St. Pancras Soper Lane 145/20

Pages 739-740

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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This property, probably a single shop 13 ft. (3.96 m.) square lay on the E. side of Soper Lane, between 19 to the S., 21 to the N., and 18 or Popkirtle Lane to the E. In 1858 its site lay within that of no. 83 Queen Street.

In or before 1254 John Mutum and his wife Christina granted their land with houses, between 19 and 21 in Soper Lane, to Robert le Wirdrawere. He then sold it to Henry le Botiner, citizen, (d. 1274 or 1275), who by his will proved in 1284 left a quit-rent of £3. 6s. 8d. (5 marks) charged on this property and on 23 to his wife Joan for life, with reversion to the sick of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Joan died in 1276 or 1277, and the bequest came into effect in 1278-9 when seisin of the rent was delivered to the Hospital. 20 was then described as one shop, between 19 to the S., 21 to the N., and Popekertellane to the E. The property itself was held in 1338 by Henry de Waleworth called le Callere, to whom the master of the hospital quitclaimed in all but 1s. rent; possibly the rent previously charged on 20 had been 6s. 8d. (half a mark), as £3 (4 1/2 marks) was now charged on 23. Henry le Callere, citizen and pepperer, left 20 to his daughter Agnes for life, with remainder for sale, but his executors released all right to Agnes and her husband Peter Innocent, citizen and vintner. In 1351 Peter and Agnes granted it, described as a shop with two chests, to Walter le Brette, citizen and girdler, and his wife Christina. Henry le Callere's executors, William de Mortelake and John May, quitclaimed in the shop to Walter and Christina in 1358. Walter le Bret held the shop in 1366. (fn. 1)

By his will of 1374, proved in 1375, Adam Fraunceys, citizen and mercer, left the shop late of Walter le Bret and Christina to St. Helen's Priory for ever, charged with a rent of £2 to Katharine Wolf, a nun of that house, for her life. The 1s. rent to St. Bartholomew's Hospital was paid by John Ennemete or Enemete, tenant of St. Helen's Priory, from 1374 to 1378. Henry Bamme was the tenant before 1389. It was then demised to John Destmounde and his wife Cecily Crispe, for their lives, followed in or before 1416 by Alan Everard, mercer. Henry Frowyk held it in 1421-2, 1425-6, and 1429-30. John Boston, mercer, held it in 1437-8, and his wife (or widow) in 1456, though Agnes Cotesmor was said to hold it in 1450-1. (fn. 2) After this date very little is known about the property. The interest of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in it cannot be identified in the records generated by the Dissolution, nor was this property listed among the rentals and accounts of St. Helen's Priory of the early 16th century. In 1544, however, the King granted a piece of void ground 13 ft. by 13 ft. (3.96 m. square) in Soper Lane in St. Pancras parish, in the tenure of Henry Shower, late of St. Helen's Priory, to John Pope and Anthony Foster in fee. It seems likely that this was 20. In 1551 and 1552 William Cheke or Chyck, grocer, occupied the property to the S. of 21. This was probably 20, but may also already have included 19, which appears to have been united with 20 some time between 1544 and 1666, probably before 1638. (fn. 3) For the later history of the site, see 19.


  • 1. HR 1(21), 14(152); St. Bartholomew's Cart, no. 852 (f. 341), no. 858 (f. 342); CLRO, Misc. Roll GG (Escheats), m. 9; HR 79(1), 85(152); Cal Inq PM xii, no. 103.
  • 2. HR 103(79); St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Little Cartulary, ff. 185v-186; St. Bartholomew's Cart, App. 1, nos. 219-20, 228-9.
  • 3. P Hen VIII xix pt. 2 no. 340(45).