Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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March 1697
March 1. Monday, Mowson came about a way to his house; dined with me; Kenyon & Hughes dined in the Hall. Huson came & dined in the buttry; Ince trimmd me; Whitby & his unkle came past 4. had a lease signed; daughter &c. went to visit Mrs Bruen; I sent my cart to Chester with hay, also Nixon the gardner.
2. Tuesday, Broster went (after Huson) to Northop & Houseman went about 1 to Shotwick; I sent Nixon to the christening of Mr Lee's child; Mr Bruen came to visit me past 3 went before 5. I went out in my coach for an houer; Yong came at 9. stayd 1/2 houer.
3. Wednesday. Huet came about Davyes debt; Nurse Hignet was with me about taking a lease; Hope about ditching; Moses about other work.
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March 4. Thursday, the Recorder, Kinaston, Deane & Holland dined with us; went about 5.
5. Friday, retorned about 10 from Shotwick; Palin came in the afternoone, about Lord Macclesfield. money; cosen Whitley of Aston came past 3. went with Roger to Kents; Morgan came about 7.
6. Satorday, Roger & 2 cosen Whitleys went towards Chester past 10. also Houseman; Lashford dined with us; Houseman stayd out all night 7. Sonday, the yong woemen went to church; Houseman came home past 11.
8. Monday, I sent the cart to Chester for goods then to Shotwick; 2 Deanes dined with us. went before 3. I went out (with daughter) in the coach about 5.
9. Tuesday, Houseman went about 8 towards Shotwick;.Widow Akerley was with me at 11. came agen about 5 with Roger, Rowe & 2 others; they thought it reasonable she should quit my house before May & leave it to the Justices, to provide another for her in Barow or Mouldsworth; the 2 Sheriffs & Comberbach dined with me; went about 5. Jonathan, Moses & Hope were with me about works.
10. Wednesday, I, daughter &c left Peele past 3. came to Chester past 5; had severall visits.
11. Thursday, Roger, Key & sister Lloyd dined with us, after diner came Weddall, then Hand, Cratchley, Johnson &c. to visit us; then the Recorder, Murray &c. then Mr Wright, Captaine Aston, about 6 Huet, 2 Bollands; I went in the evening to waite on the Mayor; he was abRood; Huson was with me.
12. Friday, my daughter took phisick & mall?. Biddolph, Angell, Roger, Sidney dined with us; Pack was with me about servants liveryes; Norbery came about 8, went in 1/2 houer; then I & Roger went to visit Sheriffe Mainwaring; Cratchley came to us, we parted before 10.
13. Satorday, Huson was with me at 10. Jordan came about the building at Shotwick, & Moses about his accounts; I writ today to Mainwaring; the cart retorned from Shotwick about 5. I visited the Mayor, Sheriffe Mainwaring; went with me; there was a stranger there going for Ireland; I went thence to call on Deane; went together to the Recorders, stayd an houer; then home &c. Broster came from Dissart, went to Peele in the evening.
14. Sonday, sister Lloyd dined; I was not at church; Roger & Nixon went to the funerall of Sir Roger Puleston at Gresford; Houseman went to Peele.
15. Monday, sister Sidney & Roger dined with us; Huet & his wife was with me about Davyes debt, I lent them 10 li.; I payd (by Broster) Alderman Johnson's bill; I went to visit him past 5, then visited Mrs Mainwaring; past 8 Deane came to me, then Sheriffe Mainwaring; went past 10. Houseman came back from Peele.
16. Tuesday, Huson & Broster went to Alney; Houseman & Davyes to Shotwick, Brombrow & Leverpoole &c; Pack was with me; had order for the liveryes. Bellot, Aston, widow Mainwaring, her sister & daughter in law dined with us; about 3 came Conway, Davyes & Penant; all went about 4.
17. Wednesday, Deane & Holland dined with us; Booth came after diner & Kerison, all went past 4. past 5 I went to waite on the Bishop; then to Mr Penants to see him & to Sir John Conway; they were all abRood; then to Angells, they were abRood. I sent Nixon to Peele, he retorned by one.
18. Thursday, Adams came to me to signe some papers for Fletcher & with the book of Freemens oathes &c; Morgan called, as he was going to Flint; Alderman Lloyd, his sonne, Huet, Key, Roger & 2 sisters dined with us; after diner came Edwards & shard. all went by 4. Deane came about 7 but stayd not; James Mainwaring came past 8. went at 10. Houseman retorned from Liverpooole. Huson & Broster from Alney &c. old Baxter was with me & told me how he remembers our river, very navigable in former times [fo. 215r] March 19. Friday, Houson was with me an houer; John Bostock to desire the broken pillar & about mason's work at the Hall; Chadwick trimmd me; Angell, Roger, Sidney dined with us; the 2 late Sheriffs, Hand, Kinaston, Murray, Cratchley &c. came about 7, went neare 10.
20. Satorday, I went past 11 to the Penthouse; there was the Mayor, Recorder, Sheriffe Mainwaring, Murray, Cratchley & Starkey; I desired Mr Mayor to goe on with our building; to call the comitte's for carryng on the worke; he sayd he would doe it himselfe, reflecting on what was past &c. I moved him to call an Assembly who onely had the pouer of disposing the Citty's money; he sayd he would doe that at his owne will & pleasure; I moved him to restore the toll he had forced my tenants to pay; he refused it till he had Sir William Williams opinion; the Recorder was of my opinion as to the Hall comittes & Assembly, the Mayor was severe upon him, soe we left him. Robinson came to see me but would not stay diiner; Key dined with me; Richard Hughes came past 2 & Huson; stayd not; in the evening the Recorder & 2 late Sheriffs came & stayd past 8. afar them came Sheriffe Mainwaring. went about 10.
21. Sonday, was not at church. Goldsmith dined with us; Cumberbach came past 1. then Sheriffe Mainwaring, went about 2, Huson was with me about 5; Houseman, Broster, Nixon & Madamoiselle went to Peele; Morgan came past 11. stayd but awhile; Bellot came past 6 to see if I would goe (Ely with him) I excused my selfe, did not see them. James Mainwaring came after supper.
22. Monday, Huson & Baker of Alvy came & stayd awhile; then Johnson & Sheriffe Mainwaring; then Gareneners & Taylor; then Lloyd & Huson (they opened Flints writ interl); all went before 5. I went past 7 to the Forest Streete to visit Thomas Whitley & his wife, lately come from Ireland.
23. Tuesday, Houseman went to Shotwick (& Huson) came back at night; Thomas Whitley & his wife, my neeces in Forest Streete, Angell & my 3 sisters dined with us; at 7 I went into the Forest Streete; met Mr Thomas Bolland; then Nat. Lee went to Mr Bollands; stayd till past 8; then Lea & I went to Mr Bollands; stayd till past 8; then Lea & I went to Jacksons & home at 10.
24. Wednesday, Broster & the brewer came from Peele; Murray & Madocks came to me about Madock's plate in the Mint. Huson was also with me; Sidney dined with us. after diner came Cratchley to visit me; I sent for Cumberbach to speake with the Mayor about our buildings & acting with the comitte; they went 12 past 2. I sent for Mr Deane past 4; he came but stayd not long.
25. Thursday, Burrows, Throp & another came to me to advise them how to get pay for the soldyer's quarters; I promised to doe all I could to help them; Captaine Aston, Nat. Lea, his brother, Jones, Key, Roger, 2 sisters dined with us; went past 3. Huson was with me, stayd not long.
26. Friday, not much company nor businesse.
27. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse; there was the Mayor, Ince, Skeborne, Starkey, Allen; also Lloyd, Murray, Cratchley, Bolland &c. I moved the Mayor agen to call a comitte about our building (but he would not interl) & desired treasurer Allen to pay me the 200 li. the Citty owed me; & told him & the Mayor if they would pay it; I would lent it the Citty & as much more as would pay the quarters &c; but they rejected the motion; I dined at home; Cratchley, Murray, Huet, Bolland with us; after diner came Bellot; stayd not long; Sir John Harmer came to towne; I visited him, about 7 Hugh Grosvenor, Sparks, Lloyd, Morgan, Price & many more with them; I went from him to the Ship; there was Bellot, Murray, Cratchley, &c. we parted about 10.
28. Sonday, daughter, &c. were at church; Houseman went to Peele, came back at night, in the evening Hanmer, Price & another officer came & stayd till about 7. Roger & Nixon went to Peele that night.
29. Monday, Deane was with me, also Sheriffe Mainwaring; they promised to speake with Johnson to acquainte the Mayor of our intended meeting (not as summons but civility & manners) we desired the honour of his company to advise us &c. but if he would not come we would agen acqainte him with our proceedings; I desired to be there with our books; we met at 6 viz:.Hand, Murray, Cratchley, Thomas Bolland & selfe; also Cumberbach told us the Mayor would not come; he had orderd the books & minutes of our late proceedings to be brought to him & refused to send them to us.
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29. we desired (by Cumberbach) he would not proceed in the stone windows till Grosvenor, Mainwaring & Williams (all benefactors of the comitte) were with us in the.assise week; he sayd he would not take the poore masons off theire work but would erect no windows &c. till then, &c. thence I, Hand, Murray, Bolland, Cratchley, Cumberbach &c. went to the Ship, Sheriffe Lloyd came to us, also Parry &c. parted about 10.
30. Tuesday, I hyred [blank] to be under husbandman at [blank] wages; he went with Jonathan & the cart from Chester to Peele; Houseman went about the coopery to Shotwick (Davyes with him) my sisters dined with us. after diner Cratchley came to take leave; then Sheriffe Mainwaring & Deane; I discoursed them about Johnson's not meeting us at the Penthouse, that it was a great discouragement to me, &c. Angell, sister, Mrs Cratchley came to take leave of us; we took coach past 4. called at sister Whitley in the Forest Streete; came to Peele before 7.
31. Wednesday, I sent Broster to Gerard to desire him come give us the Sacrament on Good Friday which he promised; I sent for Lunt to mend the chimneys; Broster hyred [blank] (at 3 li. wages) to be cowman, look to swine, winde water &c.