St. Pancras Soper Lane 145/38

Pages 797-804

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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This was a large property in Cheapside, bounded by 37 and part of 18 to the W., 17 to the S., and Gropecunt Lane, on the opposite side of which lay 39, to the E. In all it measured nearly 100 ft. (30.48 m.) N.-S., with a frontage of about 22 ft. (6.71 m.).

In 1858 the property was no. 73 Cheapside.

Thirteenth to sixteenth century

In 1246 Felicia Colnere was said to have built a pentice to the nuisance of the market in merceria. Subsequently Bartholomew le Furbur held her tenement, probably for £13. 6s. 8d. p.a. By her will enrolled in 1259, Felicia la Coluere left £3. 6s. 8d. quit-rent from the house which Bartholomew le Furbor held in Cheapside to her brother Roger for life, with remainder to Merton Priory. In 1260-1 her executors granted Merton the rent, said to come from the tenement in Cheapside between Puppekurtelane to the W. and Gropecuntelane to the E., in St. Pancras parish; the tenement had belonged to Felicia, and Bartholomew le Furbur and his wife Anastasia at some time had held it of her in fee. Also in 1260-1, probably after this grant, Roger le Furbur, brother of Felicia, quitclaimed to the prior and convent of Merton in the same tenement, which she had left him for life. Roger had a corrody from the priory, possibly on account of this grant. Although these references suggest that the property involved was 37 and 38, all later evidence indicates that only 38 was so charged; possibly the reference to Popkirtle Lane is not meant to be a precise abutment. (fn. 1)

After the death of Bartholomew le Furbur, Anastasia granted the tenements to John May, potter (pottere), and his wife Helewisa, their heirs and assigns. John May died and Helewisa married Adam the chandler. In 1286, when Helewisa was dead and Adam was occupying 38, Hamund de Berkwey, ironmonger (ferrarius), and his wife Isabel, daughter of John May and Helewisa, quitclaimed to Adam all actions etc. concerning the property, the bounds of which were given. Adam gave £5 for this. By his will proved in 1310, Adam le Chaundeler, citizen, left his tenement in St. Pancras parish to his wife Joan for life, with remainder to his nearest heirs. Joan demised the tenement to Roger de Eure, for life, and on her death Ralph son of Robert le Chaundeler, son of Adam le Chaundeler, took possession. Roger de Eure then disseised Ralph in 1316, re-entering the tenement, and Ralph brought a plea of novel disseisin against him, in which the property was described as a messuage with 4 shops and a solar. The jury found for Ralph and he recovered seisin and damages. William le Fette was recorded as paying a quit-rent due from this property to Westminster Abbey in succession to Adam Stable, but it is not clear who he was. (fn. 2)

In 1327 Ralph, son and heir of Robert le Chaundeler sometime citizen and chandler, granted his tenements and houses in Cheapside in St. Pancras parish to his mother Amice, Robert's widow, to hold for life, doing services to the chief lords and giving him 'a competent sustenance at her table' or £1. 6s. 8d. p.a., and £1. 13s. 4d. p.a. for clothing and shoes. Amice was to repair the property. In 1328 Ralph granted the total £3 rent from the tenement, between 37 and 18 to the W., Gropecunt Lane to the E., and 17 to the S., and its reversion after Amice's death, to Nicholas Pyk, citizen and vintner, for a certain sum. In 1331 Pyk granted the same rent and reversion to John de Horwode of London and his wife Maud, to whom in the same year Amice quitclaimed all right. In 1336 Richard de Bedeford, pelet', and his wife Agnes, daughter of the late Roger de Eure, quitclaimed in 38 to John de Horewod and Maud, and in the same year Wolumus Cote, son and heir of the late Walter Cote, citizen, did the same. The reason for this quit-claim is not clear. Also in 1336, John de Horwod built a new kitchen (domum coquinam) in St. Pancras parish, adjoining the tenement of John de Grantham (18) for a length of 10 1/4 ells (30 ft. 9 in.; 9.37 m.). De Grantham's stone wall there overhung de Horwod's land; they agreed that de Horwod should provide a lead gutter between their tenements to take the flow of water on the wall, and that de Grantham's tenement would receive the flow from de Horwod's house by way of the gutter. (fn. 3)

In 1363 John de Horewode of London, senior, granted and quitclaimed to Adam Stable, mercer, in the rents and tenement(s) with houses, sometime of Nicholas Pyk, in St. Pancras parish, in Cheapside and Gropecunt Lane. In 1383 Adam Stable, citizen and mercer, and his wife Katharine granted these properties and others elsewhere (95/2-5) to John de Heylesdon, mercer, and John Chircheman, citizen and grocer. Later in 1383 de Heylesdon and Chircheman re-granted the properties to Adam and Katharine to hold for their lives, with reversion to the grantors. By his will dated and proved in 1384, John Heylesdon left his interest to John Chircheman. In 1394 Chircheman granted the reversion of the tenements now held for life by Katharine Stable, widow of Adam, to James Billyngford, Robert Chircheman, stockfishmonger(s), and John Doube, grocer, citizens. Later in 1394 Billyngford, Robert Chircheman, and Doube granted the reversion of the tenements in St. Pancras parish only to William Battisford, rector of the church of St. Mary of Maydeswell, (? Maidwell, Northants.), and John Hedon of Draughton (Northants.). John Chircheman quitclaimed to them in the same year. In 1395, Hedon having died, Battisford granted the reversion to John Multon, citizen and skinner, John Savage, dwelling within the close of St. Antonin's church, and Richard Shirbourne, citizen and cutler. Katharine Stable still held 38 in 1398. John 'Cinerfose', recorded as paying the quit-rent due to Westminster in succession to Adam Stable, is probably John Syfrewast, Katharine's second husband. Katharine was probably dead by 1410, when John Multon granted the tenement to William de Kent, citizen and skinner, John Cosyn, clerk, Robert Leigh, citizen and grocer, and John Weryng. (fn. 4)

In 1419 William de Kent, only survivor of this group, granted 38 to William Gregory, Ralph Skynnard, citizens and skinners, and John Snell, clerk. Gregory was apparently the principal, and was named in the chamberlain of Westminster Abbey's accounts from 1418 as paying 10s. rent for the tenement late of John Multon in St. Pancras parish in Gropelane (see section ii, below). In 1429 the tenement was probably held by John [son] of William Gregory. Later 15th-century accounts became fossilized (Gropelane becoming Crepyllane), but it is clear that the tenement was held by John Croke, alderman (d. 1477 x 1481), then by his widow Lady Margaret Croke, and from c. 1492 to before 1503 by his son Richard Croke. (fn. 5) Richard Croke granted all the properties his father had held to William Assheley and Morgan Williams; in 1503 Richard Taillour and William Davy recovered 2 messuages in St. Pancras parish against Assheley and Williams, who called Richard Croke and his wife Agnes to warrant. In 1507 Richard Croke, citizen and draper, and his wife Agnes, and Thomas Croke, citizen and skinner (probably their son), quitclaimed to Richard Taillour, citizen and grocer, in the 2 messuages which he and Davy, now dead, had recovered as above. In 1510 Taillour and his wife Blanche granted and quitclaimed to William Cruge of Exeter, tin-merchant, John Cruge his son and heir, John Calverley of Exeter, gentleman, and Robert Legge son of Thomas Legge, citizen and fishmonger, in 2 messuages in St. Pancras parish, to hold to the use of William Cruge, his heirs and assigns. The 2 messuages lay between 37 to the W., Gropecountlane to the E., the cemetery (17) to the S., and Cheapside to the N. (fn. 6)

In 1524 John Grugge of London, gentleman, leased his tenement with shops, cellars, and apputenances in St. Pancras parish to Henry Rowce, then in occupation for 30 years, probably at £4. 6s. 8d. rent. It seems probable that this tenement was part of 38, probably the part later known as 38B (see below), though the deeds relating to this grant are grouped in the Christ's Hospital archive with the deeds relating to 145/14-15. Both 38B and 145/14-15 (q.v.) came to the hospital by the will of Thomas Barnes (d. 1667), which may explain the confusion. The whole of 38 was in the possession of Merton Priory by 1532, possibly as the result of a gift or devise by John Grugge or Cruge or a successor. Another possiblity is that the priory recovered the property at law because the quit-rent or service of £3. 6s. 8d. granted in 1260-1 was now unpaid. In 1532 there was a dispute between the priory and the churchwardens of St. Stephen Walbrook, who held 18 and 21-22, over their party wall. The viewers said that the wall belonged to the churchwardens, but that in part it overhung the priory's ground; it was 32 ft. 6 in. (9.91 m.) long from 17 to 37. (fn. 7)


The earliest known rent charged on the property was that of £3. 6s. 8d. granted in 1260-1 to Merton Priory. No accounts for its receipt survive. (fn. 8) Westminster Abbey had a quit-rent of 10s. from the property, first recorded in 1293. It was recorded in a chamberlain's rental of 1344-5, as paid by John Horewode. Account rolls, listing successive tenants, survive for most of the 15th century and the early 16th. The quit-rent was paid until a few years after 1538 but is not recorded thereafter. (fn. 9) Another quit-rent of 10s., to Kilburn Priory, was paid in 1535-6, and to the king's receiver in 1537-8; it was presumably extinguished by the dissolution of both houses. The origin of this rent is unknown. (fn. 10)

Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

In 1537 Merton Priory granted a future term in 38B, the tenement held on lease by Rowce, to John Martyn, citizen and grocer, to hold for a further 40 years from the expiry of Rowce's lease in 1553 at £4. 6s. 8d. rent. Rowce and Martyn could if they wished come to some agreement over their interests. In 1538 the priory was dissolved and its properties passed to the Crown. It had in St. Pancras parish 2 tenements, one held on lease by Philip Yorke at £7 rent (38A), and one held on lease by William Abbot at £4. 6s. 8d. rent (38B). Abbot had presumably succeeded to Rowce's lease. Both rents were paid to the Crown from 1538 to 1544. In 1543 John Martyn obtained an inspeximus and exemplification from the Court of Augmentations of his lease of 38B from Merton Priory, still not yet begun. This may have been in order to sell his interest, which he did in April 1544 to Thomas Browne, citizen and merchant tailor, for £5. In September 1544 the Crown sold 38A and B, still said to be in the tenures of Philip Yorke and William Abbott, to Edward Bowland of London, at 10 years' purchase. Bowland died in 1546, leaving tenements in St. Pancras parish (37 and/or 38) to his wife Anne for life, with remainder to his son Richard. In 1547 the king granted the custody and marriage of Richard Bowland, son and heir of Edward, and a rent of £8 from tenements in St. Pancras parish held by Philip York, to Sir John Mason, kt., the French Secretary. In 1548 Thomas Howe, citizen and merchant tailor, to whom the future 40-year lease of 38B had come, by assignment from Thomas Browne, himself assigned it to Thomas Pierson, citizen and scrivener. In 1603 38 was described as a property comprising 3 houses, formerly belonging to one man but divided by him into 2 freeholds, corresponding to the way the property was then occupied. This man appears to have been Richard Bowland, but his brothers Humphrey and Edward also seem to have had some interest in the property. The division of the freehold seems to have taken place c. 1559-60. (fn. 11)


This was much the larger part of 38, extending from Cheapside to the N. to 17 to the S., and with a frontage of 17 ft. 6 in. (5.33 m.). It was the property held on lease by Philip Yorke in 1538, but it is not known how long his lease was or when he ceased to occupy it. 38A was acquired by James Hewish or Huish, citizen and grocer, by a series of transactions which do not survive; it is possible, however, that the recovery in 1561 by John Sledd and Charles Hoskyns against Hewish of a messuage in St. Pancras parish, in which Richard Bowland was called to warrant, and the recovery in 1566 by Hoskyns and John Tutball against Hewish of a messuage and curtilage in St. Pancras parish, in which Humphrey Bowland, gentleman, another son of Edward Bowland, was called to warrant, were connected with this. (fn. 12)

By his will dated and proved in 1590, James Huishe, citizen and grocer, disposed of his dwelling-house called the Gilden Cock in Cheapside, which he had bought of Humphrey Bowland. He left all the upper part and rooms, together with the back rooms beyond the yard, and free access to the yard through the shop and the two cellars under the shop, to his wife Mary for life, while she remained unmarried. The shop, 2 adjacent warehouses, and counting-houses were to be occupied for 7 years by William Bennett, Huishe's friend, servant, and executor, and Huishe's younger son William, in coparcenership, paying £10 p.a. to Mary Huishe. Bennett and William Huishe were to have £600 of the younger children's portions to trade with, returning £5 per cent per annum. On Mary's death or remarriage the whole tenement was to pass to William in tail male.

In 1590 Rowland Huishe of London, gentleman, eldest son of James, and William Huishe, citizen and grocer, as James' executors, sold all the stock of wares in the shop and warehouse at the time of James's death, valued at £2221. 10s. 1d., to William Bennett, citizen and fishmonger. In 1594 William Huishe leased the Gilden Cock to Bennett, at £7 rent and £33 'yearly payment.' The term of the lease, and the fine, if any, are not known. In 1597 William Huishe sold the furniture, household stuff and fixtures in the Gilden Cock to Bennett for £20. A schedule of that date of the 'implements' lists the fixtures in various rooms. There was a great warehouse, an innermost warehouse, a 'lowermost' warehouse, a shop, yard and back house, and counting-house, probably all on the ground floor, with ware-chests, 'pilebenches', presses, and painted cloths; in the shop there was a little wainscot press for 'bone lase' (? bone-lace, perhaps indicating that Bennett's trade was in mercery), an iron beam with scales, and also a settle-bedstead and bedding. There was a lead cistern for conduit water in the lowermost warehouse, and one for rainwater, with 2 other cisterns, in the yard, where there were also buckets, a ladder, a pulley with a hawk, and a pair of hooks 'to make up cloth'. Above stairs there was a hall, a parlour, five chambers, and a kitchen. These upper rooms occupied at least 2 floors but possibly not more. Three of the chambers contained beds and bedding, and all had hangings of painted cloth. The kitchen had a table, dresser board, shelves, and a pump and cistern. In 1599 a new lease was made to Bennett for 21 years at £7 rent, by William and James Huishe; Thomas Huishe their brother, then under age, consented to this and promised to confirm the lease when he was 21. (fn. 13)

In 1603 Thomas Allen, haberdasher, who may have been subtenant of part of 38A, began to dig out his foundations to rebuild. Bennett disputed the ground in question, which was said to be some part of one of 3 houses, formerly all one property. The digging endangered Bennett's house, and the City's viewers made an inspection, but the settlement of the dispute is not recorded. The terms of the dispute suggest that Bennett by now held the freehold. By his will of 1611, proved 1612, Bennett left the dwelling-house part of the Gilt Cock, which he had bought from William Hewishe, to his wife Ithamer to live in, but not to let, if she released all claim to dower in land and accepted a legacy instead. The testator's daughters Mary Moffett and Martha Thomas, and their children, were to have the use of 2 chambers over the warehouse and the garret above them, and of 'Mother Jures' house' after her death, to lodge in. The shop, merchandise, new cellar and warehouse over it were to be let by Bennett's executors for up to 10 years. These executors (Robert Johnson, Edward Allen, Robert Banckworth, and George Smithe) were to hold the tenement for the lifetime of Sarah, Bennett's youngest daughter, after which it was to descend to her issue. (fn. 14)

In 1620 Thomas May and John May, gentlemen, recovered a messuage in St. Pancras parish against Thomas Bennett the younger, alderman; John Hewett, esquire, was called to warrant. This recovery may relate to 38A, especially if 'Hewett' should be 'Hewesh', but this is by no means certain. In 1629 Roger Hughes, probably occupying 38A, complained of building by William Vaughan, probably then tenant of 38B; although Vaughan's building overhung the alley serving both their houses (Gropecunt Lane), the viewers said he could proceed if Hughes pleased, as the building, being 30 to 40 ft. (9.14 m. to 12.19 m.) above ground, was not much to Hughes's prejudice. (fn. 15)

Mr. Hughes was tenant in 1638, for a house valued at £40 p.a., and was probably still in occupation in 1642. By 1639, however, the Gilded Cock was owned by William Thomas of St. John's College, Oxford, who by his will dated that year left it and a little tenement adjoining (probably both 38A) to his cousin Robert Thomas and his heirs in tail, charged with an annuity of £20 p.a., payable to the mayor and baliffs of Oxford, for apprenticing 2 boys yearly. In 1654 Robert Thomas sold his interest to Edward King, citizen and merchant-tailor, for 500 years at a peppercorn rent. This interest had come to Jeremiah Galloway and his wife Martha by the time of the Great Fire. Francis Quarles occupied 38A, a house with 7 hearths, in 1662-3, but it was empty in early 1666. Francis Quarles was listed as one of the people whose house was burnt in 1666, but appears to have had no interest thereafter. A Mr. Gunthorp, otherwise unknown, was given as the E. neighbour of part of 36 and of 37 in 1667 and 1668. (fn. 16)

After the Fire Galloway leased 38A to William Allington for 400 years at £20 rent, provided that Allington rebuilt and that if he paid the £20 annuity to Oxford city the rent reserved to Galloway need not be paid. A foundation was surveyed for Allington in 1669, comprising 38A, 38B, of which he was also tenant, and half of Gropecunt Alley for a depth of 52 ft. (15.85 m.). This foundation had a frontage to Cheapside of 26 ft. 2 in. (7.98 m.), decreasing by offsets to 19 ft. 7 in. (5.97 m.) at the S. end, and a depth N.-S. of over 100 ft. (30.48 m.). Allington had rebuilt by 1671, when he sought a long-term abatement of the annuity charged on 38A, which had been reduced to £12 since the Fire. It was shown, however, that he had not been tenant at the time of the Fire, and that his agreement with Galloway took his rebuilding costs into account; Allington claimed that there had been a private agreement at the time that he should seek such an abatement at law, but as he could produce no evidence or witnesses to support this, the Fire Court upheld the terms of the written agreement and dismissed his plea. (fn. 17)


This was only a small property, approximately 7 ft. 4 in. (2.24 m.) wide E.-W. at ground level, probably extending to 8 ft. 8 in. (2.64 m.) at first-floor level, above Gropecunt Lane, by 52 to 54 ft. (15.85 m. to 16.46 m.) long N.-S., according to post-Fire plans. In 1559 Richard Bowland, son and heir of Edward, confirmed to Thomas Pyerson his interest for 35 years to come, under the lease granted by Merton Priory to Martyn, in the house in which Thomas Hinde now lived (38B), and also Pyerson's term in 37. Later in 1559 Richard, as son and heir of Edward Bowland and as brother and next heir of Edward Bowland sold Pierson the tenement called the Ship (38B), held or occupied by Thomas Hynde, next to a little lane leading from Cheapside to St. Pancras church, with all shops, cellar(s), solar(s), chambers, yards, etc. In 1560 Richard Bowland of Margaretting (Essex) appears to have granted the Ship, then or late held by Hynde, to James Hewyshe, citizen and grocer, for ever, paying £4 p.a. This may have been part of the conveyance to Pierson, as it was followed by quitclaims from Bowland to Pierson, and, in 1568, by one from Hewisshe to Pierson. Pierson appears to have paid Bowland £83. 11s. 5d., including £14. 14s. 9d. for repairs done by Pierson according to the lease. In 1563 Bowland was bound to Pierson in £66. 13s. 4d. to 'sue forth' in the Court of Wards and Liveries for the properties formerly belonging to Edward Bowland the father, presumably to assure Pierson's title. Hinde was still said to be tenant in 1563, but in 1568 had been replaced by Edmund Fallowfield, citizen and haberdasher (d. 1578). In 1569 Pierson died, leaving the Ship to his wife Joan for life, charged with an annuity of £2 to his son Edward, who was then under age; after her death it was to revert to Edward and his heirs for ever. The Ship was held in free burgage and was worth £8 p.a. Joan died in 1589, leaving all the wainscot settling and ceiling in the Ship to Edward, with the hangings of painted cloth, and some household goods and linen. (fn. 18)

By his will dated and proved in 1611, Edward Pierson left the Ship to his wife Alice for 4 years only, charged with £2 p.a. to his son Edward, after which the whole property was to go to Edward, his heirs and assigns. In 1613 Edward Pierson of Stafford, gentleman, presumably the son referred to in the will, leased the Ship to Richard Brooke, citizen and haberdasher, then in occupation, for 21 years from 1615, at £30 rent and £20 fine, already paid. In 1614 the same Edward Pierson, with his wife Joan, sold the Ship, with its shops, solars, etc., occupied by Brooke, to William Pennyfather, citizen and grocer, for £410 and unspecified covenants. Alice, widow of Edward Pierson the elder, still had 1 3/4 years of her 4-year term, and Richard Brooke's lease was still in force. In 1618 Penifather granted the Ship to Brooke, his wife Bridget, and his son William, for 41 years from 1618, paying £30 p.a. In 1629 William Vaughan was building a new counting-house overhanging an alley leading to St. Pancras church, which served his house and that of Roger Hughes (probably 38A). Vaughan may be identical with William Vannam, lessee of 38B from 1636 and occupant in 1638, but this is not certain. The counting-house in question measured 7 1/2 ft. (2.29 m.) N.-S. and overhung the alley by 3 ft. 1 in. (940 mm.); the viewers said that though it was probably an encroachment, it might continue if Hughes did not object, as it was between 30 and 40 ft. (9.14 m. by 12.19 m.) from the ground and would not be much to his prejudice unless he rebuilt his house. (fn. 19)

In 1631 Richard Brooke sublet the Ship to Joseph Caron, citizen and skinner, to hold for 27 years, if Brooke lived so long, for a sum of money and a peppercorn rent, provided that Caron acquitted Brooke of the £30 rent payable to Brooke's lease. Caron or his assigns were already in possession. In 1633 Caron surrendered his interest in the lease to William Penyfather of London, esquire, for £50. Penyfather was to save Caron harmless against William Brooke, son of Richard, and in 1634 William Brooke surrendered his interest to Penifather. In 1636 Penifather leased the Ship to William Vannam for 25 years at £40 rent.Vannam was the occupant in 1638, when it was valued at £30 p.a., and was still there in 1642. In 1638 William Penifather granted the Ship to Gabriel Miles, son of Gabriel Miles, late citizen and mercer, and his issue, with remainder to William Lane son of the late William Lane of Canterbury, and his issue, and then to Edward Bennett the younger, son of Edward Bennett the elder, citizen and grocer. Miles, Lane, and Bennett, all related by blood to Penifather, paid him £5 for this grant. In 1643 Gabriel Miles of London, gentleman, agreed with Thomas Jumper and Charles Grene of London to suffer a recovery by them of the Ship in Cheapside, in order to break the entail. This recovery took place in 1643, followed in 1644 by a fine from Miles and his wife Eleanor to Henry Fetherston, and by another recovery of George Thomason, citizen and stationer, and Edward Tooley, gentleman, against Fetherston, who called Miles and his wife to warrant. An agreement after the recovery stated that its intent was that Thomason and Tooley should stand seised to the use of Gabriel Myles, citizen and mercer, and Christopher Walker of London, gentleman. Three days later Myles and Walker sold the Ship in Cheapside in St. Pancras parish, next to a lane running from Cheapside to the church, and now or late in the occupation of William Vannam or his assigns, to Thomas Barnes, with warranties against the heirs of William Pennyfather, his maternal great-uncle, against Edward Pierson, gentleman, and his heirs and the heirs of his father Thomas Pierson, and against the heirs of Richard and Edward Bowland. The lease granted by Pennyfather to Vannam was still in force, and the £40 rent was hereafter to be received by Barnes. Barnes paid Myles £460 for this purchase. (fn. 20)

These transactions appear to have been followed by several lawsuits, since Gabriel Miles had, before he sold the Ship and other properties, been bound in a recognizance of £2000 in 1639 as the executor of Mirabella Bennett, to pay at least £1000 to Edward Bennett her son, and his lands had subsequently been extended. In 1657 £130 was paid by Thomas Barnes to Edward Bennett, and a similar amount by Heneage Fetherstone, but the remaining amount was still unpaid in 1659. Probably Barnes' payment had discharged all claims on the Ship, however. In 1658 Thomas Barnes leased the Ship, formerly held by Vannam, since by Edward Bromfield, now dead, and now by Thomas Sargeant, citizen and vintner, to Sargeant, for 21 years from 1660, at £100 fine and £40 rent. Sargeant surrendered this lease in 1661 and was repaid £90. Immediately afterwards Barnes leased the tenement formerly known as the Ship, now as the King's Head, in Cheapside in St. Pancras parish (see Fig. 13), formerly held by Edward Branfield, now dead, then by Thomas Sergeant, and now by Henry Radcliffe, citizen and grocer, or their assigns, to Radcliffe, for 20 years at £50 rent. The fine, if any, was not recorded. The schedule of fixtures included the sign of the Ship bound with iron, hanging over the door of the house from a signpost with iron stays. There was a ground-floor shop, with a door into the paved yard behind, which itself had a door into the alley, a door to the cellar, and a little warehouse and house of office. The kitchen had racks, shelves, and boards, and probably lay on the first floor, together with the buttery, parlour, and wainscoted hall. There were 3 chambers, over the hall, parlour, and kitchen, and 3 garrets, one over the kitchen chamber, one called the garret chamber, with an oven, and one next to the street. The last of these had stairs going up to the turret, which was boarded and had posts and rails; it may may been like a viewing-platform. Henry Radcliffe occupied the house, which had 5 hearths, in 1662-3. In early 1666, when he was described as a confectioner, 38B was said to have 8 hearths. On 30 August 1666 Radcliffe assigned his lease to Jonathan Wilson, apothecary, to hold from midsummer last for 15 years 13 weeks, at £50 rent payable to Radcliffe. (fn. 21)

Wilson was probably in occupation at the time of the Great Fire, though it was Radcliffe (as 'Henry Ratley') who was named in the list of persons whose houses had been burnt. Thomas Barnes died in March/May 1667 leaving 38B, now or late occupied by Radcliffe or his assigns, and other properties to his wife Elizabeth for life, with remainder to Christ's Hospital. In June 1667 Mrs. Barnes agreed to give up her life-interest in the properties to Christ's Hospital, in return for an annuity of £200, and in November gave the hospital power to treat with the tenants for rebuilding. She died in December 1667. By June 1669, 38B had been let to William Allington, also tenant of 38A, who was prepared to rebuild. A survey of that date shows the 'Hospital Land' measuring 7 ft. 3 1/2 in. (2.22 m.) wide by 54 ft. (16.46 m.) long, together with half the alley, a width of 1 ft. 4 1/2 in. (420 mm.). By October 1669 Allington had rebuilt, taking in half the passage for a length of 63 ft. (19.2 m.). After inquiry, this was allowed to remain. In 1673 the mayor and commonalty leased the property to Allington for 61 years from 1669 at £14 rent; it was said to be in St. Mary le Bow parish, probably because the ecclesiastical (though not the civil) parishes had recently been amalgamated. (fn. 22)


  • 1. London Eyre 1244, no. 372; HR 2(44); BL, MS Cotton Cleop C. vii (Merton Cartulary), f. 120v; cf. 37.
  • 2. HR 16(117), 38(87); HCP 40, m. 24; Bodl, MS Top. Lond. e. 6.
  • 3. HR 55(46, 105), 59(1-2), 63(150-1, 204).
  • 4. HR 90(181, 183), 112(21, 23), 113(1), 122(50), 123(81-2, 96), 147(10); Bodl, MS Top. Lond. e. 6.
  • 5. HR 147(10); WAM 18736, 18740-18807, 33090; Bodl, MS Top. Lond. e. 6; PRO, SC6/Hen 7/398.
  • 6. HPL 172, m. 5; HR 233(11), 236(59-60).
  • 7. GL, MS 12935; WAM, 18823-4; CLRO, Viewers' Certs., Hen VIII no. 90; PRO, SC6/Hen 8/3463.
  • 8. BL, MS Cotton Cleop C. vii, f. 120v.
  • 9. WAM 28931-2, 28999, 9306, 12355; Bodl, MS Top. Lond. e. 6; WAM 18736-18824, 33090; PRO, SC6/Hen 7/398; PRO, SC12/12/5.
  • 10. PRO: SC6/Hen 8/2345-51, 3463.
  • 11. GL, MS 12935; PRO, SC6/Hen 8/3463-7; PRO, E318/5/149, m. 2; L & P Hen VIII xix (2), no. 340(52); HR 255(154); Cal Pat R 1547-8, p. 57; GL, MS 12913; Rep 26(i), f. 139v.
  • 12. HPL 183, mm. 29d, 30; HPL 185, m. 18, 18d.
  • 13. PRO, PROB11/76, ff. 182v-187v; GL, Add. MSS 364a, 362-3, 364b, 365.
  • 14. PRO, PROB11/120, ff. 469-474v.
  • 15. Rep 26(i), ff. 139v, 150; HPL 203, m. 21; CLRO, Viewers' Presentments 1623-36, m. 12d.
  • 16. Inhabitants in 1638, p. 173; GL, MS 5019/1, f. 78; CLRO, Fire Ct. Decrees G, ff. 237-8; PRO, E179/252/27, m. 59d; PRO, E179/252/32/16; CLRO, Alchin Box F no. 65; M & O ii, f. 8, iv, ff. 58v, 152.
  • 17. M & O ii, f. 8, iv, ff. 58v, 152, 168; CLRO, Viewers' Reports, I, 123.
  • 18. GL, MS 12913; HR 250(118); GL, Christ's Hospital MSS, uncatalogued 'Papers re wills'; Abs Inq PM ii, 120-2; PRO, PROB11/51, f, 172r-v; ibid. 60, f. 276r-v; ibid. 74, ff. 283-285v.
  • 19. GL, Christ's Hospital MSS, uncatalogued 'Papers re Wills'; PRO, PROB11/118, ff. 334v-336; GL, MS 12913; HR 291(19), CLRO, Viewers' Presentments 1623-36, m. 12d; Inhabitants in 1638, p. 173.
  • 20. GL, MS 12913; Inhabitants in 1638, p. 173; GL, MS 5019/1, f. 78; BL, Add Ch. 19570.
  • 21. GL, MS 12913; PRO, E179/252/27, m. 59d; PRO, E179/252/32/16.
  • 22. CLRO, Alchin Box F, no. 65; GL, MS 12913; GL, MS 12815/1, ff. 219v-230v; GL, MS 12917; GL, MS 12806/6, ff. 296, 314, 318, 320, 322, 326, 329-32, 341; M & O iv, f. 168; CLRO, Viewers' Reports, I, 123.