Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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June 1697
2. Wednesday, I sent my coachman to meete the tenants average=costs at the cole pits; they retorned 4 with 5 load of coales; dined &c. Deane & Mr Harvey dined with us; went past 4. Bostock came to see me at 7. stayd not; Mainwaring eent about 4 to Peover.
3. Thursday, no company or businesse; went with daughter in the evening to take the ayre.
4. Friday, Roger went early (as he sayd) to Aston (but went to Newton interl); Houseman to Shotwick; about 12 came Pemberton, his 2 brothers & Buckley; dined & went past 4. about 2 came Huet his wife, dined with the servants; went about 5.
5 Satorday, I sent Thomas with a letter to Houseman about Palfords money; Ince trimmd me; daughter took phisick; past 6 Bridge came from Mr Bruen about the schoole businesse; I told him I would send my servant to the Parish meeting & would comply with what he thought best for the good of the Parish. Howseman came home at night; & the cart from Shotwick..
6. Sonday, daughter & sister were at church; Harvey went to preach at Chester, retorned at night; there was great thunder & lightening this day; with exraordinary raines; our brooks being higher than was ever known in soe short a time.
7. Monday, Harvey went on his owne businesse to Werrall; Roger retorned at night; soe did Harvey & Mainwaring from Peover &c. Tuttle was out all night..
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June 8. Tuesday, Arnot &c. went to the hopyard. the excise officer came to survey my malt; Houseman payd money to some of Hall's correspondents & Hall left a bill (at Bromleys) for 50 li; Hurlestone's wife, 2 son's, daughter & Mrs Bunbury dined with us, also Angell; he & sister went to Chester about 5. the rest went past 6.
9. Wednesday, Broster went early (with some hyred carts) to the colepits; I had an ill fit; took me before 4 & continued till after 11 when I rose; Roger went to dine at Bunbery's, as I am told; Bellot came about 11 dined with us; went past 7 Roger came about 8.
10. Thursday, about 5 I & daughter took for Chester; came thither past 7. sent my horses to Shotwick; Mainwaring came after us. Deane came to see me past 8. stayd not.
11. Friday, Broster called in his retorne from the colepits; Minshall dined with us & sister Lloyd & Thomas Whitley; Angell & sisters came after diner; then Sam Gerard (I sent for him) then Alderman Johnson; then Huet, his wife, her sonne & Bradborne; I payd 100 li. to Huet &c. on Mr Davyes debt; I took up the bonds; then Craughton came to see me; past 6 came Mainwaring, Deane, Recorder, then Hand, Murray, Huet, Bolland, Holland, John Mainwaring, Cratchley, Johnson, Kinaston &c. went neare 10.
12. Satorday, my cart retorned with coales to Peele; Minshall, sister Lloyd & Sidney & Thomas Whitley dined with us; Golborne & Norbery came about Golbornes debt from Davyes; went out in the evening.
13. Sonday, was not at church; Captaine Aston, his Lieutenant, Minshall, Roger, Hurleston, cosen Whitley, his sons &c, dined with us. (Bellot came after diner inter); I went out to take ayre with daughter past 6. James Mainwaring came after supper.
14. Monday, Broster retorned (about 12) with carts from the colepits; Harvey came from Peele & dined with us; I went out with daughter past 6. visited Mrs Mainwaring. Deane celled about 8. stayd.........
15. Tuesday, Charles Griffith came about Shelley's businesse; Crosse about the hospitall arreare. Houseman went early to Bechin; I & daughter took the ayre in the evening &c. Johnson., Holland (Wednesday crossed out) & Deane dined with us; I acquainted Adams that a comitte was intended to meete on the 16th at the Penthouse past 6, & to give the Mayor account of it.
16. Wednesday, I, daughter, Sidney & Mainwaring went to Shotwick about 11; dined at the Lodge; Roger met us & some tenants; we retorned before 7. but the comitte was gone from the Penthouse before we retorned; the Recorder, Hand & Cratchley called at my house, stayd but awhile.
17. Thursday, Broster came with cole carts; Hand & Lloyd dined with us; also sister Lloyd & Sidney. Cratchley came after diner; went about 3. the Bishop came to visit us about 5 but I was retired, did not see him; my daughter made my excuse &c. after supper Sheriffe Mainwaring came but stayd not.
18. Friday, I sent for Deane, gave him a paper to shew the Recorder; he brought it agen with his aprobation. Angell conferd with me about my distemper; dined with us; also Mr Lloyd; went past 3. past 6 to meete the comitte at the Penthouse; (sent a me..crossed out) subscibtd a message to the Mayor (by 10.[defaced]) about the Hall; to sent it next day by Cartwight, Adams his clarke &c.
19. Satorday, I sent the message (in writing) to the Mayor by Cartwight; 3 sisters & Harvey dined with us; about 6 Palin, his wife, Row, his wife. Harrison &c. came with Huson & Houseman. [to] seale 4 leases for Bechin &c. which was done accordingley.
20. Sonday, Baroby, cosen Whitley, Morgan, Roger dined with us; Angell & sisters supt with us; Johnson & Sheriffe Mainwaring came after supper, stayd neare an houer 21. Monday, Broster came from Peele, (retorned at night interl); also the cowman & Thomas with 4 cows for Shotwick.[in] the evening came the Recorder, Hand, Cratchley, Johnson & Deane; we discoursed the Citty's concernes & about peticioning the Councell against the Mayors proceedings; parted past 10.
22. Tuesday, Houseman went abRood about his owne businesse, Huson was with me awhile; 2 sisters dined with us. Angell & wife came after diner; also the Minister of St Michaells with a message from sister Whitley about the differences betwixt us; I desired frinds might compose? them & named Mainwaring for one as being concerned in the debt due from her to my.selfe. the French woman went to Peele for wine & beere; after supper Johnson & Sheriffe came.Mainwaring went before 10, 23. Wednesday, Houseman went early to Bechin; 2 sisters dined with us; Angell & wife came after diner. Robinson came about painting the Citty armes.
24. Thursday, (faire day) little company or businesse. Mainwaring dined abRood; Broster came from Peele & the cart brought 2 chests of florence back; Harvey dined with us.
25 Friday, Mainwaring dined abRood; 2 sisters dined with us; Angell & sister came after diner;.past 8 Sheriffe came, stayd an houer with us.
26. Satorday cart came from Peele; retorned with rye; Cottrell came about 11 to see my leg.; [defaced].Morgan dined with us; Huson went to Northop about cosen Evans debt; Broster went back to.[defaced].past 6 Mainwaring went to Gelands? to meete some frinds with the.papers I had drawne.
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June 27. Sonday, Morgan & Roger dined with us; Bellot dined before he came, all went past 2. I took manna this day; Cottrell dressed my leg.
28. Monday, Cottrell dressed me; Huson was with me, brought daughter some of Evans money; 2 sisters dined with us; Angell & sister came after diner; about 6 we left Chester, came to Peele before 9; Roger & Cattrell met us, came with us to Peele.
29. Tuesday, 2 sisters, Bellot & Aston dined & supt with us; went past 9 (sister stayd all night, Angell went past 5 interl) Huson was with us; Morgan came after diner &c. Cottrell dressed me & went to his brother Dod's to diner.
30. Wednesday, after Mainwaring, Morgan & Huson had bin about theire accounts Huson went to Chester.