Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1695

Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.

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January 1695

January 1. Tuesday, we heard the sad news of the Queen's death; I went to the Parish church severall Aldermen. Sheriffs & Almesmen with me; the Almesmen &c. dined with us. Alderman Williamson, cosen Whitley, his children, sister & sister Lloyd with us; then came Pennington & Brereton & Adams. the businesse was composed. then I went to visit cosen Mainwaring; stayd not long; then came Captaine Peck & Adams; we discoursed Jones businesse; the Captaine proposed that Jones should pay the surgeon, apothecary & doctor & he would withdraw his action or referre it to Bennet & Jones the attorney; I desired (Adams interl) to give Sam: Jones account of it; the church warden & another from St Olaves brought a list of some poore to have wheate given them; Houseman retorned from Tatenhall.

2. Wednesday, Jordan, Claxon, Brereton were with me & also Anderton, had 20 li. on Roger's Irish bill; after diner Mercer came (stayd awhile) about Robinson. prisoner in the Northgate; Burrows came but stayd not about a man that had cheated him of some ? [fo. 182r] January 3. Thursday, Adams was with me about 6am; Jones & Captaine Beckcrosse about wine for the serjeant major at the Almes house; Fletcher about the new Hall; Houseman went to Bechin and Claxon with him. Key came to me about a difference about some land within the walls. he stayd & dined; G.Mainwaring dined, went about 2. about 5 I & daughters went to the funerall of Danold the barber; then I went to the Penthouse to the comitte about the new Hall & shambles then to the Ship; there was G.Mainwaring, Bolland, 2 Treasurers. Dutton, Anderson, Hand &c. we parted about 10..

4. Friday, Bostock & the other mason came to me about money for the new Hall, Brereton about corne, Huxley about Watfeild paivement. Mrs Wright & Gerard came about 2 to speake about a poore woman & her children that had a passe but wanted money; after supper came G.Mainwaring & Johnson stayd till neare 10. this night had a fit of vapors before I went to bed.

5. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse about 1; retorned past 2. G.Mainwaring, Lloyd, Edwards, Williamson, Adams, Key & sister Sidney dined with us, parted about 4. I gave Alderman Williamson 2 guineys for his new year gift; one Smith came to me about maybe to be my servant; Palin & Huson came about Lord Maxwell's account; Sherwood brought 300 li. in further payment of his fine; Flint came from Peele & Broster from Dyssert; Kinaston came past 4, stayd not long; widow Cookson paid Houseman some money.

6. Sonday, I was not at church; Roger, daughter &c. were in afternoone; G.Mainwaring dined with us; Angell & sisters came in the evening; retorned about 6.

7. Monday, Gray came & settled his accounts with Houseman; Profit came in order to his going to Dyssert ; Portyn & the waytes came for theire new yeare gift; Huson came in the evening; G.Mainwaring, Johnson & Deane came in the evening.

8. Tuesday, Deane Fog came past 11 stayd not E: Lightfoote brought some money (paid of his fine) 2 Hollands were with him; I & family dined at G.Mainwaring with cosen Randle Ravensccroft & Collector of the Customs; we parted before 5. G.Mainwaring & I went to the Feathers; Johnson came after us. there was Lloyd, Edwards, Lawyer Lloyd. Deane & Huet, we parted past 8, I went & supt with G.Mainwaring also daughters, Collector &c parted past 10.

9. Wednesday, I went to an Assembly (at the Penthouse) about 11 retorned past 1 G.Mainwaring. Edward's. Lloyd, Williamson, 2 sheriffs, Borows , Deane, Huet,, Kinaston, Holland dined with us; a lieutenant came for quarters for recruites from Ireland; the Sheriffs went with him, the rest soone after; Parsons & 3 or 4 other fishmongers came with complaintes amongst themselfes; I desired .Mainwaring to take the examination & endeavour to compose the differences; Angell & sister came but stayd not. I examined the brewer about miscarriages at Peele, he confessed same & accused Williams. Powell, Cowman, Griffith & Arnot as compliers about the geese.

10. Thursday, Houseman went about 8 to Tatenhall; Huson was with me but stayd not; the 2 Treasurers came about Heath's encroachment; the Lieutenant & Adams about a passe for the recruits. marching to London; Bryan Bolland another about corne for the poore of St Mary's; Isack Thomas to speake with Adams for a warrant; Pickmore about Roger's debt but I did not see him. Key & his daughter dined with us; after diner came the Captaine of the Invalids to get a passe for 3 soldyers to goe to Chelsey; Parsons, Banyon, Gerard & the other fishmonger & his son who was bound over; then 2 shoemakers, theire wifes about quarrels illbye?; Mainwaring was with me to heare these matters. daughters &c went out about 4. supt at sister Whitleys. I followed about 7; supt there then visited Mr Denson, retorned about 9.

11. Friday, Heath & Stringer came to me about Heath's encroachments. Taylor came about Harlestones businesse, dined, soe did Angell & Key; a smith with Bradbourn & Johnson came to get leave to ceise on Ormes goods; I could give no answer till I heard what Ormes his wife would doe to pay the debt; G.Mainwaing came, stayed till 6. Lloyd of Place Madok came about cordwood; Flint from Peele, he retorned about 7.

( January 1695) January 12. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse past 11, retorned past 1, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Williamson, Johnson, 2 Treasures, 2 Sheriffs (cosen Lloyd of Place Madock) dined with me, parted about 4. Lightfoote payed me 80 li. in full of his fine; Holland came with him; John Palin came about money due to Lord Maxfeild, was payed all on that accompt also on his owne account; they went all past 6. Burges came with Crosse & another man about taking the Parkgate tenement; we agreed for 10 li. a yeare (but promised to give his wife 10 s. for a new yeare gift this yeare: cosen Lloyd & I signed articles for 200 cord of wood from Bechin; Huson went from me past 7.

13. Sonday, I was not at church; daughters & son were; past 4 the Recorder, Kinaston, G.Mainwaring & Hancock came to me parted past 5. the gardner came from Peele & Houseman retorned out of the contrey.

14. Monday, I went to the Court, (Quarter Sessions, Portmoote & Crownemoote), took the tests &c. retorned past 3. the Recorder, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Edwards. Lloyd, Cratchley, then H. Bolland, the Coroners, Adams dined with me; parted before 5. then came the Jury, gave a private word about Gray; & carter, not guilty; yong Lloyd, Streete & G.Mainwaring stayd awhile; went about 6. past 7 I went to visit the Recorder & lady, retorned past 8.

15. Tuesday, Mrs Done & Key dined with us; Alban Gray & Isack came in to me about Isacks prentice; then came Sam: Jones to give me account of his discharge from prison & composing businesse with Captaine Beck; Houseman went (about 2) to Whitley retorned past 7. I went at 5. to waite on Lady Salisbury, Kate Ravenscroft with her: I stayd 1/2 houer; I went to Fogs; he was abRood; I went then to the Feathers; there were Deane & Pugh, Edwards & Lloyd came to us; I left them about 8. went home; Pursell came past 8 (from Frodesly) went past 5.

16. Wednesday, Huson came about 10. Streete came to get my hand to an order to one Lewes (imployed for collecting Benevolence money for building St Bridgets church to pay it in to Streete or Cumberbach; Fisher of Hawarden came to me but stayd not; Pursell and Yates (from Frodesly) dined with me; one Powell came with them dined with the servants; they went past 2 soe did Huson; Pickmore came about Rogers debt; Moses came about glasse & Isack, Thomas prentise; promised to be kind to him; after supper I went to G.Mainwarings, there was Payne, Cratchley, his wife, Mr James, his owne family? &c. Roger came about 10. I imediately left them.

17. Thursday, Nixon went to Soughall & Shotwick, Houseman to Sougham Massey & Bromborow, Brimstage &c. Hickson retorned before 12. Johnson with him. payed some money on account of fish; Tindall & 2 Treasurers dined with me (& sister Lloyd) G.Mainwaring came after diner, went past 3. Thomas Hall & Partington came after the serjeants place vacant by Sefton's; I told them I would consider; they went in 1/2 houer. neare 5 came Mr Deane & Pugh, stayd till neare 6. then I & G.Mainwaring went to visit his son; there was Kinaston & Borows & theire wifes, Johnson & Roger; we parted past 10.

18. Friday, the coachman went to meete the cole carts & Griffith towards Shotwick; one cart came with cole about 12; brought wood, the other was lost in the river; Captaine Plat, cosen Morgan & his wife dined with us; went before 3; Parker, Heath, Stringer & Gray came about Heath's encroachment concerne; one of the workmen from Dysert came about carrying of the work Huson retorned in the evening 19. Satorday, one Smith & Moyle were with me about enterteyning mayde in my servce; before 12 I went to the Penthouse, retorned past 1. Streete, Lloyd, Williamson, Sheriff, Adams?& Key dined with me; went about 4. G.Mainwaring came to them & went with them. Ned Burrows & Edwardscame about cosen Ravenscofts money due to the Hospitall, Griffith came & brought both carts with the brewer & 2 Boys brought goods from Peele; at 6 I went to Daniells; there was 2 Sheriffs, Deane, Parker, Stillger?, Hand & Gray, we parted neare 9.

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January 20. Sonday, I was not at church, Roger &c were; after diner I went to G.Mainwaring; Anderson was with him; I retorned past 2. no company all day.

21. Monday, Hall & Partington were with me about the serjeants place; I asked 30 li. (but pressed not crossed out) ( to keep up the value of itfor succeeding mayors) but promised to retorne some part of it agen, Hall being my frind; Treasurer Cratchley, Deane & Robinson dined with me; G.Mainwaring came after diner, soe did Johnson; went about 4. then came 2 Husseys to seale a lease to S. Hussey for lands at Lach.

22. Tuesday, Griffith came with carts from Peele to fetch the coal (if he can passe the ford) that he left on Satorday; Cratchley came to discourse of Heath's encroachment; Shales about the money he owes me; the 2 Husseys, Key, sister Lloyd & Sidney with us; Mainwaring came post from London (past crossed out) neare 9. G.Mainwaring came to us; then Jackson; parted at 11.

23. Wednesday, Griffith brought a load of coles; Ned came with pigs, hens &c. from Peele; Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring, Parry & Roger Whitley dined with us; after diner came Cratchley, Warburton, Venables, Angell; all went about 4 & 5.

24. Thursday, Huson was an houer with me on accounts; Key & sister Lloyd dined with us; after diner came Sam: Jones, stayd not; then came G.Mainwaring; he & Mainwaring went presently to the Coffee house. Booth came soone after, stayd 1/2 houer, Houseman went to Hawarden 25. Friday, Mercer, Cottrell & another came to complaine of encroachments on the Trade & company of Chandlers; Huson was with me an houer upon accounts; Angell, Lee of Booth, Streete, Warburton, Mainwaring &c. dined with us, G.Mainwaring, Jackson, Norbery came after diner, all went past 4. Griffith went home with oates from Shotwick. Houseman retorned from Bechin after I went to bed.

26 Satorday, Adams & Macebearer were with me but stayd not; 2 men came about a lease for the tythes of Brimstage; 2 Lightfoots & Hall came after diner, dined in the kitchen; then came to us & Mainwaring; dranck, took tobacco &c, went past 3. in the afternoone I went with daughter to the funerall of Alderman Bennet's child; then home; talked awhile with Huson & Burges; before 7 I went to the Ship; there was 2 Mainwarings, 2 Treasurers, Warburton, Parry. we parted past 10.

27. Sonday, I was not at church, daughters &c. were; cosen Whitley & his brother Roger dined with us; went past 2. Gill came from Peele; also Claxon, Jordan, Francis (the lawyer) were with me. Mainwaring & Roger supt; after came G.Mainwaring. went past 10.

28. Monday, Adams was with me, he had orders to summon the new Hall comitte to meete at the Penthouse before 4. G.Mainwaring, his wife, son & daughter & Trindall, Williamson, Lee of Booth, Ravenscroft &c. dined with us; past 4 I went to the Penthouse to the Hall comitte; then to Sheriffe Bollands; there was 2 Mainwarings, Streete, Mercer &c. we parted about 10.

29. Tuesday, Huson came in the morning; Roger Whitley & Key dined with us; past 4 I & 2 Mainwarings went to visit Egerton; he was abRood; then we went to Lee's cellar neare the Feathers stayres; there came to us Edwards, Wright & Deane; about 7 I & 2 Mainwarings went to Johnson's, James Mainwaring was there; when he went Cratchley came; parted about 830. Wednesday, Mainwaring went early towards London; Huson came to me past 11. afterwards Bromley about leasing his house & Key's tenement in Ashton, also Gregory about settling his accounts. about 4 came Alney's? attorney about money owing to Mr Chambers at Shrewsbury for Roger's daughter; Shelley & another came for money due to St Mary's from Hanbridge. Lach &c. we dined about 5 being the day of King Charles the 1st being put to death 31. Thursday, Bromley came agen about the lease at Ashton; Mercer came with him. stayd an houer; Bostock & carter came about masons work; Key, sister Lloyd dined with us; after diner I went to G.Mainwaring; stayd an houer; Johnson came to us, stayd an houer. Houseman went early to Bechin; Huson & Broster (after diner) to Peele; coachman to Shotwick in the morning.