quod si aliqua verba sinistra vel odiosa in nostro fraternali contubernio fuerint unquam ab aliquo indiscrete prolata, vel imprudenter elapsa in mensa vel alibi, nemo nostrum seminado discordiam cuiquam ea revelare presumat sub pena eadem, ut supra in eodem capitulo.

§ XVII. That no Man backbyte or speake euell of another, nether yet reuele Wordes unaduysedlyspoken to any Man.

Furthermore it ys ordayned that nō of the forsaid Peticanons backbyte his fellowe in any howse of his masters or in any other place, nether shall speake any sinister thinge of hym maliciosly, wherby the same felowe sholde be hindered or disaduantaged any way, wch thinge yf any shall doo notwithstandinge, and therof shalbe convicte (wiche God forbid), let hym be punished the first tyme in six pence, the seconde tyme in twelue pence, and even as the falt doth encrease so let the punishement. Euen after the same maner ys it ordayned, that yf any sinister or odious wordes shall at any tyme passe any mans mouth vndescretly in or brotherly societie, or vnwysly escape from hym ether at the table or els wheare, no of vs, to the sowinge of further discorde, shall presume to reueale the same to any man vpon payne of the same punishment mentioned before in this chapter.

§ XVIII. De consiliis et secretis Collegii celandis.

Item, statutum est quod nullus dictorum Minorum Canonicorum presumat detegere secreta Collegii antedicti in domibus dominorum suorum Majorum Canonicorum aut aliorum quorumcumque tacite vel expresse, unde scandalum possit oriri, aut eorum aliquis vel aliqui seu omnes incurrere indignacionem predictorum dominorum suorum aut eorum alicujus. Et si quis (quod absit) contrarium fecerit, quod contra eum licite probari poterit, puniatur pro prima vice in vjs. viij d., pro secunda vice xiij s. iiij d., pro tercia vice xx s., et eo ipso sit suspensus ab ingressu aule et participacione bonorum et proficiorum dicto Collegio pertinencium quousque fuerit dictis confratribus suis Collegii memorate reconsiliatus.

§ XVIII. Of concelinge or kepinge to or selues the councelles and secretes of the Colledge.

Futhermore it ys decreed that non of the said Peticanons shall presume to detecte or disclose the aforsaid secretes of the Colledge in the howses of there masters the greater Canons, or of any other, ether priuily or openly, wherby any offence may arrise, or wherby ether oon or other of the Peticanons, or all of them, may incurre the displeasure of there masters aforsaide, or any of them. But yf any so doo (wch God forbide) and that it be manifeste thoroughe sufficient profe made therof, he shalbe punishede for the first tyme in six shillinges viijd, for the seconde tyme so offendinge in xiijs iiijd, for the thirde tyme in xxs, and then let hy' be prohibited from cominge into the haule, or beinge a partaker of the goodes and profittes of the said Colledge or of thos thinges therunto appertayninge, vntill he be reconsiled to his said bretherne of the aforenamed Colledge.

§ XIX. De ira, rixa, et contentione: et de occasione earundem vitanda.

Item, ordinatum et statutum est quod nullus de dicta comitiva quicquam sinistre seu maliciose loquatur de aliquo fratre suo presente vel absente, nec rixas, contenciones, aut discordias suscitet aut exerceat inter socios, vel ad iram seu discordiam aliquem provocet, nec aliquo modo det aliam occasionem irascendi sub pena iiij d. prima vice, et sic crescente malicia crescat et pena. Et si aliqua, quod absit, suscitetur inter socios dissentio, statim per Custodem, vel in ejus absentia per seniorem presentem, cum ceteris consociis suis, pax reformetur et silentium discordantibus imponatur. Cui si quis statim non obedierit, sed obstinate perstiterit in malicia et contencione, puniatur prima vice in ij d., secunda vice iiij d., et sic duplicando quousque se humiliter submittat et obedienter desistat a contencione, et precipue a comparacionibus que sunt odiose, et multorum incommodorum nonnunquam occasiones et cause, ne communi utilitati Collegii nostri contrarius unquam in detrimentum et damnum ejusdem esse reperiatur, sub pena ut supra in eodem. Et si quis per Custodem vel seniorem et comitivam fuerit aliquando condemnatus et punitus in aliqua summa, ratione pretextuque alicujus delicti, et dixerit se esse false judicatum aut injuste punitum, vel ipsos esse falsos, puniatur in ij s. tociens quociens in hac parte deliquerit.

§ XIX. Of anger, braulinge, and contention, and howe to shonne euery of them, and thereoccation.

In lyke maner it ys ordayned and appoynted, that non of the said felowshipe do speake vntowardly or maliciosly of any of his bretherne, the partie beinge present or absent, nether shall stir vp or vse ether braules, contentions, or discordes, amonge his fellowes, nether p'voke any of them ether to anger or discorde, nor yet by any means to geue occation of displeasure to any man vpon payne of losinge iiijd for the first tyme, and euer as the falt incresith so let the punishment. And further yf any dissention do arise amonge the bretherne (which God forbid) owt of hande ether by the Warden, or in his absense by the senior then prsent wth the rest of his company shall pease be procured, and to thos then at discorde sylence commaunded, vnto whom imediatly yf any obay not, but shall obstinatly persist and continue in his malice and contentio, he shalbe punished the first tyme in ijd, the second tyme in iiijd, and so dublinge the punishment vntill he humbly submit hymself, and obediently desiste or leave of from farther contention, and especially from comparisons wch are odiose, and oftentymes the causes and occasions of many incomodities : nether that any man at any tyme be fownde to be an enimy to the comon vtilitie of owr Colledge to the detriment or impoverishinge therof, vpon the payne aboue specified in the chapter. And yf any man at any tyme ether by the Warden, the senior, or fellowes shalbe condemned and punished in any some by the reason and occation of any offence, and shall say that he ys falsely adiudged, and uniustly punished, or affirme that they are uniuste in dealinge, he shalbe punishede in ijs as often as he shalbe taken offendinge in this poynte.

§ XX. De violenta manuum injectione.

Item, statutum et ordinatum est quod si aliquis ex dictis Minoribus Canonicis maliciose comminatus fuerit socium suum ad verberandum vel percutiendum, eo ipso puniatur in xij d. Quod si quis instigacione diabolica manus violentas in socium injecerit, licet non percutiat, tamen puniatur in iij s. iiij d. Et quicunque sola manu violenter alium percusserit, puniatur in vj s. viij d. Et si quis cultellum aut gladium extraxerit, vel aliqua alia arma invasiva arripuerit, licet non percuciat, puniatur in vj s. viij d. Quod si eisdem armis aliquem, quod absit, vulneraverit aut percusserit, puniatur in xxs., et eo ipso sit exclusus et expulsus ab aula et ab omni commodo ejusdem, et nichilominus faciat emendas pacienti per dictos Custodem et socios limitandas. Item, si quis introducat seu introduci faciat famulum suum seu aliquem alium extraneum ad comminandum, verberandum, vel percutiendum, percutive minandum, aliquem de sociis suis licet non percutiat, puniatur in vjs. viij d. Et si hujusmodi famulus, seu extranea persona, vel ipse socius sic aliquem forte percusserit, vel arma ad aliquem de dicto Collegio ad percuciendum extraxerit, licet suum malivolum propositum non perfecerit, tamen puniatur in xx s., et nichilominus sit expulsus ab ingressu aule communis pro imperpetuo.

§ XX. Of violent layinge on of Handes.

After the same sorte it ys decreed and ordayned, that yf any of the said Peticanons shall maliciosly threten to beate or to stryke hys fellowe, he shall, for so doinge, be punished in xiid. But yf any man by the instigation of Satan shall lay violent hande vpon his felowe, althoughe he doo not stryke hym, yet he shalbe punished in iijs iiijd, and whosoeu' but with his hand only shall stryke an other, shalbe punished in vjs viijd, and whosoeu' shall drawe owt ether sword or knyfe, or shall take into his hand any other wepon to invade wth, althoughe he stryke not, he shall be punished in vjs viijd. But yf he shall wounde or stryke any man wth ether of thos wepons, he shalbe punished in xxs, and for that facte shall be excluded and expelled the haule and all comodities thereof, and yet notwthstandinge shall make sufficient recompence to the partie by hym hurte, eve accordinge to the discression of the Warden and his fellowes. Morouer, yf any do bringe in, or cause to be brought in, his seruant or any other stranger to threten, beate, or stryke, or els to threten to be beaten any of his fellowes, althoughe he doo not stryke that ys brought in, yet he that brought hym shalbe punished in vjs viijd; and yf any suche seruant or stranger or euen the fellowe hymselfe shall happen to stryke any other, or drawe wepon vpon any of the said Colledge to stryke, althoughe he bringe not to passe this his wicked enterprise, yet he shalbe punished in xxs, and neu' the lesse be expelled the haule and the entranse therinto foreu'.

§ XXI. De reconsiliacione fraterna et mutua inter nos charitate et pace habenda.

Item, quia clare constat quod concordia et pace parve res crescunt, (fn. 8) discordia autem maxime dilabuntur, volumus ut ante omnia, sicut scriptum est, mutuam inter nos charitatem continuam habeamus, non verbo tantum et lingua, sed et opere et veritate, invicem diligentes, et quod ex nobis est, ut ait Apostolus, cum omnibus pacem habentes. Unde, ne ira odium generet, sed ut concordia pacem et dilectionem mutuam inter nos enutriat, statuimus et unanimiter ordinamus, quod quandocunque aliqua malicia, vel rancor mentis, ex quacunque causa proveniens, inter aliquos confratrum nostrorum advertitur esse orta, confestim Magister sive Custos Collegii nostri, cum duobus aut tribus senioribus vel sanioribus tocius comitive sibi associatis, hujusmodi fratres ad invicem molestos et discordantes ad pacis concordiam et unitatem, in quantum possunt, reconsiliare laborent, secundum illud Apostoli, sol non occidat super iracundiam vestram: sed statim illi reconsiliandi absque tediosa disceptacione mutuam inter se offensam pie remittant, donantes invicem sicut et Christus donavit nobis. Et, si ambo superbe contrariantes concordes fieri noluerint, vel alter eorum insolenter aut pertinaciter restiterit, tune pars in qua causa et occasio discordie esse repperitur, puniatur prima vice in ij d., in secunda vero iiij d., in tercia viij d., et sic duplicando donec concordes efficiantur.

§ XXI. Of brotherly Reconsiliacion and mutuall Amitie and Peace to be had amonge vs.

And for as muche as it ys apparant, that
By concorde and peace
Smale thinges doo encrease;
as also by dissention and discorde greate thinges come to ruin, we will and ordayne that aboue all things (as it ys written) we haue continually amonge owr selues mutuall love and amitie, not in woord and in tonge only, but in dede and in veritie, lovinge oon an other, and as muche as lyeth in us (as saith the Apostle) hauinge peace with all men; by the meanes wherof anger or wrath might not engender hate, but that concorde mighte norishe peace and mutuall loue emonge vs, we ordayne and decree ioyntly, that whensoeu' any malice or envye of mynde procedinge of any cause ys declared to be sprunge vp amonge any of or bretheren, straight way the Master or Warden of or Colledge, wth ij or iij of the seniors or wyser sorte of the whole company vnto hy' associat, shall labor as muchc as lyeth in them to reconsyle thos bretherne at variance emonge them selues, to the concorde and vnitie of peace, accordinge to that sayinge of the Apostle, let not the sonn goo downe upon yor wrath. And straightway they whch are to be reconsyled, wthout any tedious disputation, shall mrcyfully forgeue that mutuall offence comitted amonge th',forgeuinge oon an other even as Christ hath forgrurn vs. And yf nether of them both wilbe brought to agrement, but will proudly stand against it, or yf oon of them doo stobbornly and insolently resiste, then that parte in whch the cause and occasion of the discorde ys fownde, shalbe punished for the firste tyme in ijd, for the seconde in iiijd, for the third in viijd, and so to duble the punishment vntill the parties be pacified.

§ XXII. De Magistro, sive Custode, eligendo, et de ejus officio.

Item, statutum et ordinatum est quod singulis annis in die Sancti Barnabe mensis Junii, si convenienter fieri potest, necnon quociens per cessionem, dimissionem, aut mortem, officium Custodis dicti Collegii vacare contigerit, ceteri Minores Canonici per Pitanciarium vel alium ad hoe a Custode vel seniore deputatum moniti, conveniant omnes in aulam suam communem certis die et hora sibi assignatis ibidem, et procedant ad eleccionem novi Magistri seu Custodis dicti Collegii. Et in virtute juramenti sui eligent sibi Custodem idoneum tam in spiritualibus, quam in temporalibus, utrum voluerint procedere per viam scrutinii, vel per viam compromissi, seu per viam Spiritus Sancti, (fn. 9) secundum quod major et sanior pars eorum consentire voluerit. Et si per viam scrutinii procedere velint, tunc assignentur duo vel tres consocii, qui primo sua vota, deinde ceterorum omnium et singulorum voces, seriatim et separatim scrutentur et accipiant; quibus publicatis, ille qui majorem et sanicorem numerum habuerit, illico sit Magister sive Custos dicti Collegii, absque aliqua alia solennitate in hac parte habenda, et eo ipso idem Magister, sive Custos, dicto officio effectualiter astringatur, et onus ejusdem subire teneatur omni excusacione posthabita, nisi talis fuerit legittima et ipsis sociis manifesta. Qui Custos sic electus, Deum habens pre oculis, studeat diligenter ad ordinandum, providendum, et faciendum omnia et singula que ad communem utilitatem dicti Collegii pertinent. Statim tamen post ejus eleccionem faciat fidem dictis confratribus suis ibidem tune presentibus, quod Statuta approbata et laudabiles Consuetudines ejusdem Collegii pro tempore suo bene custodiet et custodire faciet, ac de omnibus et singulis receptis et recipiendis, inventis, datis, et legatis eidem Collegio, publice, palam, et expresse computabit; et de hujusmodi receptis fideliter et absque fraude respondebit Collegio antedicto, compotum suum incipiendo in crastino Sancti Johannis Baptiste, vel infra tres dies proxime sequentes, et sic indilate continuando usque in finem compoti sui, secundum communem consensum confratrum snorum vel majoris et sanioris partis eorundem; et percipiat de anno in annum pro labore suo de dicto Collegio, vjs. viij d.

§ XXII. Off the Master or Wardens election, and of his office.

In lyke sorte it ys ordayned and decreed that euery yeare vpon St Barnabes day in the mōth of June, yf it may be conueniently, and also as often as the office of the Warden of the said Colledge shall happen to be voyde, whether it be by his departure, or by the reson that he ys discharged vpon occation, or by death, the reste of the Peticanons beinge admonished by the Pitensary or some other appoynted by the Warden or senior, for this purpose, shall come together into there comon haule, at a certayne day and howre assigned vnto them theare, and they shall procede to the eleccion of a nue Master or Warden of the said Colledge, and by virtue of there oth shall choose a fitte man for them selues to be Warden, and such an oon as shalbe meete, bothe in respecte of spirituall and temporal thinges. And the choyce of procedinge to this eleccio', to be by any of thes wayes, as namly, either by way of scrutini, or by the way of compromissary, or by the way of the Holy Goaste, shall belong to the greater and wyser sorte of the company. And yf they will procede according to a scrutini, then shall there be ij. or iij. of the fellowes appoynted, wch first of all shall searche and take there owne voices, then orderly and separatly the others voyces, the whiche beinge published, he whiche hath both the wiser and greater number shall forthwith be made Master or Warden of the said Colledge wthout havinge any other solemnitie in the matter, and the' the said Master or Warden shall effectually be vnited or knit to the said office, and shall beare the burthen thereof, any excuse of his to the contrary beinge obiected, except it be suche an oon as shall appeare to the fellowes to be both lawfull and manifeste. The wch Warden beinge so elected, and hauinge God before his eyes, shall diligently endeuer to ordayne, provyde, and performe all and eu'y of those thinges that pertayne to the co'mo' vtilitite and co'modite of the sayd Colledge. Yet notwthstandinge imediatly after his election he shall geue his faith to his said bretherne being then and theare present, that he will for his tyme thoroughly kepe and cause to be kept the approved Statutes and laudable Customes of the said Colledge, and he shall take an accounte publicly and playnly of all and eu'ry thinge receued and to be receued, founde, geuen, and bequethed to the said Colledge, and shall faythfully and withoute gyle make his accounte to the aforsaide Colledge of thos thinges so receued, begininge the same accounte the next day after St John the Baptistes day, or within three dayes next and imediatly folowinge, and so wthout any delayinge of his account to co'tinue it euen vnto the ende: accordinge to the comon consent of his brethren, or the greater and discreter parte of them. And he shall receue yearly for his labor of the said Colledge vjs viijd.

§ XXIII. De Pitanciario, eligendo, et de ejus officio.

Item, ordinatum est quod unus Minorum Canonicorum dicit Collegii sit electus per Custodem et saniorem partem confratrum suorum in Pitanciarium : qui eciam prestet dicto Collegio corporale juramentum de fideli distribucionibus et aliis officio suo pertinentibus, scilicet in obitibus, stagiariis, et aliis pitanciis nobis debitis, quantum in se est diligenter instabit. Necnon easdem unicuique nostrum secundum quod equitas exigit juste distribuet, ac eciam quod assistat Custodi nostro ad supervidendum soluciones per dictum Custodem faciendas penes communes nostros servientes, communia focalia comparanda, et omnes alias soluciones faciendas erga operarios conductos in reparacione tenementorum nostrorum. Et quod alterum registrum magnum de omnibus bonis communibus nostris cum quadam modica indentura ex parte et nomine totius communitatis nostre sub custodia sua fideliter conservet; percepturus a nobis annuatim pro labore suo iij s. iiij d. et de Camera Ecclesie iij s. iiij d.

§ XXIII. Of the election of the Pitansary, and of his office.

Morouer, it ys ordayned that oon of the said Colledge, beinge a Peticanon, shalbe elected by the Warden and the wiser sorte of his bretherne to be Pitansiary, wch shall geue a corporall other to the said Colledge of his faythfull distribution to be made of his thinges to be distributed, and in other thinges belonginge to his office, that ys to say, funerals, stagiaries, and in other parseles due vnto vs, as farr forth as he may possibly. And also that he shall iustly distribute thos portions to eu'y man accordinge to equitie and right. He shall also be a helpe vnto or Warden in lokinge to the paymentes to owr comon seruantes made by the said Warden, for the procuringe of fuell to the comon vse of or howse, and for the discharginge of all other paymentes to the workmen brought in and hyred for the reparinge of owr tenementes. And he shall faythfully kepe in his owne custodie oon of the greate registers of all or goodes in com'on, wth a certayne litle indenture, of the parte and name and in the behalfe of the whole company, receuinge of vs yearly for his labor iiis iiijd, and of the Chamber of the Churche as muche.

§ XXIV. De Pena recusantis officium sibi impositum per eleccionem.

Item, statutum est quod si aliquis de dictis Minoribus Canonicis postquam electus fuerit, ut premittitur, ad officium Magistri, sive Custodis, et reddituum Collectoris, aut Pitanciarii, absque causa racionabili idem officium recusaverit aut onus ejusdem subire noluerit, puniatur in vj s. viij d.

§ XXIV. Of the punishment of hym that refuseth an office when it ys geuen hy' by eleccio'.

It ys decred in lyke sorte, that yf any of the said Peticanons after he shalbe admitted or elected to the office of Mr. or Warden, or to be Collector of the rentes, or Pitansiary, he doo wthout resonable cause refuse the same office, and will not take vpon him the charge thereof, he shalbe punished in vjs viijd.

§ XXV. De levacione multe solvende.

Item, ordinatum est quod Custos et Pitanciarius cum Senescallo, vel eorum unus, levent seu levet, suscitent seu suscitet, mulctas antedictas a quocunque delinquente. Et illas mulctas volumus converti in communas illius septimane, si summa non excedat iij s. iiij d. Et si excedat summam iij s. iiij d. volumus tunc et ordinamus, quod Custos illam mulctam recipiat et inde in suo compoto fideliter faciat racionem. Quas mulctas antedictas volumus levari per manus Pitanciarii de obitibus et aliis distribucionibus per eum solvendis quibuscumque. Et si hujusmodi distribuciones per Pitanciarium recipiende non fuerint sufficientes, tunc volumus quod recurratur per Custodem antedictum ad suum beneficium. Item, ordinamus insuper quod quicumque sic delinquens habeat se rebellem, vel difficilem, aut contrarium in hujus solucione facienda, quod pro prima septimana, postquam clare sibi constiterit quod sit a retro in dicta solucione facienda, puniatur in vj d., pro secunda in xij d., et pro tercia in xx d.

§ XXV. Of the lecyinge of forfettes to be payed.

ffurthermore it ys agreed vpon, that the Warden and Pitansiarie, with the Stuarde, or oon of them, shall levye or may, shall raise or may, thos aforsaid forfaites of whosoeu' offendeth, and thos forfaites we will shalbe imployed to the comons of that weke in wch the offence ys comitted, yf the some of that forfaite excede not iijs iiijd, but yf it doo excede that some, we will and ordayne then that the Warden receue that forfeture, and make therof a iuste rekninge in his account. Wch forfeturs aforesaid we will shalbe raised by the hands of the Pitansiary of the obetts, and other distributions payed by hym whatsoeu' they be: and yf thes distributions to be receued by the Pitansiary be not sufficient to answer the forfayts, then we will that recourse be had by the forsaide Warden to his owne benefit. Morouer, we ordayne that whosoeu' so offendinge doo shewe hymselfe rebellious, vnwillinge, or obstinate in the payment of this forfeite, shall for the firste weke (after that it apeareth playnly that he ys froward what tyme payment ys to be made) be punished in vjd, for the seconde in xijd, and for the thirde in xxd.

§ XXVI. De convocacione Minorum Canonicorum.

Item, statutum est quod omnes et singuli Minores Canonici conveniant certa hora in aulam communem vel alium communem locum honestum eis per Custodem vel Pitanciarium nomine ejus assignandum, ad consilium generale super certis negociis Collegium antedictum concernentibus, quociens opus fuerit, sub pena iiij d. pro prima vice, pro secunda contumacia viij d., pro tercia xij d., et sic crescente malicia crescet et pena, cessante justo et probabili impedimento.

§ XXVI. Of the calinge together of the Peticanons and of the forfaictures for not com'ing.

Also it ys sett downe to be obserued that all and euery of the Petiecanons shall come together at a certayne houre into the comon haule, or into sum other comon and honest place appoynted vnto them by the Warden, or by the Pitanciary in his name, to a generale councell, as touchinge certayn businesses cōcerninge the forsaid Colledge, as often as nede shall requyre, vnder the payne of losinge iiijd for the first tyme, for the second disobedience viijd, for the thirde xijd, and as the falte increaseth so let the punishment, vntill a laufull and probable impediment do make a stay thereof.

§ XXVII. De Statutis legendis.

Item, ordinatum est quod omnes et singuli Minores Canonici antedicti simul conveniant quater vel ad minus bis, aut semel in quolibet anno, secundum assignacionem Custodis, ad audiendum eorum statuta et ordinaciones lecta in aula communi dicti Collegii, ne se excusent per ignoranciam dictorum statutorum, et ibidem per aliquem de dicto Collegio ad hoc a Custode deputatum distincte et aperte legantur, quibus diligenter omnes attendant sine strepitu, se a dissolucionibus abstinentes, sub pena ij d.

§ XXVII. Of the readinge of the Statutes.

Also, it ys ordayned that all and singuler the Peticanons aforsaide shall come together fower tyms, or els twyce, or at the least oonce, in eu'y yeare, at suche tym as the Warden shall appoynt, to heare the statutes and ordinances redd in the comon haule of there said Colledge, lest that they excuse them selues by the ignorance of the statutes aforsaide: and there they shall be redd distinctly and playnly by som' oon of the said Colledge appoynted ther unto by the Warden, vnto the wch statutes eu'ry mā shall geue diligent heede, abstayninge them selues from dissolutnes in behaviour, as shoflinge with there feete, vpon payne of the loss of ijd.

§ XXVIII. De libris accomodandis dictis confratribus.

Item, concordatum est quod si aliquis de dictis Minoribus Canonicis voluerit habere unum librum mutuo de librario communi, dictus mutuans accedat ad Custodem seu Magistrum dictorum Minorum Canonicorum, et tradat sibi unam cedulam proprio sigillo sigillatam, continentem proprium nomen libri et nomen illius librum mutuo recipientis, in testimonium hujus libri vel librorum sic mutuo recepti vel receptorum, et continentem eciam in se terminum per dictum Custodem limitatum. Et si istud observare neclexerit vel non custodierit, puniatur pro primo lapsu termini iiij d., et sic crescente malicia crescat et pena.

§ XXVIII. Of the lendinge of bookes to the said brethren.

In lyke maner it ys agreed vpon, that yf any of the saide Peticanons will borowe any oon booke owt of the com'on Librarie, the said borower shall come vnto the Master or Warden of the said Peticanons, and deliu' unto hym a bill sealed wth his owne seale, contayninge both the proper name of the booke, and his name also that boroweth it, with the tyme therin of the lone therof limited by the Warden, for a testimony of the recept of this booke or bookes in such sorte. And yf he neglecte this to doo, and will refuse the obseruation of this statute in this forme, he shalbe punished for the firste bretche of tyme in iiijd, and as the falte increseth euen so let the punishment.

§ XXIX. Quod nullus sibi sumat aliqua utensilia absque licencia.

Item, ordinatum est quod nullus dictorum Minorum Canonicorum auctoritate propria et sine licencia Custodis ciphum argenteum, aut murreum, vel masereum, coclear, mappas, tuella, vel aliqua alia de rebus mobilibus alienet, seu ad usum suum accipiat in cameram suam aut alium locum, quacumque ex causa, sine licencia Custodis locumve suum tenentis, sub pena j d. Item, ordinatum est quod dictus Custos assignet sibi terminum ad reportandum hujus accommodatum, quod si non fecerit, puniatur iiij d. Item, quod nulla vasa utensilia liberentur per Custodem alicui dicte Societatis, nec sumantur ab aliquo eorundem, nisi sub certo intersigno sive pignore habito inter Custodem seu servientem communem et ipsum qui hoc mutuo receperit, propter oblivionem seu amissionem, sub pena valoris eorundem in casu quo sunt deperdita.

§ XXIX. That no man do take any necessary implemente of owr howse to his use, wthowt leave.

Morouer, it ys ordayned that nō of the aforenamed Peticanons of his owne auctoritie, and wthout leaue of the Warden or of hym that occupieth his place, may take into his chamber, or into any other place, for what cause soeu' it be, any siluer cuppe, mascr, spone, napkins, towelles, nor any other of the mouables, or may alienate and take them to his own vse, vnder payne of losinge a peny. In lyke sorte it ys appoynted, that the said Warden shall assigne vnto the borower a tyme to bringe againe the thinge or thinges borowed, whiche tym yf he shall not obserue, let hym be punished in iiijd. ffurthermore it ys also prouided, that no vessel of necessary use be deliu'ed by the Warden to any of the said societie, or receued of any of them, but vnder a certayne signe or pledge had betwene the Warden or comune seruant and hym that hath borowed the thinge, because of forgetting or losing the same, vnder the payne of forferinge the value of them euen in that case as yf they were lost.

§ XXX. De ffocalibus privatorum coquine communi restituendis.

Item, concordatum est quod si aliquis memorati Collegii voluit habere carnes, vel pisces, seu quecumque alia comestibilia cocta, assata, seu pista in communi coquina, ultra communem cursum vel commune servicium in aulam pro se ipso vel amicis suis in domum suam seu alibi deportando, aut inveniet focalia de propriis, vel solvet cadem septimana Custodi predicto pro hujusmodi focalibus in ea parte impositis, secundum bonam et discretam estimacionem dicti Custodis et servientis Collegii antedicti.

§ XXX. Of the restoringe of priuat men's fuell to the comon kitchin.

Also, it ys agreed vpon that yf any of the aforenamed Colledge will haue ether fleshe, fishe, or any other meates to be sodd, rosted, or baked, in or comon kitchen for hym selfe or his frendes besydes the comon course or vsuall seruice into our haule, whether the same be brought into his house, or elswheare: he shall fynd fuell of his owne coste, or els pay the same weke to the said Warden for suche fuell after this sorte imployed, accordinge to the good and discrete estimation of the Warden and Colledge seruante aforsaid.

§ XXXI. De nostris Servis Communibus.

Item, statutum est quod nullus ex dictis Minoribus Canonicis communes servientes verberare presumat aut percutere, nec eisdem crebras et injustas minas aut verba contumeliosa inferat, unde eosdem aut eorum aliquem officium ministerii sui relinquere faciat, et sic per hoc communitas nostra de servitoribus destituatur, sub pena xij d. Et super hiis omnibus conqueratur Magistro nostri Collegii predicti, si quid ei displicere in illis forte contigerit.

§ XXXI. Of or Comon Seruantes.

ffurther, it ys sett doune to be obserued, that nō of the said Peticanons do prsume ether to stryke or to beate the comon seruantes, nether to raise vp agaynst them often and vniust thretninges, or iniurious wordes tendinge to stryfe and contention, whereby they or any of them might be caused to leaue his office of s'vinge, and so by this meanes or commons to be lefte destitut of srvitors, vnder payne of losinge xijd: but let hym complayne of them to the Warden of the said Colledge, yf they shall happen to displease hym any way.

§ XXXII. De fidelitate et onere communium serviencium nostrorum.

Item, volumus quod nostri communes servientes in prima admissione sua per Magistrum Collegii nostri firmiter onerentur et fidelitatem promittant, quod ante omnia alia servicia alicui homini reddenda communitati nostre fideliter deserviant; bona nostra que sunt in eorum custodia fideliter et utiliter conservabunt ad nostram communem utilitatem; secreta nostra nunquam alicui revelabunt; utilitatem omnium nostrum et singulorum in quantum possunt procurabunt; ac eciam quecunque mala pericula nobis in generali vel speciali imminere noverint, et nos inde protinus premonebunt, nec contra quemcunque consocium nostrum cum violentia insurgant aut arma inferant; neque verba indecentia in aliquem nostrum proferant; sub pena perdendi sua servicia et stipendia tunc illis debita, quociens in hac parte culpabiles inveniantur.

§ XXXII. Of the faithfulnes and charge of owr comon Seruantes.

In lyke sorte it ys decreed that or comō seruantes, in ther first admission by the Warden of owr Colledge, be straightly bownde and charged, and do promise vpon there fidelitie, that before all other seruice to be rendered to any other man, they will faithfully serue owr societie, and shall profitably and faithfully kepe and p'serue or goods that are in there custodie to owr comon profitt and vlitillie, (fn. 10) they shall also at no tyme reuele owr secrettes to any man, they shall procure as muche as lyeth in them the profit and commoditie of vs all in co'mon, and of eu'y man pryvatly; and whatsoeu' euell or perrill they shall knowe to drawe neare vs all, or any oon, they shall owt of hande forwarne vs thereof: nether shall they violently ryse agaynst any of or fellowes, nor lay hande on weapon to any such end. Nor they shall not shute forth any vncumly or vnsemly word agaynst any of vs, vnder the payne of losinge there service and there wagis then due vnto them, as often as they shalbe fownde culpable hearin.

§ XXXIII. De custodia Thesaurarie et clavibus.

Item, statutum est quod camera illa versus occidentem, nostre aule communi contigua, sit et habeatur pro Thesauraria dicti Collegii; cujus clavem custodiat Magister dicti Collegii quicumque pro tempore existens: et in eadem camera sit una cista tribus clavibus obserata, in qua munimenta et thesaurus dicti Collegii quecumque reponantur: et una pixis in qua sigillum commune dicti Collegii custodiatur. Cujus ciste Pitanciarius unam clavem, et duo alii fide digniores et provectiores socii ad hoc per Custodem electi duas alias claves custodiant. Dicte vero pixidis tres eciam sint claves, quarum unam ferat et servet Custos, et duas alias custodiant duo alii fide digniores Minores Canonici, ad hoc per Costodem industrialiter electi. Nec aliquis eoruj clavem suam alteri tradat seu libert sine magna causa, sed fideliter penes se conservet: nec dicta pixis aut cista unquam aperiatur non presentibus omnibus supradictis.

§ XXXIII. Of the Tresure Howse, the Chest, and the Box for ye Two Seales, and the Keyes therof, and to whome they are to be delincered.

Morou', it ys determined that that chamber next adioyninge to the west ende of or comon haule be taken and accounted for the tresure house of the said Colledge, the kay of wch the Master of the said Colledge (whosoeu' he be for the tyme) shall kepe; and in the same chamber there shalbe oon chest, locked with three kayes, wherein the tresure of the said Colledge whatsoeu' shalbe layed vpe, and oon box in whiche the comon seale of the said Colledge shalbe kepte; and of this chest the Pitansiarie shall haue oon kay, and ij other of greater credit and longer continuance in this fellowship, beinge hearunto apoynted by the Warden, shall kepe ij other kayes; and also to this boxe there shall be three kayes, of the wch the Warden shall kepe oon, and ij other Peticanons of trust, chosen hearvnto by the Warden, shall kepe the other ij, nether shall any man of them geue or deliu' his kay to an other without greate cause, but shall faithfully kepe the same hym selfe, nether shall the chest or box be opened at any tyme but in the p'sence of all the said company.

§ XXXIV. De novis emergentibus.

Item, statutum est quod quandocumque aliquid sinistri vel dubii de novo emanaverit aut emerserit, de quo non fit mentio in statutis, tum illud terminetur et ordinetur semper per Custodem et majorem et saniorem partem communitatis, quociens opus fuerit in hac parte.

§ XXXIV. Of Doutes nuly arysinge.

ffurthermore it ys to be obserued that when any sinister or doubtfull thinge shall arise, whereof no mention ys made in the Statutes, then shall that be determined and ended alway by the Warden, and by the greater and wiser sorte of the company, as often as it shalbe nedfull in this matter.

§ XXXV. De Juniore Cardinale.

Nota, quod consuetudo est et fuit semper, a tempore cujus memoria non existit, quod Junior Cardinalis in Ecclesia Cathedrali Sancti Pauli Londinensi pro tempore existens visitet infirmos semper ut moris est, et sacramenta eisdem ministret quotiens opus fuerit, sive sit sua septimana sive non.

§ XXXV. Of the Junior Cardinale.

Note, that it ys and hath byn a custome alway, yea, euen tyme oute of mynde, that the Junior Cardinale in the Cathedrale Churche of St. Paule in london for that tyme beinge doo continually visit the sicke as the maner ys, and minister the sacramentes vnto them, as often as shalbe nedfull, whether it be in his weke or no.

§ XXXVI. De dispensacione cum Elemosinario.

Item, notandum est quod anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo primo, Johannes Palmer Magister sive Custos et omnes alii socii hujus Collegii tunc existentes, unanimiter pro se et successoribus suis, dispensaverunt cum Thoma Hykman Minore Canonico et Elemosinario, quod ille, existens hic integer comminarius, habebit unum honestum sacerdotem extraneum, a Custode et majore parte comitive primitus approbatum, hic inter Minores Canonicos in mensa quotidie commensalem in absentia sua semper, quamdiu Elemosinarius fuerit, ad suum commodum quantum inter eos conventum fuerit. Et concessum est in eodem consilio atque conclusum, quod omnes et singuli Minores Canonici qui erunt Elemosinarii in futuro, habebunt et gaudebunt eodem privilegio et dispensatione, non obstantibus ordinationibus et statutis quibuscumque hujus Collegii in contrarium editis aut factis.

§ XXXVI. Of the Dispensacion wth the Amner.

In lyke maner it ys to be noted, that in the yeare of or Lorde 1521, John' Palmer Mr or Warden, and all the reste of the fellowes of this Colledge then beinge, wth oon consente for them selues and there successors, haue dispensed wth Thomas Hikeman Peticanon and Amner, (fn. 11) that he beinge heare whole cominer, shall haue oon honest preste althoughe a stranger (beinge alowed or approued of the Warden and greater part of the Company) heare emonge the Peticanons dayly at ther table as a cominer in his absence, and that for eu', euen as longe as he shalbe Amner, and to his comoditie as muche as may be agreed vpon emonge them. And it ys graunted and concluded in the same councell, that all and euery Peticanon wch shalbe Amneur hearafter, shall haue and enioy the same privilege and dispensacion, no statutes and ordinances of this Colledge, whatsoeu' they be, made to the contrary hinderinge.

§ XXXVII. De redditibus per Gotham datis.

Item, notandum est quod anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo decimo nono Johannes Gotham, quondam Minor Canonicus et Senior Cardinalis, dedit huic Collegio duos annuos quietos redditus perpetuos: unum de xxvj s. viij d. solutum annuatim per Magistrum et Gardianos Artis le Pewterers London ad quatuor anni terminos; et alium de xxj s. viij d. solutum annuatim per Magistrum et Gardianos Artis le Haburdasshers ad duo festa anni; ut latius patet in duabus chartis inde singulariter confectis et communibus sigillis earundem Artium sigillatis, ac supra in Thesauraria hujus Collegii repositis et reservatis: et multa alia bona pie contulit huic Collegio, ut apparet in quadam tabula in promptuario pendente inde confecta.

§ XXXVII. Of rentes or reuenues geue' vnto us by Mr. Goth'm.

Also, it ys to be remembred and noted, that in the yeare of our Lord 1519, John' Gotham, somtyme Peticanon and Senior Cardinale, gaue to the Colledge ij yearly rentes, to be quietly enioyed for eu', the oon of xxvjs viijd to be payed yearly by the Master and Wardens of the Crafte of Pewterrers in London at iiij tearmes of the yeare; and an other of xxs (fn. 12), payed yearly by the Master and Wardens of the Crafte of Habberdasshers at ij feastes of the yeare, as apereth more largly in ij rowles made for the same purpose, and sealed with the comon seales of thos Craftes or Artes, and morouer layed vp and kept in the tresury of this Colledge; and many other good giftes hath he godlyly bestowed vpon this Colledge, as apereth in a certayne table hanginge in the Buttery, made therfore.

§ XXXVIII. De novis auleis.

Item, notandum est quod anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo Robertus Aslyn, Minor Canonicus et Sub-decanus, sumptibus suis propriis emit et dedit huic Collegio illa nova aulea que in estate pendent et pendere debent in aula nostra communi, intexta et facta de opere tapstrio, insterticiis et spaciis rubris et albis distincta, cum floribus, et bestiis, et avibus.

§ XXXVIII. Of nue furniture for the Haule.

In lyke sort it ys to be noted, that in the yeare of owr Lord 1520 Roberte Aslyn Peticanon and Subdeane, at his owne proper costes and charges, hath bought and geuen to this Colledge that nue furniture whiche hange and shold hange for the somer tyme in or comon haule, beinge wouen and made of tapistry worke distinguished wth spaces of redd and whyte, wth flowers, beastes, and birdes.



  • 1. Printed from two ancient Manuscripts in the possession of the Minor Canons.
  • 2. Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of York, translated to Canterbury by papal provision; the bull was dated 25 Sept. 1396. In the second year of his translation he was attainted of high treason: whereupon the Pope removed him to S. Andrew's.
  • 3. Robert Braybrooke, Bishop of London 1381–1404.
  • 4. There is an erasure here extending over a page and a quarter; the English version of the Statutes, however, does not indicate that any words have been omitted. The scribe, though a skilful writer, seems more than once to have repeated a sentence, thus necessitating an erasure.
  • 5. Socium: sic, probably for societatem.
  • 6. Here is an erasure extending over seventeen lines; but the English translation presents no lacuna. It will be observed that in the index (see Table of Contents, p. 329, supra) this Statute is cited as De tonsura et gestu, &c., though, in its present form, it contains no reference to the tonsure.
  • 7. Back house, i.e. Bake house.
  • 8. These words, taken from Sallust, Bellum Jugurthinum, cap. 10, seem to have passed into a proverbial saying. On the title-page of Confessio Catholica Fidei Christiana . . . Petrikoviœ (8° Antwerp, 1553) is the sentence "Res parvæ crescunt concordia." Concordia res parvœ crescunt is the motto of the Merchant Taylors' Company.
  • 9. The three modes of canoniacal election as prescribed in the twenty-fourth Canon of the fourth Lateran Council. See Boehmer Corpus Juris Canonici: Extra: De Electione: Cap. Quia propter. Decretal. Greg. IX. lib. i. cap. xlii. vol. ii. col. 71.
  • 10. Sic, i.e. vtilitie.
  • 11. Amner, i.e. Almoner.
  • 12. Originally, xxj s. viij d. had been inserted here, as in the Latin, but this is altered in the English translation to xx s.