Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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October 1695
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October 1. Tuesday, Cottrell dressed me at 10. Huson was with me about accounts; in the evening came Deane & 2 others about hops; also Dutton Leavelooker; it was refered to the next day at the Penthouse; one Simpson (a Minister) brought Mainwaring & me a token from Alderman Dashwood, stayd 1/2 houer with us 2. Wednesday, Cottrell dressed me at 10. Bennet came to me about Mrs gardener's & Parsons money; I went to the Penthouse at 12 (we refered the hops businesse to the law interl) retorned at 2. Parsons came to see me but stayd not; them Claxon about the roofe of the Shambles; Mainwaring went early to Namptwich; Bostock & carter came about mason's work; Johnson came after supper.
3. Thursday, Cottrell dressed me past 10. Morgan came to see me; went to Flint; Treasurer came about the money due to Ratford (the almesman) deceased; White the plummer about the gutters at the Shambles; Jones for leave to beate for volentiers for Colonel George's Regiment. Cottrell let my daughter Mainwaring blood today; Samuel Jones & sister Lloyd dined with us; Gills & Bowker came past 2 about the work at Bechin; Mainwaring retorned about 6. Robington, Knight & another came past 6 about the wood at Bechin; Hurlestone sent me a hare; I had a roundlet of wine from James Mainwaring; Johnson & James Mainwaring came after supper; went before 10.
4. Friday, Cottrell dressed me past 10. Houseman went to Bechin (with Knight &c.) past 11 & Nixon & Anne to Peele; James Mainwaring brought the accounts of the receipts & disbursements for the new Hall & Shambles; 2 Mrs Davyes & sister Syidney dined with us; Crosse came after to see me, one of the widows was maried, he had order to remove her & put the other in who I had promised; (Holland & Danald presented Hanley about making him free interl); at 7 came Hand, 2 Sheriffs, Deane; also Fletcher, 3 other masons, White, Claxon; we discoursed of our buildings &c. Houseman stayd out all night.
5. Satorday, Cottrell dressed me past 10. Chatwick trimmd me; Huson came about 11; also about 4. I went to the Penthouse; about 12 retorned before 2. Attorney Minshall, Streete, Lloyd, Edwards, Sheriffe, Cumberbach, Adams, Sidney dined with us; went about 4. I had a bill from Salmon for 200 li.
another from Bonham for 200 li. I am to pay them the money on demand; Lloyd of Placemadock was with me about cordwood but we made no new agreement.
6. Sonday, was not at church; Cottrell dressed me before 10. William Mainwaring, 2 Minshall, Price dined with me; pas 4 Sir Robert Cotton came to see me; Johnson after supper &c Houseman went to Peele past 11. retorned about 7.
7. Monday, Cottrell dressed me about 10. the woman of the Barrill Well & her sister came about the place & apartement in the almeshouse. before 12 I went to the Hall, stayd there till 3. went then to the Penthouse to see the Bull Bayte; came home before 5. Streete. Lloyd, Edwards, Minshall, Adams, dined with us; Bostock & Halmarsh was with me in the morning; Halmarsh told me how Raph Llee threatened him & his servants assaulted him as he went home about 7. .
8. Tuesday, Cottrell dressed me past 10. Crosse came about the businesse of the almeshouses. the Judges, Lord Warington, Sir William Williams, severall lawyers, Bellot, Warnburton, Minshall &c. dined with us; went about 4. about 6 I went to the Penthouse; then with the Aldermen to waite on the Judges; retorned at 8. visited widow Mainwaring; came home; Johnson came, stayed not long; then Huson came.
9. Wednesday, Cottrell dressed me past 11. Johnson & Treasurer were with me about Citty concernes; also the Swordbearer &c. Coxon sent a leane deere from Shotwick; another came from Frodesley by the keeper's sonne; Purcell came with him; Morgan went early to the Audit at Denbigh. Huson (about 1 of the clock) after him; Lady Glen & sister and sister Lloyd dined with us; cosen Leigh Denson came (past 6) to borrow 100 li.; I could not help him; Houseman out all night.
10. Thursday, Cottrell dressed me at 10. Johnson & James Mainwaring were with me. I gave the last a bill on Massey for to receive 200 li. for me. 5 people came from Boughton to complaine of Mr Purtis (servant to Lord Macclesfield) for breaking theire windows; I sent Brock to desire him to satisfy them (which he promised to do) or to appeare at the Penthouse a 5 a clock to answer the misdemeaner; Burrows & Quick were with me about enterteyning freemen at theire houses, in order to the election; Pickmore & his attorney were with me about Rogers debt; I defered them till Huson's retorne next week; Johnson was with me in the evening; after supper & James Mainwaring; after them came Lawton with Mainwaring; then Roger & James Mainwaring agen; they stayd till 1/2 houer past 10. Purcell retorned to Frodesley. we met at the Penthouse past 6 about choosing the Mayor.
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October 11. Friday, Johnson was with me before 10. Cottrell dressed me after. Powell came from Frodesley; made a proposal about buying the estate (but not Chadwell) or marrying his son to Rogers daughter; Waite of Manchester was with me about the Roughfield businesse; I went to the Penthouse at 12 about choosing the Mayor; then to the Hall about 1; I was chose Mayor againe (the 4th tyme) other officers were chose; I came home to diner about 3. the Aldermen. Sheriffs, Leavelookers. Treasurers, Coroners with me; Hawton, Minshall, Ely &c. also dined with us; about 5 came Lawton (Morgan, Jackson &c,interl).& 2 others;; after they were gone Price stayd not long; Jones complained of Bradshaw for not quartering his sodyers; he was sent for & admonished to quarter them according to law; Broster came with Morgan; was with me at 8.
12. Satorday, barber trimmd me, James Mainwaring & Adams came about an affidavit; I went to the Penthouse at 12; then to visit the Butchers & Shambles; retorned to the Penthouse, sent for the Aldermen, Stewards, Selsby, Shales & other Butchers to carry fayre with the contrey butchers without any interruption & to offer the company standins in the Shambles (if they pleased) paying for them; I came home about 2. no company dined with me; Broster went back (with Morgan) to Dyssart & the audit at Conway; Griffith & the brewer came from Peele (Thomas interl) Morgan sent me a bill on Jues for 50 li. on Mouson's account.
13. Sonday, I was at church; Aldermen, Sheriffs &c. with me (some of interl) the Aldermen's wifes dined with us (they were all invited, according to custome) 2 Minshalls, (Hardware interl), Ely also dined with us; parted about 2. garde ner & Smith came from Peele; went from me before 3.
14. Monday, Johnson was with me about 11. Roger; Minshall brought me a foule-draught of an answer to Shepeards Bill; dined with us; went soone after; Sidney & cosen Llee dined with us; after diner came Angell & sister; also Johnson & his ship carpenter about taking a lease at Shotwick; Crosse & a stranger about getting his fredome at Chester &c. Adams, Macebearer were also with me, Cottrell was out of towne last night; dressed me about 4. I sent Sir John Foche 6 bills (value 850 li.) by this days post to receive for me ; I went past 5 to the Penthouse; the comitte met; afterwards the Treasurers gave us some wine to drink the King's health & rejoice for his safe retorne to England; I came home at 8; we had account of the dissolution of Parliament; & another called; Johnson & Deane came before 9 & stayd with me till 10.
15. Tuesday, Cottrell dressed me before 10. Buckley & 2 other Linendrapers came to desire me send to Radford (theire alderman) to call the company which he promised to doe; I sent the Porter; he promised agen to doe it &c. I sent for Kinaston to discourse of Sir William Williams standing for our member for Parliament; Bostock & carter came about the mason's work; then Fletcher about placing the stayres; Leavelooker Bingley's sonnes & Wayne came with the brawne; I took manna this morning at 9. past 6 Walton, Allison & Hacket came to visit me; they spoke for a widow to be put into the almeshouse if any vacancy happens in my tyme; they desired my opinion for election of members of Parliament; offerd me theire votes; I recommended Sir William Williams & Sir John Mainwaring; they desired Jones the butler might draw a barrill of ale which I promised; Johnson came after supper but stayd not.
16. Wednesday, I sent for Pemberton about the words that Frances spake against the King; the Deputy Recorder & Kinaston came about the election of Parliament men; Cottrell's man dressed me about 12. Adams came, stayd not; cosen Ravenscroft sent his man with a letter for my votes to choose him Burgesse of Flint. I told his man I know no tenents I had that were freemen; I had passed all over to my sonne nor did I know what engagements were betwixt my sonne; Sir Roger Puleston or Sir John Conway ; I spoke with Morgan about it, he might know further from him; Bostock was with me about accounts of the mason's work; I told him we would this night appraise 2 or 3 of the comitte to examine the accounts & also settled the differences with Fletcher &c. I went to the Penthouse past 5. ordered our businesse. about 8 went to the Ship with the Recorder, Deputy Recorder, Deane, Cumberbach, Bolland, Kinaston; I left them past 9.
17. Thursday, Cottrells man dressed me past 10. Johnson & Holland came to me about the election. Sparks & 2 Radfords about the Linen drapers company; an attorney about Mr Stockdales lease from the Citty; Crosse about the almeshouses; brother Peters sonne dined with us; after diner Davyes & White about the front of the Shambles; Wayne about brawne; the Swordbearer to tell me that Sir Thomas Grosvenor reports that he & I were agreed about the election, I answered that I knew nothing of it; had neither sene, sent to him or received any message from him about this.
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October. 17, about 5 the Macebearer told me he had summoned the aldermen to be at the Assembly to morrow as Sir Thomas Grosvenor sent him word by his servant that he would wayte on the Mayor tomorrow; soone after Johnson came & told me (that Sir Thomas crossed out) that the discourse over the towne was that Sir Thomas & I were agreed & that he would onely oppose Sir William Williams; then came Major Hickman about 7 from Sir Thomas to let me know he intended to stand for Parlement man; that he found there were many frinds would be for me; that he would not oppose me, onely would oppose Sir William Williams; I desired him to thank Sir Thomas for his civility to me; that all I could say (at present) was that when Sir William was in towne I promised him my vote which I could not recede from; but I had not the vanity to pretend to. nor to think, I could dispose of others who were equally free with myselfe; but all must be left as theire inclinations or interests led them; soe we parted; 3 Linendrapers came agen to me this night to complaine againe of the aldermen of theire company; I told them I could not take upon me (by my self) to determine the differences of the company; but on Satorday (when we met at the Penthouse with the other aldermen we would heare both partyes & endeavor to compose the businesse); Nixon went to Peele (about 7) for provision for to morrow & Houseman went about 12 to Kelsall Court; stayd out all night; about 6 came Recorder, Kinaston & Johnson about the election.
18. Friday, (Cottrell dressed me past 11 interl) retorned after 2. Sir Roger Puleston came to the Penthouse (Luke Lloyd & Morgan with him) to desire my interest for him at Flint; they dined with me; also the Recorder, Streete. Lloyd, Edwards, Sheriffs &c. in the evening Recorder, Kinaston & Johnson came agen about the election; after came Allen & 2 Bennets; offered to choose me without pole or expence if I would quit Sir William Williams &c. Hughson went home at night.
19. Satorday, Cottrell dressed me past 10 (Angell was with interl). I went to the Penthouse about 12; retorned at 2. Recorder, Deane, Johnson, Cumberbach, Adams dined with me; Swordbearer brought a butcher for refusing to pay for his standing the Shambles; the Stewards brought another butcher and seised his meate for selling after 3 a clock, Stewards of the Bakers came for the sample of the corne; Recorder & Kinaston came about 7 to tell me Sir William Williams might be chose in Anglesey; Roger dined with us but went agen soone after diner.
20. Sonday, was not at church; Cottrell dressed me about 10. Mainwaring went to Sir William Aston's to meete Lord Rivers; Morgan came after diner; Colonel Williams, Recorder, Kinaston came in the evening; Johnson came after supper; Houseman went to Peele; retorned at night; Norbery was with me about the Courts in Werrall; Taylor about Horton's lease.
21. Monday, Johnson was with me before 9, I was in bed; he stayd above 1/2 houer; Cottrell dressed me past 10; Streete came; stayd not; I went to the Court; retorned before 2. Mainwaring retorned from Aston. Johnson, Sheriffs, Comberbach, Hand, (James Mainwaring interl) Hardware &c. dined with us; after diner came Bryan Bolland, then Mathew Browne & Bostock; then Wayne. Charles Griffith was with me in the morning; about 7 came Colonel Williams, Recorder, Kinaston, Johnson; parted about 9. I visited widow Mainwaring about 2 22. Tuesday, Cottrell dressed me at 10. Angell came to Betty Whitley, Fletcher about money; Johnson, Cratchley, Murray & Swordbearer about the election for Parliament &c;. 2 sisters & Morgan dined with us; then came Gerard & his sonne to make him free, he promised not to vote in the next election; past 6 the Recorder, Deane, Cratchley, Murray & Johnson came to me to see Sir William Williams last letter about an ajouernement of the Court, I gave the letter to the Sheriffe; they went before 7. before 9 Kinaston, Bruckley. Halmarsh (who was sent on Friday to Lord Derby for the writt) came & brought them to me; Halmarsh sayd my Lord received them about 10 or 11 on Sonday night but did not give then to him till about (or past ) that time on Monday night; but if he had received them (soone after my Lord had them) he might have bin here on Monday before 10 of the clock in tyme enough to have had them opened in the Court (that being the County Court day) & to have proceeded to an election (by agreement) to the next day.
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October 23. Wednesday, Cottrell dressed me about 11. Huson, Pickmore & Rolles came about Pickmare's businesse. It is agreed to settle it by theire going to Frodesley on the 2nd of November. Houseman & Huson came back from Soughall last night.
24. Thursday, Cottrell dressed me about 11. the Recorder, Cratchley & Kinaston were with me to send Morgan & Houseman to meete them in Northgate Streete but they were pr[eviusly] engaged. after diner Houseman came with Taylor & Huson &c. to seale the lease of Cottonhook &c.; Morgan came & told me he was to meete Mercer in the evening; White & Fletcher were with me about the Hall, Houseman went with them to make them & other workmen drink at Gawther's; Sir Thomas Grosvenor came about 6 with Wilson, 2 Bennets & Partington; he sayd purposely to towne, to let me know he had no hand in the pr[e]sent of some people to put up Cooper & Johnson to be chosen members for the Citty; then came Mainwaring; then Allen & Hilton; they drank, eate venison &c. all parted past 8. then came Johnson, Cratchley & Bolland, dranck, took a pipe, went past 9.
25. Friday, the Linendrapers came (with theire books) about the company's concernes, then the Bishop to discourse about the composing differences amongst us about the election for Parliament. Johnson came about the election; Cottrell dressed me about 12; Horton dined with us. went before 3. James Mainwaring came about 9. talked of the election; stayd not long.
26. Satorday, Cottrell dressed me; Chadwick trimmd me; the Recorder & Johnson came about 12; stayd not. I went with daughter & cosen Mainwaring through the Shambles; then to the Penthouse; home about 2. Streete, Lloyd, Comberbach, Morgan, Roger, Mainwaring, Richard Hughes dined with us; after diner we had some complaints of breach of the peace; we made them frinds. Minshall of Bechin & his wife came before 5, stayd awhile; Griffith came from Peele; & carterson about money due to him for cutting & working at Bechin.
27. Sonday, I was not at church; Cottrells (man interl) dressed me; Minshall & his wife dined with me; past 4 I went towards the Glassehouse to take the ayre; in my return called at Lady Bellots, sister Whitley's & cosen Ravenscrofts; but did not goe in.
28. Monday, Cottrell dressed me past[blank].Fletcher & White were with me about the doores & windows for the Hall; Adams, Swordbearer & Macebearer to summon the comitte at 5. in the evening Johnson came to me, would not come to the Penthouse; thither I went before 6. Nat. Llee & cosen Ravenscroft came to me as I was going; I & Mainwaring went to them, to the Ship. Payne was with them, I left them past 8. Houseman went to Peele, retorned at night.
29. Tuesday, Adams was with me; about 12 Cottrells man dressed me; then came the 2 Treasurers, Kinaston & Foulks; we discoursed long about the election businesse; I stuck to my point. Morgan & Sidney dined with us; past 3 Chadwick drew my tooth; about 6 came Sheriff, Morgan & Sidney; I went to the Penthouse at 12. retorned before 2. Hickman, his wife, Johnson, 2 Sheriffs, James Mainwaring, Roger, Mainwaring dined with us; Bolland (came with interl) Wright about renewing a lease at Kelsall; I gave Larden Harrisons bond, the money being payed; Bowker. Carterson & Gill were payed off what was due to them; Huson came to me past 7 with Deane Fogge & Gardner's bond (being payed).
31. Thursday, Mainwaring went at 9 to dine with Lord Rivers; Cottrell dressed me past 11. Robinson came to me about painting of the heads at the Shambles; the Macebearer about going to the Great Church on the 5th of November with the companys & Almesmen & notice be given accordingly; about 7 Taylor came & shewed me a letter from Waite about further proceedings about the Roughfield &c. then came Prinket with a subpena to appeare at a Comitte in the morning betwixt Lord Warrington & Mr Cecill Booth; Morgan & Sidney dined with us; after diner came Hickman & a Captaine & another officer of Colonel Beaumont's regiment & went presently; then Mathew Broune, but stayd not, then Recorder & Johnson but stayd not; James Mainwaring came past 8 with my accounts & the copy about the Hall, which he left with me; Mainwaring retorned from Lord Rivers; Huson stayd at Shotwick all night [fo. 196v] 95 November 1. Friday, Cottrell dressed me past 11. Mainwaring went to dine at Newton; Norman came to borrow money; Houseman retorned from Shotwick; Denson came past 12 about making his house an Inne; 3 of the Booksetters & Glasiers company came a warrant against some refractory members. I refered to the meeting at the Penthouse; Finchet & 2 Wrights came about renewing Wrights lease at Kelsall; sister Lloyd dined with us; Alderman Allen came to tell me Sir Thomas Grosvenor had given him order to pay a 100 li. for that; Johnson & Murray came to tell me the same; Huson came about his journey tomorrow to Frodesley; past 3 I went to Lord Warrington's commission at Gerards; thence I went to the new Hall; there I met Jones & Mercer & Alderman Bennet &c. James Mainwaring; came home with me; I went with him to see his mother then home. 1/2 houer past 5 my daughter & I went to Newton; retorned past 6. past 7 Gibbons came to me about making his servant free. would have some abatement to his fees; proposed to deferre it till Sir William Williams came; Grifftth brought hay from Peele; Gill came & retorned at night.